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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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join us on the. issues and. over the killing of the country's top general. coming up on our program this hour the new york times gets criticism from all. the number. of girls.
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i remember that. one was holding my hand. and there was a. very warm welcome to our international my name's you know 30 minutes of news start now. issued an arrest warrant for a u.s. president. over the drone killing of the country's powerful top general in january the prosecutor is quoted by a state run news agency saying that $35.00 others face murder and terrorism charges over the death of the money who was in charge of the revolutionary guards elite force. interpol to help to detain trump by issuing a red notice which is interpol's highest level request for making an arrest.
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following the money's killing the iranian parliament unanimously voted to designate the us army and the pentagon as terrorist organizations. let's get some reaction now from tehran and go live to a really and political analyst side stuff a question side welcome interpol is unlikely to grant iran's request because of what they will see as its political nature so what is around same here. well 1st of all let's remember that the united states senior officials have acknowledged their direct role in assassinating awesome celing money and the history is filled with similar cases in the past like in the 1990 s. when the army a jewish center was exploded in argentina the argentinian court under pressure by the united states as well as due to the material witness that was introduced by the united states each shoot the accusations against this bill law of lebanon and
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they blame the iran for sponsoring hizbullah so they shoot. for iranian officials including late president hashemi rafsanjani and the in their political operated with them somehow in similar cases in the past like when george w. bush was elected by the suicide officials to avoid going bare floor on baling his book after a court ruling for his role in marriage there inc people in this region in iraq and afghanistan he avoided traveling there you know iran has not done basically strange they have made it their role in assaf in the assassination and basically it's widely believed that this would work once senior u.s. officials that they out and come to the end of their term including president trump but basically i'm very much interested to see what happens when senior u.s.
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officials travel to iraq where iraq has much influence and it has so many allies in the armed forces and they would easily go for arresting anyone any of these senior u.s. officials that is come on their persecution by iran so in the end just. because it is nearly 6 months isn't it since solomon he was actually killed your thoughts. why iran is issuing this or dishes move not. what they are working on various moves and plans and scenarios this is just the start you ron has also taken action to persecute us officials for this is sas a nation and a terrorist action through international courts they have filed a complaint at the i.c.c. and elsewhere and they are doing whatever they could in order to you know persecute us officials and and play much pressure on them also as we are approaching the
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prisoner szell election in the united states iran is no shy of taking any kind of measure to put increasing pressure on donald trump to be you know lower his chances most probably in the election because the u.s. actually suffered any tangible replications for killing the generals we know syud that neighboring iraq voted to expel u.s. troops but hasn't yet done so it begs the question what kind of run realistically do here. well to begin with in addition to these litigations let's remember the. launch to an unprecedented miss i'll attack on their air base strategic air base in iraq analysts at but iran is old he said that this is just the beginning you know all general salim ani was much loved than here in eve was
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a coward there that was worth much more than you know a tit for tat action even if fell so many top u.s. generals and administration officials are handcuffed but you know ron and in prison it's still not worth even one drop of awesome soleimani 40 raney and so it was a key command there and elite there in this region so basically iran has stressed that it would like and it will and it's doing what they were it can in order to expel the u.s. forces from this region and of course this is going to be very tough job and task and it's going to begin with iraq either the united states wanted or not the iraqis do not want to see their land to become a place for you know foreign. you know foreign graal solar quadrilles or or battles so the iraqis are very much interested and very much a result who fired the united states army from their own country live reaction from
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tehran with siad the stuff it cus chesham iranian political analyst on the news that iran has issued an arrest warrant for donald trump over the killing of the country's top general in january thank you side. thank you thank you very much to moving on now the number of women and girls in germany who have undergone the dangerous circumcision procedure female genital mutilation has risen significantly over the past 3 years one f.p.m. victim told us of her heart knowing experience. i probably was there are 45 years old and they go s.g.m. because they're what i called from i can say 100 percent of the girls and they go after a member of how my mom asked. me i remember that ladies one was holding my hand and the other one my leg and there was a turtle on were did something quite painful i did not know what she did to me but
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when i went into college and i started learning about. it was when i discovered that it was that day that they met did my about well here are the figures that matter a new report suggests the number of f. g.m. victims has increased to 68000 that is a 44 percent rise since the last estimate in $27.00 it's being attributed to greater immigration from countries where f g m is widely practiced and also up to $15000.00 girls in germany are thought to be at risk the un children's agency unicef says it's practiced in 30 countries it is estimated that some $200000000.00 girls and women have undergone f g a mostly in africa but also in some middle east countries too in most cases it's carried out in girls who are under 15 some while they're still babies for 2 again so it's a problem countries like germany also needs to tackle. people were thinking this is
