tv Redacted Tonight RT June 19, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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the go ahead. welcome to redacted deny this is the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents during these protests across the country the mainstream media has indeed covered the use of tear gas and rubber bullets and stun grenades on innocent an unarmed protesters they have done that that is something the corporate media is now willing to talk about they did that they didn't used to used to be that they would pretend bruised and beaten protesters just fell down the street. and they weren't crying from tear gas they were does caught up in the oh mon cher of our wonderful our police officers are like
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hers. but now the media have covered the brutalizing of protesters by law enforcement however what they still love void is the fact that some of the so-called violence by protesters may not be by protesters at all some of it who knows how much is clearly done by police and police infiltrators here's a video of seattle police seemingly bashing in the door of a target nowhere near a protest or a commotion. granted maybe they just really wanted a dining said for $5.00 which comes with a free nascar water bottle and the target happened to be close so they had no choice but to batter the door and i mean i mean i mean deals like that can wait until tomorrow but that's not the only example of cop destroying property according to man press news. protesters in san bernardino california claimed they
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demonstrated peacefully for 4 hours before police showed up and lit those large fires and in minnesota many believe the so-called umbrella man is a cop who went around breaking windows of area businesses well i'll be damned i was certain that was just tom holland performing his latest umbrella dance. whether people can prove police created this violence or not we do know police and the f.b.i. have a long history of posing as average citizens and either causing violence or recommending it as the intercept reported law enforcement frequently infiltrates progressive political movements using agent provocateurs who urge others to engage in violence it is also a historical fact that more rarely such provocateurs commit acts of violence themselves yeah it turns out that when steroids all freaks prepped for war show up
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to peaceful protests they create war because that's what they're good at and that's what they want asking them to be peaceful it's like delivering donald trump and joe biden to a wet t. shirt contest and then asking them to not be touchy feely. back to the intercepts in rally after rally people have observed the looting and destruction only began after police charged and beat a crowd or fired tear gas or rubber bullets into it so what purpose does it serve for police to cause destruction like this well it allows them to change the story line it allows them to create propaganda once they've created destruction they can say the protesters are violent and therefore must be treated like criminals rather than peaceful activists the best documented used of rock of prosecutorial by the us government occurred during the f.b.i.
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counterintelligence program or cointelpro from 1956 to 971 during that time there was a long list of law enforcement officials and informants joining protest groups and either trying to convince them to become more violent or actively helping them commit acts of violence but the f.b.i. has not let go of their favorite playbook far from it after $911.00 the. f.b.i. got back in the business of encouraging the violent acts in a big way journalist trevor aaronson went through u.s. prosecutions of terrorism and found that a 150 people were indicted in sting operations that existed only thanks to the encouragement of the f.b.i. and its informants yet there are only been 5 by actual plots unconnected to the f.b.i. this means 97 percent of the terrorism plots in america
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were created by the f.b.i. this means factually undeniably you know arguably the f.b.i. is the biggest terrorist mastermind in the united states and i think we might be able to catch them going to head down to the big building that says that f.b.i. . i think you can arrest them there look i'm not saying every broken window was done by the police nor was every police spray painted by them either but some of the damage was created by police infiltrators and right now there are police within activist groups trying to get them to be more violent in order to make it easier to arrest them you can usually tell who the infiltrators are because they have on echevarria t. shirt but biceps that look like they carry 100 pound cattle feed bags all day long
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sorry but your average recycling enthusiasm doesn't have veins popping out of their arms like they inject creative team into their eyeballs but as these protests continue one thing is for sure the anger is real the anger across america at being held down by a racist war like policing system and if you are going to get upset at the destruction caused by protesters and police infiltrators then you better be equally angry at the destruction caused by big banks stealing people's homes caused by corporate america exploiting every worker the damage created by wall street extracting all the wealth the violence done by lawmakers passing bill after bill after mother bell criminalizing being poor criminalizing being black criminalized being an immigrant the broken window of a store. is not 1100th of the true violence perpetrated across our society way to come up how many of them watched in d.c.
