tv Boom Bust RT July 2, 2020 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT
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us the one business show you can't afford to miss out on washington coming up the latest jobs numbers are out but student numbers actually show where the economy is today amid record on the basis that we take a look at that make it catching up to will estate market we'll talk show today so let's go and dive right. it's thursday and the numbers are in for u.s. unemployment well according to the labor department the country saw a job gain of 4800000 for the month of june while unemployment fell to 11 percent this comes as regions across the country allowed for more businesses to reopen with an increase in consumer spending well president trump wasted no time celebrating the government report and took a victory lap as he said the recent number proves the country's economy is roaring back today's announcement proves that our economy is roaring back it's coming back extremely strong to all coming back it's coming back faster bigger and better than we ever thought possible these are the numbers these are not numbers made up by me
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these are numbers and as i said you are going to have a fantastic 3rd quarter it will be the 3rd quarter the likes of which nobody has ever seen before in my opinion. and the good thing is the numbers will be coming out just prior to the election so people will be able to see those numbers the 4th quarter like was will be extremely good and maybe most importantly from the standpoint of our country itself next year will be a historic year next year is going to be an incredible year for jobs for companies for growth things are happening like nobody would have thought possible while many companies began rehiring in may and june a recent surge in corona virus cases is forcing some states to haul or even reverse plans for reopening now keep in mind there are still 17000000 americans who have lost their jobs and have not yet been rehired well this comes as congress is working on another possible round of stimulus republicans seem to reject the democrats' push for $2000.00. her personal month but even president trump seems to
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be open and to support another round of stimulus will the u.s. officially entered a recession in february for more we are joined by boom bust co-host. and swan christy let's start with the obvious question here the numbers smashed expectations is there something we're missing here there seems to be a bit of a disconnect from reality where we're seeing more states halt their reopening or even close back down where is this economy going. you know so job growth and who leads but i think it's way too soon to say that the economy is roaring back the thing is the government survey this came out in the middle of the month so it doesn't actually account for all the suspensions or rollback so you're talking about in the regions hit by this resurgence and coronavirus cases and even though it was a good employment it's still at 9.6 percent below its february level with job gains and more importantly we're talking about wage growth here far slower on average so average hourly earnings fell about 1.2 percent from may and the average workweek
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also slipped at 34.5 hours and right now a new jobless claims are still pretty high up there with another 1400000 americans filing so right now the industries that have hired the most are primarily in leisure hospitality industry industries that are known for getting shut down right now with the resurgence so while there was a great headline friend that boosted the markets temporarily there's also a lot of i know detail that needs to be pointed out that do not paint such a rosy picture exactly and i think it's really important to highlight what you just said that this does not account for the last 2 weeks where we've seen several several states halt their reopening is because of the resurgence of cases then is this market really just responding to the stimulus provided by the federal reserve it seems to be reacting more to these headlines like we said we still have 17000000 people unemployed in the country. yeah absolutely i think because he was spot on there right the reality is this is that when we talk about what's happening with wall street you have new entirely different. set of principles in effect as
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compared to what's happening on main street so we're talking about the wall street effect absolutely look there's cheap money out there the fed is pumping tons of money into the into the system and as chrystia likes to say i'm quoting here you know a bad news is good news right so it's that kind of mentality on main street however where small businesses are operating number one is you both have pointed out these numbers are 2 weeks old but number 2 and this is very important to remember too that even for businesses that are open at this point the ones that have not been really shut down the ones that are reopen are still only able to operate at half capacity you're allowed to have half as many people inside of restaurants in many cases staff is not back 100 percent and so you have reduced hours you have fewer people working and so it's going to take time to get back to where you're supposed to be the reality of where we are and you mentioned about going to reset a recession in february is that we are in a recession right now and the effects of what happened with the coronavirus lockdowns are not fully being felt yet those will be felt several months still down
