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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2020 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the british foreign secretary accuses russia of meddling in last year's u.k. general election while admitting that the government. strongly denies the allegations. also ahead on the program a study in germany vulnerable children were fostered by sex abusers for decades. probably knew about it. every day it was mental and physical mistreatment beautiful to do things we wouldn't normally do because we.
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have been destroyed. and we have become a way that we are just a pile of misery. a protester attacks police in new york during. a crime several officers are injured including at police chief earlier in solidarity with block. head. wherever you're churning in from today welcome to our international my names you know no good for your company. top story the british foreign secretary has accused russia of meddling in the country's general election last year by leaking classified documents. in the story to the scots at. what are
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very many strands of this story big claims as well take us through the specs while 2020 has been a fairly unprecedented yes so far but a party that's now one constant and not as russian interference in a lot it's a parliament the u.k. foreign secretary dominic rop a power it concluded that the 2019 general election wasn't purely the democratic will of the people in action the government has concluded that it is almost certain that russian actors start to interfere in the 21000 general election through the online amplification of illicitly acquired in league government documents. while there is no evidence of a broad spectrum russian complain against a general election and any attempt to interfere in our democratic process is completely unacceptable this is of course the general election that boris johnson historically stormed to power largely as a result of his own compromising probiotics it stance and as we heard that raul is
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suggesting that this alleged interference was done this through the online promotion of a unique documents regarding a potential u.s. u.k. trade deal. now some might remember that this document was a secret it was leaked it was posted online and it really cool outrage in the public especially after that made the need to jeremy cool but who was of course humiliating the need to feed to the polls came out waving the paper and saying well this is a classic example of how the government cannot be trusted one of the things here that trying to sell off the national health service you can see that is going to give it over and privatizing the americans the implication that seems to be that is that if these unnamed and mysterious russian actors hadn't somehow been posting constantly about these documents online then this they wouldn't have in any way piqued the public's interest but i think many people would find not an unconvincing argument given how you know that the brits are so proud of the n.h.s.
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you know and this is really been something that's come to the fore during the covert pandemic with everyone in the weekly clap for kara's now this will columns in the run up to the publication of a government report on russian interference in u.k. politics as a whole we don't know exactly what's going to be enough to 50 page document but likely that's going to be concentrating on the 2016 bricks that referendum now this is being in the works for 8 months but we're expecting it any day now and it's highly anticipated so it's potentially a case that robs words of sort of an appetizer for the main course that's yet to come and have to wait and see just on the words that claim is being made today they're not. exactly the fitness of the way that being said a lot of questions as well it appears absolutely there are a lot of question marks hair there's a bit of deja vu to start with rob. is quite reminiscent of 2 reason mays highly likely when she was talking about the script of poisoning which still 3 years on is
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still almost it still remains a bit of a mystery it's highly likely that russia was responsible we do hold russia koku culpable culpable for the attempted murder. is the preachings criminal and we think if it were me you likely that it was his decision and this is in fact something that has been picked up by the russian side let's listen to what they reacted. looks like another use of highly likely tactics but it seemed great dukie has given up on this term based on previous years' experience so now the british government gives us a new slogan almost certain then that's a bit of mixed messages since the prime minister himself boris johnson twice in fact in the immediate aftermath of his triumph at the polls said he didn't seal there were no suspicions of sinister outside forces. there is. absolutely no evidence that i've ever seen of any russian in the difference in u.k.
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democratic process. then there's this very vague russian act as no one can really understand what that means is that the kremlin itself is it russian nationals is that russian companies as a people simply walking out of russia is that people who are simply affiliated with russia. thing doesn't it absolutely that would so many references to anonymous sources not just of course the u.k. in the us during the news or investigation as well so there is a sense here that rob is choosing his words carefully because perhaps he doesn't have the information all the concrete at least facts that he needs in order to be more specific and more precise this is of course a developing story that your reaction can see emerging so we'll be following and seeing how it all plays out thanks very much for that bring us right up to date on today's developments there let's dig a little bit deeper into it with some of the points it was raising with independent journalist reveal who joins us live on the program. good to have you
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the british foreign secretary say he's quote almost certain that those were the words used almost certain that russia interfered in last year's election by leaking documents how convincing those that sun to you well it's the usual you know it's probably going to rain yes it's probably going to rain but dominick usually is some more kind of can be trusted more for this i mean this is a ludicrous show jim as this very well explained it the accusation that somebody has. leaked documents revealing that there is a trade deal the need use you to big between the u.s. and the u.k. that it was leaving europe well that it was absolutely normal that they would discuss discreetly with the u.s. and it was also obvious that the labor party would not like it so whoever released
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it would have liked to be that one as a journalist because that was great stuff. it was revealing that the government discreetly negotiated so they were really serious about breaks it so this is is something we're not roma told it's not spying it's not trying to influence elections it's just maybe it was the russians the evil empire but it was interesting it was very interesting for everybody to know what the johnson was negotiating with the americans so whatever this was one of the issues that is the other accusations about the but the for its worst i think it's worse that the russians or are meddling with the. trying to to to. suppress or damage research known by the arteries in in europe in western europe.
