tv Boom Bust RT July 28, 2020 10:30am-11:31am EDT
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. donny and by north it's so many people because they copied him you saw the words that even such a bad copy sending. i'm not feeling too good to me but being. on the field to find the next guy. who looked up live again in the human being done the envelop something good luck she even done plenty of.
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the clicks and moves for the c.e.o. thing is the deflection board is comfortable saying. that is going to be better than i got up to many observers. that he and others are going to going to hear a lot about that on the morning. that you can bank on that nothing like a. long long while the name you know is along the bottom there's a bonus which alone can shrink a lot older. than do a new person and they've done a move $100.00 gandhi a new normal i'm going to run the phrase christ be ready to go to you then we'll mark you then damon join you.
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this is that one business show you can't afford in. washington coming up the 1st phase 3 trial hold it 19 vaccine and underway in the united states we have an expert panel ready to what that the economy and the millions of dollars invested in the journal. in the united states the closure of the consulate is adding to the uncertainty of the cradle it. shows today let's go and dive right in. the largest trial for a potential kogan 1000 vaccine began on monday woman journal started its trial 130008 plan volunteers helping to touch shots under the partnership with the u.s. national institutes of health volunteers will either receive a real shot or a placebo after 2 doses scientists will evaluate the results to see if it can
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prevent symptomatic covert 19 for the 1st test site to begin vaccinating is in savannah georgia and a total of more than 70 testing sites will be used across the country will phase one results published earlier this month showed the vaccine was generally safe and had only mild side effects this included fatigue and even muscle pain well the center for disease control and prevention says it typically a phase one study consists of a small number of people to see if a vaccine is safe and elicit an immune response will face 2 is an expanded and a vaccine is given to people who have characteristics such as age and physical health and similar to those for whom the new vaccine is intended and in phase 3 the vaccine isn't tested for efficacy and safety while normally it takes years to create a new vaccine scientists are working at a record pace that really just hoping to have an experimental version available for health workers by this fall. as of a journey of x. seen. which now leads the way in terms of development the senate republicans have
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one week to get another coronavirus stimulus bill done before unemployment benefits run out a lot to get through today so to help us break it down we're joined by jeffrey tucker editorial director and to toot for economic research and unless co-host an investigative journalist ben swan ben let's start with the latest on modern and this vaccine we know that 30 to 30000 people will take part in this trial but what do we know about how this trial is being conducted. there we know a couple things you did a great job of breaking down here how this all works and the reality is mcgurn is not the only one doing this pfizer is very close they say they're conducting their own 30000 person trial that's a lot of people to be testing these vaccines i do want to say something about mcdermott though when you look at mcdiarmid they obviously have a relationship with the national institutes of health that is different than other into teas and the reason for that is because the in i h m a during a signed contract back in december that contract was to begin studying
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coronaviruses not this particular strain but coronaviruses in general and developing essentially. artificial r.n.a. sequences that could be used to create vaccines it's somewhat questionable it's never really been done before but dern is the 1st to do this so they're doing it in partnership with the in the h. and i think you know when you lay that out right now those 3 phases of vaccine trials there's actually a phase before all of that that happens before you get to human trials and that's animal testing will do and actually skipped over that step and that's a highly unusual thing it's not illegal but a highly unusual thing to have happen so the fact that they're now entering this massive human trial i think there is some people who are concerned others are hopeful well it's very interesting because timing is of the essence with this jeffrey we know that even if these trials are successful it could take until sometime even next year before an actual vaccine hits the market we talked about it being it available to health care workers this fall but it really would have had
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the market to possibly next year to really to really keep the economy moving forward again is this what it's going to take to reopen the full economy and get it moving to where we saw before. rewriters are immense challenges in production and distribution mass destruction of these things you know we saw even with testing that we've seen the us has been done a horrible job it destroyed in tests made even now as for actually very difficult to get tested and some of the tests will come back 7 to 10 days so there's this immense challenges and distribution but you're right to the men in the political class who decided that we're just really never going to become a normal country until we have this vaccine and let's be clear this isn't like a smallpox vaccine or a polio vaccine that lasts a lifetime this is really just an immunity booster that lasts for for an uncertain amount of time and to tell you the truth i think there's a lot more public skepticism towards you know what ben's head is the base of in untested munity booster than than the political class believes and even the flu
