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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2020 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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i the u.s. braces for major demonstrations over the death of george floyd this weekend leaving health officials and civic leaders worried that the crowds will cause a coronavirus by. morning also the protests in neighboring mexico over the death of a man police custody there reportedly arrested for not wearing a mask in public. and facebook starts flagging up pages it considers to be state controlled media including our t.v. but also ignores other outlets which get government funding.
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for russia saturday the 6th of june 2020 live from artie's world news h.q. in moscow just turned 2 o'clock here it's kevin i would take you through the headlines in more detail for the next 30 minutes 1st major demonstrations over the death of george floyd are expected over the weekend in the u.s. capitol police are warning that saturday's protests could prove to be the largest ever seen in washington america's biggest race protests in half a century show little sign of abating but the riots and the rage have no turned into a more peaceful calls for justice and reform. we're going to the right. i . guess.
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america's leading public health agency the centers for disease control and prevention now warning today people who've been out protesting to get tested for the coronavirus social distancing protocols of course have been thrown to the wind in the past week despite the u.s. approaching 2000000 infections and over 100000 that the governor of new york fears the floyd george crowds will put back efforts to contain the spread. if you were at a protest go get a test please you know social distancing you look at the encounters with the police the police are right in their face they're right in the face of the police the protesters themselves could wind up causing the spike some analysts are also wondering whether the police's actions might be a factor in all this as well as well as the mass arrests of course the use of tear gas will have caused people to cough and rub their eyes jaclyn to get next to
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softly then at how floating the isolation advice seems to depend on which side of the political fence you're on. things have gone from 0 to 60 in america not long ago the streets were empty and there was once again birdsong in new york city while tonight's story is the story of america's krone bice's corona virus crisis we are pounding the table morning noon and night stay home stay home stay home sam jackson with a new poem and take it away sam here we go. stay at all lucked out with experts and officials signaling that it was necessary until daily infections plateau even stepping outside could be putting fellow citizens at risk so when states started to open up to some it felt like human lives were being put on the line others saw their god given rights being infringed on or felt this pharmaco bit was just like another fluke cue cornton protest countered by the wrath
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of the medical community. our. car during the coming. of those who decided to get into your car this morning and take a dry and partake in the events today shame on me but in a matter of weeks that's all changed the cause has changed was that i. was. very good at those mass gatherings are finding support even among doctors and nurses. now does that mean that the corona virus is no longer a threat no of course not but sometimes risks have to be taken to bring about
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change and many medical workers know the price being black in america something a pandemic will not change and they took my patient away my black eye this is exactly what happened before at the other hospital as soon as i told somebody i like measurement and try to advocate for my patient they take the patient away from me and then they. literally black lives don't matter here share one person's story but that's not the case everywhere just look at the numbers african. deaths from coban 1000 are nearly 2 times higher than expected on national average in some states even triple but numbers are being ignored especially 2 meters down just a little distance george floyd's death has flooded the nation with protests the president seems to think dominating black people dominating peaceful protesters is law and order it's not he calls them folks who use the folk here so they are
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frustrated and they're angry and they are out there i think that the protests make sense i don't think you can process the anger without a some things are worth fighting for systemic racism is one of them but defending the constitution while heavily armed what do you say fox news protestors are saying enough is a people want to go back to work they can people have a right to protest some of these state restrictions may be too severe and as more and more states go online and get their rights back that is going to fuel i believe other states to go so we have one set of protesters good to go but black lives matter and justice for george floyd public health experts now fear massive protests could spark new coronavirus outbreaks governor larry hogan of maryland warning that because of the recent protests we could see a 2nd wave of the corona virus when you look at the pictures and consider there is virtually no social distancing and very few people are wearing masks add to that smoke from fires and tear gas which makes people cough and you've got
