tv News RT July 31, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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they were going to come out you would see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trade. headlines today. chin portland no sooner had donald trump out of local pressure to pull federal militia from the city now he says the more powerful national guard is waiting in the wings to get stuck in if the race protests on port on the control center. turning a tragedy into a force for change a daughter who lost her father to coronavirus uses his a bitchery to highlight america's health policy failings and the devastating real
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cost of. a few days before he had been saying. i'm excited to come home on monday and that would have been $29.00. and he actually ended up passing away on june 30th. right wing leader marine le pen takes aim at the country's pandemic response publishing a searing summary accusing the government of serious failures on the bright line. morning here just past am friday morning 31st of july moscow time live for us international's world news center my name's kevin though in great to have your company stay with me for next 30 minutes or so 1st the president trying to deploy the national guard if the rest against racial injustice continues into the weekend in the city of portland in oregon the man pleaded for
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a cease fire which then saw the trumpet ministration agree to withdraw federal militia from that city although it doesn't mean they're packing up just yet in fact trump is keeping his options well and truly open. our people are staying there to see whether or not they could do it today and tomorrow and if they don't do it we will send in the national guard and we'll take care of a lot of very tough people and these are not people that just have to guard the courthouse and save it these are people that are allowed to go forward and do what they have to do the nationwide unrest in the wake of the death of george floyd a stretched now into a month protests in portland a partly inflamed by the presence of the federal militia and their increasing use of force to head up president trump decided that he's been no cues to of abusing his power by sending them in he is just some of what's been happening in portland.
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i'm going to. go. 6 nationwide protest against police brutality and racial injustice rage on. just hours after organs governor announced a phased withdrawal of federal officers from portland this is a gradual withdrawal from portland dozens of officers filled city streets in the largest visible response by the federal government to downtown demonstrators. chaotic confrontations caught on camera department of homeland security and c.b.p. officers seen firing tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters gathered near the federal courthouse i still are wearing one demonstrator seen here bleeding from injuries in both of his legs and there's dr. jeffrey goldberg razor meg's there are
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others facing off with demonstrators at several points throughout the night stand offs in the state unfolding every night since the death of george floyd in may unrest only. intensifying since federal agents were deployed by the trumpet ministration to protect the downtown courthouse the president taking aim at the governor tweeting kate brown governor of oregon isn't doing her job she must clear out and in some cases arrest the an artists and agitators in portland if she can't do it the federal government will do it for her we will not be leaving until there is safety this while federal prosecutors in milwaukee work to dispel concerns that federal agents a part of president trumps operation legend are heading to their cities to disperse demonstrations as seen in portland in milwaukee no personnel from the department of homeland security will participate in operation lodge and meantime demonstrations in seattle are growing increasingly violent police declaring the protest
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a riot saying demonstrators were throwing bottles and explosives toward officers and in new york city outrage is mounting over a controversial arrest of a demonstrator. video captures the moment plainclothes and y.p. officers grab an 18 year old transgendered woman now identified as nikki stone and forced her inside of an unmarked van some witnesses say that it looked like a kidnapping governor andrew cuomo criticizing the arrest saying i'm surprised that especially at this time the n.y.p.d. would take such an i'm noxious action it was wholly insensitive to everything that has gone on now the n.y.p.d. says that stone was initially wanted for damaging police cameras for heating property however she has since been released with a desk appearance ticket that means she has to appear before a new york criminal judge after leader days meantime lawmakers are calling for an investigation into the incident saying that it mirrors the kind of arrests that are being made in portland by federal ages are warning of the work trinity jobbers r.t.