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vaccines are not taken by as many as 4040 percent of the population takes those things every year and it's can be very difficult for these things to be to be widely distributed should be decide on believe that it will be about for a very long time but on the other hand there is a kind of a psychological boost that comes from this you know if the markets really believe that the policies that are going to open up until we get a vaccine is going to be very good news well that's exactly what you mentioned the importance of this is the distribution of it how whether or not people are actually going to go out and run you know with to get in line to get this vaccine is another issue and the fact that they skipped over the animal testing much like ben mentioned it is extremely important just the expediting of the vaccine how safe is it and in terms of ok short term effects but what we can look at some long term damage is that we won't see for years that i want to ask one more question though about wondering how the company's stock actually tumbled on thursday after the company lost a patent battle with that actually made up or as
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a financial future of its vaccine well what happened and why is it such a big deal you know essentially there was a hearing on thursday and most. unsuccessfully they argue before us patent trial court and this was the company they were suing us patents held by our brutus biopharma covering limpid nanoparticle or l. in p. technology in short it is technology that allows modernity to create their particular r.n.a. 1273 that is the strand that they are using in the vaccine the reason this is important sara is because it is that him or in a that modernity is using to create an artificial vaccine this is very important for people to understand well during a is not using corona virus to create a vaccine they have an artificial strand that they have created using m.r. in a in order to say instead of using the actual virus will do this artificial one it will be safer at a what's your system and cause spike proteins and that will cause immunity but what
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this lawsuit essentially shows is that will join a does not hold a true patent on this neither does the and i h. so in theory if will durant were able to create this vaccine they would be the only ones who would be able to create it is important there and can i say one more thing it's important to remember this pharmaceutical companies have never been slow about creating drugs the idea that suddenly because there is a desire for a coronavirus vaccine that everyone says oh will suddenly work faster i think pretty much big pharma has maximized as quickly as they can make a vaccine so the idea that we can suddenly do it now because of sheer sheer will power doesn't make a whole lot of sense yeah definitely interesting to see how this all plays out but i want to shift gears here a little bit jeffrey we know that increased unemployment benefits from earlier this year are really set to expire later this week senate republicans they announced and one trillion dollars stimulus plan is about to extend them but to lower the amount
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from $600.00 a week to $200.00 in that even fair to workers. that's a different what's fair westray i don't know you know a lot of people been made made unemployment unemployed by governments themselves i think of some of it's a lot of workers point of view they're like i don't want to be unemployed so. somehow the political system owes me money to compensate for what the lockdowns did to me and i completely understand that on the other hand just from an economic point of view pain people not to work is is a very bad idea and it's and what is actually doing is rewarding the political class for these regions lockdowns to keep going on and on and on so what the republicans may be thinking is ok listen set of eyes people to go back to work and then they'll put a little more pressure on the political leaders to open up the economy so in a sense it's probably strategically pretty smart even if it does seem a little bit unfair than a quick answer here but what else is in this plan well yeah there's
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a couple things they want to do another round of 1200 other stimulus checks nancy pelosi is not going to sign off on this deal though i don't think she wants a 3 trillion dollar stimulus and democrats want to keep the $600.00 checks the problem is republicans have a very short goal line between now and november it's difficult to say we're going to cut that that unemployment from 600 to 200 even though they should because what jeffrey said is absolutely true the political class is essentially saying you can make more money on unemployment or just keep sending checks to people and we'll make them happy democrats said they want to do it to the end of the year i think democrats win this fight and it would be ideal if people would just prefer to go back to work which i'm sure many do but they're definitely that you know are making more money off and up a lot if you make more money you know and i think that really exactly well and also a lot of jobs have been destroyed a lot of people just can't go back to work right. and who knows what that's come back especially if people who for example work in restaurants or in hospitality that who knows to what extent or when it will come back to that 100 percent like we
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were saying before jeffrey tucker editorial director with the american institute for economic research and all of us co-host been so on thank you so much for that report. thanks. the latest tit for tat battle between the united states and china now includes the closure of consulates in each country with officials accusing the other side of being in the wrong all this as questions around the future of u.s. china relations and the massive trade deal between the 2 countries are going to love and joins me to discuss the latest rachel what is china saying about this closure of the consulate well beijing has confirmed that they chose to close the u.s. consulate in their southwestern province in retaliation to the u.s. decision to close the chinese consulate in houston texas now a spokesperson for china's foreign ministry spoke out and he confirmed that not only are they saying that they believe the u.s. is in the wrong here but they're also accusing the trumpet ministration of violating international law take a listen. would use the premises of the chinese consulate general our national
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property of china according to the vienna convention on consular relations and the china u.s. consular treating us cannot invaded the premises of china's consulate general in houston in any way china expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the intrusion into the chinese consulate general in houston. now after this announcement china essentially gave american workers 72 hours to vacate the property altogether and we did see a very heavy police presence there so it doesn't appear that either side is backing down right now it doesn't and it really looks like it's this tit for tat like we saw for nearly 2 years with the trade war but what reason is the u.s. giving for the closing of chinese consulate or their consulate well the u.s. is definitely not backing down here and they are saying that they are actually in their right with international law where this is concerned they say that it's their duty to close down this consulate because they believe that beijing is not following u.s. laws and regulations now we did see a little bit of a statement released by the state department in which
