tv The Alex Salmond Show RT July 2, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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hardy says why not a new placard touched stating the world has evolved ethics have changed slavery is unacceptable in 2022 days sherman from johannesburg says once again humankind shows itself as the most destructive species on earth even destroying its own monuments marcel from ontario says this is so sad to see history destroyed no matter what happened in the past we live too much in the past edmund from london says the western european civilization has built its wealth and legacy on the strength of colonialism imperialism capitalism mercantile ism which is mostly based on exploitation and marginalization of africans i'm learning since the death of floyd that western european civilization is not a meritorious one debra from durban said no maybe it wasn't meritorious but it is what it is every event in history was progress in the previous event every generation has its own tilt to tell and progress step to take at the same time
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looking back at history and remembering and making if for the leap of progress every person who has and ever will live on this planet has a purpose in life for good or bad tire from helsinki says i don't need the statues of races to get educated history is what we need to learn getting from the media says i don't see any point on taking down slave master statues i think the best option is to keep history and let the current generation change their hearts nancy says this is all part of history destroying them won't change anything it would be a great history lesson to others never to let these things happen again. stewart says it's nothing short of vandalism for what ever the reason and finally brenda says i think the statue should stay the out of mind to of what has been what will be next burning then if these patches and street names educate people and either ignored by people or they can in like book let's not brush a history under the rug bettering your faith and not i think the wondrous
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generation describes a group of people largely from the caribbean who came to the the u.k. between the late forty's and early 1970 s. as part of the large immigration to place for people to take up jobs often in the national health service of other industries which were suffering from a post-war label shortage in britain and the name wondrous comes from the the ship chante empire when rush which brought the the 1st group of people from the caribbean countries to the u.k. in 1948 as many of the caribbean countries were that same part of the commonwealth and the people who came across were automatically british subjects and entitled therefore to live and to work pamela lee in the u.k. if they saw worst among those coming across the 1948 was jeff palmer's mother and 7 years later at 14 years 11 months old godfrey parma arrived in the
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u.k. to join his mom and i'll take up that story worth professor of suggests power who joins me from his home in panic. welcome to the salmon show thank you very much for inviting me but 1st i was the beginning your mother came to london fortis a spot of course no no there's the windrush generation what's your mom actually on the empire when rush or did she come into another boat from jamaica you know she wasn't on the where she she was on the mauritania and all the canard line ships. at that time that was transporting people ended in i so i came on the ask gania and that was some years later you're 14 when you arrived to join your mother yes i
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came well i arrived at liverpool in 1955 and when i got to london i was 14 years and 11 months and one month has been very significant to my life because when i arrived. and my mother tried to take me to work the next morning after travelling 5000 miles no idea that i was coming to join or to work and she was taking me to work and a man the door stopped us and said to my mom where are you going and she said we're going to work and the man said you can go to work but your son can't because he's only 14 years and 11 months and he has to go to school because you leave school in england at 16 in those days so my mom begged and pleaded. that she needed me to work to get her money to help her and she spent 86 pounds to
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bring me here and the man said i don't make the rules he's got to go to school who are mugged and thus she had to take me to school. so that was our lucky intervention from your point of view given what happened later of my mom took me to the local comprehensive school in london north london and they rejected me they gave me a little note saying i was easy as a n. that means i was told later educationally subnormal so she had to take me to the secondary modern school i played cricket the games master saw me took me to a trial and the next day told me i was playing for london schoolboys cricket team. and i played for london and the local grammar school headmaster hybrid county mr king saw the report that are secondary modern schoolboy was playing for london. my mother under school whether they would transfer me to a hybrid country so right so i got into grammar school because of my cricket. and
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you were having your your own educational struggles at the time and and finding him quite difficult to establish yourself through school and and university tell us about the obstacles you encounter than the process i arrived at leicester university in 1961 to do an honest a grave. and 964 i got an honest agree importantly i went back to london i i went to the labor exchange they gave me 2 jobs one in a betting shop and the other one to people take those so i thought peeling potatoes was close enough to botany so i took that and i peeled potatoes from q 11964 until my famous interview. in december 1964 tell us about that interview jeff and 964
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tell us exactly what happened there. spilling potato is as i say that i was promoted to fish cook so they the company had great hopes of me staying but i saw an ad for a research degree in a monstrous decree. and i applied for and i went to the interview it was a reading university and there was a panel. and not seen a panel like that because i recognized the man sitting just today i think to the right and. as soon as i walked in and sat down this started and he just said to me young man why don't you go back to a you come from a group anonymous and i was taken aback by this and the professor. to his right to is hitting the interview look and said something like you know come come and i just responded by saying it's difficult to grow bananas in her again and of course
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i didn't get the joke. but i saw another. and. that advert was for a ph d. in. the harriet what university i did my research in bali we changed the concept of how the grain grew how the grain digested itself and that laid the research or scientific foundation for my research later on in the industry. then some of the suggested growing bananas this was a famous politician of the day was not yet it was it was a case joseph and the fact is that i've been saying this since 1964 when it happened newspapers have carried it why that interview was so important to me and the statement it wasn't because i was concerned about it being racial no i was not
