tv The Big Picture RT June 29, 2020 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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hello from rhode island where i live lots of us are still working at home as we try to star of the virus zoom is the new conference room and one convention after another has been canceled in january you saw our report from the massive mind boggling consumer electronics show unfabulous a las vegas might be the biggest perennial trade show in the world and each year some $150000.00 of us from all over the world can make even the sprawling las vegas convention center seem crowded germs travel there from everywhere and some years i've come home with a cold even after collecting all the little logo to hand sanitizer bottles the exhibitors hand out so we were surprised to learn that c e s 2021 will happen in january the consumer technology association assures us
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that your safety security and health are always a priority at c.s. and we will continue to evaluate and expand the measures we put in place we are working closely with the las vegas community including the last vegas convention and visitors authority and hotel venues as they develop and implement reopening plans nevada casinos generated nearly 8800000000 in revenue last year and then came the shutdown and when the lights went out their employment hit 28 percent highest in the usa but now the lights are back on and how has the recent las vegas reopening gone and has it gone too far let's ask john shaffer a familiar voice if you live there in the valley he reports to us from. radio john
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thanks for your time. and any time. although i suspect that the video and the pictures we saw when the lights 1st went off didn't do it justice the strip gone dark was scary thing to see give us some adjectives to describe the mood there when the shutdown 1st began. it was bleak it was let it goes down here we're used to having people around all the time in history it's not that we proudly as the closure went on i can tell you a big thing for locals was to take their bikes down to the strip and ride up and down the street and just look at all the empty big casino with all the driveways ordered up and blocked off because we've never been on the strip and there haven't been people there and it's not pretend it is it will see it in a whole other way not a great opportunity not a great way to sing it but people here definitely took advantage of the fact that
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everything there was shut down. you know i am in normal times here locals tend to avoid the strip so that must of been a cool site with us in spirit here is our sister in the talk radio family another familiar voice out there heidi harris thought she had the flu on thursday found out different on monday and in between she says she had a weekend she hopes she will never really live so she tested positive and just another person i know who has caught the virus. back in april heidi told the radio trade press and you might have read this if i were a renter in a hospitality oriented job i'd leave vegas now i would not wait until everyone runs for the exits and she is such a booster of las vegas i was struck by that john did you see such an exodus and how
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up to speed is the hospitality industry now that you're reopening there. i want to wish i did well she's also very good friend of mine and it was caught in the air that she had tested positive over the weekend she has a very unique perspective being one of the few people who were born and raised here in las vegas so her take on it is different that a lot of people you would have thought there was a mass exodus here well because this affected the whole nation and everything was shut down there wasn't anywhere for hospitality workers to go you couldn't go from your casino or go up here which you would be further from the teller casino in another major city because those hotels and casinos were closed also so there wasn't that match exodus that you would have thought would have happened a lot of people talked about wanting to get out or going somewhere else till they realized they couldn't and now things are opening back up our unemployment rate still unbelievably high of 25.3 percent for may but it's down from the highest that it was in and only nevada has added jobs faster than any other state in the country
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in the last month. i am real glad to hear that because i love vegas and i miss it a lot clearly the traffic since the reopening there is good to see but in some of the videos and the pictures we've seen back east here the casino mood almost looks buzz killed on me i'm seeing not 5 people sitting at a blackjack table but 3 of them and they seem to be enclosed in plexiglass barriers that look like the cone of silence from get smart and it's not that relaxed camaraderie where you'd sit there with 4 other strangers for an hour and a half and sip a couple of beers and swap a couple of stories and win and lose let me rephrase my 1st question give me some adjectives to describe the mood you see there among the funsters who have already returned. i think it's still fine it's not the biggest that you're used
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to and you're right there are fewer people at the table that's by design for social distancing or are the plexiglass barriers the nevada gaming control board just announced yesterday they are going to require the senos to be anyone playing a table or anywhere else based coverage now which hadn't been the rule in the past but they sold videos to where you see crowds of people in a senos not social distancing and not wearing masks so the game control board wants to get all of that so we can keep the transmission of the 1000 down here. it is a different last day yes i think it will still be a fun las vegas but you're right you're not going to be sitting there playing blackjack and when you're 21 high 5 the guy next to you because there's a wall that you made out so it's not going to have that excitement craps is what i always look at when i think of how much fun i don't know how to play it but it looks like the most fun game ever everyone's cheering and yelling and screaming and big crowds of people you won't see or have that anymore but it still while it's
