tv The Big Picture RT July 24, 2020 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT
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no that's. which your thirst for. hello from rhode island where i live while we're all stickin close to home the star of that virus this is the ocean state which means we're very well ventilated and that's a good thing because early on in the outbreak we set uncomfortably between 2 of the hottest hot spots boston to the north and new york city to the south so we have been taking this very seriously as our governor gina rimando explains barry are
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only on in this crisis i took what some would say heavy handed approach i actually did use our national guard to monitor cars coming in from other states and including new york to ask them to go into quarantine if they were coming from a place like new york city that was a hot spot and i did take a little flak at that time for that approach but the truth of it is. like i've said rhode island the only state in america where we've tested 20 percent of the population hospitalizations are going down business has been open for months and i have to do everything that i need to own in order to keep commerce flowing in my state without hospitalizations going through the roof. and our station has rolled out the innovative crush kovi a smartphone app which jumpstart its contact tracing and contact tracing is the ballgame ambitious and successful as all of this has been here we are
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geographically the smallest state imagine a place where people come from all over the world all the time with all kinds of germs i am describing las vegas nevada which got it tough with unemployment during the shutdown what is the state of affairs in sin city now let's ask the author of cocktail waitress wisdom a life lessons learned while carrying a tray in las vegas she is the voice that's been waken up the valley for years heidi harris from k.m.c. cue radio and when i say welcome back i mean good to see you because heidi caught the cove it heidi i'm glad you're on the mend but when you weren't on a scale of one to 10 how bad was it pretty bad pretty bad good to see you i literally felt for i don't know days and days like i have been going over viney reeling i gotta tell you x.
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and chills and no time did i feel like i've. ever done whatever. it was it was a miserable little life. when i heard of this morning it's great to hear you're sounding chipper had to figure it out where you picked up the virus yeah i picked up the work. because i had done it we were my house. yeah well give it a radio station right correct i was going to the radio station not knowing and i'm not going to lay this on my employer's feet i'm not blaming there there were other people the building i did not know had it and it's a small building we're all sharing the same bathroom same breakthrough the same this is nat not wearing a mask you try to wash your hands i wasn't aware of it but you know if you're going to most people are going to get it sooner or later on some of those people and
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here's the difference. but. in this respect there are a lot of companies are. not. and that's. well while you were down for the count we had our talk radio brother john shaffer here to set the scene for us and he described something that seeing is believing from some of the video during the shutdown you locals who usually go out of your way to avoid the strip were bicycling and skateboarding and strolling down a darkened las vegas boulevard it looked just eerie now that the lights are back on what's the mood there admittedly you're staying home so you're hearing more about
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it than seeing it but are the crowds back now you know what i think the crowds are back in some places and not so much in others i take a quick story that i was leaving work before i got this and i was driving down the strip and there was a there were some horses and there was a big roman guy on the back of the horse was like something out of. walking. your crazy. whatsoever. you know that's going to be. so he threw stink it's a disparity. it's not the sort of light traffic i think so many conventions it would really be here. if we. were sitting. here it's not quite an experience it's the choir's.
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bar so that's great. yeah when the shutdown head to las vegas had the u.s.a.'s highest unemployment and obviously they're coming back gradually as is business overall but i want to pick up on an issue i saw you raised on social media how equitably is the workforce being invited back on the job in the hospitality industry. it's really really tough and i some people with a high seniority are getting called back some people are not getting called back yet they have a notice is that they have to legally send out 60 days before they do mass layoffs they call warfare and says we are going he said. over the next. in. your maybe. maybe. he. but i think it's. starting.
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to wonder. what they are. now. it's still a. period it's. it's like a kid they were shut down again we are speaking with author and las vegas radio host heidi harris last time i saw you i was in town for the massive mind boggling consumer electronics show and i am intrigued the plan for c e s 2021 to go again in january may be the world's biggest perennial trade show and not having seen you there then or at the cancelled national association of broadcasters convention in april i'm wondering how long can
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vegas a limp along without this big convention business because there's such a lean time built into planning these events right it can't can survive not some of the hotels the ones that get you know the weekend business fine but the big hotels they can't and we've got 150000 hotel rooms in las vegas because you know 40000000 euro here. it's. the last. you know what i know how he last. me forever teaching. you what i had been saying it would be. years 'd ago and over what not here so many of those well. there's no reason. for you to. be. here to. read. what others are where you can recognize those words but there is an.
