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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  July 29, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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so you see officers going undercover as 6 workers them customers to fight 6 trade. might happen tonio and this is america's lawyer mark and patricia mccloskey became internet famous after footage of the couple pointing guns at protesters on their street went viral now the couple is facing charges in st louis for their actions but anomalies are popping up that are casting doubt on the prosecution's case tonight we'll explain what's happening in that case also tonight yet another body was recovered from fort hood making it the 3rd death it's confirmed at this texas army base in a month and later in the show we're counting down 100 days until the 2020 alexion trucks ratings are suffering from national turmoil of every kind and biden has yet to pick up a running mate what can we expect as we enter this final stretch don't go anywhere
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america's war starts right now. mark and patricia mccloskey the lawyer couple that's been infamous for standing on their front lawn with guns pointed at a mob of protesters have been charged with one felony count each for their actions but that's just the tip of this size bergen the story might not be what it seems fair and. what a peculiar story ok 1st of all this this looks like a really bad movie. but it looks good it's a big you know this is a really bad movie then the 2nd thing you do understand we've talked to lawyers in that area they're going to tell you this prosecutor has really kind of she's you know her experience is kind of light she's coming in to make a name for herself but why would you pick this case i mean this issue with the firing pin that's a big deal right what we know right now is that when the officers went in and
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issued serve the search warrant they found the gun that she used the firing pin was in the wrong position which means the gun was incapable of firing. however this is also worth pointing out it was 12 days there were 12 days in between this incident right here and when the police officers came in found the gun so the crime lab the assistant prosecutor goes into the crime lab and says can you reconstruct this gun and make it to where it can fire and they were able to do that which point he's able to say ok this was readily capable of firing but the reason i point out the 12 days is because we don't know you can't tell from from the any of the pictures of the footage was the firing pin misplaced was it changed later so that is an x. factor that we don't know either way you are an ok. a department tampering with evidence this is evidence tampering there's no question about this is no different
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from a bag of sugar and some ice and hey this is sugar let's put some cocaine in it you can't do that this prosecutor knows that the crime lab knows that 'd this you know this is this is such a fundamental flaw and so all of a sudden now they're able to argue the tampering is is a deal killer here's what this prosecutor is counting on she's going to try this case in a heavily african-american community and she's thinking the well they're just going to fund against these folks and then the governor said he's going to he right he's going to 'd forgive the president said he's going to forgive basically i don't know where she goes with this tell me about. the truth is there's a defense that exists in most states and i took a look at does exist right there it is it's called the castle doctrine and that is you have a right to defend your property if it's wrong if you could reasonably argue that you were fearful for your for your life or your property so they had a right to do that this prosecutor knows that this what is her name garner kim
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gardner i mean nobody knows who this woman is right now well the only counting on maybe maybe they were at the all of the only argument in terms of castle doctrine that she would be able to present this is obviously the argument she would make is was their home was their property were their particular lives actually in danger as it stands right now there was no necessarily evidence that these people were coming for them we know they were headed into that community and yet they they broke the gate you know they broke the gate an iron gate they were they were going to the mayor's house to protest outside of the mayor's house so that's that's the argument basically from the prosecutor is that they were coming for these people and look all 100 percent say i i hate the actions that mccluskey still i was one who was not there and out and waterless the you know why not put out loud. order for the protesters why not have a limb an aid stand something for yourself or you could have sat in there close
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your doors and just said or people want to buy you could have said look here's some here's some ice water for yeah or you could have done some that was decent this doesn't help this prosecutor this is or as we this is all about her nobody knows who she is i don't i don't really know whether but there's some part of the story says george soros helped her get elected i think your theory is general george soros that is always the bogeyman wasn't there some point where at one point they said george soros was trying to fund wearing a yeah we get those claims every couple of months here major corporations are filing bankruptcy to avoid kovac losses but not before handing their c.e.o.'s massive bonuses wow what an ugly disgusting story now this takes me back to 2008 where we didn't prosecute anybody we let these banks turds these thugs these these absolute so shit paths steal good zillions of dollars eric holder who
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was the attorney general refused to prosecute them. the that administration obama comes in and saying we have to do something about these corrupt bankers remember that he ran on that and nobody's prosecutors matter fact nobody was even thoroughly investigate it jamie diamond comes out looking like a hero isn't this a repeat of that where the covert case is concerned well absolutely because at that same time back in 0708 you had these executives with their tails between their legs walking into congress begging for money we screwed up everything is horrible but we're too big to fail give us money they may essentially made the same argument when they were lobbying for these coves. bailouts which i got far more than anybody else and so now we're finding out that even though they got the money they still decided let's file for bankruptcy protection but according to bankruptcy law if you . file for bankruptcy protection you can't issue bonuses so they said whoa we're going to file for bankruptcy but 1st c.e.o.
