tv News RT July 28, 2020 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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you said since the 8th of july in this morning's headlines from moscow president trump bolsters federal forces in the city of portland of the weeks of black lives amount of protests as criticism out some local leaders now who accuse him of abusing his power. not so secret anymore a key source of the discredited from russia collusion report from 2016 is unmasked and it emerges that his evidence boils down to a conversation. bus to the mother of a 12 year old boy dragged from his house in the middle of the night because he had a toy gun accuses london's police of racial profiling. and short so i just believe i was angry and want that but wait
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a minute feeling that. 'd we should. give warning for russia live from arts international's world news center here in moscow one of a know it it was the latest this hour for you thanks for the company by the way so 1st as mentioned in those headlines they trumpet ministration is reportedly sending at least $100.00 more militarized federal agents to the city of portland in oregon as nationwide protests against racism continue into a 3rd month it's been confirmed much criticized task force will stay in the city until the anti racism unrest is over 2 meantime the mayors of 6 major u.s. cities including portland are appealing to congress to make it illegal for the president to send in the military when it's not been requested.
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the to. sleep. has some pretty scary scenes there again let's go live to paul and thought about the vista derum around hi there thanks you time what effect is the news that the federal offices are on their way having on the protest having the effect of calling it or make it worse. i'd say it's definitely in the patients just a few weeks prior that something there was i mean the lowest crowds we had since the beginning and now we've seen crowds of up 22003000 from everything from. disabled veterans to dads it's everything you know it's somewhere in the 10s sort of slowed things down what she worry about what might happen here then. well honestly my worry would be just like i'm taking and that's
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a scary. using unnecessary force that they're prepping for munitions against press against a family's. well they've been sent and they've got a job to do and to the day you're nice we usually don't say to place the action down there's like a group of foreign. as you can see right now they're actually talking about you know. i'm often a family. what's been happening just to spite this picture of what's been happening over the last 24 hours where you are there in poland. yesterday we. had the 2nd highest number. crowds. as of right now the knights really starting off in bar with one over. oh i would pronounce your. last one of those and. what do you know is going to happen over the next 24 hours than the protest is likely to disperse there is going to carry on what's the plan.
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for getting live in the morning and for all. you know what you've been told. and then get the same thing immoral. 2 what will function time will you get on with it param around it from an activist thank you. well i think the other cities are echoing the rallies in poland because the next takes a look. for 2 straight months protests have descended on the streets of portland since floyd was killed in minneapolis back in may but our government was probably have been out there they're not really listening to our voices especially flag voices are heard that they want to just have a sense the beginning of power when lowery was saying the mobs and mob is they're going to ask if that is the life out of this was the scene in seattle washington over the weekend as police clashed with protesters there at least 45 people were arrested and 21 place officers were injured during the demonstrations police
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declared a riot following large protests deploying flash bangs and pepper spray to try and clear crowds a bird's eye view from oakland california where protests turned violent demonstrators setting the courthouse on fire late saturday on twitter of the oakland police department same protesters were breaking windows shooting fireworks spray painting graffiti and point lasers at officers and helicopters by 11 30 pm police declared an unlawful assembly tank in austin texas. a protester was shot and killed saturday night during a b.l.m. rally police say a man driving his car near the rally fatally shot someone who he says approached his car and pointed a weapon at him and in chicago hundreds of black lives matter protesters marched through the streets this was happening at the same time a pro police demonstration known as back to the blue was happening saturday hundreds of federal agents have been travelling to the windy city as part of the
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administration's operation legend to help tackle violent crime on friday 3 men were charged with federal gun crimes merely relate what was originally against the mission tive but later came to support it hoping to help curb the consistent violence happening throughout the city reporting in los angeles and hash sweeps r.t. . a secret source for the notorious private intelligence report which failed to link donald trump to russian collusion in 2060 has been revealed and it turns out it's a u.s. resident rather than the supposed russian based source nexus he goes down off reports a lot of the dossier seem to rely of course on chats between the abilities it seems out of the day. it was a dossier that some prophesies would spell doom for donald trump as president and as a human being with any shred of decency the document penned by jonathan steele spread like wildfire across the media spilling way beyond the u.s.
