tv Keiser Report RT June 13, 2020 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report this is your captain speaking we're starting to enter terribly close place fasten your seat bruce. well i think you might be talking about 1 our stock markets these days driven by fed liquidity and it's well whole bunch of people in america 100 over 100000000 got free money remember and free money what do you do you spend free money the crazy with free money it's like walking into the casino and they give you some free drinks and free chips and they say go at it well not a single s. and p. 500 stocks down over the last 10 weeks today was the 3rd straight day with over 6000000000 shares traded on the nasdaq all of which have been higher than any day in history to put that in perspective from 2009 until 2020 there wasn't even
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a one day with 5000000000 shares there's no connection between the economy and the stock market now that's not abnormal there's usually a lag between the 2 main street can collapse and then stock market can start moving up based on anticipation of main street or the economy picking up and sometimes the stock market will go down before the economy does because it has this tendency to be a quote discounting mechanism but what we're seeing here is not a discounting of prices based on some fundamental analysis of the economy what we're seeing is an utter divorce an utter split from the real economy and the financial ised funny money fed driven casino that is now taken over the globe this is causing 2 things the overlord class are becoming fabulously
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wealthy and the peasants are revolting we've got a good old passive peasant revolt down america and where that go i'm not sure you know if you look at the bottom 99.9 percent as we've been pointing out over the past few weeks is they are starting to mimic the top like hollowing out the economy looting the economy and that's a way to get wealthy because it does indeed pay off. in our economy for the top one percent especially the top 0 point one percent so you know in particular what we're talking about is hertz and chesapeake energy chesapeake energy as one of these big trackers they start in the natural gas fracking business the what you know they were one of the pioneers of this whole space well when news broke on sunday night monday morning that they were going to go bankrupt well you know in america when you go bankrupt in chapter 11 we declare chapter 11 what happens is your creditors line up to see who gets the debt whoever is this has the most senior debt the bond
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holders the bank loans anything like that they get your money 1st your assets they liquidate everything and then if there's anything left over a which creditors make sure there's not and the lawyers get paid and everything that then maybe equity holders shareholders might get paid so they never get paid right but when the news broke that they were going to go bankrupt chesapeake. people on robinhood especially these free apps available and it's mostly for millennia old and generations a very young traders new traders and they all just got new money free money stimulus checks $1200.00 each from the government they poured into it that stopped prices up at 300 percent at one point it close at 170 something percent 180 percent but here's what you know the smart money the bond traders versus the dumb trader is pouring in on these a trading outs there's a $2200000000.00 chesapeake bond that's due on january 1st 2025 currently sells for $0.05 on the dollar the stock is up 171 percent to
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a market cap of $650000000.00 bondholders are going to get any money before the shareholders do but they're only thinking they're going to get $0.05 on the dollar back right but those bonds don't trade on robin hood. right so that's a big difference any mention looting and i think this is a form of looting if chesapeake bay declares bankruptcy and that's chesapeake bay chesapeake energy if chesapeake energy won't want it's all good isn't it or hertz for example they also declared bankruptcy the stock ran up hundreds of percentage points it's a form of looting that's going on and we see this looting on main street during black lives matter there's been looting and people are saying oh my gosh the looting well there's looting on wall street right now there's looting on robin hood the robber to a plowing into a dead loser dead certainty of losing 100 percent of the money or like the gold traders we've reported on for many years now they are a fact of li a gang that's manipulating the price and that's unequivocally been proven time and
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time again that the gold market is a manipulated market and we've had plenty of track record and even regulators admit that it is a manipulated market maybe the robin hood people are saying let's do our own looting let's do our own manipulation we could quickly turn a lot of these gains into big one which i can also buy robin in a strange way warren buffett. poison and kind of got the anger up of the millennial after he blew out of his airline stocks of huge losses the robber to me as a buying it up and profiting and converting it into becoming so warren buffett has been funding their retirement their big coin retirement of robin hood millennial and gen zinni users with his his his misinformed. airlines well ok on the one hand the problems that apple has have maybe been 100 percent or 200 percent for the day or 2 whether or not all of those trades evaporated
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instantly as obviously chesapeake collapsed the more in the overnight trading when robin hood after his aren't trading it's only sophisticated guys able to access the the over the counter market in the off you know after market hours i think they maybe one day at least for a bow you know half an hour they could go now and then and warren buffett but in terms of manipulation you know we're in an additional world an algorithm driven world and algorithms don't have any mind of their own or do they or can they even be tried in court because the fact is you know back in 1902 when t.w.a. went declared bankruptcy we also saw the similar thing 1902 their stock price quadrupled in one week and the new york times wrote about this saying what's going on and they talked to lawyers who are specialized in bankruptcy and they they were confused because they said these people won't get any money like that goes to 0 once the court case call this is on the bankruptcy so what was going on was the