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here's $5000000.00 here's your bonus now we file for bankruptcy and layoff a bankruptcy judge can do something about this if if they want to reconcile it was fraudulent you've got situations where you've got companies. this was called high crush incorporated a supplier of sand for all and gas fracking they they get this bonus to these folks like today's big bonuses big bonuses the c.e.o.'s not the people actually work out there but they give these big bonuses 2 days before they declare bankruptcy but j.c. penney did the same thing $10000000.00 worth of bonuses and $80000.00 people lost 'd their jobs yes yes widing petroleum $14000000.00 chesapeake energy 25000000 so they're spreading all of these bonuses around now in bankruptcy there is something called preference and that is if you move money away from what should be a bankrupt fund then you can pull that bank back in but the laws the laws give
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these c.e.o.'s a lot of wiggle room with it will they do and one of the things that obama did do in actually you know this was back in 05 they did this was over the bush administration is they put in a loophole that said you can only give a retention bonus because that's what they like to call these at the end of the year you did such a good job we're giving you 25000000 so you don't leave us so they change the law and said well you can't do a retention bonus unless of course you have an offer from another company and then it's ok that is how for a long time they were getting around a lot of these loopholes or a lot of these these bonus laws and that's an important part of it too because they realized by doing these little tricks by working with other companies and saying we need you to act interested in our c.e.o. we need you to reach out and make a pathetic offer to one of our people. that you have no intention of doing so we can legally will do it for you know you do it for us it's the same kind of criminal
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activity saying ok more importantly it's the same bailout no you see the feds are not giving this money in comparative they're not giving this money to people who can't pay the rent they can't buy food for their family they're losing their homes and we forget don't we that in the bailout the place in 2008 the bank where the bankrupt folks were saying well you know what we're going to do we're going to if you give us money we're not going to foreclose on people you know so this whole story this is akin to these 2 stories fit together yeah so let's let's deal with them together and the point is we can't really draw any distinctions between what happened in 2008 in what's happening right now it's all going to the top is right it is and we're seeing another bailout in the works right now another stimulus package it may once again have some checks for average people but most of the relief most of this bailout huh billions of dollars straight to these companies
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these same 40 companies that have already filed for bankruptcy and it's not because they're actually going out of business it's not because they're disappearing it's because they don't want to be on the hook for those losses what were the what is it to the workers what is the fear of perp walk in some of these folks when we know they're not just on the edge of the law some of broken the law i think i can't get away from the h.s.b.c. case where we knew that they were actually involved in in washing money for terrorists ok they admitted it they signed a document yes we watched money for terrorist yes we know it killed killed soldiers we know that yes here are the names here's where we got the money it was very specific and eric holder honest to god said oh it's ok we're going to find you $1600000000.00 and they went on their way nobody was perp. nobody went to prison how do you stop this kind of conduct in till you say yeah i don't look like
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a criminal but we need a perp walk away that you do you know well unfortunately have to change leadership you have to change what's in the democratic party you have to change what's in the republican party you have to get money out of politics and all those are herculean feats that i don't know we as a country or even wanting to do it that much but part of the thing to with the reason eric holder in addition to coming from the corporate loretta lynch to write the reason they like to go for the final round instead of the jail route is because the d.o.j. if they find somebody and they get $10000000000.00 off it they get to keep a large part of it that in comes their fun money they get to play with that they get to use it for their personal budget and go do whatever they want with it you want to hear the real zinger that $10000000000.00 is actually taxpayers and paying right because they use that is a riot off that taxpayers have to pay so i don't you know it's not republican it's not democrat it's there is no courage of the d.o.j. there never has been and as long as we allow these these corporate thugs to
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continue what they're doing this story that we just that we lead with about these bonuses about how they're packing bonuses and then getting out of town this is just this this is just the beginning but you watch we will see little or no involvement by the department of justice right actually prosecution even if we get a new d.o.j. 6 months from now none of this will be prosecuted ever so as i'm looking at those i guess as i round up on it you have to kind of you know you have to kind of say look at history which is the 2008 burned down and you're going to get a picture of exactly what's happening in $220.00 all the powers at the top all the money goes to these c.e.o.'s all of the workers who by the way 'd production and output has been at an all 'd time high while this been all up. all time high wages have continued to drop you've got people in this pandemic they're losing their
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homes they can't feed their family and we have this kind of thing going on in the d.o.j. sits back and says it's just the way we do biz what we you know the reason the economy is even failing right now is not because these big corporations can't have people coming into the office it's because the people at the bottom who actually drive the economy don't have money because they can't go into work if these people had money if the government had taken care of them the way the other countries do is to write or if the companies had made it easier for these people to keep their jobs just trying to figure out a way to make it work the economy would still be running we wouldn't see as many layoffs or firings as we have we wouldn't see as many bankruptcies because the economy is driven from the bottom to empower the bottom economy was not the top we live in that doesn't work for and cousins thank you for joining me thank you. coming up another young soldier was found dead near fort hood making this the 3rd time this month that investigators have uncovered a body at the texas army base that more when we come back.
