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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  June 24, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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s n l a law and although he was there with the original permutation right smack dab in the middle of it create an roseanne roseannadanna and many more allen's why bell right after this dennis miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one i'm very excited today usually want to guys nice i sometimes find their comedy incipit usually on a guy's brutal i sometimes find their comedy insightful to find a nice guy who's comedy. go on than those right on the button kill or insightful is truly to find the motherlode my guest today is you missed allen's what about alan is best known for his work on s n l but also you know billy's show 700 sundays you work 10 them on that.
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i think he's consulting producer with larry over kerger enthusiasm his new book i am in the midst of reading it and i'm in a treasure trove of reading apropos of nothing by woody allen and the now book the actor both laugh lines my life helping funny your people be having funny people be funny are now out in stores and online alan how are you my friend you don't it's how you do embody. beautiful the book is killing me and the cover were very clever to put that like almost a post it memo about essence and you get the pet i just thought that is such a clever design was a you know we would not read it all about a year earlier he sent me a couple of cover designs that made me laugh but then i thought ok there are that there in the course of the next year we'll discuss it no one brought it up in the next thing i knew that was the cover and i went ok but yeah yeah it sort of makes
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sense and if you if you'd dine for a picture of me on the back you have my face by whole face yeah you have that harried comedian photo 101 on the back. that looks like that looks like a deadline shot like ok we need this by that time you know i'm i'm very in the beginning of the book. maybe like 50 pages dead and that deals a lot with the borscht belt guys who are huge fans of and you have to tell the story of the seeing henny outside of friars club that he doesn't know you're there which is one of the funniest things a remarkable after left us and now i didn't have a an office at 30 anymore so i joined the friars club because up stairs they had a room with a with a big screen t.v. and a newspaper rack it was like a lounge so i use that as an office and one day i'm walking towards the friars club and that's on a 55th street manhattan between madison and park and i turned the corner on to 55th
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street and for whatever reason and know what's on the street this particular time of day maybe it was at a very it was empty that's that's the important part of the story 3 members so i'm walking on 55th street out of a door about 100 feet in front of me henny emerges came to the one line as he walks across the street toward. the friars club now he doesn't know that i'm there he thinks he's alone that's the key to the story dennis he causes the street i'm in his blind spot back there up pigeon flooders down lands at his feet he looks at it and goes any mail for me now i repeat if. he thought he was alone and he was talking to a bird and what i love the better looking drags what just hardwired to be funny to be funny how the i mean well also at the friars club that if you within
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the 1st few 50 pages or so when they 1st took me to the from readers club and that's were you know we were some mecca of show business it was toward the tail end of the mecca it was on the other side of the mountain just saw him down a little and then when this all comic the name gene bellow still remember him he was there all sad sat he had the droopy eyes and the jalouse and he walked over hunched over and i was taken there by a comedian named freddy roman who showed a hereafter and introduced me to people and when we approached gene bayliss who i never heard of a never saw before. he said gene i want you to meet alan's why bell and still to this day fascinates me gene looks at me says i hear you a very funny you know he's also funny my dentist at which point he opened his mouth and out skilled. 2 dozen chiclets as if they were his teeth
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dentist to this very day i don't know of jean bellows to walk the round with a mouth full of shit chiclets hoping that he would meet somebody that he can do it or joke with or reso me coming because all. of them it was bad i still don't know the answer to that but those guys were funny gotta think that freddy i got to think that freddie was doing sort of a bob's a buddha shill thing i've got a quick search i will almost get the wow iraq they have now let me absolutely right you know maybe there was like a 3rd base coach kind of you know of a young jews coming in do it get which with the chiclets i don't know. of those guys you stick will be there were 0 funny and it's it straight you could wake them up from a deep auto into skull mop and they would default to a punch light in
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a 2nd that was all they will in the us all in the floor i remember. robin and i my wife and i got home from a honeymoon it was about 2 in the morning we head to the world we didn't even own pack we just left the suitcases on the floor we just plopped into bed and a quarter after 2 the phone rings and it's rodney dangerfield. quarter after 2 in the morning now and it's rodney i went oh yeah hey man what's doing alan we were growing up we were real poor. ok. now before the radio he said we were so poor that come christmas we couldn't put to the tree we used to wait for my grandfather to sneeze. and. i'm laughing because i thought it was funny and be the situation was even funnier and he says what do you think funny i when you know it's really funny but
