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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  July 24, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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you cannot be both with the yeah you like. ukase opposition the labor party is pushing for artie's broadcast license to be revoked demanding the ban in a letter to britain's independent t.v. regulator. an encounter with a u.s. fighter jet and several are injured on board an iranian passenger plane as the pilot makes a dangerous maneuver to avoid a collision. and china orders the united states to shut its consulate in the city of chengdu in response to the closure of their own in texas u.s. secretary of state accuses beijing of trying to establish quote
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a new tyranny. those are the headlines from all those stories you can head to our team stay with us now image international for more of a program. welcome to redacted tonight this is the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents the tsunami is almost here looming may soon to make 28000000 people homeless in the united states 28000000 of actions to put that into perspective only 10000000 people lost their homes during the 2008 you cannot macwrite this and that was considered the craziest thing that they've ever happened and this would be 3 times as crazy. to talk about the impending home of this avalanche we have to 1st ignore the fact that our government could totally bail people out and keep them in their homes
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not only have they already bailed out big banks and wall street to the tune of $4.00 trillion dollars but you also have to remember that the pentagon has over $21.00 trillion dollars of unaccounted for adjustments on their books over the past 20 years so there is plenty of money money is not a problem money isn't ideal right it's a concept right and the us government has unlimited imagination as philosopher alan watts once put it saying there's not enough money to do something it's like a builder saying there's not enough inches to build a house he has the wood the nails the hammers he's just out of injuries the u.s. government could easily give every american $2000.00 a month for the foreseeable future which would keep most people in their homes and apartments but ignore the fact that there's enough money let's look for past that
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for a 2nd there's also another amp to homes as of 2018 there are nearly 1500000000 vacant homes in the us yet there are an estimated 553740 2 people experiencing homelessness on any given night so that means even before the pandemic there were 3 empty houses for every homeless person we could give every homeless person 3 and steve how does this not even accounting for empty apartments jobs shed jaxtr bedrooms garages condos cubbyholes attic spaces basements pull out and walk in refrigerators and you wouldn't notice any difference except that homelessness would be over. the only difference is hugo whatever that guy usually sleeps over in the tomato patch over there oh he's not only in the richest country
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in the world anymore oh how odd that would be the difference no more people on the street no more fear that a little bad luck in your life and you your family could could end up under a bridge given a guy your underwear in exchange for a sandwich and all that madness would be to her and the impending number of actions 28000000 that isn't even accounting for how many people stay in a horrible relationships because they can't afford a place of their own both horrible marriages and other living arrangements like the 25 year old who has to live with his mom who cleans her feet on the couch every night while watching wheel of fortune and eating soup that smells like a rotting raccoon carcass that 25 year old should be given a free apartment but let's back up even further and question the brain parasites we were given with our social engineering why should someone be homeless
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just because they don't have enough money think about it what are the reasons because guys then work 2 hard enough so that i did have to be homeless dad called words addict at tech and that's what our country founded upon george washington john things jumping forward motor company man. now it's not our country is not founded on how hard someone works often doesn't even matter in our society how many filthy rich trust fund kids sit around there is all day smoking weed out of the fossilized skull of an exotic lemur yet they're still rich how many trophy wives are trophy husbands sit around the pool all day in the sunshine they don't work hard giving yourself does not count as a job even if it is working with your hands how many some poor fluids board members
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get paid 800002 sit on a board and attend one conference call a month even people that do work for their fortunes like a c.e.o. do you honestly believe that they work 1000000 times arguer than a janitor or a dishwasher or a coal miner now they don't work harder at all what's the hardest job in the world probably ripping a specialist out of a dilapidated sewage treatment plant in phoenix arizona in a $110.00 degree heat with improper safety equipment do you think those guys get paid the highest amount of money out of and he won because they work the hardest no they're lucky if they get dental they're lucky if their lunch break is long enough for a sandwich and a piss america is that based on hard work get it out of your head the decided it
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is that all set up to be fair who are you kidding fair would be everyone with a roof over their head fair would be every kid getting a solid education fair would be every person drinking do this just amazing clean water fair is the opera sent oh really whatever the hell we're doing here. but none of that argument exists in our culture you won't see it on your mainstream media will you instead the banks and the landlords are profiting to kick 28000000 people out but why is that like the bank is going to resell all those homes during the oncoming depression and during a pandemic now those homes will sit empty just like the 10000000 foreclosed homes during the 2008 great recession sat empty for months if not years so the reason for kicking people out is simply. to make sure they're homeless