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a spokesperson claimed the decision was made to protect american intellectual property and the private information of its citizens but didn't really. to provide any further explanation or information for that closure well here we are now in this tit for tat going back and forth once again after trade we saw with the tree we're now we're seeing it with with the hong kong national security bill we're seeing it with the closing of consulate which is the latest where does that leave the u.s. and china relations in the future well it's no secret that we've seen increased tensions between the u.s. and china over in recent months and secretary of state my pompei o is even saying that every attempt of the u.s. is made to sort of engage with china is a failure and he said that in a speech where he called on the rest of the world to join the u.s. in sort of putting more pressure on china to take a listen oh yes. it's kind of engagement we've been pursuing has not brought the kind of change inside of china the president nixon had hoped to induce. the truth is that our policies and those of other free nations resurrected china's failing
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economy only to see beijing by the international hands that were feeding it we open our arms to chinese citizens only to see the chinese communist party exploit our free and open society. now as we've seen washington as one moves accusing beijing of hiding information about the coronavirus and the future of his landmark u.s. china trade deal still sort of appears up in the air so not remains to be seen how all of this is going to affect the deal in the long run well it really will especially because again there was so much that went into that deal months years of negotiations and details to get everything even the details in writing there were issues with the language there were issues with the details of what was going to change and when it finally came out it was a huge deal for phase one they were hoping for that phase 2 by november obviously the crowd of various pandemic changed everything china is now retaliating the u.s. is retaliating the u.s. is pointing fingers at the alleged mishandling of the pandemic from from china and
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i was secretary pompei are now saying almost declaring sounded like a cold war against china so it really will be interesting to see what happens between now and november and if we looked a new president what that even looks like because i know joe biden has also been very critical of china it's become a bipartisan issue so we'll keep following it rachel blevins r.t. correspondent thank you so much for that thank you. time now for a quick break but stay here because when we return safe haven assets like gold and even big question are on the rise to break down what may have investors hiding from these risky markets as we go to break here the numbers are but. this thing is that when you speak of money printers in charge. different thing all that paper money. is themselves really fills their heads with dream
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it's beyond supremacy that's the ultimate form of supremacy is i presume therefore . if you can. lovers of political power with their money if you can acquire assets that they're free out money that gives you that god complex that we have so much over around the world and countries and big corporations and now it's all going to come crashing down. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by our own personal those words. we dare to ask.
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on monday or oil dropped as the rising number of cases continue to stall commercial flights well the tit for tat us china rising tensions also contributed to the drop as investors thought safe haven assets like gold which hit record highs on monday well to break this all down we're joined by. and c.e.o. of my calvin e. financial group david mcalpin kirsty let's start with you benchmark brant crude prices have risen 120 percent from their april lows they remain above $40.00 a barrel but with these new spikes in coronavirus deal is it safe to say that oil markets have recovered well in the interne you can say that yes well prices did recover and they stabilized a bit certainly compared to when they were negative but the recovery might not
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continued as it is because the oil it is now getting hit from both sides on the supply and the demand side so on the supply side opec implemented unprecedented cuts in order to stabilize prices back in may. they will soon begin to relax their restraint and begin pumping more north america as we've seen they've already began increasing shale production as fracking crews are getting back to work now so you have a lot of increasing supply coming online on that side versus on the demand side that's also going down because china had a record purchasing spray back in april when prices were at rock bottom so china began by oil and has now eased off ever since their inventory has increased 28 percent since may as it took advantage of the sale in the oil markets so meanwhile here in the u.s. the summer driving season is shaping up to be extremely extremely weak because vacation states such as florida and california they're seeing a surge in coven 1000 cases so they're limiting travel bills driving as well as air travel and demand for both gasoline and jet fuel so flights are now only accounting
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for 50 percent levels since the start of the year and traffic is still only at 40 percent since the beginning of the year so demand has really towed if not decline without china's participation so that's going to weigh down on oil prices going forward you know if they were going to continue to see that david now following the closures of the consulates that we just talked about in houston and tendu investors they're increasingly worried about the escalation between china and the united states are we seeing a risk off rotation or is a smart money still trying to chase alpha at this point. i think there's some smart money sitting the sidelines seeking something of a safe haven in gold and in physical commodities like but i think one of the things that we have to be cognizant of is this is the challenge with the chinese government which goes back quite a long time the 9 dash line defined what this in gauge would be and so when we think about the spratleys in the terrorist cell in this car bush all these are all areas of a potential containment from the perspective of the west and potential expansion
