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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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so join us at the. forum a goodly shiloh's. in the stories that shape the week of russia rejects claims that meddled in last year's election in the u.k. or that it tried to steal information on the country's corona virus vaccine. paedophiles foster children and job money for decades a new report reveals some new authorities knew all along we hear from them picked up. every day it was mental and physical mistreatment we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally do because we were threatened our lives have been destroyed we go on able to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery. and china says it will hit back following president travels through poking of hong kong special trade status.
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this is our 2 international it's sunday so it's the week you know the stories that grabbed headlines over the past 7 days stuck so the russian ambassador to britain has rejected outright claims by the british government that moscow has been meddling again longton has accused russia of trying to influence last year's election i'm trying to steal information on the u.k.'s coronavirus foxing. the russian intelligence agencies have been targeting in terms of cyber attacks against efforts across those 3 countries and here in the u.k. attempts to find a front seat through research and development for credit cards we do not have information about who may have hacked into pharmaceutical companies and research centers in great britain we can say one thing russia has nothing at all to do with
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these attempts for u.s. and canadian security services backed britain's claims they say a russian hacking group targeted various organizations trying to develop a vaccine well we asked people in london about the perceived threat from russia i do think it's excessive labor shrink from trials offering these things. to a smokescreen you know just to you know distract us from what's really going on says i that's pretty good evidence that it was from russian hackers so yeah it doesn't surprise me there's a lot at stake. here you feel like shit i'd rather be blaming cummings before i blame these things that got me a putin is trying to destabilize the rest of us are. to make things. more. conducive for russian interests to make that russian in the end it is like this because like nafta perhaps nothing like a red scare kind of thing like russia so we've seen this kind of conference and it's very easy to point the finger isn't it is an old saying that's ok when you
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point the finger take a look see how many fingers are pointing back. we've got reaction to all these allegations from a former british politician on the list sound intelligence stuff. well here we go again highly likely. turn of days are long gone when the public believed how the likely claims by british government ministers or major stars any well the public demands are of a higher standard of growth nowadays or do they mean by russian stars is this president put in that again sitting on radio was it doing our job here most of the national service. if the hard evidence wouldn't we ought to publish it if they're caught when what they mean by russian actor actress surely must mean russian security forces if they had evidence that russian security forces were guilty of into being in the u.k.
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general election not be pussyfooting around to release that information that would be headline news in every news and went in this country and across the globe seized on by the americans and the be leaky he. do men when the story broke as well last year in and it was called a leak it wasn't called a hack so it was some sort of coming out of government is actually some extra looks at the tour agency so i think it's interesting that now bring us up to take a head of the publication of screen interest russia and the. known paedophiles had been fostering young boys in germany for years that's the finding of a new report in the country which claims the authorities either tanda a blind eye when fact complicit in letting it continue peter out of a has been speaking to some of the victims. decades of abuse carried out by put in
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a position to protect the most vulnerable in society for 30 years starting in the 1970 s. . placed children in the care of a convicted paedophile named h. i spoke to 2 of his victims to protect their right to anonymity they'll be named only. and marco. our daily lives were dominated by instructions we were shielded from the outside world like a sect most of the time we faced violence if we wanted to go out or meet someone else we were intimidated and told these people were bad should have nothing to do with them if we wanted to go anyway we were forbidden every day it was mental and physical mistreatment and we're only realizing this now we were forced to do things we wouldn't normally do because we were threatened that was our life the worse the treatment the more you felt this person was important to you every day with this man was a fight for survival and the fight to preserve yourself what makes this more troubling
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is that the lives of these men as well as. being. as part of an experiments. rated psychologist helmet and even after his death in 2010 was regarded as they found. he was in effect little more than a match maker putting neglected children into the care of predators. we learned about this experiment called in 2017 my thought was this can't be true i was not a mere product of chance i was deliberately selected by the berlin branch of the s.p.d. party the ruling party at the time that hired a mercenary to destroy our lives in an experiment when we heard about it we felt. that the names of those responsible are missing but there must be a fair. other investigation in my opinion this is one of the greatest crimes of the
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post-war era the fact that it was really an experiment is shameful and very humiliating it was tolerated for decades no one ever came along and asked how we were doing life with our foster father was going nobody ever came over to check. those responsible are still sitting in offices or enjoying their pensions they're trying to hide behind a statute of limitations to torpedo another investigation is shameful that the perpetrator the organization is hiding behind legal quibbles to avoid shedding light on it this criminal organization should not be behind the investigation the care system in germany has changed dramatically since scandalous time when it comes to who can act as a foster parent authors of a study into the kempler experiments of told r.t. that there is no way his crimes were carried out without the welfare office being directly involved in germany of course to care is the responsibility of the youth
