tv News RT July 19, 2020 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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in the stories that shaped the way karen r.c. russia rejects claims it meddled in last year's election in the u.k. and tried to state information on the country's coronavirus. also the campaign to files to foster children in germany for decades a new report of. these new or long we hear from the victims. every day was mental and physical mistreatment we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally do because we were threatened our lives have been destroyed we are unable to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery and china says it will hit back following president trumps revoking of hong kong's special trade status.
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or welcome the latest news in a look back at what's been happening over the last 7 days you're watching a weekly here on r.t. international now the russian ambassador to britain says there is no sense to the u.k. claims about russian meddling britain on thursday kees moscow of interfering in last year's general election and also of hacking medical research for a coronavirus vaccine. that the russian intelligence agencies have been targeting in terms of cyber attacks against efforts across the those 3 countries and here in the u.k. are attempts to find a vaccine through research and development according to the marks we do not have information about who may have hacked into pharmaceutical companies and research centers in great britain we can say one thing russia has nothing at all to do with these attempts. security services from the u.s.
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and canada also joined the cyber attack accusations they said the hacking group targeted very sorgen eyes ations involved in vaccine development with the likely intention of stealing the u.n. says though it has quote no defamation about any alleged cyber theft of faxing research we asked people in london if they were worried about a perceived russian threat i don't think it's picture to paper shrink from trials offering these fingal destroyed job you know just through a smokescreen you know just to our you know distract us from what's really going on sounds like that's pretty good evidence that it was from russian hackers so yeah it doesn't surprise me there's a lot of difficulty. in tearing me like shit i'd rather be blaming cummings give these think they've got to be a puritan is trying to destabilize the west and so. to make things. more conducive for russian interests to make that russian in the end it is make them become like nafta mathematic like the red scare kind of thing like old
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precious the evil i think that's kind of correct and it's very easy to point the finger isn't it is it also practical when you point the finger take a look see i really think it's important but. what we've got reaction to the allegations from a former british politician analysts and also intelligence stuff. well here we go again highly likely or sartorial of days are long gone when the public believes he's highly likely claims by british government ministers or megastars anywhere the public demands are of a higher standard of growth. or do they mean by russian is this president putin again sitting on radio. jock your motor boat the national health service. if they had evidence wouldn't we to publish it if they're caught when what they mean by russian actor surely must
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mean russian security forces if they had evidence that russian security forces were guilty of into being in the u.k. general election not be pussyfooting around to release that information that would be headline news in every news outlet in this country across the globe seized on by the americans and he. do men when the story broke as well last year it was called a leak it wasn't called a hack so it was something really new coming out of government that for me some extra looks at the tour agency so i think it's interesting that now bring us up to take a head of the publication of screen interest russia and the report says. that for many years in germany vulnerable young boys have been placed in the foster care of paedophile men damning revelation is from a study by hill design university which also says think that the authorities either
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ignored evidence of abuse or were complicit in letting it continue peter oliver has been speaking with some of the victims who have come forward. decades of abuse carried out by those put in a position to protect the most vulnerable in society. for 30 years starting in the 1970 s. . placed children in the care of a convicted paedophile named age i spoke to 2 of his victims to protect their right to anonymity they'll be named only. and marco. our daily lives were dominated by instructions we were shielded from the outside world like a sect most of the time we faced violence if we wanted to go out or meet someone else we were intimidated and told these people were bad should have nothing to do with them if we wanted to go anyway we were forbidden every day it was mental and
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physical mistreatment and we're only realizing this now we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally do because we were threatened that was our life the worse the treatment the more you felt this person was important to you every day with this man was a fight for survival and the fight to preserve yourself what makes this more troubling is that the lives of these men as well as essentially being. as part of an experiments. rated psychologist helmet and even after his death in 2010 was regarded as they found. he was an effective little more than a match maker putting neglected children into the care of predators. we learned about this experiment called in 2017 my thought was this can't be true i was not a mere product of chance i was deliberately selected by the branch of the s.p.d. party the ruling party at the time that hired
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a mercenary to destroy our lives in an experiment when we heard about it we felt. and what particularly bothers us is that the names of those responsible are missing but there must be a further investigation in my opinion this is one of the greatest crimes of the post-war era the fact that it was really an experiment is showing. very humiliating it was tolerated for decades no one ever came along and asked how we were doing how life with our foster father was going nobody ever came over to check. those responsible are still sitting in offices or enjoying their pensions they're trying to hide behind a statute of limitations to torpedo another investigation is shameful that the perpetrator the organization is hiding behind legal quibbles to avoid shedding light on it this criminal organization should not be behind the investigation the care system in germany has changed dramatically since scandalous time when it comes