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shops the boiler rooms that are famous now from the wolf of wall street sort of films so you actually had to have somebody engage in a telephone call call somebody up and sell them on the idea that they're going to make these quick gains because carl icahn was involved in that way story as well they sold them on the notion that carl icahn was going to rescue the company so cut his today what you have are red. for more it's like wall street bets and they start saying they do this all the time member we covered this in january they were doing at an all time highs and they were driving stocks this company when hertz goes down to $200000000.00 value and it's on the stock exchange it's easy to drive it up 1020 percent which then puts the algorithm on one of these trading apps like robin hood you know that gets triggered and they see the top trending stocks of the day across all s. and p. 500 shares and they go oh that's 20 percent oh now it's up 30 percent i better dive in and they don't care what it is they just dive in they don't know that it's about to go bankrupt they just see it moving and what does robin hood robin hood sells
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their customer data the customers get the service free but what how they pay for it is their data get sold to high frequency traders which is algorithmic trading and they're front running these out robin hood the dumb money right front high frequency traders front running down money but the ironic thing about this situation is that we could see these high frequency traders they're algorithm so no human of all bought the is bankrupt shares where no you know bankers are actually working at citadel or any of these high frequency traders would ever dare buy a bankrupt company because they don't want to get caught is 0 but they could be left holding these bankrupt bags exactly and they'll get another bailout so instead of though which is can griffen and ben bernanke the former fed chairman if they get caught holding the bag at this trade and the millennia old scalpel with the they get scalp by the robin hood traders they'll just go to the fed get another bailout
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and that'll inject more capital into the whole fraud and start to cycle all over again so now there's an established wall street. trade you know what's called picking up dimes in front of steamrollers so you say you made something a point there that when the stock is down the way it is it's easy to move it without any volume at all so. lot of times traders will plow into a low volume situation to try to pick up a dime before a steamroller than just trying to get a little gain before the steamroller of bankruptcy you know might catch their foot and then kill you know wipe them out but when you apply 1000000 all these robin-hood traders there that have brought been brought up on means and they don't really have any consciousness of what physical reality is they have no understanding of what a physical economy is they only know what a mean is i really know things from gaming then to buy chesapeake or hertz better declared bankruptcy to try to eke out a game we saw in 2017 with the trading of all those where it all going to opens
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they're all of them fundamentally represent nothing but there was a huge market that the river developed around them and people like coin based still trade these phantom coins well again i think regulators perhaps something about these stocks that are bankrupts trading up 30400 percent that wasn't no ordinary write wasn't normal but it is a reflection of the overall economy ok whether or not these high frequency traders which i think will be the funniest thing on earth if they get a hold get caught being the dumb money the ultimate dumb money because of their smart algorithm thought these think that that's an asymmetric bet because they will always get bailed out they will never lose yeah ok but nevertheless it'll be funny for at least the week when we get to say how them bernanke is holding that john he bought a bankrupt thing and that will be funny and then he'll get bailed out but this is what the fed does they keep on pouring liquidity and so it makes sense for these ordinary robbing of people to do this because here we see someone say markets can't possibly go higher but we've never seen central banks respond so much and so fast
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the real problem will come when investors start to ask when these bankers and their finest minister counterparts will slow down and pull back of course they won't as we said because citadel is about to be caught holding the bags of hertz and american airlines and all these other chesapeake and stuff like that but here is the liquidity m 2 money supply and it's bigger than it was bigger. asser move up than it was in 2000 during the dot com crash bigger and faster moving up than 2008 during 2100 will be financial crisis when goldman sachs got caught holding their own fraudulent c.d.o. and mortgage backed securities so you know we could be in another situation like that but we're in a new place in 2020 then we want 2008 or any time before that is that the biggest market capitalized companies in america and around the world of software companies and they took the place of exxon for example used to be the biggest cap stock and now it's a software so the fed just by adding a server to their policies game of fed money printing can print up another 200 trillion it doesn't cost them anything and they're just puffing up other software
