tv Going Underground RT July 8, 2020 10:30am-11:31am EDT
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it had to be larger than its entire economy let alone debt is britain as a global player economically over rigid alienates the economic superpower of the 21st century china we speak china's ambassador threatened britain with consequences of aung kong and the experiment leader deng xiaoping's former translator and director of the china national association of international studies it's a gal about a continuing arguable british imperial hangover and after considering black eyes mad as protests around the world the new accusations of scotland yard targeting an english commonwealth gold medalists family because of their color and we witnessing a major spring not unlike the 2011 arab spring we speak to one of the government's scientific advisors about revolutionary desires set ablaze by coronavirus although some more coming up in today's going underground but 1st what is darker in the west will become brighter in the east the words of china's ambassador to the u.k. being as he threatened london for what china perceives as imperial meddling in its country along with major nation mandated media like the b.b.c.
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going on the ground social media editor foreign element joined in that the virtual press briefing on the national security law in the chinese embassy in london he asked about the apparent mismatch in priorities when it came to the birth johnson government's bait of passports for 3000000 chinese citizens the british government of course is looking to give sets and ship to millions of hong kong is to escape chinese rule of course hong kong being a former british colony so why do you think it is that the u.k. is so willing to give citizenship to hong kong as but not other citizens of former u.k. colonies such as maybe iraq which of course suffered an illegal war in 2003 i think some of the politicians. still. very strong colonial mindset. if they were to recognize that. is no more i mean it is well known who. has returned to china. long since for the past 23 years so that's their problem so that's why they have
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it's a passion they have this grown man site is still regard hong kong as and it is called rule and try to make a response or a way remarks try to interfere and come up there is but that's totally wrong i think they've failed to realize that hung kong is now part of china that's number one secondly they failed to realize that stability and prosperity on kong is not only in the interests of china it's also in the interests of the ok they don't you ok has 830-0000. citizens living. and they have a 7 more than 703 businesses in hong kong so prosperity simple 80 of them calm is in their past injuries that's why you know i'm talking about 3000000 people in
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hong kong signed the petition to support the national security council that included major bridges a business people from excess specie swear jargon you know from standard charter in the those some politics and try to criticize them. that's wrong because they'd believe that stability and prosperity in hong kong is in their interests you can't do business you can't live a normal life without a peaceful environment look at what happened last year camp people people do not even dare to walk in the streets and there's this so-called black terror so people cry for chaos to end as quickly as possible so that hot that they the birth of the national
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security act. chinese ambassador the u.k. new jamming there joining me now via skype from beijing is one of experimenting to deng xiaoping's former translators and director of the china national association of international studies fix a gal thanks so much for coming back on do you not believe your phone former colonial masters britain have the right to criticize human rights in china i think britain has the right to do whatever it wants by a need to really consider what's the impact on the fundamental interest of the british people and if what it comments on constitutes an interference in channels domestic affairs then definitely there will be dire consequences of these are arguably empty threats and you're echoing there what the ambassador said that there might be consequences even when nato destroyed the chinese embassy in yugoslavia china said there would be consequences china never does anything except some harsh
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words briefly and then are probably retire what what is china's position going to be as a sanctions are applied as individual sanctions may be applied by the british foreign office and of course as chinese companies are being discriminated against 1st of all if you do not have justice for one day doesn't mean it does not work it will not come back to haunt you look at what's happening in the united states and in the united kingdom for example for the black lives matter which really is taking many skeletons out of the closets in the u.k. and in the united states and you will know that injustice whenever inflict it may be exposed and it may have consequences many many years or decades or couple of centuries later so whatever the british government will do now which will be conceived as injustice to china will have consequences i that immediately or in the
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medium or longer term fundamentally out in the chinese people want to. the friends with the british people and china wants to be a friend of the united kingdom well there's a big talk here of a cold war we all remember the opium war but are you not just becoming as bad as washington how can you have an article 38 of this new acting this mortal apply to offenses under this more committed against the special administrative region from outside the region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the region this is like julian assange and his extradition warrant to have a junior court when he's an australian citizen well if you had read the national security law on calm very closely you will know that 1st of all it's not ritual active that's very important he only applies to the current or the future activities of this is a very important benchmark secondly it doesn't mean that hong kong as they are. police or national security officers can roll around the world and bring all
