tv Americas Lawyer RT July 1, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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or when. he. might happen tony this is america's news. donald trump is set to hit a major milestone this week with his 200 this loophole have been confirmed the percentage of top appointed judges now serving life time appointments is staggering and he was able to get this done partly because of mitch mcconnell and partly because obama left him more than $100.00 vacancies so that we'll talk about the legacy of the troubles created and how it's going to shape this country for generations also tonight the federal reserve is rolling back regulations designed to prevent big businesses from making the kind of risky investments that led to the 2008 financial crash it was an ugly one and later in the show trump signs an
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executive order to give better resources to children in foster care programs across the country don't go anywhere america's war 'd starts right now. president trump has now 3 put 200 federal judges on the bench more than half of the 329 judges of mom appointed through 8 years mcconnell's help make this a reality i have ferran cousins here to talk about this we've been talking about this for years and we here's the here's the irony here i guess it was what i mean 10 years ago we were talking about this story so why won't the media pay attention to it they're so worried about who's going to win a senate seat they're so worried about is going to win the house of representatives who's going to be the president there who is on the supreme court and they ignore the obvious these federal judges make any kind of law passed to washington they can make it go away and. that's a problem here well isn't right now we have 20 percent
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a little over 20 percent of the entire judiciary in this country are trump slash mitch mcconnell judges that that that's the number we're looking at here and people aren't taking that seriously because the only number they care about right now is to the number of supreme court judges that trump has got in those 2 yeah they can do bad things but those 2 cannot do nearly as much damage as the you know 200 that he has put out there throughout this country and even today mitch mcconnell and this is all by the way i believe this is firmly all mitch mcconnell's doing mitch mcconnell is pushing these judges through at an alarming rate because chuck schumer worked out deals with them and said we'll let you do these judges if you give us ok let me tell let me tell the back story here this is what everybody misses it was the democrats. the did away with the 60 vote margin right you understand that the democrats did that and when they did it everybody was saying
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you idiots don't you understand this is going to be turned around you idiots and if you do this we're going to see it rise up in the future and that's what's happening and so the democrats are going to say oh my god what did we do they're run around like with a hair on fire the truth is they created this atmosphere this allowed all this to happen mitch mcconnell the turtle man i can tell you his goal is a point young people 3035 year old they're going to be there their entire career most of which have very little judiciary background they have very little capabilities they you know when you take a look at a most of these guys never mostly people never been to trial they've never they've never tried a case and they're moved in the federal judiciary been people don't seem to understand that that's not just they've never tried to do some of these folks have literally before becoming a judge they've never gone into a court they have never stood in front of a jury they've literally never done it they don't know what it's like they don't
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know how to handle that situation and now they are federal judges for life yet for the next 4050 years if they're in good health here's another thing we've talked about till ad nauseum i mean we always talk about this the even on this article you know what this article focuses on it focuses on social issues and l g b t were you know it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't even focus on where they really do is harm they do is harm because of everything they give to wall street they do is harm by letting pharmaceutical companies kill people by the good zillions without any kind of repercussions they take away they defraud mom and pop pension programs on those issues these these judges are there to help big business but it's this is this idiocy that we see even with reporters who should understand. it's not about social issues it's about issues that affect mom and pop's ability to
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pay their rent right right we had you know 2 very big social issue victories from the conservative controlled supreme court in the past week you know so so those are ok they are for the most part protected by precedent it's these issues where you have the big class actions against these $1000000000.00 corporations judges are destroying those including president graham treloar yes we're going to see later in the show kavanagh you know predictable 'd kavanaugh went after this took away rights for consumers according the new reports there never actually was meat shortage in the united states the the meat industry created they made it up to out of thin air and they did it so they could abuse workers and so they could continue making money the biggest abuser smithfield who obama the way is owned by china who oh by the way we're shipping the meat to china and saying well we have a shortage here now there was no shortage. this was one of the biggest stories of
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the last few months was the meat shortage you know even president trump had to come out an issue an executive order declaring them essential services forcing these workers to get back into the meat processing plant because stories all over the place said we're about to be out of meat you're not going to find meat in your grocery store but it was all a lie but it was a lie fed by the meat industry because they wanted more meat we had plenty for the u.s. what they were running out of or didn't have enough of was enough to send overseas to make even more money and that's why they forced these workers back hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them developed code 19 say plenty of them died you know all so that the meat industry smithfield especially could send more meat so create the law let the media tell the lie like they get sucked into everything yeah i mean cause they don't ask questions anymore they get sucked into everything they give. the white house a legitimate reason to say we're going to deregulate totally and let you subject
