tv News RT July 31, 2020 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade. in the headlines this morning the ditch and switch in portland donald trump bowed to local pressure to pull federal militia from the city and now he says the most powerful national guard is waiting in the wings to get stuck in if the race protests are on the control. turning a tragedy into a force for change the story of the daughter who lost her father to corona virus now using is a bit cheery to highlight america's health policy failings and the devastating real cost of family. a few days before she had been saying you know i'm excited to come
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home on monday and that would have been 29 june and he actually ended up passing away on june 30th. and french right wing leader marine le pen takes aim at the country's pandemic response publishing a searing summary accusing the government of serious failures and one. morning friday the 31st of july here in moscow will mold them to your life multi international world news center one is kevin 0 in here for the next half hour with the latest headlines for you then starting with this president trump is threatening to deploy the national guard if the unrest against racial injustice continues into the weekend in the city of portland in oregon the mayor had pleaded for a cease fire earlier this week which then saw the trumpet ministration agree to
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withdraw federal militia from the city although it doesn't mean they're packing up just yet in fact seems trump's keeping his options very open. our people are staying there to see whether or not they could do it today and tomorrow and if they don't do it we will send in the national guard and we'll take care of a lot of very tough people and these are not people that just have to guard the courthouse and save these are people that are allowed to go forward and do what they have to do while these pictures in from their very recently support and where it's just turned 11 in the evening now thursday night of course behind moscow lot like smarter protesters have been gathering again in the past couple of hours the city's protests are partly inflamed by the presence of federal militias was saying and they're in creasing use of force president truman's been accused of abusing his power by sending them a this in a developing spot one the nation why don't rest in the wake of the death of george floyd is stretched into its 3rd month now or cajun returning to violence in
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minneapolis seattle new york and other major cities too and we're back in portland is quite close up isn't it here's how it looked 24 hours ago. i. cut i was. was. today nationwide protest against police brutality and racial injustice rage on. just hours after organs governor announced a phased withdrawal of federal officers from portland this is a gradual withdrawal from portland dozens of officers filled city streets in the largest visible response by the federal government to downtown demonstrators.
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chaotic confrontations caught on camera department of homeland security and c.b.p. officers seen firing tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters gathered near the federal courthouse i still are wearing one demonstrator seen here bleeding from injuries in both of his legs and they're still out there. every governor want razorback there are others facing off with demonstrators at several points throughout the night stand offs in the state unfolding every night since the death of george floyd in may unrest only intensifying since federal agents were deployed by the trumpet ministration to protect the downtown courthouse the president taking aim at the governor tweeting kate brown governor of oregon isn't doing her job she must clear out and in some cases arrest the anarchists and agitators in portland if she can't do it the federal government will do it for her we will not be leaving until there is safety this while federal prosecutors in milwaukee work to dispel concerns that federal agents
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a part of president trumps operation legend are heading to their cities to disperse demonstrations as seen in portland in milwaukee no personnel from the department of homeland security will participate in operation right. and meantime demonstrations in seattle are growing increasingly violent police declaring the protest a riot same demonstrators were throwing bottles and explosives toward officers and in new york city outrage is mounting over a controversial arrest of a demonstrator. video captures the moment plainclothes and y.p. officers grabbed an 18 year old transgendered woman now identified as nikki stone and forced her inside of an unmarked van some witnesses say that it looked like a kidnapping governor andrew cuomo criticizing the arrest saying i'm surprised that especially at this time the n.y.p.d. would take such an i'm not just action it was wholly insensitive to everything that has gone on now the n.y.p.d. says that stone was initially wanted for damaging police cameras and spray painting
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property however she has since been released with the just appearance ticket that means she has to appear before a new york criminal judge our earlier days meantime lawmakers are calling for an investigation into the incident saying that in years the kind of arrests that are being made in portland by federally ages are warning of the work trinity jobbers r t well staying in new york and folks this is also going to scuffle block protesters . who are in the us in springfield illinois it's reported at least 2 protesters were arrested in the rally there these officers were seeking using security barriers to try to stop them straight was from advancing. from the protest of the pandemic slowing up to be a target of presidential election in a few months isn't it just some donald trump's kicking up a storm suggesting the vampires vote should be delayed he says the surge up occasions for mail in ballots will make it the most fraudulent election in history not a reaction to that we're on it will bring you that reaction just
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a bit later in the program few minutes from now. but not before we talk about what's happening in france the french far right leader marine le pen has written a searing indictment of the government's handling of coronavirus so far she sees it as what she says are president mccraw and his government's failures and accuses them of deliberately lying to the public is our purpose correspondent shala do bensky this morning. emmanuel mark cohen adding the french government are again under pressure this time it's over the initial response to the code 19 crisis the backlash has already seen several more seats and even of all the men treating firey now the leader of the national rally marking the pen has waded in to the debate you might guess what i realize that the new government is a process of repeating the same mistakes as the previous one even though dozens of other countries are seeing a substantial increase in coronavirus cases and that
