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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  July 30, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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welcome to the alex salmon show back in our studio where today we take stock of this year's dramatic developments in irish politics almost unnoticed in the shadow of a well pandemic election breakthrough by shin fein has sparked an historic realignment and i just politics where that unprecedented alliance between arch rival cinephile and finagle today we discussed with key players from sinn fein and the greens how does worship the future violent post greg sit and post pandemic and to ask even molly allen's most respected commentator to give us an overview of what these developments in the senate this mean for the politics of the north now in last week's show we asked the 2nd longest serving tea chick or prime minister says irish independence for his assessment this is what bertie ahern had to see my do is not that we should never do which of course i am republican. it is a game of over one a much trade of all the party i led and for years and it was actively involved at
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every level at that unifications a country but it has to be done properly properly organize properly negotiations trying to convince people and you got away with only lead to our chip and share your. and now with your tweets emails and messages in response to last week sure which featured in the belfast telegraph through to piece about alex's interview of bertie ahern and the son who read the piece in the belfast telegraph said respectfully it will not happen without unionist consent having lived in belfast for 76 years to call for united ireland we don't lead toward terrorism some then went off to actually watch our show i wrote back to say i watched your show last night i will confess i find nothing in the content that would be offensive to my unionist position i therefore offer you a sincere apology for a premature judgment. and he goes on to say i suggest you sue the belfast telegraph lol we won't be seeing about half but we hope you continue to watch the show some
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thanks so much for writing teddy says great show well done ireland's flourishing and the wider world under spec to dispel this too could be scotland sigh fairness says that was excellent interesting as always to listen to the case on alex i'm unsure says bertie crushed the a corner me an island into size and did nothing to it christopher response we could i.q. the globalist banking elite was to blame for the financial crash that pretty much affected every soul on earth and finally we hear from allison who says always a delight to listen to someone with credibility on t.v. an immoral coalition in the free state aisle if that continues the debate we should faine high sing spokesman or no brain t.d. . or no bitterness rising star of sion fame and are responsible for hosting one of the policies that help the party have such a successful 2020 alexion campaign has been a member of the the door for dublin midwest since 2016 you know joins me from his
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office in the doyle on welcome to examine show alex thanks very much for having me so this question the my general is said it shouldn't fade and scored heavily in the in the election and fair believe because of the the a to kill ation of social policies like your own subject of hosting and finance and the health service is it true to say that that was the cause of the the breakthrough rather than support for a united ireland. well what's interesting is if you look at the exit poll data for example that the state broadcaster or teated here one issues like housing and health were absolutely central to our electoral success there still is a very very strong groundswell of opinion in favor of constitutional change in a united ireland and particularly among our core vote a united ireland continues to be of equal importance as for example improvements in health and housing childcare except for so for us we don't make
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a distinction between the 2 and i think increasingly what people are realizing and something they've learnt from from the advances of the independence movement scotland is that if you are to kill a to your proposals for constitutional change in the context of an alongside genuine improvement of people social and economic wellbeing then those 2 sets of arguments in each other and i think most of the reasons why we did so well in the paper election so a fair bit was a spectacular success so you top the poll you end up with 57 seats in the dial but it could have been 45 if you put up enough candidates as a suspicion that you my of missed the boat and the all parties feel for him for the gale still the show of you if you lost a great opportunity to lead the government in the doyle. i don't think we've lost an opportunity but i think there was nobody i dare in the political parties or indeed in the media who saw the kind of dramatic swing that took place during the
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election campaign there's always going to be another election and you know that alex as well as i do and what's interesting is the opinion polls since the general election have showed sinn fein consolidating those gains and in fact in some cases increasing up to about 27 percent so if and when there's another election we'll be ready to fight in every single constituency to maximise our vote and in the meantime we're going to hold this ramshackle government to account by being the most effective party of opposition the state has ever seen for that a ramshackle government as you put it is well capable of stealing your clothes though your boot from social hosting and public hosting was very well received last year but do you think. the foil and threw the giro and they did with the the green party in there as well will will read the loons and say we better take up some of these ideas on public hosting them in dublin a particular do you think there's a danger the you face that the new government will say these popular policy is a sham fear of exactly the sort of thing we should be doing. well 1st of all if if
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this government decided to adoptions a policy i'd be very pleased because at least would mean issues that for a long time have left many working people behind and housing health childcare pensions etc would be resolved so i'd have no difficulty with that but in fact what we've seen with the new programme for government and also with the legislation in the 1st 4 weeks of this government is they have no intention of following our policies i mean we've just come from a vote for example in in the temporary parliament here in the convention center are on the referral if he and the government has just ended crucial protection for renters we had a ban on a vixens rent increases a notice to quit as part of covert 19 that is now effectively gone and in its place has very limited protections for small numbers of renters likewise for example in affordable housing and social housing there is no indication government is going to meet the level of investment that's required to tackle those problems and again on key issues like the right to retire with a state pension at 65 had genuinely affordable child care
