tv News RT June 9, 2020 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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why. thousands pay their last respects to the late lord in his hometown of houston texas this protests continue to rage across america and politicians are accused of politicizing. the black lives matter activists in the united kingdom topless that she linked to the slave trade it raises debate about the fairness of that action. was the slave trade in the 17th century 300 years. democratic means to. take you down you see flipping campaigning. and israel's plan to annex parts of the west bank following the green light from washington doesn't get much support from some israeli settlers themselves.
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good afternoon tea watching r.t. international thanks for joining us. george floyd whose death at the hands of police in minneapolis sparked a nationwide riots in the u.s. will be buried later on cheese day 2 weeks after his killing the small private funeral will take place in his hometown of houston in texas and despite most of monday being dedicated to a vigil protests have continued to rage across america. i. i. protest as took to the streets of new york the 1st day after curfew was lifted crowds chanting george floyd's name and black lives matter march through the city without any major clashes with police for the protests across america are
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expected today. around 6000 mourners filed past george floyd's coffin in his hometown of houston the final stop after a series of memorials were held in his honor but the fallout from his death has provoked claims politicians are trying to win the little points democrats for example knelt for an 8 minute silence in congress the length of time prosecutors say that floyd was pinned under a white police officers knee before he died. every american should try to stand in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to acknowledge the pain of george floyd and the pain of racism hard enough to grieve but it's much harder to do it in public it's much harder with the whole world watching your incredible family his little daughter was there i want to say daddy's going to change the world and i think her dad is going to change the world hopefully george is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country this is a great great day in terms of equality i just want to finish by saying to save the
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economy we passed several pieces of critical legislation. for this. take place then. the democrats are preparing police reforms to make it easier to prosecute misconduct and require local police to report data on the use of force base officers would also be obliged to undergo bias training and cho colds and other dangerous practices would be prohibited or uniformed federal officers would need to wear body cameras political commentator and contributor for red state dot com jeff charles believes that there's definitely a political motivation behind the moves you know this is a right i mean never let a good crisis go to waste there are all definitely be people from both sides who are going to capitalize on what happened in georgia. to bolster their political careers it is an election year so it's hard to tell whether or not the people
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really pushing for this are really wanting to affect change or if they're posturing for november the true test of whether people really want to affect change well will occur after the election is over if this is still going to be an issue that they were going to be pushing in our in our media and also at it in at a political level as well then it is possible for more positive change to come. with george for his death has also made more apparent a shift in the country's media culture couple of ed this is from top newspapers have quit after receiving a huge backlash the articles that they published about the protests this led some to claim public opinion has prevailed over us journalism element that explains. the best journalism includes balance inclusion of all perspectives and a clear headed presentation of the facts but not everyone agrees with that these days and this is what we are getting the business to do is that journalism is not
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a profession of being friends journalism is a profession of agitation these words came in response to the philadelphia inquirer the paper recently published an opinion piece buildings matter to opposing the looting and destruction of historic buildings during protests 44 journalists who were later backed by jamelle hill stood in opposition to the publication of this op ed the editor in chief was forced to apologize and resign the philadelphia inquirer published a headline in choose days edition that was deeply offensive we should not have printed it was sorry and regret that we did we also know the nepali g. on its own is not sufficient philadelphia inquirer editor in chief stan which is now a ski team won a pulitzer prize back in the day is not the only one to recently resign the new standards of journalism are forcing others out the door as well for example james bennett editor of the new york times he was forced out the door after staffers
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opposed his publication of an op ed by u.s. sen tom cotton that advised the use of the army against rioters last week we saw a significant breakdown in the editing processes of the 1st we've experienced in recent years both of us concluded that james would not be able to lead the team to the next leg of change that is required so where does all of this lead it's not only watch what you write but also watch who you know as you can no longer be associated with anyone who is not actively involved in supporting these protests. sent texts to relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protests or financial contributions and now it's watch what you read stop studying books that might reinforce your prejudices have you