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these workers to cove it and they subject their family to cove it and have people dying from cove it and keep them on the job so they can create more production not for the united states but for china smithfield is owned by china all of this pork was going to china and it was it was a big lie and now well after the fact all my god the media wakes up and says maybe we should look at this a little closer when i threw smithfield has been one of the leaders in lobbying trying to get the government to enact immunity for them so that they can't be sued for getting their workers exposed to corona virus but at this point now that we know they're lying they're going to have to pay a lot more money to pay off the politicians and then when the past the supreme court last week issued a ruling that could allow big banks to go back to stealing from mom and pop happy days are here again right but you know they never left i mean really they never
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left but pick this story of this is an ugly story again where do you see this story nobody reports the story they're told they report social issues but they don't report issues like this that put mom and pop out of the ability to pay their rent and to eat right this $1.00 had to come from david serota his own personal web site . so what has happened here last week was the supreme court issued their ruling in the coal versus u.s. bank and it essentially if you boil it down to you know the most basic concept here it is. the banks can steal your pension but as long as if they don't steal all of your pension you don't have the right to sue them it's only once they take the last little bit of money out of there then you plaintiffs mom and pop who've been saving up your whole life if they've taken every dime for you or from you then you can now. cavanagh wrote the opinion very predictable he's a little twit who has always worked for corporate america never done anything for
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consumers in this country has always been at the beck and call he is their boy he writes this opinion and so is the opinion comes out and says hey wait a 2nd we can't even look at this because you didn't bankrupt the pension program you had to bankrupt the pension program to say that everybody has a loss you can't say that you have a loss to even bring the case right you don't have what they call standing up because you did the the company's not bankrupt so this bonehead says yeah this is how we're going to protect wall street one more time 230000000000 dollars 230000000000 dollars moves from a pension programs to money predator managers they call themselves managers the predators that's all they are right and what's interesting about this you know to kind of hit on the point you just brought up yet these are the pension funds put together by a corporation or
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a public entity and everybody shares off the pension fund and they're guaranteed a certain amount from the pension fund and so what this ruling says is well you can't prove that even though they stole money and yeah there's not enough in there but your pension technically could be ok but his could not but he may be his is ok and yours is not since we don't know since there is that uncertainty nobody has standing because technically your pension is ok everybody else's is not so here's a ridiculous here's what they do here's what these folks do this is what they have caught these pension managers doing inflating their own stock making decision i'm going inflate this stock not tell anybody about it i'm going to exercise stock options from us stocks to benefit them i'm going to i'm going to manipulate the accounting rules to where it looks like we're doing a good job all of those things according to. or ok you can do that wall street because i want to you that's what he is he is
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a total utter sellout and the guy we'll see kavanaugh coming back to this issue he'll vote sometimes on social issues is good on social issues but where it comes to issues that put mom and pop in dest destitute situation he doesn't care one you're going to see it on on pharmaceutical cases if a pharmacy pharmaceutical country a company kills thousands of people kavanah is going to make a ruling that allows them to do that if mom and pop lose pension programs that's ok if workers' rights are at risk that's ok if the environment is raped by corporate america with kavana types that's ok and you know what the truth is it's not just cavanaugh it's all these federal judges that are being appointed by our trunks and i'd love to say there's a difference between those judges in the trump judges that were appointed but there's not right the only disc difference between the trump judges and the obama judges is the social issues we have seen plenty obama judges pillage the
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environment absolutely destroyed consumers rights destroy workers' rights and we have talked about every one of those stories as it happened all but god forbid we should talk about god forbid we should talk about obama appointments because we're not being tribal bad news is we're not trying we call balls and strikes and that's what we're doing right here one more point you saw the article we were able to settle the case with monsanto and bear for $10000000000.00 next week we're going to pick up with the story while we're talking about court systems we're going to pick up with a story about the ugliest bunch of class action predators maybe i've ever run into since the late ninety's it's an interesting story about how they're trying to destroy the rights completely take away the rights for people who are injured by round up in the future when they develop cancer so we'll pick up with that story next week it sounds good coming up we've already live. through the disastrous effects of the 2008 financial prize with the federal reserve now rolling back with
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the way things will work with investments 'd could another big bubble be brawling on wall street that more when we come back. you know people talk about a recession but actually there's a respect that the globe is heading into a depression that's right the pressure that the word. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision. every song came to a complete. the day that i was right. you know told to shut up but they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come
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in and you graham my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the u.s. military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. seemed wrong. i mean you get to shape
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out just to become educated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability. more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. it's. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is something all this must be done even as i. didn't. understand that it's going to.
