tv Americas Lawyer RT July 8, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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papen tonio and this is america's lawyer jeffrey epstein's long time associate coconspirator conspirator just one maxwell was arrested last week reigniting the saga that began last summer maxwell has been a central figure in multiple stories and lawsuits regarding epstein but this is the 1st time she'll be facing prosecution for her role in those crimes tonight we'll tell you what to expect from the maxwell prosecution also tonight nationwide protest against police brutality have led to class action lawsuits being filed against police departments across the country and later in the show will audit president trump's approval ratings as he wraps
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a controversial independence day address 'd and joe biden scrambles to find a strategic running mate don't go anywhere america's war starts right now. now that jeffrey epstein's pal just plain mad magazine fare and you know this story just is a story without end finally though now here's what's bothersome about there's so many but there are some things about this story but why did it take 24 years for the f.b.i. in the government to do their job in a resting this woman 24 years what's your take. well i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that abstain was obviously very well connected and therefore everyone connected to him bit of fitted from those relationships i mean even maxwell and other unnamed accomplices themselves benefited from that non-prosecution agreement back in 2007 or 2008 the 1st time that epstein ran into
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legal trouble in that particular non-prosecution agreement actually said not just we're not going to prosecute you jeffrey epstein but we're also not going to prosecute any of your accomplices we're not going to prosecute any of your accomplices that we don't even know about yet that is how far reaching this thing went and it is because epstein was a powerful guy with powerful friends and his friends unfortunately since then have only gotten more and more powerful so it is remarkable that they even decided to go after just lane i am very happy they did and i think it's because the evidence against her at this point was just overwhelming. well ok let me go to 2 things that you just mentioned 1st of all the non-prosecution agreement that is unique to florida ok now if you if. the crimes she committed took place all
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over all over the world she had her rich powerful elite friends giving her money to hide during all this has been going on giving her money to hide giving her places to hide helping her you know on the run since jeffrey obscene died in prison so but what we know about this is she's hiding because if she felt comfortable 'd the non-processed prosecution of green was going to give her a break she would be hiding but she's got problems with it here it is 1st of all you had a thug judge who allowed it to happen this judge never should have allowed never should have signed off on this you had a prosecutor who was absolutely in bed with epstein and all the lead folks surrounding epstein and so they signed this thing and they never told victims about it that's where the flaw is i think this thing is fails from add an issue it fails from the very beginning it should be set aside she doesn't have protection in my
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estimation so fair let me ask you this as this goes forward you know of course the names come out but the reason the names seem important to me is because you get a sense of how how she maxwell and epstein really hustled some of america's most powerful people what is your take on the. i agree 100 percent i mean we already know a lot of the names that have been named we don't know if they participated in the abuse but we do know i mean there have been half a dozen or more photos of just lain maxwell and donald trump over the last few days there is a picture of his lane maxwell sticking her head out into the aisle as bill clinton walks chelsea down for her wedding this woman knows these men you know current and former united states president good friends with former democratic governor of new mexico bill richardson
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a lot of musk it is out there i mean she even was at the party with stephen hawking when geoffrey epstein was trying to bring kreutz scientists for his bizarre experiments he wanted to do this woman is the only other person i believe aside from jeffrey epstein himself who knows everyone that was there everyone that participated and we're already seeing alan dershowitz you know he's back out there with his denials before anybody can accuse him of any other inappropriate behavior he's already started with that and there's going to be more and hopefully you know what happened epstein does not happen to maxwell because we need to know the extent of this under-age you know. at a file braying that epstein was running here we need to know so it's involved so it's. so some of it it's interesting ok the people you mentioned. mexico new mexico bill richardson george mitchell ok bill clinton so you go to and then
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and of course on the other side of course he was a democrat back then donald trump there if you read this there was this big this really big effort the democrats were in charge then and what was happening with epstein was he was trying to buy as much protection as it can and the question comes down to for example what is that peculiar painting that was hanging in his house where it shows bill clinton cross-dressing what was that about was it it's almost as if he had this he had this power to get these people to do what they had to do because they had him set up with orgies we know 'd the 14 year old to some of these folks that are coming forward now so they were 14 and 15 years old participating in orgies that were coordinated by maxwell so i mean as you look at this she's going to look she is going to spill the beans there is no question and
