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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  June 25, 2020 9:30am-10:31am EDT

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and scotland the killing of jobs floyd gave you and put this to the blight life's not a movement and reignited the argument let's start shoes and monuments from the past particularly those with an association with racism in america the heels of the confederacy of helping like 9 pins on officially on the facially in the united kingdom to start 2 of bristol mountain slaver cosen ended up in the harbor. in belgium the stock shoes of colonialists king leopold the 2nd which adored an entire country have come under attack in a strange start to of british explorer captain cook has been defaced and in scotland the bait has concentrated on the stock of like melville heavily done dusts which bestride the new tight enough edinburgh edinburgh a council have authorized the new inscription for the statue which details done das's role in delaying the abolition of slavery so this debate
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a healthy confrontation with the past but an attempt to eradicate history altogether today we're talking to professor tom device and scotland's leading historian to ask how the nation should confront the c.b.l. sides of his own history and how the mainstream media been covering this controversial issue we asked professor jordan robertson costs us get to go lie over much of the plotting all of this coming up later in the show but 1st the glass going to smita with your tweet your e-mails and your messages. thank you alex last week sure focused on the impact of corbett 19 on black asian and minority ethnic communities where we spoke with dr managed to lottie who lost his father to coronavirus pierre byron this month and 100 year old fundraiser charging louisa says i live in africa and the numbers getting covered $1000.00 are exceptionally low we have less than $200.00 deaths in kenya under less says how is
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it any government's fault that some people are more susceptible to corporate 19 than others john says it's more than obvious that the u.k. government have given up on trying to save lives and fighting the vitus lynas says n.h.s. is a government institution don't be so anti because in the end not one government knew how to deal with this terrible via this morning says they never try to see if lives the only one saving lives are there any chase buddy says 1st their berated for locking down then for locking down too late now they're taking too long to ease a lockdown but people don't want to go back to work or send their kids to school when will you be satisfied and then the school is to the wonderful dabble toward these incredible fundraising efforts for victims of corporate at home and abroad clem says what a guy warrior says well done to that gentleman may go chris says what a kind heart scott hutton says every step could have been the last and finally
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steven johnson speaks for us all when he says well done on raising that cash sir. few countries in the world have more of a built had a tinge of morals and statues than scotland and from the castles of the doubts of the rural parts of the country to the civic grand jury of the great cities more and usually scotland also has a number of what we might term people's monuments built by public subscription thus the wallace monument and bridges found from the 19th century of the martyrs memorial and cult and cemetery in edinburgh more recently the the statue erected to the hero of the govern rent strikes many barber so these people's monuments contrast with the more established monuments of which we are more familiar have it be fair to say there are probably more memorials to establishment figures the joke of wellington has famously parked in royal exchange square usually were for traffic connolly's head meanwhile statues of queen victoria and all over the place while
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the new tile in the fair didn't but as a hama valium name fest of street names was controversial as the imposing statue to henry dunn dusts vi cope melville who runs scotland for pet the younger it is this statue which has caused most recent controversy because of his role in delaying the abolition of slavery to examine all of these issues i come to scotland's leading historian professor supplier divine who joins me from hamilton welcome to the alec salmon show professor of the vein ok for invading me this statue war is raging in america across the world scotland has more than its fair share of statues monuments policies towers street names how's it playing out in scotland well certainly there's been the same kind of if you call it variable contravention also in the end the media. but so far we haven't told any stock shoes the only
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one screaming for particular criticism is the statue of handley dunbar us in edinburgh but maybe because the actual plan which supports the start she was quite high understudy to itself who was offended by that and to the sky that has not actually been an attempt to take it known so far what has happened there has been erm an attempt to revise the plaque at the bottom of the statute to demonstrate his rule and believing them the bill to abolish slavery as an aside the inscription the new inscription which has been developed by edinburgh council which splits pronounces then das's role in the delay of the abolition of slavery it doesn't give much mention to his suppression of radical sentiment in scotland and where his role was pretty unambiguous is absolutely correct in my view in fact if the as he
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enters behavior by done to us is actually in the suppression of radicalism not on the extension of the bill to ensure to abolish slavery because if you look at the least 17 nineties the chances of slavery being abolished and not the keyed was 0 because britain was at war with france and it was little we was going to destabilize the west indies which was of course the jewel in the imperial crown and not period. so then das was a a pragmatist star on slavery but he was happily know a pragmatist when it came to banishing people to botany bay and there and parts of our own the world for for having such sentiments as getting the right to vote and things like that done to us as the representative of you lately was known as the