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a single tear national health service nothing in the programme for government suggested the big movement on any of that and crucially male martin is our new t. shock as he leads a seat of all the self-proclaimed republican party is saying that we can't have a referendum on irish unity in the lifetime of this government so i have to say if your question is i'm like fearful that our policy close will be stolen by this government the very opposite it's more of the same failed center right finagle policy we've had for the last 4 years unfortunately like both from the fall of the green party are booking under the weight of that center right party in mind through a bit to him last week he said lou we've been talking about reunification of 100 years but the spadework the detailed work hasn't been done in a situation where that work can still to be done in the to show the right to not to talk about a board the poor when the in the near future do you have to do the work force. well the 1st thing is is the 2 aren't mutually exclusive and mean it's quite an
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admission of failure at the party hern who led 3 successive governments here at mit's and of course he's writes that when he was leader he didn't do that spade or cold be a teammate a very important contribution to the 1980 to agreement and subsequent base but what we need from the governments now whether it's a goal for defeat a full of shit again or a government a chance and in others it's to start putting in place the building blocks that would allow that referendum to take place keep in mind it doesn't want to have a referendum that we would lose we want to make sure that all of the research all of the data and all of the dialogue that's all necessary formal dialogue at a party political level but also the community grassroots dialogue that's equally as important that all of that happens so. by ourselves it's not something we can do on our own to something we want to do in partnership with all sections of political and civil society opinion on the island that believe irish unification is the right thing for all of our peoples but you have to do the work and the work needs to
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start now and i think if we continue to do what we've done to date it's not only express dissatisfaction with the failure of government policies but also show people there's a better way we can have a public housing system with genuine affordable homes for working people we can have affordable child care we can have a single tear national health service where people get treated on the basis of medical need not ability to pay and we can have a peaceful and democratic and respectful transition to profound constitutional change or unification i think all of those things will grow and i think this is a really exciting time to be in irish politics north and science and a very sick exciting time of course to be a member of shin saying so lots of opportunities ahead but equally lots and lots of important work for us to get right one of run from dublin thank you so much for joining me i'm alex some of the show thank you very much. i know one passionately represents the concept of global ireland better of the new lord mayor of dublin hazel shu she was the 1st irish born passin of chinese descent elected to political
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office and the public represents the 3rd party in the new coalition government the green party the lord mayor welcome to the i like simon show welcome by everyone but you have the free 100 and 52nd lord mayor of dublin the other major development and green politics in ireland apart from your election as lord mayor as the party's gone into the new coalition government with 12 t.d.'s the call isn't infinite far and feel a gale is that going to be a a comfortable experience for a radical green party to be in a a coalition of 2 parties which haven't always been known for the the radicalism either of them well i mean the more awkward position i am the chair or a partially actually. i can tell you comfortable no absolutely not but i don't think politics should be comfortable or not much about those and we all know that
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no one's under any illusions that i don't think they are to each other an apple naturally because they've always the. 2 up with the civil war or what. but everyone goes to work together in these pun dammit times that's what's needed all the people of the community so it should be needed up to posses and politicians and that's what we have to do and i do think we will deliver i change we have to work very hard for the change there will be plenty of sacrifices by all but there will also be plenty of things that we can achieve expression when it comes to rowing back home a change most of the the 1st woman of color to be elected lord mayor of of dublin the the me to pass. levite covers the 1st openly gay person to assume the office of of tisha these signs of the increasing cost more politan nature of irish
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politics is the obvious for personification of the the concept of global ireland which is beaten unseated by the new administration and husband policy and that actually a great word very young ha ha that's what could be reading but more so i think it's good to see and i think the better worded open i'm dead 1st person of color in a role that it's 352 years strong so there's a 300 if it were you know if it were me that was. anyone of color i get 90 the mellower mare and a tree hugger out for tea tree i will marry that white men and it is what we need to look at it is good that i am different but i can not be the last lot men of our contempt to europe after all as chair of the party was going to be the template on which we should judge the green party's 1st experience of the new experience of of
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such an influential role in the coalition government so they are definitely through with it because that's what we negotiated with in that programme for government the general is that we must. climate change but not elect costs of social justice we need to make sure that we secure housing we need to make sure that we adjust transition for all and we need to ensure that we have a economy that doesn't involve massive spending cuts in year 3 or 4 so that we can change you as it is to get us through the worst of hands right now. for the for for the giro. old hands and the door let's call them up to the mill martin leverage the various parties lots of experience of government. how are you going to keep your eye on free to forward for the guilt at the start when pulling fast ones on you that's always a risk into smaller party i think we know that the smaller party you can always
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sometimes get not sometimes always kept alive when in government and make no mistake if there are issues we will be challenging them if there is anything going against our policy or any and affecting the overall most final goal and it's a cost that we will be walking when we think that this is no longer good for the public love male best wishes for your term of office and thank you so much for joining me m l examine chill and. join us after the break while we continue the discussion with the doyenne of irish political commentators in mali let's see that . back geysers financial survival guide. housing bubble. oh you mean there's
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a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause report. i don't know crap. no shots. actually helped. drive no. point shut your thirst for action. that's dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if you're going to exploit for a child here in los angeles there are going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trades.
