tv Documentary RT June 30, 2020 11:30am-12:30pm EDT
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that their housing is going to come but just that would be at not compliant with international human rights law around the around housing well a lot of us was going to ask you how much of an impact has a situation had on tenants mental health. a great deal of an impact i have to say we heard from many many tenants and associations of tenants saying that the anxiety levels are high and real that there is even you know some worry of suicide and a real concern because it's not just concern that the building might be flammable that's a real concern and of course the grenfell tragedy you know was such a clear warning sign the inquiry was very clear that the cladding had everything to do with the extent and depth of that fire and the tragedy of the 72 lives lost so people are fearful of that but they're also struggling because they would like to sell their units for example and move somewhere else that feels safer but of course
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they can't get any lender no one's going to give a mortgage on a unit that has this cladding on it for example so there's that stress as well i know the government has committed dollars or i should say pounds toward this but those monies are not really rolling out and so that's obviously of real concern so that would be one of the questions my successor would be asking the government of the u.k. like ok how can you get this program to roll out more swiftly to ensure that everyone's lives are safe especially in the middle of this pandemic people are already dealing with such stress and then to add to to to their stress this issue is just too unfortunate well only one final break question if you wouldn't mind is there a short term solution it seems clouding removal at the moment has halted juve to the by the coronavirus outbreak what can i do in the meantime very briefly for them yeah i mean i think that people need to sit down the tenants need to sit down with councils and. it's to figure out what those short term solutions might look like
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i'm not in a position to offer those solution that's to come from the tenants and in discussion with government officials i'm sure there are search for term solutions and i have a feeling if the money could roll out more quickly there probably could be some immediate solutions but i leave that to those who are in the situation to determine how best to deal with it i carry a lot if i have. another bout of mourners at the top of the hour. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led to some. direction. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. by the quickest realise them in economics you know people talk about socialism what is social business idea that labor as value and that people want to take part in the means of production and the guest starring in the 1980 s. that became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today in 2020 or there would be 40 years later than this phenomenon 1st so-called activists and labor rights activists and workers are beggaring out that the problem
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is not about the means of production the problem is the money printers and they're taking action. george was made for radio and he excelled at it he would meet people from all. all walks of life from all over the world he would even meet one of the most historic military figures of modern times not bad for a farm boy from canada when i started working at the department broadcasting to the united states and canada there was a young lad very bright boy. i say boy because i was older than he very handsome boy victory and all in and he was married. to
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a young lady. named ella so one day fell. for her one who was. a custom in canada was you you know you call on your friend if he still see you he needs any help so i called him up. i says vic you're one been in jail now come on over come on over. to some fan who can give him the address he told me dad was. and went to his place. find how beautiful some strange looking guy is walking around the house. and 9 in and didn't realize where i was gone and turned in the right pressed button. or a buzz over the door opposite opens up and the lady looks out. and who is that they but the minister of culture. where am i.