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our accused of these offenses to justice in hong kong i think the key is if anyone . passes by hong kong then they will be up branded and they may be brought to justice i'm not sure that's accurate if they're a citizen of switzerland or wherever i mean there's a professor of constitutional law gruen parity has been arrested by chinese security forces for criticizing ji jinping he writes for the national endowment for democracy is that the kind of thing we should expect pure criticism itself is neutral and it should not be our problem but if you for example convey messages aimed at overthrowing the communist party of china then that's a very very different situation you're not oh you're not arrested in this country as far as i understand it for printing something that desires the overthrow of the
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british government in fact britain is a bizarre cleena plays a refugees karl marx one of the. inspirations of the chinese revolution preached the overthrow of the british government he wasn't imprisoned why is it in china you can't preach the overthrow of the communist party well 1st of all different countries have different levels of sensitivities and in different jurisdictions there are power ball was about what you can do or what you cannot do and it applies to the united states of the united kingdom there are short about a hot button things in the united kingdom you cannot talk about we know very sure that that there are these offenses you cannot even think about it for example and in china as a whole you cannot talk about the subversion of china you cannot talk about splitting hong kong away into independent territory you cannot talk about toppling the communist party of china so let's be honest each country has a short list off means that you cannot talk about his china torturing people as the
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un alleges julian assange is being tortured here for revealing important pieces of information that educate the citizenship of china now i'm not. aware of these direct information and for the. 3rd party reports i hope you would really do a lot of homework to verify their truth of this i think if we'd really apply honest and decent to rule or julian assange should be freed and you should probably even give him award for outstanding journalistic reporting which actually exposes some of the very dark secrets in the world there have been some debunking of the claims about torture camps concentration camps of muslims the being the associations between the evidence and us government sources the lone far right
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homophobic sources what do you make about possible u.k. censorship age. sea off calm cracked down on c g t n of course the british censorship agency and edges that the chinese television company has been airing forced confessions 1st of all if you talk about let's talk about you know for sure john borders with afghanistan and the war led by the united states in afghanistan has been raging for 20 years and spill over of terrorism extremism into she is for everyone with decency of the mind to see just imagine if the united kingdom falters with afghanistan what a terrible situation the british people will face in terms of extremism and terrorism if california borders with afghanistan you look for what kind of bloodshed there will be enough ghana's up or in california this is the situation we
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are faced with john charism and extremism coupled with separatism are constituting a very very deadly dulls each of situation there therefore i think china as a sovereign country has absolute the power to bring the situation back to stability to prevent innocent people from being killed to prevent terrorism from gaining the upper hand and i think this is the crux of the matter in sheen john but just finally and briefly if china really cared about human rights would it not be 10 talking more about britain's role in yemen or venezuela or wherever and these consequences that the ambassador here talked about this week u.k. power network says owned by chinese companies could presumably turn off the electricity in south east england eastern england london the london underground heathrow airport the docklands light railway canary wharf where are the consequences or is this bluff as even dissidents in the west are saying from the
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people's republic of china doesn't bluff whenever china means a. it it can deliver secondly i think china is a country of decency so whatever it commits it will and therefore don't be frightened about normal business deals between china and the united kingdom these deals are for the benefit of the british people as well as for the chinese people there are a lot of consequences you look at what's happening between china and australia the chinese government is giving warning for chinese tourists to go to australia why because there have been about 300 cases of anti chinese or anti asian incidents in australia over the past several months the chinese government of course has to a roadies all people to avoid australia as a major destination of tourism from for the chinese tourists i hope this will not
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happen to china u.k. relations i hope the united kingdom can be a very good a destination for thousands of thousands of chinese students chinese tourists shuns business people going to prison or possibly through britain to other destinations if you talk about consequences if china and the united kingdom view each other as an enemy then we are talking about gaia consequences both for china and the united kingdom both of us will be losers let's make a britain and china both winners and also i think ambassador lou said one thing the the united kingdom is called the great britain don't to belittle this great you need to have your own independence you need to avoid the following another superpower as a running dog that's the least that the british people and great britain deserve i would say show your own dignity of being great britain thank you.