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considered that if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice and repeat while the details and depth of experience may differ white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons that means nonwhite readers have had to process stories and historical events through white authors lens to some these new standards of journalism controlling thought and action might come across as more dangerous than state censorship but those promoting them make no apologies ylem oppen artsy new york legal and media analyst lionel believes that these events show the public itself is now limiting free speech since when is journalism determined by consensus since when do you poll your employees to make sure that not only do you have to gear your message to comport with the world view of your subscribers but then you have to tweak it and make sure it fits into what your
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employees feel what we're seeing right now as we've seen citizen. vigilantism it's not the thought police but the side vigilantes people individual citizens who want to limit opinion is it through newspapers. or media namea and again my beloved constitution has nothing to say about it because this only limits government from limiting it. what's happening is the bigger problem americans are becoming so used to so conditioned so habituated to this kind of limitation of speech they don't notice it anymore they say well. so what if they want to limit it that's the problem. like lives matter protests have also been held in the united kingdom some of the demonstrations that turned violent with statues becoming something of
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a target in parliament square in central london protesters graffitied statues of abraham lincoln and winston churchill branding them racists but in bristol demonstrators went further with. this is protesters pulling down a statue of 17th century slave trader edward colston and stood there this is late 895 and the street is then threw it into a nearby harbor with hundreds of people chanting black lives matter slogans the move was condemned by the government. no justification for bibles and when it comes to exercise in people's voices and up to see their particular issues and concerns there are many avenues to which those voices and concerns can be raised and made earlier the home secretary there also claimed that people are distracted now from the cause of the protest several other politicians have called
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for criminal charges against those responsible but many activists claim that she was inappropriate and should have been removed long ago it's an issue we put up for debate. why people should want to defend having a statue of a man who represents the genocide of my ancestors and i would ask and i would ask your next speak would she defend having for example the commandant of the japanese prison camp who had been responsible for $20000.00 plus english deaths what do you defend the statue being kept up there no that's not the point the point is we have to be actually sane to have justice for all people wherever they are but i think many people have heard it would cost him before he started going down in bristol yesterday look i understand the strong feelings around that he was a slave trader in the 17th century 300 years ago because of what he did tens of
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thousands of people were brutalized and tortured and their lives are made a living hell i understand that absolutely but there are democratic means to putting up statues and taking down statues and it shouldn't have been done in that way you can go to a statue you can shout into the air all you like you can say whatever you want but it's against the law to vandalize stop using buildings and it's against the law to tear things down if you want to tear something down if you want to remove something you do with the democratic process because otherwise where is this going to end what are the protesting bristol that's going from the past and look towards the future that when the processed in bristol have been a great opportunity to force a concession to get it removed without what's going to be seen as not just us for instance people have been campaigning for decades to have that statue removed they have no want suddenly today a skull and a concert hall have decided to remove both the name and
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a memorial isolation of this match into the genocide we have campaigned face years for that to her. but now you should be asking why people have the know it the reasonable request of people of color and their supporters to have such a racist abuse removed in terms of public space that it had to respond to that i mentioned was that ed wood coaster was responsible for tens of thousands of 90000 yeah you needn't now think one man with colston was work for the royal africa company and that when he was there he was responsible for exams of thousands of people being enslaved which is what i said which is not hard to say that one man actually came with the fact that joe of course of 12000000 people being taken into slavery in total in the in the whole sort of 300 year period so that is not what i am i don't disagree with you on that but you just need
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to understand what i'm saying but i think the focus of what these protests need to be doing to date is not bringing up you know some strange outrage over what happened 200 years you know it's a day when you say are you people are slaves today mainly in north african countries such as libya and look. french police will no longer be allowed to. the interior minister made the announcement highlighting that offices in france are not like police in america. i mean the joke called method known as the strangulation method will be abandoned in will no longer be taught in police schools it was a method that had its dangers in addition if a police officer has to keep someone on the ground during their arrest they will now be prohibited from leaning on their head or neck. the minister also added that 0 tolerance for racism should be applied in law enforcement and the police will be
