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tv   News  RT  June 14, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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just to set a restaurant a blaze one of police chief quits as another african-american dies at the hands of police on a turbulent night in the united states. in the main stories of the week protest this is by 6 blocks of the city center declaring it's an autonomous as a crime demands law and order and threatens to send in the. drones are frequently seen during the floyd protests the increasing militarization of the us police is question.
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another black man has died at the hands of police sparking violent unrest in the u.s. city of atlanta the city's police chief resigned after an officer fatally shot the african-american while he was being arrested on saturday night coming up is body camera footage of the incident i must warn you may find these images disturbing. are you. there or. what kind of drinks did yeah. i'm not sure some sea orders are i think you pretty much the trying to be dry there's a chance when you're going. to protest when you have. not started. on friday police received a call that a black man was sleeping in this car which was waiting in a queue to drive through. brooks was breath tested and failed but then resisted
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arrest hearing the struggle that ensued he appears to grab an office is taser and later points it while fleeing it was at this moment he was shot and died later in hospital for the family claims that the police acted atrociously. he lays there dying. young stand around one kid something slips him over and then the witnesses tell us that we can't see but they filmed it they would have picked up the still face. and wonder why so there all of you can't know how far away the world when they start but they appear to be caring more about covering their tracks they're providing. aid that could have saved his life i think to say we want justice but i don't i don't care if we're even though what that is and i've been doing this 15 years out of the woods us isn't war. protesters later set on fire the restaurants where the killing took place following the incident atlanta's mayor so
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the officer who pulled the trigger had been sacked the other one involved was suspended while the city's police chief quit. because we live now to petri as i understand you you went along to the scene of the protests that followed this incident just describe to us what it was like there what the mood was like of the people who gathered. so going iraq. seeing lots and lots of holies and it seems that the police were like you know and confining all the protesters to one in the street in until one area and i went to where the windows was and it was still a fire it was burnt to the ground and what i saw was just a lot of anger a lot of very a lot of. this built. gratian and this is
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just turmoil and it's not force and. you know it has to come to what it has to whatever. this is this is what happens you know this is what happens when you kill them in in it happens over and over again and officers haven't punitive and so. it was just it was is it was just i don't even want to say tragic it was just a lot of anger and raised at us all last night is that why the restaurant was on fire is that just the anger spilling over and maybe not even directed anywhere in particular. i believe it was directed at the windies although you know lindy's aren't solely responsible for what happened. to ray sharpe to make sure i get the name correctly so many of us were going to but although when these
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were in soley responsible in my opinion i believe. that's the location it happened so if we can get these leases and you know then we have to take the establishment and those things out over hurt. i'm fonder of general taguba which is the media trying. to shoes. so i was out there documenting these are things i overhear it is you know i heard of and tone it went on still anything inside that one of these just burned establishment now. so if you ask me from their perspective. yes we can't personally attack these policemen or justice for them at least not as of this minute where we most of. these establishments will you know systematically or benefiting from our coach or
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money in this not just when this is all of these steps anybody want she said the videos of them that have come out publicly and see the victim brooks being arrested then resisting arrest and appeared to. took a weapon a taser off one of the officers how would you describe what follows and and one of the laws regarding use of force by police officers in that situation. was finally. i had. to bait with a former atlanta police officer sees a woman on my face. and. i responded so one of her posts or she was i forget exactly but when i respond to my thing with hate this is my thing polies they kill this i'm in with impunity
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and just like you would think they would think twice about. you know considering the hostile climate surrounding police brutality you would think that these police officers with think twice about. like me well you could say he was on he had a taser so when i saw that. when i saw the video and it did appear to me that he pointed to taser back at the officers and some even claimed that he actually discharged the heart might think it is. and so this is what the pope on the police line was arguing and that they had no right to use appropriate and lethal force because taser he had you can take a pass and tape a person is and i'm in defense i'm like that's a taser versus