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thank you for having me after the break we go through the mind of a protest before they make headlines all around the world and can we expect more civil disobedience this summer heightened by coronavirus we ask you can government scientific advisory subgroup psychologist professor kiffin stopped all this more coming up in part 2 of going on the ground. so we were sisters in terms he said she's going to name christmas the new movie. now you. remember he just came up with a ticket did you hear that. antarctica is a very international community i. mean it used to do you don't need to. do this if it is this. new orleans. there's
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a push at the world to restrain the growth of brazil so their new country. is everything because he was the loser with the forms of t.v. with the of the. 5 and they have everything back to go back but i decided not to take the flight. with my gave you that. welcome back and one we had about unrest in the streets of hong kong when it comes to unrest in the u.s.a. president trump response has been to speak at the arguably stolen indigenous land around amount of in south dakota threatening 10 year mandatory jail sentences for defacing statue but is this something different in the opera. things around the
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world that followed the murder of george floyd in minnesota and in fact is the militarized response from police a distraction from the principles of policing by consent and what does the $819.00 peterloo massacre in man just have to do with it joining me now via skype from is the site is one of the u.k.'s government's scientific advisory group on emergency sub group advisors behavioral psychologist professor clifford stuart thank you so much coverage for coming on i should say before we get on do george floyd we did hear from beijing a moment ago i did raise the and i think he did about how there has been foreign influences perceived by the communist party in beijing over the protests how does that change the psychological behavioral dynamic of protests in all go who are we just about to publish a study of the evolution of the protests in hong kong in 2019 and i would refute from the outset any idea that these protests been caused by foreign interference it
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is dynamics on the ground particularly relationship to poor government decision making in poor poor policing the primary factors the radicalize those protests and develop them from from large go peaceful perceptions into far more violent confrontations nothing to do with the national endowment for democracy pouring money in claims that propaganda about we good muslims from homophobic right wing is and us backed n.g.o.s producing propaganda well i think that the fact that the government has introduced this new security legislation has elevated the situation to one of international relevance and we certainly need to see governments now taking action in relationship to the very intrusive legislation that's been introduced and we shouldn't be surprised that china seeks to demolish any kind of inquiry into what's going on by attributing blown 2 to 2 other governments and yet most of the world sides with china. it's the minority of governments nato
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governments of course that are attacking china this is not something about imperial power rather than actual human rights or the protests well i think that as we move forward coming out of the process are covered in going to feature crosses around around climate change i think that what we all need to face up to the reality that the real bargaining chip in this is going to be economic relations so we will see what relation. has in relation to those deliberations around the economy i think things coming out of china say there is not going to be any relation given the words coming out of a foreign office do you think that corona virus has had an influence on the global protests that are occurring around the world in the past few months yeah i think very much so i think what we're looking at these situations of increasing inequality in awareness of of the differential impacts of of the virus and indeed
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of the lockdown measures. making the issue much much more relevant and decided in people's minds and i think that helps us to understand why it spread so globally and to address it we need to start to address the issue of inequality the fact that the un special rapporteur philip alston talked about gruesome inequality by design he alleged by the british government you really think that coronavirus some of our understanding of food banks and what 40000000 in poverty here in britain but i think we've been naive to ignore this and shallots he of the very obvious data that comes out already showing that you're far more likely to die twice as likely to die from covered if you if you live in the lower echelons of the economic structure than the higher echelons you're far more likely to contract and die from the virus if you will from
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a black or ethnic minority. in the carrier and in the global and as we move through this crisis we are going to see that amplified as unemployment starts to heat it will hit to those in precarious employment far more severely than nosie more stable salary positions so dealing with that reality is going to be very very challenging for our society particularly if we want to retain any semblance of liberal democracy in the world to ease it being towards polarize ocean and as we see in certain certain quarters totalitarianism but so coronavirus enables us to understand something like perceived police bias better i mean there's been a recent case the metropolitan police here deny all wrongdoing is where they understand it but a commonwealth gold medalist bianca williams alleging that they were stopped in the
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past few days because of their color racial profiling couric calling on the head of the mit of scotland yard to resign do you think this is given more traction because we're in a pandemic yeah absolutely i think one of the things that is most important about the pandemic from a policing perspective is the way in which it changes our everyday understanding of the legitimacy of policing let's bear in mind we in most countries have experienced quite draconian forms of lock down i think recently in melbourne where we're looking at a tower block being. locked down and the changing context has profound changes in how the public views the legitimacy of what the police does and their ability to navigate that rapidly changing social context of a very short period of time is incredibly precarious such that these minor incidents of the stop and search that might otherwise go on. notice suddenly become