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still i know you can get anywhere in the united states watch now but it's still a different and unique experience here in las vegas yeah and we've seen the same thing in the big casinos nearby here in connecticut they've had to reopen with so many precautions it's just not the same we're speaking with john shaffer from radio in las vegas the mighty 720 and 101.5 i believe f.m. our governor here john has asked us for our patience as rhode island reopens and she has said the last thing we want to do is shut down again and your governor has crowed that after all the precautions that are put into place but he's quick to add that vegas could pull back if it causes any type of problem john does las vegas have one chance to get this right. absolutely if it's not done right 1st time and things would have to shut down again or people there or they weren't safe here or
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afraid to come here. it would be devastating people would not want to come back then because again if gambling is a lawyer after you can do that a lot of places others want to be a guest but if you feel like you're going to come here and then go home and get sick that isn't really going to be a great time not just for tourists but or a huge convention business we have here as you mentioned it at the beginning of the show c.e.o.'s will be back in 2021 at our new twice as large convention center at the expansion that will be done by then but if people don't feel safe coming to conventions here in those large spaces and staying in hotels then it would be devastating even more devastating to our economy so yes but governor is right this is a safe place to be but we do only have one shot to get it right and he emphasized during a press conference last week that we're not moving into phase 3 because of the up to it we've had here in cases due to more testing and more people being here and we are going to take it slowly before anything else gets to be opened up you have
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fingers crossed vegas was on such a roll where else do you get a national hockey league expansion team that goes all the way to the stanley cup in their 1st season and you've got n.f.l. football coming and so fingers are crossed john i'm down to about 30 seconds so i'll ask you for the quick answer because i might have seen you there in april if they hadn't canceled the national association of broadcasters convention but donald trump 2020 donald trump lost in 2016 how's he look in there now. i will say that it looks the same as he did in 2016 with a head is a once already a move to purple definitely more move more blue now in fact everyone in 2016 that was elected with the exception of one congressman and more than 2 that it was a downer. yeah well when you think about all that's changed in the last several months november is still a long way away john shaffer k d
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w in las vegas come again pal good to talk to you. now an update on an important story we've been following all along and if you're a parent you will want to hear this east cigarette use among adolescents has increased substantially since the introduction of new pod based east cigarettes and this is prompted the u.s. surgeon general to declare you've a ping an epidemic now there's a new study by the harvard th shand school of public health published by the journal of the american metals medical association pediatrics says that despite lower levels of harmful ingredients these pod based east cigarettes have a higher potential to get youth and young adults addicted then other devices now these sleek pod ease cigarettes are easy to conceal kids pop in
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a replaceable nicotine cartridge that comes in flavors like mango and mint here's the problem according to these reports this pod design delivers high doses of nicotine in low ph form which is less harsh compared to the higher ph nicotine found in other east cigarettes that's kind of techie but the bottom line is it encourages deeper inhalations and this study also found that the adolescents using pod based east cigarettes were more likely than other east cigarette users to vapor daily and they have more symptoms of nicotine independence back in january we spoke with a psychologist and n.y.u. professor dr raymond who has coauthored a handbook on tobacco dependence treatment. as a behavioral scientist you're keenly aware of susceptibility to trends and the
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power of peer pressure how do we tell young people don't even try it can wait i don't think we can we would be successful with with that message alone i think it's a good idea to you know talk to warn people of the risks and to educate them and so the they can make an educated decision and choice but i think the real issue is you know how do we keep these products out of the hands of you know kids essentially youth if you are a parent don't assume your kids are too young to have this taught the big brand is jewel j u u l and there are others coming up as if we haven't spent the entire spring season of voiding one health problem here come summer and a bunch of bombers you will want to avoid the doctor is in when we come back this is the big picture on our t.v. america.