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how can that make sense really the banks and the landlords and the sheriff's deputies who enforce and fictions they need to change their job title it should be homelessness creators and then at barbecues they can tell people what i do. i go around town and i create homeless people and it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it right if not where would we get all the homeless the said he would be plumb out a homeless if i were on the job. if the goal is to have a good functioning society it makes no sense to kick people out of their shelters the families will be devastated the kids will be traumatized bourses all career suicide perhaps addiction overdoses it's hell none of that is good for society it's just terrible what's good for society that people are comfortable in their homes able to educate and get educated and grow as a human whatever happened to human growth the closest we have nowadays is human
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growth hormone so a defensive lineman can turn another player into dust. with a guy that variable status now og's because when they detained sam parson ola found some other day that's the argument every vomit brained fox news guest spits out right personal responsibility. it's impossible to be responsible for something no one saw coming did anyone see the pandemic coming did anyone including the government prepare for it now and in fact we've bailed out whole industries the airline industry for example billions of dollars just given to them how are they any different from a homeowner who lost their job in a pandemic there is no difference should the airline c.e.o.'s be the ones a victim left out on the straight and live in a cardboard box no no no no we can't have personal responsibility for the ruling elite only for the normal. not to mention and this is one really going to
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blow a hole through your pants it's cheaper to keep people in their homes for example utah always spending on average $20000.00 on each chronically homeless person so to in part cut those costs but also to save lives the state started setting up cry to each chronically homeless person with his or her own house edward by 2018 they cut homelessness by 91 percent and saved the state tons of money of course since then the homeless this has gone back up in utah it's tough to say why the one director of the utah food pantry said the mistake we made was stopping the program ah ah that may have been that you found out how to end homelessness and then you scots do we not why in this country do we run screaming from every good idea like it's
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the angry hive of bees that all want to talk to you about life insurance. so here are the solutions housing should be a human right we have enough homes we have enough material we have enough dollars and enough inches it doesn't need to be a mansion but everyone should have a roof over their heads and 4 good walls hell i'll even compromise 2 and a half good ball player is hilton's dogs have a mansion for god's sake let me guess those dogs work hard to get where they are the next solution is to bite the impending a vixens don't let the authorities kick your friends and neighbors on to the street we have a strong suppressed history in this country of fighting against landlords and the cruelty of a vicious such as the great rent strike of 1932 in the bronx fighting back is not just an option it's an obligation if you're strong enough to fight back against your profit based social engineering then you will soon realize housing
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should be a human right coming to you from washington d.c. the belly the basis is redacted denies. girl's mom lead campanella check the news room as the mainstream media and the politicians try to move past it the fight to seriously change our disastrous and brutal policing system continues black lives matter protest persis even though they are getting less coverage in your mainstream media and villainous mobs often show up to fire tear gas and rubber bullets at the unarmed people those mobs are known by the spanish term the polling. and of course then there's the unmarked and
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identified federal agent goons who trump sent to portland oregon and began they began grabbing protesters and throwing them into unmarked mini vans that looked like they were stolen from a villainous soccer mom we now know those agents were part of the department of homeland security but the defund the police movement is not backing down so let's take and let's us to get to something here what is it police really do with their days what are we funding what is it they do with their days a chart about this grab my attention recently and what makes this so interesting is that it's a charge by jerry ratcliffe a pro police former british police officer who's now a professor in philadelphia and a consultant to the f.b.i. and the a.t.f. and he wrote an article about a most people they just don't get it they don't understand what policing involves and he created a chart to show how little of policing is actually dealing with violent crime and
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murder and his charges are wrong it's just his conclusions are very wrong here's the chart he created. the size of each box represents the amount of time a police officer spends on that activity so let's go through some of these unfounded radio calls is the biggest one there then there's derelict vehicles requests for information lot of time spent on those fire alarms city business lost property none of that should be done by maniacs we've sorry man and woman the acts with guns traffic accidents medical assistance disorderly crowds none of that should be dealt with by armed people with little training so you want to see the part of police time out of all those a part of police time that should involve a guy with a gun. maybe that little red box can see it and if you see a little red box in the bottom right corner homicide