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world news and in that context we see the bytes about the legitimacy of the policing and police decision making has profound implications for how sections of the community perceive their relation to the police and what we know from the science of rioting is the perceptions of police illegitimacy and inequality are really fundamental to the conditions through which rights can develop and so you're expecting civil disobedience on our streets that some of what we're already seeing aren't we we're seeing certainly london several instances over the last few weekends where the police are trying to break up so-called block parties the question is when if and where will these minor incidents proliferate out into much wider urban disorder of the kind of we saw for example in england in 2011 in the summer following the shooting of mark duggan they have able to watch our
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interview with morgan's a n t on our you tube channel but then this is we have big class dimension here because you're talking about block parties working class people of color and of course. working communities white communities and yet they're relatively well heeled they all crowd in soho in the west end of london can afford to buy drinks on the 3rd day in a band that no police at all let's go that's that that's certainly a really really powerful example of the way in which perceptions of policing illegitimacy can start to develop that where we get large gatherings of predominantly white people on a sunny day in a beach in bournemouth but we get gatherings of people from from black and working class communities we see very very different and contrasting pools of policing much more like say fair in regard to the former and much more oppressive in regard to the latter but the other thing that needs to be borne in mind here are shifting power elections but one of the things about crowds. is that they are places in
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which normally disempowered people can become powerful to turn the relations of power and reverse them in relation to the police on an everyday basis they're disempowered in a subject going to as we see in the stop and search episode with the with the car but when knows people are gathered together in large crowds and couldn't work together in those crowds they can dispute that stop and search they can do things about stop and search i know you've spent your life working on this as you know well the mainstream media would characterize this group dynamic as mindless violence in fact bars johnson even said taking a knee was a gesture that he didn't believe in secure stomach later and apologized for it said black lives matter is just a moment this is just mindless violence by an underclass is how it's portrayed in elite media yeah very very commonly heard and i would doubt you ideologically i mean the difficulty i have is that i'm
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a scientist and i have to work with ideas that actually make sense of what it is that we're trying to explain to don't have the liberty to draw on outdated and rather useless representations of why this violence happens now political actors often do don't really have to care about the facts they don't really have to care about the validity of the analysis they put forward these forms of analysis as a form of politics and we go really strong and powerful track record in working directly with the police to implement winds of policing crowds that don't amplify violence and all we are asking is that really that kind of understanding and that kind of approach is given the credibility it deserves over and above these ideological and politicized representation of the violence that might absolutely no sense at all because they simply don't explain how where why these things happen now as a dispassionate academic you can't alas tell us what happens at the government advisory groups it's all secret and call venture. but if you were advising the
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government. unrest this summer would you say that government should fall of the arab spring example of 2011 to destroy any empowerment by group dynamics on the streets of major cities in europe well i certainly wouldn't describe myself as dispassionate about what i do i'm very passionate about academic ideas i'm very passionate about the understanding its relevance for how we need to respond to current events and of course when we think about the arab spring 20111 of the things that we have to acknowledge is that we're not only different countries in different locations across a whole period of time let's take the example of syria and focus on the crackdown well that was that worked well didn't it turn into civil war so what we have to recognize is that indeed this moment solve social and political crisis there are ways of deescalating that troy by focusing on the underlying causes through which
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people mobilize in opposition to the government and that mobilization is often built around perceptions of the illegitimacy of governments and the solutions of that is to try to repair the underlying grievances rather than amplify them through cressy militarized policing reaction that shifts us away from any sense that that society is democratic and represents that the will to a more dictatorial cressy form. of policing and state power well i'm not joined other arab leaders would say president as i've been on this program said it was external forces again that was responsible for what happened in syria i just finally i mean we talked on this program in the past about how the creation of the police force was to protect private property of the elites why is there relevant to the peterloo massacre as we perhaps witness violence on the streets of. capitals in
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western europe this summer well it was interesting that you refer back to peter lou and peter lou was it was a protest a massacre of protesters who were charged into going universal suffrage at the tail end of the 19th century and even that massacre then created a situation for the development of what we now understand to be the police and it's built around an idea introduced by the former home secretary in u.k. . peel policing old the public for the public by the public focus on these things we have to draw it back to some of the fundamentals of what it actually means to be a democracy itself president start thank you pleasure for the show 48 hours after the death of legend recall because composer ennio morricone famous for his collaboration with put out a resolution says you're going to get arguably he will internationally live forever for his work on want to quote her as guerrilla warfare classic the battle of
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algiers widely seen as one of the most important revolutionary films of all time will be back on saturday it will then wash your hands join the underground you tube south at instagram or face. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability. text celery transition to sustainable prize board sustainability remand him more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless . it does not apply companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is something else this is the point any minute i'm. all in this and we didn't do any man and einstein thing that.