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from the perspective of the chinese so this is i think a very critical thing we are entering into the equivalent of a cold war with the chinese and trade was one iteration of the. no we have our own aircraft carriers in the south china sea so yes the with with the. houston and ensure you do more of the same were a long way from resolution there which brings about tremendous amount of uncertainty in terms of politics and geopolitics especially because we're looking at the world's 2 largest economies now and now kristie during all this market and certainty it looks like is pulled ahead of the other alternative safety that it reached over $10000.00 what's going on there yeah this is a super exciting because bitcoin just broke there is $10500.00 resistance hitting its highest in over 10 months on the back of heavy volume so markets are continue to capitalize on very bullish sentiment as a fall of safe haven assets such as gold such as silver and this really shouldn't
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be a surprise move right now because we're entering a period much like what david just said a period like the post great financial crisis in marmont where gold prices soared to record levels as a result of the fed just printing and pumping more money into the system the u.s. dollar just hit a 2 year record low and analysts are starting to think that this is not going to end the dollar decline is only going to get worse and this is going to plunge into new depths that is only going to take the american standard of living down with it so meanwhile you see big rise and you also have a theory i'm also starting a new cycle as well because in recent weeks the tall value of the d 5 platforms has risen from 1000000000 back in early june now to over 3800000000 as of today so the new d 5 boom is also contribute to the additional interest and as both areas of cryptocurrency they're kind of mutually supporting each other so you have a lot of tailwind on the back of big coin you have the old resistance now becoming new support you had the macros of the entire flight to safety with the conflict in the china and the u.s. and you have the oncoming
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d 5 wave well david you're hearing all of these big coin going up gold surging is this really people in the public just placing distrust. and free markets and more so and commodities are precious and i don't know i think i think the real issue here is dollar stability and currency stability in general if you look at the r. and b. today trades lower along with the dollar trading lower you would ordinarily see some sort of positive action when you're merging market currencies and within the euro and the british we're not seeing that today so it's very interesting it's very telling that i think what gold is telling you is that there are market participants that don't like the idea of 5 trillion dollars in money monetary. call it what we used to call it monetize ation of debt we can call it to lead today we can come up with a fancy name for it but that monetization has had an inflationary inflationary
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element to it and so this is i think something of the market practitioners are very keen on 18 trillion dollars in fiscal spending globally 5 trillion in global money printing by the world's central banks this is the p.t.o. saying this is the b.o.j. this is the e.c.b. this is the fed and the market is saying we don't like it we don't like it so as as christine was saying because it is telling you something i don't know what exactly because i'm not an expert there but there is an opt out there is an opt out from this system of money printing that has gone wild and gold getting to all time highs today is is probably the clearest signal of what we have on the horizon for at least the next 6 to 12 months all this stimulus. we're keeping an eye on the federal reserve meeting coming up on wednesday kristie obviously a big question is reaching its new year highs again are we going to see some some economists analysts are predicting we're going to see it go up to 20000 is that
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possible well we've been predicting that benchmark for many years now but i think one of the key things is we're going to see a growing participation of people adopting this as david called it i think it's very smart an opt out and opting out of the. because we're seeing trust in feet currencies in government backed currency we're seeing trust in that at an all time low so once you have the trust and banks going down low people are going to flock to things like gold such as big coin because they are the alternative assets co-host christine and david mcavennie mcavennie financial thank you both so much for your time and your insight today. and finally it appears to talk stars will soon have an avenue to make money as the company behind the incredibly popular social media site has set up a $200000000.00 fund intended to retain top talent and they're also attempting to attract new content creators in a statement released thursday the company said the program will be used to help support ambitious creators who are seeking opportunities to foster
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a livelihood through their innovative content well before the fund with the stablished tick-tock stars had few ways of monetizing their accounts they could actually only make money through brand partnerships and live streams much like we saw on instagram not too long ago while applications to enter the program will open in august to be eligible users must be 18 or older live in the united states and consistently post original content in line with tick tocks terms of service while they did not mention how funds will be distributed the social media did say money will start going out to the users later this year well that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t.v. which is available on smartphones and tablets through google play and the apple app store by searching for it will t.v. or will t.v. can also be downloaded on the newer model of samsung smart t.v.'s as well as roku devices or simply check it out a portable dot t.v. see you next time.
