tv Keiser Report RT July 2, 2020 11:30am-12:30pm EDT
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the globe is heading into a depression start pressuring the day we're stacey yeah we're heading into to brush and we might never actually know how we got there because where every saying all of our history and right now you know princeton university one of the great ivy leagues where many of the heads of the fed come from by the way and there you find that they have the woodrow wilson school of foreign policy and they've now determined that woodrow wilson was a racist and therefore they got rid of the name so i suggested and the fed woodrow wilson was a racist after president woodrow wilson signed the federal reserve act into law on the evening of december 23rd 1913 he worked which i think will be of lasting benefit to the business of the country so councils are fed right council fed council culture news accounts of the fed everything i've spent counseled up until now is meaningless unless you counsel both that unless you counsel the fed then
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cancelling all those t.v. shows canceling all those celebrities tearing down all those statues doing all those protest is meaningless with a capital m. you have wasted your life away completely you are a waste you are a waste if you don't counsel the fed if you don't cancel the fed then you have wasted your life it's that simple millennial is jhansi baby boomers and gen x. if you do not cancel the fed you have been born into this world for no purpose and the fed of course is what i had said in my tweet and this was this is a motto that has been going around for quite a few years a drive driven by mostly ron paul of and the fed and so we've had a since 1913 and this is the systemic nature of this is that it is sexist it is racist it is classist by nature in terms of the fact that the fed pushes the cantillon effect here i'm going to say plucky this is plucky cousin as actually what joe will say and you know the spirit of one. joe wilson resides in here
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because he did create the fat he signed the legislation and here we are 107 years later and more adults than ever lived with their parents or grandparents so we've come full circle back to sort of medieval ages when you know extended families lived in one little tiny room with all of their livestock and absolutely shocking new report by a zillow this month estimates 2700000 adults moved in with a parent or grandparent and march and april as virus pandemic lockdowns crossed the economy yes a fractal because the globalization rights of countries are no longer globalizing they are nationalizing starting a drop in 2016 that was the mandate make america great again that is a call to the global audience and you say that more you know the fractal lovely scene out of the family unit where people are now living together you know in america they decry the end of the nuclear family right the mom kids grandparents having a close relationship and this got atomized during the fifty's and sixty's in the
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seventy's where the kids went out and they discovered themselves and they went abroad and they learned different cultures and it was all the birth television broke down the nuclear family and values collapsed and then the silent majority was all really upset because the values of america well now the values are coming back the families are all moving together they're living in hobbles they're scared out of their wits they've clutching their crucifixes and they're talking to pluck you the world's greatest economist so that's a good thing yes in fact what we see found in the zillow analysis they found that 32000000 adults lived with a parent or grandparent as of april or about 10 percent of the entire population lives in their parents' basement the highest on record this of course could also explain social media like a lot of. adults living in their parents' basement and they are still living out their childhood but with. the aggressiveness and anger of an adult and of course we
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see the savings rates has surged in america and partly it's a lot of the free money that the fed and the treasury are creating and of course if you don't have any rent or pay bills to pay because mom is paying your bills and cooking food for you this is this is part of that infantilization as well so at the end of empire you have a lot of crazy stuff out and you have giant babies wearing big baby diapers walking around you know leading the country and trump is the epitome of that he's basically he's like a dude that lives in his mother's basement this savings rate going up the way it is really goes completely against all the economic policies that are designed to stimulate american economic growth right because american economic growth is all based on aggregate demand and they employ keynesianism to get the aggregate demand just go into debt as much as you possibly can to to to buy to purchase to be a consumer to get the aggregate demand going but with the pandemic there is no
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pushing on a string there is no way to create a supply chain you can't print the supply chain the camp print job recovery the way you can print money so people are not consuming because the grants are going to into a depression and so as such their savings and american economy is not built for savings they have what's called the paradox of thrift they call the savings clot right they vilify savings and saving his breath but of all those people with savings now if they converted 506070100 percent of the pick wind then they could become individually sovereign and they would save themselves but part of that savings club why that exists is because the you know the bottom 90 percent are spending all the money that they receive so they're not saving as much as the top 10 percent. which they're saying as you know they tend to spend thousands and thousands of dollars a month on 1st class flights or hotels or you know gucci bags and things like that
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that they're not able to spend right now because they're a little bit more scared than rest of the population they're sheltering in place and exotic you know in their in their 2nd or 3rd home and stuff like that but in terms of ending the fed and ending the situation of the wealth and income gap that we see in this week that is our independence week you know. that the fed is responsible for moral hazard and why we are tearing down statues at the moment is this this notion of our new morals that our morals do not abide by all the the stuff that happened 200 years ago like we do not we do not agree with their morals and therefore we're taking it down but now we have this thing called moral hazard whereby we have all of this risk in the economy and this is part of what we believe is destabilizing the economy yes it is the race and yes there's the sexes and yes there is all of that sort of but immoral behavior of our system but one of the
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biggest moral problems is the moral hazard and you see that in this next story because how we're going to fix this situation amidst the pandemic i'm it's a global uprising amidst all this other stuff and the lack of faith and institutions i don't know pressure builds for s c b s bailout and open letter to chairman of the federal reserve jerome powell and secretary of the treasury stephen minucci and the group asked the central bank to devise a long term relief plan and the face of an elongated crisis though it did not specify a particular structure for any such plan this group is a group of congressional legislators who are now and they wrote saying these commercial mortgage backed securities which are sold into pension funds across america it's the new c.d.o. member the collateralized debt obligation of 2008 we have these c. m.b.a.'s backing c.l.o.
