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tv   The Big Picture  RT  June 5, 2020 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

10:30 pm
what am i being arrested for players for me and if. it's just their little world. they developed just us against them until. a long face or 2025. ever have to shoot someone. there's a corruption inside the police i think. hello from rhode island where stick and close to home broadcasting remotely until we get the all clear to return to the r t america broadcast center in washington d.c.
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and it's been a rough week in new and we'll get to some of that later but i deliberately want to begin tonight with an update on a real good news story that has happened just this past week and which we continue to follow until now governments had sent men and women up into space but when we retired the space shuttle we began meeting to hitch a ride with the russians to join our russian partners at the international space station and $86000000.00 cab fare so when private enterprise got the usa back into the game with the reuse of all rocket no less it was a proud moment a respite from all else that's challenged us lately here on earth where in space do we boldly go next let's ask a long time network space correspondent john beers nico on. there with jail
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pickering of among other books the handsome picturing apollo 11 rare views and undiscovered moments and the space age presidency of john f. kennedy are rare photographic history john space x. had already been shuttling cargo up to the sas how is ferrying astronauts there a game changer as we continue to explore that final frontier. i think it's significant on several fronts holland 1st of all as you say it's the 1st time a private company has done that and that's sort of been the goal of a series of us have ministrations going back for a period of years they wanted to move the so routine access to lower earth orbit as we call it off on the private sector. simply for getting astronauts up and down to the space station and equipping it with the with cargo so it's accomplished that at least those 1st launch and that's very significant number 2 it also does save money
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as you mentioned $86000000.00 per seat per astronaut for a russian watch this is down now to $51000000.00 still pretty expensive but it's a savings and finally i'd say there's a just a significant aspect of this in terms of national abilities and capabilities that we now can once again send humans into space from u.s. soil at launch was a hell of a moment we were all watching with bated breath and now that they're up there what are the tasks at hand what are they working on aboard the international space station now john. these 2 astronauts have essentially become part of the i assess crew for the next either one month 2 months or 3 months we're not quite sure how long this mission is going to be but for that period of time they're serving as flight engineers one of the 1st things they did it was a bit of symbolism is they capture the flag and what that means is there was a u.s.
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small u.s. flag that was left up at the space station by the last shuttle crew it was carried on the very 1st shuttle mission as well so when doug hurley who was the last asked out on the shuttle mission left you of the flight up there and said one of our private companies will be back to capture this flag will it be space x. or boeing well boeing said some problems as you may have heard so space x. got to capture the flag. in the next couple of weeks bob behnken is going to be doing a spacewalk and then the rest of their time they're doing various research and other technological experiments in conjunction with the the 2 so the russians the one american who are already on the station. we are speaking with space journalist and author john business who was last with us here on the 50th anniversary of man setting foot on the moon and john a woman could if the artemis mission goes off in 2024 as hoped and when you were
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with us last time you called that goal optimistic dia think that this space x. launch gets us any closer to that. well you really have to think of these in as 2 separate projects fall into separate buckets if you will space x. is for routine access to lower earth orbit but you're not going to go to mars with space x. at least not the current configuration so the other basket the other project is nasa's ambitious plan to build a large booster to have the capability to go back to the moon and on to mars that continues to be beset by technical the why is i'm still not very optimistic that 2024 will the goal will be met and now there's a new question of budgets with the impact of the federal budget from the pandemic questions are being raised about how much money will be available of last month nasa did distribute money or only set up contracts for 3 different companies to
