tv Documentary RT July 2, 2020 12:30pm-1:30pm EDT
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as a population of about 200100 years ago it was one of the fastest growing towns in the u.s. it was famous for producing tiles and was even called the capitol of the world in the last 50 years the population has fallen by a 3rd and continues to decline these days akron is better known as the meth capital of ohio it's a city where the number of drug addicts keeps growing every year this film was shot in several private rehab centers and is about the people who still live in them who have recently left. we are at the recovery residence a home that's been in my family for over 50 years 53 years i believe you know i've read read some editorial and such lately were and people are saying that the worst
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is behind us and that is far from internal. the statistics such as they are are disappointing on the just released accounting report were and were on track to outpace last year's deaths significantly. not. to former prisoners and to people who have checked out of a state rehab center and need a safe shelter for a while they can stay for free until they find work and then they pay $500.00 a month in rent. 10 months i knew. that i'm alive let's hear. my last jury. my 4 story apartment window on the sidewalk and should not be alive here today should not be a walk just another thing everything just did an asteroid. you know
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so it's time to work out. i get to serve my darker. still be a liar the last time i was. born here all those. kind of drugs. bernard. collaery met when they both rented rooms from rainout and banks have been heroin and misuses for than 10 years. corey is from a very poor family in west virginia is mother abandoned her at birth and she's never seen her biological father. and that's me. is right after they adopted me because the day after that 4 days old i remember
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that she doesn't even know who made it so big mystery i don't really care it's not important. i have a great family anyway. and then that's me senior picture so i was 17 and a half there. and i was a blond then. if. this is her adoptive parents were wealthy and loving but that didn't save her from addiction and other things the rap sheet. corey have now states and i knew. i was just broke in you know i broke in college when i was raped in that stairwell you know that's when i started drinking and that slate when the the addiction in me was like awakened but never like i said consistently are alike. nourish
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like i mean i nurtured my heroin it made everything that was broken inside of me away. when we met an old rowlings he was working with one of the crunch rehab centers and had been clean for long enough and yes as well as administered lead to the center. of the streets hoping to try and help them change their lives. and. hopefully. it's all his young man. playing to see me that's what it's all about you know all it takes is that one person. connecting with another person you know believe in somebody else. the problem is. not
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with your wife's money uncle i'm right i'm rob you don't look up my head your wife my mom ok bill you mean the research is pretty conclusive i mean we have genetic markers for addiction the disposition towards addiction certainly it is a learned behavior as well so now we have 3 generations of people under the same roof who know active addiction and again that's a path all of that's pretty entrenched i mean how do you interrupt that cycle when grandma builds dads wasted on this you know the kids are on meth where do you start to untangle that one i'm good now because i don't want to be a statistic i want to give my kids stuff that i didn't have like i was you know out of foster homes my whole life my dad could means money on mama's on dope my you know my aunts and uncles came up when i was 14 i came up to ohio in my whole family were gigantic it was a perfect. factors we're just now peeling back the layers of trauma throughout much
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of the 1990 s. and beyond the doctors were encouraged in some cases incentivized to overprescribe we have 2 small towns here in ohio. that have been prescribed millions of pills i mean enough to sedate a small country then we had the same aloa cartels and the other mexican cartels who have distribution centers throughout the rust belt in the midwest ohio very central among them drug addiction and the many other just desperate causes is the main reason behind it was steadily declining population according to the american medical association journal in 70 is from 2010 to 2017 the death rate among people aged $25.00 to $64.00 rose by more than 20 percent. this memorial was actually conceived built by the young people of our residents
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here are recovery residents part of who we are part of what we do is we provide ceremony in these people's lives the ceremony of death which. started about in 2013 we buried our 1st young guy from the house here and it has not abated and they are succumbing you know one after the next so these are all the personalized tags of the young souls who came to us and sought help and there's more coming. we had a couple of our crew of our sort of core guys who lived at the house when they left against council ford. 8 hours later they were dead relapse and their hearts stopped