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they can go home and blow our brains out at any given time and we can't really do anything that actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people out war and legally get away with. the whole of the fire crawls. still. all the trouble here's the point it's hollow flying to k.k.k. exists because america wants it to exist the of the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and they're dead to me they're worse off than the people who destroyed the world trade centers of those. white.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time not to go to o.b. dos do he is the c e o of clean floor in the u.k. o.b. walk i'm. great thanks for coming on point floors been around for a long time actually was around in the u.k. when they started the company i know the founders and that south had a great track record and bet by bitcoin standards it's almost valid very beginning give us the back story yes 20 foot c.e.o. it was launched the original founders of myself. and that's what it begun but time it was only about big clearing. and it's remained that way for 2 years into the fateful day when. mike and. govern andreessen decided to be queens or a benevolent dictator and that was the beginning of the big clean and big contest rules and then we had to fear e m. we owe snow and see the response
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a big quick now that it's really a fascinating that you guys very quickly sussed out during this a call block size wars and eventually the adoption of psych what that this was not consistent with the original besan of a big coin and kudos to you guys for keeping for just sticking to your guns i know when people ask us where to go to find because when we direct them to point to a coin far if they're in the u.k. and you know this whole period from 2014 to 2017 was really an experimental period that is common gone and i think we can kind of bury that in the past now because none of those old coins are ever going to work now really a few weeks past the having what impact have you seen if any business a massive increase in interest already. we've been saying that but it was at the same time that we launched our retail offering so it's hard to tell if the launch
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is the uplift has come from mary telephoning which is a retail i need to quit offering to buy regularly or if it's come from the hard right and getting back to kind of like the transition or they're all experimentation or the whole look at they all call an era what lessons do you think the n.s.a. can take from that period there are multiple lessons we've tried each time we see this be free phases in the crypto journey and he's time you try to just focus on being objective and looking at the facts and ignoring ignoring the crowds and not just follow it so 1st time is a big concussion less is because and the lesson there was that it wasn't miners who were in charge it was people who were in charge minus what just one of many. uses everybody's important the 2nd one of a ferry and it wasn't about short term money and confusing the customer it was about offering the customer something it was actually about when you saw all of
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these points and this time around we think the simple lesson is this we are still in a stage where the objectives and be incentives of a large segment of the community especially an exchange space are not aligned with their customers they want to offer them as many options as possible so people trade as much as possible and potentially lose more we want to and we believe that the industry needs people offering them the currency that works and that's been proven which is big quite and the mechanism of investment which which is investing regularly and anything else at this moment objectively doesn't make sense it does but the trends we are seeing from the feedback from users every station not just our own customers not just the general public but even people who work for exchanges contacting us on back channels to tell us thank goodness someone had the courage to make a decision. and i hope a good bit of our exchange can follow suit can you comment on the recent reveal
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that coin base out there in san francisco run by brian armstrong has recently opened up their kimono to authorities the various intelligence agencies and the f.b.i. your comment it's very interesting i mean they're regulated exchange and. if you approach a regular troops for that see to us information you have to provide has. been deciding to go out some threats of be off of this probably not in don't believe this in line with the loss of your crew as i'm saying we would do but of course as a rigorous exchange me would do what's required to be done by rigorous and search so you are a person the u.k. and the u.k. is highly i would say regulated of course but it's also highly protected industry the city of london as noun florets fortress like mentality and it's kind of cozy
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relationship with the regulators that some would say are captured that would be an opinion of some but my question though is the environment over in the u.k. having bennett volved in crypto business as myself in london is hostile i that's the way i would describe it how are you guys finding it over there is the environment changing is the industry changing as they're being are they being more accommodating are banks starting to open up because for a while there was a moratorium from u.k. banks absolutely now because i'm not up to at at all there are things changing in the wood yes if you just look at who's answering the most you're trying to answer them ok basically every major exchange player is offering in the u.k. much are. we outside from looking out on numbers look even numbers of. exchanges from most exchanges you mentioned it's the ukase the probably the
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2nd biggest western market after the us overseas china and asia i'm in bubble so it's a significant market and regulators understand that non-us at the beginning of this year because when. a 6 companies a say let's refer to. move in the regulatory remit of the f.c.c. at least for the purposes of. a male and female entering and countering terrorist financing and that gives it again you'll see an influx of people coming into the market from a more established spaces because a so thank you has also become much easier as a result we have british from banking relationships. been hard for what's but i imagine it's going to become easier and easier to get banks in the u.k. over the next 12 months notice now we're in a regular troops of course the u. k. banking system and the u.k.
