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tv   Documentary  RT  July 29, 2020 12:30pm-1:31pm EDT

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voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices for wealthy in the world for wealth. and that's no question that the coup d'etat. every crisis in america has been packaged as a bond and sold into the junk bond market with a longer maturity at a slightly lower coupon right and they've been doing this now for 40 years to the point where america's indebtedness says then they engineered to the point of an extinction event as have many countries as the glow. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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heis a nation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by a. want to stress was his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. a month they dug it out. and then he. and i on the. beach amid that odd ahead that ahd it be the halley's a but audit not good enough. been. a good.
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i've you know i didn't know you don't know what is i didn't know because people. was a commissionaire to look after the low class people. and of people without legs i get a show you under me not the man is about as if in a con or not is immaterial he's a jew his leg. he doesn't use his hand is no hand it age or his leg then no point in head be people would his be. people who have. no legs gonna speak good brain you must impress people. gave me the stick. to hold me you were to. mock but gandhi dissidents and so on touchability hasn't justice so he cornered the people who won with hundreds of. children of course and
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he made a conscious effort to raise money for their cause to believe that he has. given him this room because he had a condition. now you would think. nature in his legs. you see him he can talk. then. he the moment he's near you jump in joy and see he didn't even. know. the half day thank you. is gone. on a day to get it. done though then i am not. livable no never to return. these paintings they didn't say yeah lady. he does it in his hand. we have in this league.
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in the old old has been exhibited in 7 odin this is a. better those people. i've read of this boy. i've taken of him. he wanted to get married. i told him don't run maybe i mean they've taken a few that shot. anyone on the way say on lazy i stayed this particular night i can really let. them turn a theory. thank you. but with people who didn't know how to go and given it were needed after money that i didn't want or when you would what are you doing to do with the money even today i care we don't money i'll go without money. and great ip.
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to complete some of your side of the food places in front of you but don't start eating. but before we had lunch one of the most important things we have to answer question is who's going to pay for this much how much money you have i don't have to be that getting ok with us getting money we'll. look at how much money you get a 100 you 100 so there were 350 rupees over here and you're about 30 if you were here is that enough. and the best part is that money doesn't work over here the money that they're getting doesn't work over here. ok so what i want you to do is we're going to hand out these. pieces of people to you. while you're eating before. well you eat please make some money on this ok make your own come
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out of the sea. we had to shoulder how important it is with the qualities of giving how how much can we give and whether the quality of giving is spoken about we always speak about the rich that means you have to be able to make money to be able to give money. and i can tell you younger the children more money they give us as we grow or i don't know all the reasons why we become a little cynical ripped up a little cautious but you know the power of giving rests with the. 330 who are just. telling you because you are right now in your can't believe you're between the ages of 100004216 as you grew up keep the
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spirit going. to have really become multi millionaires and billionaires. do the same that you have done today and i'm telling you you will be the change of the way . down the basic principle of simplicity. don't spend more than or this equation don't show all on be too true to your say of these things. not to me game. need no reason for going bad for me me it was economical every 500 kilometers you're supposed to and you're sure i had calculated once if you and that time they're not going to shoes would cost you about 5000 indians apiece. if it lasted for. clematis every kilometer to vote then. peace cost me and
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then. any person with any claim to being a gandhian in rb splinting so much money on. even if except passion you can't be spending so much. gun the believe in economy he. didn't break on the stage or. use it he would need to have the public leg just the backside blank and use the blanks $880.00. days oh yeah exactly dick on to me. i don't put a label to vote but they're ok not a lesser show. but.
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i can watch. it on things now model. that you can't. get them to look. so mom plug on the. pinch of salt and broke the back and how did you do that he took 78 of those from out of the box and walked 141 miles to the sea coast to a village called back. and in these 241 miles with each the coastal town down be he had one 100000 indians with it what happened was $300000000.00 indians also group law in the other parts of india and the british did not have enough juice to put all these people in. i am going to
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local to me and then. get out of them. and learn i. want to help the needy but i do little yet. that i'm not that them. for she. didn't know when i might be 20. if not making a bank on the union should. i mean to. find the fact. that. martin was screwed it could. go mad you know that i'm going to. let you know that i'm going to leave. but i don't. put it going to get people on a level that it. gave me too much but then you're going to jeopardize having. any
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quality any of it can only be not that of a jump little bit unclear what a question of warning system for deal constitutes. but that is. i don't want to jump when i don't feel we'll talk a little more to put it sounds to. me and. i'm going to 40 we're getting a cut that we could afford him. about accommodate which had been diagnosed. but i don't want to have it i'm a jew and. don't really know what he knew what had brought down with him because of the his law model production. pushy i mean although able to attack even when they're not just audio and shout out a little poem.
