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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 1, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EDT

12:00 am
oh i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report how about a quick history lesson in economics you know people talk about socialism what is socialism there's a side here that labor has value and that people want to take part in the means of productions and guess what starting in the 1980 s. that became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today 2020 so that would be 40 years later then this phenomenon 1st took old activists and labor rights activists and workers are bigger and now that the problem
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is not about the means of production the problem is the money printers and they're taking action stacey yes protestors around the world are putting their hopes and to crypto currency we're seeing the global insurrection against banks their occupation i think we also have to kind of elaborating it's like a global insurrection against paper printer occupation or paper printer theft you know p.p.t. there's something going on crypto currency is have always had staying power due to institutional retail investors as well as its traction as a digital means of exchange yet it's on sensible nature and the potential of having relatively private transactions as well as an alternative to fiacha currencies has lent itself well in theory to protest movements that are threatened by the use of state force so wherever you see insurrection or uprisings around the world and we've covered that recently with the black ice matter protests we see all the signs
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promoting between a black america or big point solves this as we've spoken to the character and we see it lebannon where they're burning down they're actually. burning down their banks because it hasn't been yet they haven't like it hasn't opened their eyes completely even though their transactions are being censored i.e. they're not able to withdraw certain amounts of money beyond a certain amount of money but they're they're trying they're to get dollars we also see that venezuela where the dollar is the preferred medium or right so occupy wall street back about 2008 period that was even before pick wine was on the same but there was this idea that you know what maybe we need to go after wall street maybe that's the source of our problems so that was the beginning of the transition from a social spent tallit to an anti feel money mentality and now we have the global insurrection against banker occupation as people begin to understand that the way forward in terms of. achieving some equality and justice and we
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saw this in another campaign called defund the police right so it's idea of defunding right so occupy wall street the funding so activists are starting to figure out like maybe it's the money maybe it's the money right so now what we're going to see very quickly is this idea and the confidence to understand that you have to defund the money itself defund. that's the only way forward until that happens and you are a slave it's not just the individuals but like whoever was 1st on that system we've covered this you know it's a pyramid scheme by nature that's what a few scheme is and that's why those who had the most wealth and power already in 1971 when we went off the global gold standard have most of the wealth right now that's why we see this huge generational income gap not income but wealth gap between the generations and because the older generations when they're at the
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beginning of the pyramid scheme you know in the black eyes matter protests they're talking about bitcoin as an alternative for the financial system that had 0 press them for so long and in terms of this censorship however we're seeing it move to the new. state so we have here they covered the fact that in catalonia so they catalonians want their independence or some of them do and the e.u. is basically censoring their ability to raise funds in your o's and use the banking system for what they deemed an illegal referendum so they mentioned that organisations such as the catalonia government were using bequeathing to finance and fund independence referendums declared illegal after it was and the acted the spanish government alleged that the catalonia movement was using bitcoin to hide its expenses but it would have made little sense in any case to conduct financial transactions with the ledger of trust that constitutes to the spanish and european financial system that was going to smash the catalonian referendum right so
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catalonia spend long simmering separatist movement and we have these types of separatists in sovereignty seeking movements all over the world and they've been during the arab spring for example there was a huge outcry about we want to take power back from the monarchs in the middle laws etc and so finally with big coin there is a path toward self sovereignty and group sovereignty and individual sovereignty and so the penny is dropping so to speak or the toshi is dropping in these activists on our understanding that socialism is not the debate that's never ever going to be a relevant relevant relevant that debate is toast it's then like the americans left wing like a bernie sanders for example they talk about socialism but he might as well put on a powder graying and strutting around you know it's a medieval costume or something that's so far west happening right now the truth is
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that if you want individual sovereignty if you want justice if you want on the sensor a ball on confiscated both indestructible wealth that's all the one way to go that's bit calling so remember what we talk about the black lives matter they're told you know in 1000. sixty's they're given the civil rights act and they're allowed to you know all the red lining is supposedly supposed to and all these sort of things the jim crow laws and they're like here you're free and then they enter a system whereby technically ok you're free you're given your rights you're free it's up to you but actually the whole system the monetary system is set against them the same thing here with catalonia what the situation was is that by international law they have the right to self-determination right but if you the financial system however has their own laws and their own regulations and they could cut these people off from self-determination from referendums from organizing so there you see the. case of self-determination not being possible because
