tv Documentary RT July 31, 2020 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news or direction chaz where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.
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like most of the united states prostitution is illegal in california. 5 kilometers from hollywood's tourist back boulevards a dark industry comes to light each night as dozens of young women are selling their bodies on the street. in the hollywood vice squad surgeon and his men are gearing up for a major operation. you know this is. the slow. of the way back to us what we're going to see. their mission tonight take down the prostitutes customers in a rush their pimps. will confirm a prostitution violation with the suspect when violation has been obtained you see outrage will get a pre-determined so. no. the police
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officers are going to do something that would be unthinkable in france go undercover posing as prostitutes. these agents known as undercover ears will encourage customers to pay them and catch them in the end they will also try to be recruited by pimps. they expect to make approximately 1517 arrests and arrests. and are human traffickers. western avenue is a popular spot for sex workers the 2 undercovers take their position the operation is extremely dangerous they could be assaulted by customers or threatened by pimps carrying weapons this is why searching windows has set up ingenious security
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measures. in the box me jaysus one of the plainclothes police officers will pretend to be homeless hidden under a cardboard box so having the uniforms in the area would also have you know various you know you see operators that's up to them to be as creative as they can be if this individual here in the car in front of us with the hood open that's actually not a cover officer. just in front of the 2 police officers another armed officer is ready to intervene in case things get out of hand the prostitutes are very quickly approached. they've only been out there for 30 seconds and now we have a car stopping to talk to the sergeant munoz has a live feed of their conversations through the phone. expect.
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thank you it. sounds like they're trying to they go there they go she sexual the money the simple verbal agreement between the prostitute in the customer is all it takes to classify as an offense the girls indicate to the customer a little further away. so that's the plain clothes officers cover isn't uniformed officers nearby carry out the arrests. straight now you're just being. detained for prostitution investigation against and you know. these arrests will continue well into the night. i think it was for oral sex but we told them that because she didn't get into the
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car that he thinks hold nothing happened while no if you can still commit a crime even without the theme of getting in the car in california prostitution customers or johns risk up to 6 months in prison and a $1000.00 fine however these johns aren't the only people charged who knows who's concerned about here she says there's just too the line of cars waiting. he wants to identify the pimps these pimps and often recruit girls directly from the street the driver of this luxury sedan approach christina one of the undercover officers. this is a possible pam and he exchanged phone numbers. where they're on the cover so what the on the cover is going to do if they want to communicate with them they can be something that can be done tonight or to. are within the next couple of days.
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actually. cross going to the plate what are. the results. and contact with a potential sexual trafficker the operation has been a real success for surgery monos and the hollywood vice squad at the station christina is quick to contact the driver of the sedan. the way he was talking to her it wasn't like the usual guys that approach us and are just like a lot of sex or i was oral or anything like that it was very kind of beg me he wanted more from us so not really saying ok i'll control over it completely but influencing me to keep working out on the street what we're trying to accomplish is to see if we can get a pandering by at least. california inciting an adult woman to prostitute is
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punishable by 6 years in prison. los angeles the 2nd most populated city in the united states with over 4000000 inhabitants and hotbed of prostitution and they. are. on the city sidewalks in apartments but also in hotels around the airport thousands of women are prostituting themselves under the control of pimps who are often gang members. this issue is affecting more and more underage girls on a daily basis totally. less risky than trafficking weapons or drugs the sexual exploitation of children is a highly profitable business for organized crime and under-age prostitute could bring in between $150200000.00. a year 10000 dollars in 2 weeks
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that is a week. we were given the rare opportunity to follow the hollywood vice squad who fight this modern slavery on a daily basis if i catch you judge another call you're going to jail. their hunting ground western avenue. to come out here and just blatantly walk up and down the west. how quickly. surgeon munoz is leading a team of around 20 officers in the field working undercover they are trying to catch prostitutes and pimps by posing as customers. there. as soon as underage victims are identified these undercover officers and the case over to the human trafficking unit 60 tech to have specialized in long term cases
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probably looking at about 36 open cases right now erin and his colleagues use some surprising investigation methods to catch out traffickers. we call this are. going through cellphones fake profiles online and on social media you know if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles we're going to come out with thanks to these techniques he has managed to pull 120 miners out of prostitution in just a huge awful young you've got to be freezing. g.k. is a survivor she was forced into prostitution throughout her entire teenage years. probably 12 to 18 hours probably about 12 or 15 different pen. it's an exceptional immersion by elite police officers who are leading the war against sexual trafficking without mercy. where you go to jail. to.
