tv Politicking RT July 28, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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the politicking on larry king it's campaign season like we have never seen before with fewer than 100 days to go what can we expect as the race and as its most critical period for insight i'm joined by my friend all clift columnist for the daily beast political commentator and best selling author she joins us from washington by with election day less than 100 days away elmo expect any surprises you know what i'm sure they were basic prizes were watching a president who is a really floundering searching around to try to find a path to reelection i can't find a single poll that's good for him he's being judged on an epic failure of leadership when it comes to the corona virus united states is one quarter well the one quarter of the deaths where 4.5 percent of the world's population and then he
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has failed to meet the moment in a drive for racial justice that is sweeping the country and instead he's trying to convert what were largely what are largely peaceful protests into chaos and mayhem on america's city streets by injecting that real agents into the scenes and they're creating more violence man than was originally ever there some national polls show biden leaving him by double digits in all the key states trump says that the is a phony they're not real at least polls. well kellyanne conway who helped elect trump 2016 she invented the term the hidden trump voter and she says everybody laughed at her and 2016 but she made change they're still out there i don't think there could possibly be enough of them to overtake
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the the movement away from this president in the suburbs and particularly among women so while it's always wise to be skeptical about polls i think we're seeing a pretty good glimpse of how the american public feels and i'm actually working on a column for the daily base that's looking at the registration figures that number of people requesting absentee ballots in north carolina has been a small uptick among registered republicans but among democrats it's that is like a 40 fold increase from like 724-6001 affiliated voters independents there's a similar increase and so bill what out of energy out there for mail and voting which is why the president is on a crusade to discredit mail and voting because he wants to be able to challenge the
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results if he doesn't like them do you compare his campaign to nixon's law and all the campaign in 68. i initially did and frankly i was kind of nervous that he would be able to pull this off to you know scare the american people into voting for him that this violence in the streets which could only be controlled from washington but i have been persuaded otherwise that in 1968 richard nixon was the challenger he wasn't the incumbent dumb trump is the incumbent i mean he he owns these streets and when he sends agents in there that some of his own republicans are opposing he is trying to create chaos in suburbs that are very different than they were in 1968 they are much more diverse and the white people in the suburbs i don't think are going to be so easily
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frightened by the president into intervention do you think we can see a most tsunami the democrats get the senate and the white house. that's what i'm thinking can happen because if you look at 980 and i think this was similarity to 1868 and jimmy carter who was the 1st president i covered was in terrible straits in 1980 and ronald reagan came in and he swept the country he won in a landslide and he brought in a republican senate were and he helped win 12 new senate seats it was the 1st time the republicans controlled the senate 26 years and if this is a strong biden win well those republicans in swing states are going to get swept aside in even in 2008 when brock obama won a strong victory the young lee republican in
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a swing state that survived then was susan collins so is the top of the ticket goes off in a lot of these senate seats that are in in in purple states will go will follow the top of the ticket so it looks good for democrats but i don't think you why the single democrat is taking any of this for granted because donald trump is such a phenomenon we've never seen anything like this before and we have no idea what he might do next do you think we'll see a riotous election day there are those in the scene you know will have a problem as across american people complaining they can vote we'll have election we don't know. well i think there will be poll watchers lawyers security on from both sides of the political aisle at all of the polling stations but the truth is a lot of people are going to vote early this year and they're going to vote by mail
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and i think the bigger challenge for election day is that we by the end of the evening we might not know who the winner is it could take a week it could take a month in some close races around the country and perhaps at the presidential races is time is tight there are a lot of those absentee ballots that are going to have to be counted one by one so i think it's a different kind of civil unrest if you will i think a lot of anxiety about how we're conducting this election. trump has declined to say he'll accept the results of the loses according mammie has to see what happens do you think they'll have to carry him out of the oval office. if he loses decisively i have no question the secret service will square him and the oval office and he's not going to have the
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republican backing you know all those republican senators who showed no spine at all in standing up to many of the things he did he has done continues to do that really across small d democratic norms they're not going to be with him if he's lost and if he's responsible for their own losses so he will be a he will be a man but i don't think he's going to leave easily and i'm not so sure it will be quiet after he leaves he's always been interested in starting a trump network and so where trump isn't goes after trump's in the oval office could be on t.v. which is where it is today. a dick and finally he declined to attend the john lewis memorial at the capitol rotunda what what do you make of that well remember it took him i think half a day before he would lower the flags have they asked if the john mccain died when
