tv Cross Talk RT July 10, 2020 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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a low end welcome across town where all things are considered i'm peter labelle the past 3 presidential election cycles demonstrate voters are against foreign wars and for a nation building nonetheless both remain high priority for the ruling elite why is this our voters being denied a say in foreign policy and exactly why should u.s. and allied forces day in afghanistan. to discuss this and more i'm joined by my guest ray mcgovern in raleigh he's a former cia analyst and presidential briefer and in lansing we have steve gerber he is the host of the earth are joining us now cause and effect that means you can jump in he time you want and i was ok let me go to you 1st here i just discussed a lot in my i have composed a lot of questions of mind reduction but let's start with afghanistan speak slowly
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so i can understand in our viewers going to spend why does the united states remain in afghanistan after the president of the united states running on a campaign a campaign trying to get out of afghanistan we're almost 4 years later we're still there so why are we still there if you will obama was going to get out of afghanistan as well remember it was a dumb war. well look the answer short answer is that they can't they're not in control. no presidents have to do what we call the national security state or deep state requires and if you look at a map you'll see that afghanistan is very strategically located by close to china quite close to kashmir to say where there's all kinds of gas and oil prices so it's a matter for the military and the people who she is vanished and making sure that we can police the world those people that are in charge it's very. very clear
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now that even of president morsi get out of a place like afghanistan he can the height of hypocrisy of course if he was the a story that the new york times highlighted for the last week that russia's were hoping i would see food for afghan people killing u.s. soldiers. there was no evidence for that and then the new york times and you know giving hypocrisy a bad name came out with a major editorial say don't let this. withdraw from afghanistan after they did everything they could to fit in as the mouth of the state. and then what does this tell us is that trump is too weak or the deep state is too strong i mean what is the you know what is the calculation here because if the president of the united states can. command the military to come up with plans and withdrawal and then he's not in control of islam holocene that's your example. in pharaoh's this president
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has avoided. new wars for united states yet iran or syria or in other places and so i think that he's had an effect of foreign policy i think it's quite fair to say that the american public is weary of war and for new interventions into foreign countries afghanistan has been a long and painful fight it's been a cost of treasure and of blood for the americans and i think at this present recognize that but i agree that it's an entanglement that's not easily track. from but if you look at the refusal to follow the. guidelines or the advice of john bolton for example who clearly want to minute ventured into iraq and this president said we're not doing that i'm not going to go bomb and kill 200 arabian citizens for a drone i think that's pretty strong leadership from the president on bad front and let's be honest if you go back to richard nixon the democrats in the new york times as i just heard mentioned here have said since richard nixon nixon's going to take
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america in the world who are history reagan will take us into world war 3 trump will take us into what was there this hysteria never ends it's always the same the democrats are never tell us the world war 3 and yet it's often the democrats who lead us into war whether it's vietnam or other wars we've been in other entanglements so i think the president shown from a strong leadership and stuck to his promises of not entering america in a new foreign wars i think that's a strong positive i mean seed money and why doesn't he just start firing people you're not going to get what i want you're fired next in line you doing a lot of your ire to ok now i'm very serious about this because the american people do in the last 3 presidential elections voted on an anti-war plank ok and republican or democrat didn't come through so ray i mean what does that tell us is it is that this is a separate power on to its own because it took for me it's once huge grift i mean human you mentioned geopolitical situation and i can buy into that ok and for me it's a great ok it's billions of dollars and everyone gets paid and nothing is results
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and we still you lose holders and and we actually kind of need the money these days right now we sure do need the money these days you know it's what president eisenhower called the military industrial complex what is he evolved into the senate stays more than a half century ago is what i call the mickey i'm at now ok the military industrial congressional intelligence media macadamia think tank complex make a mad. remember it remind it rhymes with mickey mouse ok now it's big and it radiates one element it's not there it's the voter that i guess the voter isn't part of it right here yeah the voter isn't part of this and when i said media like all caps the media is diligent for a less that's why americans believe all this stuff they believe people like. the
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russian expert named james clapper head of the national tells us you know what you say said the russians are almost should medically driven co-opts to just see. whatever you know it's said it's in their genes and this is so historical experience will you know this is the head of national intelligence obama put him there let him stay 3 and a half years after he perjured himself before the senate intelligence committee so he must know you know i don't know if you know andrew higgins yeah. well he's got a thing and in a new york times today i have to call attention to it because it kind of sums things up he's talking about i they can knock down the statues but everything and rush your emails exactly where it was on the stump close for chrissake you know where it is not about a grifter talk about a grifter your absolute jewel is