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a deadly recipe there for possible new infections blink for a 2nd and the narrative changes media medics it doesn't matter everything has flipped the anti-lock down camp is now calling everyone indoors and the importance of social distancing has now become the time for many to stand together. in new york state an entire police crowd control units reportedly quit after 2 officers were suspended without pay they were filmed aggressively shoving an elderly protest of causing him before and sustain a serious head wound. offices in full right wing forcing a curfew at the time it happened the police department's version of events reported locally says the man tripped and fell on his own local media further say the unit were disgusted at the treatment of the fellow officers who they say were following instructions it was later clarified too that the officers had stepped down from the
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tactical team but have not resigned as offices. meantime minnesota state representative in the know must join growing calls to disband the minneapolis police force she accused that it's beyond reform and is backing calls from minneapolis politicians proposing that the police department is dissolved the city's now banned the use of chokeholds by police to new rules also require officers to report and intervene when they see the unauthorized use of force by colleagues host rick sanchez explains why the reforms might not be enough. in a case like this i don't want my police department to be privatized i don't like what's happening with the prisons since they have been privatized so i think it's essential to keep the police as a form of our government i also think it's important for us to realize that police officers can't do everything i've been watching videos on you tube yesterday i saw where they called the cops because the guy was fouled during
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a basketball game there are videos of schools teachers they can't handle the student he's unruly they call the police these are not police functions we're over policing the solution is to look for ok let's let's start with the core of the problem is crime right we have too much crime in america we really don't the numbers are way down as a matter of fact so the numbers of crime away down but the number of hiring of police officers is way up ok so if we say we want to be able to attack whatever nefariousness in our society we want people to be better we want to create better citizens we were. create non-criminals you start at the beginning you don't start out on the back again but if you were to turn on c.n.n. or of us embassy or fox news right now they would tie everything to the george floyd incident without looking outside of that the danger with that is that we will then think oh they just passed a new policy that says you're no longer allowed to use that chokehold ok everything is solved no everything is not solved because the underlying problems are that's still an underlying problem and until we attack that root we're essentially going
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to continue to have these situations. rick sanchez is across the corporate world major firms and brands have rushed to show they're on the protesters side in the call for justice and reform flooding the social media with images and solidarity messages but the sincerity of one of the biggest retailers is in question it's accused of playing both sides. the in a quick simple and brutal treatment of black people in our country must stop together we stand in solidarity with the black community our employees customers and partners in the fights again systemic racism and injustice.
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this is amazon that's currently selling this kind of technology to law enforcement right now currently selling this technology to the f.b.i. . the fools that she's about this proportionately of people of color including 6 members of the congressional black caucus among them civil rights legend representative john lewis. and i was amazed at how many cameras were just in our neighborhood. as police officers we cannot be everywhere so our citizens neighbors. are raising. their voice individually
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more than $100.00 pews estimated that they were. 6 and temporary and good majority of people reported as suspicious were people of color stop the racism on the range social network. neighbors. the system of racism and injustice you were ringing doorbells intro to the police to me organization being wild against for their races deeds right now. there's been anti police brutality and rest in mexico where an officer was set on fire by protesters on thursday be aware you're about to see some graphic video of said incident in which the officers approached from behind during efforts to contain an increasingly agitated police crowd.
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it happened during protests in mexico's 2nd largest city guadalajara some demonstrators tried to break into the historic government's palace there was other set cars alight right officers used bathrooms and tear gas to try to disperse the crowd the unrest centers on the death of a man in police custody last month video of his arrest was spread widely online. and we cannot. give only lopez was detained by mexican police in early may he was arrested for allegedly not wearing a mask in public the authorities say his arrest was down to his aggressive behavior the 30 year old later died because of a head injury have pledged a thorough investigation and 3 police officers have been arrested the disturbances coincided with solidarity rallies over the death of george floyd the u.s.
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embassy in mexico city as seen protesters damage the fortified fence there some even trying to climb over it which can journalists matthew told yeah it was outside the compound. so as you can see the u.s. embassy is just there. this is the vault the. mexican authorities build up last night to protect the embassy people strong storms and the police the mexican police who were deployed there they are searching gas. shooting shooting the protesters with rees goodchild bolts you know that both greece spain had been. deleted. facebook is starting to tag certain users pages to clearly highlight who considers to be state controlled media including r.t.