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the road when small business owners haven't been able to store up anything and to save up when these programs like p.p.p. didn't really come through for business owners and when workers find themselves still being shortchanged eggs ackley especially because we could be looking at a possible new recession but christy following the numbers report the u.s. dollar slid point 2 percent but the dollar also gained against the yen why is that . also the u.s. dollar and the japanese yen both of them are defensive currency so both of them were trading actually with a mild positive bias throughout the entire session in asia overnight session prior to the u.s. john support and traders were anticipating and expecting a worse so they shift it into his very defensive positions as we just said it came as an utter surprise completely when it came out better than expected so subsequently dispositions were quickly reversed and the u.s. slumped as the markets then rallied and traders had to reposition into more risk high beta assets in order to lock in. not miss out on this rally as they have been
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for the last 2 months so right now the dollars appeal as a safe haven it kind of diminished as traders now think that it is full risk on as this report at least on the surface supports that a recovery and a balance under way and that's the same story with the yes the dollar and nesters are not warded right now for being cautious and playing defensively in this market it doesn't look like they're being extra cautious especially because like we said we've been saying time and time again the federal reserve just keeps popping up more stimulus and they know that they have something to fall on so so really where is this free market christi and ben a co-host of us thanks for being with us i am here because we're going to bring you right back for later in the show to talk about cryptocurrency. the pandemic has quite an impact on the economy and best are hoping to take advantage of opportunities in real estate are to correspondent we have the details on why some believe parts of the housing market may be immune from the uncertainty of crown of iris well the unemployment level has improved since may adding 4800000 jobs in june
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millions of americans are still without work and some wonder if it will last as restrictions are slowly being implemented once again after a resurgence of kovan $1000.00 cases in states like california and arizona for many uncertainty remains but according to some economists investors in the us are looking on the bright side when it comes to real estate with historically low interest rates it may be a good time to invest internationally running but may end of real estate trend alert says bind overseas gives an investor a better chance of seeing a greater return during this crisis but me and suggest places like mexico's riviera maya colombia and places in europe like italy and as some are not commuting to work this may also impact the markets through has been a trend of people inquiring of real estate in more suburban areas outside of major cities and as for commercial property. investors are looking to take advantage of
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these all time low prices in the united kingdom home prices are on the decline the most they have been in the past 11 years the nationwide price house index for may revealed a drop of 1.7 percent from april a reuters poll revealed the cost of real estate in london was expected to drop a whopping 5 percent this year before rising 2 percent next year and 4.3 percent in 2022 and now hong kong and mainland china are taking advantage of the cheaper prices in london snatching up as much real estate as they can buyers from this region add up to 15 percent of the international transactions above 1220000 dollars and 20 percent of real estate priced above $10000000.00 and a trend happening in mainland china some real estate firms are looking to list their businesses in hong kong and at the same time investing heavily in places like singapore and bali where tourism has taken
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a catastrophic hit for some as the pandemic carries on into the summer despite the challenges many investors are looking to pull the trigger on real estate property both domestically and abroad reporting for us natasha suites are. for more we are joined by a mortgage broker specialist and c.e.o. of the l.b. mortgage real estate and risk management boyd good to see you thanks for being with us today thank you let's start with the us down despite the coronavirus mortgage demand had been rising this is now the 2nd straight week where we're seeing mortgage applications fall they're down one percent from the previous week is this a sign that it's now slowing down for the long run. i don't think it's slowing down i think people are busy they're busy with their lives or busy trying to figure out where their jobs are going to take them making sure that they have jobs taking care of their families it's not on the top of mind awareness this is a 2nd wave of refinances so they were much busier in march when the rates 1st
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dropped but a lot of those people have already refinance now now we're getting to the people that are kind of slow to pull the trigger anyway don't refinance it just may take them a little while well and speaking of refinancing it did fall of 2 percent but it is that many 4 percent higher than it was just about a year ago are we going to see something like we saw during the 2008 housing bubble crisis. you know the reason that the housing bubble crisis happened is there was a lot of people that shouldn't have loans with those high risk sub prime loans and i lent on them to we all had to but now you know the restrictions changed after 2008 so we're not longer giving loans to people that can't afford to repay them all those subprime loans went away so that people have had to put at least 3 and a half percent down to be on f.h.a. loans or 5 percent for conventional loans the credit scores had to be better so i think we're not going to see that again we're not in that same situation again are we going to see some of these interest rates a once again go go down for real estate. you know i don't know how much lower they
