tv News RT June 6, 2020 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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so this is the body that is at the root for. this hour's headlines stories 2 new york police officers face a judge online pleading guilty to assault charges they were filmed showing an elderly protester. police brutality protests in the u.s. are expected to break in record numbers for this weekend's. marches and demonstrations also taking place across the globe in what's being described as the most intense swell of support for the black lives mother movement since its inception in $23.00. 100 police brutality has spilled over the american border to mexico with violence erupting over the death of a mom held in custody reportedly arrested for not wearing
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a mask in public. starts flunking all pages it considers to be state controlled media including r.t. but ignores other arguments which get government funding. a minute after 10 am in los angeles 10 pm in islamabad 8 in the evening right here in moscow this sunday june the 6th welcome to r.t. international. a week going in the u.s. another story developing on the back of the george floyd killing protest 2 new york police officers have pleaded not guilty to assault charges they were filmed aggressively pushing an elderly protester who fell and sustained a head injury both officers have been released without bail you may find the footage of the incident upsetting.
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the officers in full riot gear aware and forcing a curfew when it happened earlier on the entire crowd control team reportedly resulted from talk to. charge the officers were suspended without pay the police department's version of events initially said the man tripped and fell on. local media say the unit was disgusted at the treatment of their colleagues who they say were following instructions. minnesota states represented a villain omar has joined growing calls to disband the minneapolis police force she argues that it is beyond reform days bucking calls from certain regional politicians proposing the police department be dissolved meanwhile the city council where. this is and then. to balance the use of chokeholds by officers new
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rules also require police to report and intervene when they see colleagues using or through force r.t. america host rick sanchez explains why the reform is mike not be enough. in a case like this i don't want my police department to be privatized i don't like what's happening with the prisons since they have been privatized so i think it's essential to keep the police as a form of our government i also think it's important for us to realize that police officers can't do everything i've been watching videos on you tube yesterday i saw where they called the cops because the guy was fouled during a basketball game there are videos of schools teachers they can't handle the student he's unruly they call the police these are not police functions we're over policing the solution is to look for ok let's let's start with the problem the problem is crime right we have too much crime in america we really don't the
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numbers are way down as a matter of fact so the numbers of crime way down but the number of hiring of police officers is way up ok so if we say we want to be able to attack whatever nefariousness in our society we want people to be better we want to create better citizens we want to create non-criminals you start at the beginning you don't start out on the back them but if you were to turn on c.n.n. or an assembly see or fox news right now they would tell everything to the george floyd incident without looking outside of that the danger that is that we will then think that oh they just passed a new policy that says you're no longer allowed to use that chokehold ok everything is solved no everything is not solved because the underlying problems are that's still an underlying problem and until we attack that root we're essentially going to continue to have these situations. well major demonstrations over the death of george floyd are being tipped to reach record numbers this weekend in the u.s. let's go live now and have
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a look at what's happening in the capital protesters as you're seeing there are already gathering a lot of. cards a block. all a lot of protesters wearing masks as well as you can see police at the protests this could prove in fact to be the largest ever seen in washington d.c. the country's biggest race rallies in half a century shown little sign of abating but the riots and rage have not largely turned into more peaceful calls for just this reform. law this is situation as it stands right now in washington d.c. talking about the corporate world major firms. really rushed to show they are on the protesters side as well in the call for justice and reform flooding their social media with images and solidarity messages but the sincerity of the biggest retailer of them all is in question it's accused of playing both sides.