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welfare offices still children and adolescents who leave and forced to homes always grow up on just 8 observation the things that occur in foster homes we examined could not have happened without the knowledge of officials in the us welfare authorities there has never been this state investigation into the actions of templar and his experiment in senator's told us they are pushing for a nationwide examination to look at the real scale of the abuse since we have nationwide connections further research can be limited only to berlin the center for education youth and family has said that she wants to submit an application to the conference of ministers to deal with sexual violence and foster homes the victims of abuse say the knowledge of the girl in government it makes them accomplices in the crimes and in moscow of pushing for me to go action today after having been. failed by the authorities then. the berlin senate is 100 percent
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involved the bird in the senate initiated it and then tolerated it it's already been admitted verbal eat but not legally from the very beginning the only thing that mattered to them was how to keep the problem small thing criminal charges were put forward we file charges in the senate kept in touch with us since then there's been no contact with the senate it's impossible to build up such an organization on this scale without state help. we expect justice our lives have been destroyed we are unable to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery we were put in this situation by the government deliberately it was not an accident as we thought until now it is a matter of course that the senate will make amends the senate has offered as $10000.00 euros in return for us taking no further action against it the names of those responsible and the consequences for these people are still missing as long as it stays like that things are not over this is
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a particularly her ruling story of exploitation and failure to protect the states was expressly directed to protect. china this week to strike back against the us off to president trump can't fault hong kong special trade status and approved sanctions on those involved in a new security deal. the u.s. side's attempts to obstruct the implementation of hong kong's national security law will never succeed in order to save guard its own interests china will make the necessary sponsor and impose sanctions on relevant u.s. personnel and cities well we know that relations between the 2 countries have been for some time with territorial and trade disputes and the impact from what trump has branded the chinese through senior correspondent mark. it is what trump threatened to do should beijing introduce these new security laws in hong kong and
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what they are is basically a restriction on with the criticism of the chinese government in hong kong for example it outlaws any calls for independence a session from china for hong kong as well as outlawing publishing by by life in prison even mingling with the wrong crowd to being on the payroll of foreign entities who want to see chinese authority in hong kong diminish and in this case trump trump has said that since the freedom in hong kong has been extinguished there's no reason to give it special privileges on congo now be treated the same as male in journey no special privileges or special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies there's a whole host of sanctions that are going to be introduced against hong kong and chinese officials deemed responsible for introducing this new security bill there's
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a whole list of grievances that trump has towards china towards hong kong and it just keeps growing steadily but quickly there is for example the whole mess in the south china sea all the territorial claims that china has made there that the united states has condemned that is turning into a military conflict there's also the issue of china refusing to join any arms control treaties that the united states wants them to be a part of this the huge trade surplus something the trumpeters hated from the get to sue and of course i would say the most painful for an interim site the crew in a virus pandemic big no mistake we hold china fully responsible for concealing the virus and unleashing it upon the world you could have stopped it they should have stopped it. would have been very easy to do at the source when it happened to try them want to sell something to to europe to america this. all sorts of restrictions and all sorts of tariffs all kong was
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a little liberal window that belonged to china through which the chinese government to chinese companies could sell things to the west or by things like sensitive technologies relatively simply with minimal tariffs now that's god there are more than a 1000 western companies that. have offices in hong kong he's willing to through even his room under the bus to make china hurt for all the talk of free markets and globalism they really seem to dislike competition because what you are way does is it makes 5 gtech for example amongst other things and it makes it cheap so how do you make people stop buying something that's cheap effective and make them turn to expensive western analogs you do this by saying that chinese take is somehow tainted from the end of this year telecoms operators must not buy any 5 to equipment from huawei and once the telecoms critical is passed it will be illegal
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for them to do so the united states is going to do a lot of effort lot of effort in coercing and convincing its allies to dumb who our way which is a reputational glue for china you know this is this is it's brad this is a chinese brown and an economic bloke and you know just just to add insult to injury trump has come out and said that what is happening who are way being kicked out of the united states out of europe is he's achievement we can bridge many countries many countries and i did this myself for the most work not to use while way. because we think it's an unsafe security risk it's a big security risk one thing you can say about the chinese is never rash they never recklessly always waited out of these like characteristics of. we can expect a response you have chinese press coming out and saying that action needs to be
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taken we need to assure them that we can't be bullied this easily so we can expect the response from china and now it's going to be a response in 2 fronts 1st what's happening in hong kong and what is happening to our way which is being the century removed from western markets by the united states it's not just a few courts race for the white house and no fun but there are plenty of party candidates the green party for example is putting it state in an anti war anti nuclear activity from new york. it's politically impossible in the united states to advise eating listen to anything that has the industry behind it that makes
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a lot of money. as a i'm going to say over and over again we know what is healthy diet in these not much for one for one thing and even less is very very bad for business it doesn't make anybody rich if people eat less food. ah. no shots. actually. struck. the 1st. point she could thirst for action.
