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tv   News  RT  June 14, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually the long term. as a black lives if not of protests shake the united states an autopsy confirms that police were responsible for the death of an african-american man in atlanta on friday. another story that shaped the weekend racism demonstrators in seattle occupy 6 blocks of city center. president. and threatens to send in the army. and as combat vehicles drones appear with increasing frequency of rallies across the u.s. concerns grow over the militarization of the police.
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international glad to have you with us as we recount the week's top stories with our weekly program. report has confirmed that a 27 year old african-american man who was shot by police in the city of atlanta on friday died as a result of the wounds he sustained the killing of brooks has further inflame the tensions in a country already gripped by protests over police brutality and racism the incident was captured on one of the officers. a bit of a warning you may find the following footage disturbing. well blah blah blah blah blah blah almost up there you. are not reading a few words i see what kind of drinks again. i'm not sure some c. orders on i think you've had too much the trying to be dried us a chance when you're going. to put hands on about. i don't know how much time some thought of late on friday police received
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a call saying that a black man was asleep in his car blocking the entrance to a fast food drive through ryszard brooks subsequently failed a breath test but resisted arrest grabbing an officer's taser and attempting to flee the scene after pointing it at one of the policemen he was shot twice in the back and died later in the hospital a protester set fire to the restaurant where the killing took place following the incident atlanta's mayor said the officer who pulled the trigger had been sacked the other one involved was suspended while the city's police chief had quit attorney gerald riggs told us what he thinks will happen next. people are going to try to argue on both sides but georgia law is quite clear you cannot use lethal force in response to non-lethal force 'd so i think that both officers 'd will be charged with murder and we've had conversations with the district attorney in this case and he's opened an independent investigation separate and apart from the
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georgia bureau of investigation and people need to understand that law enforcement is not alone in georgia the law in georgia happens in courtrooms and you cannot use . leon you cannot use lethal force to match a non lethal force there is a case of tennessee versus gardner united states supreme court case stands for the proposition so i think that this case is going to end up in the superior court of charity with murder charges against both officers. we also spoke with ben swann the co-host of artie's boom bust who explained why the use of force by police is sparked such outrage in atlanta. in almost every case where we're seeing black lives matter protests it comes down to use of force and it really seems to be the overwhelming theme that we see over and over and again so the point you're making here it's critically important that some people will say yes why didn't you should and like others will say you came across a man who was asleep in a drive through and he wasn't moving his car and that when the drive through you
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gave him a sobriety test he resisted being handcuffed so at what point is it incumbent upon an officer to finish that arrest and to get this person behind bars how important is it to lock him up and that's where some process protesters feel the use of force comes down to a common sense issue of this person did not seem to be a danger to the public he wasn't harming anyone at the time so why did you feel the need as officers and i'm this not necessarily my criticism but certainly the criticism of some protesters why is there a need by officers to ask elate what's happening with that person. here. meanwhile new b.l.m. protests have erupted in other parts of the united states hundreds of demonstrators have come to the streets of portland oregon to protest against racism and police brutality activists from the b.l.m. movement were chased by the police who do a ploy to tear gas it has been almost 3 weeks since
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a george floyd was killed at the hands of law enforcement in minneapolis on tuesday the man whose death sparked a nationwide riot was buried in a small private funeral in his hometown of houston texas earlier that day though thousands paid their respects. on tuesday around $6000.00 mourners filed past his coffin in houston the final stop in a series of memorials held in his on or around $30000.00 was spent on his gold casket with the money taken from a record breaking fund raising campaign that amassed nearly $13000000.00 the fallout from floyd's death has provoked claims politicians are trying to use it to score political points democrats for example were criticized by some for kneeling for an 8 minute silence in congress the length of time prosecutors say floyd was pinned under a white police officers knee before he died. every american should try to stand in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to acknowledge the pain of george
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floyd and the pain of racism it's hard enough to grieve but it's much harder to do it in public it's much harder with the whole world watching your incredible family his little daughter was there i want to say dad he's going to change the world and i think her daddy's 'd going to change the world hopefully george is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that's happening for a country this is a great great day in terms of equality i just want to finish by saying to save the economy we passed several pieces of critical legislation. for this oh. we're going. to take away that. democrats have proposed a justice in policing act which would make it easier to prosecute misconduct and require local police to report data on the use of force officers would also be obliged to undergo bias training and to chokeholds and other dangerous practices would be prohibited officers would also be required to wear body cameras political
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commentator jeff charles told us that it remains to be seen whether democrats are committed to meaningful change. you know what they say right i mean never let a good crisis go to waste there will definitely be people from both sides who are going to capitalize on what happened to george floyd to bolster their political careers it is an election year so it's hard to tell whether or not the people really pushing for this are really wanting to effect change or if they're posturing for november the true test of whether people really want to affect change will will occur after the election is over if this is still going to be an issue that we're going to be pushing in our in our media and also at a political level as well then it is possible for for positive change to come. at the beginning of the week of black lives matter protesters seized control and