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borders the dossier the dossier that controversial document it alleges overt knowing collusion while unconfirmed accusations was. to cool the foil salacious would be an understatement the claim that trump hired prostitutes to pee all over a bed at a luxury moscow hotel simply because the obama's once slipped in was just one of the highlights but trump's enemies believed wanted to believe after all the mysterious incognito informant was said to have infiltrated the innermost of russia's circle well turns out the russians soules was in fact a bar fly in the us former journalist and now analyst igor duncan co apparently admitted that he got his information from people he was hitting the bottle with
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primary subsurface and source for drink heavily together and source for always looks forward to getting together with source 4 when primary sub sources in town are you one go as far as calling him an alcoholic but it looks like some might dungeon girl might have boozed so hard that even got him into legal trouble but nobody's perfect the f.b.i. thought a little party never killed nobody the state department agreed delirious drunken drivel you might say but america needs to know he has a fellow with information united states government should have some lawyer when he developed the information relating to 2016. russia's assault on our democracy and interference in our elections he felt it was important that the us government be aware of it and you'd think that the revelation about the sources credibility or rather the lack of it would be the main line in the us media but who am i kidding
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the new york times for instance confirming the sources identity a whole week after the story broke has been fanning suspicion about artie's website for publishing the story on time a news website posting news the outrage russian is always the eternal bogeyman in the american media no it's not quite sure why but it's been that way since the cold war and they've refused to let go of it it's the go to jail and so most democrat voters most media people most journalists we really know what the point of. trump's clues are russia not existing crews are with russia might be how that might jeopardize national security they just see a scary word like russia and they run with that with the election less than a 100 days away who knows maybe another installment will cool out of the woodwork to feed the intelligence rumor mill. us china relations are
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undoubtedly at their lowest in years and show little sign to a settling anytime soon the most recent actions last 24 hours or so seem china shut down the american consulate in chengdu in response to a similar move earlier by the us or china took down the american flag and erected a wall around the premises mission staff were given 72 hours to finish up and move out u.s. diplomats with their families have to be to china next month both countries accuse each other of aggression. as far as closing 'd additional embassies it's always possible they were burning documents or burning papers to buy chinese sites requirement to clothes and take over the u.s. consulate general. chandu is just a far too nice response to the justifiable behavior of the us side we need a strategy to protect the american economy and indeed our way of life through free world must strike over this new tyranny of the free world doesn't change doesn't
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change governments trend will surely change. completely repudiated the 40 year history of china us relations. claiming he wants to defend democracy and freedom but he can play no means to represent these ideals only serves the american hegemony and the interest groups behind him. last week the us to run to the closure of a chinese consulate in houston shortly after the fire was reported in the it suspected that documents were being destroyed the u.s. claims the facility was being used for espionage which beijing denies is going to talk about where the school be heading i'm joined by ren yang who's a systems research fellow at the department for american studies at the china institute of international studies in beijing hello warning. was china's response appropriate here in closing the u.s. consular kind of thing would have been bigger not to have done that or was it
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inevitable it was going to happen. wow it's a little surprising for us that china and united states made that move. and it's a legacy writing for us to be honest i think it's you know our legal right to take. that to shut their cause like general intern do yes what's the feeling now than in china is is this the end of it or we're going to see more of this kind of thing more embassies closed maybe in america or is just a one off. i'm not sure i'm not sure i'm going to say is that in china u.s. relationship is not very promising. as we can say for now yes. what you put that down to was trying to put it through is all one sided or is that it could could could could the bieber good give and take on both sides maybe. while the current project trajectory between china and us is not what we see so
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all i can say is that we would do everything with you know our share with or capacity to make sure that telling us relation ship get back on track. is not you know our views ira it's not your interest to see the downward trajectory of u.s. relationship that may be said for the course so it's still room we still don't know whether donald trump is going to go into a 2nd term is it purely down to the man of the top there running the country that john has got a problem with. yes. i'm sorry. is choice is the problem is shown as problem with america donald trump or is it a bigger picture there's a bigger picture that is it's got a problem with with america is that the man at the top and if he doesn't go this spot going to go. yes we see there is we'll see there will
