tv Americas Lawyer RT July 22, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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might happen tony on this is america's lawyer last week in new york times opinion columnist very wise resigned from the paper and accused him of suffering from a severe case of being too politically correct she also alleged that employees of the paper were harassing her some are celebrating wise as a hero while others are expressing serious skepticism about it claims that we're going to dive into that topic and see what makes sense also in over a dozen lawsuits emerge against education secretary betsy devos huggin for helping her nonprofit universities prey on students pocketbooks and then later in the show there's been a fatal shooting targeting the family of a district judge overseeing the case of do its banks involvement with the late geoffrey of spin don't go anywhere america's lawyer starts right now.
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new york times opinion columnist barry was caused a big stir last week when she suddenly resigned from the paper and accused him of being too whoa to function if you want me to talk about this topic is fair and cousins editor the trial lawyer magazine you know i got to tell you i'm on her side . it's just this this is becoming so disturbing i describe i describe the new york times right now is a scene out of home alone the kids are in charge experience editors and journalists are ashamed they're they're harassed if they really try to be journalist now she's got some other issues but this woman was right that what she wrote about this paper is absolutely well you know why he says that the the opinion board little to woke for and she did accuse of you know he did do they got this young way of thinking but if you look at the new york times editor. board for just the editorial most of
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these folks are well into their golden years or they're almost there these are not a bunch of young kids you know if they're suffering from what culture it's just i think decades of experience saying hey this is how the world is now and you know maybe ms wise wasn't you know evolving enough but at the same time the new york times is garbage like she has read about that there are horrible paper i just disagree with her about reasons become total garbage yet aaron i mean you know i was a journalism major a university of florida very i was news editing major it's a tough major you gotta work to make it through there it used to be we said he the new york times and we'd say well this is a i wouldn't touch this newspaper right now let's back up on the story just a little bit she there's no question she had written some material about the rise of anti-semitism right and they thought the these kids you call them what you want
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when you really look at who was pushing this agenda might have been some old folks saying yes because they don't want to get harassed they didn't want to get bullied they didn't want to get intimidated by these home alone kids who are run in the damn newspaper it's become a trainwreck so so she she's talking about rise of anti-semitism and some folks on the say well what about palestine you know yet treat the palestinians right so they're critical over this mob mentality has taken place at the new york times just like it has in media across the world right now fair and what will very wise though on the other hand too has a bit of thin skin and she does have a history and this is evident in her twitter feed glenn greenwald has talked about it ad nauseum any time somebody criticizes her criticizes a point she makes she immediately goes to that you are an anti-semite that is her fallback argument she can't substitute who they are as not agree with her. which is
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a drawback but again at the same time part of what makes these editorial boards great is that they present differing opinions and if you don't like what one of them wrote somebody is going to come along and write a counterpoint to it that's the point of this part of the way that you had a great education really did you had a really solid education matter of fact you came to work with me when you're what 222121 years old and i recognised back then you had a great solid education and i'm sure you studied john stuart mill just like i did in jon stewart mills who wrote the most important book on liberty he said this he wouldn't call it groupthink back then but he said there's a really the divine democracy relies on rich diversity so you may not agree with them you have a right to shout but you don't have a right to shout them down and say you can't say this what we've become is this
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group me we're social intolerance we're handcuffing the truth we we can't even adapt we can't even adapt to a new idea that's thrown out and also a great article that i think summed up a lot of these kids coming through journalism school and now they're out in what i call them social media journalist which is what they are that's what their social media journalist and so these social media journalists a lot of then he would study civics they don't study constitutional law they even understand the importance of the 1st amendment take i mean you do hear that it was if you came up with that same generation man right and i think the best example of that which actually is very wise talks about is the recent op ed in new york times by tom cotton tom cotton puts out this horrendous op ed says let sin the military to take out the protesters it was horrible it was absolutely against what this country and constitution says is ok but it was him. porton to put it out there
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a lot of people on the left a lot of my friends and colleagues furious that it was out there but that's the point of it it gets people talking it gets people thinking and even if you disagree with it it shows you what those other people are thinking and to be honest puts into perspective how extreme some of them can be on how we're going to do that we're going to sit on this and we're going to stay on this topic a little longer and here it here's here's my take on it when we get to the point where you have a bunch of intolerant kids who really don't understand the importance of constitutional rights they don't understand how dangerous look they maybe they didn't read animal farm maybe they don't read it maybe they didn't read 19 eighty-four maybe somebody in school never said here's the dangers with with you not permitting somebody to say something even though you disagree with it and i don't know how you jump through it may and i'm always fascinated i could come back to you because i'm always fascinated you came out of it you know when you came to