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african issue but it's not kids who are german with their papers born here in germany they are also in the risks and most of the got there doesn't even know what's happened to them that i didn't know that mothers will bring them explained that this is a part of our culture it's a lot of people living in germany in the diaspora living in germany that has big old the language you don't know what is forbidden and what is not the thing is for me it's have something to do and so was integration we have different project where we can really get to communities involved or let them know about the consequences of f g m i think in germany this would not say like all you. who only resistant just was there refugees or would just like was that as brought up me out anyhow out of the german a minute speech and i think if that is something issue like it's going on in 2020 in germany i think a big x. and need to retake. the mississippi state flag the last u.s. state flag featuring
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a confederate emblem has been poll done from the capitol building in jackson lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to redesign the flag of the country tackles its past in the wake of the anti racism movement triggered by the george floyd protests there was applause after the motion was passed. of a very fragile 34 know. if. meantime one of america's oldest universities tells the sighted to remove a former u.s. president's name from a compass building over his segregationist views woodrow wilson was president around a century ago but now princeton's having a change of heart at its public policy school all the historical monuments high sold name classic t.v. series to their getting reassessed even the us national anthem is being targeted
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more and not from the hawkins. 2020 is a year of change and i'm not talking about coronavirus popular t.v. shows axed statues torn down even food brands updated to meet 21st century criteria of inclusive u.-t. equality justice and tolerance but is it enough can more be done well in the united states protests during the national anthem have been a bone of contention for quite a few years but what about the national anthem itself well now some people are saying enough is enough. i. i well that's that's you that just came off the plinth was francis scott key the man behind the lyrics that the star-spangled banner and former slave owner and anti abolitionist so what's the deal with the anthem itself. andrew sure warms these walls.
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what you can sing the 3rd verse all right of course the rarely performed that 3rd verse was directed by key black slaves who'd been freed or escaped and fought alongside the british in the war of 1812 his message to them was clear your fight for freedom will bring you nothing but death and downfall little wonder then that there was a truck that increasing scandal across the united states would both soccer teams and high school students refusing to play or sing at keys that only profited from slavery he apparently also harbored some pretty backward views on race and nationality and this widely attributed quote certainly has no place in this day and age. with oh you don't want to hear me sing in french. but that was the morsy years familiar to all around the world for centuries truly a symbol of french national identity both in times of joy and tragedy and. did.
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you knew that you know that is the who or who. 'd you so well some of those lyrics furious soldiers coming to cut throats grabbing weapons impure blood may seem to some at least to be appropriated by the far right and certainly having no place in the modern republic calls for change remain there's even a movement for a new master yes and while they're still far off their goal they're not alone various french figures throughout history have had issues with them from the right of victor hugo to socialist leaders. even seeing a surge gains baulk who wrote his own reggae version back in 1979 have called for a make over. and seeing all not to see that is the question well former u.k.
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labor leader jeremy corbyn found himself at the center of a media storm when he seemed really got the wrong answer are you saying that you will sing the national anthem i'm going to be many of them i'll take part fully in those events i don't see a problem but this is the issue surely is that we had a memorial for the battle of britain i was there and despite his explanation the press was merciless branding him all but a traitor but what would they say in 2020 beyond the 1st verse which we all know the lyrics do get a little strange especially in a secular society talk of a day theorizing to scatter enemies and punish those rebellious scots hardly makes any friends up north and whatever his reasons corbin isn't alone for example indigenous members of parliament in all taria recently announced they won't be taking part in any of them singing. god save the queen is now ok tribute to the british colonial period and the centuries of violence oppression and discrimination
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the british empire carried out against nations and peoples are considered inferior indigenous peoples in canada a glaring example among them perhaps corbin was just ahead of his time as well as canada they officially passed the motion back in 2018 making their national anthem gender neutral. i debates around symbols such as statues or bronze don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon but as the calls for transformation grows louder many may question what fundamentals they really change beyond just up symbolism. yes so many elements of life under the microscope right including mixed reaction to some american t.v. producers and actors deciding white performers shouldn't be playing or even voicing characters of color long running animated comedy the simpsons took early lead back
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in january after. done from voicing the indian character for years previous to that it's criticism had come from certain quarters that the cartoon characters portrayal was racist friends. what do you. know which way they went what are they. really good. at this new eddie murphy.
