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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 16, 2020 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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through it off donald trump just before the election if that is something that the white house wants then brussels is suddenly getting ready to come to sanction america. we've got a few moments left but just to fit this in pump a new claims the pipeline would undermine transatlantic security do you think european countries really buy that argument it's not even an argument may not even trying to make an argument it's so blatantly observed and this is what u.s. politics has become nowadays they're not even trying to pretend that there is any reasonable line of argument it's just you know they used to have the carrot and the stick and now it's all stick sticks sticks big but it's at a certain point this degrades and we might have seen this point coming here and this schoolyard bullying that this administration is engaging in it it will and when all those countries come together ok and they force international laws and
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international norms and this point might be coming about right now john thanks for your time beach on tell us ole from germany's the left party thank you thank you all right time for another slice of the colors report states here standing by to translate the business and markets lingo and make sense of what's not there to stay close. to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race is on all sides very dramatic development only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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time acts as if this is to cause a report that's right we've entered a global depression still a longer recession forget the recession it's the d. were the pression this will last a few years you know so you know let's get into it stacy well endings are always always always new beginnings so it's an opportunity to come up with new companies new monetary systems new economic ideas and new populations and ways of interacting with each other so one of the headlines i want to turn to here is from africa and this guy runs a big clean company in africa and he says 80 percent of my big question customers do not hold any crypto they buy bitcoin to make payments that is the
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state of crypto and africa not speculative so obviously they've jumped ahead from big queen as a store of value and they're using it as a global trade unit of account in particular he pointed out that almost all cars at least where he lives in africa come from overseas like japan and there's a huge used car market where they ship the cars used cars from japan to africa and these people are paying for it's with bitcoin right you know this is an example of an area of the world that was 'd considered lagging but could leapfrog to the head of the class remember part of the reason china became such a huge economy is that they entered into the global economy during the age of mobile phones and there wasn't really needed to build the infrastructure of the old copper wire based telephony same thing in india and africa because they are already
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mobile phone. marianna oriented are dominated now with mobile payments and with bitcoin in crypto payments they are in a position to leapfrog the world and become the 1st hyper big quite as ation example and that would be an enormous if they could leave the world yeah of course for domestic payments and domestic transfers of value they already have things like m paisa and many of their countries have their own unique mobile payment systems here is for a global international trade this is one of the things that the book on our shelves because standard argues is that one day we'll have bitcoin as a global unit of account for these larger purchases of across $10000.00 for a car you know trying to transfer from a bank in africa is almost impossible they're cut off of the global financial grid not because of sanctions or anything just because the you know it's that super model thing with our banks it's like they can't just be they kept me bothered with people who don't have enough money even and domestically in america you know j.p.
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morgan doesn't even deal with people who have like less than 200000 this like not worth their time yeah exactly right the banks become spoiled in the us and they get a lot of free money and they don't really need to work as that concept is understood in the economy but in africa they are very hardworking in the decline in mobile payments and fractional payments using soto she's is really going to help them take over in terms of being the leading economy in the world i believe and back to america i want to read you a little poem about america this is a poem about america and this woman did a google search do i. and the top search results that came up do i have coronavirus do i get a stimulus check do i qualify for a stimulus check do i qualify for unemployment do i have 88 do i have anxiety do i have coded do i qualify for unemployment new york do i want to know lyrics do i
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have depression so it's an insight into the subconscious of america yes so this is the results of a google search on the algorithms well put up automatic results based on frequency that these are our searched on their platform and so we get an insight into the psyche of america and clearly what we see is a country undergoing extreme stress yes yeah and i would go on to say that politically speaking you have an interesting free verse going on there like an economics or are they saying it is a cummings or commons cummings yes indeed you know i mean you know my capital letters old e e everything wasn't small case you know it's like. dissipated case sensitivity this is true about that poem and i do want to say that i you know as a good journalist went to check to make sure that this was true and i entered it myself and many of those are there but the 1st result the 1st autofill i got from google was do i have what it takes to be a comedian yes that's
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a good question a lot of people should ask that question. you know but it's also interesting exercise and self actualization freud in her union says the world you know there's of the anxiety an existential crisis that is provoked and that through maturity and great philosophers in france explore this like start and others and so here you have like the pocket sarky you don't need to read the tempest none of the past that's in or other classics so must start you can simply get your existential fix and be somewhat french by doing a search about i and google and get enough of an anxiety hit without going to paris so that's a hack you know if you're on lockdown and you miss france you miss paris to get some anxiety provoking self searching existentialism by doing a search on yourself on google well in terms of no self you can also always go to