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order but. every day. our combat governor here is getting props a plenty for her leadership during the crisis here in rhode island how is nevada's governor rated there how's he doing when he's are but he's absolutely horrible to the people who are good workers so that's all that over drivers all the entertainers the show people have virtually not been able to get what they call the p u a the pandemic got inflated assistance people are on twitter trashing the governor constantly they can't get through nobody gets their phone calls answer. paid to get appointed. it's not. in the biggest issue or it's we don't know what his plans are for tuesday so the boards there we don't know where they're going to reopen he doesn't get anybody at target we human. beings it's.
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well. and we can. $30000.00 cases that's one per cent raised in the $43.00. percent. me. it's what certain. hundreds of thousands of people were or weren't raised. it far fewer people. yes they are every life matters but circular tire stands for that people feel that. i love talking politics with you and i missed a chance to do so when they canceled the national association of broadcasters convention in april so i must ask donald trump did not carry nevada in 2016 i got about a minute left so wax heidi yes how's the look in 520 there in your state. well we
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don't have the best leadership in the nevada g.o.p. that's a big problem but i think we have a democrat governor a lot of people have watched her but it's a new year and i think that they possibly heard i think if americans are looking to you know we can. sort of you know i'm not a kool aid group here in times like 3 times like this agree i think people in there got it they're going to cut her a good start to the economy that's. really i think the only thing. that they like joe would like to work with the likes of. and what a sense together who can bring the economy aster i think. overriding issue out of the. yeah very understandable heidi harris k m z q radio in las vegas it is great to see you and to know that you're on the mend a coronavirus survivor. most years when cattle wait for new year's eve to kiss off the old year have you have enough yet our enthused panel is ready for the 2020
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halftime report when we come back this is the big picture on our team america. join me every thursday on the alex sullivan show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one percent of those but. no
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. i 1st heard about we do know. from the helicopter folks in iraq. i think that there are people who know 900 with military who have never forgiven for the traitor a true blue. book a little bit illegal so it was really starting to happen. in the pentagon journalists that you've heard. serious a lot of crimes to open up an audience. the idea of developing an anonymous digital trombones and appliance through the legal system. that was a friend's. control and just that it would be for sale while.
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in the room one of the world's most. usually myself during a thunderstorm every founder to the song get a song going on and there was a great deal of jealousy in the mainstream for the song going to why won't it be more like oh they have to seem all. this new. smile good luck for. me help giuliani sides in solitary confinement in the prison for terrorists await you know how it's a live person. i don't see him dying you know. i don't. know what he's thinking.
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how will you remember the year 2020 and i ask at the risk of you throwing something at your t.v. or stomping all over the tablet or smartphone you're watching or listening to this on it's been a rough year and nobody except perhaps the dog or the guy who sells plexiglas is enjoying all this stay at home time what next you are wondering let's ask a panel whose political views are shall we say asymmetrical. left you see jonathan harris you see him on just press play and on the right you see steve malzberg host of meet the press and no guest has appeared on the big picture since i took it over 3 years ago more than steve malzberg gentlemen welcome to the half time report. good to be here as we as we are now into the
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2nd half of the year let's take a snapshot of the usa millions infected some models have a couple of 100000 deaths as early as the end of this month the president dismissed all this early on the impeach president i should say we have the worst unemployment since the great depression social unrest rest of american people who just can't wait to get out of the house and are jumping the gun we had no 4th of july parade we had no summer olympics the fall semester is on the line jonathan then steve in that order in november how much of this should be the fault of candidate trump. i would lay it completely at the feet of the president ultimately that's where the buck stops it's his responsibility to make sure that all of these situations are taken care of according to a c. and b. c. poll 30. percent of americans are blaming trump for what's happened here i mean
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your 10135000 people dead 3 and a half 1000000 cases we're about 4 months into this we're seeing record high spike still that is nothing but poor leadership and hopefully in november with he's got a 38 percent approval rating so it looks like voters will be blaming him in november yeah these polls are all going in the same direction and stevie a member of the gipper is old proposition are you better off 4 than you were 4 years ago how much of this not do you think they should but do you think they will ascribe to the incumbent i don't think the virus is going to be the main thing in play when push comes to shove in november i think as your previous guest alluded to it might be the economy but i also think it's going to be law and order i think the fact that the president got the endorsement of the national association of police organizations a group that endorsed by obama biden twice and sat out o.