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picking back up part of the challenge is if you stay in recovery obviously your tolerance lowers significantly. so you go back out of. the way of the way in this changed significantly i mean we're talking about. a chemical that can stop your heart with the net mess of a grain of salt can stop your heart. you know just talking about fentanyl and cough and tamil people it seems to treat pain they're quite similar to heroin chemically but much more potent compared to heroin fentanyl is 50 times more potent and cough in tamil 5000 times cough into the is so powerful that it's used as a veterinary tranquilizer 2 milligrams is enough to sedate an elephant recent years have seen several mass prove a dose his own fentanyl and cough into know the drugs are cheap and pushes and them to the expensive heroin and meth to increase their profits given addicts more of
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a high for less money and to strengthen the dependency for dealers to get the dose right when they concoct the mixture at home that's why so many people die from overdoses and anyone who survives enjoys a painful withdrawal much worse even than from heroin. doing too much ground. why would you want to kill off your clientele but then when i used to also hear about people die say ray ray over here that yes somebody 3 people just died off all that stuff and we gotta go get that that guy was just crazy he did too much he know what he would do i'm different you don't know why oh now i'm robber on ya know you know we're going to the same thing you know a.o.l. we've got it wrong let's go get it bam. done well it was hit the ground we're in a house there's nobody around is guess what. that simple rule.
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to. a man. in a drug dealing has long been a simple and accessible source of income for many in town for anyone who wants to quit and break the cycle of addiction because the push is on literally everywhere. it's not hard on him i moved into a sober house and i want to be sober but i thought i did and i was walking to the bus you know from the sober house was over and brown street great area and i literally met my dealer walking to the bus stop he was like hey you want to sample that's how easy it is you know and i was like sure like what do you get you know and that's that's that was one of my relapse and one curious. byproduct of course of the epidemic is the. epidemic of crime. you know i just read here were 3
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young guys right down the street here were shot in a running gun battle i mean we're talking about a small city we're on 190000 people and we've got a running gun battles up i mean it's like chicago in the thirty's it's wave of crime i've had rounds hit the building next door and 9 millimeter rounds right through the picture window so this is the wild west you know courtesy of the epidemic. where you could just said here or here you know myself. i'm not. ok we're at a.b.c. church and bible church on brown street and we came here to do trunk or tree. it's where the kids travel. trying to try on car to car in their costumes and get candy . coming up in. church and.
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54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so of added 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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don't. annex a coal group is a member of the crown bible church she has 4 children and no husband she hasn't used meth for over a year and believes her drug and sex addictions a rooted in her childhood. my dad raised me work and now fox saying he raised me like as if i was his son instead of his daughter so that's how i dress and a lot of people would make fun of me for it that i and then at home my dad choosing my step mom over me i feel like because she didn't like me and she didn't like the relationship that my dad and i had and he kind of wanted to please her which kind of left me lonely i think that's where it all came into play i just wanted to sleep with somebody even if it was for one night just that you know 5 minutes or an hour couple hours of being with somebody for one night made me feel like i had
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self-worth. the drugs would know me but then the more people i slept with or the more bad things that i did or you know people that i heard i'd have to use more drugs to try to numb those feelings on top of the feelings or mardi numbing and it was just a process that never ended and then eventually it got to the point where nothing more. this is a place for a play baseball yes i was real good at it played little league world series when i was 14. very good at baseball was my escape baseball was my getaway because of the childhood and i had a grown up i used to. use it driving foolish when i had my moments i still hear. you know i love being around kids and you know helping kids and stuff to the point where ultimately i don't want to use
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them for their kids but when i go and i spend more time over there because they have kids because it allows me to decompress. wasn't there for mark huge. and there was. never knew her biological father but since she's immensely grateful to her adoptive dad he kept believing in her throughout her years of addiction largely because of his support that she managed to overcome her dependence start a family was corey and move into a house in a nice safe neighborhood. lost so many close. in may using. the. f.