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seem. to shake out just because. it was betrayal. when so many worlds apart. choose to look for common ground. welcoming of us from around the world live from central london this is all to u.k. . the w.h.o. world is the pandemic is far from over its special envoy for could've been telling our to u.k. today that mosques and social distancing here to stay for the foreseeable future.
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come to terms with the reality of the virus is here to stay and i don't think it's going to go away any time should spend spend spend the chance of that announces his son a statement aimed at protecting jobs and kick starting britain's economy the opposition says we were promised a new deal put out a meal deal. michel barnier announces the e.u. would instead pull the checks at the end of the transition period and says the british government applies to create checkpoints at northern other schools despite promising otherwise i'll be speaking to a shin fein m.p. a little later. also this hour the b.b.c. comes on the far off to present a brand of white women carrying the steering of discussion on racism stereotypes but is the term offensive we hear from both sides of the debate.
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dr david nabarro of the world health organization has told r.t. u.k. that masks must be worn to contain the virus the reason why we've been talking about physical disk saying is because this is the key to preventing transmission and there are 3 parts to it one is maintaining the pace a good distance true is wearing price protection look tired is maintaining very careful hygiene and services and the like and yes. people are not practicing these forms of by the. there is a risk of recurrence we don't call it 2nd why because the virus is all around us anyway but it can come back and we can get recrudescence or recurrence very easily if people don't practice the present go distancing and price protection and
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$9.00 jeanne what do you make of the british government's messaging the lifting of the lock down well as one of the difficulties about being in government is that you have to be able to talk to every single interest who wants to be heard and wants to be understood so in government you've got to talk to the owners of businesses you've got to talk to people running schools got to talk to people look up to big office buildings people looking up to security in public transport and i think that's why getting a consistent message is often difficult i'm in a fortunate position of being a public person and i've given you the absolute core of the guidance that we like to give i would like to say to all governments i think it is helpful if you explain to people all good time that what you're trying to do is to help them be depended against this virus because the virus isn't going to go away and that i think if it
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were understood and appreciated by everybody would lead to a much greater appreciation of why we want the behavior changes that we call for can we have some clarity on the use of facemasks from the w h r u the organization was slow to advise on face coverings what we would he now advise to make this compulsory given the new evidence of the virus being able. well 1st of all i'm not going to just accept that last remark that w h o's had a consistent and clear position on price covering which is the good quality face coverings that really do filter out all particles essential part of protecting health workers and others whose jobs have become in frequent contact with people who are the borrowers but others really ought to be wearing face coverings expression of dead can't maintain physical distance saying and the w.h.o.
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now it's seeing these increased numbers of people who are getting infected all over the world is saying because of the possibilities of a symptomatic go pretty symptomatic spread we need to be a little bit more open about the desirability of price protections but doubly right child cannot order people to wear price protection only governments can do that but i think all of us are saying if it is recognised that this is a major problem police were more and more people where price protection is specially in situations are public transport or where close contact is inevitable just finally i know this is a difficult question but when can we expect this to be all over or like for me it's not a difficult question because i'm coming to terms with the reality that this virus
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is here to stay. just like 23rd apart 30 years ago this new virus called h r i became along causing aids and it's here to stay so cope it is here to stay i don't think it's going to go away any time soon and so that's why i'm suggesting to everybody as the human race we have to learn to live with this virus and get on with our lives despite the pact that it's really dangerous and unpleasant and i believe we will be able to do so furthermore dr nabarro clarified the w.h.s. position on whether covert 1000 can spread through born transmission on wednesday the organization recognizing this emerging evidence of this after over 200 health experts hina added to the organization talked in a bar explain to us what this means in practice kennedy we've always tried to encourage people to understand the primary mode of
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transmission of this virus and i want to stress that that is still believed to be true droplets droplets are small drops of saliva and or a spirit tree secretions and usually they're not protected further than about a meter and really if you are 2 meters your clear of them now if you get some very very small particles. they are light enough to be picked up by the air then they couldn't go further than true meters and the issue that many scientists have been bringing to the w.h.o. recently is asking the. knowledge that you can have small
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particles that airborne and yes w.h.o. house actually knowledge that it all along but it continues to say that this airborne transmission is less common. the chancellor has released his long awaited some a statement with an emergency mini budget to help the british economy recover from the coronavirus crisis among the measures is a 1000 pound bonus for businesses that retain their furloughed staff through to generate once the scheme ends in november a youth job creation scheme will pay businesses over $6000.00 pounds to create new jobs for 16 to 24 year olds $2000000000.00 pounds in grants will be made available to make homes more energy efficient with a further 1000000000 pounds to retrofit public buildings housing market will be stimulated by the temperate can't stand g.d. until march 31st with average savings of 4 and a half 1000 pounds for property buys the troubled hospitality sector will be
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boosted by slashing v.a.d. from 20 percent to 5 percent for 6 months as well as a 10 percent discount for all to spend in restaurants from monday to wednesday we see you next said the british public insurance throughout the crisis would help fuel the country's economic revival we will not be defined by this crisis but by our response to it it is in an ambiguous choice to make this moment meaningful for our country in a way that transcends the frustration and loss of recent months it is a plan to turn our national recovery into millions of stories of personal renewal. well welcome by business leaders the labor party said the announcement didn't go far enough and was simply kicking the can down the road until the autumn budget. it should have been the day when the millions of british people worried about their jobs and their future prospects how to loot taken off their shoulders and should have been the day when we got the u.k.