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fado good to know that's nearly daily mail in new would be i take it out now what you've got going to eating. going to elaine. and then my wife oh matter a little. she's. ok i mean if you just make. new. the how long. should the somebody's. going to go. down she could be. a bentley. without a clue on how but you. will get. there 5. 100000000 but there will be a need for some new. mom
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a gun to. give us all a sense of pride for example when he was a by to off the successful source monch doing live for the county in 1031 he reached england and he was last to meet the king. and the oss tomorrow you want to meet the king of england in this cloak. so his on so was the king of england reza muffed rules for him and i. got the had a lot of you would also but he also knew how to get across his point when he went to england and when was the round table oh you know he he was offered a 1000000 state to sweden. and he said no i have come here to get woodenness what which that means independence i cannot accept.
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54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area rush up. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women. on the streets many of them under age. police reveal a taste of their daily challenge if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles we're going to. see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight straight. l. look forward to talking to you. that should work for people. i really must obey the orders given a human beings except where such a conflict with the 1st law. should be very careful about official intelligence and the point is.
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mary catherine with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. the robot must protect its own existence. the. casino. and mother to mighty big get at the. mayo want to know. which men didn't know. men.
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but none they had worked. for for 32 years to give us advance and i think personally he was a little disappointed that we were getting independence by breaking into 3 bonds and not a meeting as one. flag hoist scenes in pakistan and india on the 15th the gentleman. he was got in new delhi at that time he was in the eastern part of india trying to calm the people down trying to tell the people that you have to have brotherhood of religion and be patient he believed that we need to move 1. 1947 the british empire acknowledged india's right to independence on one condition the country should be partitioned into different states according to religion and up to 1000000 people were killed in the resulting clashes between religious groups even when it got dirty deeds it is going to only one known. i don't know what is
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going to do it so i didn't get there at all in a gandhi no to hindus community. good girl brainy good wisdoms and muslim good company good in those men gone cold night. nearly the end of you knew to come to give a prayer meeting here give me. my. men this region this one is who they came to be as i've been tricked or gave to me that orders from the home minister to search everybody's bargain when they come to this thread making. this into a wash even if you put 20000 dollars many years you will assume in a way neighborhood in and of god. if god wanted to
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kill me. that. disobey making wasn't for the fixing the schedule he will sit down and along with his followers and there will be just this i don't know forces from vegas and he just 53 minutes each and then after that he will tell the people that 1520 minutes he was heading for that one was. and the one was so minute they were one was a great grand opening the most particular. day he was to call them his walking sticks with taking off his daily needs and they used to a company for the fitting in the. guard to kill the guard take care then this day and it showed on the next day i was standing here at the back. and i thought i'm god sick but not to. with the hindu nationalist organization. accused of yielding to muslims
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and blamed him for petitioning of the country how do you come here to enjoy it only got. 3 kids in charge and yet it really pedagogic i'm here in charge of me yet i would have gone i made late intended is dead this t.v. littered fire. there was nothing in this world that could justify. it and i think that is one thing that is unacceptable to mark q bought by the because you don't like his views there are little history books the other way is to write against him the other way is to give opinion against him but i would not agree for any of these that you are about to.
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want. to push on field of what i'm gonna while only will pinching the pins he bought of the vision when she was an intern pharmacokinetic in the. monologue while the name . on the bottom there's a bonus feature lines which could not only dynamite on one should apologise now but on cloning one of the owning all and then on an hourly then on an in which is tonight. and then in a month until. i know who to call them how to push on time i know are bound to. appear confident that. i am i. don't know. when you
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pull the. plug on the good ol in the context push them up to. them to see if only. the lower portion of them know i'm going to say political minus a couple on the 3rd is kind of. the one of the addition of other punch on a kind of mini they wonder how one ticket on the table could tear them down when only they know positive from yellow not. because of a blue ball clearly they miss a chance of them bunched but. i wouldn't want to. be honest and only a little. blood on the. bottle went on until they were then the bottom.
