tv News RT July 12, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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new research shows delays to cancer treatment in the u.k. due to the corona virus could cause an extra 6000 deaths we speak to a man who only discovered he had advanced cancer when he finally got a much delayed scam. this is devastating this is not the nose i see new words to put always feel. no words to describe. come to. serbia seize a 5th day of violent protests over the government's decision to reimpose a curfew after a surge in covert cases. in
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france and the appointment of 2 new ministers sparks outrage from women's rights groups one of the men has been accused of rape while the other used to be the lawyer of controversial clients. of broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is arch international glad to have you with us as we recap the week's top stories with our weekly program . now in the u.k. a man has discovered he has advanced cancer after finally getting the scan that had been postponed because of the corona virus 27 year old sure when hall went to the doctors with severe pelvic pain in march he was given painkillers but they eventually stopped working he had repeatedly requested a scan but only got one in june which revealed a large tumor we spoke to him about his situation. i beg for scans every
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single time i went there say to me that deja qubit 19 it's a delay when m.r.i.'s and c.t. scans and so early june my would think visit to the hospital a doctor. looked at my notes and said hey you've been you've been her so much times it's got to be something wrong with you. i'm going to schedule you m.r.i. tomorrow i was a little bit hurt that he took me training always he could schedule me a m.r.i. but i begged. 3 months to get an m.r.i. and to get a scan doctors told me if i would have got my scan. few months earlier then my prognosis would have been a lot better. my prognosis is about 10 percent and less than 10 percent i was so
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while i will have. a baby you know i don't know how long that i'm going to have with me i'm very devastated at the fact that i'm fighting for my life and i mean i'm at the prime of my life fighting my life then to being misdiagnosed is just devastating this is not a nose i can say no words to put how i feel no words to describe. i'm just devastated. this case comes as new research claims the chronic virus has put the u.k.'s health system under such strain it could result in 6000 extra fatalities among newly diagnosed cancer patients the n.h.s. has also reported the pandemic could delay many more planned treatments now the waiting list for routine procedures currently stands at $4000000.00 and it is expected to jump to 10 by the end of the year meanwhile a 1000000 cancer swabs were delivered to already short staffed laboratories in june alone sure when hall again believes the whole system needs
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a rethink if i would have if i would have got my scan and earlier than i would have been a primary and i wouldn't have spread and they could have been able to operate on the primary tumour and get it all to me and i would have been on the route to recovery regionals patients like my so we better to concur of the views qubit 19 as a smokescreen not to take patience and you leave. cancer patients which cancer it was more people and coo in 1000 each year and i don't know why i 'd go to 00 i kind of blame you who says this the but i cannot blame be any test because he did have a bone bodman or patients i just wish that it would have been a better system of diagnosing it and getting it catching it early saving lives.
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for a 5th the day the serbian capital has been rocked by violence anger erupted over the decision to reintroduce a lockdown measures after figures showed a surge in covert cases with tensions continuing to rise the president of serbia has criticised the protests. i literally coupon would be that he serves stupid it's so irresponsible to call upon people to gather and demonstrate when we're faced with the most horrific numbers of infections from corona virus today is probably the worst day we've registered the number of positive cases of corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic the would stay for sure and we see the consequences today of infections that happened in the last 4 or 5 days and then any 4 or 5 days will see the consequences of these gatherings over the last few nights.
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i believe that the government must love the biden voice on the kind of. life was high temp while the government was going tear gas. at the demonstrators again was and this is something that only seems yesterday was ever was that i that still does hasn't done many of them was to be seen clashes of the police. the situation here is one of them that it was genocide of the people and that was
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a cup of tea cup going back more of the parliament building which is where they were concentrated yesterday. well seeing that son. of a 19 found them it could get worse. from them so many people gathering for. days but the people you're going seem to care about that much. leave her own son you're going to see the president put her on his land. and basically given up on lockdown over the weekend but demonstrators are still in the street and you can see. they're going back towards the east. they're going back towards the
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fairgrounds sensually and they say they're not going to give up. with government easing restrictions and the world registering a record number of new cases scientists are sounding the alarm about the risk of airborne transmission we'll have more on that story later in the program. meanwhile trials are underway globally in the race to find a vaccine for the corona virus but even if scientists do discover an effective cure it seems there are plenty of people who won't be queuing up to take it or 2 peter oliver explains the hunt for a coronavirus vaccine is one of if not the great scientific searches of time but there are all those who don't want to see a vaccine found and wouldn't accept one if it was here in germany which was swift to tackle the initial wave of covert 19 coronavirus skeptics have been demonstrating for months. now.
