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tv   Eat the Press  RT  July 3, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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let's take a look at today's menu to see what we're serving up on the press donald trump is then body men of white supremacist terrorism anything goes c.n.n. anchor brooke baldwin listen silently as her guest calls president trump a terrorist in chief and more when baldwin does respond. those are strong strong words what she says and doesn't say may surprise you that has been terminated from fox news out at fox morning anchor and rising star ed henry was abruptly fired by the network we'll tell you why did the l.a.p.d. pressure the l.a. times to fire cartoonist ted rall because of his anti-police drawings and
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commentary or was he the problem wall will be here to make its case so you've asked the right person a great discussion with the ventura panel jesse and tyrrell money a father son combo weighing in on everything from working together here on r t to the toppling of statues don't miss it. and how about some must see independence day programming a speech by nation of islam leader louis farrakhan well we'll tell you who scheduled it and then pulled it and why that might have happened i'm steve walz berg let's see the press. oh yeah oh. jesus wishes. to buy. a law everybody happy 4th of july weekend and i want to thank you for putting the press on your holiday menu i'd like to start with one of the most egregious examples. of advocacy slash agenda driven journalism i've ever
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seen in my life c.n.n.'s brooke baldwin had a guest on from black lives matter an organizer named molina abdula and she sat back and let her say these things about president trump well i think we need to remember who he is that you know donald trump is them body met a white supremacist terrorism we need as a country to be willing to point to him and say that he is actually the terrorist and she's not only didn't baldwin challenge her guest she decided to pile on as if in defense of what she had just heard wow those are strong strong words obviously the white house would dispute that but you're you're allowed your freedom of opinion and the fact is that the president is highly critical of black lives matter you know also has been critical of this notion of you know tearing down our nation's monuments simply disgusting but i'm sure she'll get a raise or
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a bonus over at c.n.n. now on to the washington post and folks i know you've i think i'm making this up and i really kind of wish i was making this up one of the papers opinionated hers with a message or a veiled threat to white women you are lucky we're not calling for revenge the tweet by karen attire captured by the washington examiner lists several grievances including that 53 percent of white women voted for trump and it ends with white women are lucky we're just calling them karyn's sounds like a veiled threat to me the tweet was then deleted but a tie up tweeted in french that she had no regrets about her original posting how does this woman still have a job what would happen if a conservative editor made similar comments and tweeted them out about black women what do you think would happen i think we all know the answer to that and speaking of can. to new deployment ryan lizza of politico and c.n.n.
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he actually asked this question at a white house press briefing does he believe this person trying to believe that he would. sell the civil war which cayley mcinerney replied this way recession is absolutely absurd he's proud of the united states of america bravo caylee there's a was way ahead of the line a moment now for some news about the co-anchor of this program at henry after everything claim an investigation involving sexual misconduct in the workplace and has been terminated from fox news that stunning announcement coming from ed henry's former co-host on america's newsroom sandra smith reportedly an attorney for a former fox employee came forward on june 25th with an allegation of sexual impropriety from years ago henry was 1st suspended and then following an investigation he was let go this past wednesday ok last week i played you an
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attempt by a philadelphia reporter a local guy to get vice president mike pence to say black lives matter he badgered him over and over and over again well last week on c.b.s. is face the nation john dickerson he picked up where that other gentleman left off one thing protesters would like to hear is leaders say black lives matter and you want to say that why. all my life i've been inspired by the example of the reverend dr martin luther king jr and as a pro-life american i also believe that all life matters born and unborn and he kept going when i see in the leaders of the black lives matter movement is a political agenda of the radical left that would defund the police that would leave that out of a tributary monuments that would that would precisely a radical left agenda that. and in support of coals for the kind of violence
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that has mis sent the very communities that they say that they're in to creating for the rich but so you want to say my class senator. john i really believe that all lives matter ok now contrast that with tucker carlson on fox and talk across that to me is a must watch every single night he went after republican senator braun senator mike braun who wants to end the immunity that police officers have against being sued watch fewest loophole at home here is i'm sorry i'm sorry we just showed tape of you senator saying that we need to pull back we need to make it easier to sue the police because of quote agree just incidents like the death of ray sharpe brooks you said you wanted to speak about specifics do you believe that he was killed on justly do you believe officer ralph deserves the death penalty which he now faces what does he mean by that i think that's going to be determined
