tv Watching the Hawks RT July 23, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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mr adams the mother initiated what i mean was the hate here. is. the. breaking news international and leads less i suggest that you opposition parties pushing for all these losses to be revoked past this fight off the independent regulator in britain being supposedly immune from political pressure. and brutal standoff grips portland off to donald trump deploys federal troops to the city while the president's slams the anti racism on the west nile sweeping the
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united states. what cities are doing his absolute insanity many of the same politicians who want to slash resources for law enforcement have also declared that their cities are saying sure is for criminal illegal aliens. live from moscow thanks for joining us on our team to national just go on not want to i am here in the capital daniel who can see it with you tonight we start breaking news a senior member of britain's labor party has reportedly appealed to the country's independent broadcast regulator off called asking for aussie to have its losses revoked the leaked letter appears to be from joe stephens the m.p. for cardiff central i'm joined live in the studio to get more details on this just want to through the details what exactly was in this letter. while this letter
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appears to be the fallout of the highly anticipated and much delayed report that was released earlier this week in the u.k. now that report assessed the possibility of the extent of russian interference in u.k. politics as a whole and it came to the sensational conclusion that it was quote the new normal and that the kremlin's lost of mind in key decisions from bracks to the scottish referendum to the general election in december 29 t. but i gave up suddenly no proof to substantiate those claims all t.-bone did get a shout out in the report alongside thoughts on trolls all channels accused of distorting information in order to breed discord in a bid to fracture western societies now seemingly on the back of the fact a leaked and i will say unverified matter has come to light allegedly from joe stevens who is the cultural secretary so high up in the labor party and the left
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who was sent a part of called which is the u.k.'s media independent regulator and essentially follows all news outlets and make sure that every single step impartiality. now in that letter stevens is requesting that license to broadcast in the u.k. be reconsidered. i'm writing to you in the light of the troubling revelations in the russia report about the role of r.t. and spike nick in spreading kremlin backed this information in. the last its high court challenge to off comes fine lord just a demon said in his ruling that biased reporting of the novi choke attack in saw is very at the hands of the russian state caused actual and potential harm that damning judgement has now been reinforced by the long delayed intelligence and security committee report that exposes the role r.t.
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plays in the much wider issue of russian influence i am writing to request it off calm urgently reviews artie's license in light of this report into request a meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss my concerns about the broadcaster . no i think the 1st reaction many people have is what about the freedom of press what about the right to have access to various sources of information but even if we do put that to the side i think the 2nd coming on that on the heels of that would be how is it that a politician and then elected official considers that i the more you are indeed legally sound to put pressure on an independent organization and on the basis of war of commas internationally recognized as being incredibly professional and of course highly competent the latter refers to troubling revelations in the wake of the russian report but off confit all these years has seen fit to allow r.t.
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to broadcast in the u.k. so why is that being questioned it is beginning on force need to look a bit like policy from the labor party on wednesday we heard the labor lead. in parliament face off with the prime minister boris johnson that he echoed this very last he license to potentially be revoked you'll see said that with jeremy corbin having now left him at the helm labor was changing and his attitude towards r t was changed need no longer be giving interviews so let's listen to exchange between those 2. distortions in the coverage provided by russian state and international broadcasters such as russia today the high court has ruled that russia today broadcasts actually the potential harm just the prime minister agree with me that it's time to look at good but the licensing for russia today operates in the u.k.