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word dad every time i go to treatment he had to pretty much any new clothes he. got so good it's like going to the store and getting like women's clothing like the ladies at the store knew when they go she need more clothes you know my dad. found this neighborhood for us he thought it would be a good place to start a family without her dad we would not be here now but that's what it takes it takes a village or. more really starts. this is for oh the culture here we're. about ready we're getting there so they're actually and in the end he is and. since i was a baby my mom got does they're collector's items now i guess my dad sees her for like all these years and then gave them to me for lizzie oh. oh oh.
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we are at. terry in the highlands where. we come every morning of course for pride to do his thing but we also visit. a number of our misfit. in this place is. fairly planted with. tom was 36 is actually one of the institute's very 1st volunteers and staff people just tremendously creative spirit really a beautiful person to look like a viking. 36 he was. seth
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apple also used to rent a room from right now while recovering from his addictions he was adopted by luntz and carol apple pious financially stable and seemingly prosperous in every sense a good christian couple. we. it was 18 days that our son has passed away he died on. november 12th. i got the call at. 8 36 in the morning this. particular addiction to alcohol was an issue for him but.
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it's called. and they also the street is poor it is called robo tripping robitussin. what he would do is he would drink several bottles of it and it would cause a whole effect and that's what he was going on. i mean he. pretty much with using drugs for about 12 years he did have some very stringent rules. that. no heroin you know he said those don't mess with those so he really we believe he thinks thought he had a handle on this that he was using it properly and he was not quite. willing to give it up. so.
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far. well we had let's see a little was the best i know them are 6155 pm so this isn't my 1st child it's corey's 1st child my 1st child was adopted. by a major fusing family does say that it was the best option and you know my cousins ended up adopting her. but the 1st time was just it was a mass you know i was trying to understand sobriety and then trying to become
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a mother at the same time and it fundamentally didn't work. we 1st met our protagonist's in june 29th teen and for the last time in february 2020 during that time the rehab center where things worked closed down lapsed and started using it again. then he completed a one month's calls at a rehab clinic and found a job now he delivers heavy white goods like fridges and washing machines he gets up at 5 am every day and mostly lives in hotels because he has to travel a lot for his work he says he's making more than ever before and feels happily self-sufficient his dream is to save enough by the end of the yet to rent premises for his own house so he can start helping other people again. the most pointing in the recovery man don't lose yourself trying to help other people find themselves
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obviously everybody wants to help everybody the epidemic is ridiculous out there take care yourself before you take care somebody else you know you know getting nobody else if you're poor from an empty cup you can't transmit something you don't have. running a household 14 guys and every time i would get down every time i would hurt every time i would feel pain i would go find one of the guys in the house and see what they needed done because you get a good feeling when you help somebody else problem is you can't use that as a substitute instead of me going out shooting dope when i feel like i was going to gramma's somebody else and helping them and it's the same thing you know if i don't base to problem in the problems maybe there's just put a band-aid on it because when that stuff goes away just like the drugs you don't get sick so you know i was using you guys as my drugs so i actually i had relapsed in my head a long time before i would put drugs. is it's a process starts and mentally. emotionally by the time you get to the physical part is just simply picking back up 70 percent of. every day rain or something like
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that it takes a heroin addict i am less tines if they don't die. if you add up every treatment center i've been in since i started on my journey in recovery and then the relapse and then back and are having in the area apps and etc i've spent. close to 3 years in programs and that's not counting time that i spent in sober living you know but every time i went you know it planted the seed and it made i made more connections it wasn't all for not you know because i'm sitting here and i'm alive and i am giving back to the community of that day used to be a burden not. completed her studies at the recovery coach academy founded by reno. 2022 years since she stopped using more than 10 years ago she went to college to become a social worker. wants to use knowledge and experience to help addicts to break the
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vicious cycle and claim back. they have this false belief that the streets care about them and those people support them that are out on the street but if they get some support over here you know you can introduce them to like a better way of living slowly no it's not going to be fast and it's not going to you know but maybe they will one day you know maybe they won't desolate the saddest thing about this field is you're going to watch people die and you're going to watch them kill them so. the colegrove also completed her recovery coach training a little earlier but she hasn't started working yet she wants to get her life back on track so now devotes all of her attention to children. you know i my children i have 4 kids with 3 different dads my 1st daughter's father harm him who are 5 and 4 their dad is about alcoholic and he's clean right now but.
