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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 21, 2020 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
talking about ordinary american citizens lives in the states and on 'd most of the largest we are a lot of people who love peace and you know a trend going to be like everywhere else in the world but it's within you know american authorities you have it says crowell of unity for misconduct we have it in the police for decades this is not new it's an emblematic event only happened in the military countable for a war crimes we see even the aggressive stance of the truck that new stray ssion and also whether those traces the court to force the international court in a criminal court but we also shouldn't unity for torture by the cia agents a little progress. report has confirmed a systematic. and systematic policy of torture what i want to say that this is you cannot expect one part of the authorities the purse to behave correctly
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while only purely for a very serious crimes or for other purposes your torah he you and other rapporteurs or find this left and you use the phrase modern day racial terror lynchings we were going through the heads of un special rapporteur on your colleagues as human rights acts worth when you write words like that what do you think the united states is going to do when it hears that your calling the united states of place of modern day racial terror lynching. well you see we're not trying to hunt any headlines here we're just trying to reflect in our statements what we see and what we are serving and we are really where are the opinion that the u.s. authorities how no sense of reality about how loudly yes we do have a structural design a grocer you us and we'd. you have structural and systemic problems of police
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violence and you do have structural 'd and systemic insurance and we did find out all really in the period of recession or and i think that referring back to that period is not trying to you know finger point is simply to say these troubles that the origin period and not been properly addressed it was all in the united states where we invited the u.s. ambassador johnson to london on the program obviously federal law enforcement that learned faith in 4th meant well deny what you just said there i mean when you saw the video of george ford's murder i don't know maybe even richard brooks the bin subsequent videos do they tantamount to torture never learn death murder. without a doubt clearly what we see in the drawer for a. amounts to torture you have a person who absolutely defenseless powerless not unmindful and she's absolutely in
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the power of the custody of your full release and there's no need whatsoever to use the methods they had to use and it was predictable for everyone to see then and everyone watching the video that this person is going to die if the police officer doesn't release our travel and still we can see also the facial expression of an officer he's not aware at all of the run fullness of what he's doing and it is a problem well that case continues of course said george lloyd's funeral joe biden the presidential contender spoke at a would you be ok with his view that annoying force one should shoot at the leg instead of the heart. well i think law enforcement suited should all if possible because anyone who's father to school knows that you can miss your courage by who.
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or in you know a fraction of a 2nd trust or not with a little movement of your hand and i think i've done a whole report for the un general assembly on police use of force and how it can amount to torture and treatment and over the years very very important that we reduce kind of tendency to want to resolve everything through muslims but i do want to get on to refugees but i have to say president trump has been keen to emphasize law and order the same principles that you say that you are polled you're welcome as police reform is banning chokeholds and that's offered as a threat and a national registry for officers using excessive force and special mental health provision and well certainly that's a step in the right direction i do think that you have to go much much further than that because as you say to structural cultural systemic problem has been there for decades law and order starts with. respecting law and order which
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means that you hold themselves accountable and live up to the standards that they ask for a population of to follow and that's does not work with unity it does not work with secrecy it does not work with norman come to the work of course when he was signing that executive order this week he almost simultaneously he was signing an executive order blocking u.s. property and assets of any hague official investigating u.s. troops what did you make of that surely just an exercise in exercising national sovereignty on the part of the white house. what you see the united states were was pushing for a nerd trial 75 years old and germans hadn't signed a treaty was expecting themselves to be to just 30 action of the tribunals and the japanese you know was fairly subjected to the resolution of the tokyo trial that is to say that these trials were not legitimate. and they were necessary but the
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united states are asking you not conducting military operations and bio nations have occur as they do we know every war also known as afghanistan is a country where the i.c.c. stouter that if the us wants to use force in that that country does subject itself to the jurisdictional court and therefore there is no discussion obviously he says he doesn't have jurisdiction and if the us committed there or its soldiers did they are subject to the jews' ditch well but they'll often be thing subject to any new decision by the united states as regards the appropriation of assets and property sector or state pompei or cause a kangaroo court and of course john bolton the former national security advisor. has said that by all means appropriate some people saying that he even suggested the invasion of holland will this mean the end of the i.c.c.