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economy firing again today britain should have had a pact to work budgets but instead we got this summer statements with many of the big decisions. until later the benches opposite knew full well. what to wear in the next hour here on our u.k. i'll be getting reaction to the chance a statement from a former director at the institute of economic affairs. over 200000 of britain's self employed are continuing to be left out of government financial support anyone in these self-employed category who had trading profits of 50000 pounds or more in the last 3 years is not eligible for government support or those who are employed and in a similar financial situation earning over $50000.00 pounds a year all eligible for up to 2 and a half 1000 pounds per month on furlough in addition anyone with over $16000.00 pounds in savings being left out of
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a financial aid as world or for more on all of this i'll be joined by the spokes person for excluded u.k. it's a collective platform for those left out of the government's financial help schemes . a 20 metre crane has collapsed over homes in east london are breaking news this hour injuring 4 people and leaving some trapped underneath the incident took place around 2 30 pm on wednesday on gale street in borough paramedics and firefighters of water rescue operation at the scene. still to come this hour the b.b.c. comes on the far off to cost by presenting brand of white women as parents is the term offensive we have from both sides of the banks.
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a deal in the cards will justice be served. you can't be bold with the yeah you were. the head of the used task force for relations with the u.k. michel barnier has announced that the european union will impose a full checks at the border on generate the 1st despite britain promising to implement them 6 months later he said the e.u. does not want to delay things meaning checks will begin immediately when the transition period ends it was
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a said the british products will be checked at the border irrespective of whether an agreement is reached between the 2 sides and that the block is prepared for the u.k. to leave both the customs union and the single market prime minister boris johnson has reiterated britain would not need an extension to the transition period i mean while the british government has asked the e.u. to introduce formal checkpoints at ports in northern ireland and as border control posts they will be used to inspect both livestock and food going into the single market despite boris johnson promising no such checks would be needed after the end of the transition period has been agreed that northern ireland will remain part of the trading union with the rest of the u.k. shuttled to leave it well out to discuss this further i'm not joined by shin fein m.p. chris has said chris the british government went back on its word this is no surprise it was expected wasn't. yeah i think so certainly everybody here in the north of ireland understood from the very outset that accident or sharks an irish.