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welcome back now it's been more than 60 years since war erupted in eastern ukraine and despite a lack of media coverage these days it is still going on pro-government forces all still fighting rebels in the south became republics of the cons combine yet on people all still dying on the battlefield but as equal shot off explains now those killed almost always ukrainian. a ukraine army soldier dies in combat is called married grabs a squad of brothers in arms and ventures out on a recovery mission. there if you. don't have the. money and you can only refer them this video would become his last though and he key of rebel forces recovered the camera from the body of mccall in after his life was ended by a landmine. and unfortunate death
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unlucky even he wasn't shot in combat he wasn't even a target he simply ran at the wrong time in the wrong direction and too fast in his own demise but well soldiers die it's just the gruesome nature of the ukrainian war zone the fighting between the state army and forces loyal to the self-proclaimed dinette scandal ganske republics has been going on for years yet this death quote the gaze of the united states i want to express you know since deep sadness at the reporter killing us to recreate a military medic we join the people of you created condemning the go improve the aggression of russia the forces in the us and pay tribute to ukrainians killed and wounded fighting for their democracy well pump aoe got it all wrong because ellen was and is still me and citizen not a ukrainian he was also a mercenary and had a badge reading medic his commander straight out blyde claiming that he and his
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squad had been dressed in white vests and helmets the footage from ellen's body can clearly shows they were indistinguishable from regular combatants here's a photo we got from the rebels it's black and white and even to a color blind person the vest of the medic here is not white again. this green on green chevron was the only medic designation discovered on the body alongside munition a k a rifle and a heap of grenades and according to a conversation allegedly found in his phone dylan didn't exactly come to ukraine to save lives he listened to me there is a herd of ukrainian pigs which need to be put in the stable they are degenerates they do need a white master we will bring them to heel and then screw we we've got things to do blacks should be faced down it seems the only white thing about this medic was his
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racism but there could be more than simple lack of research behind pompei use condemnation of the killing the us secretary of state could be concerned of american guns for hire also fighting on the frontlines in ukraine in the same unit as the medic here is sean fuller a proud texan an iraq war veteran and ill in squad mate who even used to be presumed dead by the forces until verse video. shown still alive here it's virgil 17th. shaun fuller from texas syria hardened damien gonzalez from new york justin from florida these are just some photos discovered on the phone of this stoney and ukraine's front line is apparently guarded by the foreign legion 2.0 and the u.s. state department is known to do more than just track american mercs back in 2011
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for instance its reach went so far beyond that it was on the verge of commanding a force made up of the likes of fall and cold so no wonder really illinois death god on washington's raiders so quickly and stirred such concern not because he's a medic but because an american might be next the strategic goal of the us military industrial complex is simply to create trouble for russia they certainly do know in general what's going on quite sure their international connections to the people who are fighting in the. rich world known really bashir that is quite possible that people in the deep state in the us will engineer provocations so the political leadership will then force to take decisions which they perhaps don't really want just don't really want to
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change and that's not all because in wasn't some stray soldier of fortune and hickey of fighters discovered official ukrainian army papers on him this story and was even eligible for benefits from the ukrainian government as a thank you for his service after all guns aren't hired for free and with american mercs officially enlisted in the ukrainian army the united states might expect some security guarantees from the commander in chief from self president vladimir selenski now it's not just him and his friends in washington who know about foreign guns doing ukraine's bidding in the war and both kiev. and the u.s. would want to keep ukraine's own little foreign legion and become of large but just a development following the death of the soldier a local ukrainian prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into potential premeditated murder the country's foreign minister has promised the death will not
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go unnoticed by ukraine's international partners the u.s. embassy in ukraine has responded by condemning quote the continuous brutal aggression by russian led forces in the donbass. american politics joe biden will attempt on the scene donald trump from his throne in november but while the great rivals are the only 2 that make the headlines they aren't the only ones with their eyes on the oval office 3rd party candidates and independents are running to the green party has chosen its nominee meet how we hold pins from new york he's a former lorry driver and grassroots campaign he's previously run for office at every level of government in new york from city council to gov hawkins wants to boost education and extend health care to all americans he's also known for his antiwar and teen efforts the green party has been fielding candidates in presidential elections since 1906 as things currently stand there who can only