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that's geysers financial survival guide liquid those that you can convert that's quite easily. to keep in mind that the mean to inflation. or. conservative media tell us the political left in the united states has become radicalized by what is your in an era of socialism profoundly changing the country on the other hand by many in his nothing would fundamentally change so we should visit or is it as always just.
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the fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. rather than revolutionaries also just small groups the corporations when you have a tiny people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us don't get together and take it back. please or sacrifice some. places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like voter suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices. in that world. of the.
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3rd soldier stationed at fort hood has been found dead in the past month the families of the deceased are looking for answers at the troubled texas military base brazuca santos is here to talk about this. we've been through this. story it seems like we covered a similar story about a year ago which soldiers have been found dead over the past more than what you what do you know about these cases and how do they tie together in your estimation . well over the past 30 days the bodies of 3 soldiers from fort hood have been found and another turned a gun on himself in an apparent suicide the most recent death is that of a 26 year old private major or more whose body was found 16 miles from the base near still house hollow lake a preliminary autopsy lists drowning as the cause of death but a full autopsy is pending an investigation into his death is ongoing now this comes several weeks after the body of 20 year old army specialist vanessa g.-n.
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was found in a shallow grave she was reportedly bludgeoned to death on the base by another enlisted soldier named aaron david robinson now his girlfriend has confessed to helping him dismember and dispose of gallons body robinson then fatally shot himself when the authorities tried to arrest him and at the end of june the remains of private 2nd class gregory scott moralities were discovered in a field felled play is suspected there and that investigation is also ongoing mike you know fort hood 'd as we talked about has a history of violence and misconduct that goes goes way back and it seems to me it kind of lands on the whole dysfunction of management of the organization not just fort hood but some of these other military bases to what you're. absolutely now for good has been the scene of violence and misconduct for decades over the years reporters have documented violent crimes at the base including aggravated assault robbery kidnapping homicide rape attempted rapes and even child pornography there
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have also been at least 2 mass shootings and in 2015 a sergeant in the u.s. army who served as his battalion the main point person for helping to prevent sexual assaults pleaded guilty to running a prostitution ring out of fort hood and pimping. female subordinates to higher ranking officers at sex parties you know this story we it's something similar as you mentioned to one we covered in the navy a couple of years ago. well i mean are there organizations that come in to dysfunctional organizations i mean there this is what they do their companies they come in they look at leadership they look at policy they actually even go go about doing testing on the people that are supposed to be in charge to find out whether there are some flaws or the companies that do that and it seems like it's like fort hood is long overdue for somebody like that coming in saying you know this is a disaster it's not something you're going to correct with the leadership you have
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what's your take. sexual said and even an employee that's a major problem in the military. it's a huge problem and in fact a grassroots group of female troops and veterans have petitioned congress to shut down for good and fire its chain of command because they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing they are not asking for this only because of how they handled the case of an s. again but also due to the military's culture of sexual assault and sexual harassment the petition has already received nearly 1000000 financial years and the current and former female service members are seeking justice for again and not for all the military women before her who have been murdered and raped with impunity they've actually scheduled a march for this thursday july 30th in washington d.c. it's an honor of finesse again and raise awareness about what they refer to as the military's need to moment. well the good news is as i say there are people that go into corporations and fix these problems they could do that here too i don't know why somebody would just pull the trigger and get that done but thanks for joining
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me bridget ok. thanks both the coronavirus pandemic as well as wild protests raging throughout the country while a clock is ticking down in this presidential race make things very interesting i've got david lamb with me specialist and. syria's been following elections for a long time 1st of all i don't know i don't know how pulls out of the numbers the numbers are startling yeah you know i guess i think you told me earlier that there was one such such one situation where was what was h.w. bush running against dukakis and the numbers look just like within the caucus but that ridiculous helmet on right remember him putting the the tank helmet on his head and course h.w. bush won i'm not seeing that here i got to ask you something you know i've always had a theory that they would play the fear card and they are playing the fear card in a big way you know if you've got. biden wants to do it police department where you
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know there's mass pandemonium in the streets and that obviously worked for nixon yeah because nixon was running against the guy where that was going was the outside he was the outsider yeah i might be wrong about this tell me why my baby well. you'll notice so trump is tried several things to try to pin things on biden or try to find where there's a foothold he has now settled on he is the law and order candidate so that is who he is sending in these these federal troops to portland that kind of goes along with that. it it's a hope but the challenge there pat is like you said so he is the law and order candide it against the america that he has been in charge of for 3 and a half years doesn't make any sense it's how do you pivot that right nixon ran on law and order yeah but he was the outsider coming in here it's kind of tough for us