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a prize winning grif there let folks speak careful for those statues are in russia fault 'd the ideas they embody curse shows and the whole go as if that has anything to do with what's going on in afghanistan and you're right the taliban story was just was just ridiculous on its face it seems to me steve that the taliban have been killing americans for the last 18 years i don't think they need a whole lot of hell or a bit incentives to see where the taliban has been killing americans for 18 years and the war has been going on like i say it's been a long. exercise in futility in many ways but i want to go back to something the race. said there and that is about the obama foreign policy and quite simply let's talk about that obama's foreign policy of weakness united states and an apology tour on the around the world really apologizing for american strength and when you're weak the wolves come so said senator john kerry louisiana just this week and so when you talk about where we're going on foreign policy in the options ally had
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come november 3rd i would suggest that it's you look at what some of her chin to be said about joe biden who sort of joe biden wins the presidency in november his foreign policy could lead us to a place for war is inevitable in fact he said you could build a bomb shelter. yesterday of joe biden's election and so i go back to afghanistan and i go back to the industrial come military industrial complex or a mansion. if you allow weakness the walls will come and maybe never meet our station hold on many part of the conversation is that of american leaders afghanistan in a haphazard way the middle pair to be witness much like what we saw with the obama years when american sailors were on their knees with their hands full behind their heads with the rain and warships directing us maybe sailors how to conduct themselves so this is a concern for the american public i mean why would those sailors there in the 1st place ok that's a different topic for him but steve i would counter by saying the united states to show me weakness in indecision because it it doesn't have
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a command in control of the military not only the president the united states me it shows weakness and the inability to make a decision because not many king notices it is the worst decision because that's been the case for the last 18 years it should have been a police operation you know tied it and get out was no reason to occupy the country whatsoever but ray and me go back to what you were saying about the media what do they get out of it i mean what's what's their dig in all of this part of this huge grants go ahead well they're part of the mickey mater course and there's a list friend now the. military industrial complex can exist without an enemy ok you have to have a credible enemy as are you have to make out russia to change russia to be the same as those statues back there or stalin stayed in jersey and ski and those folks from the from the from the k.g.b. so that's part of it. they worrisome thing as
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a nobody seems to realize that russia still has nuclear weapons a few tweak their noses a russian bear often enough there are going to be some sort of minor hostilities could easily accelerate and and become really dangerous and are the american people prepared for that a quest to prepare for that because the russians are the same aggression of people as they always had been there almost an ethically. riven to be an aggressive and a sister so as as this article this morning you know in the new york times indicates where they enter a room which is less aimed at it and say oh yeah hagan's i mean he's one of the flax that makes a lot of money he has a surprise great about russia being the same as it was a century interesting thing steve is that you know going in and because i watch this all of the time and i was very keen on untransformed policy when he was a candidate very keen i made a lot of programmes about it because i thought i know
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a whole titian have the courage to stand up and say the obvious year but when it when it comes to the media when it comes to russia when it comes to iran and china they can't really matter there's no downside ever of being wrong is there ever were it doesn't you know right much taller americans trust me i don't believe that to be true and the other thing is it is dest americans prepared to take on russia i don't think so i don't think that americans are prepared to take on much of anything with a lot of smart phones a lot of very dumb people sadly these people get their information from tech talk which is i mean monitored by china facebook and of course. you've got jeff bezos supplying the world with you know trinkets and trash from all over the world 40 percent of the internet and writing for the washington post and he hates drop other media in america these days is garbage so used to be a time when democrats liberals actually thought that challenging the establishment and the group think was the right thing to do now they're all in one herd together and if you have chelsea orthodoxy of the group which is perpetuated by and
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b c c.b.s. a.b.c. the washington post the new york times all of them into one you know gobbledygook of nonsense i feel like we are all over well with the garbage man it's hard to figure out what's accurate and what's not and so i don't think america's ready to take on russia or not you know i think you know maybe are fighting in a word you know what congress you congress or that they want they will not fund additional nucular testing and it's not be in that that's a good idea but the reason why they did it was to be against trying to lessen everything is twisted in terms where there's a criticism where everything is really confused and i think that's really pathetic because one day donald trump is not going to be president maybe in january or maybe 4 years from january or imagine how it were set up side down as a world when the democrats criticize the president for not going to war with iran for not going to war in syria and he gets criticized for that america doesn't want to do it well republicans don't want to go to war democrats want to don't want to
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go to war and this president has kept to that promise and so far all right gentlemen i have to jump in here we have to go to a heart break and after that heart break we'll continue our discussion on the military industrial complex and a bilateral death grip on foreign policy stay. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics school business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air
