tv News RT July 14, 2020 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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in the headlines this tuesday the british government accused of selling spyware to more than a dozen countries with questionable human rights records and has apparently been doing so for years. plus german police hunt a suspect to disarmed 4 officers and fled into the forest armed with a crossbow. and the power of 3 americans big 2 parties hog the limelight we'll give you the chance to meet one of these so-called 3rd party presidential candidates the greens how hawkins' joins us live.
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a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow let's get started with your live news update. it's been claimed that for the past 5 years the british government has been selling security goods like wiretaps spy ware and other interception equipment to more than a dozen countries that are considered as repressive regimes reporting from westminster here shoddy edward stashed. the british government has a reputation for prioritizing profits over human rights this time it's been revealed that the united kingdom has sold millions of pounds worth of interception equipment to dozens of countries worldwide that present itself even views as repressive now there are calls for the government to explain itself yet again the government needs to show how those risks were assessed in this case and how this equipment was ultimately used the exports include wiretap spyware and other telecommunications interception equipment that could be used to spy on so-called dissidents and it doesn't come cheap in fact the u.k. has signed off more than 75000000 pounds worth of good to have to list of countries
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the u.k. even appears to be breaching its own rules here as the u.k. has banned the sell off security codes to countries that might use them for internal repression and among the list of countries even the u.k. itself has accused of human rights violations including saudi arabia the u.a.e. and china. make good on my pledge bringing to force the united kingdom's 1st thomas human rights sanctions regime which gives us the power to impose sanctions on the on those involved in the very worst human rights abuses right around the world.
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one of the days try to again tell the truth to the interrogators their reaction was to take the stand today. if you feel that you would be. psychologically. people at home to support. have to speak up to. every inch like. even though many countries on the list are officially rated not free the government claims that any export licenses issues are in accordance with the highest and strict criteria but many human rights groups are simply not buying it it's not clear whether the shoes are making any effort to
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track the equipment is used in 12 or 3 years' time these figures yet another reminder of why we need to complete. the whole case for security equipment export control system comes as the united kingdom prepares to resume the sale of arms to saudi arabia that could be used in the yemen conflict the west man made humanitarian crisis in the world according to the united nations and a breakthrough moment just over a year ago the court of appeal ruled that the arms trade was on no full because the government had not had to quickly address the risk of civilian casualties in these bombing missions but the government simply says that they were just isolated incidents and are now upping the ante the government will now begin the process of clearing the backlog of license implications for saudi arabia and its coalition partners that has built up since 20 as of june last year considering the u.k.'s sold 15000000000 pounds worth of bombs to the gulf kingdom in the past 5 years it
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seems that the profits britain for a kid over weapons and now intercepts of equipment are too great to give up even at the cost of human lives to. a development in the past half hour britain is banning chinese tech giant wall way from equipping its next generation 5 g. data network no new equipment can be installed. from next year and what's already in place must be removed by 2027 and it's a major u. turn britain only agreed 6 months ago to allow a limited amount of tech in its 5 g. backbone infrastructure the decision also risk britain starting a trade route with china always has been under sanctions from the u.s. which accuses it of being a spying tool for china claims the firm strongly denies will be bringing you more on that throughout the day. you might be forgiven for thinking it's just a 2 horse race facing american voters this autumn but there are also plenty of so-called 3rd party candidates in the running the green party is just chosen its
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presidential nominee it's how he hawkins' from new york he's a former truck driver and grassroots campaign or who's previously run for office at every level of government in new york city councilor to governor during the most recent race for that role he secured 5 percent of the vote one of the highest for an independent progressive party candidate in the state history now he hopes to convince voters nationwide to propel him towards the white house pledging to redirect federal funds to boost education as well as extending health care provisions to all americans he is also known for his anti-war anti-nuclear efforts party has been putting up candidates in u.s. presidential elections since 1996 as things stand help here on ballots and a half of the country states but the party is working on securing more it's a complicated process though with each state requiring different signature thresholds to get on the ballot but perhaps the biggest challenge is getting that all important prime time air time because the dominant 2 party system won't allow
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3rd party candidates on to the televised debates. so let's give him a grilling here to help you out the green party is how it hawkins is live with us now you're very welcome to the program let's start with the beginning you've got a mountain to climb here what is your strategy. well we're the only campaign in the country to qualify for barrow public campaign financing is called the federal presidential primary matching funds and this is a also our game before of the major parties don't take it because you're limited in how much you can spend on a primary so for us it's a real boon so we are about to get a couple $100000.00 that we will allow back into the ballot petitioning we need to do to get onto the rest of the ballots in the country and it's a big job this country makes it much harder to get on a ballot in any other and electoral de marcus in the world. you're actually a founder of the green party and as we mentioned earlier you run for