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these people that think that they've escaped all this it's just begun i mean you know it's it's really a matter of it's really a matter of time she won't do well in prison she won't be do do well locked up and it's just a matter of time and we're going to get all the names and we're going to get the truth about the connections of some of these folks lastly democrats and republicans joined together to send trump a message that they're not going to support ending the for ever war in the middle east this to me is the most peculiar story 1st of all we've got a president who hasn't done that many great things but getting us out of afghanistan that's pretty that's pretty darn important all of a sudden we see this new we see this new look we've always assumed that the republicans. for the most part have been warmongers i mean they love a good war and then you know just just just look at history after history but now what's developing even more solidly is this list of democrats was at 12 or 13
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democrats that signed up on the idea no we don't want to leave afghanistan and we we want to we want to kick our our soldiers in germany pick it up from there this story to me is very bothersome because we used to have a line in the sand they were called democrats but not anymore. right you and i've been in this business long enough to we've done plenty of segments way back in the day when democrats were running on ending the afghanistan war any time did run for house or senate or president that was part of the it's there was we're going to in these you know george w. bush wars and they've done nothing but perpetuate you know all of those promises that we're going to end this we're the anti-war party it's a complete sham 16 senate democrats you know a lot of people you would expect but unfortunately some that you wouldn't have expected to follow this like sheldon whitehouse seeing is name as one of the people
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who said i don't support withdrawing half our troops from afghanistan that that was quite shocking to to be perfectly honest shell the white house has been you know fairly solid and this was a huge huge ship mistake for him but to see these democrats as they really are that that's telling the public something you know on certain issues there's not a whole lot of daylight between the left in the right and unfortunately these 4 ever wars is one of those issues where you're not going to find much disagreement between republicans and democrats in congress. we're talking we're talking about we're talking about a war that's cost us in excess of a trillion and a half dollars trillion and a half we're talking about a war for 2 decades there 150000 fatalities in this war ok so we start there and we say what is happening with the democrats to where they think this is a good talking point out now look new york times predictable they gend up the iraq
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war c.n.n. ginned up their iraq war m.-s. n.b.c. the iraq war you might remember their big maps all over the floor and people walking around trying to tell us day to day how they're embedded journalists are there for the war it was big business they made big business. this is a big business by kill by killing americans that's what. was about it was big business killing americans so as we as we look at this there really are no there really are no surprises right i mean because if you if you consider the democrats now are on this jihad also about about russia that we can't get out of germany because of the russian threat talk about that if you would what you know you had a really good point there too with the media because the media just a week week and a half ago was actually trying to keep the united states in afghanistan before this vote even took place when they're running all of these stories that still have not
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been verified and we don't have the actual evidence saying that russia is paying the taliban bounties to go out there kill u.s. soldiers in afghanistan and if that's not you know a cause to keep supporting these endless forever wars then i don't know what is with the media knew what they were doing you know i believe these intelligence officials who leaked to these stories knew what they were doing especially with the timing of this is to you know coincidental to be an accident they knew that this vote was coming up they knew would trump was trying to do again as you said one of the only good things this man would have done in office and here the democrats teamed up with a member of the cheney family you know partially based on these unverifiable stories from the new york times and here we are and they're still trying to sell us this boogie man that's always out there it's behind every sinister thing that happens here in the united states you know they can admit god forbid that maybe our
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country is just screwed up and we make bad decisions it always has to be some outside actor who's whose main thing so much where they are said that's all that's all of us and all of us. all of a sudden we see this bounty story now the bounty story comes out at the same time that trump is talking about we got to get out afghanistan it also comes out at the same time the state department is trying to consider how do we how do we how do we do sanctions going forward this bounty story just happens to be there at the right time leaked by the sea cia which loves a war leaked by the folks who want to perpetual war so there's a connection here and i think it is it is it continues to i think it is it continues to develop we're going to see a lot more of the connection involved with this story protesters across the country are following class action lawsuits against the police departments for the very acts of police brutality these demonstrators have been rallying against for ever so
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some of these folks that believe that you know they've gotten away with burning down a building or whatever there they were on camera and the police now are pursuing them they're funding them on e bay they're they're searching for money they they're going after him with film footage so it's this thing's going to pick up how many class action lawsuits are there so far one of the crimes that the plaintiffs are seeking justice for us are. people who accuse police of brutalizing them during the george floyd protests have filed or are preparing to file a class action lawsuit against law enforcement in the cities of richmond los angeles denver portland new york philadelphia oakland phoenix and more now plaintiffs are suing entire cities police chiefs and even individual officers for reportedly violating their 1st 4th and 14th amendment rights photos and videos obtained during the protests revealed systemic human rights violations and excessive use of force including beatings have her spraying tear gassing firing