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barricaded themselves into 6 blocks of central seattle they're calling it the area the capitol hill autonomous zone their move came after police retreated from that neighborhood hundreds of demonstrators led by the local council also occupied city hall. well. protesters inside called for the city mayor to quit they accuse jenny durkan of not being strict enough while implementing reforms zach and activist inside the autonomous zone told us about the atmosphere there. is a serious serious 5 here a serious attitude to be fair yeah there is a certain celebratory atmosphere as well but i think that's to be expected when we seem to have won a bit of a victory here and now for the 1st time real hope and real change seems possible but to be fair. to be fair there should be perhaps
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a little bit more seriousness people here are being relatively responsible they're handing out masks for free there are hand washing stations there's hand sanitizer stations but it is still a concern and that should not go unnoticed and unmarked tense up and put up now free food being handed out there are tents for homeless people there is a medical center slowly this is becoming a small little fixture in community in seattle this is going to keep on happening people are going to keep protesting they're going to keep writing and. eventually something's going to have to happen something's going to have to change. the zone is a self declared commune no police or cars are allowed into the area and reports suggest some inside are armed the city's mayor later of a defended the protesters saying that they are just patriots on the other side president trump has demanded law and order in seattle he also called out those who he felt are responsible saying all of this happened in
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a quote radical left to democratic state later trump threatened to send in the army of the local authorities don't deal with the situation but the issue of law and order is nothing new it is been on the lips of both republican and democrat presidents for more than 5 decades now. law and order perhaps more familiar as the popular t.v. show you running for 3 decades already law and order. but also exactly what's triggered nationwide protests across the united states. that's the. law and order is the 1st responsibility of government don't send people up there that come home and talk tough on law and order and crime and then go back and vote some other way on the ground it was really a symbol of law and order a policeman on the campus and that was the moment when the ringleaders should have
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been taken by the scruff of the neck and true out of the university one. by law and order i mean order for everybody we've got to reestablish respect for law respect for law and order a concept that's existed since the founding fathers the catch phrase that helped take richard nixon to the white house during mass civil unrest and race riots. around 200 people died back then in clashes martin luther king was assassinated so waving in a new era for society nixon proposed an agenda in which police powers were a bouncer increase in 1968 the green light was given for the use of stop and search and powers have expanded since in new york it became infamous stops dramatically increasing under mayor michael bloomberg in the 2 thousands but it raised a key issue racial prejudice during the peak of the program more than half of the
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people stopped were black but the black community made up just over one quarter of new york's population and this started new york philadelphia this lovely california this serving its 1st stop it's a day at least. as new ways to keep order away. introduced laws became tougher since 1928 states have adopted some form of what's known as the 3 strike practice it meant lengthy sentences for repeat offenders even life behind bars the policy came in as the war on drugs peaked which raised further questions of racial targeting at the turn of the century more than half of all inmates serving time for drug offenses in state prisons were black 3 years ago it was still around 30 percent despite many being 13 percent of the population as a whole with both police powers and sentencing increased prison numbers skyrocketed there are more black people than any other racial group behind bars in america
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something that has not changed under bill clinton george bush or barack obama for every 100000 people in the u.s. sentences for black people a 5 times higher than whites. so law and order it was a response to rioting like the unrest ravaging the united states from coast to coast in 2020 provoked by police actions it happened in los angeles and $92.00 after the beating of rodney king by the authorities it happened after the 2014 shooting of michael brown in ferguson a year later in baltimore with the death of freddie gray. in the last 5 years on record the number of those fatally shot by the police per 1000000 people is higher among blacks than any other ethnicity and now history is
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repeating itself yet another police related death has provoked unrest and again triggered discussion on black rights so as we look back on what's unfolded since nixon and his slogan in the sixty's donald trump has reassured the nation now saying. i am you're president of law and order. trumps demands for law and order come at a time when police in the us are becoming increasingly militarized many forces that now boast the kind of hardware previously only seen in frontline combat artie's came up and explains. predator drones are a staple of u.s. foreign policy they have been used in afghanistan pakistan bosnia serbia yemen iraq syria somalia and now minneapolis though the protesters didn't see it it was flying over their heads in order to help federal officials gain situation
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awareness and go reports indicate it was on armed people are angry and afraid the deployment of drones and offices to surveil protests is a gross abuse of authority and it's particularly issuing when they used against americans who are protesting law enforcement brutality it appears that the war on terror has come home the mine resistant ambush protected vehicles built by the u.s. military to a stand i attacks in iraq have been rolling down american streets as well the 1033 program allows the u.s. military to provide local police departments with weapons local police can order weapons like remade launchers automatic rifles and bayonets as well as body armor robots aircraft watercraft and surveillance drones these are defense department products deemed to be excessive old or surplus $7400000000.00 worth of defense department property has been provided to over $8000.00 different law enforcement
