tv News RT July 4, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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it's like. i gave you that. our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history to shame our heroes. in a speech to mark independence day that donald trump taking aim at people who want monuments destroyed as part of the intensified anti racism campaign. slated to be moralized overcalls to defund the american police struggling with a battered reputation right now with the overwhelming majority saying they'd never want their children to become offices. facebook fails again admitting 3rd party apps have been wrongly harvesting users data despite repeated promises to crack down.
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just a midday here now so good afternoon thanks for watching r.t. of the weekend with me kevin i will be of 30 minutes with the latest from our world news h.q. here in moscow for you ok so 1st an overlooked by its presidential predecessors at mount rushmore donald trump took aim at people wanting to ted monuments in an address on the eve of independence day this year's 4th of july celebrations come with the backdrop of weeks of anti racism protests which is seeing demonstrators seek to remove or destroy statues linked to slavery along with symbols of the civil war confederacy all which are adela be linked to that era. our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history defame our heroes a race of their years and indoctrinate our children angry mobs are trying
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to tear down statues of our founders to face our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities a few hours before that address those a standoff between the national guard and protesters led by native american activists more than 100 block the road leading to the trump a vent riot police shot smoke shells at their feet and used pepper spray around 15 protesters were arrested as the deadline set the believe passed. so this year there's likely to be a few mixed emotions as americans mark their history and it's perhaps a meaning new questions over to dish and all symbols to more about from donald quarter. the 4th of july is a time for barbecues fireworks and of course the american flag a time when americans are exceptionally proud to be well american and for decades leaders have used the occasion to proclaim that their part of the greatest country around america is the greatest country in human history. that america is the
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greatest country on the face of the earth but this year people apparently are not buying it recent polls suggest only 17 percent of americans can confidently say that they're proud of the current state of their homeland and who can blame them this year's 4th of july falls on a day when economic recession a global pandemic and nationwide protests against institutionalized racism all plague the country the us desperately needs solutions and the people desperately need a holiday but for some criticizing july 4th symbols of patriotism seems to be on the top of the agenda. many are calling to switch the national anthem from the star-spangled banner to america the beautiful supporters of the change say that the current anthem is racist since its composer own slaves and some of its original lyrics were no doubt outrageously bigoted but most americans rarely ever made that association in the 1st place.
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flying the flag on independence day has been as american as apple pie for as long as memory serves but this summer the stars and stripes are feeling the heat thank you. for just. over a 1000000 means even signed a petition to replace the flag with this version of america's most patriotic symbol of course it was. likely not intended to be taken seriously but the sentiment remains. the founding fathers another icon americans can easily identify with they declared that all men are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights but in 2020 many have been more concerned
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with their slave owning past and the statues built in their name have come under assault because of it washington parks the monument to its namesake is just the latest in the city to get painted over there in baltimore at the george washington memorial and statue adriel park you can see how it's been built allies with red paint on the words destroyed races another statue in portland has been taken down by protesters this time george washington video and social media also shows them lighting it on fire america's latest on rest against police brutality is not the 1st time we've seen how a country's past can influence the president in a negative way but will attacking national symbols that serve to unite americans on independence day fix those problems or will they serve to further divide a nation that seems to be ripping apart at the seams it very well could end up being dangerous i mean we could see us going back to things that we don't want to go back to it could see us forgetting about things that we don't want to forget
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about there may be statues and in different types of symbols that might need to be removed but if we leave it up to the looks it will go basically it will go crazy i mean because we've got people on the left who are trying to tear down abraham lincoln and other members of the union so it's not just the confederacy some of them are just seeking to to to cause damage and destruction our nation has been very divided over the past 3 or 4 or 5 years or so it's been a lot of those that are next it's been a lot of the fringes fighting in the loudest on each side you know excoriated so it has caused deep divide and i think it will take some time to get back to a sense of normalcy and to mend the rips that's been formed. meantime for the 2nd night in 3 days police in portland in the state of oregon have declared protests there to be a riot. of. the
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latest rally had remained peaceful through the night until a group of protesters set fire to some wood outside the justice center police say several people started fires threw rocks and launched projectiles with sling shots at the police and talk of the police the reputation of the american police force has taken a major blow over the past month with calls to defund or disband forces is hitting morale too a recent survey of officers has found that a staggering 80 percent would not encourage their children to enter a career in law enforcement only $7.00 said they would some of the main reasons listed for that include a lack of support from bosses an overall lack of respect for the profession and concerns for officer safety all that said though ray lewis a retired philadelphia police captain would recommend joining the force nobody told us why. officers that are not encouraging young people to go into law enforcement are those officers who are afraid of accountability. they fear being held to the