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force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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welcome back to crossfire these are considered. truly mind you're discussing the bipartisan debt. ok let's go back to a right before the break you gave me your index finger which means you want to say somebody. is going to say. you know it's so cool pat. that the trump is not his own man now when he said that he thought the more decent relationship was russia would be a good thing well i agree with that i think most people who have not been brainwashed would agree with that was he allowed to do that you know russia gate russia gate russia gate and now here's a here's a the epitome of what's happened. we know that russia gate which was started
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on the idea that the russians hackish the d.n.c. could get those very damaging even mails on hillary authentic ones but damaging and gave them to weight the only way you know that that's false from the beginning we know that the head of crown strike now many people are good maybe maybe she doesn't know this because he just raised the new york times but but if you're if you know what came out of this testimony of shawn henry head of crowd strike that testimony was on the 5th of december 2017 and what he said was we have no concrete evidence that anything was actual traded from the d.n.c. that means hacked ok so not only didn't russia hacked but nobody hacked as far as crowd strike you know it's ok now what am i saying i'm saying that that was reveals many that was revealed on the 7th of may this year so it's today the 8th of well that's the beginning the 3rd month and the new york times hasn't mentioned. that
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a kernel that started russia gate namely russian hacking of the d.n.c. has been completely debunked by the guy who knows the guy who is in charge of the forensics the guy that muller said or told me said hey you do the forensics so we have to be i don't want to do it so what i'm saying is that the mainstream media is not only derelict it's really what it's meltzer use and says well as misfeasance and. these people have paid big bucks so he information out of the public and did you know that for example steve that crowd strikes head shawn henry had testified that there was no russian hacker that the answer you were you know is going up and what did you learn it but i guess perpetuated the b. of these narratives and the comment that you made i don't disagree with you in many ways in that that is trump is not his own man and in some ways i see where that would be true but look at all the different agents be james clapper you mentioned
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earlier or bigger stronger or or page or any of these people that are working actively against this president and for you took office the slow moving of appointments to put in his own people into his issues of power and importance and that's like a plane i started my life and i'm again i mean how can he be his own man when he has an entire layer of government agents actively working against him and his policies because they don't like him or whatever they profess to their reasoning and it's. then you know you don't have it in all fairness trump appointed bolton to be national security advisor that's now listen you know unforced errors yes absolutely i would agree with that that is an unforced error because he was led to believe by those around him and some of those in this room when you look at some of the folks maddest or some of the others who were there they were also people that would like to have seen an intervention into iran there's no question the general mad dog mattis would have liked to go on and bomb iran right along with john bolton
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they said right there in the situation room and have a cigar enjoy themselves and that's unfortunate. they don't have to bomb iran agree it was it on the right twice each with the best 10 days advantage severely to the time it's nuclear facility it's going to say take years if if they can get it back in operation so a low our military doesn't want to get involved with iran for very good reason straight on how long of this nobody. let's let the let the israelis do it now trump is happy to let the israelis do it what i'm saying here is trump is the president after all ok and we can say well if he is the president should act like the president and the best thing to get do was what senator grassley just asked them to do yesterday led john bryant the u.s. attorney in connecticut publish the stuff that he already has on the miscreants so
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the top of our intelligence and national strategic partner with enemies are going to blow me i'm talking about brennan i'm talking about clapper i'm talking about alert religion for god's sake the good czar out there because they all thought hillary was going to win and they didn't even take rudimentary steps like i'm going to i gave it a good i'm going on steve here a good idea it was to have all these people fitted for orange jumpsuits that's the 1st thing we need to do here and the guys i want to switch i want to switch the conversation a little bit steve i mean what do you make of this 43 alumni of from the bush era there are turncoats and go oh wow i'm going to be working actively for. joe biden and this is the forums all of the blah blah blah. i mean it's really amazing to me this is is in of fronts to the democratic process is that you know it no matter what this is going to be bipartisan we're going to go back to business as usual
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which was really quite tragic under democrat or a republican ok i'm not baking soda i'm not i can we can go after each side for specific reasons but basically business as usual again for the 3rd time i'll say 3 presidential election cycles people rejected that ok but there were no matter because they know best they're the adults in the room the adults in the room and i read it a trajectory of tragedy for american foreign policy for it we see 40 years go ahead sir. the organization are talking about you know bill kristol and company. to make it easy you know this is nothing more than the never trump right let's be honest and you can look i'll use joe biden as an example but there are so many to be made of people who have gone into public service if you will and made themselves exceptionally wealthy or their families and enrich themselves and others i mean let's be honest about the industrial military industrial complex and enriches people and the status quo in riches people you people don't give