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yeah that's what i thought and he hung up and he didn't he you know if. you know 30 near to the money is going to. look great larry gelbart will be once that he was doing the vietnam thing whiskey nose and he said to bob hope at this amazing ability to nap at the drop of an eyelid i mean he could just go out for 15 or 20 minute increments so gilbert says is a young guy and they're taking off from a fire zone or something there's literally ak ak out the window they're trying to sit on their helmets so they don't get their gen. clubs napping and they finally get out of airspace and he wakes up and larry says bob hope all are in god's name could you sleep through that he's like slipped through what i need 3 jokes on miskito netting. all right so the note would read and you know it is as those guys died out or are
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still around but on their way out i don't know who replaces them when it comes to that mindset you know what i mean i know who the newly funny unions are i know this and that but that ilk. where they would just be funny for the sake of being funny and it was just such a kneejerk reaction i can't point to anybody of our generation or even younger who's gone oh yeah he's just like any young woman that way i don't know how and if it's it's interesting in that you really straddled the mason dixon line because i'll tell you when that stopped is needy became insouciant became an intoxicant needy became sweat act and it happened in one weekend when saturday night live starts that i think that's all lauren sensibility i'm ever him tell me listen not every jokes going to work i don't mind you going up with smoke but you're not going to be up there you know tap dancing to get
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a laugh out of it you're not going to fake laughter to get a laugh out of it you straddle those 2 worlds well you know something i was really lucky and you're very right when it came to that because the s n l mentality when it came about it was the sons and daughters of alan king and of that generation it was our turn to talk and i think that was really driven home with i really reach back when milton berle hosted the show because on paper ok there was a poetry to it the guy used to be at n.b.c. he had the big show traffics pulled over to watch him when he was mr television here we were like the torch being passed but when milton was on the show that old school of comedy that we're talking about which he try to infuse our scripts with just didn't work in particular i remember standing in the studio when they would camera blocking his opening monologue so it was
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a thursday he sets with being built for the book complicated pieces and he was rehearse in his monologue just standing on a home base and he then stopped himself at one point and he said to dave wilson who was off you know he was in the in the control room he shouted out he says that now dave when i get when i say the word shirts. i would love to have a sound effect of a crowbar falling from a rafter above landing on the studio floor and sort of reverberating ok until it comes to a stop and dave wilson said why. and not even its. direct quote he says because when that happens i am going to live oh sounds like n.b.c. dropped another one now the fee for if i get up and read the book was but the
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phrase i am going to add live you had pollution you had guilty you had it you know ackroyd loraine the greatest improv people in the world there and he's planting an ad lib so yeah i think you're absolutely right. but i love i love that it's a bloodless coup to some extent because i think everybody has its season milton berle said it is time i mean are you kidding these guys were colossus i'd never view the hand-off as like you know i am so one of those guys who could go see wayne newton all show business and take the action and dig the effort i never looked at it some people went laughed at it acted like it was a freak show i like guys like uncle milty and shecky and sid caesar now i just think mouth in their time as big as s n l certainly but then s n l it was their time and you know i don't think guys like danny in that we're looking at them and they all crazy man i just think danny and guys like that we
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think our top now it's our time we're you know something you're absolutely right and i've always had an appreciation for what came before us almost like ok what's the lineage here how did we get to this who reacted to what what were the times like and i talk about in the book a night. that we had at rob reiner's house years later rob has a screening room at his house and he would show old movies and because he's rod he would have somebody from the movie there and so when the movie was over we would have one was like a master class would sit around and just ask questions and this one particular night. he didn't have a movie what he had was 10 from your show shows and clips from caesar's hour now the people who want to get a bonna or call rhianna not a hard call for him to make ok rob stead and his mom mel brooks and him frank ruff
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mel worked on those shows larry gelbart his wife and sid himself and his wife they were in the back row of this screening room now at the kids' table where me and my wife robin a tom hanks and rita larry do. david and his then wife laurie 1000000000 janice crystal and i think love it showed up by himself ok. at mistake and i made sure that when we will watch in these clips those older guys were in the back row that i was in the row right in front of them because i wanted to eavesdrop on what they were commenting about because when you consider the bodies of work that was seated behind me the movies the broadway shows the books the comedy albums and i would hear things like now you understand this was mid to late ninety's so this is funny when the 5 years later and look at all they had done since and we'd see the
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bavarian clocks sketch all we'd hear will go one of those sketches and i'd hear carl say oh you would he wrote that and then go by it's have you have a doc simon came in and gave them. the joke about the pencil in and i'm gone wow and it's funny because if i don't know what's. it's mind boggling it's like you're on the top dug out step with the 27 yankees over your shoulders absolutely i got to take a break galloway come back wolf take over to saturday night live the book by the way is alan zweibel laugh lines my life helping funny people be funnier it's out now in stores and online says kat is a pliny the elder of american comedy her sixty's you can pick the brain will do that right after the break on dennis miller plus one.