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who put the key additionally in months. and months i was one of the. early and. we don't really have much in a pound of. the name of the money going up but these tensions any thing i need put the news in the. gandhi flew down the line on what i was one of the not and she was. on the little. one on little about to get a muslim look good on the. general of the security they were not political stuff to show the buffalo would our little got to win on appeal is going to send a car bomb on the block to look. how much down. much i love some one of those
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someone on. what could have been some someone on my no wish to tony someone a. question can pinch and i don't know about through into the land of christian cena a new month a while a while all the time i mean some of them going to comply but i was kind of just what i'm going to. use. in india we have the 3rd largest muslim population in the us and in the city of hydra but it was almost
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double the national average so we have over $30000.00 children who visit us every year at the museum in fact we have a little experiment that we you know play out in the museum and we asked the children say that you know if you want to define your religion how would you define it and almost all the children from different religions come up with all the single word and which will be a space and form up with god via think piece from the village and bites of. the idea but in front of john $25.00 that it can still be one big leap into you know big and diverse 60 plus persons there are a lot coming to these people was there and they came and muslims christians and every people are so common for every coming in india.
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and you ask me i can say that i love being a little i born again lover here. so i think the time will come when people will have a better understanding of each other you know politics would not be played right and it will turn into a bogus border where everybody would be have. work done is done to me. make me look bored about. being born. and that came naturally i didn't can't do anything i'm actually going to become. the man who seconded wages naif nobody could say to me so much no money. if you look at the u.i. lives that is happening and throw the word. and leave the lot of the conflicts you
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need a bunch of leg on the blog. the next monday could be a film that makes gandhi could be the next on the could be a 12 year old child it could be any of these people but we need to make which is very important because the are required to cause change in the way. it chimes but these on the leech. will not watch a supplement to it jungle bunny not saying human. than we face 1st we're going to. ignore you. then they would mock you then they will join you.
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banks guys or financial survival will. tell you clergy it is it this is the central bank support diagram is going to call them right now so you stop to.
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fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. rather than revolutionaries or soldiers small group be cooperation when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. these are sacrificed some . places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices were well in that world for well this world. question that the.
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welcome to all of you is from around the world flying from central london this is all it's a u.k. . hundreds of health service workers down the street demanding pay rises for. doctors and nurses as promised by the government i'll be. talking to one of them shortly. the government's response to the care homes crisis including the discharge of patients without tests is condemned as reckless and appalling even negligence we hear from a former n.h.s. trust chairman and the founder of compassion in care. the british secret service is forced to apologize after its spies trying to interfere in a license to kill case and stop a georgia reading secret papers we hear from
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a former and 5 officer would suggest that dean cain is back to to kitty is a sort of very british they start to fold next and it needs tightening up. the british economy faces a double shot with bricks and set to hit industries which managed to avoid the impact of covert 19 we hear from a form of brics a party and a strategic advice and. also this hour scotland's policing body speaks out against a new hate crime bill as it concerns the force will have to decide what constitutes free speech but all of the measures necessary to hear from both sides of the debate . this whole friction between free speech and public good rights of friends. existed for decades police officers do have a good little job but very make those judgment calls about what constitutes offensive great every day of the week.