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king of scotland because who is william pitts manager in scotland among a number of other. activities but that the threat posed by the radicals to the political establishment in the 171000 scotland was regarded as really very considerable unsolicited it reacted very vigorously to a lot in order to stuff it is quickly as possible by draconian means such as it is you've said yourself exile to the other end of the world and how should scotland address these conflicts in the end its history the radical sentiment for many years of scottish society which we reprice now and point to or there's not many statues to it there's one or 2 but not many are we able to confront our role as part of the empire as the butlers of the empire in one famous phrase it's not
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a problem that scotland has and in looking at both sides of the story will certainly until fairly recently i would see a rap the last 20 years scotland has really not fees star has some of the darker if you like the darker shades of its past. and one majorly there and of course as empire. scotland was affected and every nook and cranny of its existence material it. politically culturally socially. and occupational terms under arrest by empire was at least as affected by it as england the thing about it is for that that aspect of scotland's past never had a high profile until the sudden of the millennium i mean
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my own book of 2001 scotland's empire as i called it because of the extent to which scotland was an old and the imperial project. was the fastest not one of the 1st to deal directly with the problem since then there's been a lot more work done and people are know much more aware of the imperial rule scotland had. so as a sort of conflict in a way that the the statues and the memorials predominantly because largely they were built by the a stablish mint attempt to commemorate people who were part of that imperial role heard at the cannon street and glasgow our heavenly didn't dast in their monument to. it we have the the the actual history hasn't really confronted the teaching and education hasn't confronted the is something of an anomaly with a built infrastructure lauds those who were part of that project but their history
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has tended to neglect them yes but again this is lately this is changing slowly and certainly migration to the empire and even slavery and it's got scholarly sure that there's been no taught in scottish schools we're not certain as to the extent that i would like to see but it certainly beginning there and there are no books aplenty for any intelligent person to read about it i mean what i've been seeing area in jones of the interviews i've given over this legally controversial it is that we know seem to be starting to move to a situation in scotland where we are willing to look at the past warts and all it's not really developed fully but it's on its we at the moment is you can see from some of the correspondence in the newspapers recently and all sore and social media but also in scotland
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a number of course could be called people's monuments which were done by subscription usually like the wallace monument them but to fall in the buns monument across the country of the the radicals memoriam calton cemetery and that as unusual to have these people's monuments that scotland has i think you put your finger on a significant point to my knowledge this. divel. meant really from ability 17th or 18th century onwards and especially to do with people a robert the bruce and william wallace but then the scottish markers that after and some radical politicians and of the 19th century there does seem to have i would say you need to scotland but i think there's a distinct of us there to that is for example a democratic movement developed in $1000.00 centuries scotland leading up of course
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to fool suffrage under months of creation in the every part of the 20th century there seems to have been a desire for a few lay on the part of ordinary fork to have their own heroes on pedestals and the sack process continue to be sought just in the last few years there a monument to many barber the hero of the the governor rents rights of 1015 was erected the glasgow as a mother aspect of people trying to rediscover part of the history of what she again has been largely in the glen to then there and often docks to to. well there's the 5 term lead starts as we talked about earlier if you let the statues of the empire reflected the views of the elite of the train these new after fights which are being cute are reflect the nature of shelves today it's a democratic society and one of the interesting things that's happened in the last
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10 to 20 years has been the recognition that when an. impact on our society has been grossly under represented. in earth astri's until that as a city recently so that's what that's why this new tendency to accept the role of women to preserve your way to remember people like bob barr is a very interesting part of each and not as reflects the fact that you know we are living hopefully rapidly towards more gender equality and society joins us after the break where we continue our discussion on the statue was of supposed divide.
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i think the biggest danger that's come out educationally to destroy us is it has highlighted the dish huge inequality that exists and i think one of the things that educationally and they let you teach the changes access to the internet for educational purposes and there needs to be added to this that essentially 200 kids . no crowd. no shots. actually don't. know. which thirst for action.
