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tv   In Question  RT  July 28, 2020 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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hello there i'm an election and you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. here are today's top stories 1st attorney general bill barr is in the hot seat as he testifies before a house judiciary committee facing questions about the federal police response to nationwide protests and intervention and high profile cases a live report straight ahead plus china seems to be the main focus of the u.s. australia talks today at the white house amid tensions between those 2 countries details next in a full report then over to the u.k. where parliament plans to root out spies and traitors as prime minister boris johnson is set to overhaul its treason and espionage laws we'll discuss it all
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right it's time now to prove your use i use. the sparks are flying on capitol hill today as u.s. attorney general bill barr is testifying before the house judiciary committee bar is being questioned on his handling of various legal issues including the federal response to these nationwide protests and his intervention in the mall or russia probe. is live outside of congress and fair and things are still getting pretty heated there. all middle of heat it is an understatement when it comes to this hearing that's actually still going on right behind me in congress now it was the democrats on the house judiciary committee that called for this hearing a bill bar and it was originally to specifically asking questions on why the department of justice sent federal office. to the city of portland oregon where
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you're seeing a lot of riots and on rust but it quickly turned into questions about roger stone michael flynn donald trump's twitter why donald trump and it were a mask originally when coronavirus 1st came about george floyd systemic racism and again everything when it comes to president onil trump and his quote friends now the media here he started off with the democratic chairman jury now their opening statement with a scathing review of the bar's time as attorney general and he has quite a lot to say about the man who actually was just sworn in almost a year and a half ago so a short amount of time to have a lot to say now they're called him a puppet to the president by sending in federal officers to cities like portland to create havoc among protesters and to get trump some a presidential campaign footage then you had minority chairman jim jordan he fired back saying barr was called before the committee for coming out saying his department was investigating the former obama administration for quote spying on the trump campaign then showed about a 3 minute video of cities across the country who have seen violence protests like
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portland chicago new york atlanta and seattle now when it comes to democrats and republicans asking bill barr questions both are equally guilty as being a saintly partisan now when it came to the republicans you had them almost giving them bar softball questions like you know what would you do if you tried to burn down a federal courthouse to which bar then had the reply of we would say that the d.o.j. would fund and federal officers to secure those federal buildings then you had democrats either taking up their entire 5 minutes by giving a speech or asking hard questions and then quickly cutting them off often you were hearing the phrase repeating i'm reclaiming my time so that he wouldn't answer but size matters of the d.o.j. the manola connections to wiki leaks in the 2016 hillary campaign email drop now bar was skewered by democrats for quote letting roger stone go to which bars of the stone case was prosecuted under him and he felt that he was guilty listen here.
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supposedly punishing the president's enemies and helping his friends what enemies have i indicted who could you point to one indictment that has been under the department that you feel is is unmerited did that you feel violates the rule of law one indictment now you say i helped the president's friends. he says that are sorry to the stone age and both cases where i determined. that some intervention is necessary to rectify the to make sure people are treated the same. so then you also had bar going on to say that while he did agree with stone sentence he didn't see it fit for a 60 year old man to go to prison for 7 years now again and all of this hearing is still going on behind me it is heated other questions that came up you know in the recent minutes before this report here we had borrowed being asked about the
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infamous st john's church picture with donald trump to which he said that he found out about the picture taking that day he also had members of the black caucus who were on the judiciary committee asking him how he feels about the george floyd case and if he agrees that systemic racism is here in the country and how he feels about police officers getting qualified immunity to which he responded that he doesn't believe it's out of racism is here in the united states and he does believe that the police officers getting quality qualified immunity should no longer be in place for reporting outside of congress fair and fronsac. and officials from the united states and australia are holding an annual summit today where the conversation is expected to include plans for future exercises in the south china sea said a summit is taking place at the white house amid increasing tensions with beijing but will the 2 allies be able to get on the same page artie's rachel blevins is joining us now to discuss the latest developments there so rachel what did we hear so far from the u.s.