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16 i think speaks volumes and i think people get to get sick and tired of no law and order and people getting beaten up in the streets and crime getting out of control and if you don't have your safety and you're a mom and you don't have your safety for your children you can't walk the streets you can't do anything that supersedes just about everything and i think that that said by the way the polls you know that the polls are look what they were you know 16 people who are afraid to say they support him because they say it to the wrong person on the street they'll get beaten up and then nobody will care so i think they're afraid to tell pollsters that they're for trump i don't think that's what you saw holes and 2016 i think if you paid attention to the polls and 2016 they were actually pretty accurate national polls predicted that hillary clinton would win and nationally she won 3000000 more votes state by state polls were fairly accurate if you actually paid attention to the polls the 2016 polls are pretty accurate. jonathan you know i know i would mention the word. no but steve steve
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whenever this comes up i think the polls got it right because she did win the popular vote but they were asking the wrong question and i think they're going to be wiser this time about the electoral map steve how much you think the v.p. choice for joe biden makes usually it's not a big deal bush sr with dan quayle go down the line how big a deal is it this time with aging joe biden oh it's a huge deal there's a you know there's a good chance joe biden won't be able to finish out his term. and people have to realize that and i think also whether it's a african-american or not african-american i think whoever it is you're going to need that person to motivate the african-american base to come out and vote because without that vote you know in that enthusiasm it's going to be tough for joe biden to win so i think a lot goes into this pick probably it's the most important v.p. pick in maybe ever but certainly in recent history there's a there's a chance even. i'm sorry they say that but he won't finish out his term what is
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there like a 4 or 5 age your difference between biden and trump there's a chance he will forever you have you watched him have you watched him john i know you've watched him put it together joe biden can walk down a ramp so i mean yes i watch them that's that's you know he does his thing i ever heard but it's typical doesn't mean it is in better shape than the president out of frankly does that there are demo reels of trim slogans on it's been struggling to throw water and struggling to walk down a ramp i mean it is and i have. no doubt about it but those are a little side by side any day you know military you know what let's do a show on it let's do a show on it please have me on your show. steve i've been trying to get action safety as the number one issue as opposed to the virus steve malzberg would you today tend to trump rally. has it i i won't drive up to a gas station if the attendant is not wearing
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a mask that shows me ok and i got turned away from a gas station because i said i had my mask on in the car that's me and i signal to the guy said and he's like and he went go leave so i left so no i'm not going anywhere where there's crowds for anybody's rally or anything that i don't have to leave the house for if only that you will meet jonathan jonathan assuming that you are not so inclined to that particular event let me sort of ask the question a different way what if we had baseball and our world series champion washington nationals path to the stadium would you feel comfortable going to the game well you know i'd actually probably be more inclined to go to a trump earlier than a sporting event or really go to either one but in terms of crowds no i mean i would definitely try to heed the advice and stay away from crowds and it's a shame that our president doesn't feel the same way and thinks it's appropriate to hold. protests are ok well did the protests spike cases or oh no that is it ok they
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don't shout that you can't catch you there they're they've studied the protests and they found cases did not spike because people were wearing masks it's very cerebral and they were outdoor they were not at about an hour ago a miracle are you are you are you are you saying those that's not true because it's actually true of the spikes did not occur obviously we had a spike all over the country saying we had a spike all over the country about 3 weeks after the protests and they tried to blame it on bars opening up in localities so i don't buy they and their studies i buy but i saw with my own eyes and the media ignoring the danger of the guys i said no work is not that jungle it was here when the new york says. they jumped on with the bars and these pool parties in the ozarks and those kids in michigan the governor of oklahoma is positive after having attended the rally in tulsa so i think the. you're going to see a lot of gov striving to put the toothpaste back in the tube but still there are