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. well i think this year or 2 who will walk and that is how we should be looking at that you know the questioning the legitimacy of course has been the last trip to try to a day to come to the early ninety's questions the legitimacy of the number of trials and milosevic the question the legitimacy of the nicety why. sometimes the same question to the to do as you know after iraq tribunals and so you know that's a standard that's a standard reaction are a state where individuals that color to be held accountable by the court i think you have authority here that means they then nothing and like the nazis whatsoever tell me on u.n. refugee day what you've been working on as regards torture and refugees you've said that those seeking asylum it can amount to torture the inability of refugees to
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think asylum because there are tough regulations here in britain for people saying as i'm. well obviously that is also a global problem no you know we have a european context of the mediterranean contest libya you have the latin american mexican u.s. contacts you have the australian these observer contacts but by and large the tendencies are saying that the destination countries are adopting policies of deterrence to try to scare asylum seekers away and make them return to that insisting on or right that they have under human rights or to apply for asylum and the methods are used for that panty barrel pushbacks it can be ill treatment can be abused the border corruption but it can also be indefinite out of tree detention of migration centers and i think jeff today where so many millions and millions of people are locked in their homes and complained about the lockdown measures which shandy the area are we should remember better. goods and millions of people out
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there don't even have a hole that you could lock them into so there is a lot to into these refugee camps and are exposed to cohabit to pilots to corruption and arbitrariness and i think it is really high time that we remember these are our brothers and sisters and we need to protect them. as i mentioned the scale is obviously staggering i should mention julian a founder you meet on the program talked about before what do you make of a presidential contender joe biden calling him a high tech terrorist if you've been defending itek terrorist well if it is symptomatic for a country and not a you know blue process and herschel trial legal proceeding to do to innocent patient at the center it's just been discussing all out today that the united states refuses to acknowledge that akram to belittle their own the fishbowls for
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their own misconduct is the prerequisites of democracy and the rule of law and anyone who exposes misconduct is not a terrorist and they do the sanctions never threatened anyone here has never committed a biannual in strine he's never threatens to commit war and he's exposed by and try and he's exposed and of terror and so i think we should be grateful that we know or at least things and states should be grateful that tony can hole those people to account that have broken the law well as i said it's 8 years since he got political asylum in ecuador an embassy in london and ultimately what in your book distinguishes democracy then from authoritarianism. well if her secretary of state pump ale say that. the united states obviously you know as a democracy because journalists are allowed to question the government directly in
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a press conference but will line response would be well the distinction between a fair terrorism and the law chris you really does not believe you can question the government but whether the government can actually response to these questions whether it provides transparency what we see in the u.s. government today keep everything a secret from military operations to even now the hands rescue package of $500000000000.00 for the companies for coal this crisis and journalists asked for transparency well which company received how much money and the government says it's confidential and so they're keeping everything secret now even had president trump say that everything he says is classified to finally and briefly as a special robert and his global protest during a pandemic continue at all around the world what's your advice to anyone watching who feel that they are being threatened with torture arbitrary detention because
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they've been protesting in the wake of the george white matter. the freedom of association freedom of expression is an essential human rights people should go out and protest because there's plenty of things to cross that protest about obviously these protests should remain peaceful or should remain nonviolent because being allowed in a protest only gives a cheap excuse to local refuse to respond with violence your own special ramadan thank you. off in the break as the world's 2 largest armies come face to face on a disputed himalayan border we'll ask one of deng xiaoping's woman translators whether china will protect its interests in the face of a potential. multiple coming up but you're going on the ground. this is all about bailing out the banks on wall street and why because they are the biggest contributors and owners of the fed this fed is bailing itself out this fed
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owns all these stocks the fed has all these loans the fed owns all these bonds one of prince money and keep zombie companies alive it's to keep itself alive is printing money for itself and by the way who's a huge shareholder in all this nightmare jay powell jay powell was bailing himself out why can't people who are underwater on their mortgages or just been laid off in america simply print money to bail themselves out like jay powell is printing money to bail themselves out that's not right is it. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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i know to no crowd. no shots no. action just felt. it was true no one. which your thirst for action. welcome back u.s. president trump and his team reportedly made desperate attempts to suppress the publication of the memoir by his former national security advisor john bolton when leaked revelations from the book that was general for next week suggested trump did not know britain had nuclear weapons another alleged trump asked chinese president xi jinping to help him win the members u.s.