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a real killer on the loose that's it that's all i'm not saying there aren't some times when cops should be careful there are there's some times when they they might need to use the pepper spray because a sports enthusiast who happens to also be a tequila enthusiasm is wildly punching anyone who's not an eagles fan but about $98.00 or 99 percent of what the police do right now should really not involve the police even mr x. police officer jerry ratcliffe said it's all the media frets over a homicide it can be seen in the lower right as one of the least noticeable boxes in the graph the majority of the police departments workload is the day to day minutiae of life in the big city that means according to the police's own statistics the jordie of the police workload should not be the police workload those saying those things should be done by an assortment of mental health
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professionals social workers firefighters private detectives and for the lost property all guys in socks with sandals holding metal detectors who can spend hours combing through the sand of the riverbank because their daughter doesn't speak to them anymore ever since she said you have to choose between me and the jack daniels and he chose the jack. having police in charge of things like lost property makes as much sense as putting a drug addict with no experience in charge of fixing a leak in your roof sure both activities have to do with crack but he's not the right guy for the job. the only real reason police officers are involved with doing all of these things is because the ruling elite of the fascist state want to make sure they have a lot of people with guns standing in every corner in case they need to activate those soldiers most cops are there to remind you don't stand up don't 5 fight back
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don't don't just live out your days being exploited by your corporate owners who can't remember how many cars or how many children they have nor what color they are kids or the cars you work for $10.00 an hour and they make $10000000.00 a year off your labor with a system set up like that no wonder they need a lot of cops around just in case and you start thinking about things you know think about things is the number one criminal charge for those serving hard time and in maximum security prisons now i was once a i was one facing 1st degree premeditated thinking about things that means they said i thought about things in order to plan to think about things i brought the charges up i had a solid alibi television my brain was not active it was in a vegetative state known as glow the netflix series glow. we have to go to
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a short break but if you're watching this on you tube go get our full episodes on the free streaming app portable t.v. we will still be putting all the clips of redacted tonight on you tube but the full episodes will be at portable dot t.v. of the right back a lot more. always the issue of trying to playing out in the american election cycle and by the trade themselves as being tough on beijing or at least rhetorically but reality shows a very different story and it's bipartisan the commanding heights of industry and finance poured in china for decades in the ridges the show is this china. capitalism in the united states and in the united states the leading capitalists in
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this country are now global capitalism. that leaves the big middle class without jobs without a future it's a disaster year covered over with. but the reality is a disaster and it was from you would see other people emerge trying to make a political career buy for you their. welcome back i'm still the camp all across the country voting irregularities threaten our democracy as the november election begins to rear its ugly head and it's not just republicans who are to blame for more we go to our intelligence failure anders away.
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whether it's forcing elderly patients back into their nursing homes trying to cut medicaid during a pandemic or adding an entirely new sexual orientation to the kinsey scale. new york governor andrew cuomo has had his hands full recently. he's been so busy these days it doesn't seem like all of the time to ensure that every vote gets counted from last month's primary elections earlier in the year the state of new york decided to require that all absentee ballots be postmarked on or before election day june 23rd but someone at the new york board of elections forgot to look the out of lope on their memo to u.s.p.s. since according to a democratic elections commissioner there has been an ongoing issue with the postal service not postmarking election mail even if it had a stamp in several cases postal workers have refused to postmark absentee ballots because they're considered business reply this could invalidate thousands of ballots through no fault of the voter whatever the mistake may be
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a coalition of good government groups has sent andrew cuomo a letter asking him for an executive order validating all absentee ballots received by june 30th regardless of postmark sounds like a no brainer for a true blue progressive like governor cuomo what better way to position yourself as the anti trump than restoring voting rights in your state at a time when draconian residency requirements have purged millions from the voter rolls but just as all the cuomo sexual is queued up to watch a stream of their italian stallion save democracy with a sexy flick of his wrist the governor's top spokesman rich as a party released this statement so to same self-appointed unself named good government groups who want to strip the government of his executive authority and they make now want to use his executive authority to achieve one of the it policy goals scuse me i just went. when i asked a follow up question as a party and a move characteristic of the cuomo administration's p.r.