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rubber bullets and trapping ok so what you're going to see in the defense what is already lining itself. these folks believe that the best way to handle these cases is to go after the people that they're trying to say did something wrong they're actually searching on e-bay to see if somebody if there was any kind of looting going on was an item. would it show up on e-bay trace that back to the person who has possession over there taking film footage of people that were actually play into in the protest to take films so the police could follow these folks find them and i think what you're going to see based on what i'm seeing very alone early on is this vengeance that's taken place from the police department to try to push back on this very thing you're talking about in response to widespread state sanctioned police violence colorado they passed a comprehensive police reform bill what are some of the highlights of that wilbur's
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you the. senate bill $217.00 has now passed in the colorado general assembly now the comprehensive reforms include requiring every officer in the state with a few exceptions to wear body cameras and activate them when responding to calls police who break the law could face criminal liability it also bans chokeholds and under the new law officers are required to intervene to stop other offers officers from using excessive force or they could face misdemeanor or criminal charges themselves officers who are convicted of inappropriate use of force will permanently lose board certification and be listed in the public database but some of these reforms are a bigger deal than others because police abuse is often captured on body cameras and we don't see justice for those crimes for example chokeholds are banned in new york but that didn't stop officer daniel pence alayo from killing eric garner with an illegal chokehold so for me the biggest police reform in colorado is the state's decision to remove the qualified immunity defense for law enforcement officers this
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is going to allow victims of police abuse to file civil rights cases against officers in court and colorado is now the 1st state in the country to stop shielding police from nearly all accountability in misconduct and murder cases and hopefully other states policy. to let me tell you about another interesting development right before the supreme court right now there's a. there's a case it's called it's called mckesson the dough and and so what the case is about is to go in to go after the people who organized or had any part of organizing the protest where there was loss of life or where there was property damage for example they're using that the the whole idea is to use that to go after these very people who are saying hey you you violated our constitutional rights and they're saying the people who organized it are going to be responsible for personal injury cases
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death cases property damage and they are this case my prediction is that it is going to be affirmed by the supreme court so that's a whole new development but let me close with this i got about 30 seconds not all states are tackling police brutality is the same way in colorado what's happening in new york. well because of the cove in 1000 pandemic the civilian complaint review board is holding video hearings for police misconduct investigations but police unions are urging n.y.p.d. officers not to show up for those videos hearings arguing that board members should not be allowed our board members shouldn't be allowed to work remotely if officers have to physically go to work during the pandemic so basically police unions are using the pandemic as an excuse to postpone investigations and the police department says that it's not going to discipline officers who skip the video hearings and some of the officers that are being summoned include one that was seen on camera during the george floyd protests allegedly flashing
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a white supremacist hand fine. thanks for joining me obviously this story is going to be a lot more parts of the story out there on both sides it's going to be push push and push thank you for joining me. is november creeps closer president trumps independence day address and job odds ongoing search for a running mate they become big. news let me begin with this got dave i've got david lamb with me probably the foremost expert in this area and i thank you for joining me ok to do it let's let's begin with the notion of approval rating if i'm talking to you is that there's an expert in that area what is the significance of approval rating is related to this particular the number to remember with approval ratings is 40 percent below 40 percent is the symmetry area above it the the options are much better and gallup recently published their approval ratings
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trumps approval rating is at 38 percent as we speak in early may it topped off at 49 percent a couple of interesting notes about this you remember the concept of reagan democrats so democrats that would cross the aisle believed in what reagan was talking about and signed on in those 38 percent 91 percent approval rating among the g.o.p. 2 percent among democrats the lowest in the history of the gallup home ok ok so let's talk about my memory was is that the h.w. bush had this problem did he last see did jimmy carter have this problem he last night but there's also this notion that you hear talked about is at the same time of where we are in this election cycle obama had a less than 40 percent is that is that accurate that is obama was right at 40 percent and that's the silver lining for the trump supporters because from summer
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to fall obama had a 6 percent bump which got him closer to 50 percent by the time the election took place so if trump is able to pivot in some way and pull that approval rating out by the way he handles the coronavirus maybe what the what happens with the economy how he handles all of the protest and the tearing down of the monuments all of that there are opportunities but at the. 38 percent like you said h.w. bush jimmy carter both lost the last president harry truman in 1948 had a 40 percent approval rating that's how far back you got to go on that income i think is ok so this is this is this is a big number that in watched the approval rating if he if you can have the turd blossom call 'd rove 'd 'd can raise that approval rating for bush above 40 percent he at least is still in the game is that some magic number well that let me ask you about the mel rushmore speech i don't i don't get this it was so divisive i mean you have the new york times it's racist it's divisive you know this is the worst