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. it's a think you're going to speak it with i think this would come more credibly from the leader of the opposition had he called out these former the former leader of the opposition when he took the money carter appearing on russia today i mean this is the protest this is the protest did neither against the leaders of the form of your position stand on north against his willingness to take money from russia today he flip flops from day to day mr speaker it's not the 1st time that r.t. has been subject to debate and discussion in the parliament probably the 1st time that it's come from quite such a high level and so direct it's off how was already responding now while this lesser again i say has not been verified and r.t. has issued a response queering a number of points but undoubtedly for the channel the main concern is this idea that a politician is actively interfering in the business of an independent body. it is wholly inappropriate for the leader of the labor party to make such request of
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the government and indeed a ministers like jay stevens to directly place political pressure on of com it isn't for the government to interfere in the role of an independent regulator nor is it appropriate for the labor party to seek to apply and you pressure on an independent regulator we are concerned about the politicians not about of calm. and of course this is not just about r t we have to look at the bigger picture here what else could be deemed worthy of being shut down and it's such me worrying that politics and independent media bodies are being really dangerously entangled here sure and the sort of trigger behind this debate of parliament behind the letter to some extent was the long awaited report which came out a few days ago what was the sum of. while the so-called russian report had been in the works for 18 months there was so much hype built up around it everyone expected after all of that time that that would become some kind of a bombshell revelation but it really failed to deliver in that regard it was an
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incredibly it was a highly redacted document for starters and in fact a key section of it in which there was apparently very important information proving that russia was meddling in the british democratic process and was not included so what ended up being a lot of unsubstantiated allegations made into a lot of questions rather than answers innocent of the similar intelligence reports in the united states were o.t. governments and as well we covered this publication of the report just a couple of days but let's take a quick recap what exactly was the thanks for joining us asking. to get a very brief summary of the long awaited russia report we can go straight to page 13 of the document the written evidence provided to us appear to suggest that h m g had not seen or saw evidence of successful interference in u.k. democratic process is seems to be enough so if you're short on time or don't want
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to read heavily redacted intelligence and political spiel stop watching now otherwise let's go on open source studies have pointed to the preponderance of pro breaks it all and he used tories on r.t. in sputnik and the use of bots and trolls as evidence of russian attempts to influence the process we've sought to establish whether there is secret intelligence which supported or built on these studies in response to my 5 initially provided just 6 lines of text the report's authors were seemingly surprised by the limited response of the intelligence services but not because those agencies may have more important priorities such as protecting lives by tackling international domestic terrorism or serious crime apparently more resources are needed to keep track of social media and artie's editorial policies and coverage breaks it polarized millions with several broadcasters coming under fire but it's still russia that poses the risk and the security services that are
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doing their job this is about the protection of the u.k.'s democratic process and mechanism from hostile state interference which should fall to our intelligence and security agencies after all moscow has been waging influence campaigns targeting u.k. politics through digital media of wealthy individuals organizations and almost any other means the report warns the threat of russian influence is a hot potato with intelligence and other agencies shirking the responsibility of taking the lead in tackling it and reassuring the public amid widespread allegations again the impact of such influence remains elusive. impactive any such attempts would be difficult if not impossible to was since and we've not sought to do so state agencies haven't looked closely enough for open source information according to the report they lacked a retrospective assessment and intelligence agencies in particular need a more important role in future the committee was struck by the relatively small
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proportion of work that is carried out by the agencies in relation to russia in any case should they consider other threats to be a higher priority they can always fall back on trusted russian experts to lead the way christopher steele author of the infamous anonymous golden shower dossier and contributors that the institute for state craft and integrity initiative a project founded to tackle the russian threat receiving state funding to advise the states that russia is a threat and moscow's response was swift and predictable as was the final conclusion of the long awaited russia report showing yet again that any reproach went with the u.k. however small is still be on the horizon. joined live by russia analyst martin mccauley thanks for joining us so good to have in the program today what you make of this letter from. 2 of congress that come as
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a surprise to you that it asks for artie's license to be revoked. it comes as a prize because the labor party in fact is no move because under jeremy cauldron it took a very relaxed attitude towards russia especially over the and the poisoning of the script of the couple and now secure star bar appears to have swung over to the camp which criticizes russia and is joining the the government in an anti russian campaign and so therefore this is the basic move because jews stevens is not on the right wing of the labor party and one would see her as more to the left so therefore if you like this is really a move by the labor party resumed today engineers bicyclers dharma they decided to be more p.t. don't take i think that's one of the expectations made against them under the cold
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when the administration knew they didn't need to defend britain's interests there should be more maturity so therefore starmer is now acting in a more patriotic mano and there's nothing in this letter which is new because she goes back and she refers to what happened in 2018 and this republic case and so on and as the she had a 6th grade state she is capable she's she has the liberty of actually approaching or come any individual can write to us come and bring to its notice that. i legit initiate some of broadcasting is in fact distorting the facts this is not about opinion because every one of that except the freedom of. freedom of speech allows people to express your opinions but what wellcome is about is