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how low i should all go in russian of course who's who's calling to the neighbor. who opens up hello up his wife. helen comes up and since this is my father. he already consent to know which reduces the patronymic constant can achieve it which is the most confusing to me. i lost my gift of speech here's the marshal of the soviet killian highest military rank just below generalists most alan. s. . we became good friends. and. quite often came to our place. for turkey and. then we met
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often as his place. in the morning. 10 o'clock the parade starts on the red square. is on the mausoleum. but marshall fruit on his not there. marshall who helped who show come to office. he has been double crossed. just. let's go have breakfast. strong words. oh i've said being a linguist after the war everything. has already got a drink for our walk on ice i don't know anything you drink. but you can drink cognac today because i'm going to drink so 10 o'clock 10 o'clock 3 hurried start. and i was watching marshall shook off what had his reaction confused s'posed to be there taking taking the salute so i can well imagine what he
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was too little experience saying i didn't comment anything because the war oh mine a comment and i didn't say a single word just born some more cognac. and i had. breakfast not a tiffany's but which marshall. from his perch at radio moscow to his talent for simultaneous translation george was an observer of the world changing the world teams of george it was often through sports where there was no politics i also did mainly my work yet radio moscow at that time was translating and as a recorder and interviewing people in russian and translating him. into english. and. there was
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a lot of public focus on the. track and field meet between deactivates of the united states and the soviet union. and there was. great interest in the east track and field nice especially in the long distance runners. because everyone was cheering for the american king who supported the americans and everyone cheering for the soviet long distance runners 1000 the. stadium at the one of the east. track and field meets between the u.s. and soviet athletes there was. a long distance race going on in the in the stadium i was in the on the ground in the center on the grass still on the track was around there and. it was very hot that day one of the
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american athletes fainted while he was on the track and he fell down. the officials who are standing by me and i were ran up there they helped him up to his feet. and he got through did get some spray or something to gain for medicine so he recovered. he should go no longer than let me continue let me continue and he started running again. but in the opposite direction but in the opposite direction he returned running back and they stopped him they do stop them no turn turn this way. they're right rules are gassed and he started running of course he didn't win so all but but when he crossed the finish line at the end he received a standing ovation from the whole group of the entire stadium packed
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well over 60000 people soviet fans. nick rules of the game a standing ovation. and that's sports for you no politics at all. there was i think it was 987. a softball team from san francisco came to moscow and they had radio moscow we organized to be not many people knew baseball in this in this country practically none except my grandson now who plays baseball. and. the plane they came from san francisco veterans veterans not real sportsman. and we play did they with who received a statement a stadium and we played a game of baseball was covered by this the american magazine sports illustrated he
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which you know and there was a big story about it and it was a very good game we lost the game of course the americans won and the. this is runs in their blood baseball baseball is my favorite. game after hockey which the canadian. and after the game or we all went to their hotel we had a nice party and we became friends. no politics and tong after home but there were a keeshan when the soviet union versus can you do so which side did you wonder daria. that's a good question but if i'll tell you one thing better it's a silly question for me. when when position i can tell both. canada wins i'm glad. the soviet union wins i'm also glad i can't. win
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one position. one of the most important persons in george's life was his brother carl george was always close with his brother they were not just brothers they were the best of friends when the series oh it was called me is the best your price is the name of the soviet daily. all the games that were played in moscow. the. bring side commentator. who sat there with the ringside commentator and russian was my brother. i'll tell you one thing he. watched most of the games on t.v. and then there was one game show which were playing against sweden here in moscow. at luzhniki stadium. and for some reason he was busy at some other
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kind of a job he says george will pinch hit for me. ok. on that day of the game. u.s.s.r. sweden and the ringside with me not my brother and i did the whole game in the post post-game conference press. conference and no one. realized it was not my brother but me except one person my mother interestingly it was karl who george owes his acquaintance to his future wife you won't believe me. but how i met my wife begins with the story about a paper clip. paperclip. my brother was working in the african section was broadcast both in english and french and there was a young lady beautiful young lady. who was translating from russian into
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french. my brother who sat together with the translators on the 5th floor together with the rest of the translator young lady who was translated into french was typing away and my brother was sitting opposite crossed the room and throwing paper clips into her typewriter. took at the cash her tension. so the only way could think of it in a long and short of it is he caught her attention and they started going out together. and he says listen dave you got a girlfriend for my brother and he's he's sort of been doping around nothing nothing. chiz sure i i went in there one on my school me her name is gallina.