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bank stocks are surging now that the federal reserve and other regulators of finalize the minute the volcker rule the rule was implemented in the aftermath of the 2008 financial disaster to protect bank customers artie's rizzi to. talk about that story regime this is deja vu right i mean you know what did we not learn anything did you have people forgotten that the banks led us to the edge of the abyss right into the center of the bill for those who don't remember what the vocal vocal rule is tell us about. well the volcker rule was approved in 2013 to prevent banks from engaging in risky investments with their own funds which is what led to the 20072008 global financial crisis it also barred banks from sponsoring or
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owning hedge funds and private equity firms the role can also be found under section $619.00 of the dodd frank wall street reform and consumer protection act which imposed comprehensive regulations on financial markets and established new government agencies including the consumer financial protection bureau but under president trump dodd frank regulations have been slow. we rolled back over claims that they make the us less competitive than their foreign counterparts. ok so here we have a situation where we know we've already seen the history we've seen what happens when banks are allowed to go to vegas that's the term the they go to los vegas basically they go to las vegas with with taxpayer money because we have to bail them out they go to vegas with mom and pop money who have everything counting on that doing you know being able to stay alive and so they simply take these risks because one reason people at the top management want to make as much money as they
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can in the hell with everybody else that's their attitude so the volcker rule is put there to fix it how might this new amendment impact the public was you know. well the banks and the people with a lot to gain on wall street are going to see this as a win they love it while critics down on main street see these rollbacks as more evidence that the u.s. is a plutocracy you know average and poor americans are still struggling with the consequences of an unprecedented economic crisis due to the cove in 1000 pandemic meanwhile the rich keep getting richer because they have better lobbyists wall street interests have long sought to weaken the volcker rule and when these changes take effect on october 1st it's going to be a lot easier for banks to make risky investments in venture capital funds that don't benefit customers yet generate profits for themselves without oversight as you said history could absolutely repeat itself since these activities are what led to the crash of 2008 which let me remind you was the worst economic disaster since the 1929 this decision could jeopardize the entire financial system which is
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already teetering on the edge due to the economic consequences of the pandemic as you said they're going to the casino but unfortunately they are the house so it's not great for everybody else but it's great for them. you know so that the federal reserve is purchase. corporate for the 1st time this is very significant purchase for the 1st ever is part of the response to the coronavirus in you can't avoid the question and if you're in the market you need to take this very seriously is this the next bubble do we have these do we have these same fogeyish predator bankers looking for a quick fix where they make billions of dollars build their mansions buy their yachts buy their jets and then everything goes belly up and they don't they don't go to jail they don't have to give anything back life is usually what your call. yet companies have amassed record amounts of debt during the pandemic due to stay
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at home and social distancing orders the entire supply chain has been affected by this and in response the fed began buying individual corporate bonds and corporate bond e.t.f. aimed at restoring liquidity to credit markets now the central bank says it plans to buy debt from nearly 800 companies while some of these businesses are absolutely struggling due to the pandemic others are not including wal-mart coca-cola 18 c. and mcdonald's to name a few and prior to the pandemic in $21000.00 companies were already borrowing far more money than they could ever pay back in fact last year corporate debt hit nearly 10 trillion dollars that's a record 47 percent of the economy and the fed is trying to clean up a mess that has only gotten worse during the pandemic but started a long time ago and experts now worry that if the fed keeps flooding the market with emergency bond purchases the central bank could end up creating the greatest financial bubble in history and again it's not going to matter to them because they're going to get those bailouts. you want to have some fun go on the internet
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in check out how many billionaires were created out of the 2008 burned down by banks this this corrupt. they all were billionaires they left mom and pop out to dry in the taxpayer's head end up paying for their jets in their mansions in their yachts but to. nothing's changed they live in those same mansions they drive those same you know jets they drive same yachts nothing changes nobody with a prison so hey what the heck why not try it again rashida thanks for joining me ok . thanks mike present from tucson an executive order to help reinforce child welfare programs across the country specifically foster care programs legal journalist molly borrows joins me now to talk about it molly you know good for trump yesterday afternoon and you see something like this to go one of the shows i think i honestly think we're going to drove this i'm glad i think she did it so but is it ok to talk about what happened to well it's interesting you know and it means
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something especially to me because several years ago i actually did an in-depth sort of look at our local state of homelessness and what i found with homelessness is there's 4 main causes and one of those is kids aging out of foster care so you've seen around the country in fact states raising the age of children who age out of foster care because they just simply don't have the resources the states don't have the resources to keep these kids in their foster homes sometimes they don't have the resources to take care of children that are still minors and really young in what is are after one of many paged out you know that's just what that says that so this executive order is basically geared to address a whole slew of problems including those kids aging out how states assess the children has to be removed from the home providing funding to make sure that children can go with family members who are willing to take them because what happens is that sometimes in a separate court hearing a family member might take custody of a child and then it becomes outside of state care if you will and so they don't have the money in the resources that say