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strategy put his hand under his chin while grabbing his testicles the policy goal he's referring to is protecting democracy seems like an odd thing for a democratic governor to object to starts to make a little more sense though when you consider that the borough with the highest number of rejected ballots to. 28 percent is brooklyn andrew cuomo of course is a queens kid but that's not the only possible explanation this year in brooklyn there were 5 socialist candidates running for the new york legislature 4 of which were endorsed by the democratic socialists of america's new york city chapter all of these campaigns had a strong grassroots organizing component and appear to have done significantly better with absentee ballots than on election day volunteers have been working on these campaigns for the past year registering new people to vote and encouraging them to do so by mail for their own health and safety and a record number of new yorkers tried to do just that over 700000 voters in new york city requested absentee ballots this year and just around half of those were sent
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back thanks to governor cuomo and his cronies or cuomo if you will at the board of elections around 100000 ballots have been thrown out but even that hasn't stopped socialist candidates from new york assembly like community activist emily gallagher and williamsburg union nurse vera sue front forest and crown heights or tenant organizer marsh element pena as in sunset park from coming out of election night deficits taking the lead with absentee votes and unseating bought and paid for politicians who've been in office since chris cuomo was a size of a rigatoni and they did it by running on a platform including universal health care and a holmes guarantee when a horrifying vision for qualities and cuomo sexual assault if you want homelessness in n.y.c. just won't feel like to york any more as one brooklyn democratic insider said it's a bloodbath for the incumbents and not the kind of bloodbath that the cuomo family is used to. even with all the political
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machinery in the state of new york andrew cuomo fingertips poor and working people can still come together and form a people powered movement that looks at their sleazy governors corrupt agenda and says forget about it. from the greatest city in the world i mean really what the doctor did not say so it's time to talk about some of the other developing stories we're following here with me is redacted correspondent naomi caravan a you know me thank you for having me thanks for being here what you got person woman and camera and t.v. well done and yeah i think you're going to be president that's all it takes all and that's a great quote of our president current president right now. well we do i do remember some other stories there is a 15 year old in michigan who was sent to juvenile detention for not doing her online homework now i don't know if anybody's doing their on line homework so you know the terms and it's like juvie prison yes but this is the only this is you know
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. this is a big deal until it gets into this like it's not so yeah and especially during cold that they're trying to decrease their numbers in jails and juvenile detention and people have been released but they're trying to increase the numbers before covert decreases and yeah exactly exactly in the copa numbers in juvenile detention are going up and vulnerable kids are getting sick and they have underlying conditions like i obviously do right now. to juvenile detention for not doing homework yeah well it was she was violating the terms of her probation and part of her probation was to do her online homework she was sent there in may but then they reviewed her case this week and this was the 1st time she saw her mother in months and she was basically exceptional doing exceptionally well in this in this institution and the judge said since you're doing so well there we think you should
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stay your blooming there those are the best judges when they're like because you're doing so well they're used to being there or because you're not doing well we're keeping you there yeah basically no matter what you're there and it's not surprising because a lot of these juvenile detention centers are for profit. so obviously there's a whole kids' for profit scam that's going on and you know our criminal justice system is a disaster and it's now hitting children as well that one of the philadelphia d.a. the district attorney he said that he is going to rest federal agents who either kidnap or beat protesters in philadelphia now this is larry krasner he's one of the more progressive v.a.'s and it's important to keep your eye on election of d.a.'s of your district because this is the kind of thing doesn't happen if you have some big impact this is pretty cool i would like to see that go down where they're trying to i mean a could be the realest it could been it could be like this gets to
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real maybe if local law enforcement starts fighting federal law enforcement i think that's the beginning of the civil war but maybe maybe it will send a message a message to these federal agents that they can't just you know rule with tyranny in in philadelphia and they can just go around kidnapping people maybe the least articulating the on more committee room yeah i hope so i hope that'll get parking tickets just like everybody else made it out of my family and like we're going to stay the kids get every vote as we just kind of for the party yeah i mean and i must be hard to park a minivan there usually in the minivan you know with out getting the fire hydrant i would imagine those are the gas mask on a very. good for the checks. thank you for having me.
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here are your headlines from the future in a couple of months after winning month long of vision fight man realizes he kind of hates this crappy apartment and away from now you'll learn. tampa police jobs are trying to fathom way to use firearms to find lost giles. coming up in a couple of weeks. american government wins the battle for poor little oregon begins taking control of the oil supplies and opium fields well that is standard operating procedure that's our show but you can go watch my free standup comedy special at leat camp american dot com also check out my new book full of comedy politics and revolution at leat camp book dot com until next goodnight and keep fighting.
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is you'll be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. already made of the shallow. syria has been engulfed in civil most 10 years it cost hundreds of thousands of
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lives and displaced millions more no $1.00 foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 and is collating into a complex conflict between various armies geopolitical interests rebel groups just . how they are on the dock on this. but if you tell us if you say in the hague because of. of course as you know it's also as you can. message to look cool and. let you know deep comedic. about them on. an ordinary i sat down i. noticed as i was the mother and then as she did what i did on this decade. it.


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