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nearly 60 years of marriage and daughter and 2 grandchildren the family has always had the highest value for george. in my write up in the internet when i moved 1st wrote as members of russia today. i wrote them. very brief story of my life. and though my last line was. my grandchildren are my life and joy. my pride and joy. i think pride in them and joined to give me both in russian it sounds rhymes quite well. iran's a stitch pride and joy. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the
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world of politics sport i'm showbusiness i'll see if. the world is driven by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask. the primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future history should not be. because a lot of history is painful and shameful so how should we find the right balance is
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that you cite the law and. then there was the year 1962 soviet american relations rapidly worsened during khrushchev's last years as 1st party secretary the cuban missile crisis becomes the most dangerous point in the confrontation the world is on the verge of a nuclear war in the autumn of 1962 is unclear whether the 2 nations can come to an agreement. i was very concerned about what would happen. i was very concerned. that was the closest anyone had ever come to that. and that's the time that. the soviet union put into orbit bell can still come into. outer space and they return to. their returns live.
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later on the. current tomb was made by the soviet. cinematographers it was called bell constrained. i translated into english and voiced a couple of commercials about bell constructor which i thought was very good and i like voicing cartoons because you change your voice. you had he have a brotherly way of your possibilities george also served in the soviet military he was trained as a paratrooper so busy young man born in canada would parachute over the steps of russia i was called up to. the airborne troops which was a meeting having is a training course is in the south eastern. soviet republic of
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uzbekistan. which is way down south and east. we went by train from moscow a very unusual i say unusual now because not everyone. who spare should come. iow i was 1st bit wary about that because i was wondering if i can do it if i had not enough gumption to make it jump a parachute in to jump out of a plane into nothingness i made 5 jumps. a special badge you're gone and that and special document jumps were different different types of planes and different types of parachutes double parachutes sometimes we shall tell you about the time who are 2nd guessing 2nd or 3rd jump was from a from
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a very small $99.00 paratroopers jump one after another. they have had. your 1st parachute were opened up automatically because you had reported was on the clip card and then the other one you opened by herself and throw it out an hour threw it out and stead of throwing it. it's opened up inside the main chute. the main chute was. slow and the other one would unfold up and go down you go down faster to go in while jerks like that. anyway i managed to. land at the time when the main chute was open so it was a soft landing. and anyway. we finally returned from our mission. and i got to. there there part was full of people.
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i walked up to the check in lady there says no no no nothing until tomorrow. come on let me go home but it's not been 4 months over 4 months in train can and we should wait of them but there's an empty seat up which on and true enough later i heard the announcement that the plane was going to be. closing checked check in time. and sure ok i'll put you on new there's a reason or scene one guy didn't show up. to reserve seats for an top officers. one was a general i sat down beside him he says hey you need to find a moscow why you dress so scantily well i've been a training camp for for 4 more over 4 months. and here where born.
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good he bring that a bottle of cognac these. here are born troops i'm not from a different division but anyway he didn't tell me what division it was i didn't i learned from my 1st days not to ask questions especially if you're a foreigner. as the soviet union transformed underclass. it was apparent the end was coming nearer like everyone else around george and his family there was fear of violence of people. i'll tell you one thing i was at a loss. i was at a loss i didn't know what to do i think there was. august 19th or august 20th it was a monday or tuesday i traveled through that was when the attempt to. overthrow was made in moscow. baron but he was playing one lake than the twangy i had to drive out to the countryside to pick up my
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mother in law and my daughter i believe were in there because we didn't know what was going to happen we didn't know what was going to happen we didn't one who wants a part of our family to be split away from us if anything got worse. and i was driving i drove. a 5050 kilometers one way 50 kilometers back and when i was approaching moscow already on the outskirts of moscow thanks for. towards the center that's when i really felt bad i didn't know was going to happen. i didn't know what was going to happen. the soviet period of georgia's life it ended when a new russian one just started during this time a lot of bents of happened both happy and sad and george joined our team and became
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the main voice of the t.v. channel his beloved brother carle passed away george became a grandfather twice only one film is certainly not enough for us to describe in detail the entire incredible life of george watts it is so bright and full of events proud father husband and grandfather for whom the family always comes 1st a brilliant professional at his work having gone a long way from a factory worker to a well known translator and speaker he forever remains a man of 2 countries when i speak to russian. to russian affairs especially of russian official. saying we're going to have works when i'm traveling or to english speaking people and george wallace and so. nothing to hide dual citizenship all the same to me. i think everybody should love his home the. thing wrong with that it's
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a side deal that labor as a value and that people want to take part in the means of production. starting in the 1980 s. that became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today 2020 so that would be 40 years later this 1st so called activists labor rights activists and workers are. the problem is not the means of production the problem is the money printers and they're taking action .