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the iniquitous a poor treatment of black people. together we stand in solidarity with the black community our employees customers and. in the fight against systemic racism justice . this is amazon that's currently sounding this kind of technology to law enforcement right now currently selling the. knology to the f.b.i. . falls not shoes but this proportionately of people of color including 6 members of the congressional black caucus among them
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civil rights legend representative john lewis. and i was amazed at how many cameras were just in our neighborhood story and as a police officer we cannot be everywhere for all our citizens using over half. are. not their voice individually or more than 100 he uses submitted posts and then they sat between december 6th and temporary and good majority of people reported as suspicious people of color stop the racism on the ring social network. amazons ring the neighbors out he's
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complicit in the system of racism and injustice didn't you were ringing doorbells pass the info to the police the main organization being wild against for their races deeds right now. as most companies in this country operate amazon puts short term profits over justice you know they would rather sell the. racists tax policies in these races technologies. to police departments which overwhelmingly have mis identified even members of the congressional black caucus and those who have been arrested before we've never really seen any true sure it's a sign solidarity and we've never seen you know them putting their money where their mouth is. you know we see in the face of large public pressure you see a lot of company is sending out statements in order to kind of keep the flames that
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keep customers happy meanwhile they don't really show any actual solidarity and truthfully i don't think any of the messages here. to the protests and marches around the world this weekend and what's arguably proving to be the biggest fear up of global support for the block lives movement since its inception almost 7 years ago driven of course by the killing of george floyd 1st off brisbane australia a country which long struggle with its own deep rooted racial division with aboriginal community still grappling with inequality here is you can clearly see the show of feeling this turning out with similar rallies in key cities nationwide most passing without incident both there were 3 arrests in the evening of the service in sydney which seoul police used pepper spray. and on the other side of the world rallies are taking place in several big cities across europe including
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london live pictures again from the british capital you're seeing my ramey london but a sizable crowd a sizable amount of police officers as well including on horseback they're trying to keep it looks like a number of protesters away from parliament that looks to be near parliament square right now where earlier in the day. a protest. winston churchill stuck to fund the lies about maybe the reason for the for the large amount of police you're seeing right now in london we'll keep a close eye. story develops but for now our correspondents xabi and peter all of you have been updating us on the developments both in the british capital on also. well i am here in the heart of central london where thousands of protesters are gathering here today in solidarity with george croyde of course an unarmed black
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man who died at the hands of police in police custody nearly 2 weeks ago in the united states since our incident there's been a whole wave of black life massive protests that are up to it worldwide and here in central london is absolutely no different we're seeing some huge huge numbers coming out today starting in parliament square but now they're headed towards the united states and to see in central london it's been very much a peaceful scene throughout the day today no doubt of course we've seen some various different charges brought the day from black sites mounted to no justice no peace and of course i can't read the very last words of 2.01 of this comes as the united kingdom is in the height of a lockdown scenario where the position of government line is only trouble for essential papa says protesters here today would argue that it is an absolutely essential matter why they should come out onto the streets of central london become
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so to see the metropolitan police officer has warned that large mass gatherings like one of this size is indeed are no full on the house secretary is urging protesters to stay at home like so many i'm appalled by the death of george floyd but we're still facing a health crisis so please for the safety of your loved ones do not attend large gatherings including demonstrations of more than 6 people now london is here argue the police brutality is not just an issue in america but it's also an issue here in britain the statistics show that black people are 4 times more likely to experience excessive force by the metropolitan police and their white counterparts many would argue that this is an age old pattern of institutional racism from discrimination overweights of racial there. i think our course george floyd being the catalyst today but in recent years across the u.k. we've seen various different cases marked dark and short break several readers just