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times square in new york and find out who you really are sure the world really is who our nation is by times square we have a times where president in the white house of course with donald trump he speaks like if anybody were alive in 1970 s. and walk through times square you know you of course think of like taxi driver right and you think of donald trump he sounds like somebody who you would have heard trying to you know sell you something some scam item in times square but let's look at new york because new york is the center of the global financial universe upon which the u.s. dollar is based the u.s. economy and much of wall trade everything goes to the new york fed that is the heart of everything so let's look at the scam nation there in new york city 25 percent of new york city apartments have not paid rent since march a new state law prohibits evictions while social distancing rules are in effect
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this could last until there's a vaccine the city is bracing for. hundreds of millions of dollars and delinquent property taxes travis bickle is coming back to travis bickle star of taxi driver rome time square and you know became a hero anti-hero of the seventy's revenue seventy's as economic stress and it was a great recession at that time oil prices spiked higher and it was the birth and culture american culture of the n.t. here to to kind of reflect the negativity of the times so you have taxi driver and you had alan pakula made of great films like the parallax view for all the president's men and so it introduced not only of men actors but chino doesn't happen they're not traditionally a leading men type looking characters they became antihero of characters then that all changed under reagan and we had top gun and tom cruise and we went back to like
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the 1940 s. and 1950 s. of america kind of granite chand righteous captain america look and now i think we're going to go back to this kind of possibly of heroic actors and icons and role models and it will be back to son of sound and travis bickle you know in terms of that whole scene from the seventy's and stuff it's kind of weird that we cover that up as our national character when we entered the eighty's and ninety's and the 2 thousands of all these huge action films where you know her roic buff american saves the world oh he's from alien invasion from evil bad guys but back in the seventy's you know before we turned into action heroes you know even spielberg and even score says he turned everybody into an action hero but right then that was the true heart that was what we were this is the dark side there's always a dark side the government was out to get you as was widely as you pointed out with
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parallax view and all the president's men and stuff like that the conversation and things like that then you had. travis bickle that like nice kind and i 2nd smiling guy the guy you know who's helping you just taking you from point a to point b. in new york city but he actually wants to kill people like this is the you know this is the dark part of it so you know it's interesting that that's coming back like that we're returning to that where it where we're no longer living under the delusion mostly that young people because perhaps they don't go to hollywood movies they don't go to movie theaters they will watch tick tock films and who knows what they watch online on you know various form boards so they're indoctrinated or their culture or their understanding of the world is completely radically different and you look you're left with all these people like even robert de niro who just doesn't understand the american psyche even though he played one of the archetypes like that chavis bickel is donald trump like how can he be
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a method actor and play that character and not understand in any way what is before him because like all those journalists in america who they are supposed to be talking truth to power but they get subsumed by the powerful in the elites and they hang out in the hamptons and they become enablers of the powerful delete and the corrupt same thing with back to become like robert de niro transformed into national icons and be friended by the hamptons elite so he loses all of his moorings and terms of where he came from as an artist yeah well you know just my point is that you know we have a population who is indoctrinated into thinking we're all superheroes and if you are not a superhero then you are must be destroyed and the platform to memory hold because when we grow up watching these films thinking this is how life is now in terms of new york city you know we also read
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a story this week that. the rats and everybody knows new york city rats we have pizza rat we have i think there was. some chinese food that we have all those rats but the rats are not being fed because there's no garbage being put out because restaurants are open so they're fair on hungry and well they're starting to terrorize the people who are eating at restaurants because some restaurants are open but you can only set outdoors so they're outdoors and max and i don't walk down the street in summer and so new york and there are rats everywhere are totally unafraid of humans just walking by you like out of my way buddy move over move over that was before the this crisis apparently yes they've really gotten like seventy's level rat infestation you know and i think i've mentioned before that but they are post headline about woman disappears on fault and street presumed the by rats max lived on pot and street and was living downtown at that time it was quite disturbing but yeah it was quite seem. seem to be returning to that
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25 percent. vacancy rate and that means all those lands are going to go bust which means all the banks are going to go bust and then all everything's going to go bust it's not a 25 percent vacancy rate people are still getting to live for free they're collecting their unemployment checks they're expanded enhance unemployment checks they're staying in their rent at their apartment rent free now for 4 months will be 5 months at least perhaps until december that they're going to live rent free so they just save they build up their savings and then move on once the whole thing falls apart but in terms of new york city whether they'll survive the property tax is new york city's largest source of revenue it is projected to generate $24000000000.00 in fiscal year 2017 or 44 percent of all city tax revenues and about twice as much as the 2nd largest source which is the local personal income tax in new york city is going to go bust once again just like what i say we said new york city times square donald trump donald trump created himself when new york city went bust he came to the rescue he was one of these people that got all these loans they created
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all these bonds and they built up he became an real estate magnate during that time and once again he's created the. very conditions partly through his ineptitude with 1000 but also his property tax that he cut the deductions that you could do so he's turned new york city he's ready for his post-presidential career right ashes to ashes dust to dust trying to trump all right guys like a brick wall rick about a sparkling.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back to say the kaiser report i max kaiser time to go to 0 g. b. t. c.
