tv Cross Talk RT June 22, 2020 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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1st reason even if it is because it's the 75th anniversary of stop the 2nd world well off the set of the victory i should say the 2nd well which rush is about celebrate so it's timely but of course it's also timely because it's to reste 1st late these attacks the top taking place in the west and in some countries in eastern and central europe on the sets it mainstream understanding at the start of that all the origins of the 2nd will these attempts to plague russia with nazi germany as the region of the 2nd will was used strongly wishes to refute under 2nd because i think he's very concerned the current international developments and he wants to draw parallels between what happened before the 2nd well and what is happening now in other words the collapse of the international system which he feels was unsustainable before the 2nd well and he's very
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unsustainable so. that's really extremely well said you know george the the article is it's a very long extremely detailed and my 1st reaction is this is a historical document all by itself it was only published a few days ago the parallels of the the 1930 s. and what we have right now in the international order is is following a part fragmenting and this is one of the it is the primary reason other than nazi aggression started the. war in europe and i think the parallels are really quite have me have the united states using sanctions as a political weapon we have we have constant pressure being brought against iran against and israel but has no basis in international law and this and this is a very appropriate one and i'd like to point out to you that the united states is walking away from the entire. spectrum of arms control agreements i think this is very dangerous as well go ahead jump and. yes you're absolutely right peter. and
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the sanctions regime that the united states has in particular are imposed against russia which is a very very serious business and that both the democrats and republicans want to tighten every you know you know as a as moving forward so whoever wins this election will want to impose some kind of sanctions some kind of penalties pressure the obsession obsessive hatred of russia and now that prevails in london and in washington is a very serious business and i think that. this is one of the issues that in a certain point thing out that this this really it does get into a very dangerous situation so what he's saying is that. this dangerous situation is part and parcel and that as alexander pointed out with this revisionist view of world war 2. according to which the nazis and the soviets jointly
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launched it and this was a european parliament resolution this isn't some historic story and quite just pontificating away this is a recent resolution of the european parliament joint aggression by the soviet in and you point out you know important facts to keep in mind and said no that wasn't right was in september like in 39 no one no one stopped england and france from invading joe met me my job was preoccupied with the ball and it was a non-aggression pact no one stopped you didn't do anything so if you started blaming the soviet union for that so it is pointing this out and saying this is bottom ponselle of this. this most of the world's this is over you know and then he moves on into the 2nd part of the article which is. let us restore the. post world war 2 or the. he's used as the
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basis of it the permanent 5 members of the security council so you know those were those are the days when there was the ability in the world and they went overseas this is where we need to be moving now you know alex and also i mean if we can just look at present day politics we see the fragmentation in the weakening and the lack of mission of nato and i'm not i think this is one of the reasons why they're changing this narrative because nato needs to have an enemy to justify its own existence and you know and we have poll after poll deeply in germany where the german public wants americans to leave 75 years after the fact they want them to start rebuilding but of course this is a switching major we have the neo cons an entire political bipartisan consensus in washington well let's move them to poland which would be in violation of riemann's ending the cold war but again they just want international law and that is really the basis of the article that hu jintao is not about is the foundations of
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international law it fell apart it fell apart before the 2nd world war and that is a wave of the footsteps of france and britain ok not the soviet union absolutely can i just point out that this idea of the city union and nazi germany being allergists to start the 2nd will get east a fringe theory in academic circles it is a fringe theory some people in the police it or wells are adults it amongst academics it remains a fringe there it. is expressing what is still very much overwhelmingly the academic consensus but the parallels here is julie also and then very interesting is that after the 1st woman in the lead up to the eventual start of the 2nd world you see a extremely unfair. stoutish invests is very interesting and he's attacking
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for the 1st start as far as i know from a russian point you've the entire. when johnny being essentially constantly elite by the allies leading to very very common consequences now he's not saying i think you know that russia has been only in exactly the same way but what he's pointing to is the fragility of a system in which they're all green is self appointed when it see it as then mission to constantly be telkom lose and such a system becomes deeply on balance and it becomes increasingly fragile and that way get things like nate continuing to this you a calling to all this you can say of an ending expansion of focusing all
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russia as aggressive states which he's not by the way and. makes tensions in europe and in the worlds which really have substantially cools because as correctly points out if all the great powers would to come together through the security council united nations system it would. result problems. you know toward one of the things i took away from the article again and i suggest our viewers and i have a read through because it's absolutely fascinating is that be the issue of sovereignty and protecting one's own defined national interests ok in the end and what i find really interesting is that because during the cold war it was it was an ideological conflict with the cold war is over and so you want to bludgeon russia. like it was the soviet union the soviet union has no ruling idea i'm sorry russia today has no ruling ideology ok so the parallels don't work anymore and so what