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. new york this is what's been happening the scuffles between police and activists on wednesday officers were deployed their mothers in the square to try and block the protesters elsewhere in the u.s. in springfield illinois it's. reported that at least 2 protesters were arrested at a rally police offices we're seeing using security barriers one point to stop the demonstrators from advancing. from the protest to the pandemic is learning to be a real turbulent presidential election in a few months that is near and donald trump's kicking up a storm suggesting november's vote should be delayed well that got some reaction yesterday he says the surge in applications for mail in ballots will make it the most selection in history so a false one we've got more on it in the program. a daughter's tribute to her late father who died last month from covert has spurred a campaign for change in america's health system and in a bid she calls out politicians for lack of leadership accusing them of
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jeopardizing lives especially among people of color who are more likely to die from the virus now she's gathering the stories of similarly affected families to push for pressure and reduce the deaths. i got work woke up june 11th with a cough and a few ver and just wasn't feeling well he had really bad exhaustion unlike you've ever had before and my mom called me to tell me what was going on and i told her mom i sounds like he has coronavirus at least the symptoms are so we worked to get him scheduled for a test the next day which he got that test but we never got those test results back because he had to be taken to the hospital because his condition got worse before his test results were back and then when he was admitted to the hospitals when we officially learned that he was tested positive for coronavirus luckily when he 1st
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got to the hospital though you know he was responding. well to the treatments oxygen and he had a couple of convalescent plasma treatments from. early on and was on antibiotics you know he was in a normal room for about 10 days before he suddenly took a turn for the worse and had to be taken to the i.c.u. and put on a ventilator and shortly there after he passed away the doctors were you know completely shocked that he had just deteriorated so quickly you know it was a shock obviously to me as well especially given my dad's attitude and that just a few days before he had been saying you know i'm i'm excited to come home on monday and that would have been 29 june and he actually ended up passing away on june 30th. every story so sad isn't it well we were talking to christine there the
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united states record of $1465.00 new deaths that's the highest daily increase since late may in total coronavirus has claimed more than 150000 american lives that means roughly every minute another person dies from covert 19 in the united states shock him as for the state of arizona with kristin and her late father a from on thursday it recorded 172 new coronavirus death as a single day record there the state governor said is convinced nonetheless that everything is heading in the right direction and that emergency rooms are so you don't would trend in patients with covert symptoms because for chris to focus on the statistics is part of the problem. the trump administration has been downplaying the severity of the price crisis since day one they haven't been doing their jobs you have a quarter needed response to minimize risk while still preserving the economy they've been driving home that's also narrative that you have to pick one or the
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other and that's simply not true oh it's you know morally you know not correct at all. just you know forget that there are real people behind that number it's you know i was thinking about this yesterday as i was reflecting upon the numbers and today marks the wine month anniversary of my father's passing in king about there's 149999 their families out there that are feeling what i feel and we are currently in a situation where countless others are about to feel the way that i feel. french far right lida really penner's written a searing indictment of the government's handling of coronavirus there she sees it she outlines what she says a president with his government's fail is accuses them of deliberately lying to the public he's a paris correspondent charlotte dubin ski. emmanuel marc bolan adding the french
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government are again under pressure this time it's over the initial response to the code 19 crisis the backlash has already seen several more seats and even of all the men treating firey now the leader of the national rally marking the pen has waded in to the debate you might guess what i realize that the new government is in process of repeating more or less the same mistakes as the previous one even though dozens of other countries are seeing a substantial increase in coronavirus cases and the 2 new territories hospitals are putting in terms of kid missions for people coming over turning from abroad in this book the coronavirus book from fiasco to a place the party claims president back on and his government misled the public during the pandemic many issues have been raised 1st there's the wearing of face
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marks it points out that when the look down was announced stocks of mosques were taken by the government with pharmacies but for the selling them to the general public now of course wearing a face mask is obligatory in enclosed public spaces. the tragedy of this crisis is that we're in a country with the highest taxation in the world with a fiscal bill is the highest in the plays and we're at the same time we've lacked fabric mix newsy many french people have not understood this so it is a question of where the money is going where the fringe people's money is going the book jumps on the european leaders for allowing free movement in the floor to keep sinew just by the fact that they will mooning signs the national rally also takes a swipe at issues such as those in suburban areas in france and he was is the justice system here i think she lacks because it released prisoners. during the
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crisis there are a whole series of statements made by the government ministers that. frankly were just nonsense and they were doing western governments so. just saying what suit to the moment in order to get over how difficult it is you know to. look around our politicians who criticize the government because the woman's has been learned well they're not the only ones and if you look at the british government have done it better than the french actually i have to say from my observation internationally are probably perform worse than anybody official data suggests that more than $30000.00 people tested positive for 19 has so far in total more than $185000.00 cases of the virus have been read just it the french government has been battling against coping 19 it launched a strict lockdown the last did need 2 months constructed military hospitals to deal
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with patient overflow and did injected billions of euros into aiding businesses and those who found themselves out of work as a result of the pandemic but despite its efforts opinion polls have not been favorable there were even claims that frontline health workers were not given enough protective equipment we are very very angry because there's been a shortage of staff for years already and this pandemic has created an even bigger problem promises were made but in fact they haven't been capped we still have a lack of beds and not is just getting us i think that we want ready for this we haven't been protected enough we have a shortage of equipment and that's why we failed those who got infected nothing left is clearly staking her claim to run in france's next presidential election in 2022 however many of the accusations and the complaints in this book. do you
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reflect real concerns that have felt by the french public so that people ski nazi cards face taking time cheated states out international in the way of the noisy nights in jerusalem in renewed protests outside the israeli prime minister is coming up we look at that and we'll tell you about this a provocative up work that's called netanyahu complaining it's all in seriously bad takes. 10 years financial survival guide i don't buy any i've caught on a teacher's. face almost 5. that's the last of my it's from the future cracker watch kaiser. i know no crowd. no shots.
