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tv   In Question  RT  July 3, 2020 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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on disc 2 going in. hello there i'm an election and you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. there are today's top stories 1st 4th of july celebrations across the country will be a lot different this year due to the can't demick and ongoing protests and a full report will show you the changes taking place here in the nation's capital and as america prepares to celebrate its independence from british rule today we're also taking a deep dive into this country's colonial past our panel of guests will weigh in. then the washington redskins now conducting a thorough review of the team named after stadium sponsor fed ex and other mega investors for
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a change all right it's time to boost your i knew. this year's independence day celebration is expected to look a little different as the country deals with a surge of coronavirus cases that have led local officials to discourage public gatherings artie's rachel blevins has the latest from the nation's capital independence day is typically a day of celebration here in the nation's capital but even as president promised the fireworks will go on in washington the mayor of d.c. is calling for residents to stay home we continue to urge you to stay at home or near your home for this year's celebration we want to emphasize that the virus is still in our community and poses a threat to washingtonians similar for across and. being taken in states across the
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country with local governments canceling parades and festivals closing parks and encouraging residents to wear masks and social distance here at the national mall * * in d.c. massive crowds are expected but it won't just be to celebrate the holiday d.c. has seen weeks of anti-police brutality protests following the death of george floyd in minneapolis and those demonstrations are expected to continue this weekend with reports noting that as many as 20 protesters scheduled for saturday and they could extend through the night meanwhile the debate over confederate and 3 civil war era statues has also heated up and the state has removed the monument for decades president is taking his latest campaign rally to mount rushmore on friday where his team says they're expecting a gathering of around 7500 people as we prepare to celebrate the 4th of july live as we knew our devotion to this nation to which citizens and the eternal values that define our past and shape our future i'm going to mount rushmore on july 3rd
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we're going have a tremendous evening it's going to be a fireworks display like few people have seen these wine dependence day is known as a day when americans celebrate their freedom the coronavirus pandemic combined with the ongoing unrest across the nation is making for a very different holiday from sea to shining sea in washington rachael blevins r c. it is 4th of july weekend and as americans prep for a unique holiday weekend amid a pandemic and ongoing protests nationwide authorities are also gearing up to protect federal properties and statues as dozens of confederate memorials risk being toppled so as we celebrate america's independence from great britain we will also examine who's not exactly free now from modern day colonialism with our panel guests today former u.s. diplomat jim joins us and former u.k. m.p. george galloway and. i will go to you 1st since my country celebration weekend is
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from the departure of u.k. rule our 2 countries have since kissed and made up and are bosom buddies now how do you view this modern day re-union between the u.s. and u.k. . well it's just another weekend for us of course because where how many going to celebrate losing such a jewel in the crown as we lost when you declare your independence but we have so many things in common with you on one of them is that we were both and your case are still on imperial power did not is it's an imperial power all the while going around the world telling other people what to do and if necessary occupying their countries and dominating everything about the lives of other people all the while saying it's our commonwealth or it's for the bible or it's for one
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human rights cause or another but when you boil it all down we are both imperialists are just the british are more likely to admit it as oscar wilde said i'm fond of him as you know we are 2 countries divided by a common language and you and i wonder a lot we try to bridge the here on r.t. america but we think the same we look at the world in the same way and i don't mean that in a good way i mean and a bad way yeah jen domestically this is going to be a very different independence day than we have seen in years past protests are expected all over the country what started out as anti police brutality demonstrations have now morphed into nationwide condemnation basically of u.s. history and the removal of confederate monuments how. have you all of that. one
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think where you just let it be under the tudor nash i remember years ago when we started on the confederate monuments i said look this is not about. slavery it's not my research and most. it's about erasing the american history i enter in after they were confederates we already see going after washington jefferson and lincoln and andrew jackson and teddy roosevelt and aguero who peddle chevron and everybody else you could think of are connected to the history of this country i don't know who or then was a great revolution about when read rather proxies and who our and it is and planting a new identity on the country that's what we're looking at today but i think anybody who thinks that the new who woke dictatorship. is going to be more peaceful on the world stage if it takes our i think you're sadly mistaken i agree with george about how aggressive. or all she is you know great britain are are our handy
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side but i don't think it will get any better once this transformation takes place in the united states and you know it's not just confederate statues that we're talking about here coming under fire whether you know wherever they stand whether it's the columbus circle in new york city where protesters are demanding be city remove the statue of christopher columbus shouting down with colonizers so while most might think colonizing is a thing of the past of the 14151617 hundreds we often overlook modern day colonialism that is still ongoing today there are presently still 16 territories as the u.n. calls them and s. and g t's non self-governing territories around the world several of them many westerners vacation too and call paradise on earth places like the british virgin islands the u.s. virgin islands french polynesia american samoa. gibraltar strangely left off the