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side during these talks or we've heard secretary of state my pompei o really trying to ramp up this campaign to get all u.s. allies to put pressure on china and today we had these talks with australia and following that meeting defense secretary mark esper said that one of the places they're specifically targeting is the south china sea take a listen to what he says that. these exercises not only bolster in. operability but also send a clear signal to beijing that we will fly we will sell and we will operate were ever international law allows and defend the rights of our allies and partners to do the same. amid these challenging and uncertain times the u.s. australia alliance remains a powerful force for stability and prosperity. now the south china sea is a body of water known for being rich in natural resources while china claims it has historic rights to portions of the sea and is running to territorial conflicts because their region also includes the exclusive economic zones of for 9 indonesia
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malaysia the philippines taiwan and vietnam now the u.s. is really inserted itself into all of these conflicts and it is now calling for an increase in joint military exercises with australia in that region which would of course put them in direct conflict with china and now speaking of that region that is where i strangely is so where do they stand on this conflict well up until this point australia has really presented themselves as sort of a neutral party whenever it comes to the south china sea but that all changed last week whenever they submitted a complaint to the united nations after a confrontation with a chinese warship now in that complaint they specifically stated that they believe that china has no legal basis for their claims when it comes to that region now if we take a look at the complaint it also went on to say that the australian government rejects any claims by china that are inconsistent with the 1982 united nations convention on the law of the sea in particular maritime claims that do not adhere to its rules on baselines maritime zones and classification of features now not
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only as this is a significant shift in policy but the timing here is also incredibly notable because we have australia's foreign minister and defense minister here in washington right now for talks with the trumpet ministration when they are of course looking to escalate involvement in the region now we've already heard about australia and the us side on this what is china saying what china was very quick to fire back to that. complaint and they accused australia of intentionally trying to provoke a conflict well at the same time proving their loyalty to the united states now we saw an article that was published by the global times in which it said that the relationship between china and australia has not a cheery aerated to a very bad point and the chance for a turnaround is slim in the near future one of the main reasons is that australia's policy lacks independence and its current choice is to closely follow the us lead now we actually saw a dispute earlier this summer and which australia accused china of being behind a cyber attack and what resulted in that was china slapping tariffs on astrology
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and barley and banning beef imports from australia not the time australia didn't retaliate so this meeting could be seen as australia finding a way to counter china while at the same time of course increasing their alliance with the us absolutely got to be friends with the us if you want to stand a chance against china i guess rachel blackman thank you so much for that thank you . now to the latest coded 1000 numbers worldwide cases now over 16500000 with about 655000 reported deaths the top 3 countries with the most cases the u.s. still leading the way followed by brazil and india here stateside cases topping 4300000 with about 148000 deaths meantime georgia's governor and the mayor of atlanta are squaring off inside a court room over imposing a mask order then down in florida intensive care units at 49 hospitals have reportedly reached capacity as health care workers are pleading with governor
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rhonda santas to require a statewide mask mandates and more code in 1980 regulations so for more on all of that let's turn to argue john hardy down in miami john what exactly are these health care workers saying. well 1st off manila let's talk about who they are there are miami dade county health care professionals we're talking about nurses we're talking about doctors and they held an online press conference to basically push for more kovan 1000 regulation statewide and they were really led by a woman named martha baker a registered nurse here in the miami area and head of the service employees international union or sci you jackson health system that's a big health system here in south florida university of miami health in a hospital among others anyway she called on governor rhonda santas to quote become the leader we need him to be and to come up she says with a consistent strategic plan to fight the ongoing pandemic here in florida here's what she said listen so please governor to see anticipate and all the way up to the
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president honored the mass let's deal with the science and heaters start mandating masks in public social distancing hand washing and it would be ideal if we could get a testing done and tracers done to actually identify where this virus is hanging out and how we can put an end to it once and for all we are the richest country on earth and i expect more from our leaders that i'm seeing right now. well currently miami dade county in the city of miami speaking of mass require people to wear masks and public and police are enforcing that rule issuing citations to those who are not wearing masks or in some cases wearing them incorrectly on a personal note i had a police officer roll up on me over the weekend and tell me to pull my mask up i had it down while i was talking on the phone i didn't get a ticket but we had
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a you know conversation about that there's been some debate about the fairness of requiring of giving people tickets if they're not wearing the mask appropriately or in the right way even reports of. police setting up quote unquote mask traps in and around the city that's a whole nother story for another time but speaking of mass a judge plans to hear the arguments on an emergency request by georgia's governor to block the city of atlanta from enforcing a public mask mandate there and other kovan $1000.00 safety restrictions while a lawsuit on the issue is pending now the atlanta journal constitution reports that state democrats are siding with atlanta mayor kisha lance bottoms on the issue and surprisingly not governor brian camp the republican governor who as we know now as we've reported here on the show has been criticized for his rollback of coded 1000 restrictions even before florida and florida was one of the earliest states to do