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putin is saying is that like the soviet union russia of today will defend its national interest as it defines it it's about sovereignty short. yes and this is a very important point that the russians and putin and love are often made over and over again which is the united nations charter in shrines the principle of national serenity and that there is an equality between all nations no matter how small that they are sovereign and that there is no right on any on anyone's part to bully other smaller nations and to tell them what how they should run their own. and so you know yes he indeed he's pointing this out as this kind of western regime change operations that prevailed over the last few decades is the violations of the united nations charter that again it goes back to its point that. you know in 1045
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there were sensible leaders who created a you know you know for want of a better word new world order that respected national serenity wrote the united nations charter and created a balance of power system which was the united nations security council that took into account the interests of the great powers which and their head hence the failure of the league of nations which didn't answer yes that's what he's insisting yeah we need to go back to that and at that time and he wants this out so that the leaders of the western powers always acknowledged a that the sacrifices that the soviet union made well that they did the heavy lifting and that there was no symmetry between what the nazis did and what the u.s.'s out it was and you know now i said it's just to never accuse the u.s.s.r.
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or be in aggressor rosell never did. and it had nothing to do with the neology if you look at the foundations of of the united nations it didn't point and it didn't focus on ideology look that the. the in the existence of sovereign states and how they would be as actors on the international states alex let me go back to you and finish up on this point one of the things i think is also interesting about the article is the the rule of law in international institutions and we get this route this route nation is theory that revisionist history that's coming out is it is sidestepping it wants to avoid these or even dissolve these institutions and and that is a political agenda and it's a an agenda towards a gemini i would say what has it it does what what the agenda really is is that you say that certain western palace were the ones that seem to hand at fulton won the 2nd world war you gentle gus the soviet union smelt
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a full which is what mike baird it you say that the soviets and the. parson possible the same evil a law against the gas so you dandle adds you know completely deconstruct the international system as it was creates it after the 2nd. and you can't you can't power morally vice setting out through this yet twisted version of history you morally in palo a small number of states to dictate against the rest which is the old i mean the media out there is the end of segment by saying well birth to signaling it's come to the history of the 2nd world war right gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion and some real news.
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wasn't dressed for the start of it already but it was a lesson that's all a sit in class with a president who skipped prosthetists because if you are prepared. morg you're more your partner are going to be moving through are. they not that la la. la bush or secular or what else lucifer mistletoe is just that i'm like i don't i'm just fail. it is not my achievement mr davies our 5 year plans were conceived by lineage and carried out by the people themselves if gallo would produce or even florek it with the idea of making a film like this he probably be branded as crazy. now is the sentiment during the war that the soviets were brave heroes resisting the nazis that's going to change of course after the war once the cold war begins.
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little people think that hollywood is a free place but only with is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is ideology. how would i define hollywood is they call it the dream manufacture which i think's true but i think equally it's a propaganda factor. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. become a battleground in the u.s. government people of demanding the shutdown of a local plant for my yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no care power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor
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beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests who're. is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or how or lie with the people this case demonstrates that the struggle very real way. our struggle on a hearty. welcome out across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter about remind you we're discussing some real names. ok let me go back to george and budapest well john bolton has put himself in the news actually but you very much liked and i really like an article that came with
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the oh everybody in washington hates john bolton and this up that if i was a republican say he's disgruntled while democrats think he's just trying to sell books and trump calls him a sick puppy well he's still laughing all the banco there is a bit of a trial be out there and it's questionable right now he's going to be able to earn the garden of the profits from this book that why anyone would read is a mystery to me go ahead george. yes there is a county yet it could be that bolton will be tied up in the courts because the judge suggested. that bolton did in fact review classified information and didn't really go through all the proper vetting procedures of the white house so there are there are grounds for. ministrations lawsuit against bolton so that so that's a problem for him. the conventional wisdom is that oh this won't affect anyone.