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moving forward with the simpsons movie no longer have white actors voice non white characters. nobody really cares one years ago and nobody really cares now but when you're watching starting out and you know i thought you were going to get no voice your characters were the actual person is but i'm the voice is amazing able to cleveland show i had no idea that the act was actually white i didn't you know i didn't really care it was all about the show as i look to i enjoy family guy do i go to
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some sort of really matters but now all of a say there's a heightened level of scrutiny on voices i think people are just going to be to just say hey i'm not racist or you don't sue me please don't cancel me so randy and i have been that way i have to let last matter any kind of right you don't want to say you know way i'll back away it doesn't really do anything it doesn't help anything i mean some way for them to protect them so and then also the companies that they work for they want to protect themselves as well they want to be seen as a very inclusive company not racist in that racially segregated or racially you know preferential towards certain people so they just do things don't wait wait it won't actually help anything on the ground as far as any kind of her actual problems we're talking about cartoons superficial things you know animation television entertainment well it was actually produced reality i'm not sure how we get from george floyd and i came to. we're casually cartoon characters i'm not really sure i did 2 things are links and going to actually beat me in reality i mean if you could see some to do right now some sort of a 3 basic shot of victory
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a base it won't do anything for the actual issues that are existing on the ground with real human beings. your authority from moscow up next the new york times is facing criticism after publishing all that name sources claims against russia that it wore the taliban militants for killing u.s. soldiers that's our next story comes immediately after the break. extent. you can. backstabbers financial survival guide just causing bob all. oh you mean there's a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away bad guys report.
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welcome back the new york times is facing widespread criticism after publishing an
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article claiming russia offered bounties to taliban militants in afghanistan to kill u.s. troops it also claimed all trump was briefed on the matter however the director of national intelligence denies that either the president or the vice president were ever briefed on the claim mr trump said that was because of clearly wasn't deemed to be credible and that the news new york times must release anonymous source they can do it this person probably does not even exist well the article has been slammed by the russian foreign ministry which call the piece a deliberate dissent from ation saturday all to solve the taliban denying the new york times article to. spin taking a closer look at the piece in question and asks who could benefit from its publication. it's time to blow off the dust that circled around any smear tactics guide book since the last us election but as democrats are looking to wash away the
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humiliation of 2016 by trying to bring down trump this time they are resorting to the same all narrative that failed them in the 1st place russia gate american intelligence officials have concluded that the russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to taliban linked militants for killing coalition forces in afghanistan the peace rests on the familiar pillars of pulitzer winning journalism anonymous sources that believed concluded and desist the claims are said to be based on interrogations of captured afghan militants at least in part the article says well because less than in part well would be nothing at all really the alleged culprits is the same russian intelligence unit that is accused of this elsberry poisoning western intelligence official say the unit which has operated for more than a decade has been charged by the kremlin with care in the complaint to destabilize
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the west through subversion and the source nation. the west by bribing the taliban into something they are doing anyway comic book villains have more logic and motivation than russia in this article but as evil and sleazy as russia may be portrayed in this story it's still just collateral damage and not the actual target president trying to get briefed in march that russia is paying bounty money for dead american soldiers right now. and his response to that is nothing his entire presidency has been a gift. but this is beyond the pale it's a betrayal of most sacred duty we bear as a nation to protect and equip our troops and restrain them in the harms way. if trump refuses to hold putin accountable for funding terrorism against u.s. troops in afghanistan then congress must again step up i expect the trumpet ministration to take such allegations seriously and inform congress immediately as
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to the reliability of these news reports the stories taking jabs at trump amid reports he's about to take another step towards ending the catastrophic 2 decades long invasion russia's foreign ministry has dismissed the allegations as fake pointing out that more school has all along been trying to mediate the conflict and have the united states and the taliban in fact sign a peace deal the simple this information clearly illustrates the low intellectual abilities propagandists among american intelligence who have to come up with such nonsense instead of inventing something more reliable however what else can we expect from intelligence which miserably failed in the 20 year war in afghanistan it's russia collusion 2.0 as if that has ever been worth anything more but a house impeachment but left trump unfazed by hey maybe at least robert mueller will have a 2nd shot around 2021. it's