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by the court and when it comes i did it so what do we hold on you cited it what do you think of it you're the one who called it egregious so why don't you tell us what i'm surrounded should have done when this man fired a taser at him what do you think is chuck schumer in control i thought republicans controlled the senate and senator in place in your shoes from chuck schumer you going to be saying that chuck schumer might criticize me therefore i have to pass a law that makes it easier to simply talk you're going after a republican on fox on the issues not playing a game of gotcha like dickinson did and the others with pence that's tucker carlson . ted rall is a syndicated political cartoonist and columnist and author of a brand new book political suicide the fight for the soul of the democratic party now we claims he was fired by the l.a. times back in 2015 because the l.a.p.d. wanted it out and ted joins us now ted welcome back to the show sir thank you steve . all right so you recently wrote
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a letter to the executive editor of the los angeles times and i want to read a little bit from that letter to begin with the times should come clean about its longstanding cozy relationship with the l.a.p.d. it should end this deep conflict of interest which makes it impossible for your paper to report objective way about the police when the media fails to hold the police accountable they are free to abuse the citizens they are supposed to protect my case shines a light on how the media censors critics and breed self-censorship by journalists i was the times editorial cartoonist from all nod to 2015 my cartoons often criticized police brutality and racist policing instead of stopping their abuse of minorities the police repeatedly demanded that the papers that ran my cartoons fire me those requests fell on deaf ears until 2014 when the times brought in a new publisher so why do you believe that you were fired by the l.a. times because of pressure from the l.a.p.d. well because the times has sworn. in
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a deposition that they filed with mustn't alyssa peer your court i sued them after i was fired and in the course of the previous coverage process the times filed a deposition stating that there was a meeting secret meeting between the l.a.p.d. police chief at the time charlie back and the l.a. times publisher at the time austin buettner in which buettner and back met beck asked buettner to fire me as a favor to him and it should be noted at the time that the l.a.p.d. pension fund was at that time the number one shareholder of the parent company of the l.a. times in 14 other newspapers the company's culture abune publishing in that relationship has since been severed financially as far as i know but certainly the other times seem to remain in and they're still fighting my lawsuit. so they said so they've
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admitted it the publisher of the pasadena weekly has also published a piece a that he was requested by the police to fire me because they didn't like my entire police cartoons that were critical of the way that they treated people of color so they told it they admitted it was some really admit ok so so let me let me go on and you bring up your anti-police cartoons and there was talk of you exaggerating an incident that you were involved in with the police in 2001 here's one of your cartoons on the police calling them mountain lions who can strip search and finger rape you it seems to me to be a bit over the top end and this recent tweet by you calling for complete the funding of the police and calling them scumbags so some might say you know it's you with the problem with the police well i do have a problem with the police because the police are so often very abusive of their
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power and they falsely accuse people of crimes they didn't commit in order to fill their quotas and they rough people up who are not resisting arrest so yeah i have a problem with the police i don't have a problem with the idea of the police or the theory of policing but i and but the the way the policing is actually occurring in the united states in this day and age just doesn't we're and it's ineffective and it actually i think is a form of criminality in and of itself so to your book political suicide the fight for the soul of the democratic party who or what in your view is the soul of the democratic party i don't think you believe it's joe biden your cartoon here on biden ism seems to indicate that you don't believe that he is the answer at all so who is and where is the party. well the party is split and that's what political suicide is about it's about the structure of george mcgovern by richard nixon
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between the corporatists neo liberal wing embodied by hillary clinton and joe biden and the progressive wing of the party embodied currently by bernie sanders and elizabeth warren so to answer your question which one is the sole well neither they're fighting over to see which one it's going to be currently progressives seem to be the majority of the voters but the d.n.c. is controlled by the liberal by the neo liberal wing so there's this fight going on joe biden is asking us to do something that has never worked in american presidential electoral history which is to vote for a candidate purely based on our contempt or dislike of the city the incumbent that has never worked he could work this time there's a 1st time for everything but i would be more comfortable and i think many voters would agree if i were to articulate a clear agenda of ideas that would tell us what i think what he plans. well for
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biden to articulate anything clearly appears to be problematic but that's a whole nother story ted great to see you sir i thank you for your coming on and stating your side of everything we'll speak to you again. ok folks we hope that this piqued your appetite as we like to say stay right here for the main course we're going to have a good surprise for you on this 4th of july weekend don't go away. welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. looking forward to a year that's no doubt. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delicacy you watch kaiser report.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. away. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. secret prisons or not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however he even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 song there were 2 view