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what i was concerned about was that somebody was threatening my sense of belonging i had developed that sense of belonging. when i arrived in liverpool i to get to paddington to be my mom i realise the sense of belonging was important in terms of me dealing with racism and therefore my sense of belonging was being challenged and that's why i responded in that way and since that time i've taught students like given many community lectures and i and i stress to young people that your sense of belonging is critical because that's what the races go for. you develop the the barly abrasion process tell us a better what that is. i know it's important but i'm not very self that what exactly it is when i went to work bring research foundation it's sorry for the
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growing industry and the money was provided this primarily by the growing industry and i state you know if the brand did it and any child can see it the brand covers the whole grain therefore of the brand if it's digesting the grain we should stimulate the brain as quickly as possible and that's exactly what we did of course that breakthrough and the other parts of your your research probably not more pennies of more papers than any transfer of the exchequer in history and insulted the new giving them the station of the the s.p.c. ward the nobel laureates of the of the brewing industry what these create the stink sions in life. how did that how did that
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rule wait for europe in terms of your conversations were we people when the the realize the eminence of the professor of america. and had it war university i just feel that my mom when she came up to scotland to for me to get my doctor a science degree which is a real research degree you have to submit all your publications and she came up and when she went back to london and friends we said you know mr ivy how is your son doing in scotland and she said well. east illit school and she said it's not really doing anything it's just god's vehicle so again. i see myself but i'm so grateful to the americans gave me this is b.c. award. and when i got it i was only the 4th person and i was the only european who took tribe it at the time so it was
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a quite an accolade and appreciated it very much. turn this off to the bully where we continue our discussion the professor of so jeff bauman who told not i and to cover controversies and get jeff's opinion on what should be done join us and. people talk about a recession but actually there's a risk down the globe it's heading into depression that's right the pressure to do you work. the young we want to experience and they want to know where this is headed and they're doing in my hand the one next year that they're going to get rid of which they don't want rapidly and they're putting the sounds together they're courting very slowly this pandemic is making
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them be even more careful they will continue to be careful and they remain. at least a decade i don't know if generations were silent partnerships. welcome back i mean conversation with fassel jeff palmer professor emeritus head it what university and human rights activists jeff on the continent contrabass is of a black lives matter i mean you in your years of campaigning will have seen the number of waves so protests that sing for the quality in your estimation is this latest saw following the death and the magic of george floyd is this something different about this latest wave of protest. but yes i think it there is something very different the 5 i call the days of george floyd i call it the crucifixion
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and the policeman that's the law. when it's me on the neck of a black person for almost 9 minutes showed the world there was something very very wrong. and to me it is not murder because nobody's been tried but i see it as a crucifixion of a race which started with that definition which said that black people are inferior to white people and we cast it on from generation to generation and we cannot pass it on to another generation to pass it on again something must be done one of the consequences of the assumptions of the black lives matter movement has been the toppling of staff to so for people associated with racism all over the planet but you yourself as our long term campaigner on these issues have a slightly different attitude than many and terms of what should be done about such
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statues why yes i i don't long term view that it be our style choose like oh it's the stately homes which were built from slave money like the gallery or the well that's a slave masters house you know the necropolis. it was built by a slave owner. you know in a timber we have street names you know like the 4th street and rodney street all associated with slavery. you know half the new town some of the buildings are from slavery and therefore i feel of always felt that we should be putting up tracks we should have narrative all narratives narratives all these blacks to say. you know this person is building and this street was named after x. y. and said and they had this role in slavery and it must be accurate we don't i don't
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want them down out of sight out of mind remove the evidence remove the deep they must state with narratives on them where we can use them as part of our education in schools and in the community in general and that's why i feel we've taken down 2 statues the 3rd statue should be racism and we should not move beyond. the 3rd statute should be racism because it has damaged and killed enough people. it's less a huge opportunity for the education system both to reintroduce the areas of of scholarly political thoughts of that have been the elected like the radical tradition to confront scotland's own history as part of the imperial project and the beneficiaries of the vast wealth often built on slave or
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servitude. well yes i think the whole thing should be taught you know servitude all of miners and soldiers you know where they were treated so badly that they could change their jobs without permission and i think that should be taught and for example why i believe that the teach in is so important i was in penny cook a few years ago this is where i lived i've lived here since 97. and i was walking in the middle clinic and 2 little boys saw me and one of them looked at me and pointed and he said there's an inward man and his brother slapped him on the hit and say it is real to point and therefore that little boy was taught that you shouldn't point at an adult in not an oldish adult but he was not taught to say i should not be called that name
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and therefore we've got to teach children what that name is about what it relates to and they will have a better understanding that i'm not just an inward man so your campaign for a new inscription i'm done does start she has met with success you are encouraged by the the momentum others grown in the movement around the world you also involve them vising blast the university about how to confront and make reparations for the fact that so many of. its benefactors had a role in the the slave trade were you satisfied of how glasgow university responded to the advice they were given of salute late. you know i was just a sort of an advisor but the university did its own research. and again they should