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compete to build the lunar lander so they're still on track to do it just probably not as soon as they might like. the pandemic has really changed the game thank you john business author and space journalist always appreciate your time meanwhile back here on earth we have challenges send we welcome back university of massachusetts professor emeritus richard wolfe a richard a one of the stories we've been following all along piqued again this week as we're reading that prices for food we eat at home are up sharply this is a 46 year spike according to one and now assess why is this happening and can we expect prices to stabilize after the pandemic i'm afraid that it was here is not very good news to basic reality. between the inner ability for us to prepare for the pandemic and now the difficulties we have managing it
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remember we still have less than 5 percent of our people even tested so we don't even know where that newsies is you've had these massive closures all kinds of businesses and that includes directly or indirectly the food business and the food companies whether they grow it or process it or ship in or sell it to you in that store they're suffering like everybody else and like everybody else they're desperately trying to figure out how to save their businesses so they're cutting back on employees that's one of the reasons we have so much unemployment they're cutting back and not paying the rent in april and may for example roughly half those oars in america did not pay rent to the landlord or whatever a space they were occupying so the landlords are a stock and they in turn can pay their bankers for the loans they took out well
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some of the things every company is thinking about is can they raise prices at the same time that they cut their costs in order to retool at least part of the profits that they have lost because of how the pandemic was gandel in this country and now the economic crash on top of it and so yes you're going to see the price rises across the board because that's one of the ways companies as a to try to recover their situation it's bad for the rest of us but that's kind of the situation where we're in everybody is hurt and because we don't have an economic system that brings people together but puts them in a competitive struggle everybody is trying to save himself or herself and their own businesses and full price rises are part of that equation. everybody is right and the supply chain interruptions touch every industry including yours and i want your
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professor's perspective on another controversy many colleges just said school's out when the shutdown happened and the fall semester is a great big question mark and parents are screaming bloody murder about paying full boat to ition if the fall semester amounts to a glorified correspondence course and the buzz word that i've heard lately is credit wars meaning if the kids stay home and do some of their freshman soft more courses at the community college until the eyes the walls get back up to full speed are the ivies going to accept those credits are we seeing ivy league read richard. yes i think you are and i think you can point it quite correctly but again let me be linked back to what we just talked about that colleges and universities like the food group cruise are in a desperate struggle people don't want to pay for
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a college education when they're not mention one when they're getting it correspondence or that's perfectly understandable and families that are hurt by unemployment which is virtually every family in the country are on risk rational pressures that colleges don't want to give up and one of the few things the ivy league is the prestige of their credit so damien's back or back in order to say to people we will not allow you to get access to our credit unless you pay us it's naked it doesn't have much to do with education but in our society when the financial dimension is given such power yes you're going to see this kind of be an 8 year on the part of universities just like everybody else trying to squeeze profitability out of a desperately her economic situation richard you among others have reminded us from time to time that the stock market is not the economy and doesn't
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now prove that to wall street has a history of hating uncertainty but the bull market seems undaunted i'm down to about 30 seconds so this may be unfair but why do you reckon all this chaos has been priced in. i think the reality is that the stock market believes that there is no uncertainty that the government the federal reserve the united states government will follow money into the stock market give it to the rich thanks insurance companies and all of that they'll throw the money into the stock market it becomes an enormous a casino funded by the united states government they're convinced that republicans and democrats alike won't divert from that pattern and that's why they're confident in buying in recent months and that's why it's so out of touch with the reality for the rest them. i hope everyone watching remembers what you said casino university
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of massachusetts professor emeritus richard wolffe thanks again for your time coming up when race riots broke out we stopped thinking about coronavirus shust as we were flattening the curve what else should we be thinking about that we may not be as the twin stories of a lifetime dominate news coverage we will question more with michael maloof when we come back this is the big picture.