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those collateralized loan obligations and these commercial mortgage backed securities you know you think of all these malls you think of these a half of manhattan's real estate all the shops closed not only due to pandemic but also to uprisings so they're looking for a bailout yet another bailout of their moral hazard system member of the movie the big short came out after a few. years after the 2008 level financial crisis and talked about sub prime some prime mortgages on the sub prime collapse in the sub prime contribution to the global financial crisis of 2008 the other thing that came out the big short so a lot of people came out to me and they said back some of you said big short real is that really did that really happen did people really know about it and they profited billions of dollars bet against the market that was right and i said 2 things number one not only is it real but the whole thing playing out again in the commercial mortgage backed security market. and within 10 or 12 years it will
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happen all over again and they said that's impossible all there's laws right. now yeah this collapsing again and as the big short part 2 is the global financial crisis part 2 it's the federal reserve crisis part 12 and it's the depression part 2 so you know i wish we could get some different scripts this script is being over and over and over again it's like watching sex in the city the same episode 20 times in a row it's a bit boring but we've also often talks about this analogy of the black hole of debt in the black hole is sucking everybody in and sometime in around 2000 i believe we did pass the event arising and what we've had since then is this process of spaghetti for cation and time has changed as we get closer to the black hole and splatter hood because we you know interest rates went negative so time started to have no value we started to go backward in time some point at about 18 months ago then we had negative commodity prices with negative oil prices energy shouldn't be
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negative but apparently it is it happened 2 months ago and now we have a situation where we're also seeing the time compressed because they point out that the letter also listed worrisome c m b s market metrics such as the fact that the delinquency rate hit 7.15 percent in may up from 2.29 percent in april and is fast approaching the record of 10.34 percent delinquent in july 2012 quote what took years to progress towards delinquency rates then now comes in a couple of months the letter said right well china will end up being the dominant economy in the world not because it will outgrow all of their economies but because they will be impacted the least by the global depression and america will be impacted severely by the global depression as well the u.k. and france and italy and horrible but china will be impacted the way least by the global depression so they'll be by default the world leading economy. it's a 4th turning end of empire rise of another empire 3 cities each trap where we're
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just saying over and over this is independence week but in a way we will get our independence once the empire collapsed right because then we will no longer have a fed that rules the world and therefore creates all this moral hazard and bails out all these people who keep on jeopardizing our security and our safety and our well while being with all of these fraudulent debts the studios the c.l.o. the c.m. b.s. the mortgage backed securities all the stuff that keeps on terrorizing the population with boom and bust cycle is i think it's destabilizing i think you see that you know there's no one thing that's causing the uprisings and it's all of this stuff right let's change the name of independence day to dependence. all right we'll take a break and when we come back let's work up.
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to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only really. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. secrets prisons and usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however he even the most prosperous can be deceived with. the work to view houses were. preserved was located only you can pull it access to the story for investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. you great ignore.