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secrets prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been busy rows on the work to view the houses were a. prisoner of war located on the only people had access to the story to investigators hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you go away to. some sort of p.c. maybe a sony for. crying for justice on a. israel media
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a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation will community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the death. or a mate in the shallowness. that is the meaning and worth of history why are there are those so determined to destroy cultural artifacts and rewrite history and so the understanding of history a true and dispassionate understanding of history is really about 2 things
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reverence in a warning the culture side we are witnessing rejects the idea. after being cooped up all spring hunkered down during the pandemic we want to get out there and have summer but should wait what are the summer time bombers you want to avoid the proper social distancing protocols and what about this little bugger this is the dreaded. scapular s. the deer tick barely visible to the naked eye and if you're sharing the great outdoors with bambi you could pick up one of these checks by simply. rushing up against the same shrubbery blood is on this little critters menu and it will gladly swap some of yours for the bacteria that causes lyme disease and the threat is
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particularly bad this season how to stay safe from him and other summertime bombers let's ask dr joe alton who with his advance nurse practitioner wife amy hosts the survival medicine website doom and bloom dot net check it out it is a rich trove of posts and podcasts and videos and they have authored among other books the survival medicine handbook the essential guide for when medical help is not on the way joe welcome back to the big picture. and thanks for having me glad to be here i've been following your website since you were here summer before last and with all we've been through lately in terms of serve the mindset that we've kind of adopted while we've been in stay at home mode isolated we're taking lots less for granted these days what questions and issues are you hearing more about
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lately from your followers and patients. you know holland i've been watching out for emerging viral threats for gosh over a decade sure enough my 1st one line report about covert 1000 was on january 7th when i talked about a mysterious pneumonia that sickened almost 60 people in a place called google and china now people are adjusting to a new normal after millions of cases of close to half a 1000000 deaths people are asking me if they're going to have to walk on eggshells for the rest of the lives and how to navigate this new normal we're also seeing real concern about a 2nd wave of code 19. yeah and to that point we've seen the corona vices cases served in areas that lead to the reopening. can this cabin fever that we're trying to shake off come back to haunt us especially
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after the demonstrations on the riots in these a trump rallies is that 2nd wave inevitable no matter how careful we are. well of gosh it's pretty clear that people are weary of staying on donning mass avoiding the restaurants movie theaters malls and other staples of normal medical society american society i call this coded fatigue let's face it the new normal compares pretty poorly to the good old days but the factors that lead us to social distance and wearing face coverings they haven't changed much in the 12 punch of code of fatigue and mass demonstrations is certainly going to hamper efforts to prevent a 2nd wave so much so that i consider a 2nd wave to be in evitable and maybe of war and wave wake we had with the spanish flu of a century ago they have 3 waves each one more deadly than the 1st reopening to quickly make large numbers of new cases but staying in permanent lock down must
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eventually throw the nation any nation into a major up an economic depression the balance is so delicate so delicate hala. that a perfect solution is almost impossible to achieve either option is fraught of these well intended gentle covert purton and commercials that are on t.v. you know we know that these are exceptional times no matter how gently it's phrased but squint into the crystal ball best case suppose we get a vaccine sometime between now and next spring if baseball begins when it should in april do like dare go to a red sox game in a packed stadium would you. you know i think we've reached a point where some attempts are going to be made to return to some kind of normal schedule but with television and online access you'll see less crowded games i talked to one of the local n.f.l. team doctors down here and he's definitely not going on road trips with the team
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and isn't even sure phillips endgames then if he isn't it may not be a good idea to go yourself unless you become someone so ingrained to wearing a face mask that you can last for hours and that's not so easy down here in south florida where games might be played in 90 degree weather still if he can somehow maintain distance it's a possibility for those fans that are well fanatical. i tense up when i'm using a soft service gas pump how many other hands have hit the mustard and relish and catch up thing at the ballpark i think this is always going to be in the back of our mind respect we're speaking with dr joe alton from doom and gloom dot net where you can sign up for his a survival medicine newsletter which is pretty cool about lyme disease where i live here in new england the deer population has run amok and we were actually hoping for a less mild winter than we had for that hard freeze which never came and would have clobbered the tx tell us about the lyme disease which can be rough if you get it
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how to avoid it and what to do if you spot a tech. holland the areas where most lyme disease carrying ticks and lived to have had a mild winter as you say and numbers of deer have been going up that means an uptick pardon the pun in the population of deer ticks ticks latch onto the skin of a host and then they transmit various viral microbes a number of different ones to humans and animals through their infected saliva including the one that causes lyme disease last year there were close to 300000 cases of lyme disease in the us and that's triple the number of 20 years ago it's likely ticks are going to keep expanding their territory every here so this is here to stay an ounce of prevention they say is worth a pound of cure and this old saying is both very very relevant when it comes to infections bites it's important to wear long pants and sleeves as well as thick socks and boots but are you should check your pants into them walking to the center