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a number of positions within your kid self working harder and harder as the years go on have you felt a lot of increase in support for your party. yeah people the polls show that about 2 thirds of the american people would like to see another major party an alternative to the 2 major parties that we have now and a lot of those people have come to the green party and the. situation is such that we could step into that gap i mean we're in a situation now where we have 4 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of the cold infections and deaths in sydney there is evidence that the true governing parties in this country are presiding over a failed state it can't solve basic problems we can't do it as contact trace and isolate program just suppress the virus like most organized countries in the world do so it's this is a time when the green party needs to step into the political vacuum so i think
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there's an opening for us. what do you say to people who say that there is an obvious choice between donald trump and joe biden and that said. well it's not troops where on the ballot people can vote for us so it's just simply not true and in him people say well we can't make any difference you mentioned i got 5 percent of the vote running for governor and the governor andrew cuomo that year was trying to run of the vote and get ready to run for president you want to get more votes than his father mariel almost was the governor for him you want to get more votes on his 1st elected and instead he got less and we were sitting there with 5 percent of the vote he could not take us for granted and after that election he adopted programs that he had never supported before that we were demanding like a ban on fracking a $15.00 minimum wage and paid family leave so 3rd parties in this country going
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back to the 18th thirty's as set the agenda it was a liberty party to put the question of slavery on about it was the populists ari's that question of monopolies on the public agenda it was the socialist party that put social insurance programs like social security the most popular program we have into the public debate so we may now win the white house we're definitely going to move the debate in a policy agenda in this country. why do you think that 3rd parties are not allowed to participate in the televised debates. so there's a way to to court reporter he said it. prior to 988 the leading women voters was posting nonpartizan debase and then in 1988 the 2 candidates george bush the 1st and michael dukakis were making demands on the legal limbo as a legal limbo or said that's not acceptable to us so the 2 parties form with sounds like a government commission is called the commission on presidential debates in fact
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it's a private corporation they jointly control and it's designed to keep their competitors off the stage and you know our appeal to the news organizations in a civic organizations is don't let the 2 parties set the agenda do your job open up the debate least of the candidates who have enough ballot lines to potentially win the electoral college and the presidency which in this election would be for artists the size of democrats or republicans who would be the greens in the libertarians american people deserve to know what all their options are. the argument often is that the greens are more politically aligned towards the democrats and then there's the concern that you might split the vote and hand donald trump and easy to get back into the white house what's your response to that . joe biden opposes everything that bernie sanders stood for and that was what the progresses who are still in the democratic party were fighting for like medicare for all like a full straight greenall deal to deal with the climate crisis and if you vote for
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joe biden you have only against those things the green party represents very different policies we are not you know just democrats who are just regular something we do more on a universal medical system medicare for all we do mourn a serious climate action you know donald trump caused climate change a hoax with a democrat. act is a it's a hoax if you look at their programs we have a serious program to deal with climate change and in a democrats and republicans are united on our foreign intervention in other countries like venezuela the. arson that you know the trouble ministration wants to stop trump acknowledged him a lot of democrats gave that guy a standing ovation as well as republicans we stand against us going into a country since their leader should be were for peace initiatives big cuts in military spending and getting serious about this new nuclear arms race the bulletin
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of the atomic scientists as their doomsday clock to close the server been a midnight we've got out of these nuclear treaties the last one left by lateral treaty between the united states and russia concerning to our strategic arms expires next february 5th and none of the major party candidates democrats included have talked about positions or stats of life or death issue which should be a top campaign issue is this we're going to try to make it one they prescribe a remedy you mentioned bernie sanders there he and you share a number of stances not all but a number were you encouraged by him getting so close to securing the nomination twice in a row although he fell just short one. yeah he gave voice to positions that the majority of american people live like medicare for all like a job guarantee so if you're willing and able to work and there's not work in the private sector you go to the employment office and ask for your job in a public service or on a public works project those kind of programs have majority support and the fact
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that people voted for him in social arge numbers shows that you know people are ready to vote for these changes so we're hoping they will come to us in the general election and give voice to their views again oh now we all know there's a number of progressives within the democratic party pushing things like and their green new deal but what some people might not now is that you have your own green new deal and you feel that there's a fall short why is that. yeah i was the 1st candidate to campaign for a green new deal new united states back in 20 and it became the signature issue of the green party that jule styne a presidential campaign candidate in 20122016 campaign are in it democrats took the slogan but diluted the concent for example the non-binding resolution for green new deal that alexandria because of course it is and senator ed markey put into congress drop the ban on fracking in a fossil fuel infrastructure we keep building that infrastructure we're going to be
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locked in the decades more fossil fuel burning and the planet will be good they drive in military spending to help fund the green new deal and they extended the deadline to 0 out carbon emissions from 2030 to 2050 and then when that was introduced a non-binding resolution for green new deal alosi in the house was never let a vote on it mcconnell in a motor on the senate and on democrats voted present it so for them voted with republicans no so that's a case where they've taken the slogan but you're not going to get a green new deal from the democratic party that's a green party position and if you're serious about climate change we're the party. we need to support. he actually said that the next coded stimulus package means to be the green new deal your green new deal how would that work and is that not trying to do too much all in one package. where the green new deal is needed now as much for economic recovery as for climate recovery the program we have and we