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equipped with body cameras it comes after black lives matter protests were held across the country in naam to on monday several 1000 took part in the demonstration a former police chief and french politician top told us me that he has personally dealt with racist officers in the country. conference of the police as a former chief of police i can assure you that i've investigated cases of racist police officers racists in every aspect by the way there were cases of violence of theft and others all the proceedings resulted in penalties for the perpetrators but a policeman should get used to the public having sudden changes of heart when one day all citizens applaud because a policeman saved was just when people were in danger and then on another day the same policeman is insulted by a raging crowd that want to harm him because it was in your. hundreds of palestinians are gathered in the city of ramallah to protest the israeli plan to extend sovereignty or as others would call it an expanse of the west bank if it
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prevented the plan would bring 30 percent of the west bank under permanent israeli control with follows donald trump so-called peace plan for the region and recognizes israeli settlements while offering a path for palestinian statehood albeit with severe restrictions now it seems some israeli settlers are just as unhappy with the plan as the palestinians or the slip has more. i'm here in the west bank an israeli settlement of a lot more where where you'd expect most of the settlers to be enthusiastic about prime minister benjamin netanyahu is plan to annex such areas to part of israel proper but surprisingly more and more of them are speaking out against such a move. as per trumps peace plan or settlement will be turned into an enclave a jewish settlement under israeli sovereignty situated at the heart of the palestinian state now it's clear that life would become impossible in such enclaves . settlement is turned into an enclave we won't be able to leave without
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a military escort there will be more bones more shooting stones more of cocktails palestinian police would not even take us into account while the annexation would still be hugely symbolic as sick as here enjoy the same right. and privileges of people living inside israel which is why some that the territory has a way to defect to beam and next the israeli government enjoys the full support of the united states with the american president donald trump's backing of an accession pot of the so-called deal of the century by palestinians trumps planning visions millions of them living in demilitarized enclaves mostly surrounded by israel the plan office the potential for palestinian self rule but only off to strict conditions are met setlist though israel should unilaterally annex territory without agreeing to any of the clauses in trump's plan that they see as concessions to the palestinians until now this plan is not
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a good choice and i hope. will. reconsider this plan because this is a very bad plan for us is sober n.t. is our goal but if this. act come with a price of giving 70 percent of the area a in order to get a permit it by united states for a 70 over 30 percent of the area no thanks i don't want to give most of the land and all the. legitimized by the americans for the minority of the land more and more settlers are claiming the trumps no good for israel and that his plan in danger is the very existence of the state of israel and that annexation although it looks good for the settlements in the long run could be something bad closure at the wrong things he's a friend and he really advanced a lot compared to the europeans but still he's not conscious that actually he's
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giving us more danger than good things so i tell him thank you very much for your willingness we are happy that you begin to understand the reality of the oldest nation in the world who are turns to its home and up to 2000 years but still this. not enough because this is destroying our whole existence both the moral and physical sides netanyahu meanwhile is pushing to bring the topic of an extension to the cabinet for discussion as early as the beginning of next month he says annexation is another glorious chapter in the history of zionism the irony is that many ardent designers disagree here are in the short run west bank. alberta province in canada has passed a 3rd reading of a controversial bill that could see indigenous protesters fined and even arrested if they demonstrate close to essential infrastructure after the break coming up we'll look at how this story plays out alongside the black lives matter movement in the neighboring america.
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the cares thinks. we dare to ask. racism protests have been breaking in the united states in neighboring canada or a 3rd reading of a controversial bill is passed that would criminalize protests of indigenous people in this so called critical infrastructure only with can use indigenous name is slave police the country's on the edge of real civil unrest. we would fight it on the ground. indigenous people are their territory i think that you were. huge civil unrest. opposition. there in jeff not legal
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action. by many indigenous peoples there would definitely be protests this is unacceptable or even the idea of going through or it being asked or brought. to consider. it's unconstitutional and so it would be in stark contrast and of violations of. every level the virtue named as the critical infrastructure defense act or bill one is designed to protect essential infrastructure from damage caused by protests it implies large penalties for blocking or damaging property and a potential 6 months prison sentence if passed the bill will protect the pipelines among other things it was the construction of one particular pipeline that triggered large scale protests for indigenous rights.