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welcoming our viewers from around the world live from central london this is on to u.k. . lapierre balance of t channels from broadcasting in the country and urges alba e.u. states to do the same we get the latest reaction from moscow and hear from journalist neil clog. the city of leicester goes into lockdown as the merrick's presses his worries about the economic impact that's out $36.00 locations are identified as coronavirus hotspots across the u.k. . u.k. prime minister boris johnson announces his plans to boost the economy off to the nationwide lockdown pretty hints the government could increase taxes contrary to his election manifesto we hear from former liberal democrat leader so been escape. and adult his group warns of an exodus of health service stuff ahead of a potential 2nd wave of covert 19 we hear from
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a medical expert. get out the news that we start with some breaking news latvia has 7 channels and urged other european union member states to follow its lead joining me now for more on this from moscow is. evil thank you very much for joining us to tell us what's the latest. well kate essentially lotfi has indeed banned some 7 channels by sea this includes such entities as for example r t documentary or spanish or even artsy arabic and well what's interesting though is why because they did not just slap some boilerplate reasoning accusing artsy of being sponsored propaganda instead they have said that world r c is headed by a man who is under european sanctions therefore the ban would be the fact is though
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oxys not haddad were a man under european sanctions headed by a woman and her name is margarita simonyan what they have confused they have what the person they have in mind is a lot of and he is heading. a receiver subordinate news agency it's a russian news agency and some 15 years ago and under a different name it did indeed stablish r c but since then the channel the channel you're watching right now for instance r.t. and that news agency they have gone 2 separate ways and moreover some 15 years ago when r.t. was established. had nothing to do with that news agency but has been appointed you he was appointed years later so that would probably cause the the mix up is that right now this news agency has even been renamed and its its name it translates
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into english as russia today but again r.t. is not called russia today officially so again it's 2 completely different entities and has absolutely nothing to do with it this has not stopped though the latvian government from from banning the channel on its soil in fact r.t. has already released a statement questioning the logic behind banning for instance r.t. arabic or spanish in. but again that country has decided to proceed with the ban and some critics are seeing a pattern in this because other baltic nations have already been accused by russia . of putting in hurdles in front of russian journalists in the century hampering their work but again a large area has decided to proceed with the ban and has called on other european nations to follow suit it has done from moscow thank you very much indeed. well for
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more on this and i'm joined by journalists neil clark thank you for joining us for the make up like. what if 6 it's very bad news isn't it in the sense that as you just said on your lead in a story that the report the region in the region they stated were actually in correct saying they're taking on t 7 r 2 channels off because of the leadership of r.t. by certain individuals who isn't even the head of r.t. so i should very much hope that the that r.t. the the leadership of artsy takes full legal challenge to the latvian will caution with or it is on this and it's not just the the issue is that latvia has banned these channels it's what latvia is also doing latvia is actually encouraging urging other european nations to follow its own example and that of course really can't be allowed because it's basically banning r.t. for incorrect reason and i would hope that a strong legal challenge is made against the not being brokaw civil authorities on
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this all male some say this is down to russia 5 here in the west particularly in the baltic nations to the same tradition that oh absolutely i mean russia phobia unfortunately ace it's a kind of the last i've called it in various articles the last acceptable form of racism in the west that you can put out any outlandish the most outlandish conspiracy theories involving russia only a couple of days ago the one coming out from america unnamed sources said that the russian military units put bounties on the heads of american soldiers in afghanistan unsourced yet again run with a lot of a lot of news outlets ran with that newspapers like the washington post new york times ran with that that was a conspiracy theory by any but by any definition of the and social phobia hasn't gone away it's coming back with interest if you like now and russia phobia probably is at its it at its worst in those concerns countries in the baltic states and in particular latvia so on the one hand this doesn't read. surprise what's happened