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work with me i recognize well you know you call balls and strikes these kids can't even call balls and strikes the new york times has become garbage because we can't read it without suspecting that it's been driven by ideology ok it's ideological trash it's not news reporting right and look i disagree with most of what barry weiss has had to say i don't even think she's being forthcoming in why she resigned i think there's something else there she is not under privilege she charges $50000.00 to go out and give a speech she is not being silenced but there are legitimate concerns with the new york times like we have discussed because we've discussed the new york times being trashed for years i mean it goes back to the yeahs story they go around exactly and you know like donald trump says the media is horrible well it is but not for the reasons you say and that's how i feel with barry weiss yeah the papers. one other
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thing you know i'm a fan of going green. going green well i like him but when i looked at the leaf funk story when i saw what they did belief some anybody brain someone at one of his or his coworkers with an itty bitty brain was offended by some nonsense. i read it was nothing but she was offended about it because it's like these kids grow up and they start believing the bumper stickers on the back of their car that mom and pop put on the back of their car saying my kid really bright my kids are exceptional they grow up with that and unfortunately it's made their it's just it's made them not into objective thinkers not into journalism but isn't it into pathetic ideologues right well and they also they do kind to have this you know this isn't just limited to them it's a lot of people not just that generation either they have an undeserved an earned sense of i'm the best to just what i you know do you do have to earn arrogance has
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to be earned yes and these folks just haven't earned it. a judge last week propose settlement for harvey weinstein's victims and thank goodness he did you know i got say as you know i have always fought i don't do class actions i handle mass tort cases but i do try i go to trial and i actually try cases for people class actions have become a device that corporations use they'll go hire some bottom feeding lawyer ok this bottom feeding lower will file a class action and all the while they're negotiating with the bottom feeding lawyer to work out the sweetheart deal the weinstein case reminds me a lot of yeah absolutely the class action they wanted to put together 25000000 for god knows how many victims of this man but it also included people who were never technically victimized you know if you were a woman and. you worked for harvey weinstein in any capacity you suddenly became
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eligible for this and by the way $12000000.00 for weinstein's lawyers and their legal fee to talk about that is it say it's disgusting it's not easy to talk about well it makes you wonder whose side that lawyer actually was on because you don't negotiate as part of a class action settlement fees for the other person's attorneys not to the tune of $12000000.00 half the settlement ok so the attorneys freaked out because the weinstein organization declared bankrupt ok we see it all the time but here's how it really works just because they go into bankruptcy in a reorganization doesn't mean that you're not going to have royalties coming in from all of those movies for years and years and years so there's more money there and these people have a better shot honest to god they have a better shot making a bankruptcy claim that will be going on for a long time than they would with this deal that they tried to cram down these
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people's throat this judge i really love this shit what is his name alvin hellerstein i love this guy he started asking tough questions he said wait a 2nd why the say 1st of all how do you treat a woman who has been raped the same way as somebody you know somebody who has just been a victim maybe been a virtually abused but that's different from right and so he starts looking this is this is a garbage settlement is what you know basically what he said you know you can't the class the whole point of a class is that everybody has the identical or at least a very very similar injury and there is a world of difference between a rape in somebody who witnessed a woman get virtually harassed because that's what some of these where they weren't even themselves harassed but they did witness harassment those are not the same of the judge pointed that out very clearly said there are different classes here but you cannot put them all together but i think it was it was a lot of the 12. 1000000 for weinstein and his lawyers that that judge said this
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this doesn't even make sense sometimes ok 1st of all there's about 100 women involved in all those variants you know this this pig absolute butter pig weinstein victimized more than 100 women in one form one way or another and so this judge i think sees he looks at this at this agreement and he says wait a 2nd this looks an awful lot like it's been driven by the insurance company it looks like your will in the cave in because the insurance company's going to pay you whatever the deal is not the 12000000 but whatever the deal is in addition to that it's fees wise for the lawyers and we're seeing this more and more fair and we're seeing it with a corporation we saw it with the round up case you know with around the case was it was virtually over and we saw you know some some things take place that were kind of suspect fair and cousin scientific joining me ok thank you. education secretary
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childes seemed wrong on one old world just all. the world is yet to shape our disdain to come out to it and indeed trip it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground the. drugs don't do is come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it's invaded america under the banner of medicine the persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes at their dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer who is to
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blame patients doctors manufacturers. 22 state attorney generals have sued the u.s. education secretary for siding with profit over schools best interest or to brazil those joins me now with the story. what states are taking betsy devos to the court let me preface it by saying you know. how many stories in the 'd last 2 months we've see devos but she is like a magnet for really ugly stuff and i just wonder which states have the courage to say you know not on my watch talk to me about it. well also it is being led by the attorneys general of california and massachusetts with other agencies joining from the district of columbia and 20 other states including colorado minnesota nevada