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british health workers are marching on downing street to demand pay rises for all front line workers in light of the covert $19.00 pandemic the protest organizers claim workers have been criminally let down by the government it comes after any doctors and nurses were included in a recent increase in public sector salaries for front line workers but the protesters say that all health workers deserve a papers to recognize their efforts during the pandemic i'm joined by the chair. and they just stuff voices through cogan izing the protest psychotherapist on the bus told us why are you all that. i'm not well we've seen that how the cover of crisis has on us lots of inequalities so i say however what we have seen as well is mass appreciation shown by the public for our
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care rose for health care stop to be those who've been working the front line however what we haven't seen is any kind of anything cost a gesture really to show support for frontline workers take a message we are finding cells increasingly using food banks and you know we've seen a real time 20 percent decrease. and it just work a pay this 3 point one percent because it's such a pay increase is it is quite disingenuous in the in the in the way that it's coming from existing project is not going to reach any portion of the front line nurses are excluded that you don't search polluted the piece or excluded care workers are excluded outsourced cleaners are excluded it's completely it is quite difficult to use the fact to. oversleep the pandavas had a huge impact on the british economy the problem is that britain at the moment
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really afford what you're calling for. i think you know i completely agree that we're in a very tricky situation at the moment and things are more precarious than they were you know you know the last 10 years we've seen a stare at the cuts we've seen a lot a lot of damage done to certain sections of the workforce in our society now we've also seen in recent times billions of pounds being hunted companies and private companies and businesses you know there are priorities that we can see the n.h.s. is clearly not a priority in fact is. so ironically or you know quite scary really the n.h.s. is being you know it continues its continuing to be financially continuously undervalued despite being. the n.h.s. and has focuses but what about the timing of this that because many people have lost their jobs during this pandemic is a play royce right now justified by those who all still in work.
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i think just sort of reiterate what would be said to be honest you know these are the people that we've seen saving lives and dealing with the lies that we you know we have been pushing been easing they have been doing not of the holocaust as it is crisis. you know and a lot of these people are not seeing any real pay rise so it's a response to this 3 point one percent pay rise. you know by basically and that's why people have come out to say actually we do need a pay rise we did take me off you know 10 years of austerity cuts and you know nasa time to think has gone down 20 percent in that time roy you know the best way is gone it's much more difficult to be in the works actually was great as it was we've got thousands of very confusing thing audio you know you can see and it has let me just quickly also you said a huge support among the public for and they just work because it sounds like
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there's quite a lot of support roger the moment do you think you'll get what you want. a high pay me more from the company you know when you when you miss them over school so when when there was a facebook group made to run to be accept close by this one percent pay rise business you know i think about 70000 people joined in and you know joined an f.a. food group to support we need that so. or to actually be taken to the people in charge we need our support to be showing in in in a more useful way really are about thank you very much and then maybe we will see something the cowardly thanks very much indeed for joining us live there from central london. the british government's response to the covert 19 crisis incursions was by the reckless and appalling according to an influential
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parliamentary group report by the public accounts committee condemns the discharge of patients from hospitals without covert tests even accusing those in power or of negligence or because showed it was dusty has the latest. thrown to the wolves were the words from senior m.p.'s themselves on the care home sector and how it's been treated throughout the covert 19 pandemic now this report has been published by the public accounts committee just today and it's the 1st glimpse the 1st real look into how the sector has been treated since the height of the pandemic though it found that the government's approach was inconsistent and out was negligent now according to make here here's the chairwoman of the cross party committee she says the national response was simply not good enough the failure to provide adequate p.p. testing to the millions of starving volunteers who received lives to help us through the 1st peak of the crisis is a sad low moment in our national response our care homes were effectively thrown to
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the wolves and the virus has ravaged some of them we weren't prepared for the 1st wave putting all else aside government must use the narrow window we have now to plan for a 2nd wave lives depend upon getting our response right. so inconsistent reckless and appalling were used to describe the way in which patients were discharged into care homes without any knowledge of whether or not the patient had kovac 19 now a massive 25000 hospital patients in england and wales were moved to care homes to free up bed spaces as i say no covert 19 test it also found years of inattention and funding cuts by successive governments have left social care worse for wear and that the government was aware of this but failed to change its policy that one top of all of this there was a lack of information surrounding the cost of contracts for example the 19 girls hospital which was built for the virus remained virtually empty there out the pandemic now the committee also points to failures when it comes to p.p.