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you sort of. thing for justice. welcome back to the cast report i'm max keiser time to go to alex step out of amber app welcome alex and can you just briefly describe amber after us briefly really briefly it's a big point accumulation at so it's about 2nd sets were the 1st ones to do cost averaging world and we're doing cool new stuff soon enough which is going to take dollar cost averaging and put it on and cyril instead the good kind is there it's there i cough people can check that out now let me ask you this this weekend is independence day in america a celebration of our independence from monarchy taxation without representation and the bank of england today we have thrown in capitalism never ending bailouts and some hyperinflation on the way what happens next it's really interesting i'm
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listening to a book now called but you know the great course is serious they do all these universities are courses and one of them is on why economies rise and fall and there's this monkey you know it's i'm going to alert words like intellectual you're . teaching people economics you know. and so you know to talking about how. you know the. what spawned the rise of economics and really you know it started before america really started with the rise of the merchant in western europe you know now to learn u.k. and it was when some of us were able to. agriculture really start it up and people were able to. do farming and produce food more efficiently and therefore have time to do other things now as that potential rate at those
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countries became richer traveling but then you know the classic rise states during that period alongside 'd the market. the thing or stealing from it will be taxes and you know all you know all of the things that we literary and the big point of the century against and on and we had people you know run off to the new promised land and. establish a new place where people could live free of these days original financial terrorists or these original rulers to try to you know take the wealth that people are creating and you know we they went and created this place called america which was which is fantastic because you had this place built on libertarian principles and. the acceleration of economics based on you know free market wild wild west saw
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a place go from nothing no history to becoming a worldwide economic power in 100 years that goes to show the power of people coming to voluntarily being able to do something but then of course you know we had $913.00 and you know the federalization of the on the space of america which you know since then we're seeing the ramifications of and and where i'm going with this whole thing is that. we. we're seeing you know peak state which probably started happening you know 2030 years ago with you know with communism and all that sort of stuff i'm not saying a communism started 20 years ago but that's sort of her collapse and we now have a version of you know quote unquote capitalism which is a blatant lie we as you said socialize the losses of privatized games that came sort of funny. but where i think it goes next to finally answer your question you
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know really matt is i think this thing keeps crumbling. i don't know if inflation is running when i think these clowns can manage to keep the can down the road for maybe another decade or 2 maybe 3 maybe 4 i think it's to find within the system that what i love about bitcoin is in the same way as the founding fathers and as the as the people who 1st went to settle in america the same way they did they went to a new land they went somewhere fresh because you couldn't change the existing system from within the system coining and neighbors us it created instead of trying to change something within like police in texas doing you know trying to make payments with the banks and you know doing why it's kind of stuff. you know they kind says we're going to create a new place over here something completely fresh something completely new something
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outside of the existing system that is voluntary that is opt in that is it allows people to come in and build wealth that is protected that at its roots has private property rights built into it mathematically not because someone said it is late literally in what we're repeating what happened with america. 250 years ago level on a one to go with this but now on a global digital scale using math and i think this is this is now. true independence and something that you know would be much more all it will lay the foundation full you know the next couple 1000 years you know the creation of the social contract which is something that goes back a few 100 years and it also was something that arose during the creation of the nation state because you did have suddenly a wealthy class that was able to aggregate
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a large quantities of wealth and this. prerequisite a need to come up with a social contract you know how will the governed govern those everyone in society and america was the great social contract in the constitution the bill of rights we the people and all this and unfortunately 240 years later it's really gone back to a monarchy a kleptocracy a caucus not receive a technocrats and so we've lost it you know america died essentially now big coin is the new social contract and the new soldier contract is mathematically algorithmically inforced every 10 minutes coins are distributed and that this social contract that is the vital essence of because it is bought into some folks almost perfect it's almost the perfect idea of a social contract and the results are going to be what some call individual
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sovereignty yes so this is a quite a concept instead of having nation states and sovereign states will have individual sovereignty when your thoughts to a greater degree as you say that like i had chills up my spine because it's like i think we're living in such a special who appeared of history like you know and not to some compass or anything but you had the founding fathers you know. helped you know establish the constitution and create arguably you know the greatest freest land in the time right which unfortunately has devolved into like sort of. you know where we're now at a time where we get to help establish this new this new place this is new promised land if i can use that terminology and. amend it. what one of the one in one of the founding principles i think what makes