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actually felt. no one. points your thirst for action. it's definitely something deep for the dark too small sure we will use your treasure this may want to get vaccinated and. if you want to overcome the google restrictions trever restrictions to call me restrictions then we have to have of yoga vaccine. i get noisy protests against the israeli prime minister and the government regime says the night outside is reza. in jerusalem about
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a 1000 gathered demanding but even at leo's resignation over the pandemic and his indictment for corruption supporters turned out nearby to 8 were arrested after talking to use photographers and a palestinian bus driver sleepless nights from nose neighbors as well they'd ask the supreme court to ban protests after 11 pm but their request was thrown out meantime the embattled prime minister's been immortalized in art in tel aviv but he was none too happy about the new take on one of the old masters as paula slater went to find out divin she's a last supper when a son's masterpiece that's iconic revered and a symbol of tested loyalties and devotion but a 2020 interpretation here in tel aviv takes on a very different symbolism it depicts prime minister benjamin netanyahu alone at a table adorned by cigars champagne and cognac sculpted a tie is a lie that explains what's behind us with that we have the prime minister of israel
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benjamin netanyahu. he's the only one was eating the whole food and i was in the. middle of this king's 1st. and he's not beating the carry grabbing center of the cake with his hands and ripping off the heart out. and he's like he's in the place of jesus. symbolizes the. special. place we have in israel society people that are treating him seem is a king someone who is beyond everyone else is like the savior. but in the same time we have more than a 1000000 unemployed underemployed people that. having difficulty bringing food to
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their kids while he's having these things 1st it's been a tough year for netanyahu of weighty israelis are increasingly furious over his handling of the comic $900.00 pandemic on top of that they are corruption charges regarding ford breach of trust and bribery and on yahoo he insists he's done nothing wrong but while there's an ebbing of public support this artwork has touched a raw nerve among people. think it too much show off and it's not necessary i'm for a freedom of speech saw anyone. show his feelings and express them in any way they want except the violence. i think it is an appropriate to do things like this it was not the last supper for b.b. it was not the last supper for us we will carry on and be as always it tastes time and everything will be fine they are not the only ones left with a sour taste netanyahu msoft says the statue is tantamount to
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a death threat there is no room for incitement and threats of murder a explicit and implicit against me in my family including the shameful threats of crucifixion today in tel aviv just statues since been dismantled but protests. against the prime minister continue apace so they're voting any notion netanyahu might have had been israel's when a son's man policy r t tel aviv. muslims worldwide is celebrating the holiest event of the islamic calendar the pilgrimage is the focus but this year is also has eyes on istanbul where the festivals being celebrated in the world around a host of fear which is reverted to being a mosque again controversial for the 1st time in over 8 decades the turkish president repurpose the unesco listed museum earlier this month much to the consternation of christian orthodox nations such as greece you've also been a church in a previous incarnation but was turned into a mosque during the rise of your tamil empire in mid 15th century.