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distorting the like knowledge facts. that. and some broadcasters will choose not to report or closure report. statements which in fact are intrusion there are problems with the really hard but this report in fact makes quite clear that the british government did not seek russia's interference in the media in parliament in brixton although. they in fact. almost passed over it and boris johnson in reply to doma just know that what do you say well jeremy cotton took money from going on r.t.c. why are you complaining. in other words it's a punch and judy show. you don't take those arguments very seriously so i think this is a very significant letter from the labor party point of view that they've declared that they're now on on the russian side and they're going to become patriots and
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defending values will britain whom under broad certainly politically it's an interesting step. of what you said earlier that anybody has the right to complain to off come to express their concerns on the one that anybody can write off them to do that on the other hand some will say is it the place of m.p.'s to write such letters i mean do you think this letter has any legitimacy. i think that in a country such as ours anyone can write to nobody else providing the continent is not not libel. and therefore the liberal party has the right to i would say that what is the right to bring this to the attention of come and say that the russians you refer to luncheons that is going too far because the liberal party has been to write to instruct come to revoked elations of our team all they
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can do is say would you please look again at the content well we think that there is bias in that and less as far as a limp body can do you can go off become an independent and can take it. and shouldn't feel pressured by either the labor party or the conservative party that does appear to be some powerless here with what happened in the art of states when we were the report there do not report medicine altie would fail to find you know sort of concrete sufficient hard evidence of russian interference and political processes in the democratic. nature of those states do you think britain is set to go down the same path. i think the americans now would put pressure on britain's they will we took a very serious take congress took it very seriously we spent a lot of money and
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a lot of effort to find out to demonstrate because we remember the democratic party did not accept the results of the 2016 presidential election they claimed it had been distorted and therefore it was a fair election and one of the reasons was russian it appears that we're looking around for reasons because we still shocked they couldn't accept their defeat and therefore they spent a lot of time on the middle report came out and in the end road movement admitted we can't find we can't find any evidence there's no hard evidence because. when you when you're talking about interference when you talk about influence and so on it's very very difficult to measure that how do you measure that can you find out somebody whose opinion was changed because of what they read on r t 4 sport nick and therefore choose either to vote for breaks it or against it well
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for the labor party of the conservative party in the last election that's practically impossible to do so therefore if you like there's an. information war which is going on and britain now feelings that these critics posed and then the conservative party is very very embarrassed by this because basically they would like to thank st is under the carpet and this move on and improve relations if possible and we have many many problems it's confronting world today that in libya. at present and syria and so on we should be talking about those for those countries and finding solutions instead of arguing over. interference in elections and bricks and. referendum and so on so the conservative party will now attempt to move on. and say this report yes. but there's nothing hard hearted no hard evidence in the report. in mail. and she would have read your book
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and of course the government would not say that you would never make that statement that is we're all grown because the government cannot defeat. the insurgents while they're independent. so therefore. little brouhaha about this and the significant thing is that the liberal party has moved very close to the conservatives. their attitude towards russia and become very very critical of russia. just going back to the russian reporter get looking at the various allegations in that document hacking meddling etc relating to clime s. thought activity influence how does that relate to r t it's the way their media broadcast which abides by the rules of off has sometimes been found in breach of those rules as have many broadcast this is their law and that needs to be drawn between these 2 things. i think from now on i t would be more careful in the way it presents news especially factual news
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opinion is totally different. you can express any opinion you like providing it's not shunned. and therefore there be more careful in the presentation of actual information and not misquote somebody or mistake something and so on and that. it's a warning shot. to try to over the bounds and i think our team will then think about that and maybe a few 1000000 on the the editor in chief she would think about that and try to write how do we conduct ourselves how just to make sure that we don't have a little part in the conservative party taking us all the time but of course. the the information in the international and she could report is very very damaging
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for the conservative party because it demonstrates that they were negligent they didn't play they didn't regard russia as a threat or russia difference so it was russian you know and so i didn't take that as a threat and therefore they've been wrapped over the knuckles by this report and also by the labor party and by other parties as well and they will now be more careful in the future and the americans will be saying to them my compared sect of state will say to them look what we did and now we've put in to put into operation we have. procedures which can in fact stop this or try and prevent additional and other countries do the same thing britain should do the same thing so i think that from now on britain's will will take a leaf out of americans books and. more or less adopted. technics the same. approach to looking at russia russian in films
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especially in liverpool it from the until the quality you donations to the conservative party which you become very very embarrassing because the labor party can say they're buying into it. and is it right that russian oligarchs can come here and invest 5000000 pounds and then get citizenship within the set number of years and residents near all that means like public opinion may in fact then require the government to reconsider that and so on so all these things which don't come but i would present the kareena vargas problem which is going to want to least christmas is number one and the government will hope that they look at those who are losers well in a few days and then move on to more important things well a lot of time for cinemas mccourty thanks so much for joining us throughout the program good to get your take on today's story thank you.