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by destroying this research in the west in the barbarous and u.k. i mean this is ludicrous and it's words it's worse because the central mission is not supported it's again something which is maybe we don't know for sure but it seems like you know it's no good toll and why on earth would russia try to do that it comes back to this issue. in. the campaign you know that one day said that russia was financing niger project and i just didn't need any financing you know when you go straight and you clearly a vote for brics that in britain which is the most respectable democracy in the world you look at the people that reverberate those and speak about it regularly at c.n.n. c.n.n. cannot be trusted more today since dawn trump was in the white house they have become to a propaganda tool of the democrats that are to let they in jr stay terms that
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evening i just want to get your thoughts on what the other aspect here because it's good to have you on the program dominic robb germany which a few days ago you may remember blame russia for hiking parliament there in 2015 your thoughts on the timing in particular here these stories essentially coming out almost at the same time. yes well i think the the intelligence services of britain you west germany and others help each other each other shoulder each other to to promote the ideas or to promote issues that would damage russia because they there are believers in a new sort of cold war just like nato is you know i've been a plant assists for many many years by youth i was an officer in the army and so it's very strange to see that it's coming back into the nature of obviously russia
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is the enemy because they have nothing in them or they have no warsaw pact against them and they don't know what to do so it's in all the intelligence services for nato for governments to say that russia is to blame for everything this is a playing i flick. how do you see this playing i'd say over the coming days and weeks i don't think it would go very far i think it is it's already hard did this information because the information about the the. leaked documents about the fact that the government was negotiating with the u.s. and u.k. . this is a 2 liner there is nothing much of course next week we expect the committee parliamentary committee to come up with their report on the road there will be you know because they have nothing much they've just ideas and probabilities what will govern that's what they want talked about is a look as you well know i've been reading some of the reports in this you know but
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this report coming out next week what is happening today is there some kind of link that the government wants to get this news out today in order to head off some embarrassing news next week. maybe probably has something smells of something like that that the government is trying to diffuse what will come up next week. warning the press earlier. and defusing it next week very possibility a great possibility it's also going for the conservative government because. of course they are they are in the limelight for something that they don't really want they have other things to do they have breaks it they have to negotiate with these guys in other countries deal straight the useful one that will be out of the e.u. on the 1st of january next year so they don't want to have this talk. of
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thanks for on picking some of those claims big claims as well being made today independent journalist look at life in the program. and that's not the only issue being leveled at moscow today russian hookers have been accused of targeting corona virus vaccine research we'll get into that a little bit later in the program. moving on for years in germany vulnerable young boys have been placed in the foster care of paedophiles dumbing study by hill this time university also sees the authorities either ignored evidence of abuse or were complicit in letting it continue a case of 3 decades from the early 1970 s. on the words peter all of her has been speaking with some of the victims who came forward. decades of abuse carried out by those put in a position to protect the most vulnerable in society for 30 years starting in the
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1970 s. berlin authorities placed children in the care of a convicted paedophile named fritz h i spoke to 2 of his big. to protect their right to anonymity they'll be named only. and marco. our daily lives were dominated by instructions we were shielded from the outside world like a sect most of the time we faced violence if we wanted to go out or meet someone else we were intimidated and told these people were bad should have nothing to do with them if we wanted to go anyway we were forbidden every day it was mental and physical mistreatment and we're only realizing this now we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally do because we were threatened that was our life the worse the treatment the more you felt this person was important to you every day with this man was a fight for survival and a fight to preserve yourself what makes this more troubling is that the lives of
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these men as well as. being. as part of an experiment. venerated psychologist helmet even after his death in 2010 was regarded as they found. he was in effect a little more than a match maker putting neglected children into the care of predators. we learned about this experiment called in 2017 my thought was this can't be true i was not a mere product of chance i was deliberately selected by the berlin branch of the s.p.d. party the ruling party at the time that hired a mercenary to destroy our lives in an experiment when we heard about it we felt. and what particularly bothers us is that the names of those responsible are missing but there must be a further investigation in my opinion this is one of the greatest crimes of the post-war era the fact that it was really an experiment is shameful and very
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humiliating it was tolerated for decades no one ever came along and asked how we were doing life with our foster father was going nobody ever came over to check. those. responsible are still sitting in offices or enjoying their pensions they're trying to hide behind a statute of limitations to torpedo another investigation is shameful that the perpetrator the organization is hiding behind legal quibbles to avoid shedding light on it this criminal organization should not be behind the investigation the care system in germany has changed dramatically since scandalous time when it comes to who can act as a foster parent authors of a study into the kempler experiment of told r.t. that there is no way his crimes were carried out without the welfare office being directly involved in germany of course to care is the responsibility of the us