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he's not a man who let's let's grudges go easily and john lewis didn't attend his inauguration i'm sure in donald trump's mind this is fair game and frankly i don't know that he would be nested more in the rotunda now i haven't i watched mitch mcconnell deliver that very nice remarks but you want to say ok past the john lewis voting rights bill. anough with thoughts and prayers let's get some action here. well eleanor always great talking to you is stay well ok you too president drunken sees the covert 19th is going to get worse before it gets better but can the united states stop the koran virus without a plan a national plan let's get perspective from dr bob are not the award winning journalist former chief medical correspondent for n.b.c. and c.b.s. news he joins us from stole vermont all right bob do we need a national plan larry we absolutely do need
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a national plan it's been completely incoherent at this point i think the washington post said the president headed incinerated his presidency harsh language but you know when you look at what had been done there was this overall race to open up and as you and i talked to months ago over tea up did not mean going to the bar it did not need sporting events or going to movie theaters and very very careful opening up so we need a national plan and we need a school plan people are terrified after they see what happened under the president's watch in the south with all the deaths the you have there will happen our schools because it's there is no great path plan i have a 7 year old going to the 2nd grade and i'm very fearful of the way these plans would be put together because they're not using science we have 11 miami marlins players and coaches with positive they've canceled their games against the
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orioles the yankees games in philadelphia are canceled could possibly have a starting could the baseball season and. could it may already have ended you know as with any of these they're very smart ways to have done this in other words you would have taken baseball teams perhaps taken a campus someplace they all could have quarantined for a couple weeks ahead of time played their games but you know you unless you're changing the rules of the virus you simply can't put all these active people together going out to bars their families and back and forth especially in places like florida that have you know such a high prevalence of disease it's just not possible again the interesting thing about this larry is that the science is very simple you know you say 10 feet away from people you wear a very high quality mask you use i wear and you stay away from crowded indoor spaces with no ventilation and chances are very good you're not going to get
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infected and unfortunately you know you have politics getting in the way of the science advisors have been pushed to the side it just a race to open up anyway that it's as you can you know people done a very smart look at the airlines you know look at delta southwest the look at jet blue you know they keep the middle seats open day they're open you have smart other airlines just throwing caution to the wind so again i say you know if there's once more a comment larry it is stay away from the rush to open up at all costs listen to the scientists don't mock them don't make front of them in the newspapers and we're going to be far. president said it could get worse before it gets better you agree . i do and here's why you know i did a course in january of the virus talking about one hand he will hand you the virus hold up like this the use of the call mobile cabins or anybody who exposed to somebody with the virus not even effective expose them was was isolated and they
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went right down to 0 what we did larry is we came up like this we came down a little bit and now we're going up like this so now we have this huge base and no one knows what's really going to happen i mean it's a base to really be able to accelerate this epidemic completely out of control especially in the southern states of california. with more politicking with our friend dr bob are not right after these words. conservative media tell us the political left in the united states has become radicalized by what is your in an era of socialism profoundly changing the country on the other hand by many in his claim nothing would fundamentally change so we should visit or is it as always just
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a. sudden forced and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. so rather than revolutionaries or soldiers could the small group be cooperation when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. police are sacrificing. places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well into that world were well focused world. question the. join
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me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. politicking continuing our conversation with dr bob barr not the award winning journalist former chief medical correspondent for n.b.c. and c.b.s. news i don't think i've ever asked this but frankly. what is show peculiar about the coronavirus. well you know unfortunately larry there's nothing terribly peculiar about it it's very straightforward it's you know about virus that
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is spread largely through respiratory droplets should drop within 3 feet or so it should have been very easy to contain you know there were system set in china if we had had regular testing it early in february and march we would have been able to contain it but it's a very insightful question larry because the one thing that may be unusual is this even though most scientists think it's not airborne as a virus you have both the national academy of sciences coming out and now the world health organization spurred by about 238 scientists asking is it airborne and to be clear what we mean by airborne is when it launches into the air we think it's a strop said 3 feet ourselves but the open question is does it launch and stay in the air as a viable virus so that some distance in time away from somebody they could become infected so that would be the wild card you get great insight larry. president says