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it's fair to say many of the protesters on the streets of america want social justice nominally speaking that's a positive message the problem is how that message is translated into concrete political demands and when it happens if you don't agree with those political to. westmead national will discover you know when you've been able to molest that solicit it to prevent you. from the regular morgue you're more your partner do we provide. a. lot oh. ya bush or psych you all but us lucifer mistletoe is just that i'm like i don't i'm just nobody it is not my achievement mr davies are 5 feet of plans were conceived by the need and carried out by the people themselves if al would produce or even
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florek it with the idea of making a film like this he probably be branded as crazy. now is the sentiment during the war that the soviets were brave heroes resisting the nazis that's going to change of course after the war but once the cold war begins. little people think that hollywood is a free place but only what is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is idealist. how would i define hollywood is they call it a dream manufacturer which i think's true but i think equally it's a problem in the fact. i know no crowd. no shots. actually
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there's. no. point shut your thirst for action. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says
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no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again. a folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one we're joined by alan white belle and the book is laugh lines my life helping funny people be funny or i'm around 50 pages in and i need deep in the hoopla it is a groove and i love it and i got lucky enough down the road to be on s n l and i always look back as i look back and said i look back at chevy billy gilda i get goosebumps when i was ever in the same studio what's it like it to be getting out you go in the 1st stage you sense that they're all players or what's the
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vibration. well i was a joke writer for these gag writer for these catskill guys that's what it's how i broke again so what you know freddy roman would call the house i moved into back in with my parents f. the college and he would ask for a joke and i would write him a joke about a house citic orgy where the men are on one side of the room and the women are on the other and those were the kind of you know that i was writing back then so now. i go to s n l for the very very 1st day for the very very 1st meeting and even if you ask lorne he will tell you that i turned his head with one joke i had given him a volume of 1100 jokes and the 1st joke at my meeting he opened it up and was a joke that was on the very 1st weekend update the show you how long ago it was from the reference points in it i written a joke saying that the post office is about to issue
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a stamp commemorating prostitution in the united states it's a 10 cent stamp you want to lick it it's a quarter ok so that was very but that was like ok but i'm a joke writer and i go into lawrence off it's on the 17th floor to talk about this brand new show and i look around and i see gilda and i see a chevy i see pollution and danny and lorraine and frank and i'm gone i have never seen this kind of comedy before i was not exposed at that point to 2nd city or the groundlings or anything where people improv and just created scenes and characters right in front of you i was a joke writer and i was overwhelmed and up my god is no way i'm going to be able to cut it with these people look what they're doing so then i guess the only the only precursor that might have been nichols and may to a large degree but they were it was a very uptown almost no politics effect feel except which john came in it was
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a work. class hero that also extends a rainy asli i love the exercise you did in your book that musta served you well it s n l where you said you would take monday through friday pick a topic and then write in either dick complete would you tell the system i learned back to an activity that other voices which much must help you in that status and well you know something you had exactly right because i knew i wanted to write scripts some day and i didn't want everybody to sound alike. so i would pick i would take any given week and i go k. what's the subject for the week of buying a car so monday i would write a monologue as if jack benny was bonnet carre and tuesday as if tony fields was behind the current wednesday is if rodney and then carl and all richer by the end of the week i had 5 monologues about the same subject but of spoken through different voices and it really helped that as an open they were characters and it
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helped a lot when i co-created it's gary shandling show because i have gary locked in my head and i was able to write for that voice i love your in your cooperative with gilda and then i you know i only met gilda once i never worked with there i always was fascinated from afar how somebody so lives almost fragile like a fine like creature can make me laugh so well what how did you guys grow i believe roseanne roseannadanna stuff like that how did you grow together the 2 of us to we found each other the very 1st day there's something about each other we were both scared kids i she was new to new york and the big buildings sort of spoke there a little bit i'm from new york and roseanne roseannadanna was a character that we created together she got who got a a letter every week from a guy named richard fader from fort lee new jersey who is my brother in law.
