tv News RT July 4, 2020 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history to fame our heroes. in a speech to mark independence day. same people who want. the intensified. deflated moralized. struggles with a reputation an overwhelming majority say. socialising distancing bars restaurants. open their doors after months of locked police are forced to retreat from violent revellers. block party in london.
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just after 8 in the evening here in moscow. with hope we find you well the top story this hour. in the shadow of his presidential predecessors rushmore donald trump took aim at people wanting to tear down monuments in an address on the eve of independence day he also decried the rise of quote far left fascism this 4th of july celebrations come with the backdrop of weeks of racism protests and riots which have seen demonstrators seek to remove or destroy statues linked to sleeve for e. our nation is witnessing
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a merciless campaign to wipe out our history defame our heroes a race of values and indoctrinate our children angry mobs trying to tear down statues of our founders to face our most sacred memorials and dudley's show waves of violent crime in our cities. but a few hours before the address there was a standoff between the national guard protesters led by native american activists more than 100 block the road leading to the trumpet riot police shot the smoke shells out their feet and used pepper spray 15 protesters were arrested as the deadline set for them to leave. so this year there are likely to be a few mixed emotions as americans mark their history or perhaps means new questions over traditional symbols more in the from donald quarter. the 4th of july is
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a time for barbecues fireworks and of course the american flag a time when americans are exceptionally proud to be well american and for decades leaders have used the occasion to proclaim that they're part of the greatest country around america is the greatest country in human history great country on earth that america is the greatest country on the face of the earth but this year people apparently are not buying it recent polls suggest only 17 percent of americans can confidently say that they're proud of the current state of their homeland and who can blame them this year's 4th of july falls on a day when economic recession a global pandemic and nationwide protests against institutionalized racism all plague the country the u.s. desperately needs solutions and the people desperately need a holiday but for some criticizing july 4th symbols of patriotism seems to be on the top of the agenda. many are calling to
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switch the national anthem from the star spangled banner to america the beautiful supporters of the change say that the current anthem is racist since its composer own slaves and some of its original lyrics were no doubt outrageously bigoted but most americans rarely ever made that association in the 1st place. flying the flag on independence day has been as american as apple pie for as long as memory serves but this summer the stars and stripes are feeling the heat thank you. thank you. over a 1000000 means even signed a petition to replace the flag with this version of america's most patriotic symbol of course it was likely not intended to be taken seriously but the sentiment
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remains. the founding fathers another icon americans can easily identify with they declared that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights but in 2020 many have been more concerned with their slave owning past and the statues built in their name have come under assault because of it washington parks the monument to its namesake is just the latest in the city to get painted over there in baltimore at the george washington memorial and. you can see how it's been vandalized with red paint in the words the story raises another statue in portland has been taken down by protesters this time george washington video and social media also shows them lighting it on fire america's latest on rest against police brutality is not the 1st time we've seen how a country's past can influence the president in a negative way but will attacking national symbols that's. tonight americans on
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independence day fix those problems or will they serve to further divide a nation that seems to be ripping apart at the seams it very well could end up being dangerous i mean we could see us going back to things that we don't want to go back to it could see us forgetting about things that we don't want to forget about there may be statues and in different types of symbols that might need to be removed but if we leave it up to the left it will go basically it will go crazy i mean because we've got people on the left who are trying to tear down abraham lincoln and other members of the union so it's not just the confederacy some of them are just seeking to to cause damage and destruction our nation has been very divided over the past 3 or 4 or 5 years or so it's been a lot of those that are next it's been a lot of the fringes fighting in the loudest on each side you know excoriated one another so it has caused a deep divide and i think it will take some time to get back to a sense of normalcy and to mend the rip's that's been formed. or staying in the
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u.s. for the 2nd night in 3 days police in portland in the state of oregon declared protests there to be a riot. the latest night saw violence break out when a group of protesters set fire to some wood outside the justice center police say several people started fires threw rocks on launch projectiles with sling shots at officers whose. the reputation of american police has taken a major blow over the past month with calls to de-fund or despond forces it's heading morale to a recent survey of officers fund of a staggering 80 percent it takes me a while to walk this far over here would not encourage their children to enter a career in law enforcement only 7 percent said they would some of the main reasons listed for them include