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to who can act as a foster parent authors of a study into the kempler experiment of told r.t. that there is no way his crimes were carried out without the welfare office being directly involved in germany of course to care is the responsibility of the us welfare offices still children and adolescents who leave and forced to homes always grow up on just 8 observation the things that occur in foster homes we examined could not have happened without the knowledge of officials in the us welfare authorities there has never been this state investigation into the actions of templar and his experiments in senators told us they are pushing for a nationwide examination to look at the real scale of the abuse since we have nationwide connections further research going to bill in the dead only to berlin the center for education youth and family has said that she wants to submit an application to the conference of ministers to deal with sexual violence and foster
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homes the victims of abuse say the knowledge of the girl in government of makes them accomplices in the crimes and in moscow of pushing for me to go action today after having been failed by the authorities. the berlin senate is 100 percent involved the bird in senate initiated it and then. rated it it's already been admitted verbal leap but not legally from the very beginning the only thing that mattered to them was how to keep the problem small then criminal charges were put forward we file charges in the senate kept in touch with us since then there's been no contact with the senate it's impossible to build up such an organization on this scale without state help. we expect justice our lives have been destroyed we are unable to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery we were put in this situation by the government deliberately it was not an accident as we thought until now it is a matter of course that the senate will make amends the senate has offered as
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$10000.00 euros in return for us taking no further action against it the names of those responsible and the consequences for these people are still missing as long as it stays like that things are not over this is a particularly heralding story of exploitation and failure to protect the states was expressly directed to protect. over there with that report now china's relations in washington went from bad to worse this week with beijing threatening to retaliate against washington after president trump signed off on canceling hong kong preferential trade status from puerto approved the hong kong autonomy act which was passed by congress early this month which imposes sanctions on officials involved in china's new security law again during a strong response from beijing. the u.s. side's attempts to obstruct the implementation of handguns national security law
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will never succeed in order to save guard its own legitimacy interests china will make the necessary response and impose sanctions on rove and u.s. personnel and titties. but there is a growing list of troubles between the 2 from distrust over the technology from huawei to territorial disputes in the south china sea and then of course came covert our senior correspondent. lines now the major disputes that are driving the us and china further and further apart. it is what trump threatened to do should beijing introduce these new security laws in hong kong and what they are is basically a restriction on the criticism of the chinese government in hong kong for example it outlaws any calls for independence a session from china form called in as well as outlawing by by life in prison even mingling with the wrong crowds or being on the payroll of foreign entities who
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want to see chinese authority in hong kong diminish and in this case trump trump has said that since the freedom in hong kong has been extinguished there's no reason to give it special privileges on congo now be treated the same as male in journey no special privileges or special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies there's a whole host of sanctions that are going to be introduced against hong kong and chinese officials deemed responsible for introducing this new security bill there's a whole list of grievances that trump has towards china towards hong kong and it just keeps growing steadily but quickly there is for example the whole mess in the south china sea all the territorial claims that china has made there that the united states has condemned that is turning into a military conflict there's also the issue of china refusing to join any arms
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control treaties that the united states wants them to be a part of this the huge trade surplus something that trump is hated from the get do so and of course i would say the most painful for an interim site the crew in a virus pandemic big no mistake we hold china fully responsible for concealing the virus and unleashing it upon the world could have stopped it they should have stopped it. would have been very easy to do at the source when it happened to try them want to sell something to to europe to america this. all sorts of restrictions and all sorts of tariffs all kong was a little liberal window that belonged to china through which the chinese government to chinese companies could sell things to the west all buy things like sensitive technologies relatively simply with minimal tariffs now that's god there are more than a 1000 western companies that. have offices in hong kong he's willing to through
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even his room under the bus to make china hurt for all the talk of free markets and globalism they really seem to dislike competition because what you are way does is it makes 5 gtech for example amongst other things and it makes it cheap so how do you make people stop buying something that's cheap effective and make them turn expensive western analogs you do this by saying that chinese take is somehow tainted from the end of this year telecoms operators must not buy any 5 to equipment from huawei and once the telecoms critical is passed it will be illegal for them to do so the united states is going to do a lot of effort lot of effort in coercing and convincing its allies to dumb who our way which is a reputational glue for china you know this is this is it's brown this is a chinese brown and an economic blow and you know just just to add insult to injury
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trump has come out and said that what is happening who are being kicked out of the united states out of europe is he's achievement we convinced many countries many countries and i did this myself for the most work not to use while way. because we think it's an unsafe security risk it's a big security risk one thing you can say about the chinese is never rash the never recklessly always waited out of these like characteristics of. we can expect a response you have chinese press coming out and saying that you know action needs to be taken we need to assure them that we can't be bullied this easily so we can expect the response from china and now it's going to be a response in 2 fronts 1st what's happening in hong kong and what is happening to our way which is being the century removed from western markets by the united states but i guess if they're not still coming the week before you will look at the
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reaction to another video which has emerged showing a u.s. officer restraining a man using his name acts against police are on the rise i will take you through all of that just after the break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only. exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful it's very critical. to sit down and talk.