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welcome back i'm discussing the controversy over statues and monuments races connections well scott was leading historian professor so tom dividing so out of these controversies of black lives matter of the importance of balancing the the role of women and history i'd also other aspects like the they one of your own fields of expertise the clearances of scotland the direction some 10 years ago offer a monument to those who have clearly been helm's dale as opposed to a point to the digital sutherland's statute or the books a hot spot of the highlands are all these things are an attempt to rebalance history to get a broader aspect i not only a good thing in a more integrated in an age of literally quality and democratization is inevitable but that the late so watery people under special in your piece you mentioned of the
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clearances we have some some of the extraordinary. sinister gnostic such a way we wish people whose lives were obviously affected and should be memorialized and aren't being memorialized in terms of the sample you gave. so if i was to save a point scott was leading historian professor of the vatican and to adjudicate pardon there were statute should be toppled should be replaced which should be explained esler a route by which we have come to a settlement of these matters or as a point of take it case by case well i mean i give you my own opinion really based on my trade which is the profession of historian. i am against the removal of these structures and because they represent the we only some of our ancestors
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usually elite ancestors thought i would see that start choose street names and not least buildings because in glasgow in particular but not of parts of up and scotland there are a lot more r m buildings which were directed by people who need a lot of a lot of money earner shuttle slip in macau to be an earned and the 13 american colonies before 7776 what i would like to see of course is clear indication and by either multimedia or by blacks but blacks well designed to catch people's attention to explain why do you count in street is called beyond become a street and why that has been a futile it will that. end up with that would be an excellent we haven't tinning
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the if you will call them the artifacts of the past but i think an additional element of explanation so i don't like to see the past sense of that only we and ticking don't start shit is. in my view is is is is is is a not all list of the story call vandalism. if i can give you a small memory from my own student days. sir tom. raised the question of the $820.00 radical rising in a lecture by norman gas the polite historian and was fairly some hourly this mess those are of m.p. the young student looking forward to that they were perhaps scottish to small bill to to raise these battles that. started off a nazi or indeed has that they are right now i'm in a up and somewhere some of the best ideas apart indeed some of my own research
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projects up commo from and some time passionate discussion with undergraduates and also with graduate students and interest to it was in seminars and i mean one of the reasons i looked at the stability of scotland jewel in the agricultural revolution in the lawrence was because it came of it or a student discussion and that was a that was a number of a number of years ago any any effect of university teacher has got to teach is good to try and move the students in an independent framework of mind because the essence of my plate discipline history is to try and be a people to think for themselves and a disciplined and systematic way to it to be able to move away from a session into argument supported by the relevant relevant evidence and it may well be that your former professor alec center and then have that kind of mentality and
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not particular period and the more controversial in a church will you the more passionate interchange of use the one attacks and the teacher then that's the same to me that you are doing really effectively with your students. and finally scotland's most eminent historian as a message for the country about the importance of understanding history what's an all good and bad and ancient nation like scotland have the ability to face up to all aspects of its rich and varied history but the little point is to look at all aspects of the past and the kind of balance history is the social memory of society if you can if you do not have any understanding of the tent of interval standing of the past you do not know who we came to be the way we are and
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not only not the sense of being or we're we are where we came from although wise we don't really have any unca by which to if you if you will if you move gators in the future professor tom divine thank you very much indeed thank you very much joy that very much an interesting aspect of this current controversy over statues and monuments is how the mainstream media have covered these are attacks on the past had a tinge of official i'm done official. i covered this with professor john robertson who joins me from here professor robertson welcome to the examen show thank you but argument how if the media in general been covering this war of the statue's for for internationally here in scotland than in the the rest of the u.k. those campaigning those tearing down statues are concerned with real social change
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that is tearing down of the statues this is is it something very secular music deal with is something they find appealing they can become obsolete a great deal of it and then in some respects it takes away from the actual campaign for real social change and i think that's the 1st thing to say but i think that for a long time been a problem with state and corporate media where you say for a long time professor robertson as not always been the case through history have been the poor go back to the american civil war then the last go handled as it was then was solidly for the confederacy that would seem to have something to do with the tobacco and the glasgow and even the manchester guardian that that tolling of vehicle for liberalism was supporting the confederacy which may have been something to do the fact it was founded by the the cotton interests as you say going mike a very long way and quite upon i think in 2003 and it's such