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marshall long this guy's been in the game a long time he's been mining big point since 2012 my guy marshall welcome back to the kaiser report a good always be back with the home reason yeah man great to see you and listen because hash rate has set a new all time high at over 100 $24.00 x. a half per 2nd so for those in the audience who don't understand what this means what does it mean what does it represent what does a suggest what it what tell us about it marcel all time high it has sheree maxes you know hash rate generally precedes price it's a bit forward looking however what that means is a few things there's a bit of a consolidation happening a lot of people who got in early in 2017 they're getting pushed out because they overbuilt their mining data centers there's been a lot of him and a activity recently and there's other people that are stealing up there are their operations so collectively it's a bit of
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a consolidation and exponential growth in the mining sector let me ask you something people look at the price of pickling and they read just about everything they think they know about it into the price but big coin as people like paul tudor jones and others like you have been saying like i've been saying now from 10 years or more it's a new asset class it has new parameters upon what which we've alue it and in the case of hash trade which is the proof of work mining out a rhythm at the heart of to coin running at 120130 quintillion calculations per 2nd this shows convincingly that despite the price being somewhat flat over the past few months the amount of my. any pouring into this space keeps going up at a very high rate and i think that is a metric that people need to focus on more than price what do you think yeah a lot of people ask me why i'm still
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a big fan approval work versus some of these other consensus mechanisms and here's the deal you have affectively sun capital that has a singular use and so the more the hash rate goes up that's more for most of the people like myself and yourself that that's more proof that there's more confidence than ever because as you see the price the ashtray go up what you're actually seeing is more and more capital being burned into a one way street that is big points are seeing a huge flight from an all these other fragile systems to what is good hard money in this case because yeah i mean that's a great way to put it and let me ask you this a lot of people are concerned about a concentration of miners and china in asia in general and my understanding is that a lot of that mining activity is not coming to america particularly the end texas so is that game theory or work is that true is texas a great center now for mining marceau what's going on yes or right now is
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a really interesting time is starting to feel more like 20132014 days when the activity in china wasn't so great a lot of my buddies that are chinese they are not growing their mines in china as much anymore there's a lot of stuff going on in canada and states a lot of activity in texas i'm not going to comment on what i'm personally doing but let's just say it's very hot where i am right now right ok fair enough now every 4 years the amount of mining output is generated every 10 minutes per the quote algorithm gets cut in half and you know this isn't staying part of the protocol and it has. fooled a lot of people i can think of big cohen core developers over there is like my current and others interests and others who were so bamboozled by this they actually quit the project because they warned of big coing death spiral but wait it
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never happened. is that right to say that and can explain a little bit more the big thing for the having it in my opinion one reason why i think it makes big points such good hard money is the effect at the it's a somewhat deflationary currency in effect at the amount that's put out goes down over time you know that that's the provable scarcity part of big going that's a cornerstone of hard money. it's also why i like gold and some other assets and big corn in particular this death spiral is actually a feature not a bug in mine and other educated people's opinion right well stated ok so now let's talk about nation states now. mining. when i when i look at a country like venezuela for example you know they they are in a hyperinflationary collapse it's a very stressful situation they went down the path of oh let's create our own crypto currency the petro and that had obvious limitations for one it centralized
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and that's not going to compete and not really going to be worth one's time really then what i understand is that they're actually getting into bitcoin itself doing some mining i hear the same thing about iran i hear they say things about other countries so you are on the front line of big mining you are the guy i got to for the insight tell me what's really going on if it is well it's actually under the radar been in mining for a while i have several friends who've been working i'm not going to say what the government but been a swale of the power prices been cheap forever so now they're starting to look at us as a petrol is a big flop for a number of reasons but you know iran is really interesting to more so than what we saw previous to is russia you know they're really doing good power deals with miners in russia and siberia but iran in particular is getting into the game i
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would say right now it's not that interesting as the advertised amounts that they have been able to or are planning to bring online aren't. what i would call large scale however it's interesting that the geopolitics is starting to play out in a way where. you know previously you're seeing countries trying to ban big corn and now there's a lot of embracing going on all the way down to the infrastructure level for mining so. been a swilly iran russia. and even india now at this point are are starting to become more interesting as far as mining hooks go this is of course so fast they have a game theory which is. i'll tend to the stack you know the protocol the technology stack there's a layer there's a whole layer game theory and we hear from people who say all the time my god what if governments banned this thing but what's really happened is that as you point out the game theory has kicked in and governments are going to be hashing