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a foster family might get from the state to take a kid and so you've got 400000 kids in foster care 125001 waiting lists the average wait like 2 years they're trying to find forever homes and it's just a real convoluted system of you know who who are these kids in foster care what kind of families are they coming from a kind of data is being collected on them how. money or state spending or the order of drought is all it is more money do how does more money help this program i know right because you don't want to just throw money at a problem what happened i think probably what the little bit i'm getting out of this is one of the big benefits will be that he's basically putting their feet to the fire to the department of health and say hey we need to do a better job of collecting data we need to know why these kids why foster families aren't more and more foster families aren't signing up and those that do sign up how long are they keeping kids how long are they staying a part of the program are they getting out of the program or are they getting out of the program is because of lack of funding is because of lack of support so this program is really going to help give states an idea of how to collect data how to
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address the problems that are particular to their areas and that way they can make specific plans to help these kids and say it can be done right is you know yes i was raised by a lot of different family yes but there was no problem with the system i wasn't really part of the system i would just move from family family a different family grown up in a working great so there's a way to do it and i hope this centers in on that it does because you know here in pensacola we have had over the years some of the highest cases of child abuse reported in the state and sometimes it's because there have been legitimate issues with child abuse and also because of lack of training in recent years because the people that are coming in to assess whether or not a child needs to be removed from the home don't always have adequate training in their concern that will be a liability if i make a bad call and i don't remove this kid but there's a lack of homes there's a way that there's a way there's a way to solve this but it's going to take money yes and so at least trump addressed this in this executive order it is going to give money to the data and maybe through that data and the resources they can help more families and do more
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to place these kids and forever homes and help them find adoption because you know all boats rise with the tide which i think is essentially the purpose of this which is you know kids in order to succeed these kids are just as capable as any kid you're perfect example of that but they need the support of good families and those families need support from the state in order. give children not the point ali thank you for joining me you big fat had some good news the bear corp has been forced to scrap their plans to build a controversial chemical plant in louisiana the 1000000000 dollars chemical plant would have been used to produce and herbicide called die kamba which some reports have said could be more toxic than roundup i can assure you it is just as toxic as roundup bear claims that they don't need the plant anymore because their plants around the globe are producing so much doc that they can't offload it but the reality is that regulators in the united states have forbidden the company from selling their toxic herbicide in this country making the proposed plant
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a huge money pit the company is facing serious financial uncertainty about monsanto's roundup lawsuits that keep coming and since baron now owns monsanto they also own all of those liabilities the argo chemical agro chemical industry in the us has been poisoning us for far too long and if it weren't for the lawsuits against these corporations these giants they're poisoning the world that poisoning would continue our regulatory agencies only step in once these behemoths have been put through the wringer in court and that's exactly why the chemicals like dye campbell are no longer allowed on our soil that's all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all artsy american programs on direct t.v. channel 321 and also stream them live on you tube and be sure to check out our team's new portable out we can watch all your favorite shows on 7 tonio if this is america's lawyer where every week we tell you the stories that corporate media's
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ordered not to tell you because their advertisers won't read them and because they have political contacts that don't tell the story have a great night. it. from. the one guy up here he was a may found him literally dead like this is standing up there are guard here his girlfriend they were found in their apartment that they just got. cuddled up and they were dead for life 3 days holding each other this wall so people who have lost
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their lives early to addition yeah this is from akron. that crown is better known as the meth capital in ohio it's a city where the number of drug addicts keeps growing every year. i came up when i was 14 and my whole family were drug addicts. throughout much of the 1990 s. and beyond and the doctors were incursion in some cases incentivized to overprescribe. i mean that enough to sedate the small country why you should also hear about people by all that said good stuff man we gotta go get dad i got crazy you need too much you know you go. down there succumbing you know one after the next.
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we go to work so you straight home. is you'll be dia reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation and you being so. direct. what is truly wants is great. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or i'm a bit aloof shallowness. this
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is the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm sorry in washington coming up the f.c.c. officially labeled huawei and the tea as a national security threat but what does this mean for 5 g. will explain with our co-host well look for excuses boeing of failing to disclose he information on a safety feature for the 737 max that was playing 3rd to the crash of last year we have a power show today so let's go and dive right at. the u.s. federal communications commission or the f.c.c. has of visually.
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