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a new territory hospitals are putting in terms of kid missions for people coming over returning from abroad in this book the karuna virus book from fiasco to a place the party claims president might call in his government to misled the public during the pandemic many issues have been raised 1st there's the wearing of face mosques it points out that when the look down was announced stocks of mosques were taken by the government with pharmacies but selling them to the general public now of course wearing a face mask is obligatory in enclosed public spaces. the tragedy of this crisis is that we're in a country with the highest taxation in the world with a fiscal bill is the highest in the plays and we're at the same time we've lacked fabric masks newsy many french people have not understood this so it is a question of where the money is going where the french people's money is going the
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book jumps on the european leaders for allowing movement in the floor to keep seeing you just by the fact that they will mooning signs the national rally also takes a swipe at issues such as those in suburban areas in france and he says the justice system here thinks he lacks because if these prisoners. during the crisis there are a whole series of statements made by the government ministers that. frankly were just nonsense and they were doing what western governments have a habit of just saying what suited the moment in order to get over a difficulty it is you know to. look around are the politicians who criticize the government because they're formants has been well they're not the only ones i mean if you look at british government and better the french actually i have to say from my observation internationally are probably people who are worse than anybody
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official data suggests that more than $30000.00 people he tested positive for kopechne 19 has so far in total more than $185000.00 cases of the virus have been read just did the french government has been battling against kopechne seeing it launched a strict lockdown the last did need 2 months constructed military hospitals to deal with patients overflow and did injected billions of euros into aiding businesses and those who found themselves out of work as a result of the pandemic but despite its efforts opinion polls have not been favorable there were even claims that frontline health workers were not given enough protective equipment we are very very angry because there's been a shortage of staff for years already and this pandemic has created an even bigger problem promises were made but in fact they haven't been capped we still have a lack of beds and not it's just getting us i think that we want ready for this we
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haven't been protected enough we have a shortage of equipment and that's why we failed those who got infected nothing left is clearly staking her claim to run in france's next presidential election in 2022 however many of the accusations and the complaints in this book. you reflect real concerns that i felt by the french public so details may not see. the daughters tribute to a late father who died last month from covert now supposed to come paying for a change in america's health system in a big cheery she calls a politician's for a lack of leadership accusing them of jeopardizing lives especially among people of color who are more likely to die from the virus now she's gathering the stories of similarly affected families to push for pressure and reduce deaths but at work i woke at june 11th with cough and
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a few ver and just wasn't feeling well he had really bad exhaustion unlike you've ever had before and my mom called me to tell me why it was going on and i told her mom i sounds like he has coronavirus pts at least the symptoms are so we had work to get him scheduled for a tast the next day which he got that test but we never got those test results back because he had to be taken to the hospital because his condition got worse before his test results were back and then when he was admitted to the hospital is when we officially learned that he was tested positive for coronavirus luckily when he 1st got to the hospital though you know he was responding. well to the treatment oxygen and he had a couple of convalescent plasma treatments. early on and was on antibiotics
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you know he was in a normal room for about 10 days before he suddenly took a turn for the worse and had to be taken to the i.c.u. and put on it then later and shortly thereafter he passed away the doctors were. you know completely shocked that he had just do to reread it so quickly you know it was a shock obviously to me as well especially given my dad's attitude and not just a few days before he had been saying you know when i'm excited to come home on monday and that would have been 29 june and he actually ended up passing away on june 30th in a lot of years papers what we're talking to kristen there the united states recorded 1465 new deaths that's the highest daily increase since late may in total coronavirus has claimed more than 150000 american lives if you work that out it means that roughly every minute another person dies from covert 19 in the
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united states as for the state of arizona where christine late father of from thursday it recorded 172 new deaths from coronavirus that's a single day record there the state governor those convinced everything is heading in the right direction and that emergency rooms are seeing a downward trend in patients with covert symptoms but for kristen focus on the statistics is part of the problem. the trumpet ministration has been downplaying the severity of the price crisis since day one they haven't been doing their jobs who have a quarter needed response to minimize risk while still preserving the economy they've been driving home that's also a narrative that you have to pick one or the other and that's simply not true oh it's you know morally you know not correct at all. just you know forget that there are real people behind that number as you know i was thinking about this yesterday as i was reflecting upon the numbers and today marks
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the one month anniversary of my father's passing in king about there's one 149999 of their people families out there that are feeling what i feel and we are currently in a situation where countless others are about to feel the way that i feel. it's not fair to them only good morning to rush oh we're if you'll shoot into our 2 international from around the world one of kevin owen coming up the russians did say you didn't buy the rooster on suspicion of terrorism the russian ambassador claims they were only there because they missed their flights well we've got the latest developments on it and more after this break.