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welfare offices still children and adolescents who leave and forced to homes always grow up on just 8 observation the things that occur in foster homes we examined could not have happened without the knowledge of officials in the u. welfare authorities there has never been this state investigation into the actions of templar and his experiment in senators told us they are pushing for a nationwide examination to look at the real scale of the abuse since we have nationwide connections further research canada bill in the dead only to berlin the center for education youth and family has said that she wants to submit an application to the conference of ministers to deal with sexual violence and foster homes the victims of abuse say the knowledge of the girl in government it makes them accomplices in the crimes and marco a pushing for me to go action today after having been failed by the authorities. the berlin senate is 100 percent involved the bird in senate initiated it and then
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tolerated it it's already been admitted verbal eep but not legally from the very beginning the only thing that mattered to them was how to keep the problem small thing criminal charges were put forward we fought. charges in the senate kept in touch with us since then there's been no contact with the senate it's impossible to build up such an organization on this scale without state help. we expect justice our lives have been destroyed we are on able to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery we were put in this situation by the government deliberately it was not an accident as we thought until now it is a matter of course that the senate will make amends the senate has offered as $10000.00 euros in return for us taking no further action against it the names of those responsible and the consequences for these people are still missing as long as it stays like that things are not over this is a particularly how ruing story of exploitation and failure to protect the
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states was expressly directed to protect. bring into the u.s. now or new york police officers injured a vicious attack by a protester on a while they were supervising a march against gun crime they were assaulted when marchers met culture protesters on brooklyn bridge the officers were making an arrest when it. is seen running towards the officers then beating them with. the n.y.p.d. 3 of its officers sustained injuries including a police chief who only showed his solidarity with other protesters by taking a knee. you know for a moment of calm there as chief terrance monaghan of the new york city police department kneeled in solidarity with protesters. a retired philadelphia police captain ray lewis says it feels like open season on officers who are paying
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for the actions of a few. they're obviously much more concerned now and. i do truly actually have other officers. there's because there's such a saying called the halo effect and that is now every officer is being assertive. and an enemy of the minority population the fact is these officers were. totally unnecessarily what disappointed me with this is none of the other protesters even pushed this guy away welcome to the ground took his weapon you want to win over her. empathy for your movement do the right thing justice is for everybody the solution to violent protest is to confront the reason you have violent protest confront the economic disparities can
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confront the job lack of job opportunity confront the lack of education for black people these are the so yes that go into these protests. the british u.s. and canadian cyber security services have accused russian hookers of targeting covert 19 vaccine developers to steal research data you can officially claim the hackers almost certainly have links with russian intelligence. it is completely inacceptable that the russian intelligence services are targeting those working to combat the corona virus pandemic while other sports you there are selfish interests with reckless behavior the keen its allies are getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health the kremlin has denied any links to cyber attacks on research centers and ses it has no information about the research
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institutions are crossed russia are working as many countries are on their own potential vaccines and on weapons that moscow is such an elf university announced a potential breakthrough in the area for national has or not. we've been living in corporate shadow for months now the world health organization calls it public enemy number one and it's not loosen its grip more than 13000000 people are currently in fact worldwide a vaccine remains world's best hope to return to pre-print that make life and the race to find its treatment to protect all of us has been accelerating moskos session of university has been conducting russia's 1st human trials about a month ago 38 volunteer is men and women aged between 18 and 60 stepped in to help they were given injections before spending weeks in complete isolation under the close supervision of doctors and scientists and today the 1st volunteers have been
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discharged much of 2 the 1st 3 were in isolation at a health resort for 2 weeks that was the preparation period then we were brought here for 20 days i work in public catering so i'm always around people when this started i realised how many people were falling sick so i decided to help but there was nothing special just a vaccination it isn't scary it's like a fever reducing injection another group of the volunteer is expected to be discharged on monday but after that all those who participated in the trial will still be monitored by scientists and doctors the doctors here are confident that the 1st phase has been a success neither to vaccine in nor the protein produced after danger actually provoked the disease to do you had a temperature of 30 a degree celsius which chills and a headache but all that was gone on the 3rd day there was a little pain i had no side effects no high temperature i got