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high standards of the job and so far they've had free reign they've been able to do what they want when they want and now that's and it right there is no respect and there should not be until it's earned ice there are 19 of my years in the belly of the beast in the ghetto socio economically depressed black areas and that historically these people have seen and heard of police brutality either in them their family their names we've heard their relatives it was a late night there's been police brutality since day one but never and now what i consider one of the greatest inventions ever is the video cell phone white america is waking up because now all that they heard all their life is being contradicted by what they see i would absolutely encourage anybody to join the police force
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because it's a changing police force now the new police force forces are going to be held much more accountable to be responsible to their communities and there is no more rewarding job then a police officer. russia's overhaul constitution is now in effect following the weeklong vote which wrapped up on wednesday the majority of voters indorse the changes with some 78 percent in favor from a turnout of around 68 percent the bulk of opposed amendments concerned social legal and economic guarantees the package also redefined eligibility for the presidency restricting future leaders to serving only 2 terms maximum most contentious amendment is the resetting of rhythm of putin's terms allowing him the possibility then to run for another 2 terms if he does choose to stand.
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says it saddened that 2 sculptures it says belonged to the country's igbo community have been auctioned off in paris the country made telling it was stolen during the 1960 civil war but the auction house christie's insists the sale of this week was legitimate these objects are being lawfully sold having been publicly debated and previously sold over the last decades prior to christie's involvement the curator of nigeria's national museum saying the work should be repatriated in compensation should be paid he also appealed to other auction houses to stop sales of artifacts suspected of being looted during the war evoking the black lives matter movement or petition to try and stop the christie's auction said that racial injustice applies not only to the black body but also to black culture and identity the cell went ahead anyway the 2 wooden figures selling for nearly a quarter of a $1000000.00 a member of nigeria's national commission for museums told us there is no doubt though that art dealers have pocketed trophies of war in the past. these sculptures
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that i was a particularly interested in were taken in they did 6869 while there was a civil war going on in one area and these were still in from doubt or original or nez and shipped across the border. where the european. well waiting for there and pretty much what christie's was saying is that it was not european dealers that stole the objects from the original owners or they are free to sell them in other words it's all ok to sell the west only by someone else this is basically a way that we i mean and i think that is round i don't think that can be sustained in any legal proceeding. chinese media is 0 in on washington's top
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diplomat for fanning tensions between china and india secretary of state mike pompei a lot in india for banning chinese mobile apps amid a simmering territorial row the reach the deadly pake just last month we welcome india's ban on certain mobile apps that can serve as an appendage of the c.c.p. surveillance state india's clean apple approach will boost india's sovereignty. will also boost india's integrity and national security is the indian government cell itself has stated acting like a cheerleader the u.s. is guaranteed india with no real investment but inspiring lip service it will not benefit india's development if the country is captivated by empty talk anyone with the signing eyes can easily tell what pompei oh he keeps spreading lies and misleading the public intended to do was nothing but grab every possible chance to fan the flames of hatred against china. one pose remarks came after india banned the ups citing national security concerns tensions between the 2 countries reached
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a real head last month when 20 indian soldiers were killed in a brutal clash with chinese troops in disputed border territory there's also anger too in india of a claims that china is flooding the country with cheap imports something the government describes as unfair competition having face strong pressure over how best to respond to what india sees as chinese incursions and then india prime minister in the red remoting paid tribute to the killed soldiers during a surprise visit to the disputed area but china is warning its neighbor against making a strategic miscalculation and for the 2 to work together for the sake of stability china's international relations expert pick to go told us washington is exploiting these heightened tensions right now. and are right now has a border problem with india that's a fact but other countries especially the united states army superpower militarily speaking the world should avoid getting involved should avoid making one
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side against the other the united states seems to be very delighted for the tension existed between china and india and even seems to be very eager to see the tensions further escalate it will be a very misguided strategy for the united states to provoke a higher level of tension between china and india china and india share a border of more than 2000 to kilometers and china and india need to stand very 1st 7 for peace and stability rather then he pulled into a war against each other live from moscow this is r.t. international after the break to then will italy be next to the door is the question we're asking now for the break public anger of feeling abandoned by brussels during the height of the pandemic is called. use sentiment to grow it's among all stories ahead on kevin only by the way.