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last kid that i had his day out is an active addiction still to this day. so chances are one out of 4 of my kids will be an addict at least if i live the right way and show them how to live instead of tell them how to live their lives my job i can only lead by example and if they choose the opposite way that's ok i'll be here for that i won't enable that but i will be there for them. just a couple of news items is anyone following what's happening in franklin county this week 28 deaths in 10 days again that's 28 deaths in one county in the past 10 days. continues to help rehabilitate former drug users and educate others he believes that individual coaching is the best solution . other teachers at the academy see addiction as an illness and not just a sickness of the mind and body but an affliction of the spirit and that's what
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gets in the way for many who are trying to escape drug dependency they don't have the strength of spirit or higher goals to face but they can succeed. again i think it's important to note that it's not an opioid epidemic i mean perhaps ultimately it's an epidemic of spirit it's the fact that we've become so disconnected soul bereft of spirit and community. moving forward now a lot of you. you're all going to be working in wildly different capacities please know you are the tip of the spear of the recovery revolution.
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you know people talk about a recession but actually there's a respect that the globe is heading into a depression that's right the pressure that day were. odd no 2. no shots no. action. well it's true no 1st. point ch your thirst for action. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little shot change lives every day and came to a complete. the day that i was right to be instructed you know told to shut up or
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they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life and he screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth ink area if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen it from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended i had an almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is some plan is sheer power and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man. or when. i
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was. welcoming our viewers from around the world live from central london this is r.t. u.k. . scottish 1st minister nicola sturgeon and u.k. prime minister boris johnson clashed over the possibility that scotland could impose quarantine rules on those entries from the rest of the u.k. . the world health organization will miss the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is yet to come we'll hear from a w.h.o. spokesperson. small business owners in leicester pledged to remain open despite the city's coronavirus lockdown as dozens of other hot spots could go the same way. the u.k. high court has ruled the british government recognizes one quite dull as venezuela's interim president over elected leader last month 2 or 0. 1 germany reveals
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it's helping the u.k. develop its much maligned coronavirus contact tracing out after months of trials and tribulations. of scotland's 1st minister and the u.k. prime minister or a towards over the possibility of implementing quarantine in scotland for those from the rest of the u.k. as a cluster of coronavirus cases have appeared along the border between england and scotland who are on this occupation shout it was actually joins me now by the shadow so seems like a war of words between boris johnson and nicholas sturgeon doesn't it absolutely the prime minister barak's johnson and scottish fast mr necklace such an arm for old and yet another constitutional debate this time for quarantining in scotland now the talk is that any party entering the scottish ball. will have to quarantine for up to 14 days having said that nicholas station hasn't ruled it out but hasn't
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denied it i the though she does say that any decision will be based on the medical and science advice now speaking earlier this week boris johnson jaring prime minister's question said that any policy on the border would be ludicrous because in his opinion there is no border between england and scotland so i think the suggestion you still need. be no such discussions. with the scottish administration about what i would put a gun to my own free will you know very well there is no such thing as a border. now of course throughout the entirety of lock down the devolved nations have really been going their own separate ways from the rest of england going in different ways to do with handling the coronavirus pandemic we know that nicholas statut has quite often been one step ahead of downing street particularly when it comes to tight restrictive measures with the lock down so it may not come as a surprise with all of this having said that nicholas sturgeon says boris johnson
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is really trying to politicize what is a medical issue. the really very 2 public health challenges that we're dealing with right now from the absurd and ridiculous political statements that i am you know understandably be nice to respond to a prime minister or secretary of state in a government sense is dealing with the same issues i am right now to try to politicize these things is shameful and is unacceptable the governor of new york today and you can find this on twitter has put out information about the states in america from which people going into new york will be quarantined for 14 days i don't think the governor of new york has been political or constitutional there is just looking at a situation where transmission in new york has been driven in and other states it's much higher so he's trying to protect the people he said there's from being exposed to further spread of a vitus well nicholas tashan house opinion and some believe that it's quite