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be like a more tense here riyad for the china u.s. relationship before and during the trying to trying to heal action because we see now. biden are going to all polls leading over all major polls specially in the swing states that how strong we 2016 so i believe that. yes you know there are political advantage play the china card to be to get tougher on china to win the middle or to win the base and finally to win a real action. as. far as you can go is. china could do better business with the sort of speak because it didn't run on the political scene for a long time with no great surprise on the c.d.c. can try to work with him better do you think. i think and you try not work be tough
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on china be hard on china is it has been developed into a bipartisan consensus is fair for us to say that. you know as the new political correctness in united states to be hard up to a heart to be a hard on china so i wouldn't say that a change of a leader a change of united states as president is going to change the general trajectory. going to states. really briefly this whole this thing because washington suspected china was using. the consulate for espionage is it likely that that was not going on. well according to what i have heard and what at ciena. the arguments and talk statements made by united states. didn't.
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deliver any. further step further details the war or any any evidence is provided for instance that statement from the state department is that they claim the consulate in houston did close the consulate in houston to protect their intellectual property and to private information without giving any further details and the secretary. that shut this down to protect their national security their economy and there are. talks with other you permission with got evidence provided and assistance that. a forest state of state or that you staged as a plane that the consulate general in houston has been engaging in this subversive behave air play. that. but no
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evidence so there are states yes i get you make of this stuff here on the scene is that we don't know about the thanks for the view from beijing this much appreciated . assistant research fund of the american studies of the china institute of international studies let you get on with it day by thank you thank you thank you so much now it's coming up. to 70 minutes past one of the morning moscow time hi there good morning head to brazil's that leader is accused of crimes against humanity and neglect over the covert crisis of the complaints being taken a little way to the hague we can report tell you more since we're back. joining me every day on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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well again this is art international with me kevin i would smalling next story the london mother is accusing police there of racial profiling after her 12 year old son car i was dragged from the house during the night and handcuffed all because his toy gun was suspected of being the real thing we know to talk to sue what happened in a bit more detail than. that midnight on that for a day and such is crossed over into saturday early hours of the morning and we've been absolutely in the living room and. went to the door i followed him and we just missed it with you know about 4 or 5 offices holding why full and they had spies is red beams you know on our bodies our ally heads.
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that that's something out of the movie. hands up. it's. all of us to 2 other daughters you see when the sky obviously has in front of me which is in your hands up explains the level and firearms that have any illegal in the house. you know what it is they're very very poised. straight ahead just like you have to come up with one my. job was on up on he had no shoes on and they just arrested him immediately. or dozens of officers descended on the family's home with sniffer dogs and found 12 year old and his plastic pellet toy gun the raid came about after a passer by alerted police saying they saw through the living room window that there was a black male holding a firearm on the sofa well because mother says the metropolitan police racially
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profiled who was she says has never been in trouble with the law before as for london police chiefs well they say there's been no misconduct and that the boy was let go since it was clear that the toy gun was not a real firearm the case is still to be referred to the independent office for police conduct because mother described the effect on our family meantime. at least i was angry as well once. the way then that feeling of you know why you did 'd nothing wrong. now i'm home 'd on the friday evening 'd in a roundabout way they just before the well you know 5 hours supports take them seriously we have to follow that model which i mean agreement with we just disagree on how they felt but mainly they were saying you know this is the gang related crime in the area the fact that clive was a male there was a mention of him being a black male obviously you know in the pool hall the face things you know they take