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a headache in the evening i told the doctors and they started to check me every hour in the morning my body temperature rose 37.5 degrees but that said there were no other problems with phase one now complete next comes the big test hundreds and then thousands of people. given doses to test the drug's effectiveness if everything goes well researchers hope the vaccine could officially be registered by the end of the summer or is not this is not only about immunity itself but about do you ration after the drug is approved there will be broader tests not 30 volunteers that hundreds of people so that we can assess how long the immunity lasts this will be the next piece of clinical trials we hope for success because we believe it will save many lives and help us to defeat the virus our knowledge of immunity is still evolving and one recent study suggests that antibodies start fading away after a matter wigs and even
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a person unprotected but russian scientists say it's important to say on top of the facts. we hear sensational news every week somebody says or writes something and it causes a stir these announcements often contradict each other for the past 6 weeks we've seen conflicting data on the number of treatment drugs and we see the same when it comes to the duration of immunity the world health organization says around $21.00 potential vaccines are currently on to go in human trials more than $130.00 are there is are at an even earlier stage they are still being tested on animals this is sort of in moscow section of that it could be the 1st to get that much needed treatment out into the world to keep all that 19 at bay and get all our lives back to normal regulation are now r.t. from moscow. the u.s. to slow up sanctions on any firms that cooperate with russia in building gas
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pipelines to europe secretary of state mike pompei was announcement has angered germany which has invested billions of euro in the north stream to pipeline. this action puts investments or other activities that are related to these russian energy export pipelines at risk of u.s. sanctions it's a clear warning to companies aiding and abetting russia's malign influence projects will not be tolerated get out now or risk the consequences the united states tramples free and fair competition under its feet and freely uses sanctions to promote its own economic interests the european union has no choice but to respond appropriately to this attempted like. disembarked around here nordstrom to is the 2nd leg of a network pumping gas from russia to germany via the baltic sea it's being financed by major european energy firms along with russia's gal's problem and is expected to be ready at the end of this year germany has repeatedly voice that anger at the
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threat of u.s. sanctions describing it as interference in the country's internal affairs on the operator of nord stream to have this to say. the efforts to hinder this important work reflect a clear disregard for the interests in households and industries who will pay billions more for gas if the pipeline is not built. be john tells us sully from germany's the left party joins us live on the program always welcome mike pump a.o.p. is telling companies as you may have heard there to get no or risk the consequences direct language just that do you think european firms are really going to do that at this late stage having invested billions of euro in nordstrom too and so many jobs invested as well in this. one of this pond it's not only a question off economic principle it's a question often political sovereignty because germany cannot be seen to be a u.s.
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protectorate and this is why the european union is now reading count us sanctions in case that pump you know and the lame duck president trump would actually go through with a try those sanctions against german and european companies that's the thing is that the u.s. has been threatening sanctions over nordstrom to us you know for years do you think that will actually follow through this year and hit some key german and french energy firms. well we have to remind everybody that these threats option sanctions are absolutely and blatantly illegal under international law and even the foreign minister heikal mas who has been very open to american influence he himself has stated the german position is that those extra territorial sanctions are considered illegal under international law and the u.s. has been wrapping up such actions with what they have gone against in china and.
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take talk. you're sharing company that shows teenagers dancing and they're saying that's. presume to a danger to national security interests in the u.s. so that's just absurd and they're clinging to every every potential explanation just to part of their economic advantage and that is something that the european union and germany at the core of the european union must now stop when you look out the u.s. indeed the economy is in a difficult place right now $18000000.00 all employed the pun demick in full swing it's the worst hit country in the world for that can washington afford to be picking a fight with europe its main ally at a time like this. well i think that's a calculation that the white house has to make do they want to risk a count of sanctions hitting them hot hitting promise and i of up hitting the
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electorate of donald trump just before the election if that is something that the white house wants then brussels is suddenly getting ready to come to sanction america. we've got a few minutes left but just to fit this in pumping you claims the pipeline would undermine transatlantic security do you think european countries really buy that argument it's not even an argument they are not even trying to make an argument it's so blatantly observed and this is what u.s. politics has become nowadays they're not even trying to pretend that there is any reasonable line of argument it's just you know they used to have the carrot and the stick and now it's all stick sticks but it's at a certain point this degrades and we might have seen this point coming here and this schoolyard bullying that this administration is engaging in it it will win all the.


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