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a sudden fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. so rather than revolutionaries or soldiers convex small group the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. please or sacrifice some. places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well feelings of that world were well into the focused
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who looked up never getting any approving done the unfelt of the red blood she even dumped out. the attempt. to deflect some moves for the c.e.o. to say to the deflection board is happy to say. that is a god given that i got up for many answers. that he and others are going to going to write about. that he can bank on you probably get nothing like a. monologue the next you know is along the bottom there's a playlist which i lived in chicago. and one new person and later today 100 gandhi the new normal gandhi gandhi say's christ they are going to ignore you then
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going to mock you name and join you. welcome to our viewers from around the world live from central london this is our to u.k. . the prime minister warns of all an important 2nd wave of coded 19 from europe but that's on local code infection spike across the north of england with yet another town trying to avoid lockdown we talking to an expert in emergency medicine surely. the british treasury considers slapping on line businesses with a hefty livy to create a level playing field with the high street of the industry just means higher prices for consumers we hear from online retail experts. young black asian amber norty ethnic men of twice as likely to be falling for breaching
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the lock down rules as young white men. and also the b.b.c. rules it reached its own editorial guidelines in the documentary in protective kids shortages in the health service by not reading the political background of one contributor. and as a consequence of 1st pets in britain to catch coronavirus we take a look at the risks and separate fact from fiction. the prime minister boris johnson has warned of a 2nd wave of coronavirus from europe and they had an ongoing row of a quarantine in travelers from spain but that says localized infection rates continue to rise across england as the northern town of blackburn becomes a key coronavirus hotspot and oldham brings in tougher restrictions to avoid a full lockdown because he said he joins me now so he said the government is
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worried about imported cases. absolutely we've seen already this week the government imposing those quarantine measures on all flights coming in from spain and there were hopes on the spanish side that they could perhaps negotiate with the u.k. for exemptions for some of the islands for example the canary islands but no such a decision taken by the u.k. in fact the government having doubled down and decided any flights coming in from the mainland or the spanish islands like the canaries all the lyrics have to anyone coming on those flights has to observe the 2 week quarantine but of course it isn't just spain seeing a spike in the number of cases there are a number of areas in the u.k. experiencing the same thing with boris johnson giving warnings to business leaders that if safety measures and distancing measures aren't observes we could see a 2nd spike city. i'm afraid you are starting to see in some places the signs of
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a 2nd wave of the pandemic and we all remember what happened last time it's absolutely vital that for that we make the necessary preparations here in the u.k. as we are doing vital that we all continue to observe the rules on social distancing washing our hands wearing mosques in in shops and on public transport and so on all of them being you know one meter be medications or 2 meters apart everybody knows what the the rules are that's how we'll help ourselves a but also it's it's vital that when people are coming back from abroad if they're coming back from a place where i'm afraid there is another outbreak they must go into into quarantine. now of course in spain the rate is around $35.00 per 100000 people in terms of infection rates $100.00 cases there are there are many areas in england where the rate is higher take blackburn for example it's got the highest
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that we know of thus far $75.00 cases part 100000 less are in 2nd place of course they were the 1st city to go into a localised lockdown we've seen oldham another town in the north with a rate of $48.00 per 100000 in terms of cases that's up from just 11 last week and so that's why there are those fears and that's why perhaps some accusing the government of looking in the wrong places if they think that other countries in europe have a problem and perhaps it will cost her is thank you for that. well and for more on this i'm joined by experts in emergency medicine dr vi path they spend the part of the government says it is concerned about imported 2nd wave but we should be looking closer to home shouldn't we yeah i think so along with. us on your commutes it's more like
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a continuation of the 1st. of the harder than seeing that the super warehouse targets or in the forest where we use finish they don't live you could see it so it's a 2nd which is emerging i think it just a slowing down of the 1st really before he goes we believe spikes it also mike you can then are you actually certain that there could be this 2nd wave yeah i think so personally speaking i do strongly believe that considering the fact that the people are behaving like going to the beach is when the lockdown he's open the feel not fear and obviously we should not fear by the scene we should be. the ongoing old not following the precautions which need to be maintained we have seen there are many times we use beaches if you simply on weekends so people think it's all but he's not what about the situation where you are in luton cases of almost half since
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last week so what has changed that yeah if we see there's only so when the person get exposed to the infection it takes about one to 2 weeks to see the effect of it so what would be even in the last one week because they're satisfied twice so that is because of. the lockdown has been lifted off which has. we just student there in getting the count because the people are not following there at the guidance as per the discussion which are how many parents are and in the look only at this do you like when they go to the public places at marketplaces . in choc's not following the guidance as what we can one day like this is how this is all down to individual behavior then so to counteract the local spikes that we're seeing elsewhere in the country not much can be done because it's the responsibility of the individual it's a responsibility i'm doing to enjoy along without the work you might need to