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you can't be both with yet you like. this past week american cities were on fire corona virus which has killed over 100000 americans seemed less urgent certainly to rioters and to knuckle heads crowding pools and bars some 40000000 americans remain unemployed and many of the businesses that have been shut down aren't going to be able to reopen how does the. usa look to people and leaders in the
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rest of the world and what else should we be paying attention to right now while these 2 big stories block out the sun let's ask longtime pentagon official michael maloof who is also sticking close to home broadcasting remotely michael welcome back to the big picture thank you thanks for having me. in audio lead from his conference call with the governors we've heard president trump be rate them for not being tough enough he uses the word dominate and dominant force and he's told governors if they can't handle it with their a state national guard units he's going to get the job done with the military his authority to do so apparently being the 18007 insurrection act signed into law by thomas jefferson last invoked in 1992 during the rodney king riots michael we've seen mad dog mattis speak out the sitting
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defense secretary the chairman of the joint chiefs have all stepped on the president's message take us inside the pentagon at a moment like this what's the mood and what sort of contingency planning there's all of this tough talk trigger in the conference room there. well i think that what we saw was a lot of open disparity in the leadership and esper the defense secretary basically was taken to the woodshed and i think he's going to be ok for now and the president doesn't want to be. changing defense secretaries in the lead up to the elections that's number one but number 2 with mattis and mullen the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff they're coming from an old school concepts of alliances and what have you with our allies they don't like to see
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what's going on overseas and they certainly don't are uncomfortable with watching having militant u.s. military forces policing a do in doing the law enforcement that is a last resort it has been done as you point out i recall in 1968 i was in washington at the time. that half of washington was burned down and the military was called out by lyndon johnson and we had curfews around here for months and i would see black clouds of smoke wafting over the capitol building it was a very treacherous times i would say it was much more chaotic and it ends then than it is now and back then we also had the vietnam war ongoing so those were very very. bitter times and it had a residual effect to this day in terms of people accepting and respect in the u.s.
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military. the the military. will do what the commander in chief once and the do. and i think trump basically threatened to invoke the insurrection act in order to get the governors and the mayors to act because he felt that the looting and the and the disturbances in the riot scene apart from the peaceful demonstrations were taking over the streets once again and he wanted to avoid that and also on coming on top of the pandemic as well as the high levels of unemployment it was a prescription for disaster in terms of any attention for recovery now we're seeing military forces under his command to be on standby but he's hoping that the that it will prompt the the mayors and the governors to take effective law enforcement action it's interesting it's interesting about the
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insurrection act it's the only law that puts aside the so-called commie commie pass otitis act and we invoke the posse comitatus act back when we went into iraq the 1st time iraq war and in back in 1990. even though we had the authority under. because president bush bush one had declared a national emergency at that time we could use we could use our reserves forces and and our military to actually undertake law enforcement action but to ensure that we didn't have liability and and lawsuits we would have customs go in as a law enforcement entity to go into entities that were assisting saddam hussein at that time in the united states to actually extract information that was vital for targeting so that was one of the one of the things i did you're in the desert
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shield desert storm now but i think that what happened what we saw. this past week with esper being called back to the white house being rapped on the knuckles i don't i think that he got the message and i think he's i think that everything is going to add back in line that's why you saw the president come out in a news conference this morning hailing they had the latest. employment figures going back up he has to show that psychologically that the nation is getting back up on its feet and to diminish the importance so and the focus on that military uses now i understand the mayor of washington was very upset she wants to kick out the national guard guard that came in from other states where the president has that authority to bring them in for. back up to to the secret service to and to other law enforcement agencies within the district. gian
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that i think it's going to probably even if the climate within the cities remain low key there is peaceful demonstrations this supposed to be a big big demonstration this weekend in washington we'll see how that goes there's going to be right but i think in the weeks ahead especially. during the funeral of joy it's floyd come next week we got to see what the reaction will be on the streets and if the law enforcement entities the police forces and the national guard units within the various states are up to the task but that isn't to say however that the u.s. military isn't on standby they are right right now you talked about the domestic overlap between the civil unrest story and the coronavirus story wider angle shot to what extent if any has this pandemic tilted geo