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detailed in a budget is on our web page how we are can start us is a $27.00 and a half trillion dollar senior program to convert all our productive systems to 0 to negative emissions and out of this and clean energy by 2030 and it creates $38000000.00 jobs and that's what we need now in the midst of this hole there we're in because of the coronavirus lockout so it feels 2 birds with one stone as the deals with the twin crises of the economy and the climate and so that is the longer term program immediately we need to test contact trace and isolate to suppress the virus 'd or we will not be able to go back out into the economy and into the schools and reopen and then we need immediate relief for people there's an estimated $20000000.00 people who are going to not be able to pay their rent and subject to addiction by september because so many people are out of work and their rent hasn't cancel or had their government hasn't paid for it it's been
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a moratorium and now those bills are coming due so right now the senate is on vacation instead of dealing with this crisis you know what i mean the 2 governing parties it's a it's a failed state it can't solve basic problems. how would you have handled the covert outbreak realistically from the beginning. done with the public health officials were recommending that we do you know we need social distancing use of masks we need to test contact trace in other words have some eyes infected cons trace the contacts eiseley. the people that are infected from the rest of us in that way you suppress the virus and many countries have done this you know throughout the pacific where i'm from you know new zealand to south korea in many european countries if you look at the charts of infections they have flattened and reduced the curve our current is now exploding to the highest level it's ever been in the
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last 6 months and that's because we've got a president who just gave up the losses loser he said coldly and wins are going to talk about something else and joe biden as the presumptive democratic nominee he could convene the white house press corps he lives within commuter distance of it and be pounding away that that's what we need but he's just hiding in his basement it's a real disaster. and you support the idea of defunding the police what else would you do to heal the racial tensions in the wake of a george points killing and just the racism that's been in america for so long now . where racism is added to people have is slow to change i mean it's just something people have what to really deal with the promise systemic racism is we have to empower black communities and other communities of color so that they're not subject to the decisions of races in employment and education in the court system
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so that means start 1st of all community control of the police so we have police commissions represent a community where the have power to hire and fire police chiefs and to investigate and discipline misconduct what we now have is the ollie's leasing themselves and that's how they get away with murder and other crimes so those are you know it's empowering the communities that have been racially oppressed by generations of segregation and discrimination and exploitation so that's that's the broad program and as we implemented green new deal includes a marshall plan for. city's defunding to police is not enough you can take all the police department budgets and put them into social services like all sort of homelessness sort of vagrancy charges or medical treatment for drug addicts instead of drug charges and cinema off the prison we got to defund the military and direct a lot of those resources to the social services so those are some of the things we
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would do to deal with the systemic racism that has left the speed racial wealth gap in employment gap and wage gap and opportunity gap. do you think any of those changes are possible and trump stays in the white house or even if biden does win in november. it depends on the social movement i mean i'm very encouraged that for the 1st time the movement for racial justice i mean people of color and know about police brutality but now it's all living color on the t.v. screens and a lot of white people are upset about it suit and we've just got to persist and push whoever is in office to follow through on these programs and a lot of this can be done locally like community control of the police. but no trouble i mean he wants the mobile as a racist vote that's his game plan that's what he's talking about that's what he's that's what all is messaging is is right out of george wallace back in the sixty's
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and joe biden is kind of tone deaf when he shoots the 1st thing he said after the george floyd murder and so many protests going to a black church and said oh he should sue people in the leg instead of a heart i mean that's just missing the point in him when defund the police came out and said no we're going to put $300000000.00 more in the police departments so i don't think he gets it he never has and means going back to the seventy's you know he was a crusader against bussing for desegregation was from thurman and tory a segregationist from the south. and that wasn't about busing we were being busted for segregation he was about the integration so we're going to have our hands full of either of those. who are elected to office but it really depends on the movements because whoever is in power has to account for what those people are saying because their voters to them. given all of that why do you think biden has so much support especially among african-american voters. because to them the republican party and donald trump look like the ku klux klan they're not voting for
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biden they're voting against the races so that's their default deep opposition you know our job is to convince them that it's better to vote for what you want and make the politicians come to you than to settle for what you really don't want even though it's a lesser evil to try and not get what you need so we're saying don't get lost in the sauce everybody knows what green party stands for if you for medicare for all and you vote for vibe you just voted against medicare for all you go for the green party it's clear we're for medicare for all. we've talked about trump we've talked about by name but another name that's being the thrown around is the rapper kanye west is he just trying to plug an album is he somehow working with donald trump to help him get reelected or does he have a valid part to play. i've no idea i mean i think it's about list of the stuff i mean he has no idea what he's up against to get on the ballot in this country i mean he's way late i don't think you know what they're least.