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a few names just to name a few and that's why protesters are hit today but if they feel like a number of reasons for george floyd because of the injustice that happened to him but also because of the injustice that's been happening in the united states before i can even remember still just but like all eyes anyone who sat under the cosh this is a chance basically what's the point of saving a whole lot of people from coronavirus if they're just going to be shot if it should minorities could be shot killed by police anyway this week we've seen a huge amount of action from the british public earlier in the week we saw the scenes at parliament square which is where we all gathered today to hyde park and david marches towards the u.s. embassy for some quite powerful scenes as well whereby protesters have taken in me at times even for 8 minutes at length and not some are called solidarity because of course that time is the amount of time that george ford has a peace officer kneeling on his neck now just
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a few days ago in central london the demonstrators descended into low level chaos but they were met by a quite heavy police presence i myself witnessed numerous scuffles throughout the evening as the protests went on from hour to hour to hour and now yes you can see directly behind me they again are taking any. as you can see them creating power and it just hit the. town images like this from will be replicated across the border that we can cross out to be part of this impact of thousands of people of gathered here in alexandre plots in the center of the german capital fold the black lives massive demonstration here in germany now this isn't the 1st time that we've seen demonstrations in germany setting up 1st on even this week. on friday big demonstrations of large scale gatherings took place in frankfurt and in hamburg what has been worth noting is how peaceful all of these
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of being the demonstration in hamburg on friday evening was dispersed by police but that was said to be due to the numbers that had gathered in breach of social distancing rules that are in place because of the coronavirus the signs that we've seen around saying white silence equal violence a lot of the faces here at this demonstration in berlin around germany have been white faces coming out to say that they stand with black people here in germany and europe and around the world against what they see as systematic racism against them now what happened here earlier on was there was a 8 minute and 46 2nd silence now that was the length of time the white police officer knelt on the neck of george floyd killing him in minneapolis which ignited this movement which has swept beyond minneapolis beyond the state of minnesota the united states of america and all across the world the demonstrations are seeing here in germany of some of the largest they were seen around the world in fact i
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spoke to some of those who've come out here to explain why they thought they needed to add their voice to the crowd here to put a sign because i think it's very important to show that it's not about the races it's about the people and i would say it doesn't matter if it's in america or somewhere else in the world we need to go out and we need to show that we are all the same white people and white culture have been have dominated to slavery in colonization in imperialist this is why it's a very important that white people and that people around the world come out i think. what's changing now is like as you can see that a lot of people standing up and i think the more people stand up the more people of color get a voice and they get a stronger voice and we should all join in that. well at a political. well as also been a response here in germany chancellor angela merkel described the killing of george floyd as horrible while admitting that there is racism in germany as well the
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foreign minister czerny heiko must went a step further if he criticized u.s. president donald trump and his decision or his wants to try and unleash the u.s. military upon his own people. democrats must never escalate matters not even through warts threats and violence only triggers further violence instead of dividing ourselves we should be shoulder to shoulder against radical extremists well as you can hear chants of black lives to ring out in incredibly peaceful as people come out to express their anger their dissatisfaction at what they were gods to racism here in germany in the united states and around the world. you know the situation in parts of germany let's move to mexico where there's be 90 police brutality and arrest there too you had officer in fact set on fire by protesters on thursday be aware we're about to show you graphic video of the incident in which
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the officers approached from behind during efforts to contain an increasingly agitated anti police crowd. # that happened during protests one of mexico's largest cities some demonstrators trying to break into a historic government pumice while others set cars on fire riot officers use boson's on tear gas to try and the spirit of the crowd the unrest centers on the death of a man in police custody there last month video of his violent arrest was spread widely online. giovanni lopez was detained by mexican police in early may he was stopped for allegedly not wearing a mosque in public the authorities say his arrest was done to aggressive behavior
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the 30 year old later died due to a head injury the authorities have pledged a thorough investigation 3 police officers have been arrested this thing in the country the disturbances coincided with solidarity rallies over the death of george floyd in the u.s. the american embassy in mexico city has mexican journalists much you truly are the company. so i see you can see the u.s. embassy east just there. this is the last. mexican authorities seized up last night to protect the embassy before the soros taunts and to police to mexican police who was deployed there and a year so it's wheeze gas is. shooting shooting the protestors wes' please good shabbos you know that was recently spent i had been shot at that.