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agencies by the 1033 program ex new york city mayor michael bloomberg once referred to the new york city police department saying i have my own army and the n.y.p.d. the 7th largest army in the world well with lots of military equipment the n.y.p.d. certainly does seem like an army of iraq obama rolled back the program after the ferguson protests and national outrage about the militarization of police who. are. now back. however trump has route 5 the program now many are asking the question why does the department of defense have so much excess gear that it needs to unload anyway the u.s. has been involved in so many words that they become occupations and the military is has developed techniques were operating as an occupying army and they've brought
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these homes they brought the war home after they made by these things and the military you know uses some of them they become surplus or if they don't buy of them all you know the military orders a certain number and then they back out of buying some of it a lot of the stuff sitting in military warehouses and so they want to get rid of them and basically congress passed a law saying that these things are to be given to police departments so we have the ridiculous situation where small towns are being given em wraps they're totally impractical they don't make any sense they're terribly intimidating. and that's part of the purpose i guess for years americans have been told that the military budget is necessary to keep them safe and protect them from bad actors around the world but it's starting to look like the bad guys these weapons are intended to be used against our a lot closer to home the very people whose tax dollars pay for them it will mop and
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artsy new york. germany's foreign minister visited jerusalem this week where he has expressed opposition to israel's plan to annex parts of the west bank and made very clear he has the backing of the e.u. . it wasn't together with the european union were of the opinion that an extension would not be compatible with international law and that is why we continue to stand by negotiating a consensual 2 state solution. for really are this week hundreds of palestinians that gathered in the city of ramallah to ramallah excuse me to protest the israeli plan since if implemented it would bring 30 percent of the west bank under permanent israeli control the move follows donald trump's so-called peace plan for the region that recognizes israeli settlements while offering a path to palestinian statehood albeit with severe restrictions but as artie's
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parsley or explains it seems it's not only palestinians and the e.u. who are unhappy about the move. i'm here in the west bank in the israeli settlement of a lawn mower where where you'd expect most of the city is to be enthusiastic about prime minister benjamin netanyahu is plan to annex such areas to part of israel proper but surprisingly more and more of them are speaking out against such a move. as per trumps peace plan or settlement will be turned into an enclave a jewish settlement under israeli sovereignty situated at the heart of the palestinian state now it's clear that life would become impossible in such enclaves . a long pole settlement is turned into many clave we won't be able to leave without a military escort there will be more bones more shootings those more of cocktails palestinian police would not even take us into account while the annexation would still be hugely symbolic as sick as here enjoy the same rights and privileges of people living inside israel which is why some argue that the territory has
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a way to defect to beam and next the israeli government enjoys the full support of the united states with the american president donald trump's backing of an expression part of the so-called deal of the century by palestinians trumps planning visions millions of them living in demilitarized enclaves mostly surrounded by israel the plan offers the potential for palestinian self rule but only after a strict conditions are met set list though argue israel should unilaterally annex territory without agreeing to any of the clauses in trump's plan that they see as concessions to the palestinians and do no this plan is not a good choice and i hope. i will. reconsider this plan because this is a very bad plan for us is 70 is our goal but if this. act come with the price of giving 70 percent of the
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area in order to get a permit it by united states for 70 over 30 percent of the area no thanks i don't want to give most of the land in order to get legitimized by the americans for the minority of the land more and more settlers are claiming the trumps no good for israel and that his plan endangers the very existence of the state of israel and that annexation although it looks good for the settlements in the long run could be something bad closure from things he's a friend and he really advanced a lot compared to the europeans but still he's not conscious that actually he's giving us more danger than good things so i tell him thank you very much for your willingness we are happy that you begin to understand the reality of the oldest nation in the world who it turns to its homeland after 2000 years but still this is not enough because this is destroying our whole existence both the moral and
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physical sides which on the other meanwhile is pushing to bring the topic of an exception to the cabinet for discussion as is the beginning of next month he says annexation is another glorious chapter in history of zionism the irony is that many ardent design is disagree policia on initial mon west bank. after being a coronavirus hot spot the e.u. is emerging from the global crisis and is starting to point the finger of blame the block is accusing russia and china of orchestrating a massive this information campaign during the pandemic and the e.u. commission is also calling on social networks not just to delete everything they think is fake but also to produce reports on the work that they have done is art is what i've got. oftentimes you hear what europeans see big headlines about this information and trolls and you just wonder that the russians or the chinese really
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have nothing better to do but then you read the headline again disinformation waves have heaps europe during the current virus pandemic there originating from within as well as outside their opinion disinclination in terms of the corona virus can kill we have a duty to protect our citizens by making them aware of false information and expose the ex is responsible for a gaijin in such practices some years ago europe took action it created east strata com task force which runs a website e.u. the disinfo to identify and to track this information and think news every year they get millions of euros and the blessings of top europe crowds to do their thing leading elites in europe. were in wall street the very much of the level of progress. and so all of course it's.