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can get i've got rates as low as 2.99 right now on a 30 year in the 15 years or mid tuesday so that's pretty darn low i can't imagine it going lower so a lot of people have been waiting on the sidelines for them to drop i just don't think they're going to drop much more it's almost free money now yeah well a lot of people still are still waiting on them to hopefully drop but rent forgiveness and mortgage forbearance programs that they have been set in place due to the pandemic they are set to expire though are we going to start seeing these massive actions are or will they somehow be extended to what's going on there. you know a lot of people took advantage of all of that forbearance policies because they thought it was free money and what they're finding out in it they found out this right after it happened they're going to have to repay that it was only good for 90 days they're going to have to make it up really fast and i think a lot of people aren't going to be able to do that there's a lot of people that did it because they thought it was a convenience at the time they didn't understand the ramifications of how it was
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going to work so i think we will see pay backs on all that money and i think a lot of lenders are going to have to move that for barron's payments to the very end of the loans and let those people make it up i don't want to see people get evicted and i think a lot of people took advantage of that forbearance the didn't really need it you know i absolutely especially because it was offered but i want to move her through these to the to the united kingdom where the country is seeing these figures drop to their lowest rate since 1990 the tosh i mentioned that in the package earlier the bank of england said that the number of new home loans fell by 90 percent of what's going on there. i think people are just nervous they don't know what's going to be happening you're not going to buy your biggest investment of your life if you're not sure that you're going to use of all your money in your retirement plan and you're not going to get all fall back on if you're not sure about your job you're not safety with your kids i don't think people are going to dig into their savings to to make that investment so they're just going to sit on the sidelines
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and wait well let's jump over real quick to the real estate sector in asia let's take a look specifically at hong kong we know that's been struggling there but despite more than a year of unrest new laws from china any of the the pandemic hong kong has seen a jump in home prices jumping nearly 2 percent in just may that's the fastest rise in more than a year they've had this issue with their real estate for a long time now look at the future hold for asia asia's financial hub and one of the most expensive housing markets in the world. well you know because of the pandemic a lot of people have lost jobs and i don't play many is extremely high and you're going to find more renters now than home buyers so you have a lot of return a lot of big companies coming in from overseas buying apartment houses condos complexes it should have been for single family housing or for housing developments and they would be putting renters and there so yes it's going to get sold but it's going to get sold to different people it's not going to be a primary house that you can buy yourself now so the mix is going to change
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specialists like we're seeing china really take advantage of these interest rates in a low level in the u.k. and in other countries are we going to start seeing more foreign investment. i think we're going to start seeing more foreign investment because you know investors have a different from frame of mind than you and me do when we go to buy a house it's all about already motions investors are very emotionless and so they're going to let the numbers speak and so if the numbers line up it's a very black and white decision it's not gray like we want to perfect kitchen and the perfect everything investors don't think like that so yeah they will come in and say and snap up some of the homes that are going to be in forbearance and foreclosure coming up in the u.s. yeah i think so definitely a numbers game for investor is very different than when you and i are thing mortgage broker a specialist and c.e.o. of the mortgage real estate and risk management lloyd thank you so much for joining us today. thank you. time now for
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a quick break but stay here because when we return the old industry is ahead as 83 tons of fake gold bars were used to secure billions in loans will tell you what this means for crypto currency as we go to break here the numbers at the close. you can be go with yeah you know what. you're allowed a species of occupy territory use even under international law this is exactly what
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israel intends to do when it comes to the west bank on this edition of the program we just goes flying israel is doing this international reaction in the state of the cause. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision lotos shattered lives every song came to a complete. the day that i was raped to be instructed you know told to shut up but they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing area if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen. never seen trauma like i've seen from
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women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and the offender and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even with the justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. it should come as no surprise to anyone who watches the show but crypto currency is have received a big boost over the past few months as the cove in 1000 pound demick has hit world economies well in the country of india the crypto industry is experiencing some