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area of trailed if you're on a wilderness hike to it's are waiting on leaves and grass and things like that so you want to stay right in the middle of that trail you want to use insect repellents like 20 percent deet or greater on skin and apply something called perm method or in insecticide not to your skin but the clothing hats shoes and camping gear 20. 4 to 48 hours before using it now to remove a tick that's important your goal is to remove the end tired sick including the head and mouth so for that he is a fine tip tweezer to grab it as close to the skin surface as possible then pull straight up with the steadying even pressure don't twist or jerk we go the mightly part of the to come through the skin and then clean the bite area thoroughly with alcohol iodine or even just soak a lot of the urban legend had it that you light a match blow it out and touch it with a hot match but that's a myth right well i'll tell you i think that it's one of if if it does do something
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for the tick and you're going to only burn the part of the tick that outside in the mouth and then in the head are really almost under the skin so you'll kill the body but you won't kill the inside and there's a sudden fact that saliva could be in the head and the mouth areas that could still transmit the disease so i would not consider that the top method of remove. and even before you feel bitten you may have been any a spot what looks like the target department store logo it's a kind of a bull's eye right here absolutely right about 70 to 80 percent of people will develop a spreading rash that indeed looks like a bull's eye the the middle of the bull's eye is where the tick bite actually occurred and then it spreads out you have to clear skin then you have some another law another circle that spreads out over the course of a number of days. i caught it early several years ago and they gave me
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a atta biopics and all's well that ends well but if you do see that if you have been bitten you want to get attended right away correct. yeah actually i think it's a really good idea the good news though is that it takes a good 24 hours for the tick to transmit lyme disease so i think if you take a shower after going outdoors right after going outdoors i think that's a pretty good start now once a bacteria has been transmitted of course symptoms like that bull's eye rash that you mention can occur anywhere from 3 days to a month afterwards fever and chills muscle aches fatigue and joint pain or other things that accompanying it and the problem is that it's important to know that lyme disease might be misdiagnosed if symptoms are mild or especially if to buy was just wasn't seen by your health care provider make sure to tell your doctor if you feel bad that you've been outside in a tick intensive area antibiotics like as you mentioned like doc since i am
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a mock the silicon help that they use a. couple of quick questions while we still have time sunburn serious business correct. well i'll tell you how holland you might not consider the sun and heat to be a natural disaster but it can cause mass casualties as it did in europe when tens of thousands of people died of exposure not in the middle ages but in the year 2003 in the united states you can expect dozens of succumb to heat related illness pretty much every year and the ill effects are called heat exhaustion if they're mild to moderate heat stroke of their severe heat stroke and permanently disable or even kill its victim you've got to cool them off as quickly as possible to get a good chances or recover you prevent heat problems and is very important by staying well hydrated wearing sunscreen is loose fitting like clothing and avoiding major exertion in the middle of the day. yeah butter up good dermatologist tells me
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because the sun burns a bit of a time bomb you don't realize how burned you are until later that night i got about 30 seconds there's another summer bomber that does give you a grace period as i understand it if you've been exposed to poison ivy you have what about 45 minutes for soap and water and then you're out of the woods. you know it's true you might have an opportunity to wash off poison ivy toxin called you or your sure soon after exposure problem is mostly well know they were exposed remember this old saying leaves of 3 let them be poison ivy as a we need grouping you should learn to recognize. dr joe alton boom in bloom dot net thanks for your time and i highly recommend your website to everybody who's watching thanks for joining us and thank you for watching the big picture if you see us somewhere else and it's easier you can find us on any device at youtube dot com slash r t america directv we're channel 321 pluto t.v.
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279 on the dish dish 280 and all of our shows are available on demand the whole archives at youtube dot com slash the big picture r.t. and if you haven't yet got to check out our pluto t.v. app free in the app store holland cook at home in rhode island but back here with you next week mean time wash your hands and question more. when else seems wrong. but. just don't.
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get to see how this day comes to cancer. and it. equals the trail. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been busy roads on the work to view houses were a. prison was located only people had access to the story for investigators l.z. uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. the great ignore in. trying for justice. but
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a quick history lesson in economics you know people talk about socialism what is socialism this idea that labor as a value and that people want to take part in the means of production and the guest starting in the 1980 s. that became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today 2020 so that would be 40 years later then this phenomenon 1st so-called activists and labor rights activists and workers are beggaring out that the problem is not about the means of production the problem is the money printers and they're taking action.
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greetings and sal you take all right well well well welcome back hawk watchers from the hiatus i hope everybody is safe and sound happy and healthy out there in news t.v. land there is there is however one group out there who we know are definitely not healthy and they're certainly not happy and that my friends is all of our historically racist statues and memorials here in the united states of america yes activists and protesters across the nation over the last few weeks have been tearing down.
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