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welcome back over 50 years of troubles in the north of ireland even molly was a constant voice of reason commentry hate us here sas the dramatic developments and the landscape of 5 ish politics in mali welcome to the alex salmond show. thank you very much indeed alex i want to stop by take a look at the politics and the and the so for him and this why i thought dramatic coalition between the the old civil war rival feel a foil in finagle changing the landscape or far of politics in the dial you look at there says are more permanent feature of human even leading us some suggested to a map showing the region tell you think this is a realignment offer of politics in the republic it is quite a remarkable development but the 2 big parties are say traditional parties in
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a foreign city give it where it is lockstep on the whole wrecks it issue so it was cinema marriage of convenience already there and then it again did not get the result one might have expected a guess the backdrop of the performance and the handling of rex's and at the end of the day sin of solace in the ghettos did the unspeakable the turn the clock back and did it decided to go with the government with the help of the greens is quite quite remarkable and it was even more remarkable is that leader of a rather good the tarnished with former t. shirt and leader of city is a little bit tricky clients over each finds ahead of me on martin the ciszek in the kernel pose so what does that tell you about the polling it's extraordinary they want to live very i would go is so popular now he could walk on water because he was handling of the who cause that 1000 business surely after 100 years of the
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civil war division and politics and in the door has no been changed that must be a matter of long term significance where i say it you know it we all change with the passing of time young generations they change everything and we shouldn't loose sight of that so the hurts of the civil war is a long time ago. and people are seeing that we're somewhat different enough thank god i see. you're said the 2 parties in lock step and their opposition to to bret's it and they're also in lockstep and their attitude to the constitution as an island bore for a cautious approach so was so collective sigh of relief and there and non-i this union or some. me home after an enemy of the old fart in west palm that are still in charge no no no to that it's you don't ever find
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a sigh of relief within your units of your unit ism is always goes back to the war it's always living in dread and fear this very day there's a bill going through that part of the lives at the moment which is giving more car back to the individual minister as acoustic collectivism as a result of cooking and unionism is all in arms today the sea let the earth the be dignity show you news of this town certainly with its back to the wall and it is very it takes an awful lot to comfort them sue knows what's going to happen down the line but there was a lot of hostility here to live around go over briggs it he was sick he was seen as is the demolition disguise you know mr nice none. of the rag but they really really didn't like him at all the irony is they might have more empathy and sympathy with me on martin they could feed a soul leader is there not and in terms of the handling of of covert where
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generally speaking there's been a a great deal of praise for the irish government and indeed the the instance of of the pandemic is much less in the north the violent than the in in the u.k. particular men with a sad changing attitudes to politics in this demonstration the problem seems to have largely succeeded in controlling the violence where more london seems to be struggling. well you know it it depends on what you call succeed success personally i think that there's been the absolute at the cation of responsibility by those in charge when it comes to care homes and all now 60 plus one percent of all people who died as a result of covert diabate in care homes in northern ireland and that hurts the death hurts me deeply to think that somebody of my generation not so sure what it is you are but i mean i fit the 70 mark now so people like me who would be
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considered disposable 'd and there are all the all the eggs really in the basket there those eggs were all put in the n.h.s. hospital and who people in the care homes they were just left blowing in the wind and that's why we have 50 plus one percent of all who died in all the day didn't care who if you have a brother it occurred home or a mother our granny and then we're not alone do that die alone but then you couldn't even go to syria many it's so there's a lot of hurt remaining here and when they when the inquiry and the quests and all the rest 6 place i think that a few people have a lot of questions for which the answer when it comes to that end of the day what i question back to him about the attitude to reunification one of the points he made was that spite talking about it for a century and fighting about it for quite