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virginia new york and more the coalition is challenging a 2019 rule by education secretary betsy device that makes it almost impossible for students who have been defrauded by for profit colleges to have their federal student loans cancelled the 21000 rule rolls back obama era borrower defends to repayment protections that offered students relief from federal loans that were borrowed based on the fraudulent and misleading or illegal claims. of higher education institutions because students can no longer use violations of state consumer protection laws as a defense in their student loan forgiveness cases predatory universities are now shielded from nearly all accountability. well there's more to that story i heard you talk about obama came forward with an do 4 but you understand the back story on the back story is that you used to be able to take used bankruptcy court if you
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were working and you were trying to pay it off and just couldn't pay it off you had some protection of bankruptcy or well obama earth during his years as a senator voted against that in provided bankruptcy protection that closed the door for students to be able to have protection from these you know from from being dogged every day of their lives to have this thing paid back so there's a lot more to this story than the surface what scams have for profit colleges in gauged in other words. the gauge i mean the gauge and scams then the student comes out sometimes without a degree at all and they still have to pay bagus loan that's the typical kind of story isn't it. yeah and there are so many of these scams but this lawsuit particularly highlights some of the scams by proprietary universities including enrolling students in professional certification programs that actually lack
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accreditation that the needed for students to obtain licenses in their profession when they're done with school while failing to disclose that information to students it also outlines how the for profit school industry is prone to abusing its access to taxpayer funded title for aid which these proprietary colleges heavily rely on in order to generate money $1.00 reason the obama administration implemented the 2015 rule after voting against it previously was because the years of investigations exposed how for profit schools including attack corinthian. colleges and fell on have long defrauded students out of that money yeah so you see these advertisements can you draw the stick figure if you are you're going to be the next room wall you probably want to come to our call and we're going to get you this degree and average of this degree we're going to get you job and you're going to be making a ton of money that was always the come along come on to become a come on nurse come on to become a doctor's assistant become a paralegal and most of absolute scams but nevertheless at the end of the 'd they
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had to they had to pay those loans back talk about the victims of predatory colleges and universities how is this new law really going to impact them. share proprietary colleges target their marketing to veterans the unemployed and people from low income and minority communities they claim to offer accessible and career focused degree in certificate programs to people who might not have the opportunity to enter a traditional colleges which have gotten only more expensive every year since choose these schools because they're eager to learn new skills so they can successfully join the workforce and she's the american dream they're really trying here but if it the government the government department that's tasked with helping students allows private companies to continue to defraud them with impunity society is absolutely going to suffer as a whole ok so what happens is the justice department doesn't do their job they don't prosecute work for fraud they should browser you for fraud there they don't
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do what they're supposed to do and so the student gets sucked into it d.o.j. is with the federal government so the student comes through the program in the student says look i got to get i can't pay this loan in the federal government you know what you're going to be responsible anyway it's a terrible terrible story for the student from beginning to end regime to thank you for joining me ok. thanks frank deutsche bank investors are suing the company and c.e.o. for their financial ties to the late jeffrey 'd epstein. and just days ago the case was a son to a judge who ended up his family to be murdered but you know what has nothing to do with the story right epstein has nothing to do the story deutsche bank has nothing to do with the story but all of us you know it's this immediate magnet you know this is got to be connected we've got to have a good story for the nightly news this guy is a nut. case and he did talk about it but to me
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it's so bothersome when you see the media always trying to trying to corner a story where doesn't belong this is one of those you're exactly right i think it boils down to click bait you know nothing to do with epstein draw people's attention to i want to know anything about him you know it's connected to it because it's such a rabbit hole of who did he know any black male people that that the other stuff they can take a high profile case like this which had a loose connection if you will a tenuous connection to the epstein case i think that's why the media went ahead and play to that doesn't have but you come out and you're going to miami 5 yeah as an anchor yeah so i mean i think it's just to me it's in since that nobody sits back and says look let me call balls and strikes here this doesn't have to do with absolute has to do with a lawyer who is a nut job right he was all over social media claiming to be a trump supporter a self-proclaimed anti-feminist who is supporting men's causes and in fact authorities are now reporting that when they searched his car they found the name and picture of another one engine and so they don't know if she was potential target as well but it seemed like this guy was
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a loose cannon walked up to the judge's door esther sallis her son 20 year old son answered the door her husband was right behind them both were shot the son died he the attorney was dressed in a fed ex uniform he took off and then later killed himself shot himself in the head his name is roy dead hollander and so the you know basically the investigation is zeroed in on him they don't think there's any connection to abstain but initially the reports were hey this judge esther solace had been assigned the last of this ongoing law suit against deutsche bank just 2 weeks before she was shot and that lawsuit has to go downstairs. and avatar i have proper standards in allowing you know basically money laundering to happen don't like but i think needs to be sued. you know there was this whole it's enabling it's. here's the point this got a didn't go shoot anybody because the door saying look my memory is i looked at these the background of this guy he was he was a big trumpeter hated hated women he most to hate then you have another picture of