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divisive a policy because imagine if we were to police the scottish border fastly how would it be enforced but also quite crucially it could cause a political as quick that's one argument and particularly one that take a priest more cults happening if that's not a ludicrous policy as well although he's got a step father even like to donald trump. and i go to school. shoes don't have a war she has more than her so what are the leading political figures between england and scotland because my rudra from the prime minister said there is no border between england and scotland and it was protocol for a border of the tribal kind to be erected stop people travelling freely between the constituent parts of the united kingdom one never fully closed to model herself on american political figures to build a wall meanwhile a cluster of corona virus cases has emerged on the border between scotland and northwest england there's even been quite
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a big outbreak in dumfries and galloway 10 cases around the gretna and an area last time there were any positive cases on june the 22nd and the cases are all said to be connected so now i cross border incident management team has been created to deal with all of this the guidance at this point is not to travel more than a 5 miles radius now all of this comes as boris johnson has been saying that the u.k. isn't quite out of the words just yet having said that england is preparing to reopen its doors to pubs bars and restaurants this coming weekend many of which argue this could create and cause and trigger a 2nd wave of the coronavirus which is potentially why nicholas sturgeon yet again is going through the words herself with more caution and more trepidation that her british counterpart is going to just things who happens over the weekend how do you thank you very much. and all of this comes as there appears to be a growing up or site for independence on all sides of the political divide and
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among all the home nations one survey has revealed that support for english independence is increasing for those traditionally in favor of the union well you gov poll on behalf of welsh independence campaign is found that nearly half of conservative party supporters in england are in favor of an independent england and the end of the united kingdom among the general population of england 35 percent also support in dish independence and the survey also found that people over the age of $65.00 were most likely to support an independent england while welsh nationalists shorn jobbins told me that different issues were feuding independence movements across the home nations. to some extent it truly was into a back seat and the way that english the wording doesn't britain is confused by the media here in new kitty and the build maybe see that it's just a sick special being listeners and that's one part to specs and more but it does show that it's a significant number of people in england could live with the end of the united
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kingdom the new independent way in scotland and england repeats what i say is that most of the support for english independence has come from the older generations whereas it's the polar opposite of the scottish and welsh movements isn't it this is very interesting so the whole support funding independent thing done comes from people over 65 young people tend to be on the right to vote as well as instruct in the ways it's the direct opposite people younger support independence forwards scotland and tend to be more on the left as different type of movement that if you take but not it's of us well and why these people want independence and people always look at the mess this is creating and i think you know where this isn't perfect is senator the parliament years imperfect but it was do a better job than the mishandling and ross johnson and tories are westminster but still we're lumped in with the government because you cannot rule out what you think is cause i mean you've already mentioned bracks and you think it's also the high nations' response to coronaviruses well i think there's a lot of things going up my bike and should've been the referendum on independence
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england in 2016 a lot of the bracks and i wouldn't be surprised if you grew to vote for independence england. well it comes after a senior member of the scottish national party claims scotland could withdraw from u.k. institutions like westminster parliament if the prime minister continues to reject calls for a 2nd independence referendum the m.p. from perth a peak push on said such a withdrawal would allow scotland to hold an independence referendum without the u.k.'s permission johnson has consistently ruled out granting another vote after scotland voted 55 percent to 45 percent to remain in 2014 but while labor leaders like a star man has also oppose such a vote some labor grandees think that's a mistake there is a window of opportunity between now and elections in 2021 for labor to rethink its corries policy it does not to support independence and indeed there is no great enthusiasm in scotland for independence clearly the vote has risen but if you look