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silver linings that emerge from a moment like this and while she choose the term the new normal our governor is pointed something out here in rhode island anywhere in america pick a state any state if you say division of motor vehicles it sounds like you're setting up a joe you can picture a half a day wasted waiting in line etc and as many states did we moved a lot of things on the line here in rhode island and for the functions you could only transact in person you would make an appointment and go there and guess what after the shutdown is over this is the way it's going to be so instead of us waiting for them they will be waiting for us when you have to go fix your license plates or whatever what other good do you guys see coming out of this jonathan then steve well ultimately you've got again trump of the 38 percent approval rating for
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months out from the election so one of the best things that can come out of this is him getting out of our white house i think that will be one of the best moments for the country i think it's so interesting that you have him tweeting law and order all this chaos is happening on his watch it's almost as if he's allowed himself to disconnect himself from what is going on in the country so i think that while the commute in roger stone right it's like roger is like law and order but you can commute sentences for people work and get that fascinating but i think one of the best things going forward will be him getting out of our white house and having the nation heal and come back together under someone who is actually a responsible person who cares to actually govern for the whole country as someone said and i don't remember where it was but this is an original thought but they were saying that essentially trump is the one of the 1st presidents that doesn't govern for the whole country he governs for his base which is at this point sort of the country so yes that will be one of the equation going forward yeah it worked steve what do we have yet already going to. yeah well 1st of all departing
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roger stone it's his constitutional right to pardon to commute sentences and if you were if that we had an honest media in this country this would be put into context bill clinton pardon the f a l n terrorists 16 of them against the advice of the justice department and the congress voted overwhelmingly after the fact to condemn it barack obama for a pardon the bomb maker of the f.a.l. and terrorist states manning still gave away our secrets to a general who lied to the f.b.i. so don't make it sound like donald trump parting roger stone but is anything anything stated context of history and facts yes if only there were a t.v. show to critique the news media but back to my question what do we have to look forward to in the new normal. well i think you're going to see a lot of changes with the way college is done business meetings again as your guests in las vegas alluded to you're not going to see as many conventions you're going to see a lot of shows maybe coming from home but t.v.
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networks doing things differently everything is going to be done slightly differently on a on a scale some will do everything radically different i think you know just over from slightly to radically different it depends on the industry it depends on what we're talking about but this will and i don't know that it's good i mean i don't know that any good comes out of these deaths and you know even if you don't like your political candidate to say that that's the good that comes out of of the pandemic and by the way it's state by state the president had no power over opening states are not opening states and it was the fact he said it with a march said you know i don't wear a mask your day don't go out and you get schmidt's in there touch your face you don't want to wear a mask and he admitted that he lied because they were afraid they'd have a shortage of bass so how many people die because found out she lied about wearing masks that is what i want to total authority over whether or not john and i wrap it up i got 30 seconds just so you know tom did say that a total of 40 overstates and whether or not they could reopen and then he had to
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walk that back when someone reminded him of what his actual job was but on the upside i do think it will be nice to i think we've learned that a lot of us can work from home it's a lot a lot of families to stay together spend more time together so if there is a silver lining to the poor leadership that we've had from a man who thinks that we should be injecting disinfectant go to los angeles or new delhi india look up and you see blue skies so some good will come of this because we've given muddler nature. jonathan harris steve malzberg thank you for stepping into the big picture here and thank you for enduring that shouting match if you see us somewhere else and it's easier for you do you know that r t america has the live stream at youtube dot com slash r t america. and or cord cutters we are direct t.v. channel 321 we are on pluto t.v. channel 279 we are on the dish dish at channel 280 and if you haven't yet you
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corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. jesse but. one you're welcome. come on. the world according to shush ish. today we discuss new twists in the geoffrey epstein case and america's secret police sit tight the show starts null. the world looking pretty i should proceed in fantasy for our top story today the family of a federal judge overseeing
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