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political balance are there winners and losers because of the coronavirus. oh yeah decimate it is shredded the u.s. economy let's face it it shredded the u.s. economy i think the fact that the president had a news conference on friday to 2 friday morning to show that it's actually a new one and new employment records being set to show that the united states is getting back on its feet again economically but it still has a long way to go it has a tremendous way to go we probably won't see a full recovery until another year if that but right he wants to be able to show between now and the elections that the economy is is back up on the rise and even some of president former president obama's advisers have warned democrats look this could be a really rough search it could go into the period of the elections and they're not
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very concerned they're very concerned. well in a washington post opinion column venerable conservative pundit george will warns that a broad anti americanism sleeps a lightly when it sleeps at all and it is wide awake as decent people judge our nation's health by the character of those to whom power is trusted michael as you have spoken to your contacts around the world how does the usa look to people and leaders elsewhere and beyond the book how does the chaos here at home tip the fragile balance that we were watching 6 months ago in the gulf and elsewhere i got a little over a minute. ok it has it has really concerned people overseas because the u.s. has been the rock of stability in terms of the western world order and that's why
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you're seeing the united states now militarily pivoting toward the east toward china china's going to be the big deal china is going to be because they have recovered pretty much from the coronavirus and we still have a ways to go that gives them a leg up in terms of trying to get back up on their feet and to begin to expand through their belt road initiative and with 136 countries that belong to it already and that it does raise questions in the e.u. commission the e.u. countries whether the u.s. is still going to be a reliable partner with with home to deal cannot make lay in the future as a market and that that is open to question because trump has already said we're going to be bringing back u.s. jobs working here and but they but there you go all exporting countries so they're going to need to have export markets and are going to turn and put more toward china i predict. yeah you live us up about 6 months ago on this belton road
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story then and i have every suspicion that 6 months from now you're going to be here talking about it then michael maloof thanks again for your time always welcome here at the big picture. while the president of the united states uses social media to complain about being censored by social media we have to keep warning you about viewer discretion advised because there are disturbing images of violence on the street captured by our digital cohorts via social media as dan rather wrote many years ago the camera never blinks when the economy crashes what a good 3 guys get totally and everything is a disaster you know you have riots it goes back to where we used to be when we were great when you guys put somebody in the car these don't know.
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that they were good. very good but. i just i get. it and i mean of the people. i think the president did when the looting starts. to lose. tim scott of south carolina the only african-american republican in the united states senate characterized the president's tweets as not constructive without any question and senator scott offered that he's thankful that we can have the conversation and that we have the ability to sit down and dialogue and how we move this nation forward. conversation has never been more important so i want you to think about something before you
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click to send that tweet ask yourself is this going to help or hinder. the peace that we are all seeking and my offer stands i am at holland cook on twitter where if you follow me i'll follow you on next week's show are the airlines good to go is there anywhere to go and is this destined to be the summer of staycation don't miss us then set your d.v.r. if you will miss us live if you see us somewhere else and it's easier you can find our t. america live when you click the live stream at youtube dot com slash r t america direct t.v. we are channel 321 on the super cool pluto t.v. system channel 279 if you have the dish dish where to 80 and you simply must download our portable d.v.d.
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it is free in the app store and it is just scream m holland cook home here in rhode island the great ocean state and i'll be back with the next week in the meantime please stay safe and question more. the spiral downward depending on who you believe in the media this is the unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protests and right but does it. heights controlling the financial system media and the business world are those to admit it's the economy stupid for them oh nice.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being that so. direct. what is truly wants is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows.
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america was never great was founded on the rapes and murders. nothing changed so we said all response to these situations that we do in the ways. people get shot every other day she is just sad people kill each other blood for killing children. still is just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down law enforcement. this country doesn't work for us it doesn't function for us. this is can't be happening in america we call from the streets we've got to deal with why this is the reason i have to ride like this is a reason. to join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world. politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
11:00 pm
hello welcome to redacted tonight this is a show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents good news good news folks i know you are worried that everyone is suffering during this pandemic we're lonely we're scared and if i have to teach my mother how to use zoom one more time i'm going to throw her out a window now at the real her but the laptop with her on it so she sees it as it goes down and smashes into the ground and maybe that will stick with her for a bit but no it's not true not everybody is having a rough time some people are doing room only well america's billionaires have.


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