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it quite special and what you're talking about there with personal sovereignty is in order for somebody or something or a group of people to be sovereign they need to be able to protect themselves and and specifically protect private property rights that sort of the foundation of being able to be sovereign in some way shape or form like you need to build. from aggressors from from theft and for the 1st time in history. i mean because fundamentally when someone comes to steal or rob you they're looking to take your wealth of some sort now the easiest wealth to expropriate is generally just liquid what's money but you know they can also see you know goods or. you know they have around the house but fundamentally it's dealing with money now. bitcoin lowers the cost of defense and increases the cost of attack and it does so in a way for
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a group of people to get together in order to enable defense to deter attack is actually small and arguably down to the individual so as a result as an individual you know we have the ability to protect our. personal wealth which is the thing that generally is. aggressed against. with information with cryptography with mathematics it's like it can be that like you need a gun. but it's also happening at a time you know where technology is converging and really going to these convergent networks that allow single individuals to to have more i guess say or more control of the decisions they want to make in life which then also diminishes the need for the nation state to have to exist because again a nation state came about that the social contract the constitutional those things came about to protect private property rights on that social contract so that
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people can you know. live work and to see happiness that phrase pursuit of happiness originally was a perk was the pursuit of private property or something to that yack yack changed to the pursuit of happiness so as you point out pick winners on confiscated ball which is k a particularly for groups like black eyes matter who have had their wealth confiscated by the us government just like the american indigenous population had all their wealth confiscated ration of state and money this is often the 1st time in history this is ever happened it is big on the earth you know we are like. i haven't read the full turning yet but i but i get the yes i get the sense that this is what it's about but if you look back to history you had sort of the ancient times and emperors and so moved in seattle times room and all that and then through that we had the rise of the church which then sort of cleaned up and these social institutions these societies that we built you know the intent was always it's not
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you know i don't believe that there was some guy in the background strings like that these are things that happen chaotically or. or what's the word that they happen in a complex map so there's you know individuals all active and we sort of convergence some form and systems collaborate and communicate cooperate as. hell as chimps as i like to call it in being so you know we we each time the system dictates your point where you know it was number one channel and you know too much precious things beyond and you know in the beginning the church was really a place of promise that was where the promised land existed you know people were able to learn ethics you know have something to believe in that was larger than themselves and allowed to manage it sort of to arrange it so paul or 2 to establish itself and move in the same direction which was quite powerful but as
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with all men maybe institutions they decay are the times that i have had laughs. and you know the rise of the motion the rise of the nation helped write the on the all really the rise of science in the merchant helped separate church and state 500 years ago but now as we've mentioned this thing is decayed to the point where the nation state is the parasites in fact has been the parasite for quite a while now you know well over a century if not more and all it does is see. us as individuals and it's gotten to the point where. it is fundamentally detrimental it it's in its death throes of its life cycle and. perfect timing so she comes around drops off the most important invention of the last 500 years if not longer. in time for us to build
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a new foundation with like we discussed earlier private property rights at its core . to enable us to then rebuild society without trying to fix the should mosul that is. the nation state ok alex great philosophical points thanks so much for being on the kaiser report understand that thank you for having me on i know i can rant about this stuff out really christian ok well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank guard asked alex that's gay if you want to get in touch with us on twitter it's kaiser report and i'm. the one guy you appear he was a may found him literally dead like this standing. or guard appears his
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girlfriend they were found in their apartment that they just. cuddled up and they were dead for like 3 days holding each other this wall so people who have lost their life's early to addition yeah this is from akron. not grown is better known as the meth capital of ohio it's a city where the number of drug addicts keeps growing every year. i came across 14 in my whole family were drug addicts. throughout much of the 1990 s. and beyond and the doctors were encouraged in some cases incentivized to overprescribe. enough to sedate the small country why you should also hear about people buy all that stuff and we got to go get to go crazy get you but you know when you do it. and they're still coming you know one
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after the next. the young want transparency they want to know where this is headed and their very demand that one night stand they're going to get rid of what they don't want rapidly and they're putting themselves together they're courting very slowly this pandemic is making them be even more careful it will continue to be careful and they may in at least a decade i don't know a generation of more solid partnerships. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. the day that i was very instructive here you hold
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a shot kill me and i see how would destroy. any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he right means berthing area if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. welcoming our
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viewers from around the world live from central london this is r.t. u.k. . scottish 1st minister nicola sturgeon and u.k. prime minister boris johnson clashed over the possibility that scotland could have forced foreign team rules on those entering from the rest of the u.k. . the world health organization wants the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is to get to come we'll hear from a dummy wait show spokes person. small business owners in leicester pledged to remain open despite the city's coronavirus lockdown as dozens of all the hot spots could go the same way i'll be joined by a medical expert. the u.k. high court has ruled the british government recognizes one guy dole as the bad as well as interim president over elected leader in the class my daughter i'll be talking to an eagle representative. on germany reveals it's helping the u.k. develop its much maligned coronavirus contact tracing out after months of trials