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private corporations can do whatever they want yes what i call interest rate apartheid right so it's the banks have the ability along with the corrupt politicians to say you there and that part of town you can borrow money and 0 percent or less than 0 percent of you over there at that part of town you have to borrow money at 20 percent or 30 percent or a payday loan of 2000 percent so they don't mess that that's the new jim crow laws are determined by goldman sachs and j.p. morgan by selectively making interest rate borrowing costs different into different parts of town if you live in the ghetto then jamie dimon will say your cost of borrowing will be much higher so he's engaging in interest rate apartheid again you know you have the system whereby the system itself is corrupt and biased ok it has like the oligarchs are of the banking system are favored and their friends are favored over the other people outside the ring the same you have with
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free speech like we the public domain now is facebook and twitter and yet they're private companies so they could cut you off and censor you as they're doing to the president now. and so this censorship resistant sort of thing is starting to play out in the bitcoin domain because you know the self sovereignty from a nation has always been gold you accumulate gold and then what happened in the past year or 2 when venezuela wanted their gold from the bank of england note we're going to censor that you don't get it back and arguing here i'm not going to debate anything about my darrow or what you want to argue about him this is about just the like remove the name and just as to get rid of over your you know any sort of partisan spin or ideological spin or hatriot or anything like that pushed by a cable news just think of any country country they had some gold held in country
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b. which was a big you know giant economy that stores a lot of gold bank of england and they refused to give it back so now this country a venezuela is looking for a solution to how to get hard money because obviously their currency the bowl of r. is not hard at all it is crumbling right so here you have a remarkable thing is venezuela tried their own crypto currency there's a bad name for it in the crypto community what you call one of these things they tried their own crypto and we know a lot of other countries are talking about starting their own crypto. but it failed that's while the government is officially taking bitcoin as payment for passports and looking to accumulate hard money. when they announced their crypto i said you know if this is a good thing because it's a stepping stone right as a stepping stone towards decline and so now they've reached that point and this is
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what i've said at that time and this also is the beginning of the global hash war so now venezuela will start to actively mind because to strategically and they have cheap energy to do so iran has already got 3 percent of global house right so now venezuela i think will get 3 or 5 percent pretty quickly and then at some point america will say we've got to answer the space race of the 21st century by mining pick why and then i'll try to see 20 percent of the ashtray then security of course goes up dramatically and price goes 240-050-0000 you know this reminds me a lot of the year 1500 because in the 1500 the european nations the people of europe grew tired of the church you know for it had been there for 1500 years the corruption of that yes just like the corruption of the monetary exactly and they got tired of the censorship they got tired of all the wars and all the problems read read that if they were wars but also read the canterbury tales you see all the corruption and there so then the renaissance right
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so then the renaissance happened and people like leonardo da vinci and to make a long slow they'd lost through the monopoly of the church on thought and they cracked it open and that gave why davis the enlightenment they gave us the rights of magna gave us the united states of america and the constitution and i state it all happened in 1500 as the church became calcified and ossified and tired of the reformation of course happened with martin luther so this is what big quote is it's the referee mation of all those systems around the world trying to choke free speech and that that will not abide that will not abide. no not not about what happened absolutely not no but you know what because bitcoin is the mona lisa of the 21st century it's self-aware it is observing us through the quantum mechanical aspects of the technology and it's channeling the eyes of god so this is god
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looking at us through the protocol and trying to figure out how do we fix this human species because they've gone way off track due to central banking so you're saying basically that the birth of big point in 2008 the white paper and then the actual genesis block in 2009 was like the renaissance and then that led to the enlightenment ultimately and so we're at that sort of space you know time is compressed here in the future compared to 1500 so we're seeing a compression of the evolution and you know in the last moment here i want to say you know with this imperial power and the exorbitant privilege of the dollar e.c. we're at the end game here because i don't think this is what we're never able to go back we're never able to go back for honest work honest pay honest anything study from the university of chicago found that 68 percent of those who were made unemployed since $1000.00 crisis began are getting more in benefits then they lost an earnings so. it's true you know this was always called like an all right talking
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point but the data from the actual university of chicago shows that in fact people are earning more 68 percent are earning more that is actual bread and circuses yes no longer. reference to something that might happen but that's what the romans did to keep the crowd busy so you're saying it's all going backwards because after the roman empire fell after the bread and circuses then we had the dark ages and the renaissance was a response of the dark ages. looking back at classical art and ideas and. back to classical ideas of honest money and so you know so it all makes sense. well how do you want to write 35 yeah i don't think i can say because i'm being sponsored by the copyright place chairs that's why we got to take a break and when we come back much more on science or content coming your way.