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a lack of support from bosses but not just the let's go through some of them you're hearing this one concerns for officer safety whoever ray lewis is a retired philadelphia police captain who would recommend joining the police know he told us why. officers that are not encouraging young people to go into law enforcement are those officers who are afraid of accountability. they fear being held to the high standards of the job and so far they've had free reign they've been able to do what they want when they want and now that's and it right there is no respect and there should not be until it's earned ice there are 19 of my years in the belly of the beast in the ghetto so soon economically depressed black areas and that historically these people have seen and heard a police brutality be there in them their family their names we've heard their
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relatives it was a late night there's been police brutality since day one but never and now what i consider one of the greatest inventions ever is the video cell from white america is waking up because now all that they heard all their life is being contradicted by what they see i would absolutely encourage anybody to join the police force because it's a changing police force now the new police force forces are going to be held much more accountable to be responsible to their communities and there is no more rewarding job then a police officer. well let's bring you to england where police revelers around an illegal block party clashed just as the government began lifting
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some of the crew in a virus locked on restrictions at least 7 officers were injured as authorities attempted to break up the unlicensed music meant basically a rave in west london on friday night police had to run for it after crowds involving suspected gang members began pelting them with bricks on bottles gatherings in england are still limited to 6 people despite the easing of the lockdown pubs and restaurants regal. restaurants cinemas and other public places were allowed to open at midnight but bars had to wait on till 6 am and a few customers took advantage to get a boozy wrecked fist all the newly reopened businesses must adhere to the rules on masks and physical distance which is reduced from 2 metres to one metre plus prime minister boris johnson encourage people to start getting on to support the hospitality industry but to also be careful. dr i'm only succeeded in controlling the virus because everyone worked to get. and we will only succeed in
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releasing if everyone works together again because we're not out of the woods yet but i will certainly buy and drink a pint but not a yard and i really do need to repeat the message to everybody this is a big turning point for us we've got to get it right let's let's work together and enjoy some safety is at the right time to all 100 saluki pearlie. you know there are certain areas you've got to hold us up to communities from as little. but my concern is. also on the fact. that decision to what. has been done on a saturday. without any thought given to the emergency services to look. things on saturday. what could we not have tried to have a pilot one of the few of us to see how old things were reacting with the already
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or welcoming both of the social distancing majors but looking a 2nd fight has always been on the cards and the recent below it is that even with the best estimates we suspect anything between 80 to 90 percent thought pollution of the united kingdom has not been exposed to cook that we can't just what we're going to know. but i will go back and all of. this is normal but you know there's a big risk. nigeria same. to skulk transit ses belong to the countries community have been optioned off in power as they country maintains they were stolen during the 1967 war but the auction house christie's insists the seal was legitimate. these objects are being lawfully sold having been publicly debated and previously sold over the last decades prior to christie's
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involvement. the curator of nigeria's national museum sees that the work should be repatriated and compensation paid to he also appealed to other auction houses to stop sales of artifacts suspected of being looted during the war invoking the black lives mother movement a petition to try and stop the christie's auction said that racial injustice applies not only to the black body but also to black culture and identity the sale went ahead anyway with the 2 wooden figures selling for nearly a quarter of a $1000000.00 a member of nigeria's national commission for museums told us there's no doubt the art dealers pocketed trophies of war these cultures that i was a particularly interested it were taking in 6869 while there was a civil war going on in a cheer and these west. from down original owners and shipped across the border. where you wrote here in. wellington florida
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and pretty much what christie's was saying is that it was not european dealers that stole the objects from the original owners or they are free to sell them you know other words it's all ok to sell the west only by someone else. this is basically what i mean. i don't think. you need to go. use a brief let's start in seattle which has seen a hit and run incident involving 2 black lines mounted protesters after a driver sped through a freeway closed for demonstrations of a vehicle struck 2 women in the road who flew into the air before landing on the ground one life threatening injuries the other is in a serious condition the car was stopped on the driver eventually taken into custody