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un's list though as puerto rico as of george all that sad we have yet to really see the sunset on the british empire having. well my old irish grandfather used to say the sun never set on the british empire because god wouldn't trust the british in the dark and i never had any reason to doubt him and i don't to day either just 24 hours ago the bank of england to its own reputation in the trash by stealing venezuela's gold the people of palestine are about to have our territory the remaining territory effectively stolen with us blessing and we're not going to do anything about it we're punishing venezuela because washington told us to no other reason venezuela never did
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anything to us we have no dog in that fight but we faithfully eckel the orders of the united states and that's true in many other parts of the world unlike jim i'm really only interested in now and the future there's plenty of room let's put lots of other stuff jews up you've got to start to of columbus let's have some start to solve the native americans who were plundered in the wake of columbus you've got confederates let's have statues of of these slaves and of the great heroes like truck month who helped to free them let's make martin luther king's star to very much more prominent in american life there are lots of ways to do this rather than toppling pieces of masonry and if you'll forgive the pun manila nothing is set in stone even the monument tree around us can. be changed can be
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supplemented but what's much more important is what's happening to the people the flesh and blood not the stone yeah all those people that are still on those 16 territories that don't exactly quite have their own freedom or their own say in what's going to happen with their typically their island in this case right as a gem we here in the us we were always taught in school growing up that it was the europeans who are the colonizers great britain or cortez of spain etc but we too americans are colonizers places like puerto rico guam samoa are among the poorest places that have direct ties to the us when we expanded westward we slaughter the natives those who survived replacement on to reservations what do you say to all that about us history. will as an american i be more than 3 a little to get independence dollars remaining dependencies you mentioned all or the problem is i don't think we can get any of them believe i mean whatever time they have a referendum in order rico the independent vote is very small and in single digits
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usually those who don't want their independence frankly i don't think that's where the big problem is i do agree with george that the real problem is our broader global all sure whether it's through nato through threatening countries like iran and venezuela that's where the real kind of hate gemma nest thrust of american policy is not on these residual really relics of the kind of imperialism that existed a century ago and i don't think most of these dependencies would take their independence if we gave it to them which i think is set here at what point jim i'll stick with you at what point we've been in afghanistan for almost 20 years now at what point does that become basically a colony. well it depends what you want if ever we get out of there you'll notice this whole the russian story you know that the story out russians ok or something just as it seems that trump maybe she getting serious you wonder if you ever will
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are getting out of that place and there are articles about written this is who we are keeping us in afghanistan a kind of i think we're worried about the russians pretty obvious our soldiers which keep our soldiers someplace where their lives are in danger it doesn't make any sense but i think the attitude of each state or whatever you want to call it is that wherever american troops are ever station they should never ever ever oh yeah what about that george i'll give you the last word here america has been in the middle east for multiple decades now have we colonized the middle east. yes but in a different way as jim says it's not like the 19th century you don't have to have your flag flying there and you cannot allow the natives their own flag on the ball the lord to. of up a fake sovereignty but if you are calling the shots if you are sucking the wealth if you are directing events from behind the palace from the embassy compound
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then of course you are still an imperialist you are still a columnist even if the colony looks a little different to the way that it used to do and if you are constantly as we are seeking to impose our will on other countries then we are of course denying them their independence and we are doing in the middle east the palestine total talked about iowa it's been occupied since $1067.00 knots 53 years the palestinians of lived under of our cube ration so in what sense of they not living as. non-voting subjects of the state of israel in any meaningful sense ever going to be returned to anything that could be called independents we need to adjust our definition of what we mean and
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what we really are seeing is that in this world to do but not for much longer than hey good morning the former head tomorrow and all brits are the soon to be for mark of the united states of america how the empire over which the or. which the enjoyed even if the people who did not maybe guys one day in a perfect world we will celebrate a global independence day but you know not sure that that will happen in our lifetimes george galloway jim jack trysts always appreciate your insight thank you . now to the latest covert 1000 numbers worldwide cases now topping 10900000 and 522000 reported deaths the top 3 countries with the most cases the u.s. still leading the way again followed by brazil and russia here in the u.s. 2700000 cases now with 128000 deaths. and
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israel's west bank an exception is put on hold for now amid this pandemic missing the july 1st target this past wednesday was supposed to martha be getting of annexation of settlements in the occupied west bank israel's prime minister says the government is still working out the details with the trumpet ministration. and elsewhere around the world air france is now considering cutting thousands of jobs after grounding most of its flights because of coronavirus however that discussion was met with protests from workers who are angry that the french government didn't require the airlines to protect jobs when it won 7000000000 euros in state bailout funds meanwhile french president emmanuel micron has named. as the new prime minister whose court made it france's reopening amid the pandemic. and north korean leader kim jong un at a meeting of his ruling workers' party palette to grow he tells north koreans to
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keep up the virus fight north korea took early action against kobe in 1000 closing its borders back in january kim highlighted his country's success with no reported cases. and the washington redskins now conducting a thorough review of the team name after stadium sponsor fed ex and other investors call for change and then over at sports regina hamm highlights the return of baseball for many l.b. players ahead of the start of the season and remember to keep up with all the latest news and anything you might have missed make sure you download our brand new 3 apps portable t.v. you can catch there 24 seventh's we will be right back. and then.