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a damn about the american constitution they want to know how much money they're going to have at the end of the year the end of 10 years how their kids and grandkids are going to profit from all of these things they're doing that's why many of these people remain entrenched that's the probably face often times and rate you missed susan rice one of those people he's an orange jumpsuit to be suited for because she could be your vice presidential running mate would joe biden think about this regarding their honestly these are the kind of people they want to go back to the status quo the one thing about trump that i thank you is universally accepted he is a disrupter he has disrupted the status quo because he has a list of other people maybe he's a narcissist maybe he isn't but i don't care about all that but what he has done is disrupted. the even back and forth republicans are here will go and say there was a kerry get along and they actually put you know make money and mitch mcconnell make money and everybody does just fine as long as we're here and only one of the things i found really interesting is when. trunk was addressed in the state of
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the union and of course the democrats would never allow for anything he had to say ok here cancer they would ok but when when when did they all stand up and share in unison when they had what's his name why go from. venezuela ok and everybody stood up and clapped this joker to you know nobody knows who he is and then his nail ok and have a listen to sad. that's the bipartisan non sense i'm talking about i had. to pick up on your story there was i don't like it though but there was also the coke remember when the pope came here and what he said before the joint session of congress he said i'm a problem is the blood soaked on schrader's. senators and representatives. and. if the. blockade was here and
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one from rehearing on it was so it was you know give me hypocrisy a bad name that's the name of the game it will make a lot of money they've just said. tension with russia tension with china now and the american people that how they feel about war which is pretty much against war there or how much they end it because of the way the thing is stacked against them that's the real problem or joe biden that can be any better what we need is a 3rd candidate there's an i think it's right for that. i just hope that the system allows a 3rd candidate to arise should be you know if i mention with this why don't. my character and that's what's wrong with foreign policy because speed is absolutely right nines the word grim everybody's getting paid i mean look at the level of corruption that's going on in afghanistan that would meet me in corruption in ukraine it wouldn't it would make me blush i mean and you know what they know and
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they know like i mean does it mean in kerosene or tens of millions of dollars were who just disappears oh it's money it's money $100.00 someplace and you know i can buy something like that and they know it and they know it but it continues on and on and on and see. trump has a few months left before the november election night he was very forceful during the campaign about and these wars and i felt embarrassed going to be honest with you when he said it again to west point when he's already said. what does he need to do is it is there a way he can make good on his promise to end our involvement decent afghanistan ok because i think one point we've made here because he can't he can't run on ending wars going to be doesn't do one he can't run go ahead well you know and with everything going on with coded and all the games being played with that in the numbers there there's a lot of distraction you might have noticed in the press otherwise today but i
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think some good points were made here today and that is you can't run a foreign policy if you don't have the bogeyman out there you have to have an enemy same is true of domestic policy i mean let's be honest racial divisions in america they don't want to solve those who want to perpetuate those but a magnifying glass them so they can you know ratchet on riots on the streets and claim that there's all this division in america when really if you walk around the streets of america and talk to people like i do and others you'll find there's a lot more people that have a lot in common and we don't have all this division that they say that we do if you watch n.b.c. news or read the washington post and so the difficulty for trump is this if you start still around afghanistan the battle cry from the left is going to be well he doesn't care about old people until that night even people are dying in texas and florida so that he's going to be villainize for that because the left has to have trump as the villain because they really don't want trump to run against biden they want trump to run against trump that's what they want because the only person can be down from november 3rd is donald trump they know that i don't know if joe biden can survive 90 minutes on the stage during
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a debate not once twice but 3 times that's going to be difficult i mean look at biden's performances in previous debates he's got a challenger so as far as getting out of foreign wars i don't think there's enough time on the clock here now could he propose a wind down or a or starting to disengage in some way yes that would be. one time thing after the election last 20 seconds go to you ray go ahead. well i think i need to make clear that it's the degree trump is vilified if you deserve every every inch of credits. he's not the president is it 6 or are awful but i swore a somos or protect and defend the constitution united states against all enemies foreign and domestic there was a soft coup to prevent him from becoming president. i want to be my guest in raleigh and in lansing i want to thank our viewers for watching us here argue see you next time remember.
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your songs i was also. her. husband will take interest in. this goes a long way to traverse team your. brain a not desires and allison are. transported mrs wright james cameron facing and in america and those at this table names. she loved this person for 44 years. in minutes she went yes you are and was a kind of message. here that was easy. she. drops to be. a millionaire when you are the one. that ultimately got the get go i think if you
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was. a report by un investigator concludes that the killing of iran's top general by the us at the start of the year was unlawful. also it's common knowledge say younger merkel see the party puts forward plans to fill half full posts within the party the women in the next 5 years and more than a 100 officers and academics on an open letter highlighting the dangers of so-called council culture however the move just sparked a backlash from both sides of the political tibet. what are they good morning it's friday the 10th of july you're watching r t.
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