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over that the 45 percent result into 14 and if you look at the last 20 years the last 13 years of course there's been a move towards independence but a lot of scots are not inspired or indeed i warmed by the fact of leaving the union that said scott the labor party's got to stop being so negative you know if you want to oppose and in direct that's fine i don't believe there's going to be a vote anyway in the next 4 or 5 years but to do so all the time looks negative it's not a policy it's not a vision it's not a strategy is just negative my it was to try to get the party to reinvent itself not to get principles or values their sound but to accept that scotland is a very different place from what it was in 1997 as the s.n.p. control scotland though in holyrood and westminster another referendum would surely go their way wouldn't it. we don't know because if you look at the opinion poll since 2014 nearly under 20 of them i think only on one or 2 occasions have they got
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more than 50 percent or independent now that doesn't mean to say that independents kept half in the future and indeed the antics of boris johnson may help that on its way but it is a reality to see 50 to 55 percent of scots have not yet been convinced that independence is the way forward now this is the window of opportunity for the labor party to reinvent itself to move forward have more scottishness have more independence of thought. the world health organization has warned of the worst of the covert 1000 pandemic could be yet to come the head of the w.h.o. claimed the crisis was actually intensifying and criticized the u.k.'s response the organization has praised germany china and several other countries in east asia for developing the blueprint on how to curb outbreak successfully this includes robust contact tracing by local health authorities and delegation lockdown powers to regional leaders however the u.k.
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has been criticized for its top down approach to the pandemic and lifting its lock down too soon but the w.h.o. director general said it's never too late for countries to use all available tools flare ups are to be expected as country start to lift restrictions but countries that have the systems in place to apply a comprehensive approach should be able to contain this flare ups locally and void reintroducing widespread restrictions however we are concerned that some countries have not used on their tools at their disposal and have taken a fragmented approach. this country's for a long hard road. but one of the lessons of the. normal to want situation a country in it can be turned around well earlier i talked to the world
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health organization spokesperson dr margaret harris she told me that countries with recent experience of infectious disease outbreaks know the value of mass testing sometimes people are thinking. that the health of the economy the 2 go hand in hand you know if you're not healthy if you're sick you're current and you can't work so you've lost your financial means on the on that if you don't have a dog you may become ill through lack of activity or lack of money so we've got to do the 2 together but the key word is be safe we know what stops this the social distancing the hair washing the ensuring nothing gets in your mouth nose our eyes these things work these things have worked in other countries and that message must be have been home everything we do with are we open close what if we do we must ensure that those things happen all the time talking of other countries why do
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you think the u.k. has struggled with testing and tracing when other countries have been much more successful. so this has been variable and certainly we did so very very early on i'm sure you remember my director general saying test test test but in countries that don't have a lot of experience of large infectious disease outbreaks quite often just to start the people this systems weren't necessarily in place in countries that have got so advance medical care usually the health needs were in hospital so there was a lot of reposing a lot of rethinking to do we saw in east asia countries move much more quickly they experienced stars and murders they knew what a virus like this could do well was the u.k. complacent though many did dismiss the w.h.o. as test test test advice early on as for other countries not here. a lot of countries did not see it as the as the high priority at that time and that is why we kept on saying do it please do it because we do know that this works and we have
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seen countries where it's worked where they're going in aggressively and one of the leaders of those countries were ridiculed for for being over overcautious and over reactive but they have shown that their populations can be protected. small business owners in the inner city of leicester have pledged to defy the local coronavirus lock down and remain open a spike of infections in the city has resulted in a 2nd long being inforced health secretary matt hancock has ordered all non-essential businesses to close and for people to remain at home and that's absolutely necessary but a number of local manufacturers have refused to comply. we haven't had any guidance from the government or local authority on if we should close or remain open but to be honest we lost so much money showing the 1st law that we cannot afford to close it would be
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a disaster for the company and our workers so we will remain open regardless of what the authorities tell us what despite the overall easing of england's restrictions this weekend there are other areas where the virus is on the rise and could mean other local lockdowns public health england figures show that the london borough of hay varing and the southwest county of wiltshire recently saw a 300 percent jump ones worth in london and gloucestershire in the southwest have both seen a 200 percent spike in the number of cases or the worse or say 191 percent rise in the northern town of doncaster and a 180 percent increase in ealing in london well that's a local council say they are not getting the test results they need to prevent spikes of infections manchester and rochelle claimed they haven't received the full data on patients testing positive outside the health care system hampering efforts to contain the outbreaks the government says it has been sharing data and is working closely with local councils when infectious disease experts professor paul