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and i look what's happened in the streets and oh by the way i am the president you know that little and some campaign they actually do tweet and say this is what biden's america will look like but the reality is this is what trump's america does look like and with the groups that he's really struggling with those suburban moms . just do not like seen all 'd of the violence and all of this is gary that footage that's everywhere well you got to wonder are they blame who they're going to blame he's the guy in charge right you know in 19202016 you know trump is like the master or his people are the masters of tagging people right yeah you know the what was it ted cruz was lie hillary was locker a chair i know he's pretty good at that and he's a demagogue so i don't know that he's been able he tried to give sleepy joe the sleepy job you know he won't come out of his basement and you know that's true he's running from a space and it seems to be working he's having
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a hard time attacking joe but he is and that's a testament to biden partially because he is he has proven difficult for trump to pin with the read the radical left or to make biden into a scary individual and even. if you saw this last week the president trying to bring into question the vice president former vice president's mental acuity a mental fitness here and talk about this story ever and this even blew up in space because he was pointing out how questioning whether bynes got what it takes to be the leader of the free world why it's like a crazy man when he was questioning run through what happened it was the weirdest thing i've ever seen so the president is talking about the testing that he's received and it sounds like he's received a great deal of testing which measure was what is up with that so that's one red flag then he goes into this thing i have seen this too where he starts the test is that they they ask you a person woman man t.v.
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camera and this it goes on so not pass i don't know and he said they were stunned at how good i was at that and so even when he brings up trying to find something on by that will stick his mental fitness he comes across well he can. problem is david he can't deliver the concept that that's the problem he doesn't have the. bloody to deliver the concept and he certainly he certainly blew that big it looked like he looked like he had mental problems he did his he was trying to save all men on television i don't watch what is happening and yeah i don't know that he has the and he has the campaigning prowess that it will take in the last 100 days. karl rove 'd karl rove the turd blossom as we've talked about is in charge now and i'm not seeing anything that rove is doing is almost like rosa rose can open you
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are going to i hope we can squeak look less than $100.00 days from the election talk about where we are with you know where it comes electoral college where it is where the where it's one lost and popular vote popular vote right now to me doesn't mean as much what as what electoral vote is with will is so popular vote bines latest nearly 10 points. 'd vote that's going to be won in these battleground states and as you run down that list of the battleground states at present wisconsin by the 10 i would trump is a point and a half north carolina 2 percentage point basically dead even in florida biden 7 to 8 percent arizona biden is for as you go down the list many of the states those battleground states that trump won in 2016 he is actually only leading in iowa a sign of trouble i think it's i think florida of all the battleground states in order to exhibit florida especially is crucial to president trump if he has any
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chance and right now he is nearly a double digit deficit for him no republican presidential winner has won without the state of florida calvin coolidge was the last to do that in 1926 yeah i'm not seeing anything that takes hold i would have thought the law and order would have taken hold to your point. very well taken this is the guy you know so that's really not taken hold the sleepy joe 'd in this cellar who has by the way been in office for 40 plus years and now he's saying i'm going to do something that's kind of out there it hasn't been developed really well but the war chest you know war chest the funding. has still a great deal of money in the bank but how are they going to utilize that because if you look you were talking about electoral college votes at this point biden is likely are leading he has 222 electoral college votes kind of in the bank if you want in his pocket to 22 to 70 is where he's got to get to trumpet 115 how do you
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get to 270 and texas and florida those are really expect 115 to 272 hours ago to go thank you and you want to do it ok that's all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's where you can watch all our team america programs on direct t.v. channel 321 and also streaming live on you tube and be sure to check out our teas new portable app we can watch all of our favorite shows and how might happen tony this is america's war your work every week we tell you the stories of the corporate media is ordered not to tell because their advertisers won't let them in because of their political contacts but so much pressure on them not to tell the story have a great night. industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells abilities
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on the streets many of them underage. los angeles police reveal a taste of the daily challenge if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles they're going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 were. because end customers to fight straight. and look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. i really must obey the orders given a human beings except when such a conflict with the 1st law. we should be very careful about official intelligence and the point is to trust. it with artificial intelligence was something that the.
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most protect its own existence was mixed. with. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area rush up. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on
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this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again. the one business show you can't afford to mess on terror montecito going to washington topping out tech giant geothermal al the dot apple facebook and google.


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