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you cannot be both with the yeah you're right. again developments next over the group of 33 russians detained in belarus recently suspected there of being mercenaries who were planning terrorism let's get you up to speed on that because asians in the latest reactions between moscow she's done the locals across this one it's complicated what's going on take us through it certainly an interesting story but a russian news source is 1st began reporting on this on wednesday but a russian state security forces the k.g.b. alongside police arrested 32 russian nationals at a sign up for him just outside the capital minsk with the 33rd national arrested in the south of the country a little while later now they apparently arrived in the country on the 25th they spent 2 days there near the capital before being detained on the 29th and they
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stand accused of being members of the so-called wagner group allegedly a private military company that sends russian fighters abroad at the behest of the government the police and butter of said the group was acting suspiciously they had strange baggage they were wearing camouflage military style fatigues all very uncharacteristic of tourists and the accusations against them are also very serious they stand accused of allegedly plotting terrorist acts of destabilizing the situation in the country and security forces say they're looking for dozens more of these alleged mercenaries they say again. around $200.00 arrived in the country this is just a small fraction of them now this of course comes at a time of political tension in the country the russian ambassador to britain. has responded to that to the allegations saying there was nothing nefarious about the russian nationals presence in the country they were on their way to a 3rd point to
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a transit through a transit route they had all the necessary documentation including travel documents and confirm reports suggest they were working for a private company providing protection for energy assets abroad and they had their work contracts to prove that information they had no intention apparently of staying in but this is what he had to say. the russians who arrived at the bill research dissonant taurine and minsk was forced to do this due to the fact that they missed their flight from the national airport to a group publix capital heading in transit to country now this comes as we said at the time of political tension in belarus the presidential election is around a week away the president. has faced one of his toughest election runs in his many years in charge there have been opposition rallies across the country he's been very clear warning against any provocations and also warning
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against interference in the country and calling up russia apparently for being caught red handed. you need to address the russian mass media and also the not to say nonsense if you are guilty you need to get out of this situation with dignity not guilty good we have no goals to discredit the country close to us and almost all this to and fro this war of words the russian side the russian ambassador has called for an end to ground of speculation in the media and a joint investigation to resolve this incident which is so far caused quite a bit of diplomatic strain. yet has in the bring us up to date if you get more to come back to us. later this morning thank you. there is doesn't take much for donald trump to fire up internet indignation who usually monitors the job while on thursday he floated the idea that the november presidential election should be delayed he's worried about mail in voting which he claims without much evidence
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will lead to fraudulent results because critics say it's because the system means you lose the president can't actually delay the election in practice the date since trying to the constitution and congress would have the final say on it we must take president trump's attempt to undermine the faith in our republic seriously this is what authoritarians do if democrats lose the 2020 election trump will not allow a free and fair election again over the past 20 years there's been a point 00006 percent cases of fraud in all mail and ballots cast in presidential elections from wants to delay the election because he knows he has a point 00006 percent chance of winning donald trump doesn't have the authority to do this but that doesn't make what he's doing any less dangerous it's clear he will stop at nothing to spread misinformation and so division to distract from the mass he's created this is what we're up against. well to date no u.s.