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hunter told me looking down hotspots quickly is vitally important i think part of the problem is this a lot want to look into it. until fairly recently most of us have been generally following the want to test. people who are really quite ill going to hospital and so they transfer random variations being reduced. in the political tests are other people in the society being tested on the problem in leicester was that actually in virtually all of these in the cases where in the military tests generally in people who were between the ages of $20.50 so on and the pillow 2 tests tend to be being done by commercial aboard trees. and the results from that were not included in the u k 19 dash board at the local authority level we would share the total
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across the u.k. if. you could not access the figures of the pillar to our local authority level but it seems to be being changed as a matter of urgency this week. there was a prime minister's question about it on wednesday and the statistics authority have started to release some of that data which i think the local authorities really need they're willing like i said professor out of a quick on quick point that i mean business as they've said we're just hearing they've got to defy lester's lockdown so how can this not be forced i don't know i mean that's a political question if fines and and some form of legal imposition is going to be implemented that that's a question to politicians but certainly the longer you if you don't implement proper lockdown you will not control the epidemic locally and it will continue to
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welcome back british socialite to slain maxwell has been arrested by the f.b.i. in new hampshire and will appear in court later this thursday the daughter of disgraced media mogul robert maxwell has been accused of procuring under-age girls for convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein epstein was arrested last year on sex trafficking charges but died in his jail cell while awaiting trial 58 year old chris lane maxwell who was a close friend of prince andrew was arrested on thursday morning she was charged on a 6 count indictment. maxwell played a critical role in helping epstein to identify friend and groom minor victims for abuse in some cases maxwell participated in the abuse herself as alleged maxwell and epstein had a method typically they would prefer friend these young girls by asking them questions about their lives pretending to be taking an interest in them. they would
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take them to the movies and treat them to shopping trips maxwell would encourage the young girls to accept offers from epstein to pay for their travel and their education making these young victims feel indebted to jeffrey epstein. if you're developing a report with the victim's mats well then trying to normalize the actual abuse with a minor victim for a price it's known as grooming. i'm not going to comment on anyone stan instant in this investigation but i will say that we would welcome prince andrew coming in to talk with us we would like to have the benefit of that statement. but it is geoffrey one of alleged victims claimed maxwell arranged for her to have sex with the duke of york while on a visit to london when she was 17 prince andrew has always categorically denied any sexual contact or relationship with her maxwell has also denied any wrongdoing
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during a television interview last year the 2 said he was prepared to work with the u.s. authorities only epstein case but have not been contacted by them. now the u.k. high court has ruled that the government now formally recognize his opposition leader on why dole as venezuela's president the move comes after a raw emerged over who would control the country's gold reserves stored in the votes of the bank of england the central bank of venezuela took legal action to release the goals to help the country overcome the coronavirus crisis but the bank of england has refused to do so as the u.k. government doesn't recognize nicolas maduro as the country's president the high court ruled that britain now officially considers why don't as venezuela's legitimate return dr moore the m.m. out of her majesty's government does recognize mr quiet in the capacity of the constitutional interim president of venezuela and it must follow does not recognize mr deros as the constitutional interim president of venezuela. well venezuela's
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president nicolas maduro was sworn in for a 2nd term in january last year after initially taking office following the death of hugo chavez in 2013 but opposition leader one by those soon declared himself to be the rightful president after accusing the doura of rigging 2018 election the ukase then orange secretary jeremy hunt had already labeled white though as the constitutional into real president. well earlier i was joined by a lawyer representing the central bank of venezuela sat options i want you told me that if the profit from the country's gold isn't sent to the united nations development program many lives will be lost. god given to his judgment on the basis of the letter we did come in with a check of government office wrote to the court that they got your good government recognizes mr gandhi or as a constitutional dress it was important to note the difference because you should presume see is different from actually precedence concision bristol so you do show up residency literally you knew only to press to use effect or you must keep in