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today are russian journalists have been persecuted russian media has been harassed and this is just the latest stage of the imus right now do you think this could be reversed i mean particularly want to show that there are no links between r.t. and russia today what it should be i mean obviously the let there is a way out for that because to say that an error was made here will they do that i suspect that this is about politics this is really kind of can you honestly believe that they didn't know this this this is you know it much better to use this or that point of view this excuse to say oh there's an individual in vote who's on the sanctions rather than to say the real reason that's like this of where r.t. off there is russia phobia and they're angry that russian media is putting a different viewpoint out there what they want to be seen put out but there is a way out for them he whether they'll take it though i should imagine a few phone calls are being made across europe on this i hope that the latvians have a have a change of mind but i'm not talked to mystic to gosh you think there's
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a risk this ban could extend to other e.u. countries and is that. totally unfair i mean we're supposed to be the e.u. supposed to be hate about freedom of expression freedom of speech and free media pluralistic media artie's been a great addition to the media landscape provides perspectives that you don't often get on other channels and you know you know it's been great the more channels we have the war news outlets we have from different perspectives different countries the better and then the viewers of europe can make their own minds up whether they prefer r.t. to fox news or to the b.b.c. whatever that's how it should be but i'm afraid that the current climate there's a nasty mccarthyism doing the rounds that wants to kind of take down any kind of media any any outlets that don't. they don't follow if you like the dominant the dominant western narrative on a number of issues or to be foreign policy issues and that's what we're up against
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a replicant sed attempts to censor to take channels down and that must be resisted because in a free society and democratic societies it's of us who should make those decisions if they don't like oxy they can just switch to another channel nobody is forced to watch but people should have the option of being able to watch r.t. in a free society uncertain if europe it europe but you know if european countries claim to be free societies then they should absolutely not even be contemplating taking channels off air like neil clark thank you very much indeed thank you thanks kate. that was the english city of plastic i was back into long town men has expressed his concerns about the economic impact it will have on the area well that's his figures show the number of corona virus cases is rising in 36 other locations across the u.k. buffalo and this and i'm john but the u.k.'s shock and stastny. let's step is going back into lockdown isn't yes absolutely and as an increase in the number of
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coronavirus cases and nasa the city has now become the fastest city across the united kingdom to enter a. targeted localized lockdown it means that the lockdown over there will be extended by 2 weeks at least according to the government now that comes as the rest of england will be preparing to ease and lift their lock downs as of this weekend with the reopening of pubs bars and restaurants there speaking this morning boris johnson said reimposing the lockdown is the sensible thing to do and is led by the science he's also just tweeted out saying that he has spoken to the mayor of leicester and they will monitor the situation purse of course he thanks the people of leicester for their patience now as a result matt hancock announced the measures late last night it means that most non-essential retail shops will be closed as of today's and schools across the area of leicester will also close down as of thursday now while the local flora teams including the mare think this is the right way to go it's headed in the right
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direction and does the safest thing for the people of leicester there are severe concerns when it comes to the economic impacts. we have from a circular stage in the sure that there will be schemes put in place and obviously the schemes will need to operate both within the minister of the boundary in the city and within the county area beyond our administrative boundary because the area that's you know being locked down extends beyond the limits of the area. we've been promised that there is support coming but of course that gets quantified and whether we're returning to some of the earlier schemes for this is a board or something that is specific to listen i don't yet know obviously i would be very concerned indeed if the listed businesses were significantly disadvantaged promoting to spend longer in lockdown on the moon and the rest of the u.k. . there's also
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a huge anger and frustration growing in leicester as well particularly from the matter we just heard of because of course around 10 days ago we had from the house secretary matt hancock announcing there's been an outbreak in leicester however they are far it is were not given any data or analysis or any science information as to exactly where the outbreaks were where the hot spots for any data whatsoever so they argue the government has been too slow to keep everybody in the loop there is another concern there as of today where will the police be in all of this how in fact will a targeted localized lockdown be enforced by the police at all how will they make sure that the people of leicester stay in leicester and don't decide to go to neighboring towns and villages to eat and drink when there were shots and bars reopened for the rest of the u.k. some establishment have said they will check i.d.'s and addresses and anyone from leicester won't be allowed in but that's something that really will have to be in some way in force and how will it be on