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presidential elections ever been council to spode even during the civil war the 2nd world war as for a mail in vote which trump claims is flawed the coronavirus pandemics expected to see a record number of americans turned to voting by mail so they can adhere to the social distancing policies its proponents say it's no more susceptible to 4 than any other voting method american journalist analyser spoke to us about it he thinks the upcoming election is bound to see allegations of fraud from both sides of the political divide. seems clear that he's trying to deal with jeremiah's the elections and that's very important trump has already in asia already said he will not commit to abiding by the results and he regards the mail in ballots as fraudulent which could allow him to mount a challenge. actions are held and the vote count in starts so there 'd will probably probably be at the very least chaos on election day and for weeks after
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the democrats the republicans are going to try are going to cry fraud and the democrats are going to blame russia if they lose and the republicans who are parents were to blame the democrats and fraudulent voting so this is not going to be a normal election the american electoral process is falling apart. old leaders are usually averse to be immortalized in art but the impact of israeli prime minister is none too happy at the moment of the new take on one of the old masters as pulis later found out. divin she's a last supper when a song is masterpiece that's iconic revered and a symbol of tested loyalties and devotion but a 2020 interpretation here in tel aviv takes on a very different symbolism it depicts prime minister benjamin netanyahu alone at a table adorned by cigars champagne and cognac sculpted it-i is a lot explains what's behind it whether you have the prime minister of israel
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benjamin netanyahu. he is the only one was eating the whole food and now the end of the meal of the skin is 1st. and he's not beating the kerry grabbing center of the cake with his hands and ripping off the heart out. and he's like he's in the place of jesus. symbolizes the. special. place we have in israel society people that treat him seem is a king someone who is beyond everyone else is like the savior. but in the same time we have more than a 1000000 unemployed or underemployed people that. having difficulty bringing food to their care is why he's having these things 1st it's been
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a tough year for netanyahu of wavy israelis are increasingly furious over his handling of the coverage 19 pandemic on top of that there are corruption charges regarding ford breach of trust and bribery there are now who insists he's done nothing wrong but while there's an ebbing of public support this artwork has touched a raw nerve among people i think it too much showoff and it's not necessary i'm for a freedom of speech saw anyone. show his feelings and express them in any way they want except. i think it is appropriate to do things like this it was not the last supper for b.b. it was not the last supper for us we will carry on and be as always it tastes time and everything will be fine they are not the only ones left with a sour taste netanyahu says the statue is tantamount to a death threat there is no room for incitement and threats of murder explicit and
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implicit against me in my family including the shameful threat of crucifixion today in tel aviv just statues since been dismantled but protests against the prime minister continue apace server of voting any notion netanyahu might have had of being israel's renee sonce man policy r t tel aviv. muslims worldwide are celebrating one of the holiest events in the islamic calendar the hard pilgrimage is the focus but to this year's eve also has eyes of istanbul where the festivals big celebrated world renowned harvest of fear which has been reverted to bring a mosque for the 1st time in over a decade the president repurpose the unesco listed museum earlier this month much to the consternation of christian orthodox nations such as greece it had been a church in a previous incarnation but was turned into a mosque during the rise of the ottoman empire and made 15th century which.
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toy makers would tell of launched a new range of barbie dolls and she's getting political power leaders know a political candidate a campaign manager a fundraiser and a voter all in the hope of inspiring young girls to aim high. poor kids are just as great just as challenge. when the wind stops blowing that's the end of your electric lead scary i. don't like is the wind blowing today i'd like to watch television darling i.
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can. understand the role we play in empowering our downturn this is the 1st step by getting them excited today you are giving them the confidence to raise their voices and round for office tomorrow. you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable . the way things look at. check it out more social media are so much more we're around the world later in our very studios to keep you up to speed as they progress is but for now from moscow 70 in signing off.
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there was competition there free market competition. fission in drugs in america the price will be low that's the beauty of free market capitalism the fact they don't have free market capitalism for drug prices in america shows you have an entrenched goal accompli or monopoly and they gouge its price gouging and he's right to try to dismantle that but without that kind of premium for these drugs for these companies that however i don't see how they're going to command the multiples they do on the stock market so he's he's got it he's saying he's either going to take a 50 percent hit on the stock market or is going to lose a lot of people that the drugs. join me every thursday on the alex salmond sure when i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics
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sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. and then free for underage prostitutes are controlled by a pimp 'd these traffickers exploit on average $4.00 to $6.00 girls at any one time in the investigators are going to try to find out you've done you know belongs to a pimp personal phone could contain vital information you know we're going to end up keeping your phone. because there's no no no no no no no no no it's not over it like there's nothing to hide i know you guys are trying to some of our parents and this is a fun to watch you know you don't check well for home ready. for young female is refusing to unlock her cell phone without a doubt so that she can protect her pimp with a tattoo.
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