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a gun she said what the taser you can shoot the officers possibly that you can. you know get injured in the man still polies weapon in shooting and that's not the case the officer was wasn't alone he was with him and this man is running the way the science of for the boy and she also told me that you know only start are trained to shoot near the center of the body and i do believe police should. be taught in trying to shoot to kill because they are you know they have a job where it's dangerous every day however they must be taught when the appropriate time to shoot and kill someone this man is running away he just got in that says with 2 police officers and yet he's running he aimed at that ok and then you don't need to shoot to injure you shoot to kill this man and so and also show
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a separate incident where a white man was put over by police there were a tussle and on the ground he still there but time beat them with the pitot still in the car and he said a lot. or at least he left that scene a lot and i told the. former police in she was saying oh but we can't judge the situation is different and different people and we can look at every think black and white yes we can't based on america's history they look at everything black and white the people she's looked for to that was a white suspect who read in the lies of the of the soups and he had a device that can also can pass a tape a person which is a bit. in versus a black person or a sharp groups who also directed in the police law you know and he had a device that can and it has someone but he was killed in this and then let the
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same in the police court so how can we not judge chanter it is black and white people always want to say in this book what police wanted she's black so i'm just and i understand she's the former police officer but when you look at america's history it's always like what i'll tell you just to say thank you so much for coming on this but it's been great to get your perspective on this sultan petris my guest activist thanks so much thanks so much for. now if. the protests are to be the party of america hundreds of demonstrators have come to the streets of portland this is the protest against racism and police brutality activist from the p.l.o. movement we chased by the police we deployed tear gas it's been almost 3 weeks since george floyd was killed at the hands of law enforcement in minneapolis on tuesday the man whose death sparked a nationwide riots was buried in
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a small private funeral in his hometown of houston texas earlier that day thousands paid their respects. and. around $6000.00 mourners filed past his coffin in houston the final stop in a series of memorials held in his honor around $30000.00 was spent on a golden casket the money was taken from a record breaking fundraising campaign that the mass nearly $13000000.00 the fallout from floyd's death has provoked claims politicians are trying to use it to score political points for example democrats were criticized by some for nailing for an 8 minute silence in congress the length of time prosecutors say floyd was penned under a white police officers name before he died. every american should try to stand in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to acknowledge the pain of george floyd and the pain of racism enough to grieve but it's much harder to do it in public it's much harder with the whole world watching your incredible family his little
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daughter was there i want to see daddy's going to change the world and i think her daddy's going to change the world hopefully george is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country this is a great great day in terms of equality i just want to finish by saying to save the economy we passed several pieces of critical legislation. for this. case where there. the democrats oppose the justice in policing act which would make it easier to prosecute misconduct and require local police to report data on the use of force officers would also be obliged to undergo biased training chokeholds another dangerous practice is they would be prohibited officers would also have to wear body cameras political commentator jeff charles believes that there's a clear political motivation behind the moves you know what they say right i mean never let a good crisis go to waste they're all definitely be people from both sides who are
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going to capitalize on what happened in georgia. to bolster their political careers it is an election year so it's hard to tell whether or not people really pushing for this are really wanting to change or if they're posturing for november the true test of whether people really want to affect change will will occur after the election is over if this is still going to be an issue that we're going to be pushing in our in our media and also out of in at a political level as well then it is possible for or positive change to. the beginning of the week black lives matter protest to seize control and barricaded themselves into 6 blocks of central seattle like calling the area the capitol hill autonomous i made came after police retreated from the neighborhood hundreds of demonstrators led by the local council also occupied city hall but i. i was i think. the
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protesters inside called for them sitting there to quit make use jenny durkan not being strict enough in implementing reforms they also claim the community not politicians should be controlling decision making to this disease regulate still this is a key demand of all demonstrate this is for the police to be defunded. i mean gore i would say that i could see right now is that people are calling for the defunding of police you know nationwide if you were to take out funding from the police and put it into communities that really need it you know for deescalation for for medical services hospitals education you know the list goes on and on and there really is no need for a police. i was only as a self declared no police or cars were allowed into the area report suggests that some inside are armed the city's mayor later defended the protesters saying that they are just patriots president trying demanded law and order though in seattle he