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so i had this sodomy from r t you think everyone would know about the holocaust by crawling virus but imagine only finding out about it now we meet a man on a journey of the skull brain after emerging from a coma only to find a world in a long time. when i was told seemed wrong. by all the old stuff just don't call. me lol yet to seep out just because i took it and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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you cannot be both with yeah you're like. hello again facebook is starting to time certain users pages to clearly highlight who it considers to be state controlled media including r.t. and also plans to ban them from buying of the new united states ahead of november's presidential election but there's
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a touch of selectivity the who gets flagged up our senior correspondent but i guess the it explains. a new day a new facebook scandal they stop it isn't about them sending out they uses or allowing opposition activists to be tracked to establishing another censorship well it kind of actually is these it's about facebook deciding for you who you should trust. several months ago we announced our plans to label media outlets that are wholly or partially under the editorial control of the government and today we're starting to apply labels to those state controlled media outlets were providing greater transparency into these publishers because they combine the influence of a media organization with the strategic backing of a state and we believe people should know if the news they read is coming from a publication that may be under the influence of a government so we'll skip over the irony here of someone who is under the
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influence of a government which is facebook which regularly censors what the us government tells it the censor telling everyone else that you shouldn't trust those who are under the influence of the government you following and facebook takes great pride in making sure that what you read is approved by censors in the u.s. only 53 percent of americans trust the news sources that use so we're making it easier to learn more about an article right in your facebook news feed what it has done this start is remarkable even by its standards so they go to label any news media that they believe is funded or influenced by a state has stayed controlled media except they're not their only labeling media that the u.s. government doesn't like r.t. for example chinese state media in what is mathematically highly improbable coincidence facebook and the u.s. government seem to have identical least of media that they don't like or
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perhaps the more rational explanation is that facebook just got a call from washington telling them again what to do but how do you sit there and say that russian and chinese media should be labeled but then claim that voice of america is independent voice of america we are journalists and we believe that we promulgated american. by promulgating to basic things are important to america she just said they spread american values in a way that benefits america to largely foreigners and in the same sentence that they are independent yet voice of america doesn't get the label the b.b.c. funded by taxpayers and the u.k. government accused by saddam time and time again of being essentially a mouthpiece for the government doesn't get the label agis iraq run by katha which
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is essentially a family run dictatorship doesn't get the label saudi arabia its media don't get the label i think you know archie's official statement sums it up facebook is doing as it's told by its government but pretending otherwise a us company long and bad with the us establishment telling the entire rest of the world what it can and cannot say is the definition of technological dictatorship and censorship labeling for an editorial independent news outlets is anything but isn't top of fostering prejudice and xenophobia a prime example of the very fake news that facebook is supposedly trying to combat . the head of our team's web site say he will appeal facebook's move we've also contacted the tech giant looking in explanation a response if we hear back from them we'll let you know what they say in the meantime independent journalist to loria believes influential companies are coming
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under pressure from washington. i don't think facebook or twitter want to get involved in any of this they were reluctant to do so they were heavily pressured by congress to take measures like this because the congress can't directly do this because government congress is not allowed to censor the press the private companies can so that's why they're getting them as proxies of the u.s. government to do the censoring for them so this is absolutely a double standard it's totally political and there's an election coming up this is clearly related to that as well they need to push narrative that far and outside it just like there are outside agitators in these protests in the u.s. right now they're outside agitators influencing the policies they don't want to take responsibility for the mess they've made of their own country the leaders of the any leader that says that they blames outsiders that could be a middle east dictator or us governor or president of the u.s. . and finally the covert pandemic is plateau in here in russia but a much you know we just finding out there's been a health crisis out all
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a brain surgery patient in moscow who can from a lengthy coma is only now discovering that the world a runtime must change so drastically. after i've been released from intensive care i learned from t.v. about coronavirus the restrictions and lockdown that everyone wears mops and gloves of course it looks strange to me. after the patient will cop he had many questions were. you know how to answer he was aware about corona virus when he came to hospital but by that time it hadn't hit russia that much. no one could expect that this would happen throughout the whole country.
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was a new present the patient had no money and when his body temperature rose and the other classic symptoms evolved with suspected cold it more than once we conducted tests which luckily excluded the possibility of corona virus infection i knew they saved me and when i told them about the problems of my everyday life they said it doesn't matter here life and bless god for this. when our friends or people online saves hard just stayed home we can understand them so there is someone lying there without any idea if he would survive the doctors told us they saved his life in this regard the restrictions don't look too
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tough for us just of course he was shocked and surprised at 1st but we have to adapt to this new life and get on with it. it's what choice do we have we have to move on. good luck to them and live from moscow this is art international join me again in around 30 minutes time for all your latest global news opitz by phone. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going for him to let it be an arms race move his arms off and spearing dramatic developments only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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