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a recent coverage of the toppling of saddam's statue in baghdad gave people the impression that war was over and that that a clean end had been had been achieved there and to some extent can't conceal the horrors that were to follow from that mistaken military adventure professor robinson how would you assess the metropolitan media's coverage of the demonstrations of taken place in london and elsewhere how awesome in any recognition the might be something to do with britain's imperial past as a change for the better than terms of the. coverage of is it basically just as bad as ever i think i don't think anyone's prepared no to stand up for the excesses of the the british empire now they're sent to retrench to some extent i think the scottish media the scottish media are not really paying an awful lot of attention to some of these global issues because they're so obsessed with the the constitutional issue that this battle for control of that of the minds and souls of
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the of the scottish people no which is becoming quite intense as you low opinion polls know showing support for independents solidifying in the fifty's. and since says a time of year when you pull up the cañon poll suggesting a bit of a kind of sea change. the mainstream media clearly in a state of panic mode and reporting in almost kind of sporadic ways to try and find a way of somehow weakening the source towards independence so person robertson finally will just say that change that you detected u.k. media coverage is because of the the appalling scenes in terms of them of that of jobs floyd or is that rather a favor the sightings that black lives matter is treated more sympathetically know that it was a few years ago when when the movement for started maybe i'm being pessimistic i'm not too sure that linkage is there that we have a shift in media coverage
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a welcome shift towards more emancipate with perspective on things but whether or not and unless of course there is a change of government i think the flitter change of government just about any change from the johnson regime might actually allow some real change that it's less professor john robinson hermia thank you very much indeed pleasure absolutely joy that. one of the statues has taken place in a heightened atmosphere in mid pandemic in the aftermath of the killing of george floyd that's after many years of an on some peaceful persuasion the statue of edward colson ended up in bristol harbor other targets for the contestants rough a much more ambiguous if you would deny shop chills and want to be in racist views he treated the miners very badly he gassed the cops but that is counterbalanced by
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his supreme role in the 2nd world war as a leader in the struggle against fascism henry than das's position as the only inputs parliamentary fix means it could be argued he delayed the abolition of slavery but equally his supporters would say that has amendment made that possible over his role in the suppression of radical dissent in scotland has no case for the defense that is nothing sacrosanct a burden nation's built had to teach every generation has the right if it so to seize to change it to alter that but it should be done from the basis of knowledge at least this lively debate is ensuring that countries all over the world that confronting some of the difficult realities from the past and know will assist a bit more lively or more difficult than scotland with its twin role as the center of radical thought and also as an unforced of the imperial project and therefore nowhere as education a more vital role perhaps the last word in this controversy and perhaps even
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a solution can be found in the highlands of scotland after of generations of various conspiracies a boat perhaps blowing up the juke of subtle and start to all the lauding it over to go speak. some of the sentence of those that not clear from the law and combined to build a wonderful monument and the title of helm stay on a monument to those who were clearly as opposed to the jews who did the clear that that gives a different aspect perhaps a lot of the light aspect of history and also perhaps as a solution capable of general location and so for myself and all of the szell it's good bye for now stay safe and we'll see you again next week.
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we go to work. straight home. every single corporation in america pretty much just doesn't do what it says it does of food companies don't make food the card companies don't make cars the computers don't make computers they don't do what they say they're doing all
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they're doing is they're gaming the system by getting a free pass from the spread if you're part of the privileged class and then no whipping that up to be huge payday for the executives. nuclear power plants will become a battleground in the us in vermont people are demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no clare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests who or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is your power lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways now a struggle for nazi. welcoming
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our viewers from around the world live from central london this is r.t. u.k. . the u.k. government promises an al fresco revolution with laws in england relaxed to allow more outdoor drinking dining and shopping but some on the prime minister's scientific advisory group say the approach risks a 2nd wave of coronavirus and only talking to one of them. more than 20 police officers have been injured after being called to break up an overnight street party in south london. a research shows that boris johnson's conservative party was more popular among low income voters than the labor party at the last election but will support last i'll be talking to polling expert professor john curtis.