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the last time i ever heard somebody say service or with material is bob guccione with a crew duran duran his neck and a pet of the year shipped. and you know i don't think that newsnight expression i said services where it. was said i'm talking there richard gere an american. service hollywood's material what's happened to me. as as great as the as great as the work was between you and guild or whatever i think of you writing. it it's like the blue angels riding up right each other's wings i think you and billy god and i thought billy's intro to your book allen was so touching what i think you too is young cub's in the car and still in the car with the stiffen he had ishmael along i'll always have been with billy crystal while i met him i think it was 1974 i was got
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tired of writing for those guys up and i'm catskill mountains i took the jokes they wouldn't buy from me in the plan was to go on stage to either catch a rising star or the improvisation to showcase clubs here in new york at the time and advertise the material and the week that i started there was a guy named larry david who had already been there a couple of months and another guy named billy crystal who had just broken off the he was part of a trio and was starting to do a solo act i live with my parents in wood me a long island 4 towns over a 1000000000 live there with his wife and his all this child in long beach long island he used to pick me up every night in his little blue volkswagen we would go into the city tell our jokes and on the way back we would listen that the cassettes and we would give each other notes and we never worked together i got s n l he went out to l.a. . and he. became billy crystal and then years later
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we shared a suite of offices which was the most poetically weird thing in the world. may larry david and billy at castle rock which was rob reiner's company robin host deferred saturday night live ever so the fact that the 4 of us what together was mind boggling but billy and i still hadn't worked with each other he stuck his head my office one day he said i want to talk to you he had an idea for a broadway show called 700 sundays that he wanted me to collaborate with 'd him on and for those out there who don't know what that means 700 sundays growing up billy's father had 23 jobs work 6 days a week sunday was the day off that was the day that billy spent with his dad when the ballgames that beach you know bowling and billy's dad died suddenly when billy was 15 so he calculated that he had roughly 700 sundays with his father so it was
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a one man broadway show about his father his mother and extended family and it really made me and billy that much closer i felt so honored. but i the fact that he trusted me with his family me from the right put it into their mouths i had met them but i'm also a jew from long island so it's not exactly i was writing this was these were not folks from neptune i knew who they were and we wanted tony award and it was really really rewarding thank you alan my guest today has been truly one of the good guys you got a new book at laugh lines my life helping funny pete will be funny or it is the whole it is the whole spectrum of the last century american comedy in this time from a little boy watching it and taking it to the guy writing for borscht belt a guy making the stride over to saturday night live and doing up with gilda and you
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know up with billy crystal larry david he's got a new movie coming out with billy and tiffany had a show so nobody has been more in the game for a longer time in comedy and hitting it hard than the great alan zweibel the book once again laugh lines my life helping funny people be funnier and this has been done a similar plus one. when i was so this seems wrong. just don't call. me. yet to seem proud disdain consequences. and indeed it was betrayed. when something and find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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you cannot be both with the yeah you like. so you need for good in each. other than the human. but on the better side going to the book on useless all that business and just. instead of. learning to munchkin do i feel still east of korean missiles from the course for me mrs jenner but of ocean. shield above should.
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compassion. we think he minds be soviet soldier because off the boots he's wearing. huge which so so looks like the move to oppose will appear more than with blood on the shore stuck in the summer watching the police force sort us all the. bad guys are biased survival guide book station just eyeball to start simply add to that all the surface. be sure it's still there you don't get it back track to. oh heck no but this is a replace nation's king forget the rest of 70 years. bill of the 70 year that's kaiser board.
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live from the world headquarters of the r.t. america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez oh get everybody i'm rick sanchez and we want to welcome all of you who are watching from around the world whether you're doing so on the t.v. through your cable or network provider or on your phone using the portable t.v. app which is just a click away but to get our newscast today with what is nothing short of an astonishing change of course in u.s. foreign policy look if we take the u.s. envoy to syria at his word right now that long held demand that quote assad must go is no longer in effect think of.


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