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. bringing. at least 162 people i think. it's a jade mine in myanmar it's unknown at this stage how many more could in fact be missing as a tsunami of blood swept over workers at the site rescue services were seen transporting victims out of the flooded pit officials say dozens of people have also been hospitalized. as a battle against severe flooding and mudslides at least 2 people are known to be dead as a result in the south of the country and more than a dozen remain missing many citizens were left stranded on rooftops waiting to be rescued on the run $75000.00 people were asked to evacuate homes as the heavy storms. didn't rush 19th century orthodox church in siberia has been burnt to the ground after being struck by lightning officials say around 30 firemen 10 vehicles were involved in trying to save the wooden building
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. let it be an arms race. very dramatic development only. i don't see it. will be successful very. facebook's admitted to letting 3rd party developers improperly access users personal data again the company has repeatedly promised to clean up its. continued
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gathering users' data long after they stopped using them. why the social media. isn't learning from past mistakes. facebook might want to go ahead and make their motto sorry about that just to save us all some time it'll come as a surprise to no one but there is once again that been a privacy breach of the book this time it's nothing earth shattering but the company does estimate around 5000 developers were able to gather information on users long after they were meant to in 2018 we announced it would automatically expire and apps ability to receive any updates to this information if our systems didn't recognize a person as having used the app within the last 90 days the recently we discovered that in some instances apps continue to receive the data we fix the issue to day after we found it that was also mentioned multiple times in the blog post that users did initially give permission for their info to be collected so it's not only
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the company's fault that they didn't cut it off like they promised right i mean you do have to get facebook credit for trying to be more proactive about these issues but how many more apologies are people meant to accept this was a major breach of trust we didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake it was my mistake and i'm sorry and i'm sorry for it but i'm sorry and i'm really sorry that this up and apparently sorry doesn't seem to be the hardest work plus there were these ads bought in major u.s. and u.k. newspapers that said things like we have a responsibility to protect your information if we can't we don't deserve it the irony about that was all among the cambridge analytical scandal when there was an estimated 50000000 users that had their information that we weren't up for profit now after that about a year later a sucker bird tried to turn things around by announcing his vision for a privacy focused social media experience i believe we should be working towards
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a world where people can speak privately and live freely knowing that their information will only be seen by who they want to see it it will be told stick around for ever. if we can help move the world in this direction i will be proud of the difference we have me and yet the issues keep on coming which means trust will keep on falling i want to stop the question of 3rd party advertisers or developers then it's an issue of features that the company itself made and has to apologize for really mass does one up somehow we missed this point with news feed in many feet and we didn't build in the proper privacy controls right away this was a big mistake when our part and i'm sort of for it. we have made a lot of mistakes building this feature but we have made even more with how we have handled them we simply did a bad job with this release and i apologize for it broken record much and yet the list goes on and on and on this article actually breaks it all down from the very
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beginning before the company was even called facebook and yet here we are again but really what else can you expect from a company that works on an advertising based business model meaning those companies need your private information in order to properly target you and they're willing to pay anything for that and obviously do we really get to be mad anymore for me once shame on you fool me every other week well at least some things in life are predictable. but there are so many implications of covert we sometimes forget about them here's one that's starting to come i know i'm more and more locked measures in germany have seen some sex workers i don't protest in berlin demanding that a all in their activities be lifted the rally was organized by the sex workers union and brothel operators association demonstrators throwing signs like open the prof poles and let us work the rules imposed back in march as part of the measures to fight the world of ours and to make sure the rally comes as restrictions on sex
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work in neighboring countries are being gradually lifted in the netherlands for instance sprawl fools reopened on july the 1st with some restrictions that was 2 months earlier than originally when the ban was introduced there in mid march though many in the 6 trade struggle and activist out the prostitution information center in explaining to us. a lot of the secular or who are working through a thing and. just doing sex but it's also. illegal at the time i i know. from their homes little sex workers who decided. to gather. up our friends like 6 or 8 sex workers to get our money because they could have paid their rent anymore particular for. march couldn't pay her rent.