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both as justice minister has tweeted that the bills brought in when there was quote lawlessness across canada he also added that the rule of law must be upheld that alberta's energy minister is equally optimistic. now the great claim to be building a pipeline because you can't have protests of more than 15 people if you need government claims that they want to move forward with reconciliation between indigenous peoples and the federal government that all of their actions to date in
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terms of. oil and gas industry and projects moving forward they are showing that they actually want to move forward with reconciliation so their actions are in conflict with what they're saying that they'd like to do lists and it's just the government's been very good at rhetoric they've been talking about a reconciliation approach in a nation to nation relationship but in reality what they've been doing that much saying one thing and doing about are and what they've been doing on the ground is trying to promote modern agreements that basically terminate the preexisting right so conditions peoples and to a lesser newer formal right but given the you know carried out more control over the lads and resources to to hand them over to the corporations they could just can't unilaterally act as if they can do things what the layouts territories resources what corporations without including a vicious people should territory it is. moscow has today lifted
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itself isolation moves brought into the end of march to come back coronavirus from now on all muscovites including those over $65.00 can travel freely around the city without needing an electronic pass also from today everyone can visit ahead a sing song and in a week's time everyone will be able to enjoy a summit drink at an outside cafe in 2 weeks time gyms and swimming pools will soon be allowed to reopen so life in the russian capital is slowly returning to normal. but that is not the case in one of the hardest hit regions of russia where the situation was compared to italy at its peak the number of infections in dagestan currently stands at more than 6000 look at other. this is being such a problem in this small region which is still under lockdown. i think most of the big of the been demick was in april here in the middle of may
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the number of infections started to decline we usually had around a 1000 new cases a day in much go in the surrounding areas $1000.00 per day yep the load was enormous we're just like a talent's like making visits until the end we celebrated everything and that's how it has played out understanding each image up so in reality it's no different from the north of italy people just live together so there's even no need to make visits because the everything is just a big home for everyone when you go i can understand a covert 1900 captain who lives alone all his skepticism is just for himself but in our country it has become the property of entire families there is no such perfect medical system that would have dealt with that. there's the chicken needed of course i perfectly understand that if a person doesn't believe the existence and the danger of this infection if a person doesn't self isolate and if traditions are like that i'm surprised the situation has been relatively calm here he could have been deed be
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a bug in my likes and just. let it. sit for me it says once you can see that's why i'm helping her around who was the 1st one to get sick me i got sick at home and we were taken here you are brave you are brave what's most important is that you are together and you supporting each other it is the dr brave. here which provided a goodly sick. how old are you 8 people are what you see she is just 8 and she already has shortness of breath. i wish you good luck on looking at these numbers and you are fine and will be just charge suit.
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because people didn't believe in the need to stay in quarantine that the beginning only when the 1st person they started to be afraid of buyers and they had kids i was among those who didn't believe we needed it what did you think why did you think you bring light to the day i thought it was a flu until i got infected myself. charlie. reportedly has the virus this is a special box for transportation. appreciate
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we go to work so straight home. it's hard to take some from somebody if you know have some replacing. we're going to do this interview today i don't do you see the market in that they take me. there. so how can i tell you stop selling drugs if we'll hire somebody because the money in a box. they just mean life it's almost been very sickly mccullers peaceful for words to us what's a good many security positions over the last year that. david jacked me again. you see people get all their cars and i'll see you coming in the heart and it seems like they'll hurry up and run into the house like they don't want to don't want to
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talk to her get your mail or anything like that. i just want to. give you a. run just try reading. married to someone give me. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm going to bore in washington coming up tensions are still high in the united states following nearly 2 weeks of protests against racial injustice.
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