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day or thinks. we dare to ask. facebook's admitted letting 3rd party developers improperly access users personal data again the company's repeatedly promise to clean up its act but thousands of apps have continued nonetheless gathering users data long after they stop using them jacqueline to good looks into why the social media john to parley isn't learning from his past mistakes that. facebook might want to go ahead and make their motto sorry about that just to save us all some time it'll come as
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a surprise to no one but there's once again it been a privacy breach the book this time it's nothing earth shattering but the company does estimate around $5000.00 developers were able to gather information on users long after they were meant to in 2018 we now said we would automatically expire and apps ability to receive any updates to this information if our systems didn't recognize the person as having used the app within the last 90 days the recently we discovered that in some instances apps continue to receive the data we fix the issue today after we found it that was also mentioned multiple times in the blog post that users did initially give permission for their info to be collected so it's not only the company's fault that they didn't cut it off like they promised right i'm you do have to get facebook credit for trying to be more proactive about these issues but how many more apologies are people meant to accept this was a major breach of trust we didn't take
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a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake it was my mistake and i'm sorry and i'm sorry for it but i'm sorry and i'm really sorry that this happened apparently sorry doesn't seem to be the hardest work plus there were these ads bought in major u.s. and u.k. newspapers that said things like we have a responsibility to protect your information if we can't we don't deserve it the irony about that was all among the cambridge analytical scandal when there was an estimated 50000000 users that had their information a good word up for profit now after that about a year later as dr bird tried to turn things around by announcing his vision for a privacy focused social media experience i believe we should be working towards a world where people can speak privately and live freely knowing that their information will only be seen by who they want to see it and won't all stick around for ever. if we can help move the world in this direction i will be proud of the difference we have me and yet the issues keep on coming which means trust will keep
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on following what is not a question of 3rd party advertisers or developers then it's an issue of features that the company itself made and has to apologize for i really messed this one up somehow we missed this point with news feed in many feet and we didn't build in the proper privacy controls right away this was a big mistake when our part and i'm sort of for it. we have made a lot of mistakes building this feature but we have made even more with how we have handled them we simply did a bad job with this release and i apologize for it broken record much and yet the list goes on and on and on this article actually breaks it all down from the very beginning before the company was even called facebook and yet here we are again but really what else can you expect from a company that works on an advertising based business model meaning those companies need your private information in order to properly target you and they're willing to pay for that and honestly do we really get to be mad anymore for me once shame
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on you fool me every other week well at least some things in life are predictable. indeed maintop follow into that google's got its own privacy battle its hands its know on a $2000000000.00 mission to buy up the fitness tracker a device make if it bit the deals caught the attention of european regulators and privacy campaigners however is because fitbit needs access to a lot of very personal data to work properly like sleep patterns like rates like everyday physical activity consumer groups fear google could try to monetize that was private of information. regulators must assume that google will in practice utilize the entirety of food business currently independent unique highly sensitive data set in combination with a cellphone but equally as this could increase its profits google insists it would not use any health data to target advertisement or sell it to 3rd parties it also promises to be transparent about what type of personal information is collected and
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for what purpose the campaigner in the technology expert bill mears isn't so sure though. we're now seeing a further acquisition this time by google of flip it and where is facebook argued that it wasn't all about the data it was purely about the other networks and trying to create synergy between them and in the same way google is saying it's not about the data or it's about the devices it's seeking to integrate into its ecosystem both organizations aren't actually being entirely truthful it is about the dates both organizations have a business model that is all about data what we're seeing is a lesson less trust of all sites each time that facebook and google and others make further mistakes and make slow the promises that they then fail to keep the amount of trust in aaron's in the relationship is reduced and i think what i think
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we're seeing is a situation where the regulators are being forced to take action. telling the senator says he's very to launch a new political party with the aim of a breakaway from brussels to capitalize on growing anti sentiment the corona virus outbreak has compounded those feelings plenty of italian saying they felt abandoned by the e.u. as the pandemic took hold brussels eventually did apologize for neglecting its a huge partner but agreed bailout packages as well although as it stands at the moment they're set to be used is up for debate at the height of the no break their survey showed the 49 percent of a talent wanted out of the e.u. another study suggests trust in brussels has dropped 64 percent since 2001 the other link brussels of course is the shared currency the euro no it still got support in italy according to a poll last month more than half of people are ok with it only a 3rd oppose it so the attorney general. who setting up the new euro skeptic party
