tv News RT July 25, 2020 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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u.s. agents break into the former chinese consulate in houston hours after it's vacated on washington's orders at the world in the chinese city of chengdu people. down america's consulate general shut down by b. fishing in a tit for tat retaliation. both of those protesters burned turkish flags in the greek city of saloniki outraged by turkey's decision to turn. back into a mosque. barbaric and on civilized turning points of fear. this is not right from turkey it's because they have the
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year churches to create a theory that. the u.s. ban on the fiction the pandemic expires despite a soaring infection rate. looking at just about. families in households many the 1st time there has been. in terms of how we will the. courts open back up. for good morning to please that you can join us here on the internet. first this hour the feud between the world's 2 largest economies china and the united states is ratcheting up in a cold war style standoff less than an hour after chinese officials left their consulate in houston following to close that facility. american or thirties and
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officials were seen forcibly entering the building where it was cordoned off and a group of men were spotted trying to break into the facilities in tools before they wanted to enter the building officials were seen trying 3 separate entrances but without success in the mall cleanness was seen taking out the rubbish at the u.s. consulate general in the chinese city of chengdu ageing is told america to vacate those premises in a tit for tat measure. they still comes as a chinese research reserve wrested by american or for a t's she's accused of allegedly hiding her military affiliations in her visa application and is believed to be sheltering in the chinese consulate in san francisco auntie's don't call her looks at the recent escalation of tensions between the 2 foes and the latest cold war style rhetoric coming from u.s. secretary of state. since the 1970 s. u.s. foreign policy has used more honey than vinegar in its dealings with beijing china has definitely changed as a result but not exactly the way washington wanted it to you know the world was
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much different than we imagine think you shouldn't which and it would produce a future with bright promise of comedy and cooperation. but today today we're all still wearing masks and watching the pandemics body count rise because the c.c.p. failed in its promises to the world. we're reading every morning new headlines of repression in hong kong and we're watching a chinese military the grow stronger and stronger and indeed more menacing that if we want to have a free 21st century and not the chinese century of which dreams. the old paradigm of blinding gauge with china simply won't get it done pompei of speech seems to have a lot in common with that of winston churchill's when he declared an iron curtain had descended across europe dividing it into soviet and western spheres it was the beginning of the cold war and with pump ails us against them rhetoric another cold war between the u.s. and china may be brewing this isn't about containment don't buy that. it's about
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a complex new challenge that we've never faced before. the u.s.s.r. was closed off from the free world communist china is already within our borders washington's hostile stance is no doubt part of a recent pitfall in sino u.s. relations while waistband in the u.s. accusations of tech that disputes in the south china sea it's all reminding experts of a warning former president richard nixon made decades ago we must cultivate jointed during the next few decades want it is learning to develop its national strength and potential otherwise we will one day be confronted with the most of the middle enemy that has ever existed in the history of the world unfortunately for washington nixon was right when he was president china. still an economically backwards country with its eyes on rapid development fast forward to the present and the communist parties accomplished much of what it set out to do it's lifted
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millions out of abject poverty it led the country to what looks like a quick recovery from the cold 1000 pandemic and it doesn't seem willing to stop in the face of washington statements. which ignore facts and often of ideological bias and cold war mentality are a hodgepodge of political allies tense and we made recently by senior u.s. official accusations of human rights abuses authoritarian name calling pompei was even labeled china's system a new tyranny does all sound a bit crusading but then again it's not anything new in america's foreign policy playbook the tree of tyranny in this hemisphere cuba venezuela and nicaragua has finally met its match pressers regimes and ideologies forces of oppression to tallaght tarion ism and domination while despite the trumpet ministrations best efforts the so-called troika of tyranny is still around even where u.s. backed regime change was successful it's still no walk in the park in iraq the
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government is basically powerless to combat militias that see it as a us puppet and in countries where the u.s. failed like venezuela it's a huge waste of taxpayer money china though is a lot more powerful and with u.s. allies unwilling to get behind this new strategy paul might need to rethink his approach. on the love alone. is a senior research fellow at the chin yang institute for financials that is a university of china for good morning what do you make of the latest remarks coming from one pump 1st of all. i think many people who are always compared to. food turn speech are going to show not show interest but i think there's something different because i prefer to. speak. similar like. because she lost a centrally 50 this year in the us congress with foolish allies and their