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the belly debases redacted in a. welcome welcome i'm late can now expect the news from behind we start tonight with terrible news about the embassy protectors you've heard me talk about these 4 super villains before. they were captured during a daring mission to. be. in the venezuelan embassy in washington d.c. at the invitation of the government of venezuela over the past year they've been in a legal battle to avoid conviction for their horrible of all deeds
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to better understand what they did imagine you invited film and india house. and they. were there. can you believe. how horrible the french actors are and i thought we lived in just sort of modern there is civilized times not the 1800s when men would steal the virginity of donkeys on the sabbath you know what i'm talking about. the embassy protectors decided to hold the space of the venezuelan embassy a year ago because the trumpet ministration was trying to create a coup in venezuela and an act of profound a diplomatic majesty the trumps to start to turn the venezuelan embassy into a holding facility for the diary of former u.s. defense secretaries like donald rumsfeld robert gates and the dark lord on the throne of skulls in the land of more door where the shadows lie. as long business
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cards in order to do that the u.s. government had to arrest the 4 remaining embassy protectors who were italian but deniable. being. in the embassy and then sank them into a protracted legal black hole in order to try and ruin their lives sure the u.s. government was violating another country sovereign territory and breaking the vienna convention by doing so by the vienna convention as the lamest of all the conventions. just as vienna fingers are the lamest of all cookies but they are the most delicious of all fingers yammers except butter fingers and elise's of these things is a pretty great idea noise. anyway some to think about long story short the federal charge of interfering with certain protective functions levied against 4 members of
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the embassy protection collective were formally dropped last week in a hearing in u.s. district court ok so maybe. maybe these protesters these resisters were standing for something important maybe they were standing up for the people of venezuela who are being crushed by the economic by the american economic war on them may be the protectors were fighting back against a corporate state that is setting damn near fascism maybe these are good people who never should have been arrested or prosecutor dragged into a court in the 1st place but but but but but but. never mind i got nothing. so so i guess maybe these 4 are technically stupid awesome people. and i'm not not a fan of it don't like it move on us police have been doing an exceptional job into
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a great at that really perfectly they've arrested so many journalists that the washington post was forced to print the truth because they lacked the staff required to make so much up right of course getting about that last part of the washington post wouldn't have hurt. people so i'd note something i never understood about those police horses. how do they train them. to be racist. must be quite a program. but yes the assaults on journalists have been extreme across the country one study found that over a 4 day period during these recent protests as u.s. police launched overall 100 attacks on credentialed members of the press in a june 1st open letter leading pretzel going to asians pleaded with law enforcement to halt the deliberate and devastating targeting of journalists in the field to
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which international law enforcement responded by shooting those press people in the face with rubber bullets which by the way are not as scary as people think unless you get hit by one you may die or suffer severe injury but still very injury is a small price to pay to enjoy the freedoms of the free is free country in the free world freedom such as freedom of press oh wait. across the country so about that but we still have freedom to speak to no no no. no no no ok looks like. we're just down to the freedom to wear socks with sandals in public though not if you want to get laid and the freedom to run for the highest office in the lay and while having doddering senile brain powered by a set of wind up chattering novelty freedom. you could still run
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for president you can you could have a light bulb in your cranium dimmer than a terminally ill lightning bug and will still like you one for president that's incredible kind of freedom is that joe biden is a hero for baraka loungers an antique tables and commemorative glassware and other inanimate objects that thought they weren't good enough to run for president in till now take a look right now we're in a situation where. like you know that carney show goes through town once you find out there's no under any one of those 3 shows to get pushed around next time it comes back what do you do next i gave play and you got to figure it out and let me tell you something my community figured out a while ago but here's the deal what i have to do is i have to continue to talk about the things that matter yes he has inspiring words joe that man talks about the issues that really matter like carney with the pretty in the shelves is
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there a ping or he has to pin is that i was i was unclear as to who was playing in that analogy. and i haven't heard the word carney in 25 years but that man still knows that and still years of that because they think that it's 1948 and other news millions of americans are skipping payments as a tidal wave of default and a vixens looms clearly no one could have seen this common though no one know what i know highly educated economists who saw this coming and even they didn't see it coming that's how bad it is so i think we can all agree the next step is to kick millions of people out on their deadbeat take their cars from them so they can't get to their jobs they don't have anymore and once we have millions of more homeless and unemployed and millions of the houses boarded up only then it will everything be right in this country. what do you have to kick people out of their