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believes italy needs to leave the e.u. to regain its economic power. at the moment we want to overcome the perception that neo liberalism is the only model to base politics on today governments may change but the policy which is push you'd always comes from brussels. this is long term reflection since we have been trapped in the european cage we have lost our purchasing power we have lost the momentum which allowed italian businesses to be competitive globally the weeks and months of code that highlighted once again an absolute lack of political will in the e.u. the e.u. does not exist there is only the german union which benefits the german economy itself and the countries tied with it the point is that exiting the european union in euro zone means exiting a macro economic vision that has benefited only the financial elites and multinational corporations so far 'd we can do without the e.u. it does not seem to me that the e.u. strengthened italy's economy i would say the opposite we remember when italy was
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a sovereign country it was the 4th power within the g 7 so we know perfectly well which direction to take to develop our country we will be able to go it on our own again to manage all the funds we need to relaunch the manufacturing areas of this country tourism desperately needs a fresh push as our attractions appeal to everyone the problem is that we do not have an opportunity within the e.u. to develop our economy and this made in italy brand like we should be doing. the former french prime minister it was philippe's facing an inquiry of his handling of the corona virus pandemic which was $30000.00 lives in france the move came just hours after he and the government resigned as head of the reshuffle 2 others are also being investigated a former health minister and her successor a court of justice which deals with cases of ministerial misconduct received 90 complaints against the government over the handling of the pandemic the complaints came from citizens doctors and unions and include danger in the lives of others and
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even manslaughter the former prime minister said. the statement that he did take note of that decision and would help investigators every felipe stood down then on friday as president to macron move to reenergize the government with a new prime minister and cabinet although polls suggest the people have got more time for felipe the micron with clear blue water between their approval ratings last month french journalist and the sunday telegraph columnist with the table leaves the president might have seen foley's popularity as something of a threat here in the case a few i don't think anybody can prove she didn't shy to do his best and some of his 1st in this crisis where everything was new might not have been good enough and i don't know the details but i can see it being pretty trouble right now i keep an e-mail because they are leaving. and the gossip i hear is that. it was he.
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he didn't necessarily want to there was a kind of miscalculation and the president gave us bridged orations jury could get crisis and people just thought these were obviously not very interesting and meanwhile. who were giving results and getting it by now and the questions and it coalesced in the mind of people not you were somebody who was competent you were saying that he was not above himself and the impression was good and the result is that 2 years from the presidential election. the suspicion is that imminent always afraid of keeping. the question is he more dangerous outside or in. i'll leave you with out for small for marty's world view center here just half an hour reporting from moscow i'm kevin 0 in franklin you as ever for watching and hoping you have a great rest of the weekend. before
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. all the club became a household name in the united states and other world over. washington ceased to be a city that. gender quarter compromised by what is a sure national interest people talk about gridlock in congress hear people talk about. the rights of the radicals in both bodies so will this. be a solid bipartisan centrist approach to politics both domestic and war pre-dates plan that's for sure. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe
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however even the most prosperous can be deceived we've seen the 0 zone there were too few houses were allowed to leave prison was located and the only safe people had access to the story from investigators hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. the great ignore in thought or nonsense. p.c. maybe a sore knee for. trying for justice on oxy. i've interviewed limits of the and world and rape is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma. i cannot
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remember how many times a young female marine that had been raped or sexually assaulted had told me that she looked at these guys as your brother or the suspect as your brother it's a kin to what happens in a family with incest. because you know in the military when we're functioning at our best a cohesive unit with brothers and sisters of the band of brothers and sisters i mean we are family when that ball and of trust is violated. the wound penetrates to the very most inner part of one's soul one psyche. i have this folder that i keep i have all my boot camp letters and if my mom and my sister and
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. people and. just going through some of this stuff and i'm like what's this you know and i open it up i'm like oh my god. my suicide letter. bomb i'm sorry for the greece that you must feel. just because i'm gone physically doesn't mean i will be there spiritually i truly feel that god will take me without question even though i took my own life. i've had the most broken thoughts of dreams and physical pain to remind me of the her if it acts upon me that happened while on duty a mother brother sister and husband should never live with knowing the horrible acts upon me find peace in knowing that my bottom that the body left behind doesn't consume my soul i am free now and i'm not afraid. ready to soar corded and you know .
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