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could have profiled for her children they had more. yeah and she didn't see a way out basically and deaths why she killer so i think it's. you know it's such a pity because. she could have been helped by the government but the government still going to help to mine multinationals doing stuff and yes lots of sex workers should be for what they are. many within the erotic industry have lost the covert 19. though the dutch government did provide financial support many sex workers were not eligible for it. tells us how the system works. contracts are in a coma that's apparent here in home loans. you can get some funding
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from the fund only government really gets tired but when you're working from. the upswing into some workplaces like the brothel the sex and course your. arms i'm going to give you some should you know they were not. by their governments being. part of. opting in so yeah those people have to right my me. let's keep attention on europe or in the tally instead it receives he's ready to launch a new political party with the aim of breaking away from brussels to capitalize on growing anti e.u. sentiments the corona virus outbreak has compounded those feelings many italians say they felt abandoned by the e.u. as the pandemic took hold the bloc evidently apologized for neglecting its member
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be allowed packages although how they'll be used is still up for debate at the height of the outbreak a survey showed that 49 percent of the telling ins want to dodge all of the e.u. now the other link with brussels of course is that the share a currency the euro it's still got support as we can see here in that was a poll last month more than half of the public ok with it 3rd or so oppose it now the senator who's setting up the new euro skeptic party believes it really needs to leave the e.u. to regain its economic power. at the moment we want to overcome the perception that neo liberalism is the only model to base politics on today governments may change but the policy which is pursued always comes from brussels. this is long term reflection since we have been trapped in the european cage we have lost our purchasing power we have lost the momentum which allowed italian businesses to be competitive globally the weeks and months of covert highlighted once again an
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absolute lack of political will in the e.u. the e.u. does not exist there is only the german union which benefits the german economy itself and the countries tied with it the point is that exiting the european union in euro zone means exiting a macro economic vision that has benefited only the financial elites and multinational corporations so far 'd we can do without the e.u. it does not seem to me that the e.u. strengthened italy's economy i would say the opposite we remember when its really was a sovereign country it was the 4th power within the g 7 so we know perfectly well which direction to take to develop our country we will be able to go it on our own again to manage all the funds we need to relaunch the manufacturing areas of this country tourism definitely needs a fresh push as our attractions appeal to everyone the problem is that we do not have an opportunity within the e.u. to develop our economy and this made in italy brand like we should be doing. news
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views on a fair amount besides can be found in our to his facebook page this weekend why not leave a comment on a story or 2 there to let us know your thoughts in just over 30 here all are great if you could make it. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. tyson nation will could lead to. direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the
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depths. or a maid in the shallows. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been busy roads along the way too few houses were allowed to leave prison was located and the only safe in pool had access to the story to investigators she tells me uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. degraded nor in. hockey see maybe a sore knee. thing for justice. before . the club became a household not states and other world over. washington ceased to be
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i think the men that we attract to the military you know we've got a the army of one you know be our you can be all those themes that we've had throughout the years very very heavily masculine masculinity cannot be victimized because if you. or a leader if you're a masculine person and you're victimized then you're weak the problem is that anybody can be a victim of sexual assault. i joined the service in 1972 the military is a great way to life. and to see the world. i got educated i love the military. was 19 and i want to challenge a loan and the next thing they mellow was laying on the ground i was struck from behind and 2 guys hold me down and one guy was pulling my pants down. and.
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