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and tribulations that previously concerns remain i'll be talking to a tech expert. scot for the 1st minister and the u.k. prime minister are at odds over the possibility of implementing quarantine in scotland for those from the rest of the u.k. that's trustor of coronavirus cases have appeared along the border between england and scotland or 4 of us are shoddy i was dashti to it's been shot here so i looked at the speed a war of words between boris johnson and nicholas sturgeon doesn't it absolutely the prime minister forrest johnson scottish 1st minister nicholas are in brawls and yet another constitutional debate this time of a scottish quarantine so essentially the talk is that scotland may quarantine and ask anyone to south isolate for 14 days who comes into. the scottish border now one
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question earlier this week nicholas sturgeon didn't rule it out but she didn't deny it either and said any think in that direction would be based on the science and medical advice well during prime minister's questions boris johnson said that this was quite frankly absurd particularly because he doesn't believe that there is a border between england and scotland so i think the suggestion is going to. be no such discussions. with the school to. get it straight about what i would pull down to my own free will you know very well there is no such thing. as going. now of course throughout the entirety of lockdowns scotland where the line have all gone their own separate ways when it comes to dealing with the pandemic and how to handle and get and try and eradicate the virus all together we know that nicholas sturgeon has long been one step ahead of downing street when it comes to this particularly over the tightening the restrictive measures of the lockdown so this
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may not come as a surprise to anyone however she says the prime minister is trying to politicize a scientific one. the really vital public health challenges that we are dealing with right now from the absurd and ridiculous political statements that i am you know understandably be nice to respond to a prime minister secretary of state who in a government sense is dealing with the same issues i am right now to try to politicize these things is shameful and is unacceptable the governor of new york today and you can find this on twitter has put out information about the at the states in america from which people going into new york will be quarantined for 14 days no i don't think the governor of new york has been political or constitutional there he's just looking at a situation where transmission in new york has been driven down and other states it's much higher so he's trying to protect the people he said arabs from being exposed to further spread of
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a vitus. on necklace statue and has better opinion many people saying that that policy would be quite divisive because imagine if peace wepa trolling the border well firstly how would they enforce that but equally some would say that would create an absolute political asked quick and that is certainly the opinion of jacob race mark who really thinks that it is going down the wrong route and has even likened to donald trump mergers good little sturgeon wishes to have a war perhaps she was mourning herself on other leading political figures between england and scotland because my brother from the prime minister said there is no border between england and scotland and it was shameful to call for a border of that type of kind to be erected stop people travelling freely between the constituent parts of the united kingdom one never fully clustered or not a model herself on american political figures to build a wall. meanwhile than a cluster of corona virus cases have emerged on the border of scotland and north
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west england there has been an outbreak in the area of dumfries and galloway 10 cases around gretna n n n and the last time there were any positive 1000 cases was on june the 22nd however these cases are said to be connected so now i cross border incident management team has been created to deal with all of this the guidance at this point in time is not to travel more than a 5 mile radius as you can see on your screen there now of course all of this comes as boris johnson continues to say that the u.k. is not quite out of the woods just yet even though in the next few days england will be preparing to reopen its doors to pubs bars and restaurants many people at this point quite worried of a 2nd wave potentially why nicolas stabbed in the 1st minister's going through the words with a bit more trepidation and caution than her english counterpart de shadier thank you very much. with the world health organization has warned that the
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worst of the covert 19 pandemic could be yet to come the head of the w.h.o. claimed the crisis was actually intensifying and criticized the u.k.'s response well the organization has praised germany china and several other countries in east asia for developing the blueprint on how to curb outbreak successfully this includes robust contact tracing by local health officials and delegating lockdown powers to regional leaders however the u.k. has been criticized for its top down approach to the pandemic and lifting its law down too soon but the w.h.o. director general said it's never too late for countries to use all available tools . are to be expected as country started to lift restrictions. but countries that have the systems in place to are ply a comprehensive approach should be able to contain this flare ups locally and void reintroducing widespread restrictions however we're concerned that some
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countries have not used all the tools at their disposal and have taken a fragmented approach. these countries face a long hard road ahead. but one of the lessons of the punditry kid that normal to want situation a country is in it can be turned around. well earlier i talked to the world health organization spokesperson dr margaret harris she told me that countries with recent experience of infectious disease outbreaks know the value of mass text testing sometimes people are thinking. that the health of the economy the 2 go hand in hand you know if you're not healthy if you're sick you're current and you can't work so you've lost your financial means on the on that if you don't have a job you may become ill through lack of activity or lack of money so we've got to