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central banking system is famous in the big quite community because it was the headline from i think was the telegraph or the times of london excuse me that's built in or written into the genesis by combat coin that chance was on the verge of 2nd bailout for banks and i'm thinking about this today because i noticed that the word from the central bank bank of england now this week is that they are going to pursue q.e. to infinity and phonetic money printing now in the united kingdom to balance out the corrupt banking sector those are my words i would think that would be a chair mendis philip to the interest them pick coing of being money goes through different generations and whenever a bet's a form of money and the corporates you have money in of you and anybody who's in the because space is viewed as a story comes around inevitably it out somebody has the potential and then as he does replace. the preexisting best form of money because 11 years ago now the best
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form of money was invented is still an 11 year old sister the kids in a couple of years would be a teenager but ultimately 'd about says destiny and so having the incredible story of people having the potential to be a credible so about in this environment that we're in with all of the for want of a better would craziness storing on. a very privileged place to be and we just want to help as many people get access to this sort of monetary. code gravitational well which will bring everything to him as possible and get them to avoid the sort of force the fools trough is subjective right well you mention kind of enough nick anomic theory or economic philosophy in there that good money pushes out bad money and that is a way of thinking which kind of goes against the current thinking the current thinking is that bad my impression is that good money and that this is
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a good thing because you want or that it's a phenomenon that we should that you should be aware of because in a keynesian while the ghana u.k. economist or an english economist you want a debt based world of fake money and you don't want people saving you don't want to start value you don't want individual sovereignty the paradox of thrift so call that everyone save money there when many around to build an economy right so you just said that that's good money is going to push aside the fia money english pound worthless paper garbage what how's that going to work. is really interesting we have a mess across section of customers and. one from we like to do jews who have conversations with some of our customers and just educate them about. this how can. do so about dick. and in general and one thing we've noticed is that there's actually a growing number of people for whom a. lessee who bets a woman but
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a phrase from the baby boomer generation. and they have a completely different view and so the millennial they they with they grew up in an environment. understand they understood the importance of say being regulated saving and building towards something and basically buying things with money you had no money that you didn't have an inmate's when you were. credibly aligned with this message. and also we learn from them and it just reinforces our understanding that this view of money is the correct your money and we need to educate a new generation of people west of the correct through money and maybe a raise the last few decades of. sort of price a are talking about a generation divide and we say it you know it's happening and they also an agenda
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say understand that their future depends on calling speaking to 5 let's talk about racial divides and we've seen your comments on big coin as a way to exit the current race a system in relation to the ongoing on rast in america aside black lives matter protest in london recently around the joy george floyd murder can you elaborate on your thoughts there. yes so it's really interesting i mean obviously you might not notice but i have a sort of person no link to this situation and it's something i've observed throughout my career whether it's most of it is subconscious or unknown but some we know we all know the reports or the the studies where you take a 3 year 0 to a 4 year old child and in a classroom show them to see paintings of a black and most of them with us who the bad guy is most of them says the but even
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the black people would say it's a black guy so it's something at a very early stages ingrained into us so this is a big problem to so and the challenges of the system that we have right now has destruction again so big quinn has a potential to provide an alternative to get playing a game of monopoly and some is going to all of the hotels and you start a new game and they start with all the hotels it's not very fun to play but we now have been up a shooty to exit that game and play a new game from beginning i mean couldn't you currency that has no basis in any other pistol record system it's not like any other store of value that we have available to us like real estate or stocks and shares and so on it plays by its own rules and the loss of the game is a computer program it has no emotions but it's completely objective impulsion unfair and that's all you can ask for is the completely merits a critic environment and that's the game that if you're playing with the passion
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and energy that i'm sure every person you bring to burn definite people from the black community can then that would do very well over time. as awesome as oh thanks so much of calling florence thanks for being on the kaiser report. thank you very much guys. well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report which made max kaiser and stacy herbert want to guests thank our guest o.b. was do a coin flora if you'd like to get in touch with us on twitter it's kaiser report and so much thought by. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic to follow the only posts really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful
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very critical time to sit down and talk. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. price at the. close of dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might because we want to. do is hard to take some from somebody if you know have something to replace. the
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want to do this interview to want to use the market and then they take me. there are you. serious. so i'm going to tell you start selling drugs it will help us. it was the money of it back. then just me all the way to life it's almost a sickly mccullers peaceful for the worst do you guys know what secret new security positions i've been in that. day were jacked me again. you see people get all their cars and i'll see you coming in the herd and they seems like they'll hurry up and run into the house like they don't want to they don't want to talk to your get your mail or anything like that. i just want to. do that. just try
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read a. good chance someone give me. the headlines this hour donald trump threatens to send the army into seattle if a local authorities that don't do something about the protest is part of the city and to pay it it's an autonomy in the city's meadow he says using the military would be illegal also to come swedish opposition parties lash out at the government's relaxed approach to the coronavirus that's resulted in one of the highest mortality rates in europe and the international criminal court fams washington for imposing sanctions on a rule change and investigation into u.s. war crimes in afghanistan.
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