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and equipment for those on the front line not to mention of course the lack of testing and indeed how of how product it was for those on the frontline and patients there as well now when it comes to fail as in the care home sector it's long been at the epicenter of the entire pandemic if we cast our minds back to the beginning of lockdown bar starts and the prime minister said that care homes would be pretty much unaffected by covert 19 cut forward a few months and we know it's the complete opposite as care homes have been affected the worst in all sectors and then more recently boris johnson the prime minister at the start of july shifted the blame someone on to the care homes saying that they were not doing their jobs properly the one of the things that the crisis has shown is that we need to think about how we organize our social care package better if you remember and how we make sure we look after people better who are in social care i think has been there was we discovered too many homes didn't really
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follow the procedures in the way that they they could have but we're learning lessons the whole time for us johnson also went on to blame medical professionals who was in charge of discharging patients and even though charity bosses have learned since. and they his comments were clumsy and cowardly boris johnson has failed to apologize for them to date now today the department of health has said it's been working very closely with the care home sector and has announced it is investing much more money into per improving discharging prices alongside an extra $1300000000.00 to support the hospital discharge process we have provided $172000000.00 items of people each of the social care sector since the start of the pandemic and are testing all residents and staff including repeat testing pissed off and residents in care homes for over $65.00 or those with dementia we know there is a need for a long term solution for social care and we will bring forward
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a plan that puts so should care on a sustainable footing to ensure the reforms will last long into the future now the report has suggested some recommendations including improving the discharge process and it wants the government to respond by the end of the summer because that is a crucial time when we do expect to see a 2nd wave of the coronavirus pandemic. to discuss i was joined by former health service trust chairman roy lilly earned by a care homes expert and author of numerous whistleblower reports i lean chop. we have been saying for decades you need to look at the care sector and how it's being run it's big business it's big profits it's offshore accounts and tax avoidance yes there are small homes and there are some companies that have good homes because they have good stuff but we're seeing stars losing their job so it doesn't matter how much money the government's going to pump in now to the camp of artists profit
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margins those stars have lost their jobs what are they going to do about that those at the start that spoke out and gave a voice to those found for people those stuff if you lost that jobs what use is that money to them what about the impact of this report are you confident that the government will react to this will get this under control in the event they are secondly it's not hard enough if the report is that i mean it's not damning enough and the k. thing is nobody has to be held to account and we've seen this again and again no accountability means nothing changes this could happen again and next time it could be you and it could be your family this affected i think there's still fragile it's i think they are i think they will look at the margins of profitability somewhat not right to the last because the issue is that government and local authorities will play well right absolutely at the margins you've got other kids that run but a big international can do all markets and let go arrangements with a central who is overseas into tax havens i mean the whole frankly business news
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a good source tells about a top a ring of steel around the really extreme shielding in effect yes i mean the business model needs to be sorted out they need to have a real big injection of clinic ok not just you know well meaning well intentioned care and they need nurses working in care homes because there was a time when you're going to can just be looked after the margins of what you needed to know can shoot people with multi movement it is lots of things wrong with them and they have very strong. britain's secret intelligence service has been forced to apologize after its agents tried to inappropriately interfere in a license to kill case to m i 6 officers try to stop members of the investigatory powers tribunals including a senior judge reading key documents case involved alleged crimes linked to m i 5 the domestic security service the watchdog which oversees these spy agencies that telephone calls made by agents amount to inappropriate interference for me and my 5
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operative and emotional and praise the tribunal secretary told me that the only surprise is that we are hearing about it. the unprecedented that it's been made public you know good for season a call whether or not we should call it just calling out intelligence agencies who are actually sort of whistle blowing but all credit to her the investor repairs tribunals has been in place for 20 years and they have her peled very very few cases but certainly the ones that they have upheld have been staggering most notably the kidnapping of abdel hacking bell hards from the far east back to libya to torture for 6 years and he finally won a case against the british government and won an apology from them for that treatment because m i 6 with neck deep in the case they had arranged his extradition they were congratulating the libyans on being able to get their hands on this corner and they tortured him and his wife so this sort of stuff goes on all
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the time in the background and very very seldom do we have to really hear about the dirty deals that are done behind the scenes so for the i p t 2 actually reveal this i think it's very interesting well this time when the brits are trying to strengthen the secrecy and in our shores. human rights groups brought the case to try to get exact details about any guidelines that could direct agents to commit crimes in terms of the interference the judge presiding or just a saying admitted that something had gone seriously wrong and emotion thinks it's time for a radical overhaul well america used an interesting case because they had much more oversight built into their working system whereby you could go all the way through the management system of the organization you're working for and then take it to a congressional hearing and in fact some of the most famous american whistleblowers over the last 2 decades have done and yet again despite going through all the requisite channels they've still been arrested you know snatched out of their homes
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and threaten with what 5 years in prison so there is no perfect oversight mechanism but i would suggest that the u.k. is making to rip particularly is a sort of very british historic terrible mess and it needs tightening up not in the way they're trying to do at the moment which is to tighten up penalties for whistle blowing but actually tightening up oversight and providing proper channels for people with ethical concerns to avoid the scandal of whistleblowers and to prove the work of us by agencies do still to come this hour leasehold in the state in the shadow of grenfell town being charged belton's to regenerate the area despite years of chaos disruption and trauma here from the vice chair of the residence association. of british industries will be hit by the 2nd economic shock of brecht's of including those spared from the worst of covert 19. day scottish policing says a new daughter probably lies stirring up hatred could force officers to make
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decisions on free speech and undermine public trust if both sides of the debate. leg. length . lens.