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it also plans to ban them from buying our ads in the united states ahead of november's presidential election but there seems to be a whole other selectivity too has to who gets flagged up is a senior correspondent word goes to. a new day a new facebook scandal this time it isn't about them selling out their users or allowing opposition activists to be tracked establishing another censorship panel well well it kind of actually is the start it's about facebook deciding for you who you should trust. several months ago we announced our plans to label media outlets that are wholly or partially under the editorial control of the government and today we're starting to apply labels to those state controlled media outlets were providing greater transparency into these publishers because they combined the influence of a media organization with the strategic backing of the state and we believe people should know if the news they read is coming from a publication that may be under the influence of the government so we'll skip over
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the irony here of someone who is under the influence of a government which is facebook which regularly censors what the u.s. government tells it the censor telling everyone else that you shouldn't trust those who are under the influence of the government you following and facebook takes great pride in making sure that what you read is approved by censors in the u.s. only 53 percent of americans trust the news sources that use so we're making it easier to learn more about an article right in your facebook news feed what it has done the start is remarkable even by its standards so they go to label any news media that they believe is funded or influenced by a state has stayed controlled media except they're not there only labeling media that the u.s. government doesn't like r.t. for example chinese state media in what is mathematically highly improbable
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coincidence facebook and the u.s. government seem to have identical least of media that they don't like or perhaps the more rational explanation is that facebook just got a call from washington telling them again what to do but how do you sit there and say that russian and chinese media should be labeled but then claim that voice of america is independent voice of america we are journalists and we believe that we promulgated american. promulgating the basic things are important to america she just said they spread american values in a way that benefits america to largely foreigners and in the same sentence that they are independent yet voice of america doesn't get the label the b.b.c. funded by taxpayers and the u.k. government accused by some time and time again of being essentially
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a mouthpiece for the government doesn't get the label agassi were run by cattle which is essentially a family run dictatorship doesn't get the label saudi arabia its media don't get the label i think you know archie's official statement sums it up facebook is doing as it's told by its government but pretending otherwise a us company long and bad with the us establishment telling the entire rest of the world what it can and cannot say is the definition of technological dictatorship and censorship labeling for an editorial independent news outlets is anything but isn't top of fostering prejudice and xenophobia a prime example of the very fake news that facebook is supposedly trying to combat . that about his website says he will appeal facebook's move we've been in touch with facebook to ask for an explanation response if they do get back to us and it's
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how soon we'll let you know i spoke earlier to independent journalist your laureate he told me he thinks the tech giant is getting pressure from the government. i don't think facebook or twitter want to get involved in any of this they were reluctant to do so they were heavily pressured by congress to take measures like this because the congress can't directly do this because government congress is not allowed to censor the press the private companies can so that's why they're getting them as proxies of the u.s. government to do the censoring for them so this is absolutely a double standard it's totally political and there's a new election coming up this is clearly related to that as well they need to push narrative that far and outside it just like there are outside agitators in these protests in the u.s. right now they're outside agitators influencing the policy they don't want to take responsibility for the mess they've made of their own country the leaders of the any leader that says that they blames outsiders that could be a middle east dictator or us governor or president of the us. this is an
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international good afternoon thanks for watching this weekend crazy times these i would coronavirus everything in it but you think everyone would know about the how the polls by said coronavirus seems not all at least one person we can report on we meet a man on a huge surely discovering he's only just found out the world's in lockdown we'll tell you why. one else seems wrong why don't we all just don't call. any. yet to see out this day after. and in detroit because the trail. when something is find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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you cannot be vulgar with me yet you like. human rights campaigners are turned out in the nigerian capital to protest sexual violence after a wave of high profile rape cases more than 200 marched around the police headquarters in a budget calling for better protection for women campaigners say it's difficult to
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secure a conviction for rape in nigeria and that the victims are often blamed they've launched an online movement called we are tired trending on twitter locally and online petitions got thousands of signatures one survivor describe just how terrifying the risks are for nigerian women. this is not my name is a nod from the latino community and we started this protest to show our displeasure to police headquarters children the 6 or 7 here zone without being raped and the way i'm glad about it the moment was an children an hour and they returned to us crying with blood on their private parts when rain some days ago i was raped by armed robbers because i don't have money to give them they will write me yesterday the data protection office a sure does that actually will be taken up but when i heard about this protest i was happy to join so that the government can hear us we are counting on the government to share our cry and help us. the figures