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tower read out read i turn on the t.v. on the about the world of what's happened in the around me i see shows on the screens but in last every day because the fake news narratives that a state be made to maybe cooling his flock build enough business with tom f. the bar brick by brick globalism a caveman have plenty off that in this war but i found a network that will question science great news that a space civil strife climate change savile will be called simplify lists all the mainstream wants to do was keep us quiet here watch the right you can't keep a silence critical poissy is cold perspective question inside direct we don't take sides we walk the dog our t.v. i'm a work of means real talk. you
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cannot be both with me yeah you're right. i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fantods to glimpse the big picture question more.
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turkish court begins the trial in absentia of 2 former aides of the saudi crown prince and 18 other saudis over the killing of washington post columnist jamal khashoggi prosecutors indicted the saudi nationals over the 2800 killing of inside the saudi consulate will saudi arabia rejected turkey's demands to extradite those 20 suspects and instead are arranged for them to be prosecuted in riyadh. and elsewhere around the world india's prime minister paid a surprise visit to the military base bordering china his visit comes during an indian army buildup in the himalayan dock region it's the same location where a border clash resulted in the deaths of 20 indian soldiers meantime china has warned india not to complicate the situation as dialogue continues on both sides.
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and for the 2nd night in a row protesters clashed with police in portland oregon this happened overnight outside a federal courthouse police say protesters broke last doors and threw commercial grade fireworks at them at one point a man taking pictures was violently shoved to the ground several amat arrests were made. now after years of pressure from the native american community demanding the washington redskins change its name it appears it might finally happen the recent national conversation on race has renewed calls for the n.f.l. team to get rid of the offensive name and even promoted sponsors to finally speak up or to spare fronsac has the story. and. george. unleashed a movement that is long overdue in addressing bigotry and racism in our country it is in the sports ranks. you know
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a lot has to happen in the wake of protests over racism and racial injustice and amid renewed pressure by the public officials with the washington redskins announced friday it will undergo a thorough review of its team name over 30 years we've been wanting washington to change the name we still want washington to change their name we've been wanting a kansas city team to change their name we want the atlanta baseball team to change their name the washington redskins have been an n.f.l. staple playing more than 1000 games since their founding in 1932 they've won 5 n.f.l. championships 14 divisional titles 5 conference championships and they were the 1st n.f.l. franchise to have a marching band with its 1st fight song hail to the redskins depiction who we are as a people always takes so many different forms that. and it did as steals continues as you know from who we are in terms of.