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form immune reasons why. all see an opposition target practice here and the people remain an entirely. attractive positive for our economy it's not of course the tax environment causton. chartres that's what heartens and. i think when it comes to promises and certainly chorused johnson the scourge government i don't think anybody takes it seriously he talks of course cannot be absorbed by business is an end in what other way could business and economy and the economy be affected in the oven and. well i think local business will very much struggle to absorb the cost to our local economy has dealt upon small businesses you know they all are owned underground economy is very important to her she fights you. harm to get the protections within the european union all are and
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this is we have music used to the british government time champion of the last few years other local businesses don't own doctrine possibly and don't have the political view that the recalls so the big retail outlets are to charge your picks for marks out or it's you know they should be able to cope with that easier but when you look at the devastation that's the. tactic on supply lines of. business models this isn't already konami shock come and dine at the track for them and the criticism of the local business unity but how does being i suppose dulles compound with the british government who have provided very little information very little insight. on the truth in arrangements. and i think they've been very very critical to the it certainly of the secretary of state. and the fear of the british government to their concerns seriously and it's obviously then looking at the e.u. set to leave by the end of the transition period so how concerned would that make
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people be. well of course it's not the us leader it's the british government that has decided to take it you know present no if the european union we knew the consequences from start to say on this island there's no monbiot for roxette here in the north of ireland that's why me ensured that our protections are protected in the protocol or a center interests going forward a lot of people are very fearful of the unsung system period we don't believe there's enough charlie we want them extension we think the tradition of mint has been very foolish. and moving on without it there is so much to be decided so much uncertainty still and i think the prostatitis has been tshabalala to it and there are still some months on no our little ports for example arm still aren't sure this point officer lease will be required and who alternately will be responsible will be paying for the so lease forest johnson. said the british
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treasury will hire you can you take them seriously companies or they say we need to see much more start to get all of these issues because we're as i stated dealing with one economic impact i mean it was 6 months are going to happen all along and that's the end of the transition period chris thank you for joining us chris hasn't lived here 90. the government is facing pressure to scrap its reported plans to bring back car parking charges for n.h.s. staff unable to took up the issue of boris johnson in the commons. to add further insult to injury there are reports this morning the government is to remove 3 for spittal parking for n.h.s. workers in england the prime minister will know that this could cost hundreds of pounds a month for our nurses our doctors are terrorists and our support staff we go and it just works so much we all clapped for them we should be rewarding them not make
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it more expensive to go to work the promise to must know this is wrong will he be considered a little it out here mr speaker the hospital car parks all 3 of the n.h.s. staff pull this pandemic 3 now and we are going to get told with our manifesto commitment to make them free for patients who need them as well. and they just staff have been able to park in hospital car parks for free since lockdown began after over 400000 side a petition calling for charges to be lifted but according to reports ministers have said free parking for hospital staff cannot continue indefinitely the suggestion is part outcry amongst doctors unions who say reintroducing fees would rebuff sacrifices made by health care workers during the covert 19 effort. a b.b.c. podcast has come under fire after presenter labelled white women as cameron's how mean not be caring. educate yourself read
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some better. term is usually used to refer to a middle aged middle class white woman who displays racist behavior around sparked a social media backlash with some saying that it sounds like sexism and one m.p. saying he would cancel his t.v. license and responsibly b.c. of said that these comments were not part of a podcast and featured only in a short social media clip art is the term offensive to discuss this i'm now joined by comedian and writer of a doll judge on the social commentator an activist on your part and thank you both for joining us clearly some people view the word or the main karren naming somebody in that way that is bullying or even worse isn't that enough of a reason to stop using the term know how can it be if you're going to be willing and name calling when it's actually wants to. it's just deflecting it's just more of the upside down world we live in where it's actually worse could be to be called
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racist and to actually be one so i mean what's a problem of calling somebody karen. well apart from the fact my name sonya as opposed to carry on but there's many problems attached to it bill and not least because the origin of it of course is coming from america is about some people think that the origin is actually the mean girls where it was in titled white with white women and then it was adopted to in relation to entitled white women and black people and that's been brought over to the u.k. and actually when i watched that podcast i thought here we are watching people who have no absolute clue about racism and how it works and i do because my daughter is 22 her father is jamaican i have a better understanding i think than any of those women in that part caste and it is pejorative what you know absolutely there always entitle people we don't need to add more fuel to this fire but it is pejorative why we i was looking to put down women what about entitled white men what about that other. gammons mostly also
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having a mixed race child does not give you as much insight. into what it's actually that is to absolutely that's not what i'm saying i don't know why i'm saying. that scuse me or that you say can i speak it's not adding more fuel to the fire it's certain type of behavior that has to be named and irrespective of whether it came from america or not it doesn't make it the n. word came over from america we don't know what that means that's used. so i don't see how that is. well it is the argument actually is is that it is racist it is sexist it is a tool of the patriarchy what women need to do is become together instead of attacking each other is just ridiculous and divisive it is ignorant i am in no doubt whatsoever that there are entitle people absolutely i have fought long and hard against them i believe that we all you know certainly need more education i'm not going to be told that by people not a podcast of just just doesn't simply doesn't have the same sort of experience i