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do the 2 together but the key word is be safe we know what stops this the social distancing the hair washing the ensuring nothing gets in your mouth nose our eyes these things work these things have worked in other countries and that message must be have been home everything we do with are we open close what if we do we must ensure that those things happen all the time talking of other countries why do you think the u.k. has struggled with testing and tracing when other countries have been much more successful. still this has been variable and certainly we get so very very early on i'm sure you remember my director general saying test test test but in countries that don't have a lot of experience of large infectious disease outbreaks quite often just to start the people on this systems weren't necessarily in place in countries that have got so advance medical care usually the health needs were in hospital so there was
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a lot of reposing a lot of rethinking to do we saw in east asia countries move much more quickly they experienced stars and most a knew what a virus like this could do was a u.k. complacent though many did dismiss the w.h.o. as test test test advice early on as for other countries not here. a lot of countries did not see it as the as the high priority at that time and that is why we kept on saying do it please do it because we do know that this works and we have seen countries where it's worked where they're going in aggressively and one of the leaders of those countries were ridiculed for for being over overcautious and over reactive but they have shown that their populations can be protected. small business owners in the english city of leicester have pledged to defy the local coronavirus lock down and remain open a spike of infections in the city has resulted in
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a 2nd lockdown being enforced health secretary matt hancock has ordered all non-essential businesses to close for people to remain at home unless absolutely necessary but a number of local manufacturers have refused to comply. we haven't had any guidance from the government or local authority on if we should close or remain open but to be honest we lost so much money joining the 1st law we cannot afford to close it would be a disaster for the company and our workers so we will remain open regardless of what your thoughts he's tell us. well despite the overall easing of england's restrictions this weekend there are other areas where the virus is on the rise and could mean other local lockdowns public health england figures show that the london borough of hay varing and the southwest county of wiltshire recently saw a 300 percent jump ones worse in london and gloucestershire in the southwest have both seen a 200 percent spike in the number of cases while there was also
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a 191 percent rise in the northern town of doncaster and a 180 percent increase in ealing in london well that says local councils say they are not getting the test results they need to prevent spikes of infections manchester and rushed out claim they haven't received the full data on patients testing positive outside the health care system hampering efforts to contain the outbreaks the government says it has been sharing data and is working closely with local councils. well for more on local lock downs i'm joined by infectious disease expert professor paul hunter thank you very much for joining us is it wise that we're lifting the lockdown in england at a time when hotspots are beginning to appear well i think as as we. used restrictions across the country it's almost certainly going to be the case that some absolute going through the disease continues to decline over the box maybe not so much and we have to if we're going to risk relax restrictions be very careful
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about the areas where it isn't declining and. lester is a very good example in this. the surprising thing about leicester is how long it's taken to actually get together and decide on a local lockdown. people were talking about leicester seeing an increase back in around 2 or 3 weeks ago america has just continued to progress so. the problem is if you if you don't act soon on these local lock downs you you then she has higher numbers of cases more illness more debt and actually any subsequent lockdown that you have to impose will take longer because you've got more cases and it takes longer for those cases to go away. because that is spread out in terms of inherent ation their local health officials have complained they
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are not getting the right data to handle the flare ups of what's going wrong. i think part of the problem is this hello want to look into it. up until fairly recently most of us have been generally following the bill of one test because they're there the people who are really quite ill going to hospital and so they transfer random variations being reduced. in the political tests are other people in the society being tested and the problem in leicester was that actually in virtually all of the exam the cases were in the pillar to test generally in people who were between the ages of 20 or 50 so. and the pillow 2 tests tend to be being done by commercial abara trees. and the results from that were not included in the u k 19 dash board at the local authority level we would share the total
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across the u.k. . but you could not access the figures of the pillar to our local authority level but it seems to be being changed as a matter of urgency this week. you know there was a prime minister's question about it on wednesday and the statistics authorities started to release some of that data which i think the local authorities really need they're willing to accept professor hunter one quick one quick point that i mean businesses they've said we're just hearing they go to defy lester's lockdown so how can this not be forced. i don't know i mean that's a political question if fines and some form of legal imposition is going to be implemented that's a question for all occasions but certainly. the longer you if you don't implement the locked out you will not control the epidemic locally and it will continue to
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spread within your society. olds who are causing more long term. economic damage. not only. in the area or. area affected but certainly also possibly wider area it wearing stuff professor hunter thank you very much indeed. coming up after the break germany has revealed its help in the u.k. develop a coronavirus contact tracing up after months of delays for the british technology . the u.k. government officially recognizes opposition leader fund by dog as venezuela's interim president elected leader nicolas maduro i'll be talking to a legal representative.