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the latest polling shows more than a 3rd of june. reject mandatory vaccination against covert knighting these concerns continue to exist despite the mandatory vaccination being on the cards the government here has said again and again that when a vaccine becomes available it won't be compulsory if. the government is accused of secretly plotting to introduce mandatory vaccination i want to repeat the chancery said yesterday it will be no obligatory vaccination against the coronavirus at the same time germany is now facing a lack of u.s. supplies of rendez if you and antiviral drug used to treat coronavirus patients the
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german health minister has pressed on the manufacturers to get shipments to europe using access to e.u. markets as a stick and. we don't have a huge inventory now we only have a few 100 doses i expect an international company like gilliard to understand that you can't just cut access to the e.u. markets and high prices for other products and also expect supplies to europe and the european union in the united kingdom the supporters have a strong foothold as well a 3rd of brit said they would definitely not get a corona job or they were unsure about the vaccination it's not clear what their views on antivirals are we asked londoners in what ways they're willing to protect themselves during the pandemic some people refused to get killed of isolated against all common sense i don't know but i would i will in fact thank you for sorts of things but i can't be happy to think that i haven't decided that that's
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what i need more information everyone should have it these days. i would so i'd want to read all the information 1st and work out how how it works and whether there was side effects from it but i think on the whole. if actually in comparable no public think interest to procreate. probably won't. be this to preserve it working but i wouldn't be good for trying it it's thanks to vaccines that smallpox has been eradicated that means holes technics and polio are common killers in society social media has been blamed for the rise of the anti vax movement but the platforms themselves say they are actively working to debunk false information about vaccines i report uncovered an industry undermining by being a poor community develops a consequence of social media companies both power and profit from misinformation we reduce vaccine misinformation in news feed we don't show it in search results or
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recommended to you on facebook or instagram we don't elaborate in ads and we connect people with authoritative information from recognized health experts coronaviruses like covert 19 offer to kill a tricky to develop a vaccine against but as long as science and fact are equated with conspiracy and feeling by some developing a vaccine will only be half the battle there are those that will have to be convinced that it's beneficial at all peter all over r.t. . anger is boiling over in france over the recent appointment of some new ministers women's rights groups are calling it an affront citing 2 new appointees track records and the activists have been making their discontent felt on the streets of paris. it was it. was.
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hard to stroll dubinsky explains why changes at the heart of the french government have provoked such an outcry. president macron had hoped to reshuffle of the french government would give him a much needed boost languishing in the opinion polls and with less than 2 years before the next presidential election he needs to turn things around but as some of the names for some of the top jobs in french politics were announced mouths dropped in shock the new interior minister the man in charge of law and order here has done one known founded many when we talk about the careers of men chanter and regulations are we talking about those appointed as ministers how can you imagine
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for a moment that the fight against sexist or sexual violence most forward with a rapist at the interior ministry. and a masculinist of the justice ministry to. this government is a disgrace it's a tremendous slip that emanuel macron has launched in the face of all those who have mobilized against sexual and gender based violence dominance character has been clout since rape allegations were made against him now a woman alleges that he forced himself on her during a meeting in 2009 domain and has always denied the accusations while the original proving to the claims was dropped just weeks before he was annoying to into one of the most powerful jobs in france a court decided to reopen the probe many are now questioning my judgment saying it's an insult to victims of sexual assault. concerning he
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currently has a rape accusation against him and recently the justice system relaunched the investigation into his case was posing a problem is that he's been nominated to become france's top cop meaning he'll have under his orders people who are supposed to be investigating his case. but leaving the 1000 sound one who's been accused. rape as the head of the police when the older 2 don't take complaints seriously is generally speaking kind of 2 women who are victims of rape sexual assault who police refuse to listen to. for us and for all people who are victims of rape assault there is spitting in our face really because for months for years even we've been denouncing violence that we're breaking the silence when it comes to rape cells domestic violence and we have the feeling that we're hurt but they don't care at all about what we have to say outraged over this decision protests erupted.
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oh. oh oh. oh oh despite the intensity of emotions boiling over it leaves a powerless little to offer a legal analysis the relevant services asserts that there was no obstacle to dominoes nomination domino nero wasn't the issue protesters took to it the newly appointed justice minister also riled the crowds he's the lawyer to pull the ready he's previously defended high profile men who faced charges of rape he's also known to be a critic of the me too movement suggesting that some actresses sleep with men in power to get a leg up so to say calling it a promotion the leader of one french feminist organization had this to say ladies and gentlemen our new justice minister i have to vomit on the streets of paris
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protesters were equally appalled to. see someone who has defended for a post office a firm assigned who must be defended in a court of law indeed but it came with a way of defending them by attacking the me too movement talking about the histories. on the debate in reference to women he directed to paul moretti as interior minister and justice minister is for us the fatal blow to this so-called great cause of the presidential it doesn't seem that this is about to grow worse. with many theory is that by making these appointments much corn has in mind. gender equality an issue he had once described as a grand cause of course of his presidency so it seems artsy harris. the world health organization has said that micro droplets
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suspended in the air and enclosed and poorly ventilated spaces may help to spread chrono virus over 200 scientists who claimed the w.h.o. was underestimating the likelihood of aerosol transmission and had been calling on the body to acknowledge the possible risk well the warning comes as many countries ease their lockdowns and people around the world flood back to sharps bars restaurants and beaches user to saskatoon or. but most who shed its restrictions on knock down was lifted people wasted no time in pounding the pavement no mosques or gloves just some good old pretend to 20 close crowds and now a few weeks later off to several try months the brits are doing the same super saturday so will pubs cafes and restaurants fling open the doors and that the party .