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have and i'm not claiming to have the same experience of you as you absolutely but let me just ask you that but many people and so many people believe the term is used to highlight race just attitudes among women and pointing out racist behavior actually isn't racism isn't and it's got nothing to do with creature well that's just that's on your answer that question 1st and. only what you make of what no it is actually everything to a patriarchy and patriarchy links into what you just asked bill the truth is that it's so easy constantly for women to be pitted against each other this is what always happens we need to stop this we need to look at who does this actually keep benefiting right because it certainly doesn't benefit may i don't think it can benefit and what this is is just an opportunity for people who feel a bit ticked off with some white women that they've encountered to give us a good kick in well that isn't going to help anybody is there aren't we now about more unlike to men instead of seeking revenge and sort of let's penalize people for
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a history that might not have anything to do with may another separating people by gender sexual orientation or race is inappropriate that's exactly what's happening here is an. addiction is 1st of all working class white women called sharon a traitor or absolutely black women. were all the creature or whatever they wanted to say it's divisive it's ridiculous because the fact of the matter is it has the kind of behavior that it's carried out by someone who's been named karen is divisive within it so we always try. old black women and when we object oh it's time to pull together oh stop your divisive behavior but at the end of the day this goes back years and years and years and even spectacle whether you were involved in the behavior that happened years ago when white women with ignore the mixed race babies when he found plantations or when they didn't want to join letterman join them to get the vote because they thought it was less appealing and there's been so many things that have happened historically which is why there was any of them and
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that it was causing such a stir even the b.b.c. have to respond to their story well it is we're talking about it now now what is done in the unit were people who actually demonstrating the behavior that some displayed that's why i bought the point beginning that it actually seems to some people to be more offensive to be called rates than to actually be very serious do you know it's ridiculous they're allowed to debate these things went out to call these things that's got nothing nothing to do with patriarchy i mean because you don't understand the patriarchy listen tell you i'm going to show you decide not be there is nothing new about that no actually you know what just play and you are just playing straight into the hands of the same old same old at every stop see nothing that a progressive about what you're saying right i think actually i think we're all a bit tired i've been told to should help her not be so not and i certainly won't be told not to should not to be not just on the basis of a offense i'm all right now we did hear sort of
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a please let so to speak and now we can hear you speak welling at me i'm not going to be told i don't understand because this is all of oppression. oh you're too stupid or you know i need. you now have you seen my body of work and you're telling me i don't and i'm pretty are i have usually in my. have you had an advent are you see if yes why and the thing is this is typical that if you're going to talk ok now this here from sony quickly we're running out of time quick reaction and sony has this debate the way it's going to be typical the truth is in reality you and i would probably have a great deal more in common then it appears like this right and all that's been a put enable to happen by the use of carron is to divide people like you and i who are stronger together than separate right i'm not going to have some some virtue singing numpty on a b.b.c. podcast divide to me from somebody who i may actually have more in common with right so the point is is that what you're saying is actually playing right into those hands it's very good meat is the whole current thing is very low take i'm not
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shouting it's just i'm not sure so don't stop there just a very quick response to but it's about just finally please briefly i think it's just ridiculous to try and call karen this. straight it doesn't have great connotations at all it just doesn't have that kind of weight behind it i think this is just silly talk to me though so a lot of both of you now have a dom and so important thank you very much a really interesting and lovely debate we do appreciate your views your time on this thank you for joining us that's it more news at the top of the. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to excel or transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay
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number manner more equitable and sustainable well. they claim their production is completely harmless. lovely. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something else this doesn't want anyone and i'm. listening we didn't dream and then we understood. going into.
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a low end welcome across are all things considered i'm hearing about what the rest and charging of the lane maxwell jeffrey it takes a new church what about the timing and the specific indictments what kind of defense can be expected is a deal in the cards and will justice be served. sucking the g.o.p. epstein saw god i'm joined by my guest. it's christopher owen he is the director and writer for the dram dot com and in milwaukee we have jennifer a master she is an attorney and author of the new book about the lawn unveiled all right crossed out rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciate it ok let me go it was going to milwaukee jennifer you've seen the indictments i mean there are 6 indictments 4 of them have to do with traffic 3 years like you for 99 and 2 perjury charges rounding proceedings in 2006
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why do you think it's these specific ones you think it's because the prosecution thinks they can get this state i mean it's like a slam dunk. well one reason that i think these particular charges are here we have a new federal law does that extend the the statute of limitations for victims that are still alive and so of the victims that have come forward that have been involved in the litigation they are still allowed to be in late thirty's early forty's and that would be able to member said make a very credible as a victim the 2nd reason i think there's a lot that can be said for these particular charges there are certain prosecutors i know myself i've looked at these kind of questionably because they could have charged under a much harsher sentence given what's come forward but it's not uncommon during a grand jury proceeding or an indictment before an indictment is not.
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