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successful very critical time to sit down and talk. join me every thursday on the alex i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you there. welcome back british socialite delaine maxwell has been arrested by the f.b.i. in new hampshire and will appear in court later this thursday the daughter of disgraced media mogul robert maxwell has been accused of procuring under-age girls for convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein 58 year old girl lane maxwell who was
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a close friend of prince andrew was arrested this thursday morning she was charged in a 6 count indictment including transporting a minor to engage in sexual activity epstein was arrested last year on sex trafficking charges but died in his jail cell on awaiting trial. the u.k. high court has ruled that the government now formally recognize an opposition leader though as venezuela's president the move comes after a rally emerged over who should control the country's gold reserves stored in the bowels of the bank of england the central bank of venezuela took legal action to release the goals to help the country overcome the coronavirus crisis but the bank of england has refused to do so as the u.k. government doesn't recognize nicolas maduro as the country's president the high court rules that britain now officially considers by door as venezuela's legitimately doubt. her majesty's government does recognize mr in the
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capacity of the constitutional interim president of venezuela and it must follow does not recognize mr duros as the constitutional interim president of venezuela. well venezuela's president nicolas maduro was sworn in for a 2nd term in january last year after initially taking office poling the death to go chavez in 2013 but opposition leader fund why those soon declared himself to be the rightful president after accusing the doura of rigging the 2018 election the ukase then foreign secretary jeremy hunt had already labeled by though as the constitutional interim president. of the world this i'm now joined by a lawyer representing the central bank of and as well that's. some us thank you very much indeed for joining us why did the court come to this judgment could it simply be for pragmatic reasons to avoid handing over the gold. god given to his judgment on the basis of the letter we discovered we're going to office wrote to the court that it took your government recognizes mr gandhi or as
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a constitutional precedent was important to note that difference got you should presidency is different from actually presidency concision bristol see there is your presidency literally you knew only to press to use effect or you must keep in mind a british government still recognises arrested my guru as do real research but as you learn is it maintains an embassy. history smugglers or is only if you look at it as investor i was presented as credential you have a very stupid please let us start how significant is this i mean 2019 then foreign secretary jeremy hunt tweeted that the u.k. recognised by doe as the president of venezuela. but if this is just a decision by the united states britain some countries who have a huge change in their brains of any underlying question there's a treaty has or any country has a right to interfere and to start affect its sovereign interests out of the country
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out of a sovereign country or correct result is that the cash itself is needed for covert 19 but the u.k. and the u.s. plainly don't trust material do they the murder of government and of my plan the central bank of it as you are as entered into an agreement with the united nations development program and the bengal in it knows about it the better if i think this agreement that the gold will be sought and the proceeds the state called the u.n. and if the u.n. d.p. who will buy food and medical equipment like rent elaters and oxygen masks and medicine for the poor innocent people now it just does not happen there is a serious risk and many lives will be lost so what's the next move there. the next school as if you are going to be but i sincerely hope that it will be a solution fun because look at the little practical matter if the goal of the store and of my youth and a procedure to go into it was to guide or even if not have an office of president been met but as you are and he he had the issue is who has the authority to give
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instructions to the. now do board what is the actual board of the b.c.b. which is a central bank governors and the other is a help or the directors of the end of a block not luminesce you are what are going to deliver and or change and columbia are a little do they go how do they use it for poor people it is possible they look all of this sort of the way he wants to go do it if you get in the federal reserve and work doesn't go and not go as it would be yours and vice president my guru when there is no evidence of noble buner to jar of assenting to go and feed the poor people and provide the medical equipment to go there but as you know people who are us who are going to show up and they're going i understand that each their source i want to thank you very much and if you talking to us i phone made me. germany has revealed it's helping the u.k. develop a coronavirus contact tracing app after months of delays u. turns and false starts germany's app uses apple and google technology has been