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that some day it may just disappear you buy that. i think it's fairy wishful they get unfortunately but wishful thinking on every front you know this may be with us through 2022 google announced today that they're going to keep their workers at home through next july that's a year from now. you know task infectious disease expert despite the fact that he's been attacked by a stray shouldn't. you know indicates that this may be with us like the common cold for very long periods on precisely because we didn't stamp it out early when we have an opportunity there may be a reservoir so if it picks up in the southern hemisphere comes the northern the southern so it could be with us for a while but here's the thing to watch out for larry is there going to be a big surprise they're talking about perhaps a therapy in the next week or 2 announce we don't know if it's any good or not we know that now they have 30000 people now taking this vaccine 87 different centers
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it is well designed i love the idea it's technically it's called an m.r.i. in a and that's the in the messenger that comes from our genes that tells us to do something it tells us to make the spike protein that's what the body recognizes on the virus so we then can make antibodies to that and have a response so i think that just in the darkest days i'm hoping that there is going to be an effective vaccine and some vector therapies but look to november december before we really know for sure. speaking that we've got 15000 people testing the vaccine getting and getting the vaccine and 15000 getting a placebo how long will it take what are you expecting to have some good news in. so as you point out the 3 different phases really to these trial the 1st the small you want to find out are people getting rashes are they getting medically sick is it bad for you could it hurt you then they go to a larger phase 2 and now face 3 which could actually prove it out so what they're
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looking for is this when you have the. so you have these antibodies that rise and rise and rise and rise so your body tries to fight it what you want to do with a vaccine is to mimic that same high rise in antibodies and they have been able to show that now the unanswered question is this as you give it to older people in different different ethnic groups as an example will there be a surprise that someone has a bad reaction to it and will it in the end actually prevent you from getting the virus you don't know makes sense you have all those antibodies but we won't really know probably until november but still very promising that those antibody levels are quite as high as if you actually had the virus which is good news. or to make a vaccine deniers apparently there are a lot more a lot of people who won't take a vaccine. you know we had that right here i mean stover mont we had
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a bunch of bunch of and ivax was coming to town trying to discourage our kids what we did is a local group here we pointed out that in minnesota when they did this with a somali population i think they had 52 cases of measles that broke through when they didn't take the vaccine it's going to be a big problem you know it might be as much as a 3rd of the united states and i think the most unfortunate thing is you know larry you know you really don't remember what you do remember we've been doing this for 30 years and 30 years ago if we had this conversation people would listen to the science they listen to the evidence and they probably take the advice now you have this huge universe of conspiracy theorists who think that this is a you know china attack you know a suit which of course is not correct who think that it's you know the left wing trying to be trump i mean all this just insane stuff and you can't break through you know as a scientist i have actually stopped most of my social media posts because all i do is get this terrible blowback from trying to just offer simple scientific advice
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such as your question directly yes it's going to be a very big problem there a large segment of the population the war vaccinate themselves and won't vaccinate their children so it's you know going to be tough sledding ed but. you know we hope as we've seen with the virus now that the nonbelievers when they get sick with this virus and die from the virus suddenly say hey this is the great truth teller and then i think the most interesting point is this you know we have been through the most divisive time in american history and people sort of believe you know whatever their side of the political spectrum happens to say the virus is the great truth teller you can have a governor in the south saying i'm going to throw my science away and go full bore and open up go back to the bars but the virus will prove them wrong with 5000 tests 400000 plus infected so it's going to very interesting that in the end you know people may end up listening to the virus as it tells us you know the unfortunate truth of who lives and who dies. well the annual flu vaccine
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should probably be available the middle of august will it be any problem and taking the standard flu vaccine we get every year. well it's a very good question you don't know to a large numbers of people take it with their you know there's a reading problem with your hasn't been over the last few years a question is did they nail it you know they look around for viruses around the world to see which one do they have number david number and they have an h one n one so they try to get 2 or 3 different strains to figure out you know is this the right straight or not so one will they have the right strains we don't know 2 is that a good idea it's a great idea because of the confusion that's going to be so as people get both flu and corona at the same time you kind of can't tell the party could really overwhelm the hospital system so no advance warning that it's either not going to work or to be problematic i mean aside from what is earliest i can i mean my family to get vaccinated as well into what if i want to volunteer to