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streatham the rules so that like i know the people are clear of the fines like if we who are under whose mask only people are for little social distancing and then on fine seems to be done more for an individual but considering the makeup of person that has to be implemented because unless you are people do not follow the law is this going to be very tricky so it is equally full of counsel and other people as well and not just you can pull down to. the people but also in the shops and businesses they also need to follow the a lot we are strictly but your specials emergency message medicine we are seeing this this rise in cases that because we're seeing a rise in testing because oddly enough at the moment we're not seeing a rise in deaths only so. let's get on example. of
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what people it is i got the blue one council have a device gotta love it as it eventually has to do extra. days but when i called today. you need to dial 11 night and then go to the whole. process again so we need to include is there distinct resolutely that increasing the and then not work carry on not the most so if you see under what the city is sending that is think it that's not just it it's more important that the dist gets up or system quickly as well don't know what i should be fast it should not be just sending the kids that's not the answer we need to answers for that gets up with all these efforts right now are we going to stamp out this virus. that's a tricky question you know well. i'm listening to low. streets is difficult because if you see what's happening to us we are all in the
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same pod dr vibe of this band the thank you very good to talk to you today thanks for joining us live here not so you can thank you. for u.k. the treasury is reportedly considering a sales tax on line businesses which have seen a boom during the pandemic and lockdown but while the government insists it's about creating a level playing field with the high street industry chiefs warn that any levy will simply be passed on to consumers or take a shot it was dusty joins me with the details there what could be the impact of attacks like this one of course we already know the future is indeed online but the coronavirus lockdown and pandemic has certainly accelerated all of that at the start of the pandemic the government's advice was to stay at home at that point nonessential retail shops on the high street were forced to close down doors and therefore that meant many consumers went online there we experienced a huge huge boom online and indeed home deliveries also skyrocketed however as
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these non-essential shop start to reopen on the high street opened the door to the public they don't seem to be doing it too well at all and that's why now the government wants to try and level out the playing field with the online retailers and indeed the high street shops by introducing and proposing to introduce a brand new sales tax online now ultimately what that would be is quite a similar tax to rated value of property for the retailers that's where retailers are paying taxes based on the rental value of their property so it's trying to level out the playing field in that respect now according to the government just 2 percent of tax could potentially raise up to $2000000000.00 pounds every single year but it is indeed raising concerns within the. industrial because that's already another on the already overtaxed industrial one that could ultimately hit consumers the hardest as big sellers may be hiking up their prices in stores now on
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a government level the chance to sue not he said that this could provide a sustainable and meaningful source of revenue for the government as well as helping the bricks and mortar shops on the high streets however comments like that have really brought a lot of criticism in saying and suggesting that the government is really using this as a fundraiser to try and fit the bill that the treasury has been forking out for quite some time to try and mitigate the financial consequences of the 1000 pandemic on an individual level then many people are criticizing this scheme saying that it essentially will be punishing those disabled and those consumers that are housebound those that have no other choice but to shop online now earlier today i went out into the public to try and gauge their reaction it seems to be quite mixed . so we'll see if there's an extra cost on internet shopping then it might make people go back to the high street which is needed at the moment now i don't think i don't think i care writes about high street i'm hoping it will be me in
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a way so i never have time to go to something. a little bit more online spend a full preview this is not the way to be sold to my friend if things were cheaper than the 3 people to go to social also online. i don't see one should pay extra full about i think the high streets are in difficulty but they have been for a very long time and i think that they have found a way to come back online shopping and i don't know whether it's fair to be taxing the one sector of the economy that is actually booming in the pandemic so it seems covert 19 or not it looks like high streets have been shutting up shop for quite some time and a potential tax may not be enough to save the high street or indeed the treasury shut thank you for all of that when i'm not joined by andy mccullough he from interactive media in retail group the u.k.'s industry association for online retail and thanks for being with us do you agree that we need to level up the high street
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culture compete with online retail what with the sky high rents. so you go yes this level are not a menace it is a political term if you want to level that playing field between $1.00 and 0 it's very it's not just the cost thing as it was like the fact that online has incredible range of choices by ability ringback accessibility convenience and that's the kind of thing. that needs to be addressed but in a bridge this gap this is not an access it might be a little bit of the solution based it's not a solution by so but people still need to be able to collect test try out certain goods or talk to sales people up big purchases and physically in high street outlets not not everything can be done online. that's true and in fact that's where i really thought that this would go in and it hasn't so this is this thing about bringing in more lines access is not an a new thing i mean i've been talking about 10 years and every new government that comes in moves is an idea but then they actually. we've been