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a wider scale nothing's been said on it we've also heard from the local police saying they're particularly confused because they don't know what the public can. and and can't do so there's certainly a lot of uncertainty going into this local lockdown many people in leicester feel that they're being treated as a guinea pig for the rest of the united kingdom because now we're seeing more data remember that lester is not alone when it comes to a spike in surge in corona virus cases public health england has released some figures showing that 36 or 30 is up and down the country have seen spikes both favoring and will she have seen a 300 percent increase we call in week gloucester shared doncaster is quite high up there too as is london boroughs wandsworth and ealing they too have seen a significant rise in cases interestingly they're the only city to go into local lockdown is leicester but only seeing a 5 percent increase week on week now local authorities say they will carefully monitor the situation going forward we have heard the government stresses that it
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will take these precautions anywhere else in the u.k. if a need when be so really there's a growing sense and fear and concern that yes lester may be the 1st place across the united kingdom to go into a local targeted lockdown there's a feeling that it may not be the last. overs actually thank you very much indeed. now u.k. prime minister boris johnson has committed to a new wave of public spending in a bid to boost the economy after the coronavirus lot done johnson likened it to democrat us president franklin d. roosevelt new deal all this was a series of public works projects and financial reforms which helped drag america out of the great depression in the 1930 s. however the prime minister insists he is still a capitalist. and could use. it it sounds like a produce amount of government intervention. it sounds like
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a new deal. and all i can see is that is so then that is how it is meant to sound and how it's meant to be because that is what the times demand my friends i am not. a communist i believe it is also the job of government to create the conditions for free market enterprise but the plan has come as new data from the office for national statistics showed the u.k. economy contracted by over 2 percent during the 1st 3 months of this year the prime minister was also asked if his new deal will affect the conservatives original plan to implement tax cuts and he'd only say that it depended on the treasury. bench prices. because. it is going to be. with you. all the time.
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while the plans include a $1500000000.00 pound investment into hospital maintenance over the course of the year to improve accident and emergency capacity and boost infection control schemes or an additional $1000000000.00 will be ring fenced for improvements to schools across the u.k. while a further 900000000 pounds will be spent on so-called local growth projects including upgrades to towns sent to high streets and the government has also promised 200000000 pounds to improve the state of courts and prisons well for this i'm now joined by former liberal democrat leader said vince cable service thank you for joining us this new deal it doesn't sound like a conservative prime minister does it. well it isn't intended to or it's rhetoric you know it's trying to make him come across as a prime minister who thinks of our the north of england and thinks about employment but it's totally fine am and the sums involved are almost ridiculously small in
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relation to what the gen-u. ine new deal didn't build and there is actually quite worrying things going on there and it will use a little bit this morning as figures showed that completions are social housing i think the lowest since the 2nd world war the government reintroducing benefit sanctions which will penalize people on benefits out of work who count on junk to get around 70 i think there's a real battle going on in the treasury and panicking actually over the levels of public spending the levels of deficits and debts and the amount of money that boris johnson has been given to play with this infrastructure projects are actually minuscule in terms of the size of the tunnels but he also also felt that my 2nd question what it what the answers it was what but how could it work well he could do a lot more of it but that said just one part of it of course much of the day job losses
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we're seeing on and they have services sector which in the us and not directly out of public works so that we're going to need to have a more gradual phase out of the fairness game. tax credit so grounds to help companies with training and retraining schemes you know more imagine it saves support for economic opportunity across the board you know i welcome you know the those was announced but you know they're really not all that big and also in terms of the amount of money it isn't a massive amount of money therefore tax rises seem to be inevitable but where should they fall or will the tories implement them. well we may get that but that would be a big step back from rational economic policy i mean it was quite interesting a couple of weeks ago some of the various johnson's own economic advisers were making the point that britain and that other economists i'm going to have to run large deficits and accumulate debts to list crisis is over and then the payback