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leg. the world is driven by a dream shaped by phone person. thinks . we dare to ask. for. more than 3 years after the grenfell tough on which claim $72.00 lives residents in
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the area still feeling the impact because holders in the shadow of the road being charged thousands to regenerate the area despite years of chaos disruption and trial because he's adding ripples. this is the lancaster west the state in west london which surrounds grunfeld tower now the local authority the world bar of kensington and chelsea have said that they're going to be carrying out extensive or faddish networks to bring the estate up to 21st century standards they include new windows new heating systems radiation pipework and so on but lease holders could face a bill of $15000.00 pounds each for those works the total cost of the refer bushman is thought to be around $58000000.00 pounds $100.00 lease holders will be affected by the charge the house will say that they've offered a 20 percent discount to those lease holders but it still leaves
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a $1500000.00 pound hole in the funding which local residents say is outrageous that they should even be charged for that what we call we are legal advice is we can't give you 100 percent but we are going to do we said this isn't refurbishment all the refurbish is in the rest of the torah this is to make up for the tragedy that happened and what's happened so what we've been through since we were it used to can get into market without jumping over a famous a still not back to normal randy and i still don't see why we should pay to fix the relief problems i mean the fact and so we're left in a terrible state of disrepair for years by the team that we were happy paying for service charges for services we weren't getting so i understand the council so they have a legal problem with that but i'm saying our case is totally different the government hasn't put in 24900000 pounds for the rest of the barrier they put in for here to try and give us some sort of recovery and we are the one of the 2 the to find the
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1400000 that it would cost to make sure that the resident leaseholders that's the people who live here don't have to suffer and can be treated just the same as it will no says now residents have reached out to the housing secretary robert generate but the government says that this is a. for local authorities who themselves say that they're doing what they can to help residents meet that cost i fully appreciate the special circumstances of those living on the estate and having gauged with the lancaster west residents association in providing residential lease holders and shared owners with a 20 percent discount on potential charges from the council for the refurbishment we are offering a range of options including repayment periods of up to 10 years around $100.00 pounds per month or a voluntary charge on a property to ensure that no one suffers financial hardship as a result of the work despite that offer from the council of a discount that still leaves a bill of thousands of pounds sum to residents who are elderly and simply won't be able to afford the charge the sally r t
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u k in west london. a report has found that the british economy is likely to face and double shock from bricks and on top of the devastation caused by covert 19 the london school of economics claims that one up to 80 percent of businesses have already been negatively impacted by the pandemic others are yet to feel the impact the economic impacts of the end of the transition period its researchers are calling for a sector by sector assessment or despite the threat of grave economic consequences e.u. and u.k. ministers are still struggling to agree on a trade deal that he used chief negotiator says an agreement was unlikely by the end of the year citing competition in fisheries as a major point of disagreement britain has ruled out extending the transition deadline raising the possibility of leaving without a deal but talks lag behind britain is set to sign its 1st post breaks a trade agreement with japan within weeks britain's trade secretary hopes the agreement will offer the u.k. a range of benefits including reduced costs for japanese technology well earlier i
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discussed this with international breaks it advised that rita and former british party m.e.p. for wales they thinking. as the l.s.c. of being tell it as ever since we started talking about the referendum and britain leave in the e.u. it's been all doom and gloom and quite frankly i'm just afraid that we've been hearing about the boy who cried wolf way too much from these people let's look at the positives let's look at what we can do let's look at the big bullet that we just dogged with the e.u. recovery fund where germany and britain for its use 3000000000 euros into a fund so bail out the rest of the e.u. even tiny little island and 7 spending 16000000000 euros into this fund if we were still in the e.u. as a 100000000000 euros at least that would be having to pay to prop up the rest of the e.u. we can be using that money to help our industry to make sure that we get these