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for numerous iterations and there was a committee hearing years ago just like in one of the recommendations of a forward for what to do. was to take the network of empty shops and convert the bin say quicken collects fulfillment debt problems so you could you could get stuff sent there and you build ready an experience around that and see kind of spice where you let people try things on and give you bring it on the so. you could do it you know that would be an agnostic sort of building that isn't just belonging to a single retailer is bringing in that choice and bringing in the convenience and you know that everything that you can get one but making a physical and a practice and so we have to that initiative sounds like a good idea. well it got from because of the form of the committee report is it said maybe we should do a tax or maybe we should do this thing with the shops so what happened on the stock websites so you know what site is why don't we just go back to that report look at
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the committee findings aaron and try and build a properly digital voice stream no but just trying because if it was it's experts on one of these. guys and you know this is a combat resin fact trying to do is make these things work in tandem in a way that really makes sense show and of course you can understand why the online people can be regarded as bad is it because we're not just talking about small individual online businesses people running business man is but what about those global giants i mean they can perfectly legally avoid certain taxes due to certain legal practices in about time that they really should pay their taxes june. and you know what i'm talking about the really big ones and you know you know the arms of those ones again is that is the type of thing that's been talked about for years and years and years now as the money just like it coming back so this is what will the sex aboard is that starts exhibitions it is that lots of companies that are
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street companies do as well it's just easier some of the big ones that you know the point you raise are people so now their homes most people recycle my most companies and so i'm very very small and then open up a pollutant go and create these exact structures and it's other that's what the thing just doesn't you know it doesn't really apply it's just finally a thought that obviously the consumer be worried that if there is a tax than they have to pay for it what about the impact own pockets. yeah absolutely ermine if he got up and they cite some and then prices are going to go up but i don't think it's going to like the horse free in the process the oyster is in a bad way and that way for months on because nobody's done anything about it or we've done as we just talked a lot of whole air there isn't any actual proper transformations you want to do it can do it boy but it's not something which is going to they've been at on when you know one of your your a guest on have sign that some people are not able to access the high street is
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that they have a disability or because if particular vehicle old age dies and you're worried about going up as a company that's basically your only recourse and you're going to get most of and i'm ok thank you for being with us live on r.t. can't. still to come a. young ethnic minority men the choice is likely to be fine for breaching trying to force knock down rules that whites codes of thoughts and take up becomes a 1st on the book to test positive for corona virus here in the u.k. we take a look at the risks and separate the facts from the fiction. is you'll media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led to some. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. seemed wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape out just becomes agitated and engagement because betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. young black and ethnic minority men were far more likely to receive police fines and code 19 lockdown rules according to analysis of fixed penalty notice fines of up $100.00 pounds were given for breaching lockdown regulations including large gatherings and house parties and the study by the national police chiefs council revealed that boehm men were disproportionately represented compared to their white counterparts people from a baby background 1.6 times more likely to be fined than white people and young men
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were overrepresented by around twice the rate of young white men and the chair of the national police chief's council said the risk of bias would be looked into while it is a complex picture it is a concern to see disparity between whites and black asian or ethnic minority people each force will be looking at this carefully to assess and mitigate any risk of bias conscious or unconscious and to minimise disproportionate impact wherever possible after the killing of george floyd there has been a real look internally of the progress that we've made in terms of policing relationships with the black community in the inclusive of policing former superintendent and chair of black police association charitable trust leroy logan told me that policing should be consistent in order to gain trust and confidence of people from all communities. well i have seen large gatherings let's say on saturday the super saturday earlier this month where you saw
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a large congregation of people come to the street no social distancing no mosque and you saw it very light touch of policing hardly any officers engaging or even encouraging they just leave in the to their own devices where as you've seen with black events there is straight from engagement 20 foresman so that's the issue is how that type of policing has to be consistent and it has to be. open and transparent so that people of all communities believe that the police are up police service and not not applying force i the moment black people are under the impression that police are like an occupying force and that's why trust and confidence is at its lowest. an internal b.b.c. review was ruled a documentary on shortages of protective kit in the health service during the cove in $1000.00 pound breached its own editorial guidelines 7 viewers complained about
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b.b.c. panoramas has the government failed the n.h.s. programme over the alleged left wing bias of its contributors the executive complaints unit found that one of the 6 dr sanja asylum simply introduced as a doctor should have had a political affiliations explained she's the labor member and former party candidate whose own guidelines the b.b.c. states that it should raise awareness of its contributors affiliations funding and viewpoints when relevant unit agreed that the nature and extent of the doctors' political connections might have been relevant but accepted that an earlier correction on b.b.c. news was suppression response it was not the 1st time that corporations found itself in hot water over the background of its contributors according to a list compiled by blogger guido fawkes guests presenters experts on science in cuba also be revealed as left wing activists apparent gov appearing on its newsnight programme was also found to be a labor campaigner while a staff nurse discussing the n.h.s. crisis on b.b.c.