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a little deeper with professor mark and who is director of the crisis research institute in oxford good to see you again just how reliable do you suspect the new york times all name sources are all the parties with claims made against the refute the allegation. yes i think this is the basic problem with the article it doesn't really have any concrete information but he did the evidence of violence in afghanistan against the americans not the west or saluting the british are also i mean alleged to have been targeted is that no british personnel training being killed or attacked in recent months in the period under discussion and the number of american casualties being 20 again not of these identified as being lent to any activity there's no doubt it's a great sin article and i think unfortunately it is part of an internal matter because the american elections are coming out and it in a sense for flex kind of mirror imaging. of nancy pelosi the american sleeper the
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instructions to said the russians want to get revenge what we did to them in action eighty's it in and said well you know americans and sense want to make of it now in revenge for what's in the soviet union supporting congressmen that are not in sixty's and seventy's and the americans missions are funded well such that it became taliban in our own time as an anti so it's empty rhetoric folds and in a sense projection saying this is what we do but it fails to seal the russians have a rational interest you can be very cynical about russian policy for russia from 2001 of the things the intervention after 911 you know who didn't want to see a radical islamic force in control and sound wanted to spread its ideology the proposed peace deal between taliban and we watch states commits the taliban not to house and help international terrorist groups and you'll see americans with crime
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ridden sound with al qaeda the people trans them was a target audience but russia faced the chechens not those who were based in france not remembering the fighting in november december of 2001 the americans confronted the french and stretching in conducive the norms. and it's not so russia has an interest in the peace process working because the taliban in a sense agreed not to support the kind of people who in the past will for use at princeton's base against them as well as against america who didn't ultimately benefit from these claims being published when i said it's a it's in essence it's entire american politics and this is. a bit worrying just for the constitutional order in the united states if there are real intelligence officer briefing newspapers up in new york times in the washington post and wall street journal to stabilize the president roll it into gauging puppet campaigns out
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of their arms just for joe biden and then you raise the problem of the deep suspicion of a sort of deep state and i think this is a danger for the united states in terms of travel or most of them are people beginning to feel that there are elements within cia and other intelligence agencies who don't follow the policy of the elected government whether you agree with the actions also herat and in that sense once you get into the legitimize numerical electoral system that is a very dangerous step to abstain additional public older in general. thoughts of professor mark element director of the crisis research institute in oxford mark thank you thank you. well that's where we leave our broadcasting from moscow for the day but the news keeps rolling out the top of the hour from london r.t. u.k. picking up the mantle and just the over 30 i'm going to know from the team myself good bye for.
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now after exams here we're going underground 48 hours ahead of a proposed mass an accession of old settlements in the illegally occupied west bank by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu defacto backed by u.s. president trump coming up on the show why have native americans been excluded from the u.s. demographic data on coronavirus we asked the association of american indian affairs is shannon a law firm and appointed as advisor of the state to bomb a joint barack obama's presidency with the systematic inequality is killing off those descended from america's 1st in attitudes and former israeli spy argument or national gems to demolish conspiracy theories about the queen's repeated favorite son prince andrew and alleges that jeffrey epstein was
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a useful idiot of the israeli state polls more coming up in today's going on to go to 1st the indigenous peoples of the americas have arguably suffered not only genocide of thousands of white settlers but also generations of inequality and poverty now the association of american indian affairs is shot in a lawful and appointed as a state department advisor during barack obama's presidency says this is increase native americans is vulnerability to coronavirus something seemingly being swept under the rug in the face of allegations they are being left out of the demographic data shannon a citizen of the truck foundation of oklahoma joins me now via skype from clocks built in maryland usa thanks so much and of coming on we know that in britain which has a much worse because of their growing of ours official rate in the u.s. a covert it's the. vulnerable hours it hits indigenous peoples of the usa thank you for having me it has been devastating in indian country here in the united states unfortunately we don't have all the data we need to truly assess the damage.


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