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massive growth in fact a new survey of crypto banks and exchanges shows that the number of sign ups and trading volumes in india have been exploding well this comes as the entire gold industry was rattled $83.00 tons of fake gold bars were used to secure $2000000000.00 worth of loans in china so what does this mean for crypto currency will joining us now to discuss and break down the coast and ben swan welcome back chrystia let's start with the gold industry shakeup what's going on there and i how is the bt market reacting to this news. well i actually wish our good friend peter schiff were here today to give us but it's really shaken up the entire gold market after this discovery so to put it into context 1840 tons of gold is equivalent to 22 percent of china's annual gold production and 4.2 percent of the state gold reserves so that's quite a significant amount and that gold was used to collateralize about $2800000000.00 worth of loans over the past 5. so the gold ended up being nothing but guilty
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copper so now the lenders are holding the bag for the remaining $2300000000.00 of loans outstanding against these fake bars and the thing is the scene in the 1st time that happened we spoke about this last year when state gold bars were found in j.p. morgan's vault as a new high end counterfeit merged into the gold circulation so right now that really begs the question how much of the overall gold market is gold especially now when china who is the world's largest gold producer just found out over 20 percent of its annual production was completely fake so i mean i know what peter loves is gold to his credit the traditional safety asset but that was in the previous point days so right now do you really want to put your money into something that is so widely counterfeited these days point is basically digital gold and mathematically impossible to counterfeit it's verifiable by anyone and as we pretty much talked about before big client is divisible durable portable and more scarce than gold not to mention more fungible muswellbrook to that so between the 2 i've read it all
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gold so many say possibly hackable. only by use their well it's been it'll be interesting because gold has been a huge commodity metal that precious metal that has been going up recently so definitely came as a surprise but then we've recently talked about news that pay pal may be moving into the crypto space another company is reportedly hiring krypto and block chain specialists what would that mean for crypto to have a company like pay pal for example come on board. yes so the good thing is the one big just the common that was made right now is not hackable while it's can be happy accounts can be hackable the big point itself is not how a couple in terms of a company like pay pal coming in listen for people like me and christie who are crypto enthusiasm and really care about the kind of the fundamentals of decentralized group joker. see and you know connecting from the banking systems
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it's not necessarily a good thing because pay pal doesn't bring anything to the table really of value in terms of actually expanding the big point space however what big pay-pal does do is they could introduce a lot of people to cryptocurrency who right now were not involved in it so i'm not i'm not necessarily keen on them getting involved in it because i think with the introduction duction of companies like that they're going to create more red red tape more regulation more problems essentially for people who really are purists in terms of the way they view cryptocurrency as freedom from existing systems paper i was just going to try to bring. into existing systems but again for people who are on the outside of that who don't really understand it it will introduce a lot of new people to cryptocurrency who i think in the past maybe have been afraid of that but would be more likely to use it if a company like pay pal has their name on it because they're able to associate with a bigger company and possibly be more trusting especially for those who aren't as informed on the digital currency kristie there's also another currency
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a crisis that has just imploded this was after months and in the making resulting in the lebanese pound that lost about 80 percent of its value over the past 10 months what's happening there and how does bt see fit into all of this. so the economic and financial crisis is deepening in lebanon as the i.m.f. now warned that the central bank has accumulated losses of up to $170.00 trillion pounds so that's a month 91 percent of total economic output and almost equal to the tall value of deposits held by the central bank so right now as a result millions of citizens are watching their statements and salaries get completely wiped out so locals are kind of racing to convert their increasingly worthless local pounds into dollars to hedge against from further anticipated declines now the other asset that they're flooding into of course. and trade at a slight premium due to the demand and it's a really interesting because this is why. they bring out even a. the dollar because even if you were to convert to dollars you're still bound by
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the strict restrictions of cash withdrawals and transfers you're still stuck and trapped within the network within the banking system or confidence right now is at an all time low as increasingly restrictive capital controls are living right now in lebanon to between $50.00 to a few $100.00 a month and transfer is a broad where we simply can't that only 15000 a year for necessary matters so this is really where quite shines because it's really only waterless currency that you can control right now the banks dictate when you can and how much you can withdraw move so they tell you it's your money it's in your account you just can't touch it so knowing that you really need the money if you can't move it you can't spend it withdraw when you really own it and that's what the current offer is like true financial freedom that creates a little bit of problems like you said for whoever actually owns about money especially when it's tied to these financial institutions you talked about regulation and of pay pal came in for example now let's bring in 2 to the top