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appears on the ballots in heart of the country's state but the party is hoping for more it's a complicated process with each state having different rules to get on the ballot but perhaps the biggest challenge is getting air time hawkins told r.t. this week though that there is a growing up tight for electoral targeted. the whole show. or an alternative to the 2 major parties that we're. a lot of those people who come to the. 3rd parties in this country going back to the 1830. the agenda it was a liberty question of slavery or the. now it was the populous parties the question of monopolies on the public agenda it was the socialist party that put social insurance programs like social security the most popular programs out into the public debate so we made our way in the white house we're definitely going to move the debate the green party represents a very different policies we are not you know just democrats who are disgruntled or
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something we do want a universal medical system medicare for all we do want serious climate action we stand against the u.s. going into countries and tell them who their leader should be we're for peace initiatives big cuts in military spending and getting serious about this new nuclear arms race the green party's presidential nominee back in 2016 proved to be a polarizing figure many in the media accused healthiness splitting in the profile and homing hillary clinton's campaign. tonight the dangers of a 3rd party candidate democratic year and frustration is growing some seen here is that the votes belong to hillary clinton and that that my votes were stolen from someone else and i think that's an insult to american voters what do you say to those voters who are would worry that by voting for you their progress is their liberals or democrats that by voting for you they would actually help like donald trump is politics of fair actually delivered everything that we were afraid of so
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the 2 parties form what sounds like a government commission it's called commission on presidential debates in fact it's a private corporation they jointly control taken and it's designed to keep their competitors off the stage and you know our appeal to this news organization is that a civic organizations is don't let the 2 parties set the agenda you your job open up to debate american people deserve to know what all their options are if you want more on any of those stories and much more on t.v. dot com is the place seems to check out and also the same.
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joined me every so straight on the elec so i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business i'm sure. i'll see you then. on my hands on guns and money i'm not one. of them saddam. was of a time about what it was it was a bit down that was listed as a bomb was more about the. one with enough money on the side of the money to. see the car going to him but i'm bill symbol of him by the. him out by now him by the imam who by no. means.
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all. told the wall controls are partly to do you just ignore any inconvenience studies the american scientist charge that shocking news dietary guidelines have finally soured on sugar recommending an almost full reduction in daily consumption for bold adults and children with almost 60 percent of americans suffering from a distant. one died in jesus disease and therefore facing a much higher risk of call that night in complications did vice things long overdue you but is it strong enough jurors obesity and other related pandemics well to
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discuss that i'm now joined by maranatha professor emeritus of nutrition foot studies and public health at new york university and bestselling author present nestle and i'm such a big fan of yours thank you very much for a dream to talk to your odds i am very happy to be here thanks now for most of our international audience the u.s. dietary guidance nate come across as this obscure or boring manuscript that has little or no impact on that on lives but i happen to believe that this is actually one of the most impactful public health documents in the world with influence often harmful influence spawning far beyond the united states is that an exaggeration well it doesn't summarize or not others really know what healthy diets are dietary recommendations have not changed since the 1st recommendation
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started getting issues for chronic disease prevention in the 1950 the basic dietary recommendations are balanced calorie intake date a lot of fruits and vegetables and to avoid foods that have a. special rated set salted sugar in them the danger guidelines for americans who sit at the end every 5 years since 1980 s. and the new ones are going to say exactly the same things because we know what a healthy diet is well but you know as you like to see it it definitely is and the details add to well better or is the united states as projecting a law that's power on the rest of the world people want to be like the americans they want to eat like the americans they want to business like the americans and it may be good in other areas but when it comes to.


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