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accusation without evidence against the committee is a party against the china attitude i think this time. performed even further than the group to stay productive against their china so without any evidence that it just to criticize china without evidence or would accusation no good to her vocation so very negatively image about her trying out it isn't what you want to do so who want to build up a so called an affront a lie all you unify the lion in the world attack the 2 against their china but i don't think you were succeeded when you have to economic powerhouses like the usa and china feuding what does that mean for the world's economy. i think if they don't they really fight it's their so-called war with china i think it is a pressure on the temperature to the whole world economy especially for the united states so i don't think united states can stay there as
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a line alone dr without china as i see it in the other without the work that the corporations the industry that we find that the many and billionaires who are be stopped and there are you too are damaging basic alliance of the united states in the past still take it we have to see the truth that the effect that the united states has many benefits from china's development they have enjoyed that they are they still live for that do with chinese products and a quality. product delivered a form trying that it is the wire that the united states can be their super power the only super power in the to pastor to take to deal with the treadmill as a helper with china's economy it development that if you to this is the factor we should to let the american people know it. says that china cannot be a friend is that true is geopolitics is the global economy is it
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a 0 sum game if if if one country benefits does another superpower have to lose or can they actually all prosper. i think that these are remarks from pumping or yes something different as window that said that you're trying to cannot be a good friend but to actually china is really a good friend there in which the united states is in the past or to a technical crew taken a special after trying to open up a policy that has taken in in force women and the united states are now trying to really become a quote it helped economically and scientifically i think american side has also benefited who with china's looking man show in this way you. think a country to be 23 in their philosophy in china we have the civil lawsuit that we'd prefer to have them all friends don't like to have an enemies because there's a very famous for loss of a in china will say that more burned more opportunities are there in america in the
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united states sheepishly pro-business administration they just try to make more enemies in the world struggle to find that's difficult and they're also destroy all the bases of corporations amount people always try to provoke the companies between countries on also trying to create a destructive among people especially in china try to find the. destructive between people and the communist party the ruling party. getting the wrong tool for the united states they should understand that really the philosophy and the culture in the world at that there is no one that a could dominate the world that this is time is changing. many thanks i'll be speaking to lucia chin is a senior research fellow at the chung institute for financial studies that said jim in university of china thank you thank you. and on to other news now angry protests across greece have full of the reopening of the highest fear as
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a mosque yesterday therefore museum held its 1st muslim prayers in almost 90 years into saloniki orthodox protesters burned turkish flags demonstrators there marched on the country's consulate and chanted anti ankara slogans condemning the reconversion here's what some of them had to say. this is a totally barbaric and on civilized move turning heise of fear into a mosque it's nice eric to go against all our to the people this is not right from the turkish because they have be your churches decreed to be about friday's muslim prayers to crowds of worshippers who filled the nearby square presidents tired their one was also in attendance surrounded by senior officials the turkish leader participated in the service and reciting verses from the qur'an he then expressed his delight at the reconversion. used to live in them. this is been
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a yearning since our youth we used to say let the chains break in high as severe as a mosque we've ended an 86 year period where the highest fear has now returned to it was a mosque and it's a mosque again. i sit here is an iconic monument acknowledged as a world heritage site by unesco the cathedral was built by the roman empire and became a mosque after the ottoman conquest and it was converted into a museum in 135 but earlier this month turkey transformed it back into a mosque has some of the reaction in greece. this time step from other. idea that it to paper called the nasal. and the 1st movement of and you'll air out of. now on the money smart from. that part of her packing. some 3rd to order over the world that some court or the.