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radio 5 live has appeared in the labor party broadcast lobby speaking to a lawyer about this in the next. tory minister has accused the firmly of a boy arrested over playing with a toy gun in his living room or inflaming tensions about police action. there will of course asians when things aren't done the way that we should be and we should look at what we should not be trying to inflame tensions in this week by talking about the police killing people and this is certainly not. but on a horse so wrongly claim the officers have been unarmed to an incident 12 year old's mother has accused the metropolitan police of racial profiling after her son kyle was handcuffed and dragged from his home a pedestrian alerted the police officer putting a black male with a gun through half drawn blinds late at night the gun turned out to be a toy and officers say they have discussed the situation with the family we spoke to the boy's mother home yesterday before the minister's comments and she told us
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that the police actions of course are to lose trust in the authorities and fear for her son's future sure what size this belief i was angry with well what's the consequence of the way then that feeling of you know why 'd not involved in our own home 'd qualified to even making 'd nothing without a car i 12 year old can i really think this is a kid so i think it was part maybe if he didn't quite believe what was happening. even though they thought the guns is real is not to see the real them for how's it affected your trust and confidence and indeed relations with the police and other things as a mother i can speak probably full of mothers who have young boys very very fearful of boys in today's society and young black boys i am more more fearful of him growing up he's not even been yet 12 so i'm so scared when he gets to 1516
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how the police a delicacy frame how are they going to treat him this obviously seen as a big big threat right now and they came to the door clearly 12 your child immediately arrested him. and the possession of thought that was the suspicion that i am terrified. a pet cat has tested positive for corona virus for the 1st time in britain leading to confusion about the risks involved on his modern entry separates the facts from fiction. the british weaponry association says that there is no evidence that peasants reza buyers or come become sick from it it's driven from human to human transmission that said the virus can live on surfaces for some time including animal so the answer is to follow good hygiene practices and wash your hands in this business news travels and changes fast now it's emerged off the line friends can get the virus questions have emerged about how covert 19 transmits and infects we
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set the scene of a very small handful of cases where cats appear to have been infected from people that had cable. and certainly that the higher the risk is from person to person said he at the moment maintaining good hygiene practice the u.k. government say this cat is thought to have been infected by its owners and not the other way around who had already tested positive for coated 19 the animal and humans have all fully recovered there was no transmission to other animals or people in the household and no evidence to suggest them or past the disease to the owners or the animals can pass coverage 19 on to people but you can't be too careful professor joanne santini from university college london a suggested that the u.k. government starts up a mass surveillance program of all animals that we humans there is increasing evidence that some animals can catch cells culp to from people and might
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subsequently transmit it to other people but we don't know just how much of a risk this is as it's an area of study that has not yet been prioritized but it's animal charities say that level of risk has been overstated essentially what you scientists is saying is that that kind of speculating on a situation that doesn't currently exists and we actually have no evidence will exist. so it's not intended as it's definitely not intended to make. you know the normal people members of the public do anything different well refactored scientists say there is no cause for alarm but that hasn't stopped concerned about pets and covert during lockdown animal shelters are twice the capacity compared to this time last year even with this latest case some think it simply underlines how important existing covert 19 measures are just like human hair that virus could
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be on our pets so that is why it is supreme hodson's you're practicing these will be good hygiene practices for making sure that actually before and after you run contact your pets you are washing your hands the rate was so much now using hand sanitizers pet owners will unquestionably be worried about this latest development although all the data shows it's very rare and animals only gets mild symptoms but it does show that as more is discovered about the virus keeping an eye on our nearest and dearest including our very friends is more important than ever martin andrews are to u.k. love that. back with more news in. a duck industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells
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abilities on the street many of them under-age. police reveal a taste of the daily challenge if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles they were going to come as you would see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade. greetings and salyut taishan all right let's start this party off with a bang with one of the most important news stories currently taking place in these united states of america i'm talking of course about the trumpet ministrations deployment of armed fatigue clad teams of an identified federal agents to major u.s. cities like portland and chicago under the guise of protecting federal property these
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agents have snatched u.s. citizens off the streets in the dead of night never used blunt force trauma chemical weapons upon mothers fathers and military veterans for simply exercising their right of freedom of speech and assembly. and tragically it appears that the checks and balances that normally prevent one branch of the u.s. government from taking actions like these do not seem to be working at all on friday u.s. district judge michael mosley mn should strike down or going to turn in general allen rosenblum request for a temporary restraining order against the federal forces operating in her capital city according to judge muslin the state failed to show that it even has the standing to bring the case forward ruling that the suit involves allegations of harm done to protesters by law enforcement but no protester is a plain.
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