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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  June 11, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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gives an assessment of why this time round might really make a difference force to. me males in your messages thank you alex in response to russia last week a labor leader secure stormers 1st report card fiction commentator steve riches and professor richard murphy alley says starmer has done billy very clear very concise very measured basically the opposite to boris johnson everyone can see he has him on toast p. and q. she says i think your stomach will need the s. and p. to support his campaign for prime minister so i'm sure he'll give scotland independence vote and this time scotland has to be ready for independence alan says i disagree that storm has to make inroads into scotland scotland is lost to labor his best bet is to write scotland off recognise our right to self-determination and to such make labor an english s.n.p. in my opinion such a party would clean up at the next hopefully scotland free general election christine says i was
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a traditional scottish labor voter even though my labor was more akin to people like tony benn i had my lightbulb moment in 2014 and voted just independence as a labor voter never having the today's n.p. since 2049 i vote s n p s for me it's the only way to rid scotland of westminster 20 governments and to achieve independence i still can't get my head around in which working class quoting tory graham says from what i've seen he has a measure of the current prime minister toughie he steps up part with ease i'm an independent supporter by the way however i like to acknowledge this go david says i'm looking for the new democratic socialist party now that labor has gone back to blueness i'm rob says i think saddam is playing a game here barnes told him that there will be a deal will hold him to his word whether that's enough to top a boris is that full but it could be the only mechanism julian says christiane will no doubt win support from some disgruntled tory voters however he is far from the socialist dream of the grassroots labor supporters i see another tony blair on the
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horizon and finally maybe says is england on the whole socialist i'm not so sure labor might be heading for the same old dance again not left enough for scotland i'm not bright enough for england time will tell. on the top of the $22000.00 the darling canes lost a son to a shooting incident at the hands of the baltimore police after officers were called to an alleged domestic dispute the meetings turned her grief into a campaign for justice and with other mothers found mallos on the move took the initiative on the campaign all the way to the gates of the a-bomb a white house darling joins me from baltimore darling came out how did the death so for jobs floyd affect the community in baltimore and how did it impact on you personally one baltimore paper outwait because we too have a problem with police brutality and our city and accountability it affected me
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deeply because they opened up own form for me to think about my son who had the shack gunned down by the police and many months a simple more contact me and tell me how they were feeling and they were restless like. that what can we do how can we get a movement and rapid test step today. his last moments jobs floyd was seen calling out for his mom calling out for his mother the particular impart tone you and others yes of the so heartbreaking because i felt helpless as a fellow he couldn't get his mother felt like there was no one there protect our. film everything that was on us and has left for us and hope for this horrible way inhumane to see somebody die like that now you lost your own son dale to police violence back in 2008 tell us
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a bit about what happened to your son. 1st of all the fact that came to my house a day later so i didn't even know my father had got killed the night before and it no until when he went to the front or home to his shack. and i only go by what they told me that it was a domestic this and i think that they he had a hand eye and level with the court and never got a chance to go to court or have evidence in the she's just a fat and how did you deal with the news of the extraordinary. loss of a sudden how did you shall know your grief. well 1st episode i saw the train because they are coach and former county was police offices where he played for for when he was a teenager and i had a good relationship with one of the city police officers because a friend of my family were police so i had a great relationship will probably stop when he that i fell for the train is just
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make me one day want to get a stuffed leap in atlanta around or nothing to nothing i gotta take a saying and i've gotta be somethin and mother for a number came in my mind and i said i have to speak out i says half seems like i can't stand afghan. and the 2014 you and other blows to your campaign all the way to the the gates of the white house tell us a bit about that experience and and what reaction was to to the sight of you and other mothers saying this has to stop the police violence which killed our sons us to come to an end just get an issue phone call. i couldn't believe it that somebody the phone to call me me a lady from baltimore city who was another whole have profile mother and to be honest to be among those how 4 women from across the country to go hammer horses
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her to let them know that we needed accountability and we have to have it because we cannot continue in that list for north today yesterday to continue we must say in a sense i. love those ladies the same concept with each other and i'm thankful that they still stand and is still fighting every day and over the years so sure well aware of the been so many. deaths of of young men and particularly a predominantly people of color from ethnic minorities in the united states or hope that the latest reaction to the the killing of george floyd will will finally be the moment where america toughens of karma and signs of justice which is sick. well my prayer today is that we were founding united by mit police officer for ross and the killing and host of the people from tulsa jail because this is not