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also called out those he felt responsible saying all this had happened in a radical left democrat state to trump threaten to send in the army if the local authorities didn't deal with the situation the issue an order it was nothing new it's been on the lips in fact of both republican and democrat presidents for more than 5 decades. law and order perhaps more familiar as the popular t.v. show you running for 3 decades already law and order. but also exactly what's triggered nationwide protests across the united states. that the us. law and order is the 1st responsibility of government don't send people up there that come home and talk tough on law and order and crime and then go back and vote some other way around us to merely a symbol of law and order
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a policeman on the campus and that was the moment when the ringleaders should have been taken by the scruff of the neck intro now to the university one. by law and order i mean order for everybody we've got to reestablish respect for law respect for law and order a concept that's existed since the founding fathers the catch phrase that helped take richard nixon to the white house during mass civil unrest and race riots. around 200 people died back then in clashes martin luther king was assassinated so waving in a new era for society nixon proposed an agenda in which police powers were about to increase in 1968 the green light was given for the use of stop and search and powers have expanded since. in new york it became infamous stops dramatically increasing under mayor michael bloomberg in the 2 thousands but it raised a key issue racial prejudice during the peak of the program more than half of the
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people stopped were black but the black community made up just over one quarter of new york's population 1st started new york philadelphia look gallup 4 7 this survey 1st. as new ways to keep order were introduced laws became tougher since 1928 states have adopted some form of what's known as the 3 strike practice it meant lengthy sentences for repeat offenders even life behind bars the policy came in as the war on drugs peaked which raised further questions of racial targeting at the turn of the century more than half of all inmates serving time for drug offenses in state prisons were black 3 years ago it was still around 30 percent despite only being 13 percent of the population as a whole with both police powers and sentencing increased prison numbers skyrocketed there are more black people than any other racial group behind bars in america
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something that has not changed under bill clinton george bush or barack obama for every 100000 people in the u.s. sentences for black people a 5 times higher than whites. so law and order it was a response to rioting like the unrest ravaging the united states from coast to coast in 2020 provoked by police actions it happened in los angeles in $92.00 after the beating of rodney king by the authorities it happened after the 2014 shooting of michael brown in ferguson a year later in baltimore with the death of freddie gray. in the last 5 years on record the number of those fatally shot by the police per 1000000 people is higher among blacks than any other ethnicity and now history is
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repeating itself yet another police related death has provoked unrest and again triggered discussion on black rights so as we look back on what's unfolded since nixon and his slogan in the sixty's donald trump has reassured the nation now saying i am your president of law and order. the times demands for law and order come a time when police in america are becoming increasingly militarized when the forces now boast the kind of hardware previously only seen in frontline combat abroad auntie's killed more than explains. predator drones are a staple of u.s. foreign policy they have been used in afghanistan pakistan bosnia serbia yemen iraq syria somalia and now minneapolis though the protesters didn't see it it was flying over their heads in order to help federal officials gain situation
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awareness and go reports indicate it was on armed people are angry and afraid the deployment of drones and offices to surveil protests is a gross abuse of authority and it's particularly issuing when used against americans who are protesting law enforcement brutality it appears that the war on terror has come home the mine resistant ambush protected vehicles built by the u.s. military to a stand i attacks in iraq have been rolling down american streets as well the 1033 program allows the u.s. military to provide local police departments with weapons local police can order weapons like remade launchers automatic rifles and bayonets as well as body armor robots aircraft watercraft and surveillance drones these are defense department products deemed to be excessive old or surplus $7400000000.00 worth of defense department property has been provided to over $8000.00 different law enforcement
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agencies by the 1033 program ex new york city mayor michael bloomberg once referred to the new york city police department saying i have my own army and the n.y.p.d. the 7th largest army in the world well with lots of military equipment the n.y.p.d. certainly does seem like an army barack obama rolled back the program after the ferguson protests and national outrage about the militarization of police. 7 c are. now back. however trump has route 5 the program now many are asking the question why does the department of defense have so much excess gear that it needs to unload anyway the u.s. has been involved in so many words and they become occupations and the military is has developed techniques were operating as an occupying army and they've brought