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that all of this as the debate continues over the use of hydroxy cora queen which is of course. being used to treat the coronavirus will facebook and twitter you've probably heard about this remove the viral video that was read tweeted by president trump claiming dr anthony felt she misled the country about the malaria drug that's being used to treat covert 19 with a houston physician in the video saying that she used it successfully on several 100 patients well there's no confirmation of that but twitter and facebook did remove the video cord to officials with both sites for providing false and misleading information and now the latest on this manila twitter is also now suspended the accounts of donald trump jr for sharing that same controversial video so the battle rages on manila back to you john heidi there in miami where your math john. oh. and then over in california where demonstrators chained themselves to a fence outside of governor gavin newsom's house their group is calling for the
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release of inmates and end to immigration transfers as the coronavirus continues to spread in state prisons the protesters were arrested and then charged with trespassing and failure to. leave unlawful assembly and failure to disperse after a warning. and elsewhere around the world riots are taking place inside a bolivian prison following the deaths of 3 prisoners due to coronavirus some inmates climb to the top of the prison roof top waving flags cardboard coughing and banners demanding to be seen by doctors officials at that prison are still waiting for medical test results of 20 other inmates who died in recent weeks suspected to be coded 19 related. and the u.k. parliament plans to root out spies and traitors as prime minister boris johnson is set to overhaul its treason and espionage laws we're going to discuss that and then over in sports brings us a wild game at the end the us is back target and make sure you keep up with all the
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latest news and anything you might have missed by downloading our brand new free app portable t.v. you can watch us there 247 i will be right back. and then. tower read out turn on the t.v. on the about the world of what's happening around me i see shows on the screens but in last every day because the fake news narrative steady state police who may be cooling small talk believed enough prisoners with farm f to barbara the fabric of globalism make you smile how play me off that in this war but i found a network that open question or science great news that space civil strife climate
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change stop it will be cool to see him fly lists all the mainstream wants to do was keep us quiet he watched the dryads can't keep a silence critical poissy is cold perspective question inside direct we don't take sides we walk the dog our t.v. america of means real talk. you cannot be both with the yeah you're right.
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i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fan to each to glimpse the big picture question more. thank you or as johnson is expected to give the ukase treason and espionage laws a make over this fall one that hasn't been seen since 1695 increased hostilities between the u.k. with russia and china have prompted this revamp as parliament's intel committees russia report point to weaknesses with the laws already on the books johnson says this will simply get the u.k.
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up to speed with the us and australia and be a better fit for today's modern age with plans to include technology and media elements in the new laws so joining us for his analysis former u.k. m.p. george galloway so george some 300 years give or take since an update to your treason and espionage laws tell us what sort of loopholes will this plan to close and how might this impact the relations with china and russia. well anybody would need to make all of our after 300 years even you even would need a make over after that length of time so there's no objection i think in principle to the make over there's obviously a question about the timing of it and what the intention of it is a for me look nobody wants spies or treason everyone's against spies
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and treason for me the issue is who will guard the guards who will define what is treason and secondly the issue of transparency i mean if you look at me for example i'm patrick leahy transparently on employee of r t i present television programs very good ones just like you that get very big audiences so i'm not any kind of agent or treat are short just a broadcaster that's up there on the screen and can be judged in the respect if they are targeting people who are secretly working for foreign powers or for commercial powers by the way who might or might not be domestic but your work for them is secret on the enrichment that you are experiencing is not known to the public then i think that's something very serious but of course we do
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need a proper definition of what treason is and the official secrets act as clearly run out of steam after 3 years in the regard if the timing of this is to fall down the anti russia and china agenda then i think that will fall on stony ground because the public are just not convinced the is a threat from russia and china against britain now george i'm glad. you touched on being an employee of r t because there was specific mention of soft power they are looking to rein in the influence specifically they said of russia that sounds to me as as a tacit blow directly to r t do you read it that way. yes i mean the clue is in the name they could have mentioned any number of other foreign broadcast orse agent of
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influence like rupert murdoch for example who doesn't pay tax in britain but mightily influences political events in britain and doesn't live in australia either by the way but he practically runs politics in australia so these are outside influences overweening in his case but they are getting want to. manila because our audience is growing and growing and growing and i want some dinner show we've been lucky enough to have you on a few times has an audience of a 1000000 people every week that's like 5 times the audience of the b.b.c. sunday that's in politics sure so they are what it you know they are what it does about people coming to r.t. and that's partly because r.t. is good but it's mainly because the. broadcasters i'm no longer believed by people because people believe that they have been misleading them over the