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something that we can see we were called to jail with that they have one of they had a gun and a uniform but they have to go home in their fathers and they are all right regular people are really ticked off a uniform so they have to velazquez they have to think that they have family too they tend have be above the law at no particular time in death where people want to be their mental health is real they have mental health as well in the police department and they need to have help the officers need to get help and too many of them being higher than in the military than in the war was and they're retired and they're working for the police darling when you a mother of mothers took. to the gates of the white house were you disappointed that the 1st black president of the united states barack obama wasn't able to do more to meet your cry for justice and more change was introduced in terms of
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the the the changes that you were speaking honestly i really thought there was a phone in meet the president even though we met his staff a representative i was disappointed at the have a net meeting that no changes have been made in the police department around health around the nation nothing has been changed. and that's a something particularly powerful when a a mother speaks about the death of a son of as a something specifically possible that gets a message across of that sense of loss and emptiness is so great film and knowing that people remember your child when someone calls you up and say we need to know can you speak or when you go out in the corral and they recognize you and they say we have mothers saying right here we have mothers who are out here fighting on how we have mothers who are in the street who are out here to the street both to the
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graeme innis a really good feeling to be back in there when i'm out there it really is because so much respect because they still let you stay in and not out one thing or not because so many people are just afraid what would be your message to rally people to to pursue that that sense of justice i would say to everyone. that don't give up we are going to get what we want and the police departments in the commission is going to have to listen to are the main square with the main event with a mandate that people who are mistreating our police officer lawful or for work be incarcerated for their actions not just fine on the job but not the giver and we want to do a team together because we can't do it alone and this it does leave a change in the white house as a choir or as a change in the hearts of men and women looking for change in the police department
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and baltimore them indeed the police departments across the united states what's the key changes acquire the key change is the hair everyone to vote and encourage people who have this in both civil and we need new people and office matching it is maybe some younger people who have the stress and the energy to do the job and also we do not have a president who's on else that who's thinking about people per year about making sure that america is safe from police officers who are not enough guarding came from baltimore thank you very much for appearing on met alex sullivan show. thank you so much. and coming up after the break we'll discuss why young people across
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america are rallying to the bonnet of protest and we place a couple initiatives and the has start a context join us and. we go to work some straight home. has changed american lives and pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs to people who are chronic pain patients and
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believe that their prescription is working for them on the remedy be sent to. price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. welcome back. the protests following the slaying of jobs floyd have swept the world but for the speed of the pickle a young woman in america. joins me from chicago to little. a graduate of truman scola with us motivated june to get involved in these protests over the last few weeks what motivated me i think you know it's by virtue
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of my live experience as a black american woman i grew up on the south side of chicago and going to having you know experiences in encounters with police brutality myself those around me but also the prevalence of racism within the country and touching every aspect of the lived experience from education to health disparities to bullying you know the list goes on and on and you know i am poor everyone you know i'm not you know full time protester i'm not a you know full time civil rights activists you know by title i'm a regular person but it's the regular people that are standing up to say that these are injustices and that we must you know see change in our lives for myself and for my future children grandchildren and so forth and tell me about taylor a little bit the soft official you just met on the the protests have they come from all walks of life and all communities go to protest big volunteer and it's such
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a rainbow both races but experiences ages kids there is a lot of sex and so on and so forth and so from that it is inspiring to see that this is not something that is just my battle but you know it's slow to transform the as it should be to become our battle this is art. so there's been so many slayings and examples of police brutality over the years in the united states what is about this killing that the killing of jobs floyd the sopra vote this extraordinary action both across the united states and indeed across the world people who said you know enough is enough that specially when the video george flew away a modern hearing on the taylor family and kenneth walker's the m.b. speak you know 'd seeing those recordings over and over again critics say you know