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the u.k. government is introducing legislation aimed at kickstarting england's hospitality sector the new laws will relax existing trade regulations to help pubs restaurants and hotels capitalize on the july the 4th reopening under the plan car parks could be converted into temporary beer gardens and dining areas allowed to stablish wants to boost their capacity a temporary change to licensing laws will also allow more companies to serve alcohol outdoors and businesses will also be able to apply for exemptions to have gatherings of more than 30 people and opic ations could also be made to councils to extend closing times or close roads to host one off events. but while the government hopes the plan will see a surge in alfresco dining experts advising the government fear it may be too soon
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the scientific advisory group for emergency has reportedly advised the government to take a sector by sector approach rather than reopening most businesses at the same time the concern is that full scale opening risks a 2nd wave of the virus we're joining me now is one of those advisors from sage that's professor susan me here professor he thank you very much for joining us i mean you sit on stage today can you tell us how the discussions go just scientists frequently disagree or is there consensus that the government's moving too fast. and i'm on the behavior advisory group to say and speaking here in my independent capacity but sage has consistently i think warned against moving from 2 to one metre because the risk of transmission would be increased anywhere upwards from 10 fold and this is a situation where we don't have a functioning test trace and isolate system we have an estimated over 3000 new cases a day and deaths are coming down quickly as so it is still in
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a very very risky situation where the government always said it will follow the science that's what it says and yet on the reopening aspect it hasn't has it. i think what's happened is both with changing from a lower level 4 to 3 and with changing the 2 versus one meter guidance say appears to have been circumvented so the change the alert level rather than being advised by sages previously was done by the joint bio security center and the c.m.o. and downing street set up its own review of her scientists and economists who buys all the 2 vs one meter but we don't know who the people were on this review how they were selected and the evidence and the reasoning hasn't been published and with that transparency so that we can see the evidence in the reasoning it's very difficult to come to any conclusions about the wisdom or not of the measures that
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are taken it is the government they're not listening to economists more than health experts. and it's impossible to know as i said when there's no transparency one really doesn't know who they're listening to but i do think that the government owes it to the british people to share the information that they have used in coming to their decisions because these decisions have huge consequences for the physical and emotional wellbeing of the population and indeed people's lives and i think going forward that does need to be much more of a partnership a consultation approach rather than a sort of top guy this is what we're saying and get on with it and finally a lot of those i mean how much influence do non-scientists chief advisor for instance have on the committee. again i don't know i can't answer that and i don't know who really can and i think what we need to do is call for the principle of transparent open and honest government including these decisions
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and what the basis of these decisions are because people have made enormous sacrifices to get to where we are lad and to be throwing those sacrifices away on the basis of decisions that we're not even able to evaluate because we don't have the information to do it i really do not think it's a responsible way of governing professor me he did say are you confident that we will get that transparency. but i sincerely hope we do because if there's not transparency it's very difficult to trust and we know from the scientific evidence that trusting in the government is incredibly important in terms of the tearing to government guidance and so if we are to suppress this pandemic it's quickly as possible and move on and get back to the lives we all want to get back to we need maximum trust and that does mean maximum transparency and openness and the government has got quite a lot of trust building to do and as it's been losing trust over the last few weeks
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going for them professor may hear what could super saturday actually lead to. your guess is as good as mine there's been very mixed messages coming at 8 on the one hand that we're lifting all these things it's wonderful go right there and on the other hand well it's still a risky situation and so i think in nestle to situation what people do is listen to the evidence there or the advice they want to interpret it in the way they want to and that collective this and that was so well built up at the beginning of the pandemic is really fragmenting and it's a complex and it's a critical situation we are still in a public health crisis and from the way that the government's talking i don't think you would realise that but we are people's lives are being lost every day as a result therefore does the science in your view back the reduction of the to meet
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a distancing role in england. as a as a general point the transmission risk is massively increased if you have one metre versus 2 metres but what we need is an overall coherent strategy which we've yet to get because it's not a question of the validating each one of these measures on their own they need to be looked at as part of an overall package and also it repair a much depends on the situation if you write daws and you are side by side then one meter is probably at the 5 if you're inside the close space with no ventilation and one lead to death isn't fine and so it's on the one hand got to be part of the bigger picture on the other hand has to be nuanced not just a blanket. for everybody but doesn't the government have to balance the health of the nation and also the mental health damage caused by long term just insane. at
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absolutely the government's got to balance a lot of different things and that's why and these aren't easy easy decisions these are very complicated decisions to make which is why it is so important to get the best possible scientific advice is only one part of many types of advice and also to allow oneself to be accountable and open to scrutiny so that the government can get feedback they're not going to get it right all the time they haven't got it right in the past but they could learn lessons and they could ask for feedback when things are not going in the right direction and finally professor me here you've also criticized the downgrading of the alert level as well. well alert level for is either having exponentially increasing. transmission and virus all high level of transmission now the cambridge buys that's you that estimates over 3000 new cases