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one goal of those 2 green for worked all night years who want to bring forward a society oh you don't bring forward to 5000000000 euro for something like finding freight news in 2018 e.-v. disinfo targeted dutch media outlets largely euro skeptic outlets surprisingly enough labeling their stories fake news but which they were soon forced the correct themselves because they lied and because the lot of them bassman for the e.u. our analysis demonstrates that each universe does enforce headlines and summaries border on descent from asian according to the east rat coms own definition of the term so they visit r.t. for example and rip a sentence entirely out of context such as this bill gates is working on deep population policies and plans for dictatorial control of world politics that's insane you might say how could our teeth say such a thing well we didn't here's the full extract. and italian legislate
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a has succeeded in taking the absolute theories of the koran epidemic to new heights by using her platform in parliament to denounce bill gates as a vax in the to and alleged globalist tool so odd like many european and italian outlets route a story about and i quote absurd theories which by the taliban m p e u v disinfo copped out the part where an italian m.p. said it and ignored the part where a plethora of other media outlets reported it and tried to frame it as if odd she said it like there was no m.p. and nazi was publishing huge across conspiracy theories and you'd never know unless you went to check the fact checkers though it's a stretch to call them that the creative artist came from a liberal tree and recurring conspiracy theory that acars proved kremlin dissin from asian about the artificial creation of. a recurring program in decent from
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ation conspiracy theory naturally think ripped it out of context in that segment odds he was discussing how the media itself gives crazy conspiracy theories credits by paying attention to them but really really the unsubstantiated claims of who would nineteen's lab origins up russian this information have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the would hand institute of raji was the origin of this virus. yes they have we don't have certainty and there is significant evidence that this came from the laboratory the statements can both be true i've made them both administration officials have made them they're all true why isn't my pump a secretary of state and not least or donald trump president of the united states y r t which never even made the claim because that isn't what strata com east is paid to
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do if they can't find anything to report. about big bad russia well people above will ask questions and cut funding european commission didn't find the governments work as well they didn't kind of consistent ready to end a covert to clamp of the corner crisis i think it's a very dangerous way in the moment the rupee incompletion tries to district. the attention away from their own crisis and bring forward an enemy in which that is not a good i can't speak for other publications that wound up on their website but every entry for r.t. is either a made up allegation or a sentence completely pulled out of context and for this east strata com gets about 5000000 euros a year to 5 russian this information or make it up that is when they are busy targeting euro skeptics at home how many mosques or ventilators could you buy for
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that those medical supplies that were so badly needed when the pandemic hit when tens of thousands of europeans died because of shortages when europe rats had had a big forgiveness were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning. and yes for that it is right that europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology and that's why the desperate to make up any way to blame russia or china or anything to avoid apologizing again but hats off to strata com east you ask any season mobster or cartel banker laundering 800000 euros a week is in the z. as an idea propose a magical european agency to root out and banish mulayam spirits because even if good still to exist strasbourg least knows how to conjure them up for money.
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i visited the weekly here on our 2 international be back in about 31 minutes with another look stay with us. we go to work so you straight home. is you'll be via reflection of reality.
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in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. for years i had treated patients with heroin addiction with high dose methadone which is the appropriate treatment and so. i was thinking well i see how well that works for all these people and the.


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