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a brawl. in the long run his name. now police also came under attack in new york this week 3 officers including a police chief was seriously injured on brooklyn bridge during a march against. gun crime while interrupted when counter protesters of paid and dozens were arrested. well retired police captain ray lewis says the face only does this or that office is being portrayed by protesters is the enemy of the people. there are obviously much more concern nowadays with being attacked due to the actions of other officers because there is such
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a thing called the halo effect and that is now every officer is being asserted on as brutal and an enemy of the minority population the fact is these officers were attacked totally unnecessarily what disappointed me with this is no no the other protesters even pushed this guy away took them to the ground truck his weapon you want to went over. embassy for your movement do the right thing justice is for everybody the solution to a violent protest is to confront the reason you have violent protests confront the economic disparities can confront the job lack of job opportunities confront the lack of education for black people these are the so huge that go into these protests. funny york is currently in the middle of
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a huge spike in gun violence there's been a 70 percent rise to when gun crime victims in the last year 40 percent of the gun crime happened in the last month alone this explains the issue is not isolated tingle. almost every day lately new footage emerges shown violence and shootings in american cities. do you. think. ringback there was a signal 6 acre straightaway for us to come under the bridge. and that's when she's got shot. the next morning
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and went to the door. in tell me a this could be david ford explorer a billboard. in the city saudi at 4 and you know that what i like the whole neighborhood know down. the data speaks for itself by one crime is spiking in chicago milwaukee los angeles and new york city recently here in new york a one year old infant was struck by a stray bullet during a family barbecue they just broke me down and then when the doctors came out and told me to do this. but i. was also. now the rise in crime comes amid a debate all across us society about the role of the police now police unions are blaming the spike in crime on unemployment the lockdown as well as the fallout of george floyd's killing and the recent police brutality protests this was
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a perfect storm we had a series of events that many of us probably never experienced in our time other voices are saying that it's economic hard times and lack of opportunity and hunger that is driving this recent spike in violent crime maybe this has to. what the fact that people aren't paying their rent and are scared to pay their rats and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don't have money so you maybe have to they're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some grad or go hungry that night with violent crime on the rise of dorothy's are scrambling to try and find a solution meanwhile an end to the recent killings and violence on the streets doesn't seem to be anywhere near in sight martin artsy new york. now the talk is rapidly taking down to november's presidential election in the u.s.
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and with donald trump taking a battering over his handling of the coronavirus his rival joe biden has smelt blood and he's using his family to go in for the kill the story has filled plenty of pages to incest israel is weekly diary. you will remember joe biden's wife don't you have. a very very. well jill's back this time not as up her husband's sister but as co-author of a children's book about joe's life which out almost 70 years fills a full 27 pages well i gave it a read obviously of the reviews in joey that's what they all called ready sounds like a new around good guy a wizardly ability to catch a ball just was not my standing up to bullies president of his freshman class
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really has only weakness and he himself admits it is talking was sometimes really difficult but you know what i think we can all agree he grew out of that let's not even bring it up none of your own sources. from the beginning it's clear that joe was really close with his parents and his 7 eggs he often said. quote the absolute most important thing is your family but also for the defense of marriage act back in the ninety's you know the one that said that a marriage is only between a man and a woman and that really became the reason that many same sex married couples never got the same rights and the same privileges as petra sexual couples where is that but actually oh you know what never mind because it's since been brought up by john ellis and joe gave a really convincing defense in 1906 you voted for the defense of marriage act. and a lovely person. then there are a couple of pages about his college is where they are quote he spent one summer as
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the only white lifeguard at a pool and in all black neighborhood the reward thing to point out is an aunt well apparently it was then that joe learned foster about the struggles of black america you know i wonder if it was so in those years that him she decided he wasn't big on the whole integration of races in schools saying that if one controlled they could cause real problems unless we do something about this my children are going to grow up in a jungle the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions bills are high that is going to explode at some point but when he does that mocks up he did offer to roll defend a black classmate when he was refused service in a joint hit they off you think this this is what really counts not using your power as a u.s. senator to try and and segregation possibly the biggest racial injustice in modern history anyway moving on oh look here's a cute picture of him with
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a little guy commuting to washington while some things never change. as a politician joe wanted to quote make. people's lives better you know i think that's what the real motivation was behind his backing of the iraq invasion saddam is dangerous the world would be a better place without him and of course the welfare of libyans was at the forefront of his mind when he said ok to bombing our homeland give the people of libya for a 1st chance in 4 decades to actually put together their own government they have a little bit of freedom the opportunity but hung on not chop dismissiveness whoa how strange oh but this is my favorite my favorite part of the entire book and it's this treasure trove of uncle joe's most famous catchphrases so called fighting as
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a so you can be inspired and go around saying things like your kids are just as birdy just as challenge week use ha ha ones not here well how about we choose truth over facts not all of us are not included ok well but definitely you cannot go to your little work. to worship a sure you do next note while maybe that keeping it for the sequel which fingers crossed will face off in the new york times bestseller list of fiction with a book written by men on your trump telling a story of a young tommy who only have a drug but of reaching out and tearing down walls it's a that you can watch and weekly here and i see we're back with more stories from the last 7 days atop the.
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problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see very sharp increase in the. number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids invited america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments of . this politically impossible in the united states to advise eating listen to anything that has an industry behind it that makes
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a lot of money. as i'm going to say over and over again we know what is healthy diet is in these not should much for one group for one thing and eating less is very very bad through this it's it doesn't make anybody rich if people eat less food. join me every thursday on the all excitement chill and i'll be speaking to get a world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. among the news i'm i am now a 1000. more you. can
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