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be a model for all other institutions to follow in fact what they did was they looked at the history look at their records and published a report. to say yes we received about 200000000 in legacies from slavery the university i remember that university has been around before columbus went to the new world and therefore we have a university putting his hand up and said yes we were involved and they produced a plan which i had the great honor unveiling and on that track it says this university benefited from the suffering of enslaved people i feel that glasgow. is like a 1st light and i think that other institutions some of them a lot following our glasgow but to me that shows what honesty can
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do it produces respect and your professorship for when it came in maine $989.00 i think and you're still given the aca leaders as scotland's fast black professor but even though you only less than one percent of professors around the universities of the united kingdom. would identify themselves as black. an extraordinary comments on the air which obviously emphasizes your own breakthrough but extraordinary comment on the distance still to travel in the equality of opportunity we don't have enough representation and people's attitudes are also based on representation i tell to that quick story it was one i was in edinburgh last year to give a lecture. and the attendant at the door said what you ought i said i come to give
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a lecture she said. and i said 2 o'clock and she just looked at me and said you can't be given a lecture or 2 o'clock because lectures being given by professors suggest come and the other one was when i went to another institution. another institution and the chap said do you know anybody in there because i wanted some help with my phone to charge it and i said yeah i used to know the previous boss and. he said the previous boss were you chauffeur so we still had those perceptions of the people as a recognition and the owners flowed you became a a knight of the realm a o.b.e. and a freeman of middle obion i'm anxious to know this is freeman shepard smith lovin the entitle you to anything in addition to
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a free bus pass to get into buildings for nothing of any advantage in this film and an audience good company yes i i was told i was in good company because the previous. freeman was was nelson mandela so you know it's a great act to follow. if we look back at our history middles it was the seat of a redundant. politician who gradually abolished the slave trade to the benefits of the slave so they could replace their slaves with the slaves died at a young age. and this is his seat and he must be turning in his grave to realise one of the people who may have transported you know who he may have transported is now the freeman of melodia of which he was m.p. . and finally far more people have good reason to trust your health drinking
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a pint of beer because of your achievements and brings when you serve a life of campaigning what else would you like people to remember when toasting your health of a pie again and some other more local more scottish concoction. well again you know you know the greatest. sort of reward for me and i so i don't really need. it any more than this cause this is so wonderful when ever i go into a supermarket and i walk alone. the shelves and i see all the brands of beer and whiskey and i don't know which one of my students. is involved with every brand that i see there because i can. and therefore does reward enough because i walk along those shelves and i smile. because i feel i
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make some contribution not only to their lives but also to an industry that has been very good to me and will be important for scotland to understand the achievement of scotland's 1st professor well yes in a sense yeah the fact is that you know when i'm walking about i don't see myself as a scot professor but that is the truth and you know i for example. when i came to scotland the university was threatened with the closure of the brewing department you know in the eighty's and i i panicked because i just i wouldn't get i wouldn't i didn't think i'd get another job and i went to the distilling industry and a wonderful man there mr on him are to listen to my story what lunchtime i said
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ronnie that i think they're going to close the brewing and he said what this is scotland we need a growing school it's always been there and he said leave it to me and because a long story short he came back to me a few weeks after that and he said geoffrey i got you a 1000000 pounds from the distilling industry and the growers came in with 400000 diet built the international center for brewing and distill it stelling the international center for brewing and distilling at the eric what university it is there now and it's got students from all over the world being taught growing and distilling as a science and that's why our students are so good at what they do because they know what they're doing professor jeff palmer thank you so much for joining me on the
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all examine show thank you thank you alex when jeff palmer became a professor in 1809 he was scotland's 1st of a black professor though even today less than one percent of all the professors in all the universities of the u.k. identify as black. promise career is a mind of just how much the united kingdom all is to the contribution of the wind russ generation and how shabbily they were treated in return. jeff pummels views were once a gobby this challenging controversial is still remind us of the leap of the imagination that we acquire to make to achieve genuine racial equality that the stood the test of time and i left caught the mood of the moment and so from this mean i'm a self and all of the show is goodbye from now stay safe and we'll see again next week.
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thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every one came to a complete. the day that i was raped and be instructed you know told to shut up but they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing area if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is
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a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended by hand and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violent male sexual predators for the large part of charge of whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. aha no no crow. no shots. actually felt. well it's true no 1st. point ch your thirst for action.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often this very dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit. in tok. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within the 0 song there were 2 view houses were. prison was located and the only people had access to the story investigators l.z. uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you great ignore . for.
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crying for justice. for supporting 2nd of july this is art international in our headlines all ballots now counted up for a week long vote on changes to the russian constitution with nearly 18 percent backing the amendments to today. 7 and that is enough police clear the self-proclaimed autonomous protest zone in seattle after a series of shootings and repeated by. a cult pro trump forum is banned from the discussion website read it over claims of hate speech coming up then we'll look at how the social network is being pulled between public and political scrutiny. and there's a question.
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