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a bit of the century he said that vent a little for the ground work the real detail granular groundwork that would have to be done and the preparations that would have to be made to even put the question very little thought he argued had been completed it's a fair point of not. no i think that i think that's a very prudent approach i think it's very sense folks and it's not the 1st time i've heard that argument prosecuted if that very senior retired former our civil servant one of those gritty of men i've ever met and he said the same thing to me he said the best friends and i didn't and in britain should be sitting down retired civil servants judges and all these people of high intellect they're the people who should be sitting down now and engaging in what you call that run you know detail to look at the various situations which might arise to all of the 8
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a recurrence of violence because that is that we gauge it you could get out of your border code and you could have at majority in that border code but what have you gained if you replace the ira would have a loyalist i writ what if we gave if loyalists of will take up the guns then and we'll be back to where we were for 30 years so if any constitutional changes is it typically this i think it has to be very very clear fairly planned discussed and understood and you have to bring leading all kenyan from within unionism into that conversation you cannot hoover their heads and realize that constitutional challenge because i think that there the downside of that will be largest and that must be obviated and or cost. in mali i know i happen to know that you're busy writing your autobiography or at the present moment and i'm sure it is going to be
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read a little part in full of amazing stories from your journalistic career when as one does in these occasions you turn your mind to the future of props and the concluding chapter of the autobiography poor sort of a vent so you're going to forecast what developments. for c. and they and the island the violence of an offer violent in particular well in essence is firesign percent i've lived on the so-called union i have lived in dublin as a student for 5 years i've no flag ever set me of the worst offenders words of john hume you can't eat a flag and i'm just grateful having lived through the horrors of the violence alex and i saw a lot man or saw all my socks so much you have no idea i was there i saw the bodies being pulled out that was commonplace and it to my eyes for so many years
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so i would i don't want any situation arising which would in danger the peace which we're enjoying now it's just very hard to take in it's where we are today comparable to where we were in a country years ago 25 years 30 years ago and it and i have to say i bear no grudge against eve because you need to see and the know you and it will quite friendly but . in the nationalist cause catholic community he was in his figure for so many years but he did the right thing at the end of the day and that's all i want from people do the right thing do the decent but my in essence about the future if we don't get to know each other and i mean partisans catholics nationals unionists there is no solution to getting to know each other a griffon of mine a promoter jim if i can east or city to me was much older than i was am and i lament so much that i haven't got the facility at the faculty you have for crossing
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the divide well it was another generation people didn't cross the divide my generation urge children they went to congress and state school we crossed the line and my my son's friends come from all sides of the community here and those are that's a new generation and i just hope that they get on with working together and let the politics look out there's such down the line even molly diane of not on our externalism thank you so much for joining me i'm alex allen show. thank you very much indeed thank you very much. under the cover of covert and but exit a quiet political revolution has taken place in the doyle the 2 great parties of state and deadly rivals for the same chilly unknown coalition which some say could even pave the way to america that agreement is given stability by the presence of the greens particularly necessary a sense of the damage has boosted the ratings of feel a gale at the expense of fin a foil the coalition will face tough choices and the challenges of the postponed
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demick and post blacks age however this plan to experience and ballasts the new government and the greens may provide that touch on radicalism which are restless electorate we're clearly setting for them here this year the new government has already signaled its policy is prioritizing recovery doubling down on the concept of a global island and a cautious building towards the share of the island rather than forcing the pace to a united ireland have a shin fein and also well placed to take advantage as a no on rival party of opposition one say they select emerges from the covert in juice political hibernation they may want to see more vigor on social economic and constitutional politics and know from ties to myself and all of the show it's goodbye from no stay safe we'll see again next week.
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org. you cannot be vulgar with yeah you know what. is your media a reflection of reality. beyond
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in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. by salacious community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by a. what is truth what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. here
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in the headlines the u.s. . troops pay. for not paying enough. sharing the burden so we can all do. peace in the. big tex for most powerful c.e.o. . who can say.


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