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voting habits because those who hate trump will vote against from those like trump will vote for trump i think i do think that this does damage trump because trump hyun bold no one forced him to do it and when he hired him there were many people you know what the hell is he doing you think you're doing all 3 of us. if anyone opposes the agenda that trump ran on in 2016 is john bolton and of course as soon as bolton arrived in the white house he needless other pursuing his agenda regime change war against everyone. you know it israel 1st everything that reflects a known peace on the korean peninsula you know that's right exactly so this really does raise questions of very serious questions about trump's judgment and that goes extends to all of his appointments if ever ever when he's going to have it walks
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away from him full of hatred for him well of course they were because they all hated his agenda but he's the one who opposed them you never opposed it you never appointed anyone who would actually believe in his agenda and would try to implement his agenda so he does it is down to trump and his judgment yet you know and that's one of the things i find interesting that the bolton's behavior you know earth surrounding his book and. doing it to the public it's very much his style of breaking the rules flaunting the laws if when he did it as a foreign policy adviser during his long and checkered career he's doing in his own personal life the rules don't apply to me that's what it gets down to you and that's you and that's what you can disown him so him that way his foreign policy is and we do what we want to do and everyone else has the follow international law because we don't have he is truly an exceptional person out the is
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a man with and one of the people who doesn't like him is the judge of the case made it very clear that he disapproves strongly of mr bolton precisely that race but that does need a consistent perhaps an old sense to react he's an extraordinarily good tool bureaucratic in fights at ease sats many will in many places in international institutions at the head of the international atomic energy commission the head of the el organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons all sorts of many places of poland's fall of john bolton a few about a year ago it was rate on the north korean embassy and i think spain portugal and bolton was widely known that he didn't cut roles he just wasn't only to secure our viewers know that that was when trump was going to meet with king. just to sabotage
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that we don't have the evidence but it's a very interesting coincidence that i think we would all agree here you know you george what's really interesting is how bolton is playing his cards because now he's the darling of the resistance and it just shows how the the political political thinking is to short circuit short circuited itself because bolton is one of them is one of the most agreed. neo-cons out there and now you have the left in racing him only because he's taking a swipe at the big bad orange man in the white house i mean that it shows an enormous amount of lack of. intellectual and moral integrity i would say go get. well because there's a lack of integrity of it but it is ironic that leave liberal democrat media complex is actually now has embraced the bolt on the agenda.
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they have had though they hatred for putin and russia that bolton espouse us that's right actually the democrats media consensus hatred towards china that's also pretty much the i mean this biden is attacking trump for being too soft on china for cow traveling to china so again bolton is not outside the consensus there. a korea he trumpets been repeatedly attacked for what has been actually a sensible policy and attempt to a secret process known with north korea and the nuclear isolation of the current bill is your trump has been repeatedly attacked by them democrats on that so you know he put the bold agenda is actually the so-called liberal media agenda it is a really surprising that there's a younger is right you know that. you know there is there is trump you know couch i'm going to the dictator. you know it's interesting going back to the title and
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politico alex everyone in washington hates john bolton but everybody in washington except for one bolton's world view him as a really quite amazing if he's it is extraordinary and he just just sits i mean the breaking point of parent leap between something bold the final straw was the trial didn't start a war was in front the democrats are supposedly fault ruts rossmore with iran is they mean kids he'll get a great. frat and yes they are supporting john bolton. in this quarrel it's very very strange every vote ultimately in the just decision in. washington's always seems to be a choice between wall and peace used all over the piece which is of course well bolton wants you to do it because moulton doesn't believe in international
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agreements he doesn't believe in helms control even lease the word of the united states should be decisive in every set of stunts and he considers that the united states has the rights to enforce its news by full set that has an agenda for wool which everybody in washington ultimately accepts it's very strange and frankly very very dangerous you know george i don't like a sea of bolton is that is what we heard during the impeachment process is interracially policy consensus ok that is his ultimate legacy and it's really quite interesting if you look at bolton is anything he's long been associated with the g.o.p. he was bastards the united you've never confirmed by the senate again you know kind of breaking the rules going around but it what's interesting is that. he has left this behind this interagency policy consensus and it is just