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our culture for 50 years the redskins have avoided changing the name despite political pressure team owner dan snyder is the man who could make that decision at any time but his statements from the past show that's an unlikely possibility 2013 snyder said quote it's that simple never and you can use caps and months later i will continue to listen and learn but we cannot ignore 81 year history and in 2016 after a poll done by the washington post that surveyed native americans and found 9 out of 10 were not offended sider said quote our name represents honor respect and pride the team will probably carry the redskins name the redskins coach ron rivera echoing its own are people who. i'm going to give all the politics you know i was coaching hard. for me to get a loan but when it comes to influence nike already has been by the latest announcement overnight removing all washington redskins merchandise on its website
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while all other 31 teams on the n.f.l. they're still up in a statement the national congress of american indians applauded the decision adding quote we can choose to pursue a new path towards a just righteous and inclusive society removing racist and harmful words symbols and imagery like the washington teams our word mascot is a necessary and non-negotiable 1st step in taking that path now other teams across the country have made the switch like the university of north dakota once the fighting sioux now the fighting hawks the university of illinois kept its name the fighting a line i however changed its logo of a chief in a headdress to a large orange i and remove the mascot of an ally indian dancing when you have schools like the florida state seminoles who were given and actually asked to keep its mascot by the seminole tribe and even helped the university boosters create the costume for the mascot approved the face paint the flaming spear and the horse that had no connection to seminal history however fed ex which has naming rights to the
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team stadium under a $205000000.00 deal running till 2025 requested the team change its name and ultimately in the end it could be that $1000000.00 deal that changes the game for t m fair and fronsac. right staying with sports let's go over to regina hamm at the sports h.q. regina it is a baseball have a day as both a and m. l.b. are both hitting the field we've been waiting for the day haven't we but we're just out of south korea because it was a battle between the 3rd place dusan bears and the last play of how do i eagles over in the cave that contained all of the excitement until the final 3 innings of the game that's come alive top of the 6 for the eagles run q and hamas start scoring a one nothing on the 8th inning. runners on 1st and 2nd bears finally get on the board courtesy of an r.b.i. single for a 2nd baseman choices who won bringing home a sliding lead you shot and the game is all tied up at one run apiece round out the
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left field makes it the $36.00 r.b.i. the season for the left the sutter pretty impressive that so far final chance reduce on though to take the lead happens in the bottom of the night due out get your part to you with the walked off home run to the right field stance and bears take the 21 lead his teammates are pretty excited for and the other team not so much to celebrate at home plate with some social distance high fives and the bears to take the 21 win just on out that point to have games back of the leaders and she didn't baha now is a whopping 22 and a half games back and switching to the united states training camp for major league baseball officially opens today for many teams around the country as exciting as that might sound it's still a vital data and will be as a whole for completely other reason similar faces like new york yankees aaron judge with their return to the batting cages to gear up for the 60 game season that does begin at the end of the month the viability of the season is going to be determined by a series of tests and the 1st one comes the team's getting back to practice and will
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be is expected to announce a number of positive coping 1000 test and many expect that number to be in the dozens or even triple digits this week more than 1600 players underwent tests and will be will only actually release the numbers of positive cases not the identity of the individuals this spring training 2.0 really really summer camp these teams training at their own home stadiums instead of traditional places like arizona and florida and the plans are opening day on july 23rd or 24th with many teams playing their division opponents for majority of the season and the rest of the games are played against our geographical counterparts in the opposite league in manila it's good to see em all be back it's great that the washington football team has decided to change their name but we all know dan snyder is not some of the high moral compass so it was more of the dollar signs than anything else like baron said well i mean the fedex folks have a law. lot of pull this way so it's well saying you really do but you know step in the right direction but we'll see we'll see how this shakes out regina ham thank you so much. and today marks the 10 year anniversary of nasa's solar dynamics
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observatory taking images of the sun this is obviously being fast forwarded guys but it's been studying the massive ball of fire in space collecting more than 425000000 hi rez images its image gathering began back in july of 2010 so that's the sun right there through 10 years guys pretty crazy. all right to keep up with everything in question at all times make sure you download our brand new free app called portable t.v. you can watch it there 247 that does it for me i am manila chan follow me on twitter at that in the military and stay tuned for.
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globe. states and the world over. luxury goods ceased to be your city. to order compromised by what is a sure national interest people talked about gridlock in congress its people got the barrel. of the right. radicals in both parties so rapidly. bipartisan some trysts. approach to politics both of them against the war. that's the.
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secret prisons and usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived. there with too few houses were. preserved were located and the only people had access to the story from investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean the great of no. thanks for justice.
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hello and welcome to redacted and i v i pretty camp today i talked with journalist and author dan kovalchuk about his brand new book no more war how the west violates international law by using humanitarian intervention to advance economic and strategic interests it's an incredible and important book i guarantee you'll learn something from our conversation also coming up we'll go to naomi caravan a for some important redacted stories and natalie mcgill for mind blowing old news about how a black community was destroyed in order to build a central park new york city but 1st here's my interview fan thanks for taking the time to be here thank you really great to be here you haven't actually.


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