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republicans and democrats on the senate banking committee who are now planning to introduce legislation this week that would direct the government accountability office to study virtual currencies role in illicit online activity are there concerns about this. well i think the biggest concern is kind of the hypocrisy here the sort of being in committee is saying to the g.a.o. you have one year to go and to compile our report to show us how digital currencies and virtual currencies are contributing to things like sex trafficking human trafficking drug activity show us how virtual currencies are connected to this but the reason it's a little bit hypocritical and certainly that it's the whole thing is kind of a misnomer is because they're not also simultaneously saying and they include in that report how u.s. dollars contribute to human trafficking sex travis because there is a very clear point of view here which is that digital currencies are expanding sex trafficking in human trafficking in drugs. around the world but there is absolutely
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no indication right now that virtual currencies are expanding that world you're telling me that if we got rid of virtual currencies that with it would go sex trafficking and human trafficking and drug trafficking absolutely not the fact is that all those traffickers more than happily take u.s. dollars they more than happily take gold if you have it will take whatever you have so the idea that virtual currencies are causing growth in these illicit areas i think is a false one and it's one that fits into a narrative that continues to paint virtual and digital currencies around the world as being at their core bad as opposed to currencies which at their core are supposedly good and they're not there are other ways that these people would find ways to do so always been less co-host than so on and christiane thanks for your time and hair analysis today. if you're looking for a new hobby while you're stuck indoors there's a new way to get into art without the need for pain or even canvas well lego is unveiling a new line of pop art posters that you can put together yourself piece by piece for
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later this year these kits will be released with images of your favorite star wars and marvel characters or you can stick to pop art roots with images of marilyn monroe and even the beatles lego says some of the kids will have images that can be reconfigured or be included into a much larger artwork all for beatles all for beatles for example. that's it for this time you can catch him bust on the man in the brand new portable t.v. up available on smartphones through google play on the apple app store by searching for the t.v. or stream us to your t.v. by telling the portable t.v. app on apple dot t.v. online a portable the t.v. with you next time. the young one transparency they want to know where this is headed and their interest in my hands or when i stated that they're going to get rid of what they don't want rapidly and they're putting themselves together they're courting very
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slowly this pandemic is making them be even more careful they will continue to be careful and they may i'm sure in at least a decade or newer generation of more solid partnerships. some rumors as soon as the. search is going to be known chris looked up the new moon. nothing new. there of those he just can't stand for trouble it is a good indicator that of. antarctica is
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a very international community. meaning you strain the trip if you're going to fly . with just a few things the styles of new orleans. or the pollution of the world to restrain the growth of brazil so their nuclear cooperation in antarctica is everything the producers the loser with the forms of t.v. with the above video. son of the head that would affect all day but i decided not to take his place. with my gig and tell you that. the one guy you appear he was a may found him literally dead like this standing up. a guard appeared his girlfriend they were found in their apartment that they'd just. cuddled up and they were dead for like 3 days holding each other this wall so people who have lost
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their lifes early to addition yeah this is from akron. that crown is better known as the meth capital of the high and it's a city where the number of drug addicts keeps growing every year. i've came across 14 in my whole family were drug addicts. throughout much of the 1990 s. and beyond the doctors were encouraged in some cases incentivized to overprescribe . i mean enough to sedate a small country when i use also hear about people dying all that said good stuff man we gotta go be dead dead guy was just crazy knew too much he knew what he was doing. and they're still coming you know one after the next.
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geraldo rivera on his friendship with donald trump what he says about the russian bounty charge and how is he a friend of the president and how's the president handling race relations all on this edition politicking. the politicking on larry king air all the. rivera celebrating a half century in the news business fox news car spawn an at large and host of i am geraldo 50 years now streaming on fox nation i only have him beat by 13 years as of my 63rd year rollo's good to see you again you to larry you're the real veteran i feel like a young rookie next to you buddy.
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