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another female judge that he was going to shoot that's exactly right found in his car ok so so we've got this character that just isn't wired right and he's the same guy i think that sued c n. n b c for their fake news granted it is a lot of fake news but the chances of him running in a lawsuit was almost inconceivable so here's this complicated character and rather than the media stepping up and reporting the news they come up with their narrative no you're exactly right and it's irresponsible reporting and it goes to show when you hear stories like that they haven't done the vetting they are trying to do what i call click bait basically get as many viewers and eyes and you know because that's how they make their money if people are watching if they can say we've got so many people watching or so many people following us online then they can charge x. amount for their advertisers and you can tell a lot by the different news organizations of who's doing that or they just running with any sort of claim that's half heartedly investigated just so they can get
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people talking about it and it's not credible journal when did you have real stories that you know when did you start when did you start as an anchor in the moo's goodness it was like in the mid ninety's that i should mumble that yeah ok so we had 24 hour news around but when we have 24 hours news created what we're talking about what i've watched how do you get out 1st what's your narrative i guess and that's the transition that i watched when i 1st i tell the story of when i 1st started when i graduated college and started my 1st television job in 1906 it was cut. you're here short don't wear no cleavage no fitted clothing no dangly earrings you've got to be professionally going to walk talk and act like a professional like a man in a lot of ways by the time i left that particular position i still continued to report but that fox news business model of hot chicks and short skirts and fitted clothes was the model and i was told you've got to wear fitted clothes we don't want facts in stories and i'm not making that up they wanted all person on
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the street reaction as opposed to taking the time to dig in because it's a dying news model that your average everyday nightly news and so they get they just want people to watch and if they can feed us you already believe they can hit the sensational little segments with a hot chick telling it to you or a handsome pearl i had it for me and for that matter but what i'm saying is it's definitely it's icing on the cake as opposed to digging into dinner and telling people what they need right now they only corrected this they got back on track on this story only after being shamed that's the only thing to save them here no you're exactly right and that's why it's so important for people to be educated viewers and maybe that's upon the sky dream but i think people have to have a little bit of responsibility of themselves to realize news is a business for most of the outlets and they're going to sell you whatever they can to keep you coming back for more and if that includes mets and misconceptions they have no problem with that molly barrows thank you for joining me thanks fat. and father and i had some good news the state of new mexico has followed
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a lawsuit against a militia group that incited violence of the recent peaceful protest the group being sued is called the new mexico civil guard the state maintains that this independent group has post serious threats to the public in the past it's not their 1st so why is this good news because it helps in the message to anybody who attempts to hijack the kind of protests that were sometimes sitting across the country the that are not above prosecution that group that interferes can be prosecuted this. situation says that the right to protest is guaranteed to all americans but a line is drawn at violence a line is drawn with property damage and the disturbing visions that were seen in some of these protests that are really protest it's almost criminal conduct but this group has no right to interfere there or nobody's told them this is your right to get involved so right now the left and the right the saviors that we're seeing
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on both sides have displayed something that should not be tolerable in our society it's not protected constitutional conduct but at the same time it's doesn't permit this independent group to get involved in something they shouldn't be involved with this should also be good news for the organizers of these peaceful protests because when one of these groups infiltrates a protest and starts destroying police cars or throwing bricks through windows their message is lost it's a sea of violence is all that the public sees hopefully more these lawsuits are going to be filed to weed out the bad actors and allow real genuine peaceful protests to continue that's all for not find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. america programs and direct t.v. channel 3 to one and also streaming live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease new portable app we can watch all your favorite shows on my pap and tonio and
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this is america's lawyer where every week we tell you the stories that corporate media is ordered not to tell because of their political contacts they want to allow for because their advertisers won't let them tell these stories have a great night. the world is driven by a dream. and person. no dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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syria has been engulfed in civil war through almost 10 years it cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more no one foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 of them is collating into a complex conflict between various armies geopolitical interests rebel groups just . how they are in the book on this. but if you tell us if you say in the hague because of the. mess that the look cool. you know deep down to look.
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at them on. an ordinary i sat down i shouted never statham is the mother and then ashamed that i made a misstep a. live from the world headquarters of r t america our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez. hi everybody i'm rick sanchez i want to welcome all of you were watching us from all over the world including those of you who are watching us on your phones using a portable lot of t.v. we're glad that you are there the.
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