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mind a british garden still recognise is present my guru is do real research of it as you learn because it maintains an embassy and his or british model it is only if you look at it as an investor and is present just a school then should you have any student please let us start how significant is this i mean 2019 then foreign secretary jeremy hunt tweeted that the u.k. recognized by doe as the president of venezuela but if you do this is just a decision by the united states britain some countries to have a regime change in their brains of any underlying question country has or any country has a right to interfere in the start of summer an interest out of the country out of a sovereign country or caracas argues that the cash itself is needed for covert 19 but the u.k. and the u.s. plainly don't trust material do they. ergo does not believe surely it is not
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a question of trust because i'm of the government and the central bank got it as you are. trying to remain with the united nations development program and. only knows about it you know if i think there's been a good will be sought and received this to go to us and it will be us on the t.v. who will buy it or own many to read the leader's own oxygen mask and notice it for a poor people now it just does not happen there is a serious risk and many loads will be lost. germany has revealed it's helping the u.k. develop a coronavirus contact tracing app after months of delays u. turns and false starts germany is accurate is apple and google technology has been downloaded over 14000000 times since its launch in mid june it's reportedly been successful while the u.k.'s app is believed to be months away from being operational and has cost $11000000.00 pounds so far well early may the government announced it was making its own centralised track and trace up that angered privacy
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activists who back to d.c. centralized model with data held on individual phones germany had ditched a similar centralized plan a month earlier but the u.k. still plowed ahead but it soon became clear the u.k.'s own mid may deadline wouldn't be met the government finally trial the technology on the isle of wight just off the english south coast but the results are still inconclusive by may the 27th the test and trace system was launched but with noah in sight and in late june the health secretary announced a u. turn to a decentralized apple and google version of the app even said that had always been part of the plan despite denials from the tech giants themselves or tech expert amanda brock told me that the u.k. must learn lessons from its failings. i think there is a very very clear learnings for the u. k. in this process technology today's very much developed an agile basis that means that it's curious that it's always changing and analyze you saying fats one of the things the germans did very right is that on the 20th of april they decided because
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of the trip to see the century's database was due to walk away from their initial app which was also on it essentially essentially spaces to work with essentially zap and secondly they developed in the end and and by developing and sharing their code in the open really smart acts early and continuously through get that aligned the development community to participate and germany has benefited by over 7000 parts being reza find and states from that collaboration with treaties. and i think a thirdly testing that testing is something you do to find faults and find bugs undramatic had got to have made the test in the j so public was a huge risk including one that's not paid out when other countries like germany have had apps up and running for months other than they have they have singapore i think and they're working out the 20th of march what would go with google and apple earlier have been wiser. the not so good question that goes to the absolute heart
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is this which is that most of decisions are not technology ones or governmental decisions what we don't see is technology fully in the o.c. . at the top of the hour our colleagues so off he america will take over so for all the same he would love to. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. the day that i was right all be instructed you know told to shut up or they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life and he screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth ink area if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and
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it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended i had an almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. the young we want transparency they want to know where this is headed and they're very in my hands and one night stand that they're going to get rid of what they don't want rapidly and they're putting themselves together they're courting very slowly this pandemic is making them be even more careful. they will continue to be careful and they me. at least
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a decade or. more silent ships. greetings and sell you take shims all right while millions and millions of people living in the united states will wake up on july the 1st with no idea how to pay their rent or earn an income in the wake of both the us congress and the trumpet ministrations abject failure to protect and support us during the.
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