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general election this fall amidst anxious trade negotiations and fighting between the worlds biggest enemies on the india china border joining me now from beijing is a former translator for the architect of modern china deng xiaoping way way is director of the china institute and fudan university and joins me now thank you so much for joining us before i even get to those geopolitical issues we've had maybe excess deaths of $60000.00 plus tell me about this reported 2nd spike at the scene for the seafood market supplying what 90 percent of beijing's fruit and vegetables well 'd 'd its case which will be there are serious and. i hope it will 'd be manageable. and. 'd look at the. base it's also dropping it's only one i don't like me well.
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enough experienced i should just ask you about contact tracing because we have way more cases than that and we are ending our lock down now you have a complete lockdown. how do you view how do you view how how coronaviruses affected britain where we've had maybe maybe more than 60000 excess deaths to be honest i think u.k. and. and the western countries should learn a bit wrong china and we take this deadly serious with thing it's a matter of life and deaths and people's lives come 1st not business interests so with this in mind we try to trace every case and that's the chinese kiran's which include the work very well both within china the country well obviously the news here is less actually about any advice china might have on coronavirus reporting
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here is europe war with india 20 indian soldiers killed in the himalayan gul one valley by the people's liberation army and what do you know about the clash of this clash of nuclear powers erthly from the information i can collect its up to now stew a kind office to fistfight it's not. 'd 'd gun shooting not killing by guns obviously both sides want to control the damage on the whole it's about peaceful solution to this dispute and personally i think maybe had to do with india's domestic reason perhaps i don't know it has to do with the i think and cope with 19 deaths goni are not well because no one has all of sudden all the border skirmishes with china. and yes. i
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don't know colonel attempt to divert people's attention for why are there don't think in the try to launch a war effort in italy this particular incident occurred within the chinese line of control says india's troops and indochina well we have to be speaking to the indian a commission that's not a top the defense minister put it he said the nation will never forget their bravery and sacrifice of the dead soldiers. and the indian foreign minister and silver star said this was an attempt by the chinese side to unilaterally change the status quo 'd or what certain about is. really this particular incident. has occurred within the untrue of the chinese side eventually perhaps the set right now that were. so obviously this a publication of an indian side so far read the talk by 2
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foreign ministers. both talk about peaceful solution to this dispute this is a good sign well the chinese foreign ministry spokesman jolly john did say it was a provocation from india's side can you putting your geo political hat on as a keen observer of these things can you see how nature nations might encourage or certainly could be accused of being pleased by a fight between superpowers of the future like india and china india apparently using u.s. intelligence to claim that 35 pm lay troops were casualties in this clash apparently you know there it is. a city called. ok if i the united states but from my knowledge india is also very quare ships on this indochina in the pacific. india is no longer choose between china states and
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'd of course china and india who are just a treaty. and i don't think only india think india can fight the war and when you know both sides will reach a peaceful settlement of course the border disputes between the 2 countries have been going on for decades it will not be resolved easily yeah but this is the 1st time for what 50 years that we've seen this many deaths on the border this comes after another nuclear nation pakistan's government allied to china saying that india is provoking the confrontation over kashmir which of course also involves the people's republic. a child of position our kashmir is very clear. we hope there will be peaceful solution to the disputes which dispute between india china india and pakistan and 'd 'd so we have
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a long vision in the ultimately india pakistan and china should develop a normal economic although i am your friend i was there. 'd for about 2 weeks last year where the discussions with me in the sink tanks i think you know the message is very clear it's in the interest of both china and india to me relations rather therefore into a trap of this in no. pacific. i still think mainly it's all the best political concerns that india provoke this. some more limited skirmish this is all useful though for mike pompei o meeting with his with young. in hawaii when he talks about trade with china given this given this narrative of china is isolated let her read the
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news report briefly it's obvious in 2 sides. really. hong kong. and change are all side state differences openly candidly girth you know but on the other hand both said try to implement the consensus actually in it cause side to side to have some kind of cooperation in fighting the carbon i'm taking and not a natural trait the big story of the nationally arguably has been a book by donald trump's former national security advisor john boehner. i mean there's been many reports that he's donald trump is fighting his own military industrial complex what do you make of these supposed revelations denied by trump that he asked for xi jinping as help in winning the members u.s.