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when you're at home you're able to consume so much and you could not excuse any boiled people well and i think that that coupled with the fact that we think about hope it 19 and how it has ravaged mirrored i mean how is disproportionately impacted black and brown coons i think that that in itself has incited a lot of rage and you know because lockyer speak up about the injustices and number of public figures everybody from megan mostel to former president obama have said look this is really all about voting in november this is about changing the occupant of the white house is that what it's about who told us to something more to it than just voting. yeah no i think that's an excellent question and you know i definitely a 100 percent agree i definitely think that voting is essential and he now also
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think that you know it parallels the voting it's also important to think about the cultural implications that how we need to shift our minds that the racial tension is so imbedded with in american culture and with the american ideology because it's so pervasive this is everything the provide in politics from all will not change but i definitely think that it's a great and important start killing the civil rights movement in the united states has a long history you and your colleagues a standing on the shoulders of giants it's not a message you hope to pass on to the next generation to your own children in the future perhaps about what happened in 2020 if you have a message to pass on what would it be. i think that you know i'm hoping that the message that i have to pass on is that we've come to a point where i don't need to pass on a message you know to my future children you know mommy mommy is trying to do the hard work for you feel that i don't or you don't rather have to do that in the
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future and the social media is a jew be very aware of that and of national mention of these protests how big an impact has that been on the protests in the united states i think that it is. truly inspiring to to see the global alkaline you know i've had the fortunate opportunity be able to travel the world and also live abroad actually studied as a martial scholar in the u.k. and you know to understand race and global and see blackness from the british perspective to having you know friends and me from liberia pictures of people hope that the you know from morocco to brazil to me is literally has become a global movement and with that being said you know i think that the movement has been calling black lives matter black uterus matter black love matter. but
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matter is is just remember black lives are cherish their beloved they're important things to look at the world in much the same way as it is as all other lives are right now we're focusing on black law because they have been disproportionately impacted tilottama and chicago thank you so much for the fitting analogy salmon show and good luck to you and your colleagues thank you thank you very much though there are a few people who know more about the recent history of protest in the united states than the co-founder of code pink medea benjamin not least because she's on good eyes many of them medea joins me from miami florida the dia benjamin listen a remarkable scenes across the united states and around the world over the last few weeks but it is 6 years since white lies martin was formed as an organization you
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know an organization code pink of taken the riv mothers to the a bomb a white house victims of police violence so why is it this reaction to this killing that the killing of jobs floyd this time has provoked this reaction. well and really never know this what it is that will create a tipping point for this perhaps it was because it was just so incredibly shocking to see i'm t. . right being sucked out of a person over the course of our 8 minutes and then people felt that any of this and there are. plenty any case as you know alex this is been going on and on and i'm really the 1st ladies were brought to the us but in recent terms we can name so many young black people mostly men but also remember it's a been snuffed out from the police and at some point in unity just has to
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say no to lean on acceptable this is not the race of the lies nations gave and very proud of the us citizens for their reaction then we inhabit i sure vindicated i've been to so many killings in the past perhaps a 1000 year on before a huge emphasis in towns of the minority ethnic communities i'm interested in why when you took your protest to the obama white house that the 1st black president of the united states presumably somebody who wanted to to see a change and what was happening why do you and your nice to mason was president obama not able to to do more to change this position to achieve justice much challenge. it's a big question alex and i'm not really sure i don't think he pushed hard enough i
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think that perhaps being a black president made it more difficult for him and then he wanted to show that he was not favoring one community over another he was a very centrist president he did not rock the boat whether it came to issues around making the black community or issues of foreign policy that i have been so active on he really came in as somebody who he knew the status quo with a more heart and on the subject to push but how significant do you rate the interventions so for the top generals not to colin powell it walang the president that has directed it because the devices the effect of the the threat to deploy as a regular army on the streets of the united states there is a love affair with generals and so when these generals former generals.