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will have to occur over a long period of time after the 2nd world war we have committed to the enormous amounts of public debt and it was paid down over 2030 years mixture of economic growth and inflation and we've got to have that kind of time horizon any move to start imposing higher taxes the next budget would be grossly premature and economically disastrous and also we might have the prospect of more localized lot that does not meet with given the situation unless that well indeed and that's why i think we're no longer talking about v. shaped recovery is if we get a recovery and now it looks like there will be some recovery taking place in the more like a w. l. receiver reserve ups and downs are a protracted process of recovery and of course the longer it lasts the more the government is going to spend to keep the economy afloat so we do have to look
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forward to a long period of an orthodox public finance it's that sense that there is johnson's quoted reza but let's listen recalling that actually it was 4 years before reza about accepted the keynesian arguments for deficit financing it's not clear how far the british government's as advanced in its thinking so it's cable many thanks indeed for your thoughts thank you and. and still to come the sound. a survey finds a growing number of doctors plan to leave the u.k.'s health service after the contest eases free hear from a medical expert. we
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go to work so you can stream home. when i'll show for seemed wrong but all roads just don't hold. any new growth beliefs yet to shape our disdain for the conflict as a whole and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the primary purpose of history is to understand the past as
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a guide to understanding the present and future history should not be is feeling good most knowledge is because a lot of history is faithful vanishing so how should we find the right now it's his statue size the landscape. can. thank you welcome back the 1st minister of scotland nicholas sturgeon has hit out of the u.k. government for failing to consult the country on the air bridge plan to allow koren 1000 free travel the u.k. government made its announcement on water cold air bridges which are low travel to and from certain countries with a cordon tin restrictions unfortunately without any prior consultation a tall with this scottish government as a result we are still considering
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a response and own proposals just to say kaci homes the use of was part of our 4 we form discussion with michael gove and the other devolved ministrations earlier today this is an issue on which we have tried very hard to work closely with the u.k. government and other devolved administrations and we can and do of course see the benefits of adopting a consistent approach across all parts of the you keep her over we also know that quarantine measures albeit perhaps in a more targeted basis in future may become more important in scotland rather than less overt infection rates fall well averages will allow you k. residents to enjoy quarantine free travel with respective nations and are expected to be finalized by wednesday countries will be designated green amber or red according to the transmission rate of the virus green and amba will allow open travel and are expected to include france spain and italy while red designations
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will either require some form of quarantine or not be allowed to tour the u.k. our rate as a whole is currently between north point $7.00 but scotland is thought to be close to eliminating the virus and there have been reports they could begin quarantining visitors from england which the 1st minister has tonight. well greece won't allow the list of averages are to extend its existing band of rights from the u.k. until at least mid july but the u.k. government is also under pressure from the travel sector flights booking data shows london has fallen to the bottom of the top 10 most destinations from top spot a year ago. now a group representing british doctors has warned the health service could face an exodus of staff just as a 2nd wave of coronavirus hits this winter and a survey of $7000.00 doctors the british medical association said many were already facing burnout as a result of the pandemic well it found that one in 7 planned either to leave the service take early retirement or work elsewhere once the pandemic subsidise well
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almost a 3rd said they wanted a reduction in working hours as soon as the crisis was over a similar proportion said they experienced mental health issues like depression anxiety and burnout while working through the covert outbreak while nearly half that number also said they had struggled with mental health problems before the pandemic the b.m.a. says the government needs to work to address these issues before the end of the year or risk another sharp rise in infections the workforce implications a significant pull the pandemic we had 10000 on field medical bacon sees we're going to need a workhorse this is available to deal with the health needs of the population that is why the government needs to redouble its efforts to prevent another coronavirus spike will be amazed says coronavirus travel restrictions are likely to prevent the usual supply of doctors from south asia while doctors from the e.u. may return to their home countries when the bricks a transition period ends in december it says the future of the n.h.s.