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election read interesting passage about this conversation. she. apparently should. 'd beings which is what also i have been seeing reaction from. here you mentioned the fight their own in 1000 the pentagon officials quoted in u.s. media warning of chinese economic warfare exploiting coronavirus exploiting supplies of bio warfare protection equipment here in britain the british government is talking about china somehow having to pay for coronavirus there in recent weeks . all walk a do. in china was not. active in international politics or less active it would say china was my. when china big thing slightly more at here it became
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a chinese you know assertion more certain so we just do whatever we think it's necessary at this moral. consensus except the united states we should have. really international community acting in a unified the way the. enemy cob in 98 and china it's best to help us here in britain again that the foreign minister here dominic grab boris johnson's words minister attacking h.s.b.c. for backing the hong kong government the only thing that perhaps can take the george floyd protests of the news here is the rioting in hong kong what do you make of britain trying to offer passports to chinese citizens in hong kong. no this is a very silly decision i don't think that ask for well be very attractive to many.
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in the 1st place it's essentially a travel document not a work permit i remember when those helping went to united states or 1st train. with jimmy carter and us president the us president and us. immigration those are being asked how many millions of people you want. well i mean the massive the here china's ambassador here was pretty forthright. do you think this is this is dominic grab doing us dirty work because the ambassador here said to the british government don't do this dirty work dirty job for someone else when britain sent the royal navy sent its h.m.s. elizabeth their craft carrier to the spratly islands the british should remember should know by this year a. nation of. over. history has already turned
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a corner so when china decided to push forward with this issue of national security law it's a done deal when ho whereas a guy states are pretty tried to intervene or not no way of course every experience almost a year when your chaos and economy suffered badly almost destroyed so now are biscoe and of chaos for long chaos many people came to their senses you mention colonialism in fairness to britain statues of slave traders are coming down do you think the chinese would like statues in britain of people who peddle drugs to china killing so many chinese people when britain was a while. one of the big drug dealing nations of the world would want those statues lose peddlers to come down. oh indeed in the 1st place this kind of
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demonstrations this black lives of mad tom warm and you really even use the kind of the group but he was. obviously races and ingrained in the british economic political and social life i think it's understandable people have really bad feelings about this couple singles reminds people of the ugly history of clothing that isn't a child yours have a shop a member of the art so own the air wind. as if it was to clue you know. that there's no way for preservation where we're at thank you thank you that's it for the show will be back on monday to further investigate the source of coronaviruses big farms big flu or the rome wallace until then wash your hands join the underground you've found that instagram trigger on facebook.
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12:59 am
a freelance journalist work for alternative media or a part of a global news platform you can submit to your published works in either video format go to award dot com and it and l. . the simple things workshops and petersburg public spaces where adults with learning disabilities can engage on equal terms with creative activities like graphics soong ceramics. cookery and joinery. just giving you shit what's it worth. you know what just what did you give one case a couple of. the underlying idea of the workshop is a calendar of happiness which they fill through to find joy in the little things of .
1:00 am
i am x. times or this is the guy's report you know the steam chairman of the federal reserve bank is out there washington d.c. yap yap yap be testifying you know all he's got to do is pray just shut up and prove that's all he's got to keep jews shut up in a different space i need a sock puppet for this clucky want to off course it needs more than that well you know at earlier this week fed chair powell warns of significant uncertainty about the recovery and says small business.


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