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come out and glasses president the way they have it is. something that shocked the community opens up people to maybe even in the republican party about the kind of backlash that has resulted from the way a president has failed to show any kind of compassion joys to exploit family who is the black community in this time of sorrow and instead has only divided the community when he said that your lawyer is looking down at the united states and cheering the job that have been recently this was just a terrific example of a man that is still out as to. with representing me right now and of course
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a number of people really stretching from michigan law school the duchess of sussex to former president obama a base of the been issued rallying calls this is all about voting in the venda isn't just about changing the occupant of the white house autism but more to the not so much bigger than that but we do have to change the occupation in the white house to start this process in a more mature human way receive many apple is their place where doing lloyd was still the majority of the members and we shall go or saying that they will start a process to this and. that is just your announcement where you're not sure what it means they're still not sure what it means but it is a new vision and how we too can remain a part security oriented people that really does something to prove here
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for the public especially those who have been make them rethink melanie and finally medea benjamin as you rightly say the been so many sizes of slayings over so many use and so many of these names only half remember what it's about this week and the reaction to jobs floyd's death which is going to make the difference and your estimation in america seps for justice. i think he came at a pretty clearly important time when we're going through the pandemic and seeing how the pandemic has actually affected the black community when we have somebody in the white house who is so tall grass and races. that is both branding white nationalism when we see the growth of white nationalism in places
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around the world this is a moment where we've come together and said no to that you know this is the time that we can really be calling for every prioritization not just at the local women domestic level but also with the international level to take money out of our military and to invest them in peacekeeping forces in reconciliation commission it all kinds of ways to bring peace and justice to our community without using more violent medea benjamin and mom if lot of the find you feel was alex homage to thank you for having me on and. george floyd is by no means the fust block mom to die unjustly at the hands of the police in the united states unfortunately despite the best efforts of the damage they feel such a cost to us on the cost the world is unlikely to be the less. however his death
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has let the blue touch paper to protest and to nationally perhaps a recognition that institutional racism in law enforcement on across society is by no means confined to america. indeed those in positions of authority and to nationally who vote to signal by taking the need for jobs floyd while ignoring substantial justice much closer to home are particularly morally culpable almost as culpable as a and the medic in preston who uses acts of the sort of to label and then tire of movement and who wreaks devotion and stand the pouring oil and trouble waters those who seek the salt of the division in their own house often inherit the wind but these protests differ different because of the context against which to taking place and different because we live in the social media age which can shine
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a light on every going to be called out of the abuse of power in the world which finally amount is from this wave of protest and the reality of the economic off the mof of the covert crisis will also be different but hops better in some ways perhaps worse than many that saft only different. now from thais and myself and all at the show as goodbye for now stay safe and we'll see you next week. right satyrs financial survival guide i don't buy any i prize on my futures. think
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most of friday as of last summer my ex from the future tracker was kaiser. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs to people who are chronic pain and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually very very right because we want to.
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know more secure professionals know yesterday. but the way it's always at the core was sober at school more work on the late. but you need a new media. they can trust the wouldn't get the clintons up by the smithsonian bush and even if the new capital. city the. yes. the. yes but. seemed wrong. just don't all. get to shape out these days become educated and in gains from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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law. protesters in seattle barricade themselves into a central area of the city declaring it in a tone the missoni president trump demands rule nor the one increasing efforts to militarize the league's. also to come but large masses sentiment is sparking calls for a reassessment of the past we'll take you on a tour of the streets of paris to explore the history behind that famous and infamous names on the new york times of mitzpe role in a key report into fraud during last year's elections in bolivia which triggered a coup that toppled the president.


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