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an intense standoff and divide is the vital thing in the us city of portland spread out donald trump's the session to send in federal troops to crack down on anti racism protests appears to of aggravated the situation. you know. right. once. you get. there along with your guy. the mayor of portland speaking there was among those tear gassed by federal officers as he stood among protesters the white house claims he's lost control of the city however more than a dozen u.s. mayors most of them democrats voiced alarm over the federal crux of the trumpet
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ministration to pull troops out of american cities meanwhile calls to defund the police continue to grow louder among some groups. for the matter of chicago meanwhile has urged citizens to inform the police of any unconstitutional actions committed by federal forces but out that hundreds of troops were deployed to the city which you previously compared to a war zone i think in their own way they want us to go and they'll be a time where they're going to want us to go in for blast but right now we're sending extra people to help i've been very clear not happening in chicago we don't need federal troops and i'm calling on all chicagoans that if you see something that doesn't look right please don't hesitate to report it and if we see any steps out of line particularly with v.h.s. or border patrol we're not going to hesitate to take the president to court and stop any unconstitutional actions
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i. experienced a spike in violence over the past few days a recent drive by shooting at a funeral left 15 people injured murders and shooting incidents in the city have doubled in. 2020 compared with the same period 29 t. some locals say the president's decision to send in federal troops will not solve the crisis. at that time in the resources could be better spent in addressing the pandemic that affects all of us across the world so i just think it's just a deflection and it's unfortunate it's violence begets more violence it's just a chain that will just repeat. continue it's not going to stop it is very dangerous the federal agents the chicago i mean there's if you what happens if i just stay inside for the couple weeks there and then come back outside when they leave like criminals are very intelligent. they're not this is not intelligent the most useful
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here would be the bureau of. the battle particularly to deal with. the. man in the hands of criminals and you know working to get those kind of weapons out of the hands of people who. you know do mass shooting. bottle of the free world against tyranny that's the assessment of the u.s. secretary of state as washington declared it's taking on a new strategy against china president trump. has made very clear we need a strategy to protect the american economy and indeed our way of life through free world must try over this new tyranny we're joined live by china expert for us thanks so much for joining us professor good to have you on today of what the u.s. can learn from china now. called on other countries to take up the battle against china whatever that can be interpreted as do you think washington will get the
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backing of other governments on this. well well like get the backing from the 5 break they are close allies of the u.s. so. those would include the u.k. australia new zealand. they may also get the backing of japan which is also a very close ally of the us but it would be difficult to see many other countries fall in line to because many other countries have a lot of business dealings with china very deep relationships. on the diplomatic front as well and many other. times i just like education and other cultural ties and so i'm not so sure that other countries
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are going to necessarily. join and respond to pump ayos calling to do this because they probably don't see their interests really aligned with what some peo suggesting. a compiler compared to the ruling chinese communist party with the soviet union there's that kind of rhetoric to return to some sort of you know response mccall theism not looking quite dated to the modern day international order and how diplomacy should be conducted. yes it does sound a little off especially in this day and age when. many people in the united states are extremely upset with the very authoritarian way that the trumpet ministration is dealing with the protesters and basically accused china of not following the norms and you know by leading human rights
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a lot of people would probably cry foul and say oh you sound like you're being a hypocrite here so. i think that they're a little bit toned down on this one unfortunately because you know a lot of other people don't see it the way they do. right professor leach on expert author of the book what the u.s. kind of learned from china thanks so much for joining us that i great to get your take on the story thanks for having me. for most fun i'll join us again in 30 minutes with the latest headlines here on all things and i. always the issue of trying to playing out in the american election cycle and by the trade themselves as being tough on beijing maybe they are at least rhetorically but reality shows a very different story and it's bipartisan the commanding heights of industry and
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