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houses were allowed to leave prison were located only cia people had access to the story investigators she held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. the great ignore. box. for. justice on r.t. . folks as we sit here on this july 4th weekend there's little doubt that we're living through no problem at. times in many respects so i sat down and i said what i'd like to talk about all that's going on with on this 4th of july weekend and i came up with 2 our t.v. hosts believe it or not 2 people who i admire very much both have shows here in our t.v. and they are father and son can you guess who i'm talking about that's right i'm
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happy to welcome in governor jesse ventura the host of the world according to jesse and the host of watching the hawks tyrrel ventura guys i've been wanting to do this in the back of my mind thank you both for coming on this is so great and you know long before your your r t days you guys both appeared on the t.v. together true t.v.'s conspiracy theories governor what was it like working with your son tyrrell on that show. well i've actually worked with him twice he he shot a movie down in mexico and was the director of the movie and i participated as an actor. i've worked for him twice in that situation and then of course i was the principal person in conspiracy theory and he came and worked for me but russia thrill for me and especially here at our t.v. because tyrrell came to our t.v. 1st so nobody can say i got the i'm the job i had all these days it paved the way
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for him you know if i'm not like the white house but anyway that's so and said he he has seniority on me and it's let me finish steve i was watching baseball the other day and all you see is old films and i saw the griffey s. sr and jr ended up on the same team and hit back to back home runs in that game almost of the identical spot in the outfield and i thought i know what the griffey is feel like. that's a great analogy and tyrrell so you got your dad the job here right that's how it worked and what i did i play by the way a god god jesse has a job here i put in a good word. well it's great it's very savvy but let's start because we don't have a lot of time unfortunately governor i've had the pleasure of interviewing you several times over the years most recently i think 4 years ago when i was on newsmax t.v. and we had this exchange you said we should take down the statue of liberty while
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while because we don't want the poor and i've tried many more. ok now you have very prophetic back then even if you were speaking figuratively look at where we are today governor statues coming down everywhere what's your take on what's going on with that. well my take is there so i served in the military and i actually for 3 weeks served at fort benning i went through 5 months let me repeat 5 months of u.d.t. seal training and then 3 weeks of army airborne training just want to get that in 5 to 3 weeks but anyway i didn't pay attention i was 19 years old i was getting ready to deploy overseas so fort benning did mean nothing to me other than teaching me out of jump out of a plane because i didn't like dealing with the army anyway being in the navy but i think absolutely these names need to change because they're named after traders are
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we going to have a benedict arnold base now well maybe we do because in the movie stripes bill murray the base they went to was camp arnold maybe that was named after benedict arnold or my father fought in world war 26 bronze battle stars under patton and he told me what a great general rommel was well maybe we should name a base after rommel too you know these people are traitors they should not have nothing made after them. well you know that maybe barack obama should have done something about it and have his diet is army supposed to know that. when i hear i really wait a minute i hear it referred to by trump and obama we don't take an oath to the president we take an oath to the constitution and bill writes it is not obama army and it is not trump's army. but by that by the provide point is the media has blasted trump for not being on board with these changes and they gave obama
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a pass let me move on to tyrrell real quick here speaking of being prophetic here's the president a couple of. years ago and then john oliver mocking him watch tyrrell this week it's robert e. lee i notice that stonewall jackson is coming down i wonder is it george washington next week and is it thomas jefferson the week after you know you really do have to ask yourself where does this stuff ok well i'll tell you where it stops some way any telling someone what does it stop the also is always some way you might let your kid have twizzlers but not inject black tell ahead it went. right well looks like they're going for the heroin here because they're going after washington and jefferson just like the president said well you know you got to like this you know history history isn't always changing in adapting thing and whenever we're entering into a new era you have to look at what came out of the old error and say do we want that
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still to me my personal feelings on it is simply this it's a statue if i want to read about the people the statue represents put it in a museum don't put it out in public display if it's offensive to half the public if it represents slavery for represents the the pain of our past put them in a museum and let us you will mayor you know they get to me and say you know this is this is all about change for the future and if the next 2 big generation say we don't want these you know we don't want these ideas idols sitting in our parks we don't want these people that the half the nation is my father said you know these people who are traitors represented in our parks that we don't want them there as far as washington and jefferson but we can't get around the fact they own slaves to . ok a boy i wish we had an hour to debate all this but i want to get it back to your dad real quick here black lives matter leaders shaun king says statues of jesus have to go because they white jesus are