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be to test one of the new vaccines what oh i do. you know you you would volunteer i would have to go through the mechanics of it you know the national institutes of health you see has all the clinical trials there and all the information on how you sign up whether it's a cancer or heart trial or whatnot moderna is one of the vaccines it's in oxford the chad one vaccine is another of those but they would look at you and your risk factors the difficulty of course is you don't know as you point out the beginning of the project asked whether you're getting the salt water you're getting the actually a vaccine but it's a great idea you know because they talked about these human volunteers taking the vaccine and then getting infected with a deliberately but because they're younger it doesn't really tell how it's going to operate in older individuals so for those of us who are older or have various illnesses i get chronic as an example it's be very important for us to volunteer so
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they can see how this vaccine operates in older individuals various ethnic groups and with a variety of where they call co-morbid conditions of this disease it's chronic lung disease asthma high blood pressure and you know a long list of these chronic illnesses that put you know lots of people unfortunately terrible risk from the corona and if you test positive are you still contagious when it's over. that's a great question actually or my kids actually just became infected with corona it's a question we've asked you know it's roughly 4.7 days after you've been infected but you start to have symptoms and then the c.d.c. i think today was saying there might be 10 days or so later you may no longer be infectious you probably still have antibodies for a long time out and that's been a source of great debate you know that people are continuing to sort of trail the
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virus on for days but it looks like that 10 days after become symptomatic but remember that at least 45 percent of people don't have any symptoms at all in fact what's interesting is in boston the homeless population they found that they did all the right screening you know they looked at them in terms of making certain they took their temperature and they asked all the right questions but they missed a large number of people who have the virus because there are so many a sin to match it and that's the main problem you know you have to great question a little while ago but you know what's so different about this particular virus the biggest single thing that's really different and dangerous about it. asymptomatic carriers asymptomatic individual skids sit next to you it just breathing or saying whether he was coughing or sneezing you could be infected with the virus and that's why having the right masks is important and i say right mass because lots of people are running around a little bit of cloth and it doesn't do much really to contain you know the virus
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when you're breathing you know we need to make a national priority of having the kinds of mass that health care workers have but having enough of them obviously for health care workers and the rest of us to be clear the end $95.00 masks offers 96 percent protection from the virus a surgical mask roughly 67 percent and a single piece of the piece of cloth we don't know that's probably just 20 or 30 percent so you know required of all this expensive stuff in our cars the airbags in the safety valves you know the government should make a priority of having the right masks for everybody. any fear since it can get into the air spreading through central air conditioning. so it's very interesting turns or can she works a couple different ways there was a famous study and it showed that in a restaurant the air conditioning was actually actually able to take in move the virus across the room to somebody who then became infected with the virus now you
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know would it go back into a central air conditioning system and spew back out again the experience of japan is that is false they number one believed that the virus was airborne and they have relied on these hepa filter systems and you know research relating clean air and that's what the airlines rely on you know the airlines big ace in the hole they hope we don't know this yet they hope is that because they have the right kinds of filters and they have research killer there that hopefully it's going to make it lower risk but the kind of air conditioning and the us just blowing virus you know from the over to somebody else because of the airflow is one and whether in fact is there one of the biggest 1000000 dollar question larry is is this really airborne or not and we just don't know at this point. bob it's always great having you with us thanks for your time today. well thank you larry yes the world's best questions is just such a pleasure and such an honor it really is i can't tell you thrilled i am to see you
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. we thank him for joining us and we thank you for joining us on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. gandhian by north it's so many people because they copy him he's so good that even such a bad puppy sending. i'm not hill to anybody and. i'm here to find the next guy. who looked up live on. being done the infernal to feed the dog she even done plenty
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of. the flick some for the c.e.o. thing is the deflection board is happy to say. that it's got to be that then i got up from idiots are. going to hear a lot about that on the morning. that you can bank on. the gap. long long running. on the bottom the shopping list which i live on principle cannot all . handle a new person and today 100 gandhi the new normal i'm going to run the peace prize david begnaud to you then we'll mark you then they will join you.
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you cannot be wrong with me yet you are. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge if you're going to exploit for a child you're in los angeles thought they were going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the early 6 trade.
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also secret anymore a key source in the discredited trump russian collusion of course from 2016 s on masked let's forget that his evidence was based on barber improvisation. facebook take the regulator to court claiming that competition probes are invasion of staff privacy and the irony is not lost on data protection campaigners and. president trump bolsters federal forces in the city of portland after weeks of black lives months of protests criticism mounts from local leaders who accuse him of abusing his power. those are the headlines here in our c.n.n. national you can follow all the latest developments on our website r.t.
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