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the primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future because she should not be deemed as feeling goodness style just because a lot of history is painful and shameful so how should we find the right balance is that you cite the right answer. ah no no crowd. no shots. actually there's a culture. well it's true i know it's. points your thirst for action. time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay
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number man a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless followed. the be got into congress on the models and pop it into something companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is something all this must be done to me even as i need money. says the moon and you missed me didn't even and i'm stunned seemed to be best understood so going in. welcome back to the kaiser report on max keiser time now to go to the cherry he's a pick corner in venezuela and founder and c.e.o. of queen sprit dot com he's traveled to 35 countries this entire life has been
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lived in a recession oh my god this is going to be interesting i was under a welcome to the kaiser report thank you very much for having aged a mass course venezuela is known for its hyper inflation and for the strict u.s. imposed sanctions censoring any financial transactions with the bank does bitcoin fix this particularly on the level of the individual elysee on the level of individual yes but despite i mean it set a bit so as one of the most. recent. and. and after a hybrid lation of minutes. it's one thing high her big point is a rat and why has it all in all i'd buy energy bars how can. you do see a lot of what you said were there in it and says. right now. i
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mean since 98 when raised and they're at rest now that. she established artists exchange rates and the bosses are gonna buy at 70 i just met her. and we went for a. smaller the last friday. so yes. pretty. special problems now. i'm just i guess you would say you need at. least a little monday and then approaching conversational banking system then it's great and. i aimed at the last words rather than say despite all of the next 5 years and why we are i mediocre. we're no more all right well the biggest problem
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in venezuela as i see it is not necessarily the political system or the political leaders but that it's not functioned effectively as a colony of america's oil companies and bad such has a lot of problems as any colony does now the government and about as whale a day kind of dip their toe into crypt with the introduction of the petro at the time i said it was not going to work but it might be an interesting bridge to big coin it is that was what's going on you call that high and i think look it's basically a free market for big one. the government advertising purchase variance he's not only on television but also like on the highway on the highway you see ads about their currency exchanges you have already now like national ice changes and they're all pretty bad oh petrol is not working yes that's a date for me to take
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a logical standpoint from a dribble stadler is working very well and it's expanding the usage of hatteras expand you can actually use up astro gas station and pay for gas with castro and another $1.00 will receive go to satirise at a rate of 60 dollars 60 dollars per. week and if there is evil and the prices and then a certain barrel of oil. and she got more so it's kind of a subsidy right there is something that subsidizing gas always up. now there is also as he asked. i said to days ago you're not you're not able to pay for your best passport using the t.c.p. server where i have to say i don't think there's anywhere else you know where you can do that so i guess this is a big waste and actually you're going to see that as nick borders on the low
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here you're going to say you're going to please all else in town this week when we're actually going to be on it made in china ok all right next year. next year. and you could be here i'll i look forward to it i love empanada as now. there is the bell so the government's taking back going out the passport service and the government is that actively looking at because i mean and this is now taking back point it out a my thought is that once a government like venezuela realizes that if they were to start mining are accumulating because they could potentially have the only hard money currency in the world and it could kick off a hash war around the world the global hash war where you already see iran for example it's got 3 percent of the global half right potentially venezuela could be again one of the richest countries in the world as it was not too long ago if they
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simply switched to big coins the already money they just what else will come between those. lows that's like about one to 2 percent of the global hashing power . and we're one of the most aggressive commies in the war and what this that i think we all already have. there are states. that people who have electricity you know they treat great sales like basically my knee does not stop in those states i told them to live when i went on. due to last year 2 by congress and then i was invited for the president to circle of that in jena and i told him mangy officers of the base are becoming he says do not pull all points your way one of the big 4 years there is no other way spiritedly n. ot practice there is no are still currency there's actually no other currency other
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than it there guys it's not tied to any states or central groups and showing one feels that ominous is basically right max so 1 yes look government has a huge big ways that people don't know. they're trying to figure out a way or how. half their own is so you'll solution for big point not 300 have big fat in your ear. again it's just going to get on the guilty ball a lot of the league was restless almost a 1000000000 dollars that year west got a $5000000.00 almost or parmelee not. we have one of your deal your real your satellites. in the world of the leafless and then sometimes. you know you trade with russia trade.