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a form of white supremacy now you can't agree with that governor. yes i can and i'll tell you why i'm like neil de grasse tyson one of my idols the astrophysicist i'm an agnostic atheist so you've asked the right person i have no dog in the fight but let loose so what do we have to go to then we have to go to facts let's look at the facts there are no photographs of jesus christ there are no paintings of him basically we only know about his birth and his death the 30 years in between we know not do not know nothing about so anyone who portrays jesus in any manner is simply speculating and now we've got to look at other facts where did he live he lived in the deserts of arabia he was jewish at one point in the bible they said he had kinky hair he hardly looked like a scam avion the way he's portrayed in the lutheran church i go to church
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occasionally to the baptist church there is no displays they are at all whatsoever and that's the way it should be nobody on this planet can say what jesus christ looked like ok but you know what you know what those who disagree are free to correct their own statues rather than tear down the existing ones and i gotta leave it at that i hate giving myself 10 seconds jesse less work on that well you know if they want to have it you know the baptist church says nothing so i tell people if they depict jesus if you're offended don't go to that church. ok guys i wish we had 10 more hours of this i know you do too thank you so much happy 4th of july for what it's worth each of you and to everybody out there thank you this was great i hope we could do it again. here too steve your 4th. we've been talking for quite some time here on the show about the subtle changes in some of the
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programming on the fox news channel so maybe it should have come as a big surprise that a streaming service owned by fox which is aimed at the african-american community called fox old t.v. announced that they would be broadcasting live the 4th of july message of nation of islam leader louis farrakhan needless to say this led to outrage from many including the head of americans against anti-semitism please we beg you fox soul stop it don't do it this man is dangerous this is not is the vice of this man is filled with hate he is the 5th floor of our time his hatred towards the jewish people towards people who are gay and many others is known by everyone how is this possible c.n.n.'s jake tapper tweeted this out farah khan is a vile anti l.g.b. t.q. anti-semitic massaging this why is a fox channel airing his propaganda good question the simon wiesenthal center also
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called for the cancellation of the broadcast citing fabric and long record of inflammatory an anti-semitic language yes censorship is a terrible thing especially when you may be censoring insightful comments such as this is not to tell the jews. that he is wrong. when the talmud in which he believes. has taught him that. gentile our women and black women in particular you do anything to them you warm. because the apod league animals or you might be missing out on a chance to hear him call judaism a gutter religion or comparing jews to termites or calling hitler a great man or trashing jews for being accepting of homosexuality and you promote something. that god rejects.
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you've lost your covenant status. you are not the chosen of god. you are the chosen obsolete so this past monday fox old t.v. cancelled the broadcast of farrah can't speak correct decision 2 years ago pulitzer prize winning columnist leonard pitts wrote this the leader of the nation of islam has for years been a toxic fountain of anti-semitic and homophobic rhetoric condemn it condemn it loudly condemn it with vigor condemn it unflinchingly i couldn't agree more and then there's this from the wiesenthal center farah kant is a racist anti-semite a demagogue and a divider at a time when all americans need to hear messages of unity and hope the values which dr martin luther king jr lived and died for why fox old t.v. put themselves in this position in the 1st place is beyond me but they did the
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right thing in canceling the broadcast look censorship of any kind should never be taken lightly but the past is prologue this would have been another file hate filled speech on the 4th of july something this country really does not need happy 4th of july everyone. calls that's our show for today i want you to stay curious stay hungry and you could watch all our full shows and be depressed right now on the portable t.v. app through our app just download it if you don't have the portable t.v.'s downloaded right now from your app store i. steve all right i'll see you next time right here on the press happy before the july everybody.
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we go to work you straight home. i know to no crow. no shots no. factionalism dealt. with was dr no for those 12. points your thirst for action.
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of. some rumors assumes his search is going to be named chris the founder of the new movie. number you. know him of those he's just been stuck for ever uploaded to get in your show that oh. i'm talking about is a very international community i. mean it used to occur we're going to conflict. you just get a good look if it is the slow slow slow. they need to eat. those who pushed them at their word to use to get the results for their nuclear cooperation in on top they go is everything because he was deluded with it if one comes to do with the above 30. 5 i have i would have acted all day but i decided not to take its life. with my goddamn you that.
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when you're inside is totally different from outside people watched movies in a have to take on what prison is like but they don't know. what it is to be inside we have to take aim and we are.


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