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trade deals that the one that we're going to be announced so much upon for you. and we can push and to help our industry i think that the thing that that the crying of arses has sort of revealed to us and is probably the most important thing for us to be really focusing on is that the world's a different place now you know we have made it to a place where never has there been a situation before where every country almost in the out has been impacted by a significant event and that's created a burning platform to change and we should be really focusing on what that means in terms of how to really rethink business how we work together politics how will the nice asians come together to work but to find solutions to that that's the biggest learning that should be taking away right now recognizing that we cannot continue to operate in the ways that we have done before going back and relying on old why this is not going to solve any problem well that's the stopping the bright side
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agreement for dealing with the pandemic. the group representing scottish police officers has criticised the nation's proposed hate crime legislation saying it would lead to officers making decisions on what is and isn't free speech in submissions to to devolve government inquiries the scottish police federation said the new powers are too vague while attempts at enforcement would undermine trust in the force it argues existing laws are capable of tackling racism and discrimination . the bill wants to make stirring up hatred a criminal offense even if the comments were said in private or not intended to incite violence it comes areas such as age race sexual orientation religion disability and transgender identity now those convicted could face 7 years in prison but the scottish government maintains that freedom of expression is being protected and they're not abated this with former police officer peter and human
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rights barrister peter. i think these guards while i'm in the house i was the balance right is that it is always tipped to far in favor of not being able to pay speeds and certainly when i was vice chair of much foreign police authority i said of the 1st race a forum in london and we found time and time again that the hate speech legislation was too weak it was it affected but hardly anybody was ever prosecuted and so that the concerns have been expressed that federation rights but i'd say on board they've got a right to express them that's their freedom but what we found is that the incidents such as and georgia square in with black cloud far right groups clearly either speaking in private and knowing that those rights that would be publicly broadcast on you tube or elsewhere those should be prosecuted the defense is that having an intentional that you like you're likely to think racial hatred be stirred it must be viewed or any other sort of hatred if you don't know objective basis loosely in and that single acting upon the laws provided and use the powers
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provided by the government and the police officers obviously do have to make judgement calls themselves now this is not new this whole friction between free speech and public order act offenses. has and existed for decades and it's not something that just been created by this new proposal legislation it's a difficult area it is not easily resolved. this piece is sad and when you've got a group who have taken offense and more concerned about some particular language your behavior will tend to sort of take a bit more reports that it's that should be caught by the legislation if they're a group doing it they'll take a view that it shouldn't be called certain classically the comedians who always sort of have an input into these debates and see the police who consider this will
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damage policing by consent when to put some minority community i don't think it will i mean you ignore the fact that the vast majority of scottish people do not condone racism or any other behavior that is going to impact upon the freedoms of others and therefore i think scotland always has i have a very proud history i was bought myself out of freedom of speech but it also has a rather proud tradition of actually making sure the perpetrators are brought to justice and yes police officers do have a difficult job but they make those judgment calls about what constitutes offensive behavior every day that week this is no different it is double checked by the lawyers for the prosecution i did this finally checked by the courts which can't be the job of building up case little but we know the dangers. when in a sense. abuse goes on chads that in a sense people can lose their lives in fairness to the scottish police federation these criticisms are why we're talking about this and i think most of their
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criticisms are not about the principle of the legislation they're about the fact that it's going to cost a lot of money for the police service in training it's extending the complexities of an already complex amre there's going to be. source of allegations of interference with free speech from some groups but not from others and if you look over it some people are saying no this is great this is where we should go and some assign it's interfering with free speech so they just sign and this is going. create difficulties song in the police service probably wasn't going to do with the problem and that's all for this our colleagues at all to america take over in the next hour from all of us in westminster have a great evening and. every crisis in america has been packaged as
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a bond and sold into the junk bond market with a longer maturity at a slightly lower coupon rate and they've been doing this now for 40 years to the point where america's indebtedness says. they engineered to the point of an extinction event as have many countries as the global. shows seem wrong when old rules just don't hold. any new role yet to shape out these days become advocates and in gains from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.


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