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mining coins for themselves as a strategic reserve could we see a sputnik like past race going around and around the world where people say that governments decide you know what he who has the most because it actually is going to win the geopolitical game and we get into a bit of a hash war is that a possibility i'm not sure on that i know that a lot of government entities as far as you know cities and states they have mined big going to prepare for what we used to have an eventual ransomware attack consoles and a few projects like that as far as. i don't think you'll see big shifts like that until you have something like the i.m.f. at big corn as a reserve currency or you have what's kind of playing out right now with r. and b. and the u.s.d. kind of battling each other i will say things will get a lot more interesting when the u.s. goes negative on their fed rate so. i don't think we'll see that anytime soon but
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it could be an eventuality if things go south as they seem to be so this negative interest rates in the u.s. following suit with other countries it looks like a distinct possibility the trend for rates is still down and the bell outs are increasing and the president has said he believes that negative interest rates are the way to go to remain competitive with these other countries that are trashing their currency with negative interest rates so. mining is let me you could ask you this what's the cost of mining these days you know it's variable because the energy cost is a huge component. and the hardware costs etc what is the range now between producing a coin what is the cost range last i remember it was around 4000 pro coin and that that's very out of date information now what's the current information right now if you're extremely extremely competitive you're somewhere around the $3500.00 to
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$4000.00 range and if you're kind of what i would say a large scale industry standard you're probably around 8000 some are somewhere in that range what do you hear from because you're in the states or in texas when you hear about this whole movement in wyoming now to become becoming friendly as a destination for new companies to move there is this going to be a big thing do you think. so wyoming's been interesting it's actually where i've had my company since 2013 and they've always been a great place to do business and of course our mutual friend kaylin she's been doing a lot of great work up there. i will say that the one problem i have mining wise when it comes to wyoming is the power rates cannot be asked competitive because. they shoes they have with rocky mountains and black hills and all these kind of there's there's big 3 big power struggles for real power going on in that area so
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the pricing is decent however the biggest thing by far is the banking that killen's been doing a lot of work with and crypto friendly banking along with the economic incentives and the no regulation but as far as mining goes i don't see wyoming as being a very big hub for mining for a few years until they can get their power price down or are right so i want to follow up on this issue of power and power pricing etc so a big mess perception about bitcoin mining is that it's environmentally not good that's actually from what i understand the opposite of the true case can you elaborate yeah actually i suppose she round table this year we held. a big kind of group around a bunch of the top miners got around and the reality is right now i think there's 85 percent of the power used to mine because when it might be more now. either renewable or it would go to waste friend since northern sweden there's still
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a lot of mining going on and they have an inner connect only with norway nobody lives in northern sweden or northern norway the internet is great and there's just that power would just go to waste additionally that's mostly hydro it's so serious dealing with either renewables or power that would otherwise be wasted and just not be used at all that accounts. 85 to 90 percent of the power now and there's a very small amount that's also fuels in this kind of answer quitted stuff so. that used to be the case is just get power wherever you can 20122013 now it's more about the price and there's a lot of renewables i have great pricing you know even in the states there's a lot of hydro being used so i was a miner i feel like i'm not burning down the rain forests anymore which is great. all right well marshall and thanks so much for being on the kaiser report hey thanks max always a pleasure going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser
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and stacy i would like to thank our guest marshall long big calling miner if you'd like to get us touch on twitter it's kaiser report intellects time buying all. we are segregated. by social class. people a 1st floor if you're born into a poor family if you're born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people a lavish gifts one years old born into generational poverty. fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family.
12:00 pm
join me every thursday on the elec simon shore and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. headline stories this hour the british foreign secretary accuses russia meddling in the last year's u.k. general election the government is not 100 per cent sure strongly denies the allegations. also ahead a study in germany vulnerable children were fostered by sex abusers for decades and nothing authorities probably knew about it some of the victims told r.t. . every day was mental and physical mistreatment we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally.


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