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homes in order to teach them. that they should have prepared for a pandemic that no one was prepared for they should have known they should have gotten a job that does not require working with people or tongue kissing or what have you you know they they they they they could have gotten licensed as a virtual oral surgeon or digital insult comeback coach or at home doggie day care morals. reporter who sends emails to dogs to tell them how to deal with the trauma of being left alone with a stranger who has no idea where they like to poop. oh or just just thought of this just out of this or we could use the trillions of dollars given to the big banks and instead make sure no one gets thrown out of their homes no one at all the euro no one goes hungry no one suffers in the richest country in the world no one
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has their lives and families torn apart due to the corruption and incompetence of our incredibly incompetent incompetent rulers maybe just maybe we could use a trillion for that. just an idea. i don't know why you're looking at me since i do. if you want a short break but if you're watching this on your job there's something you need to know we will soon not be putting the full episode on you tube in order to get around there both censorship instead full episodes will be available on our team is free app called portable t.v. we will still be putting all the segments up on youtube so still go there but the full abs will be on portable t.v. i'll be right back a lot more. 6
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. you can't get away from advertisement to change your appearance and. many local people see plastic surgery as a prerequisite for a successful career. in finance a real boost interested in the job seekers appearance as a graduation present to his plastic surgery for an extra few minutes to make their eyes of a. teenager dreams of looking just. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s.
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military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these. countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again. welcome back i'm still a camp no one would disagree that a hospital should get
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a bailout during a public health crisis but it turns out the hospitals that got the handouts were already sitting on piles of cash wall defrauding americans for more we go to our truth bomb than we do. as a coronavirus pandemic marches on and loaded corporations get millions or billions of dollars in bailout money it's clear that the white house approach to who receives help gives us the same thoughts most of us have when a cheerleader aims a teacher a gun at a club box in a basketball arena do they of all people really need that although former l.a. clippers owner and current racist donald sterling probably needed the extra fabric of a free triple x.l. shirt for a new coronavirus mask much better but to an outsider a white house hospital bailout during
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a public health crisis like the most logical decision and after a $72000000000.00 bailout some little systems are counting on that assumption because at least half of the top 10 recipients part of a group that received $20000000000.00 in emergency funding from the department of health and human services have paid millions in recent years either in. criminal penalties or to settle allegations related to improper billing and other practices of course no one knows better than a perpetual litigant president that these hospitals need the recoup the legal fees let's think of a consequences if this country didn't reward obvious fraud with millions in cash then we'd have to admit that every televangelist is actually not a vessel of god i. remember one of the bailout recipients is the florida cancer specialist and research institute a juggernaut among us oncology centers which received $67000000.00 in bailout money
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despite the fact the institute said it would pay a one $100000000.00 penalty for engaging in a nearly 2 decades long anti-trust scheme to suppress competition in a just society the people who gained millions from monopolizing cancer treatments would be publicly shamed do we revamp cancer charity events like purple ripple stride or the susan g. komen beat down for the cure. but instead we live in a society where the money these bailed out hospital systems had stashed in private equity and wall street investments was already a scandal within itself while the odds were low that money would result in more p.p. for hospital workers so that patients high on painkillers don't wonder if their nurse in the how when darth vader helmet won't replace their ventilator battery and less they join the dark side. the white house relied on the guidance of lobbying groups
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like the federation of american hospitals and the american hospital association to pick behemoths hospitals to receive billions and bailouts 20 of which were already sitting 'd on more than $100000000000.00 in cash so maybe they can return what they don't need i mean especially since it looks really bad when the hot dog chain made them famous speeches to it gigantic confidence systems that serve wealthy patients got more than a lion's share of bailout funds compared to rural hospitals and even before corona virus on average the country's 2000 rural hospitals had enough cash to keep their doors open for 30 days imagine how worse that is during a pandemic where the only thing that rivals the mile radius to arrive at a rural hospital by ambulance is the mile radius desperate men set on their dating