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a failure from beginning to end and what it's done also is to destroy any kind of state crowd in terms of diplomacy there is no need for a secretary of state anymore for example who had. no there isn't there the bolton worldview if which is that there should be no diplomacy no negotiations the united states should just simply issue diktats ultimatum at 2 countries and it should countries fail to meet those ultimatum then the united states has to resort to force that is the bolton view and when you think of the attacks trump from from the so-called liberal media and the rest they are attacks on the things the trump actually is quite sensible about i mean there's plenty of things to criticize trump on that if they attack him book well the things that he does have a sense of look so there's no no real attacks on trump for walking away from the
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i.n.f. treaty. because the know it no attacks trump for assassination of the leader of iran the general sort of money earlier this year. but the very things when he says well i think we should. improve relations with russia that gets attacked well i think nato is simply a museum piece why why on earth we keep going with this thing that does nothing for us and does not mean the member states of nato that he gets ferociously attacked on and again. in the case of korea so it's the sensible things that trump does that gets attacked. and the worst of the the reckless dangerous foreigners things you know he just what he can walk through and he's got to go and you know answer is really i thought it was really pathetic when trump was speaking to the graduating debts of west point and he was talking about ending endless wars and i thought it
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was a bit of mix humiliating for him to say that because that's what he was he said he went to there in the last election cycle and it's because he is he's. had on in his administration people like john boehner. or elliott abrams i mean i'm a convicted felon. it's been oh it's a human resources problem and it's his own damn fault i would say because if you're saying the same message you know you were a candidate 4 years ago you're the president of the united states right now and you're talking about it we have to end these endless wars well it shows look it shows a lack of leadership or at least leadership style as in it would all troubles jews he wants to have it both ways he wants to be the president who has the rules at the same time be the tough strong president who you know ease his redmarley if he's straight some toughness you can't you've got to make
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a choice and the trouble with something he always seems to. be who gave him the agent stuff which is the one he wants checked over the policy that he's committing it soon or says he is committed the result is he's policy has not only not gone anywhere it's actually requests we've not had a new wolves but we've seen many of these rules intensive and we trust with syria when he tries to get a star on larry happens in fact they simply meet can't reach a point so he picks the wrong people because he hasn't worked out any say what kind of president he ultimately wants well unfortunately ran out of time gentlemen but as i say one thing it shows strength when you want to be a peacemaker that is when the greatest role that any leader can play is
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a peacemaker and i unfortunately he's missed an opportunity at least in this term that's all the time we have i want to thank my guests and budapest and in london i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time remember. was new to national the star you know when we've been able to molest that solicit it to prevent. her from the regular morgue you're more your partner are going to be moving from rock. oh. wash ashore shack you all but us lucifer mistletoe is just that i'm like i don't i'm just nobody it is not my achievement mr davies are 5 beautiful lands were
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conceived by lineage and carried out by the people themselves if they would produce or even floor it with the idea of making a film like this they'd probably be branded as crazy. that was the sentiment during the war the soviets were brave heroes resisting nazis that's going to change of course after the war but once the cold war begins. little people think that hollywood is a free place but only what is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is idealist. how would i define hollywood is a call to dream manufacture which i think's true but i think equally it's a propaganda fact. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that.
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he says. so he can each. other than the human one. but on the. missile that this isn't just one you can sort of. move from i mean she must go if you will still be stuck or your muscles in the course of your knee which resist that approach is just. that. we think you minds be soldier the piece off the boot she's wearing. the sole looks like to move to a possible opinion with. the sure stuck in that some russian police force.
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the u.n. adopts an m t racism resolution which islam by both the u.s. secretary of state for hypocrisy and by activist groups for failing to mention the u.s. at all. most schools after president crawl announces a mandatory 2 week were to placid a move that shocked teachers and parents. this is locked down but asked for people to wear masks and maintain social distance we head to the city center to see just how the rules are being followed. in the past take place to test just how much social distancing is going on up city a packed with people eating and drinking.
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