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very seriously and you know i didn't quite explain why such expects to pull off but i just said you know they were just doing their job basically are more than aware of how 'd to support shouldn't young black men stop and search for the place to clear my area and they were most talkative and then you know i didn't want complaints straight away i went to speak to the chief the superintendent and he started talking about operation tried and he started talking about you know getting laid quiet and making those associations and when he read me out of school that was many. but passed it by and there was very little evidence there at all but it was. black now and i think that it has something to do that as a mother i can speak probably for a lot of mothers who have young boys very very faithful boys and today cyprus and young black. and more more fearful of him growing up he's not even been in yet well
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though i'm so scared when he gets 1516 how the precipitously play and how they get the tree in d.c. the big threat right now and they came to the door clearly it's what your child immediately arrested him and that thought that was the this is fiction so i am terrified. brazil's frontline health workers and senior clerics they are accusing the president of crimes against humanity over the covert break taking their complaint to pretty high to the international criminal court in the hague over it brazil's suffered more than 87000 deaths and 2400000 registered cases making it the 2nd worst affected country after the united states so union representing more than a 1000000 brazilian medical professionals says job also narrow reacted to the pandemic with contempt neglect and denial it also points to both scenarios adamant
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insistence on using medicines which they say are proven to be an effective in treating covert 19 and further that his resistance to social isolation measures worsened the spread of the virus it is the 2nd complaint to the i.c.c. than against paul scenario over the health crisis the 1st was filed in april with similar accusations from the outset she may recall is brushed off covert as just a flu urging the population to carry on as normal earlier this month he insists him selfe tested positive for the virus but now he says he's negative and feeling fine the chief editor of the brazilian news source opera monday told us that real action against false nora will only be effective with international pressure. both amanda has been indicated for describes against humanity because of his lead in management against paranoid virus then we know so so isolation no national coordination no reality. police see it can only imagine he wants to
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take advantage of this house budget crisis in no 2 pope did people who did this parade did we go any it's a political calculation brazilian president needs to be put under international pressure you know that to take real measures against and then make both. health system and it can all meet the measure to sustain social isolation and crazy times where are they well that's the way things look at this tuesday morning don't forget our teams and i'll call him on the last social media across today's headlines and a lot more detail for you too so much only for you to check out but for now reporting from moscow i'm kevin and thank you for watching this program and have a great day.
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is you will be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupt. did you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallows. og
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no team no crow. no shots no. action is about speak up. well it's true no the 1st one. point show your thirst for action. the sudden false and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. so rather than revolutionaries or soldiers who condemn small groups the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. these are sacrificing some places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind
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misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well into that world were well into focus world and there's no question that the code because. this is the one business show you can't afford. in washington coming up the 1st phase 3 trial hold at 19 of argentina underway in the united states we have an expert panel ready to what that the economy and the $1000000000.00 invested in the
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journal. in the united states the closures of. adding to the uncertainty of the cradle it. shows today let's go into. the largest trial for a potential kogan 1000 vaccine began on monday when the journal started its trial 130008 plan volunteers helping to touch shots under the partnership with the u.s. national institutes of health volunteers will either receive a real shot or a placebo after 2 doses scientists will evaluate the results to see if it can prevent symptomatic covert 19 of the 1st test site to begin vaccinating is in savannah georgia and a total of more than 70 testing sites will be used across the country will phase one results published earlier this month showed the vaccine was generally safe and had only mild side effects this included fatigue and even muscle pain well the
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center for disease control and prevention says it typically a phase one study consists of a small number of people to see if a vaccine is safe and elicit an immune response well phase 2 is an expanded and a vaccine is given to people who have characteristics such as age and physical health and similar to those for whom the new vaccine is intended and in phase 3 the vaccine isn't tested for efficacy and safety while normally it takes years to create a new vaccine scientists are working at a record pace that really just hoping to have an experimental version available for health workers by this fall. as of a journey of x. which now leads the way in terms of development the senate republicans have one week to get another coronavirus stimulus bill done before unemployment benefits run out a lot to get through today so tell.
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