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apps. she's was already on it maybe we can meet halfway. right these are the morals that guy but decisions about your health care during a global public health crisis morals that align pretty closely with the ones of the nathan's famous hot dog eating contest cord as much as you can with little to no one's self awareness of how you appear to others and you may be celebrated for it. reporting from outside a hospital this is natalie mcgill we're back there tonight so now it's time to talk about some stories that we missed here with me as a dad correspondent and and here is. what you got for us well president trump has announced his intention to declare a terrorist organization we'll see if he actually follows through on that if you remembers to do that legally it's kind of questionable whether or not he can actually i think that well he also he tweets
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a lot and then wakes up the next morning and goes what happened yeah he's declared war on like 17 countries in the past week but. someone he would like to claire war on in his justice department is acting like we're at war blaming a lot of the demonstrations some of the property destruction on quote unquote. saying that attorney general barr is saying that it's a witch's brew of extremist groups trying to sort of imply that there's a shady underhanded organization behind it all you know which is brew actually works for this because in the salem welt witch trials they burned a bunch of women who had done nothing wrong it's very unfair trial so that's a lot like our justice so yeah now or at least one of the supreme court has said it but of course not anyone can find this out it's not the secret it's not a group it's not an international organization or anything like that it's like a very very loose network of people who try to stifle fascist organizing but you
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know that the justice department still doesn't seem to realize this there was a guy down in north carolina chandler worst stack who was in charlatans and tweeted as a joke on the i'm the head of charlotte on the phone which a lot of people that was kind of a viral thing i was saying i'm the head of am safe right and he and he said in his tweet that like i'd be happy for you to use the terrorism statute against me take me in for questioning and they called his mom they thought it was a joke and so they tried to set up a thing with. i asked him if you want to be an informant that is you know that they should come out and say that listen if anybody is involved on t.v. we will call your mom. and i think that is announced that the you have the most of the country or probably the most concerned even if they aren't you fascists they don't so if you for a stance for anti fascist and our government has now admitted they're at war with iran to are they admitting they're fascists that's what it's been around about way yeah there certainly are. i don't know if they're.
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they're definitely not on it before i can i can tell you that much i want to go more yes apac right now is. telling its politicians who receive donations from a pac that they are allowed to criticize israel but just for the west bank and ex ation so this is this is good news but how hilarious is it that the israeli lobby so this is you know basically in a way an arm of the israeli government in america pressuring politicians has to give permission for politicians to allow in the criticism of israel right it's often better remark that this is true that there's more free speech and more dissent about israeli policy in israel and there is in the united states like politicians here very rarely buck any sort of israeli policy on anything. this is a really extreme thing that they're doing and they're going to go ahead on july 1st
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and sort of international law and annex sections of the west bank it's not allowed to do very extreme move so even a pac is saying like we need to make this look cool little more legit so feel free to say this is so now there soon other allowed to criticize but only of west by apollo the only of that they can't talk about aid to israel of which we're still giving quite a bit thank you so if a pile of us politician says something bad about hamas we're in trouble and yeah you're right. their lives are so they can could they can talk about this but they can't talk about doing anything to prevent it. thank you so much anderson if you. and here are your headlines from the future this tuesday you'll learn national law enforcement announces willingness to allow journalist to write down name of officer
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brutalizing them step in the right direction 2 weeks from now. police in full traitors suffers a crisis of confidence upon realisation he now likes tofurkey and finally this coming friday. welfare queen hospital uses bailout money to pamper out m.r.i. machine that's not fair this is our show that's the whole show that said that's all we've got but if you're watching this on you tube please take note we will soon no longer be putting the full episode on you tube do they have research ship instead of full episodes will be available on our free app get it portable dot tv slash download we will still be putting up segments on the you tube channel just not for web so also grab a copy of my new political comedy book at least camp book dot com until next time goodnight and good bye to.
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have international memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or a part of a global news platform you can submit to your published works in either video format go toward go to dot com and it to know. the simple things workshops and. public spaces where else with learning disabilities can engage on equal terms with creative activities like graphics serving ceramics. and joinery. just living with these issues what's in your book. but just what it is you get one case to come up with. the underlying idea of the
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