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these home they brought the war home after they made by these things and the military you know uses some of them they become surplus or if they don't buy of them all you know the military orders a certain number and then they back out of buying some of it a lot of the stuff sitting in military warehouses and so they want to get rid of them and basically congress passed a law saying that these things are to be given to police departments so we have the ridiculous situation where small towns are being given em raps near totally impractical they don't make any sense they're terribly intimidating though. and that's part of the purpose i guess for years americans have been told that the military budget is necessary to keep them safe and protect them from bad actors around the world but it's starting to look like the bad guys these weapons are intended to be used against our a lot closer to home the very people whose tax dollars pay for them it will mop an
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artsy new york state with more news after the break.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only really. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down and talk. germany's foreign minister of this to jerusalem this week where he's expressed opposition to israel's plan to extend sovereignty or the other. parts of the west bank and i call moss made clear he has the backing of the. it. together with the european union were of the opinion that an extension would not be compatible with international law and that is why we continue to stand by
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a negotiated consensual 2 state solution words. for earlier this week hundreds of palestinians gathered in the city of ramallah to protest the plan since if implemented it would bring 30 percent of the west bank under permanent israeli control and the fall is donald trump so-called peace plan for the region which recognizes rarely settlements while offering a path to palestinian statehood albeit with severe restrictions results pulis lir explains it seems it's not only palestinians in the e.u. who are unhappy about the way. i'm here in the west bank an israeli settlement of a lot more where where you'd expect most of the settlers to be enthusiastic about prime minister benjamin netanyahu is plan to annex such areas to part of israel proper but surprisingly more and more of them are speaking out against such a move we'll as per trumps peace plan or settlement will be turned into an enclave a jewish settlement hundreds really sovereignty situated at the heart of the
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palestinian state now it's clear that life would become impossible in such enclaves . immediately fall settlement is turned into a man clave who won't be able to leave without a military escort there will be more bones more shootings the ones more of cocktails palestinian police would not even take us into account while the annexation would still be hugely symbolic as sick as here enjoy the same rights and privileges of people living inside israel which is why some argue that the territory has a weighty defector beam and next the israeli government enjoys the full support of the united states with the american president donald trump's backing of an expression part of the so-called deal of the century by palestinians trumps planning visions millions of them living in demilitarized enclaves mostly surrounded by israel. the plan office the potential for palestinian self rule but only off to strict conditions on met set list though israel should unilaterally
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annex territory without agreeing to any of the clauses in trump's plan that they see as concessions to the palestinians until now this plan is not good for israel and i hope it will. reconsider this plan because this is a very bad plan for us is 70 is our goal but if this. act come with the price of giving 70 percent of the area in order to get a permit it by united states for 70 over 30 percent of the area no thanks i don't want to give most of the land in order to get legitimized by the americans for the minority of the land more and more settlers are claiming the trumps no good for israel and that his plan in danger is the very existence of the state of israel and that annexation although it looks good for the
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settlements in the long run could be something bad closure from things he's a friend and he really advanced a lot compared to the europeans but still he's not conscious that actually he's giving us more danger than good things so i tell him thank you very much for your willingness we are happy that you begin to understand the reality of the oldest nation in the world who are turns to its home and up to 2000 years but still this is not enough because this is destroying our whole existence both the moral and physical sides netanyahu meanwhile is pushing to bring the topic of an exception to the cabinet for discussion is really is the beginning of next month he says annexation is another glorious trapped in the history of zionism the irony is that many ardent design is disagree polis leah initial mon west bank. next thing without international and up get you can check out most tories if you had to a website salty don't come. join
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me every thursday on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see that. the world is driven by a dream shaped by frank person of those great. dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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this hard to take some from somebody if you know have someone replacing. we want to do this interview today and i want to use the market and then they take me. to. the area. so how can i tell you stop selling drugs if we'll hire someone to put the money in a box. they just mean the way in life it's almost been basically mccullers peaceful for us all or. do you know what's a good many security positions over the us you know. jack me again. you see people get all their cars and i'll see you coming in the harness seems like they'll hurry up and run into the house like they don't want to they don't want to talk to her get your mail or anything like that. i just want to go. back and do this.


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