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erin lives in a residential suburb around 15 miles away from los angeles. this former professional snowboarder has now been working in the human trafficking unit for 12 years. erin and his wife have a new member to their little family. center came early and we have a new addition to our family. our baby girl arrived when we could go. every day this father of 2 attempts to save minors who are being sexually exploited recently becoming a father has only reaffirmed his determination you know work in child sex crimes it's a very difficult position to work. you know the stuff that i'm exposed to on
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a daily basis the images that we see you know the interviews you hear the stories of these children of what they go through and it's heartbreaking you know obviously i would never want my daughter to ever be you know exposed to any of this so it's still a motivator for me. however aaron doesn't have a lot of spare time for his family. night or day or night but if they get a call yesterday. even on a day off. erin's unit is located at l.a.p.d. headquarters in the heart of the city the 60 tech lives working in this department are very well be on average $100000.00 per year in order to fight this war against sexual trafficking they have a surprising weapon up their sleeve they use fake social media accounts as
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a means to catch pimps i have 2 undercover accounts. instagram that i do. so this is my 1st account can i pose as either a 16 or 17 year old female this particular female that i use is actually a police officer here fairly pretty. and we use different type thing i will do it showing her with money resource show that she gets to travel a little bit in california the legal age for sex is 18 years old however aaron is still contacted by dozens of men you know 24681012 i probably have 25 or 30 direct messages from different bands and chapters this particular person who goes by i get paid the trust no one he asked me what school you go to i told my school and then the very next one was how old are you to be honest with you i am 16
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years old saw her and said that to him and we'll see if your response. to recruit young girls via social media or dating apps the pimps 1st try to seduce them some don't hesitate in sending graphic images i don't ask for him they'll send a picture of their penis. these vulnerable and easily influenced girls will then fall into the pimps. for our real victims needs these rural girls that are out there they have very low self-esteem so when something like this gets into the picture there are things i tell them how cute they are you've got a nice body you're so smart it builds a girl's confidence at some point obama say you know what i think you're the guy for me and then all you know all come mess with the oh. so we continue. tonight erin is going to try to treat these men who are exploiting young girls his
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team will be working in a joint operation with the hollywood vice squad. well the pandemic no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities. has emerged with the we don't look like world peace to. people. judge a. commentary crisis like this sometimes. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is creating the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are
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in it together. it's definitely something to be. made on to get naked and. if you want to. travel restrictions economy. then we have to have a. we're going to be conducting this investigation that both tell. cornelius arise or it's going to be sergeant munoz we're going to have to interview the bench
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a victim and once we determine that they are victims of human trafficking being or pandering then we're going 'd to attempt to locate and identify their their pimps. one of the vice squad officers has selected the on line profiles of the prostitutes that appear under any as of 2017 they are now considered as victims under california law to help them get out of the game these undercover officers are going to trap them by posing as potential customers this is what we're looking for right here she looks very. you can tell she's using social media that to me is kind of screams that. this has the potential to be a juvenile victim right here. in the market for it is. nothing that you would believe but the. police will be operating from this luxury hotel by x. 80000000 travelers who passed through this area every year and the dozens of
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surrounding hotels are a godsend for pimps. a lot of the. girls are like these girls that work prostitution. they know these hotels very well they know that most of the men that call them in this area are businessmen who are usually from out of town so a lot of times are undercover as well act as businessmen from out of town. 20 or so agents are now inside 2 adjoining rooms in this hotel. in. the search. for that room where they will be doing the undercover operation and then the undercover when they get a violation and then we take the female into custody they bring her back in here and they will do the interviews and. undercover cop is already texting a girl who is potentially under age to gain her trust he is telling her about his
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evening kind of give her a story so that it's credible that i was at a strip club and i wanted to. so now that i spoke spoke to her she says she's going to be out here in 20 minutes and hopefully we can get her to come out and then how much was the amount of her that is said $300.00 for an hour or for 50 for 2 hours. ok for example for you get her. reads for who knows are 2 or 3 times higher than the going rate on the street police officers have police cameras around the bedroom for the operation they can discreetly observe what is going on in the next room. so. they are doing a negotiation we can hear it and it helps us with our investigation later on down the line if we have to go to court they're evil the use of video to show that the officer did make an agreement the girl
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a police officer on watch at the hotel entrance alerts the team of the young woman's imminent arrival in all its. head. ok so. so is he going to feel just the way to get. the. police officers bumped into was suspicious woman in the corridor or perhaps the prostitutes madam. the police officer who is posing as the customer comes out of the bedroom pretending to take a phone call. you're. like we need
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man for your stuff. what happened during your. first yes oh you told me what happens. if i didn't know you don't. know. the young woman is taken into the adjoining room where she's making out like this is her 1st arrest. and. she's taken $200.00 from the fake customer got it. the police officers now want to find out if she is working under a pimp. so like.