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jury deliberated it is yours because you know someone made these ignore newman to believe a certain god someone else's. to be slander since he wants to put he's got he said his money it's. going to the u.s. where an eviction meant to soften the blow of the coronavirus crisis expires today puts millions of americans at risk of losing the homes comes as the daily infection right there shows little sign of slowing down on the scale of more pain reports. with the united states hit harder than any other nation by the coronavirus things to be getting worse with many americans becoming a lot more vulnerable very soon after the eviction ban is lifted millions of americans who are renters who live in buildings with mortgages backed by the government could soon be out on the streets here in new york record trains of folks
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that were applying for temporary housing in a. shelter system more than what we had seen in many many years and there has not been a response in terms of how we will address the court's opened back up when people facing addictions so we're looking at just about thousands tens of thousands of families in households facing homelessness many for the 1st time in their lives now aside from the huge social shock this is also a public health emergency all of those who've been turned out of their homes will huddle together with relatives or seek shelter. when copa 19 was added. it was a fight to try to get our elected officials to understand that folks need to be isolated and that it's a keep them safe from cope 19 so we found that a lot of our homeless by this is. what actually avoid going into
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a shelter knowing that they were overcrowded air and cubase and for the spread of over 19 and they would have rather it stay on the street whether that been an incoming weather whether that would have been without the proper resources on the street the pandemic has brought the u.s. economy to a standstill it appeared that the surge in job losses was subsiding but this past week job loss numbers have been rising once again many fear that the u.s. economy is too weak to swiftly recover certainly $3000000.00 americans are officially unemployed now the $600.00 per week unemployment inhance meant is currently set to expire it could be extended if congress chooses to do that but it appears that's unlikely at the moment. unfortunately by all accounts the senate republicans are drafting legislation that comes up short in a number of vital areas such as extending unemployment benefits or funding for rental assistance hazard premium pay for front line workers or investments in
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communities of color being ravaged by the virus and many other necessary provisions the u.s. senate is currently deadlocked over the economic stimulus bill with many hoping that it will pass in august meanwhile the infection rates in a number of u.s. states are rising and as it appears that a number of americans are on the brink of losing their incomes and their homes the situation in the united states regarding the pandemic is starting to look pretty bleak cable martin r.t. new york. the chief of the u.k. arts charity has accused british museum something hypocritical in support of the blank lives matter movement or francis says that these institutions should 1st relinquish items in their collections taken by force from africa he explained his position to us. you've got to clean up your own house before you start talking about other people the simple response to it it's contradictory really to not
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have dealt with the whole issue of colonial problem and also the lack of go-go's italy in the work. i've also and also support those matters incompatible to me. with comments come after several high profile galleries and museums responded to the black lives matter movement with words of support the british museum's director for example wrote a blog post last month saying the museum stands in solidarity with the black community across the world but the british museum itself been under pressure for years to return works of art looted from former british colonies think they've been in bronze is taken by british soldiers from nigeria the greeks parthenon marbles and an easter island statue u.k. legislation currently prevents national institutions from returning looted items in their collections except in the case of art stolen during the nazi era but a british museum spokesperson said the institutions working on changes when it
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comes to displaying the objects and he's being open about the history of the collections in several francis again he says that museums need to change. the role of museums is being called into question and also the means by which their collections have been assembled is being questioned there's quite a lot of documentation about how these objects came into the possession of the museum so all we need to know is whether or not it was taken with consent when asking for a new kind of music that is more humanitarian and pays greater attention to human rights. watch not international coming up after the break we'll look at some of the chaos created after england's ranks facemask in public i think the trick hands and feet not just.
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welcome back in england face coverings an hour mandatory in all public spaces this however has raised the question of who should monitor compliance some shop owners are saying that they will not enforce the new rule the u.k. correspondent isa explains. provide a it's now mandatory for people in england to wear a face mask when they go to shop for the supermarket so they go to pick up a delivery now we're going to go on to the streets of london to try to see what the public think they should done this before coronavirus went into lockdown the fact that on the one people 100 pounds. and probably money other people's health just
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that that makes a perfect picture of government. i think we should have been implementing from the beginning. i think it's important to abide by these rules result think there's a lot of science that goes behind coming up with these rules most of the shops that i went into weren't really forcing the rules those that were just said that they would recommending people to where mosques to cover their faces now many of those shop workers don't want to be enforcing those rules because they fear aggression and backlash from certain members of the public if they were to try to make people wear masks with hundreds of incidents of violence and abuse directed at retail stuff every day we welcome denouncement that in force meant to be left to their thoughts rather than potentially put in hard working retail colleagues in harms way if. someone refuses to wear a face mask probably we can kindly asked him to leave but as to enforcing it it's
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not it's viable it will be certain people who would be upset about it. and indeed the most controlling boss of us also as well is a weekend in force if you can always encourage people to have it but. god knows how we can or should the government of said that those who refuse to wear face masks when going into shops could be fined up to $100.00 pounds should an individual without an exemption refuse to wear a face covering a shop can refuse them entry and can call the police if people refuse to comply the police have formal him. powers and can issue a fine and the police don't seem to be too keen either saying that making them in force that is both unrealistic and unfair policing the wearing of face coverings in shops can't be a priority because we simply don't have the resources to expect my colleagues to be policing the supermarket aisles looking for those shoppers not wearing