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downloaded over 40000000 times since its launch in mid june it's reportedly been successful while the ukase app is believed to be months away from being operational and has cost $11000000.00 pounds so far germany's ambassador to the u.k. and france mckayla said his country will be happy to share their technology. well in early may the government announced it was making its own centralised track and trace out that angered privacy activists who back to d.c. centralized model with data held on individual phones germany had ditched a similar centralized planning a month earlier but the u.k. still plowed ahead but it soon became clear the u.k. zone in mid may deadline wouldn't be met when the government finally trial the technology on the isle of wight just off the english south coast but the results are still in conclusive by may the 27th the tested tray system was launched but with no app in sight and in late june the health secretary announced a huge turn to a decent realized apple and google version of the app he even said that had always
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been part of the plan despite denials from the tech giants themselves one more listen i don't buy the c.e.o. of open u.k. that's amanda brock about to thank you for joining us this happens been a shambles hasn't it what should the u.k. have done initially. ok i think there is a very very clear learnings for the u. k. in this process technology today's very much developed an agile basis that means that it's curious that it's always changing and analyze you saying fast one of the things the germans did very right is that on the 20th of april they decided because of the trip to see pushback on the centuries database window to walk away from their initial app which was also on it essentially essentially spaces to work with essentially and secondly they developed in the end and and by developing and sharing their code in the end and really smart acts early and continuously through get help that aligned the development community to participate and germany has benefited by over 7000 parts being reza find and say it's from that collaboration.
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and i think a thirdly testing that testing is something you do to find faults and find bugs and to matt has got to have made the test in the u.k. so public is a huge risk including one that's not paid or what other countries like germany have had apps up and running for months other than. they have they have singapore i think and they're working out the 20th of march what would go with google and apple earlier have been wise a. good question and that goes to the absolute heart of this which is that most of the sessions are not technology ones that colas it is a governmental policy decisions and what we then see is technology following the policy. mentioned in your introduction and that the u.k. government has said from the start that it was running 2 ready processes in parallel and that it's all. well isn't that too late for the app. i mentioned that germany predicted they withdrew their says angela database model
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and 20th of march 7 weeks later they had the intelligence of the tech sector with the new map and they are only 2 weeks into the game still so they perhaps again i was like 6 weeks and see where it's got a funny monday with so many you turns on changes why is it just been so hard to initiate. in us more of the nature of technology things do change and we have to learn from our developments and from our mistakes but also the nature of the pandemic and of course the out is only just one part. to shout so things that it won't be a solution they demand thank you very much indeed for talking to us thanks kate and i'll be back with more news in just over half an hour say that.
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time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important it's accelerating the transition to sustainable price board sustainability spain over man at a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim that production is completely hamas followed this new the dumbass lieblich nothing libby got got into compass numbers and got it done does not the present companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is a canal this must be going to mean and i mean look. this is the moves i mean listen we didn't want anyone and einstein seemed to be based on that understood look to see when and.
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you cannot be bold with yet your what. all these people press away and there's a lot more of this wall it's all people who have lost their lives early to edition yeah this is from akron we're just not going to treat our way out of this epidemic the only way we're going to eradicate it is that are educating the prevention and stop the kids from using because we have seen people go through programs 10 to 12 different times and go to treatment and just never get it and end up dying tog
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masseur is a former drug addict who now heads a private rehab center in akron ohio all the guys been working on this themselves so the one guy up here he was a house monitor at new destiny treatment center and they found him literally dead like this ending up dead or garri appear his girlfriend they were found in their part of that they've just gotten. cold and they were dead for life 3 days holding each other. has a population of about 200100 years ago it was one of the fastest growing towns in
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the u.s. it was famous for producing rubber count tiles and was even called the capitol of the world in the last 50 years the population has fallen by a 3rd and continues to decline these days akron is better known as the meth capital of ohio it's a city where the number of drug addicts keeps growing every year this film was shot in several private rehab centers and is about the people who still live in them who have recently left. we are at the emma recovery residence a home that's been in my family for over 50 years 53 years i believe you know i've read read some editorial.
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