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russian ambassador to belarus is often explanation most of why 33 russians currently held there on suspicion of terrorism were in the country don't know hawkins has more on the accusations and reaction between minsk and moscow. state security service alongside police detained $32.00 russian nationals in a sort of tory amir the capital minsk with a 33rd national detained in the south of the country a little later on they'd been there for a few days before being detained on the 29th now they stand accused of being mercenaries allegedly for the so-called wagner group a you private military company that apparently sends russian fighters a board on the orders of the russian government and the police say they were acting suspiciously they had unexplained strange baggage belongings they were wearing military style camouflage uniforms all behavior they say unquote risk that of
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tourists or visitors to the country now the charges against them of course if this goes further or very serious indeed they stand accused of trying to organized terrorist plots according to the better russian security committee. of trying to destabilize the situation in the country but a russian security forces also say they're looking for dozens of other most of the reasons they say a group of around $200.00 arrived in belarus and this is just a fraction of them now the russian ambassador. for the russian ambassador to butler russo's said there was nothing nefarious about their presence in the country he said they were in but a roost. in transit to go to another country all their documentation was present and in order including their travel documents as well and there are also unconfirmed reports they had signed contracts on them working for a company in another country protecting energy assets the russians who arrived at
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the bill research dissonant taurine in minsk were forced to do this due to the fact that in this flight from the national airport to the group public's capital heading in transit to country now the timing here is very important because this comes at a moment of political tension in the roof's the presidential elections are just a week or so away and the incumbent president alexander lukashenko faces one of his toughest election runs in his number of years in power there have been opposition rallies taking place across the country and he's been very clear warning against any sort of political unrest any political provocations and are quite scathing towards russia in his accusations of them being caught red handed. we need to address the russian mass media and also the not to say nonsense if you are guilty you need to get out of this situation with dignity not guilty good we have no goals to discredit the country close to us the russian ambassador to call for an end to
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what he calls a groundless speculation in the media calling for a joint investigation into this incident which has so far ruffled quite a few diplomatic feathers and caused quite a strain between minsk and most. burn or contributing we'll keep you posted how that develops now finally toy makers mattel of launched a new range of barbie dolls and she's all getting political it seems this is an election candidate a campaign manager a fundraiser and a voter or the hope of inspiring young girls to aim for high office. your kids are just as great just as challenged. when the wind stops blowing that's the end of your electric lead scary i die right. darling is the wind blowing today i'd like to watch television darling i.
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nothing wrong with aiming high that's the way things are looking for the newsroom so far as the day progresses we got you covered from various news teams anchors and studios of the world but for now reporting from the moscow side of things kevin i win here and i wish you a great day. but the pandemic knows to you know blood is just blind to nationalities. has emerged we don't have a therapy we don't have the facts in the whole world beats to be the chief. judge of this commentary crisis sleep this time to time so we can
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a coronavirus and demi continues to heat record numbers. for a printer but the bane of hours before a house is even more devastating than about this microbiology to me his last article saying technology is working on a colleague 19 basle. that you have to take microbiology as head of our society college and working on a code 19 vaccine a poetic so many questions for you dr can take had welcome to our show thank you very much for inviting me and a pleasure to talk to you why is it your lab is using eastsoutheast to grow and to chance an athame team response to carnivorous and in our bodies if i understand it correctly what are the advantages of this ecology suppose to others. well 1st of all this technology is in the market for what dictates already to use vaccines so i'm sure you may know about it because b.
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vaccine human papilloma exceed. just 2 examples all 6 scenes in the market used in these. as i was like. i was like because i kind of fly was dummies and t.v. i was shells used as an active ingredient for seeds and we had adapted platform to produce. new vaccines and the most recent candidate his candidate against over 1000 home well he has a setting 10 years to develop and in fact you can say that seen by now are being told that pressure that i have i am carnivorous and seen by the air for the majority of people getting shot next to her room yes how to stick a head it's a really sad and i think technically speaking. people
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in the position to develop a candidate on the short term so if we started in april we are pretty much advanced right now we have cell line using the back sink and. we have the closest know how so that's not the sign limiting step. took 510 years in the policy. is more regulatory aspect of getting out for dr truth all the market getting it we can contrive it's getting it to clinical trial it's having me long to prove. vaccine it's a nation a fact of protection against a disease and that is what people are right now talking about to cut down to get the approval in the much faster way so that a vaccine is available in the market the question then we maintain is is it actually if so bad as to say there's a press a necessity of access.
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