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a face covering is unrealistic and unfair the police on the only ones who have been left frustrated with the british medical association saying that these measures have come in far too late for months doctors at the british medical association have called on the government to ask people to wear face coverings up until now the government has refused so this step is long overdue the u.k. has had one of the worst coronavirus death tolls of any country around the world there are some who say that these measures are better late than never but many others who feel that it's far too little or through they easily r.t. london. britain's b.b.c. is facing pushback over the decision to end free t.v. licenses for most of the u.k. senior citizens the u.k.'s media minister though thinks he has the answer. very much hope that those on low income will take up pension credit and so continue to
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be able to watch television but of course there are other medes i mean if they are anxious to obtain information then you can listen to any number of b.b.c. radio channels and you do not require to have a t.v. license. the b.b.c. will stop providing free t.v. licenses for most people older than 75 the decision will come into effect next month 2 months later than initially planned due to the pandemic means more than 3000000 households will need to pay the fee the movement sharply criticized the prime minister spokespersons called it the wrong decision the b.b.c. however says that it was made in the financial pressure we should otherwise impact on programming. the charity case called with a kick in the teeth pointing out many old people live alone according to educate 2 out of 5 people over the age of 75 seen t.v. as their main form of company now they are only entitled to a free license if they have a low income the charity says almost 600000 of those who have this right don't use it we got reaction to the decision in london. pension at 65 now it's going up what
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60 something i want to get to t.v. license to give you free travel on the buses so why not free t.v. license the b.b.c. is a monolith it's quite wealthy which manages mega bucks cut those give it to pensioners most of us is not go along to live off to 75 you know give back a little pay some people then they worked all day long for and they paid. taxes and they are entitled to at the end of their life to enjoy a pretty view and i think some of them don't see anybody for time you know the only person they see is the person on the telly a lot of people live alone on the television is their only form of entertainment company. coronavirus restrictions have been reintroduced australia's most populous state nice south wales authorities there are battling to control a new outbreak of covert cases in ma doctors in australia raising concerns over the aged care system in the neighboring state of victoria a drug government announced
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a scare workers will be banned from working across multiple facilities in order to help contain the spread of covert 19 across the sector strongly medical association says it will worsen the situation in care homes hit hard by the pandemic a good medical correspondent norman swan believes that the entire health care system in australia is in danger. it's a serious problem it's not just in the h here in detroit it's also in hospitals were if you go for 300 or more health care workers have been for a little because they've been contacts or people interacting with quite a lot of health care workers and treated and that's true age here holmes the other problem is that the border is closed was in new south wales and victoria and and there's a big turnaround in northern victoria where a lot of their staff comes from new south wales and we're not going to live across the border and it shows how fragile the system can be there's a book boarding school new school kids affected you'd see
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a very different response of all the schools will be shut down people kids will be transferred to other places until were clean and safe that's not happening with age here holmes hasn't happened in the united states that sweden is the classic example where they let the virus rip and it really devastated the aged care homes around the world we do not respect our elderly particularly our frail elderly and australia is no exception. i get a bridge right up to date thanks to company this morning here at r.t. that's coming your way in half an hour. no no crown. no shots.
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actually felt. no as to. which your thirst for action. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss for in washington coming up a major settlement has been made between goldman sachs and the malaysian government as part of the one scandal we'll take a look at the latest plus the increased tensions between the united states and china are continue to affect world markets will go for a spin around the globe to see how markets ended the week and later a series of blockbuster films have been delayed due to the pandemic we welcome in
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a movie industry expert to discuss what effect it will have on the bottom line we have a packed show today so let's dive right in. and a huge settlement today as u.s. investment bank goldman sachs has agreed to pay a $3900000000.00 settlement over malaysia's criminal probe into the multibillion $1.01 m d b scandal now the settlement could also help bring an end to the u.s. justice department's investigation into the same issue now the deal includes a $2500000000.00 cash payout by goldman and it's guaranteed to return at least. $1400000000.00 in proceeds from assets linked to the sovereign wealth fund one malaysia development b h d now malaysian and u.s. authorities estimate $4500000000.00 was stolen from one m.t.b. in an elaborate scheme that spanned the globe and implicated high level officials in the in the fun former malaysian prime minister najib razak goldman staff and many others joining us now to discuss his boom bust co-host investigative
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journalist ben swan ben thank you for being here to break this all down let's start with helping the viewers understand what is one m d b yeah it's a pretty complicated story but this is probably the easiest part to wrap your head around here which is this is one malaysia d.b. or development was essentially the government's investment firm right which was set up to encourage outside development and investment into malaysia that's why it was set up was back in 2009 it was the then prime minister. who was in charge of this right and he actually was on that advisory board headed up the whole idea was we're going to bring investment into the country sounds good the problem is it didn't do that instead it was wound up creating massive amounts of debt running up about 12 bill.
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