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these scenes are testament to the sacred place the point holds in british society but they also show that as time passes and people who are restless medical advice is left out the door both the world health organization and the prime minister boris johnson people to stay safe and to keep that distance from the drinking buddies but critics say it was wishful thinking from the start meanwhile across the atlantic americans were also to live their best lives again all around the nation states started emerging from hibernation pulling people out onto the beaches to the restaurants to the night clubs without a cat in the wilds the city of miami was the last city in the entire state of florida open i was criticized for waiting so long when we reopened people started as if the virus didn't didn't exist what followed was
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a side in cases and with rising fit i see units would hit capacity within a matter of weeks much and see break on reopening those officials on health care experts warn the curve $900.00 is still very much annoyed what's more now scientists are warning that the virus could be born meaning that all these tiny particles that we have met when we when we know when we smile even when we breathe they stay suspended and tossed on to. next costs and i mean hailed by them if it's not tons out to be true then even distance socializing isn't safe but you'd never have guessed looking at this 4th of july celebrations. * everyone wants this crisis to end many thought that reopening and pretending that things what you paid was a good option but also catalonians also is rabies also some
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a strain and all right didn't suppressed housetop walked out. it didn't that back in lockdown so if those super saturdays still want to be stepping points in the rat british sun and oldest then maybe they should start listening to the doctors and take a step back given the current situation we have still 80 to 90 percent people are in fact if they don't have antibodies in their blood this mean any change into social behavior will bring the virus greater close to it to the transmission level we have seen before so if the control of years or more a good deal strictly as they should be opening up earlier in time especially in
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many of the countries now would risk the 2nd and it is not inevitable but not following distortion distancing and the controlled media that have been put in place were certain it was a 2nd rate that will be made to curtail this infection is to really keep their distance and. other controlled media such as washing hands and keeping personal hygiene only solution moving forward. trop administration has handed out half a trillion dollars to support small businesses during the pandemic but it turns out that tens of millions have also ended up in the bank accounts of venture capitalists celebrities and politicians parties killam up incumbents. the pandemic has had a deadly effect on the u.s. economy thousands of businesses have closed their doors trump's government has launched a payment protections for ogram intended to keep the economy rolling along in these hard times sounds like a good idea but it's off to
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a bumpy start this $100000000000.00 doesn't even begin to touch it they said about a trillion dollars program to begin with scores of angry business owners claim they were also denied in the p.p.p. more well its intent was i think good it's it's not practical for what they do many small business owners on the losing end of the recently published lists of companies that got payments has many asking questions about who ended up on the winning side now when you think of a small business you probably think of a community hardware store or a family owned restaurant not t.g.i. friday's restaurant chain or kanye west or perhaps the burning man music festival robert deniro a hollywood actor and trump critic even got a bailout for his restaurant chain. i'm going to say one thing trump. many of trump's harshest critics seem to have no shame about taking p.p.p.
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money middle seat consulting a liberal firm utilized by the reelection campaign of alexandria kazuo cortez got a decent payout e.t.i. associates a company associated with speaker of the house nancy pelosi as husband paul palosi received a loan of between $3501000000.00 making nancy pelosi as recent criticism of the program sound just a bit hypocritical the administration's decision to hide basically a tech protection program one data is a disturbing sign if it's like a concern for who gets this funding how much they receive or why and finally there is joe biden he's got to be confused with p.p.a. to make sure we have enough. p.p.p. those those protective gear and there are other enough arms or enough p.p.p. our enough material my holdings his son's natural gas firm it's got ties to ukraine was also a beneficiary of the program as were many top biden donors small businesses are
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really the engines are cities of the prime generator of jobs and own lot of these small businesses these mom and pop businesses did not get these p.p.p. loans no one understands why this happened what standards for use out of a total of all small businesses that applied for p.p.p. money nationally nearly $22000.00 small businesses received a loan for under $1000.00 and more than $1200.00 of those businesses received less than $100.00 with some businesses receiving loans as low as $1.01 of the also interesting things is that those that did get the loans out of business is the better capitalist companies billionaires political powerhouse people whether it's republican or democrat everybody is drinking from the trough of free money. u.s. president ronald reagan used to say that despite rivalries politicians were quote
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all friends after 6 well it seems you should have added to that all friends when it comes to handing out taxpayer money it will mop and artsy new york if it doesn't from back in about 33 minutes and 45 seconds with another look at your weekly stay with us as are 2 international. you cannot be both with the yeah you like.
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during the vietnam war u.s. forces also bombs neighboring laos there was a secret war and for years the american people did not know. how so my son is officially the mousepad rebound country per capita in all human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country jordyn wieber went on to another topic that even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for that tragedy in laos what help do the people need in that little land of my. god no no crowd. no
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pick and i've never been to any of these protests. since my childhood i've been striving for harmony. i had a happy childhood. i learned to be a good boy to be polite to avoid arguments and to trace well. it is but lately i've taken an interest in what an average consumer like myself can do to stop destruction of nature by corporations do every in each just have to the right wing it.
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