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a shocking according to official data more than $2000000.00 nigerian women and girls are raped every year or 2 a 3rd are under the age of 25 last year the government launched a register of sex offenders but victims say it's not enough and police inaction is also to blame. we live in a country that doesn't protect women a country that disregards women joined the protest lend your voice isn't platforms we went everywhere are tired we're tired of getting raped and killed we're tired already distant killers roaming free my one year old niece god daughter speaking for us stop raping t. it's stop raping nice the police in nigeria say they are trying to tackle the problem drafting the next room burst a caters to track down offenders and prevent sexual violence out of his foes say root and branch reforms is what's needed here throughout the system. every nigerians account for every life in nigeria to be treated with dignity respect we
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need for child support the people in nigeria to do respect that because they're human beings i don't know where you're right yet mike murphy female human beings that we came up that you might be a diplomat turned up then that is a specialist construct i think we are here to say enough is enough we have been incidents of rape in different parts of this country this is on be common. to all n.g.o.s to russia local little fights discord do says these courts that is defying laws this is a court that is demeaning our society to 6 courts that is condom i mean our humanity it is unfortunate that we have to be dealing with the issue of really you at a time when we should be talking about issues of health. the covert pandemic can supply to and here in russia at the moment but imagine only just finding out there's even been a health crisis at all a brain surgery patient here in moscow who's just woken from
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a lengthy coma is only now discovering that the world around him is changed so drastically. sure after i've been released from intensive care i learned from t.v. about coronavirus the restrictions and lockdown that everyone wears mops and clubs of course it looks strange to me. after the patient woke up he had many questions we didn't know how to answer or he was aware about coronavirus when he came to hospital but by that time it hadn't hit russia that much. no one could expect that this would happen throughout the whole country 'd.
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so how do you know that since the bishop had no money and when his body temperature rose and the other classic symptoms evolved with suspected cold it more than once we conducted tests which likely excluded the possibility of corona virus infection i knew they saved me and when i told them about the problems of my everyday life they said it doesn't matter here life and bless god for this. and that when our friends or people online say it's hard to stay at home we can understand that there was someone lying there without any idea if he would survive the doctors told us they saved his life and now we look the other way at all these are sections of course he was shocked and surprised at 1st but we have to adapt to
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this new life and get on with it. occludes or what's what choice do we have we have to move on. yes a lot to come around to isn't it was in the hope you'll get it home as well thanks for watching that's the way some of the world's top headlines are looking so far this saturday the 6th and jude reporting from moscow i'm kevin 0 in all of us say that on. t h q thanks for watching have a good week. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go by your. well reducing lower. that's undercutting but what's good for markets it's not good
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for the global economy. according to several sources felice in the united states kills from 2 to 4 people every day. and. one of my being arrested for a response from enough. is just they're a little. established and they develop us against them it's. a long history of 2525 has. ever had to shoot someone holding you know. there is a corruption inside of the police but i think the culture is. no
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matter advance they were going underground exactly 76 years since d.-day when u.s. troops landed on the beaches of normandy to fight fascism they're now deployed to fight self-proclaimed anti fascist anti fire on the streets of their own country coming out of the show as u.s. president all jump threatens an occupation of his own country by the u.s. military arguably known around the world to destroy middle eastern african states we ask if the only route to law and order is an end to the police and white nobel prize winning by a few years in the hands of michael leavitt things that boris johnson the government in the u.k. stuck to its initial goal in the virus policy herd immunity so is the law with.
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all of them all coming up in today's going underground 1st in the next 48 hours their chosen a police officer charged with the murder of george floyd who sparked a global protest will make his 1st court appearance in minneapolis but what can charging a handful of police officers really do when u.s. authorities have responded to protest with the factor martial law by tear gas rubber bullets and armored vehicles joining me now by skype from nashville in the united states is david a professor of african-american and the asper studies at vanderbilt university david thanks so much for coming on i'm going to ask you actually the other day the new york times published a call for military intervention it was written by a senator from arkansas tom cotton a call for overwhelming force and the use of the insurrection act which of course would mandate federal military troops across the united states i saw that piece and like most americans you know and i think this cuts across racial lines was. done to try.


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