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a day now to me that means high the government has or hasn't said what their definition of high is but i think in the situation where we don't have a test trace an isolated system so we can't see where the outbreaks happen and jump on to these breaks quickly and and when the w.h.o. last week was asking the u.k. not to ease the restrictions we currently have it doesn't seem to me and to be really taking the health of the population to heart by changing the alert level to 3 and also not involving sage in the decision making process is mickey thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you pleasure. well as an alternative to gradually lifting the u.k.'s lock down scientists have proposed tightly lifting one local area to see if weekly testing could help control the spread of corona virus or so just say the ideal candidate would be a city of around $250000.00 people all restrictions would be removed with
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a strict testing regime and whole households with positive cases moved into quarantine but would anyone want to be a guinea pig for that experiment or we asked the residents of chelmsford a city conveniently around the right size if all cramped up in one place ever be infected and no one knows that everything's a good idea but i think there are sections of the population who need to be protected elderly people people with. recurring illnesses we can't just throw them to the wolves or provide it's not the city but now out of rome you don't you would be definitely not. what until it's completely gone and we've got a vaccine for use here forever the scary on the why we go down thinking the ground should be lifted or told we want to yes those viruses are going to way why would we were anyone want to be an experiment what is the point of oh doing look down and be in social distance in the senior families for months and months and then do that makes no sense well for more on this hour we're joined in the next hour by the
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scientist behind the proposal professor julian petard. now more than 20 police officers have been injured after they were called to break up a street party in brixton south london the home secretary has described the clashes as the to leave while while the mayor of london has condemned the violence on to keisha to ever stop he joins me now with the latest. hi there shabbiest so some shocking scenes overnight what the. yes absolutely but what began as a large street party here in the brixton area began as energetic and quite vibrant later on did this into clashes with police what we've seen is that police were called to the scene around 1 o'clock 2 o'clock in the early hours of this morning we've also seen some quite shocking video footage of the incident shared on social media whereby the chase was chased down this very street by members of the public
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down this very street and around 20 police officers were injured 2 of which were even hospitalized and what we do know is that people have been taken into custody over assault and public order offenses but the local community that i've been speaking to they've come out with quite a different narrative they say is started of very very peacefully and given that it was people from other communities that came to this very area in brixton to descend into these violent clashes they argue that these people have tarnished the angel states name but what they also have stress is that the police tensions with the community has now been exacerbated as a result. i personally going to get to talk to us this has got nothing to do with it was kept here it was meant to be for community it was never nothing to do with no bad news so what you know it's not from us it's not from our young men right here and i don't recall for people just so easily if you're wrong you're wrong and
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just like or mention it's heartbreaking to see the police you know have. i know that i was traumatized you know even now i still can't. picture justice i can't even think of ot you know to see this is once how i just wonder how they feel. it's also have to do with black people the whole we feel as well do you know this really our refuelers if we are being targeted so when we feel as if we've been targeted for me i will retaliate you know i'm quite peaceful other people they will retaliate when you come up into their face the 1st thing they're going to feel as if you know what you want to you know so they're going to do something so you we have to know hard to communicate. well the prime 1 minister spokesperson has come out to say that
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there's been appalling scenes of violence last night and that anybody showing violence will be have to face the full force of the law we've also heard from the home secretary pretty patel who took to twitter to express her outrage leaving the it's been a while the mayor of london city council also quit the night's events as completely unacceptable also pointing to the fact that the u.k. is amid a partial lockdown we are still in the heights of the corona virus virus pandemic and that mass gatherings at this point in time are still prohibited we are also adding to that with the metropolitan police has set an advent of a mass gathering is unlawful particularly due to this current climate of the corona virus but all of this does raise some serious points that pubs and restaurants are open it was a comment that was raised a few times by the local residents of the community centers are not open either so people are taking to public spaces like streets and parks to congregate socially which of course is another serious concern that those public spaces then not so
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they then not talk about police and parks and not even lips or throughout this knocked out. we have seen some violence at times even fatally on the streets of london on in the parks of the u.k. so all deeply and all of this policing or the lack of may be called into question and criticize when people look back at how the government has treated and handled this corona virus pandemic not just click here medicate but socially as well try to read the study thank you very much thank you. still to come this hour. a study shows the tories were most popular with love income voters at the last election the polling expert professor so john curtis will explain why after the break.