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was therefore dependent on retaining its staff and they've called on the government to include a mutual recognition of doctors' qualifications in any trade deal. what is gus's and i go by medical expert dr kalish chance dr chan thank you for joining us again one in 7 say they want to leave the n.h.s. are you surprised by that number i'm surprised that the number is so low the truth is that i meet up all doctors whether they are junior doctors the g.p.'s of the consultants everybody without exception is mentally as well as physically exhausted this is a bit down in a test as far as the hook or price is going so and i always use one thing that doctors can only look after patients if system looks after them and system has failed a miserably look at it even in this huge randomly overprices be it the p.p. the personal protection equipment has not been cited and you'll nor and everybody
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knows that in this crisis the be a m e doctors how died disproportionately and do we ask what is this assessment of those be any doctors and would you believe it that only 23 percent of the crust in the whole currently are done that actually risk assessment and as i think you are really eluding to it the truth is that you on all people stopped generally when this crisis started that and the testing yourself said that and it just is a breakdown close it's not so over let me dr chan how then do we convince doctors to stay. you see again we have to listen to them i think already so many doctors have left i think last year also pleaded that the doctors who leave let's ask let's have some kind of review what doctors are leaving it why people who have a sore down than years of austerity as horribly almost made and just bankrupt and
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most of the getting time serving list have gone up and you know in this were prices we all know that not only will we disease is out of the backburner once this crisis goes lower just. a tsunami of non-poor diseases we've got my doctor friends tell me that cancer love has gone by i want her the heart disease is there for the long long her there's no vaccinations being done not only disease monitoring is being done so look at the amount of what we can be thrown out and it just all of this this guy says or doctor can't know we have been so but we have the workforce on current posture of who are generally more ideas and that's just 100 problem they can see is that including the bartender because the doctors or people in the us is so you know we are absolutely totally bankrupt as was what was has been so so we have to look into it how we would be with people how do you more people but there's
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always more be with nurses you stay in quite a few doctors junior doctors you can't get yesterday i get i'm just asking is it a question of how we motivate people to pick up at that point you're just talking about how do we motivate people is it a question of funding or is it a case of greater planning will have helped ease some of the face or do we need a general overhaul what's the answer no i think it's just not one to get 6 more people takes yes we've got to mortimer doctors who are going to look up to behold look look after their overturned look of their mental health you see again as you really like you said in your survey no one heard of doctors are feeling mentally anxious or depressed are we began in the report are so we're going to have some kind of system where we really look after doctors if they want to be looked after pushers well the bad guy is calling for provisions to be made for medical staff in the back seat negotiations but what if the u.k. leaves with no deal how do the doctors fail. so i'm going to because i says to not believe that when all you who i think it's about 30 to 40000 other tests is
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a completely wrong you and they have this kind of next abelian if this is normal. you would be deprived of people coming from you we already are deprived of people coming from southeast asia and so many people are starting to hear the result problems sometimes problems government has already been born and start missing out on the more i believe me i am one of those champions of kind of just this and that just will not be able to look after the questions they don't to kailash john thank you very much indeed for oil so thank you. there's more news at the top of the hour now about then see that.
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