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thing that could possibly happen that the media was just like you know their hair was on fire hysterical about this what what what is the right say about what what is his core what is it is is course a the whole some of the phrasing that the president used in that speech was a culture war and this issue typifies that the left felt like you said the new york times some of what they said about how far left and radical how how scary the speech was the right love that speech in fact when you say the right was that just his cold war but was it beyond that no ok it was about his cool or this course 40 percent 40 percent and that it was red meat for his core but again is trump having to still rally that base to make sure to shore that base up as he heads toward november ok well again the question is can he do it and as he's looking at
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this. you know you have to you have to wonder because you do have biden still in the cellar he comes out every now and then he's done some fund as well as well but it's working for me let's call it what it is he's in the cellar he's he's avoiding any cat of real controversy they're not letting him talk which is a really good idea but it's working that's the main thing but as we as we. approached this election i saw that trump had raised a bill is there's a $1000000000.00 nearly a $1000000000.00 that ok so so does can a $1000000000.00 move these favorable that you just talked about is there a way to do that or can you move favorable by attacking the other side. i think with that bill that $1000000000.00 that has been rated between trump and the r. and c. and $250000000.00 cash on hand you're seeing some signs as to what they're going to do with that because that's a considerable advantage the biden team is not even releasing how much cash they have on hand i don't know but i would say that's
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a bad sign for the biden camp if they don't want anybody to know what they have in the bank but what has happened the trunk campaign has committed $100000000.00 in ads for arizona florida north carolina ohio pennsylvania as well as wisconsin so key states states that he won but also that's where he's committing money to ok so now we've got. a look at a right now it doesn't look like a race i mean it really just doesn't look like a race and you're in you're saying the only thing that changes that if he can get above 40 percent if the 1000000000 dollars that he has can be used by call rove the turd blossom and to somehow raise the favorable i don't know how you raise favorable 0 with attack with attack ads and see what i mean right and it seems to me that that's why that money is in the why has that money right now so right now you've got biden who has to make a really important decision and that's who is his v.p. i really like tammy duckworth and what a great v.p. this and i mean
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a little you'd understand that ok if he doesn't make it to the 1st term tammy duckworth would be there i really like this this woman let's talk about she's a senator from illinois former army lieutenant colonel she's a pilot like yourself pat an army helicopter pilot she's a double amputee and a purple heart recipient so the resume is very impressive and the reason she stands out for the biden camp. one of the things that with that $1000000000.00 to get knows the trumps going to do is attack then how how do you go about attacking someone who has who has that sort of resume so that's what makes tammy duckworth so so attractive to biden and his team and so the call your call would be out of everybody's considering that's the one that moves the numbers that is certainly the one that diffuses because really at this point if the numbers are anywhere close to accurate biden has around a $1010.00 point lead at this point you're just protecting the lead that's all you
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want to you're kind of playing defense so this choice of duckworth really kind of takes some ammunition away from trump and the trump campaign and their efforts to call the biden biden camp and biden presidency a far left wing radical right you know you're takes all that it takes it off the table and i think that's brilliant course the democrats advisors have never done the brilliant thing they'll end up with somebody that it's an incestuous process you know who's been around the longest you know who's who has been part of this committee in that committee who's raised money that's how they think this woman can make the difference you can make it happen yes david thank you for joining. that's all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs and direct t.v. channel 321 also streaming live on you tube and be sure to check out our team's new portable out where you can watch all your favorite shows on my path and tonio and
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this is america's in the year where every week we tell you the stories that corporate media is ordered not to tell because their advertisers won't let them in because of their political contacts want to allow that to happen in the mind of a great. some rumors assumed he was going to be named this new film you may. know. him and those who just can't stand for a book if they didn't feel that oh. i'm talking about is a very international community. meaning you friends with only
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a few things. you just got to keep those who keep it is the slow slow slow uses that you believe in jesus. as the position of the world to restrain the growth of brazil through their nuclear cooperation is everything produced polluted with it in front of t.v. with all the above the. law they have i would affect it all day but i decided not to take his place. with my guy didn't tell you that. join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then .
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bring you. a knowing that desires you know hans and all. the transporter in the system right james overinflation and in america and these are expected to meet their cold rape shield law. this prison for 44 years. in minutes sure you know it's you and wasn't you know. it was. old here drops to be. 10000000 it's a little. odd that a nominee that i know i did it almost back saying it might look others are getting me i'm and i am a well meaning they said.
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