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you cannot be both with the yeah you like. the one almost show seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me old but yet to shape our disdain become educated and in gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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artie's khaled al-harbi international memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or a part of a global news platform you can submit to your published works in either video or format go toward go to r.t. dot com and it are now. welcome back amazon has some breaking news rebecca long bailey has been sacked as the u.k. shadow education secretary by labor leader or earlier today the m.p. for soul food eccles retreated an interview with actress maxine peake in the article p. could claim that american people and the practice of meaning on suspects next was
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from training by the israelis long by he said she shared the article but because of her respect for the actress or not as an endorser and of the content a spokesperson for the labor party said the article rebecca should earlier today contained an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. meanwhile a study has revealed that boris johnson's conservative party is more popular among voters from low income backgrounds. the jazz around tree foundation found the chill in the 2019 general election the tory party had a 15 point lead over labor among low income fotis the tories were also ahead among high income voters but by a smaller margin 40 percent of voters in this category back to the conservative party won just over 30 percent back labor what discuss these latest findings i'm now joined by polling expert professor said john. this is like you very much indeed for joining us so what swung it for boris johnson among the lower income voters was it breaks it all promises to invest in the north or just his personality. the
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answer is not a question overwhelmingly kerns this is bret's it. one of these and we've long noted above us to source the european union the support for leaving their premier here is higher particularly amongst those who have less the education over care insurance is less likely to be able to make use of the freedom of movement provisions of the earlier you're much more lots of people have a feel of that unit this is the journey by immigration that people used to tell me . now people with less no never mind going to the occasions are generally speaking less likely to come on higher incomes and not see almost on a dark speech at the principal edge of what's going on here given the what boris johnson managed to do her tour to dorothy that she was there look at all the increase in support of the conservatives in jordan 2017 of arts new viruses but at the same time lost ground yet again amongst the main voters and that is does this
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mean though we do not have a conservative body who's there that actual profile it's very very different from who are used to or usually think of that their server party is the party of middle class people little thoughts there exists and that for people with higher education equal ricco. incidentally university graduates well for the time being at these various studies are. commanded in very successfully the lever boris johnson has not only got himself into georgia but it's also helped to transform the electoral tastes a transformation though wasn't illustrated by those so-called red all seats of the working class labor seats the long since labor such as possible consensus votes over 4 into the conservatives who will be shown some have gone to these new veta's . my mother of course is $64000.00 question. there is no end
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in continuing to pursue brooks it to continuing to say that we're not going to extend the transition period that's the period of negotiations for long term relationships under the transition period will be over the end of the come what may he is clearly trying to continue to come on to the constituency but of course when things we do have to remember in politics is events dear boy the events side of the crucial event that has happened since the victory has been corrupted files public health crisis a public health crisis that many people think it's going to hurt the lower incomes those on higher incomes that 4 cops make in the government which are to settle this issue nice of her release what we see insofar as the opinion polls are now showing i now are a conservative leader overlap with entirely lachine of the older 5 or 6 points he looks at us just simply happen during specs that people see spot threats i.e. both if some of those remain votes is the minority remember it is to continue to vote if the conservative 2019 and the create some leibovitz's who voted for it
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because it's a 20 donte how one house which the way for the party because of that to suffer such that some people feel about the way the aquarium has been humming the public health crisis so far and also what about labor's failings as well was it more about the need to jamie colby not connecting. well that's also part of the story i mean you're problem number one for labor is that you know it hides an electorate a traditional momentum toss now in coming that are the you know was predominantly progress it but the party you don't have become increasingly successful running over the support of young metropolitan university graduates one undoubtedly saw the pro remain celeb $176.00 thought itself caught in the end the labor policy was more crow remained that it was in terms of 70 but arguably still not as per remain as it needed to be it. i don't so many remain but it's a i mean mustn't you this report argues that in the same time sure that many of