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i want to speak to this you old. friend or i if you don't breathe you're going to pass out. it's impossible to know whether she is working for herself or for someone else despite her young appearance she is in fact to be very youthful and appearance yeah but they verify she's 20. the police managed to arrest a 2nd prostitute later that evening but she is also of age. they got 2 girls tonight it was a good night they got to unfortunate in getting minors and then one girl was 20 and then a crow is 24. and they're not being charged if they're doing it on their own. so they will get. taken to the jail they'll get a citation and released and then hold up their own welfare always. being
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charged with prostitution means these 2 girls risk a $1000.00 fine and over 40 hours community service unfortunately the police haven't managed to arrest any underage girls tonight but their efforts to save these young girls from a life of prostitution will soon be rewarded. between tonight operations the hollywood vice squad are taking advantage of those rare moments of downtime to release some tension it's early evening and surgery munoz's day has already been pretty busy. he came in early to help out the detect this. and should have a couple gay members who were actually responsible for shooting. the shootings throughout all the wood and some of the surrounding areas so we got them
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a custody so we're here at 4 in the morning for you know we're going to start right in the city they will go all night you know address some of the. an issue should be a finite ofeibea long. as hollywood for you usually long nights. surgeon munoz will spend most of tonight patrolling the streets of east hollywood in search of underage prostitutes in his undercover car he will head down western avenue. crushing koreatown with its local businesses and motels but also those more infamous hollywood streets that are ran by gang members surgeon munoz sometimes stumbles upon some rather unusual scenes during the night. every night at around
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10 pm the regular ritual of scantily clad prostitutes coming out onto the street begins to come out here and just plainly walk. wester and you can see how quickly things just get more growth yeah there's there's about 56 different girls it within about a 4 block area. the soliciting is completely uninhibited for everyone to see so you could see them monitoring traffic waving cars blowing kisses at people obviously they're dressed the way their dress or attire it's part of that. and suddenly the surgeon notices a sex worker who appears very young. to spray everybody at. all so now she's here on the corner he's here right here because of the street we have enough on the corruptors in the area they've got to try to get her attention to see if she decides to get into one of the cars. one of the
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plainclothes officers approaches her in his van after a short conversation the young woman agrees to get in. such an alley other than one question declined an hour at all she's trying to screen him and as we can see they're. going to be driving away. surgeon who knows standards detail them the it calls in the surrounding area are waiting for the signal from undercover cops before intervening. oks got the mileage of a violation of. the arrest take place at a gas station. the c.c.t.v. cameras and lighting mean it is safer for both parties that they enter once again
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the young woman doesn't have any idea on her. so these girls are often like to us about their identity no i.d. and their age even though she's saying she's 20 years old she and her parents is that of a german also. these arrests of under age looking girls continue well into the night. because you get. just said typical friday night and a hollywood initiated alley. more often than not these girls aren't carrying id they're taken to the station to verify their ages. in the parking lot one of the girls catches the attention of the officers she's 5 months pregnant. at the precinct surgeon munoz
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recognizes the young pregnant girl this is the 3rd time she's been arrested. the 1st was our 11th and then we go to. calls to hear her last arrest was when she was 17 years old and she is now potentially of the but the police officers are sure to try to get her salary at the last hour there to see if this who's in charge of the children actually was there she actually jumped out of the car ran out for ran away from d.c. fs. but now she gets she's probably in a double the emmys are right that. there were these 6 us and me to be sure it was. definitely was the b. . c. she is the is the center ship british and it all right. very. well that we said confirm it but we just need to get the right information
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out. ringback of it when checking the files the officers realize that the young woman has lied about her date of birth she's been using her sister's id she is in fact still a teenager so briana's her older sister's name i just found the board and iris card . game is actually you know. she was 15 at a fairly certain you see her sister's information so that it turned out that she still is and so now you got a call b.s. really. help her out and get her out alive but it's going to be a hard road if it's a young. u.s.
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