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logic you know mexico money out and it's just some people grow it in soft. eating all the local and national markets and reshape currency float that's not tell me about the u.s. dollar it's all you want to dance on every single currency not only because this is breaking news out of europe you're saying that venezuela is already got one to 2 percent of the global half right as i mentioned iran's got roughly 2 to 3 percent of global hash right so the global hash war has begun you've got 2 countries venezuela iran has energy costs are cheap so they're able to be competitive in that mining space obviously in countries like germany or the united states maybe less the u.s. is changing now but it depends on your cost of energy is a big component into your success as big quite mining so these countries that were energy rich that became colonies of america's oil empire like iran and
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venezuela have been colonies of america now for decades they're kicking back and saying wait a minute let's take our cheap oil in mind the hardest currency ever known in the history of mankind and we will beat you in the global currency game so this is exciting and i like to see competition on pro-competition you know america's got a bit fat and lazy over the airs and less and less of a you know a desirable country now in this independence week in america. what message do you have for americans who may be worried about the warning from yale economist stephen roach he's. talking about a dollar collapse so you've lived in a bowl of our collapse and hyperinflationary collapse and you know what that's what that's like so what message can you tell americans now that they're about to enter into a u.s. dollar collapse and in this minute session fear be edible not the people that should fear their government. look i there's some talk of the
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united states out ok that way that that takes the game all it saw sideways ok has lost lost its value it was stopped it will just continue building on itself and it is and it is a nonstarter site and as i said several no there are anticipate when i walk past 2 weeks ago. it is interesting to me that people still have some sort of faith and the system and the global center back in the system and the government system and it's because people are afraid right. you said there's no doubt in my words i say we live and we live in a church whole reality and non-linear us are starting to understand this so big line more than just a remittance for a heart monitor or whatever i see it as the 1st law all digital content human has ever created yes no hungry you can totally be part of it i should talk about how it
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goes learn how to drive big play phone hell learn how to have back or learn how disguised it was because you're actually not one of the best buy and sell because services are located how come up how to understand how to use them there is an easy target to use that have a ok. the other major morgan chase him up my count and i have been dealing with like for a pretty great i can't even call up my online and you are correct it's stupid so. the banking system inside the us is no more no longer ok there's i think there still are not even a 5th amendment and united states. there's nothing that governments in europe is big or so and there's any way that you want to go against governments i don't want i don't care what the or the way the you know the equal weight of doing that as if i could always call you know me and what i say all in a big quarter is not only putting all of your savings
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a big media are behind it this is a good time to let me what actually is actually understanding more about it and become part of the community because it's all in there and in the end look big like it's because the owner of co-locate is handy and the most routed gallery of the globe which is not new in france it's the energy there ok and that's why it's not so hot. so that's what i want to buy and i've got to cut it off there great message to the american people thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you very much for having me on the show and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy everett like to thank our guests he's the one and only allison cherry of corn sprit dot com if you like get in touch with us on twitter at kaiser reports on by go.
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secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within the zeros all the way to view houses were allegedly bursts of prison was located only cia people had access to the story for investigators hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean the ups and. the great of north in thought or nonsense they are so full of hockey seem a bit of sore knee yes or no for. crying for justice on o.t. .
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org and you cannot be both with the yeah you know what.
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this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss on 3 months they have been in washington coming up with global focus on the coronavirus chinese researchers are now keeping an eye on the swine flu like virus and warn that it has the potential to create that i can damage and a whole 20 universities paid more than $1000000.00 in ransom out there in cyber attacks these type of intrusions as much as 400 percent according to a new report showed today so let's go and i've read it.


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