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intervening years something that the last 20 years since the run up to the afghan and iraq wars and since so they can't make up their mind whether to rubbish us small niche broadcast or to panic us because for a small niche broadcaster we sure are getting some audiences and that's right we certainly are ruffling the feathers on downing street there and george lastly parliament is proposing for the new espionage act i mean that is a placeholder name i presume a new registry a foreign agents now couldn't that be a dangerous power to wield who gets to decide who gets on their. yes it's a strain of the jewel mccarthy playbook mccarthy tactic they'll have to have hearings which i will have to see not now and not neither have i ever been
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a communist or a foreign agent of any kind and someone will have to make a judgement on whether of us true or not it's a very dangerous spot what we need is transparency everyone should read just exactly who they want for exactly what they are on from and then the public can judge whether the influences there are believability in the eyes of the public jesus i thought people believed in capitalism and free markets why not just let the public to choose who to listen to who to watch and who to invest credibility in absolutely george i am with you on that one and fortunately we got to leave it right there always wonderful to hear your perspective george galloway thank you. other news making headlines around the world china will officially halt hong kong
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extradition treaties with canada australia and the u.k. according to china's foreign ministry this is in direct response to a similar suspension of the 3 member countries in addition china will suspend extradition treaties between hong kong and new zealand as well. and then over to malaysia where the former prime minister was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined $50000000.00 raise act was found guilty of abuse of power and corruption in the case involving the theft of billions of dollars from the state's fund that are known as one. now 67 year old will remain free pending his appeal but will have to report to police twice a month. and over in italy protesters have gathered outside the parliament building to protest against the approval of funds for the libyan coast guard protesters say the coast guard's alleged links with human smuggling torture and
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rape in the libyan migrant centers are enough to end the support and 2017 the italian government signed a memorandum of understanding with the un backed libyan government to fund and train the libyan coast guard which this recent new package of funds is all part of . and over to the south of france where the world's largest nuclear fusion reactor known as the eater project is now being assembled the project is a joint effort by japan india the european union the united states russia china and south korea each year is a device that will enable scientists to recreate the power of the sun known as fusion to meet the world's energy needs. it's pretty all right over to regina at the sports h.q. with some intense and the last action going down right now in florida it was a lot of fun l a f c they made. we were against seattle sounders in the round of 16 match up at the m.l.s. is back torn in half of that effort can be seen in your wind for diego rossi jump
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in right and 13 minutes out is going to be awarded the penalty so who will end up taking that kick will rossi of course he converted draws 1st blood of the game l a f c with a $1000000.00 couple replaying old rossi drawn out sounders goal people step and cry clever dribble for sale on right past him is a beautiful shot elliott see add nearly 39th minute forward bradley right to left misses the past but latifa lesson there to pick it up and it's curly goes off the forum from seattle sure you know you are here for an own goal to add look o'neill's arm just extends pushes it into the goal readies for the curler but just dives around why not to let 1st half of seattle that you quote back 2nd half 75th minute hold and jones with a cross 2 will bruins ghost in the back row center right in seattle gets on the board 2 to one but that's where their luck ran out or go on to the 82nd l.a.'s the rusty takes the pass from eduardo a death row seat to make a run with it. turns it over and they forward capitalize on this opportunity right
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here l.a. you have seen a 31 lead in actually 7th of the torment ferocity they're going to do it all against a minute later seattle mistake mistake by center back to substance in l.a. you have to use it ryan rodriguez is right there at the left but a chip shot right past black in goal before we leave that a hole through stoppage ellie if he moves into the quarter finals as will face orlando on friday back to you know all right regina thank you for that and coming up at 3 o'clock iran is stepping up its milk in the strait of hormuz more specifically it's firing missiles at an aircraft carrier resembling a u.s. warship we're going to talk about that all right that's it for now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading our brand new free app it is called formal t.v. you can watch there 24 seventh's follow me on twitter and the ground at military and then claiming you here.
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you cannot be both with the yeah you like. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation
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for community. are you going the right way or are you being led. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or inmate in the shallowness. fewer than 100 days till election day insight from veteran political reporter eleanor clift as the 2020 grace enters its most critical period on this is politicking. the
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books of the politicking on larry king it's campaign season like we have never seen before with fewer than 100 days to go what can we expect as the race and as its most critical period for insight i'm joined by my friend oh all clift columnist for the daily beast political commentator and best selling author she joins us from washington are with election day less than 100 days away illinois expect any surprises you know what i'm sure they will be surprises we're watching a president to is a real race ground rank searching around to try to find a path to reelection i can't find a single poll.


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