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those no income voters are us still residents of the left wing when it comes to you know watching the government trying to do to reduce inequality etc. in the end labor has actually 2 left rates of them and that promise therefore in the end that's made it more than easy so all the hood which they can service because lease the concerns of bret's it so germy coburn's they have a job because his decision to basically compromise albrecht's it didn't help his party part of the same type of labor pursuing any more left reprogram they were at 2017 may also have contributed to some of the party sources tell that is the 2nd london barrister of the night at the white man to win over the lower income vitus. well what we do know is irrespective of how people voted in 2090 securest how has managed to present himself to voters by somebody who they can imagine being
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prime minister a status the frankly just because we never managed to achieve according to some you know he's the most popular leader of the opposition than any other knew the opposition of oftentimes people that said so-called other people don't know who he is and i think the you know he is somebody who while clearly a clever lawyer clearly somebody who can quite adept at tripping up over us johnson on details will have to move eventually into the territory of persuading the public that he's got a vision for the country a vision with which parts move to swear comfortable neighbors there shouldn't turn to some 2019 un above all this i think that's was labor's crucial popovich rigidity persuading people that the labor party is actually fit to govern the country yet you just enough. sabra does not want any continuation of the
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criticisms of difficulties that his party has faced when to jericho over which the issue about 2 summers as it was warmer is clearly or started in the very place of this certainty just so it is the person who course was his principal rival in the leadership race and that is a long way of his it had be fascinating to see how it all unfolds professor john curtis many thanks for joining us you're welcome. now report has revealed that british border force didn't know how many detention centers it runs and criticised a lack of oversight and accountability. the study by her majesty's inspectorate of prisons found that vulnerable detainees had been held for too long one pregnant woman was held in detention for 28 hours with what it considers missile meaningful in gauge went in another case it took border force 2 hours to take a pregnant woman to hospital after being told she hadn't eaten for 2 days and had been confined in a van the report also revealed that little or no legal advice was made available to
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people being detained the chief inspector of prisons says there is an urgent need for a comprehensive national audit of the process the fact that border force senior managers could not even tell us with certainty which of their ports actually had detention facilities suggests an alarming lack of oversight and accountability there is an urgent need for border force manages to undertake a comprehensive national orders of detention to assure themselves and the public that all sites of detention are identified probably equipped for holding detainees and subject to consistent management. well the chief inspector of prisons did add that staff tried to provide respectful detention but detainees were often held in very poor conditions a home office spokesperson says an audit was launched last month a new process is for recordkeeping have been developed. we take the criticisms contained in this report seriously and work to make improvements is already
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underway an audit of all border force run short term holding facilities which will establish national accommodation standards was launched last month a new process is for record keeping to ensure length of detention is kept to a minimum of being developed. or to discuss this issue i'll be joined in the next hour by a liberal democrat councillor. and i'll be back with more news out the top of the hour serug.
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every single car price in america pretty much just doesn't do what it says it does of good companies don't make the cartel based on my cars the computers don't make computers they don't do what they say they're doing all they're doing is they're gaming the system by getting a free pass from the spread if you're part of the privileged class and then whipping that up to be cheered paydays for the executives. secret prisons and usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been to 0 zone the world to view houses were allowed to leave prison was located only see how you can fool had access to the story from investigators she held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you graded nor in thought donaldson you. seem a bit sore to use on the floor. crying for justice. we
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go to work. straight home. this is boom box the one bit the show you can't afford to miss i'm break for. washington coming up the international monetary fund has issued a grim outlook for global growth in the wake of the coronavirus but when can we see
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a rebound we have expert analysis on hand to go over the details plus could we soon see if in fact giants moving into the cryptocurrency space will bring you a boom bust panel on the state of the sector in fact show today so let's dive right in. and we leave the program with the international monetary fund's announcement that the global economic downturn due to the corona virus pandemic will be worse than initial estimates. so compared to the april economic outlook we are projecting a deeper downturn in 2020 and a slow recovery in 2021 to growth or 2020 is projected at minus 4 point one percent which is 1 point one percent points below our april focused now this reflects the fact that in the 1st half economic outcomes came in somewhat worse than we had anticipated and because there is no medical solution we are expecting social distancing to persist for more for a longer time into the 2nd half of this year.


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