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2020 green party u.s. presidential nominee howie hawkins thank you so much for your time and your comments today. thank you. this is our team from moscow still had armed and on the loose german police hunt i mean who disarmed 4 officers before fleeing into the black forest that's coming up after the break. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. thinks
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. we are here to ask. the 1st suasion of the tick-tock users is pretty high because they have a huge mass right so it's about camps right and so work together and they can create incredible structures because they're totally coordinated and so that's ants in this case have the ability to i think change election outcomes. welcome back german police are on the hunt for an armed man who held up 4 officers
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before running off into the forest with their weapons here's our europe correspondent peter all over with more. he's been dubbed the black forest rambo but in reality it is they may chip police operation involving special forces on thermal imaging cameras that's being deployed across that vast region right now. the man at the center of this manhunt has been named as eve a 31 year old man is being described as being in an unstable mental state by a former landlord who hired a victim after you hadn't paid his rent we also know that he has 4 weapons that he
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took from the police with around $62.00 rounds of ammunition that were taken from those guns on top of whatever he had to start with so authorities are concerned that there could be some kind of major shootout should he be cornered. what we're seeing from local authorities though is them taking this incredibly seriously in fact a huge lockdown of the area the whole area around where he was last seen has been put in place this is what the local mayor to say. this is working here at the site the red cross is here and also our foresters we've closed schools and kindergartens as well as swimming pools simply due to security reasons large gatherings of children are supervised now but local people are being very disciplined and are remaining at home this isn't going to be an easy catch for thora te's the area
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which they're looking makes this whole operation incredibly difficult we're talking around $6000.00 hectares that's around 14000 acres of forest dressed in camouflage if he seems to have been living there for a while seems to know the area this may prove quite difficult to track him down it's ongoing at the moment. the celebrating its national day this july the 14th but still day is usually marked with showcase events and a military parade but it's having to scale back the sea air because of the risk of some bread spreading coronavirus it's not stopped angry health care workers from turning up in paris though more on that now from our correspond. who's in the thick of it charlotte charlotte a big day for marking french history but not enough to divert from today's problems it seems. yes that's right killed workers and many others including the chelation ones back out on the streets in protest here in paris are not happy with the deal it's just been reached between the government and
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the unions which will see a raise in salary 88000000000 euros being pumped into increasing the salary of health workers but those are spoken to today say it's not enough they say that the average which is about 2 to 20 euros for a nurse or $250.00 euros for a doctor isn't a $300.00 minimum increase that they were looking for when they went into these discussions some of even described the unions as selling them out and have also said look you know it might sound a lot to some people given that we're expecting to go into this huge economic crisis but we haven't had a raise in 10 years so a couple of 100 pounds or a couple 100 years every month really isn't very much a tool others have also sent don't forget this is only a political to those who work in public hospitals this is not money that private stuff will receive so many people still incredibly angry about the plans by the
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government for the feature of the health service it was a loan discussion the green light has been given by the unions but as far as many people on the streets it's just choose a little too late from this government you mentioned that is of course the past today a traditional day of celebration here in front marking the french revolution hundreds of years ago many people in the streets say they want their own revolution they've been calling for it since before president macron was elected many people still unhappy and unhappy that he is still pushing ahead apparently. with some of his controversial reforms for the next 2 years of his presidential term including the most controversial the one that we saw people striking about for several weeks in fact almost several months and going in from 29022020 that eased the pension
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reform now the government of sad that they are pledging to try and support the economy if the economic crisis worsens the suggestion is it could be the worst crisis since root shoot but the reality is nobody yet knows how deep that crisis will be and we're only seeing at the moment a sense of what the job losses could be i add bussy of the day one of the big sector here in front of the aeronautics sector announcing some 3400 job losses at down in the south of the country a real key sector of the people saying it's not just about that it's about the jobs it's survival news and us jobs so actually in the economy down into news in the south of france there could be tens of thousands of jobs lost in that economy just by that one announcement it's kind of like a domino effect but today is.
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